Application Booklet MC Tunisia 13-14

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AIESEC in Tunisia

MC TEAM 13-14

Application Booklet c


MC Open Positions Page 4

Roles Descriptions Page 5

Tunisia & MC Life Page 7

Application Process Page 9

Questionnaire Page 11

MCP Word Dear candidates, It is with a great pleasure that I introduce you to the MC application booklet 13-14. We all want to be part of a story of success, right? That is your chance. There has never been a more promising and exiting time in AIESEC in Tunisia. An MC experience is one of the most intense experiences that AIESEC can offer. You will face a lot of challenge, you will strive for big achievement, you will work harder than ever before, and, most importantly, you will learn a lot. An MC term is full of a personal and professional development. And this is precisely for this reason that we cannot settle, we cannot stop. A “good” team is not enough. We need to have the “best” team to attend our goals and make real achievements. Highly motivated, emotionally intelligent, hungry leaders are required. We are looking for the best talent our global network offers. Are you up to the challenge? The MC application is your chance to allow the members of AIESEC in Tunisia to see your passion as an individual and as an AIESECer. As you start to consider the questions in the application also take the time to think about what kind of experience you want to have during the coming year. What legacy do you want to leave behind? What personal development de you seek from the year? What contribution will you bring to AIESEC in Tunisia and AIESEC globally? So, if you are reading this booklet, you are exploring the right choice, because with all certainty, this will be a story of success. Welcome to the process. Good luck with your application Baaziz Ahmed MCPe 2013-2014

MC Open Positions MCVP TM



All MCVP positions need a serious engagement (25-35 hours per week). Only serious and available people are accepted.

WHAT WILL GIVE YOU AN EDGE? Fundamentals for all positions: It’s always a plus: • High emotional intelligence • Excellent public speaking skills • Good at working under pressure • Great at teamwork, collaborating, befriending • Good usage of Google Apps and Calendar • Time and self-management • Knows how to live with other people • Tireless, high work ethic • High English level

• Previous LCP / EB / MC experience. • Being acquainted with Podio • Project management experience • Conference & Agenda management experience

For information about Tunisia check:

Roles Description MCVP TM Responsibilities

• Educating and coordinating members at national and local level • Education and development of TM processes ot national level • Creating national learning cycle and helping to create local educational cycles • Creating and managing membership development tools • Membership and leadership sustain ability and pipeline W • Ensuring the quality experience of members • Ensure align with AI trends in TMP/TLP


• Previous leadership experience • TM processes knowledge • Emotional intelligence, global mindset and socializing skills • Teamwork, team management and coaching skills • Presentation skills • Strategic thinking, tracking and management • Planning and prioritizing • Crisis management skills • Experience in the exchange department

MCVP OD Responsibilities

• Tracking and measurement of the health of AIESEC in Tunisia • Creating and tracking LC coaching plan • Supporting LCs is strategy creating and planning, in processes management • LC transition coordination • Expansion strategy creation and execution • Create and Fallow Local Committee Development Strategy • Implement maturity level and cluster processes in LCs


• Previous leadership experience • LCs reality knowledge • Emotional intelligence, global mindset and socializing skills • Teamwork, team management and coaching skills • Previous facilitator experience • Presentation skills • Strategic thinking, tracking and management • Planning and tracking skills • Crisis management skills

Roles Description MCVP PM Responsibilities

• Drive the Strategic and Operational Planning of the National Projects and conferences • Educate LCs about Project development processes • Drive Market research and identify most relevant issues / trends for AIESEC to work on • Lead and participate in MC Task-forces • Track and evaluate Project’s Team performance on monthly / quarterly base • Drive coaching meetings with National & Local project’s team • Create new initiatives for National Projects • Coach LCs on their local projects • Implementing international projects within AIESEC in Tunisia


• Previous leadership experience • Project management knowledge • Emotional intelligence, global mindset and socializing skills • Teamwork, team management and coaching skills • Strategic thinking, tracking and management • Developped planning and tracking skills • Entrepreneurial outlook • Crisis management skills

All candidates need to have a good level in english. All positions are open for intenational applicants

Life of MC • Have to be present maximum in the biginning of June. • No national conferences fees will be charged. • Transportation related to LCs’ visits will be provided. • Transition period starts right after election and will take place virtually for international MCs • All the MCVPs have the right to live in the MC House • All costs related to work will be either not charged or recovered • For present day, the salary depends on the productivity

Application Process Dear Applicant,

You must present your application answering ALL required questions. The application should be maximum 13 pages. You can personalize your application with your own design. • Part A General Questions – must be maximum 3 pages • Part B Specific Questions – must be maximum 4 pages • Part C Functional Questions – must be maximum 6 pages The MCP-elect reserves the option to not select individuals for the first Interview Stage based on the application submitted by each candidate. All applications must be submitted only in English. Application package to submit: - Recent CV - Executive summary (Motivation Letter) - MCVP questionnaire - 1 page Summary of your entire application - 2-3 min promotional video - 5 endorsement letters from AIESEC in Tunisia LCs (for international applicants, 4 endorcement letters from AIESEC in Tunisia LCs, one from his country’s MC and one from an other AIESEC country) (You can find the LCs’ contacts within the application booklet/send them your ambition for applying & your request of endorsement/ Please CC within the mail

Your application must be compiled into one file, without the application guidelines. The file must be named "Name_position_AIESEC in Tunisia_Application_13/14", For example, Paul Martin would submit a file named as “PaulMartin_MCVPICX_ AIESEC in Tunisia_Application_13/14” Send your application to and by the deadline, 16 April, 2013 23:59hrs GMT+1.

Application Process LCPs Contact:

Beyrakdar Aziz Kaabi Nour Abidi Khaled Ammar Mohamed Hachem Mayara Haythem Kotti Omar Affes Chahine Ba창ziz Ahmed

05 April

16 April

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18, 19, 20 April



An no


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- LC Bardo - LC Carthage - LC Hadrumet - LC Medina - LC Nabel - LC Sfax - LC Thyna - LC University

22 April

The candidates will be informed of their interview exact dates by emails or phone. The Selection Panel will be composed by: - MCP elect 13/14 - MCP current - External supervisors - other members of the MC current team or the MC elect one. In case you have any questions related to application / selection procedures please direct your questions to MCPe 13/14:

Questionnaire General Questionnaire maximum 3 pages


Contact Information

Full Name Local Committee / Member Committee Location (Country & City) Email Phone Skype


Your AIESEC experience Dates





List attended conferences and your role Dates


Role (Delegate/Faci/Chair/OC)

4 Please shortly state if being in the National Support Team would be an option for you in case you are not selected for the MC team 2013/14.

Questionnaire 5 Referring to the MC team structure up, name your choice for MC VP position.

6 Please list and explain your three strengths and weaknesses you bring to a team.

7 List the 2 areas in AIESEC in which you have the most profound experience and how experience and how it will contribute to the performance of the MC team 13-14. Period


Experience & Achievements

Contribution to the MC

8 What was your biggest achievement in AIESEC so far? What did you learn from it?

9 What would you like to do in the next ten years? How would the MC VP term contribute to that?

10 Put the link of your prmotionale video.

Questionnaire Specific Questionnaire All candidates MUST answer all the questions below maximum 3 pages

1 Define the ‘current state of AIESEC in Tunisia and propose 2 focus areas for the term 2013-2014. Explain why?

2 What do you think should be the role of the MC in AIESEC in Tunisia?

3 Describe synergies that are needed between different functions to increase the volume and quality of experiences delivered in AIESEC in Tunisia.

4 Please do a short SWOT analysis of the position you’re applying for. Secondly state the goals and the main strategy you have for this position.

5 How would you measure the success of the whole MC team? 6 How do you expect AIESEC in Tunisia in the end of the term 13-14?

7 Which role AIESEC should play in the Tunisian society?

Questionnaire Functional Questionnaire maximum 3 pages

Talent Management 1 What needs to drastically evolve nationally in AIESEC in Tunisia to ensure we meet our goals for the next term? Explain in detail your answer.

2 In your opinion, what’s the main challenge that AIESEC in Tunisia is facing, regarding the Talent management? How could this challenge be overcome?

3 Propose the perfect learn cycle for Tunisian AIESECers and explain it.

Questionnaire Functional Questionnaire maximum 6 pages

Organization Development 1 How will you assure a clear follow up of all entities in AIESEC in Tunisia?

2 Develop a yearly strategic plan for AIESEC in Tunisia to show how you will manage different entities. Please be as specific as possible.

3 How you will improve the tracking and reporting tools with the entities (specialized unites/expansion initiatives)?

4 What is the best and fastest way for AIESEC to expand around Tunisia, and in other countries?

5 How will you implement the Maturity level process in AIESEC in Tunisia? Please be as specific as possible.

6 What do you thing is more important for AIESEC in Tunisia in 13-14, opening expansion entities or increasing operations by Specialized Units?

Questionnaire Functional Questionnaire maximum 6 pages

Project Management 1 Propose an innovative national project. Explain who will be our stakeholders, and how it will be an impactful initiative?

2 Design a strategy to involve sustainable LCs to carry on national Projects?

3 How would you manage market research and segmentation according to stakeholders needs?

4 What will be the best achievement that you can have next term, if you will got the position of MCVP PM?

5 What will be your contribution in the local, national and international level? Please be as specific as possible

MC TEAM 13-14 Ahmed Baaziz MCP Fedi Hbazi MCVP F Yessin Ben Salem MCVP BD

Molka Joudi MCVP ICX Chiheb Boussetta MCVP OGX

Mahdi Houli MCVP IM&COM


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