The Sealy News: Division 35 West Newsletter | December 2024
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What’s splashin’,seals! Can youbelieveit’s winter already?I absolutelylovethe cold weather.The cozyfits,thefamilytraditions,thehot cocoa- it’sthelittle thingsthat get meintotheChristmas spirit!Anyways,welcometothe DecemberIssue ofTheSealyNews!ThisissueisWinterthemed,so make sureto get cozy.As always,you’llfind pages coveringupdates, service,club activity,recognition,and contacts.Ihope you enjoythis issue,and seal you next month!
D35WNewsEditor ngthroughDesign, ian BrianRegencia
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D35WLieutenantGovernor ServingwithRadiance,
due at 8:00 PM D10 X D35 Ice Skating DCM Region 13 Rose Float Decorating: 7, 14, 21, 26, 28, 29, 30, 21
spotlight on service PROGRAM
Providing Basic Needs this month:
What are basic needs?
Basic needs for health and safety include freedom from trauma/violence, food, clean water, and good physical/mental health.
13.5% of households were food insecure at one point in 2023. (USDA)
1 in 3 people do not have access to safe, clean water. (W.H.O.)
The poverty rate in 2022 was 11.5%, or 37.9 million people. (U.S. Census Bureau)
service project ideas
Host a Clothing or Food Drive
Collect cans of food or clothes to be able to provide for your community!
Host a Holiday Celebration for the Elderly
Gather your community to host a holiday celebration! Provide food, entertainment, and volunteers to run it.
a Bake Sale
Get to baking and host a bake sale! The proceeds can go towards an organization like The Thirst Project.
Arcadia | Greening Willard
”Hello, seals! On November 30, 2024, Key Club participated in the Greening Willard Elementary event at Rosemead’s Willard Elementary School. It was very enjoyable and everyone were able to help under the guidance of the lovely staff! We pulled out weed, unwanted plants, and helped clean out the elementary school. Everyone were very friendly, and our club members bonded with each other as well as other volunteers as well!
Provided by: Tinco Zhao
Arroyo | Cleminson Fair
Arroyo Key Clubbers dedicated their afternoon on November 15, 2024 to volunteering at Cleminson Fair. The fair was hosted at Cleminson Elementary School. Key Clubbers did a fantastic job in setting up each booth while making sure that everything went well. There was a variety of games at individual booth where volunteers would either helped with running the game or pass out candies to those that played the games. The event saw a big success as the event was filled with smiles and laughter.
interclub sv x bp
Baldwin Park POV
On November 26th, Baldwin Park and Sierra Vista had a key club collaboration in which they partnered together to make cards for hospitalized children and also wrap gifts for the elderly! The event was a great opportunity for us to bond and get to know each other as fellow members of Division 35 West. There was a lot of teamwork involved and it was a successful event. We also played board games with the elderly and got to bond with them at the event which was a fun experience for all of us! We look forward to doing more future events with SV!
Monrovia | Christmas Parade
At Monrovia Old Town Christmas Parade we collaborated with Kiwanis to walk in the parade, throw out candy to children and have a fun time riding in the Kiwanis truck! It was super cold but seeing all the kids light up like the christmas decorations made my night!
Sierra Vista POV
On November 26, 2024 our club decided to collaborate with our neighbor, Baldwin Park. This event was at the senior living facility, our members along with BP seals assembled boxes and gift wrapped them to be used during the upcoming West Covina Christmas Parade. After our members were done, we spent time conversing with the seniors. This event was fun since we got to play various games with them and create a stronger bond with BP seals.
Provided by: Priscilla Tran
At the ADVENTURE R-TC members from all over the region and different club divisions participated in Division workshops and also in exciting yet competitive contests. To make these contests and scavenger hunts more engaging and higher stakes, Key Clubbers were separated into teams which were themed based on the animated series Adventure Time. These teams were then set to go head to head in competitions and scavenger hunts. The more you succeed in each of these competitions, the more points you get. The team with the most points at the end of the R-TC wins!!
There was also a variety of workshop options to attend to at the R-TC allowing for members to get a thorough idea of what each leadership position within the division and region was like. There were also a variety of crafty workshops like bracelets making, and workshops informing members on future and upcoming division events like DCON.
Provided by: Ryan Tran
Mt. View | Water Lantern Festival
In mid-November, most of our seals attended a volunteer at Legg Lake where they annually have Water Lantern Festivals two times a year. During the event, our seals had to work for different types of jobs such as trash picking, working in the white tents which was the check-in section and merchandise, parking which was when we had to charge people coming to the event, and lastly picking up the lanterns at the end of the festival. This volunteer event was very exhausting, lasting 7 hours for all three days. GOOD JOB SEALS!
C L U B N E W S L E T T E R S C L U B N E W S L E T T E R S N O V .
Our November DCM was in collaboration with the Goldstone KIWIN’S, and we hosted a Thanks-KEY-giving! In potluck style and fall spirit, the seals and gators came together to eat delicious food.
What are KIWIN’S?
KIWIN’S is another high school branch of the K-Family. While Key Club and KIWIN’S may share similar goals of serving our community, we have different traditions and functions that make us distinct. The LTG of the Goldstone Division of KIWIN’s is Lisa Yuan!
member officer club
Oscar Dang Henrik Thai Monrovia
dne brian and stc hillary are from monrovia!
Member of the Month!
My name is Oscar Dang I’m from Arroyo HS, and a fun fact about me is that I like playing tennis with friends!
Favorite parts about Key:
My favorite Key Club moment would be sack race against my friends at one of our volunteering event, and my favorite aspect of key club would be being able to help families in the communities through volunteering events like the Turkey Drive Thru! ����
monrovia meet the D35W PRESIDENTS
My name is Leilani and I’m Monrovia key clubs president! A fun fact is that I love collecting things whether it be figurines, seashells, etc.
Why did you join Key Club?
I initially joined key club since I heard that it would look good on my college applications. However, since joining I gained much more than what I envisioned Through key club I got the chance to meet so many amazing people whom I’ve made great connections with and hope to keep in touch with even after my high school years What is your favorite Key Club moment? My favorite key club moment was definitely DCON 2022 since it was my first time attending and I created many core memories there
mountain view
sbriana anchez
My name is Briana Sanchez fun fact about me is that I love Bruno mars, I’m in cross country,basketball and Track ��
Why did you join Key Club?
I joined key club because I really like provide my service to the community, it feels good knowing that your serving and supporting many people and causes!
What is your favorite Key Club moment?
My favorite key club moment is when we did team bonding and after serving at an event we all walked to In N out��!