Application Form CC IC 13

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General Information Mahdi Houli (+216) 27 722 550 mahdi.houli Nationality AIESEC Country Date & Place of Birth Permanent adress Need Visa to Egypt

Tunisian Tunisia 25/10/1988 in Tunisia Flat 4, Building H, residence El Amal, El Manar 2, Tunis Yes

Questionnaire Positions I’m applying for Position Public Relations Internal Affairs & Social Media International Alumni Engagement

Type Teamster Teamster Teamster

Non-AIESEC Experience Date



Results Achieved

March 2013

Call Canter

Take appointements by phone calls

- Gained the patience - Negociation Skills

April May 2012


Communication Responsible

- Video Editing Skills - Social Media Skills

February March 2011


Organizing two Caravanes

- Poject Management - Finance Management - Time & Team Management

AIESEC Experience Date

Position LC/Country

Results Achieved

December May 2012


LC University

- Team Management - Real engagement with AIESEC - IM&COM Skills

June September 2012


LC University

- Team Work Spirit - Conflicts management - Time Management

August 12 July 13 2012


LC University

- Team & Time management - Leadership, Plannification skills - More Believe in AIESEC

July 13 July 14 2012


AIESEC Tunisia

In Progress and hope for the best

AIESEC Experience Year





Get Ready












Start Up











Specific Questionnaire Comm & PR 1

Before joining AIESEC, I organized two fraternity and charity caravanes. One for the refugees from Lybia and one to the city that started the revolution in Tunisia to express gratitude and thanks. I organized those events without having any background of project management or fund raising. Then I joined AIESEC and I got the chance to gain the knowledge in many fields. beside, I got the chance to hold many positions in the LC and in the national level which helped me a lot iin my life path. In the same path, I held the position of communication responsible in TEDxTunisDauphine and now I am the VP Comm in the International Start Ups Meeting organized by AIESEC Alumni Tunisia and AIESEC Alumni International. Those experiences shaped my skills in terms of communication, team work, time management and project management to enrich my vision of the future me and my view to the world and the way I deal with everything.


In the beggining of each I take a paper and a pen and I write down all the tasks that I have to do for that month. Then I writte the deadlines for each task and the estimated time to finish it. And according to the deadlines and the estimated times, I make the priority for the tasks by putting stars for each one of them. Five stars is the maximum and one star is the minimum. Then I take all those informations and I put them into a timeline. And each time something new occures, I put it into the timeline after revising it for the necessary changes.

3 Idea 1:

Use of Linked In to target Alumni because that’s place where we can find the most of them.

Idea 2: The use of the social media to promote the History of AIESEC and the Values through a video like this one: and promote it through the AIESEC Alumni Pages on Facebook and make a twitter trend

Strategy: Step 1: Metrics Search where we can find Alumni on social media channels. Look for the Alumni Contact Database from the AI.

Step 2: Objective Set the Objective of the Strategy (Attract 300 Alumni) Step 3: Select the Success Metrics according to the Objective For this, we will use LinkedIn and Facebook as the best Channels Step 4: Send the E-Mail and Messages


3 Top measures of succes as a Communication Team Member - Number of delegates and Alumni attending the IC 13 - Quality and Brand Alignement of the Communication - All the informations needed has to be passed through all the team members for a better work envirnement 2 Top measures of succes as a CC Member - Satisfaction of the delegates and Alumni - A better IC than last year by achieving all the goals set by the team

5 Publicity Stunt

For this question I prepared an entire Media Plan according to the AIESEC International Brand XP Summit and Wiki and some tools that I developped by myself. The document name is Media Plan as a *.xlxs file in the application package. P.S: In the case of the IC 14 Egypt, we are talking about a Digital Plan because our channels are the Social Media I have ideas of 4 kinds of Publicity Stunts: Please open Annotations for the following videos - Interactive Experience on YouTube (Made by Peugeot) Each stakeholders a one of a kind video - Our...are not like any Videos (made by Intel) A series of video showing the best parts of AIESEC in a funny way - Imagine If... Series of videos showing what would happen if you come to the IC 14 imagine if you take a break from work and travel to the wonderland of AIESEC come to the IC 14

- Competition between countries for 2 additinnal places in the IC 14 upload videos on youtube and see who gets the more likes and views

Alumni Meeting 1

The Position that I’m applying for is International Alumni Engagement Teamster


Main outcome of the Alumni meeting for: -AIESEC Network: regain the Alumni Love for AIESEC and therefore achieve the sustainability and get new partners and obtain their professional help to develop the organization -MENA region: Empower the position of the MENA region in the AIESEC network and the AIESEC stakeholders -AIESEC in Egypt: Empower the position of AIESEC in Egypt in the AIESEC Network and the AIESEC stakeholders and to make new opportunities for partnerships with MENA region actual and future companies To achieve these objectives, we have to amplify the importance of the event itself. Communication is the solution. Examples of amplifiers: - Make a website specific for the event - Spread the word on the social network - Public relation: Press Releases, Press Conferences, Media Appearances


Before: As I said before we have to work on amplifying the event with powreful Communication specific for the event on the social media and the TV, Rdio, Magazines, Newspapers and Web Magazines During: Ensure the visibility of the event with the presence of TV channel at least making a report on the event and we have to make our own report. Also we have to make sure that all the Alumni are satisfied with event. After: Feedback and Follow Up We have to prepare a feedback survey for the attendants to measure the success of the event in terms of quality and quantity. Then we have to prepare the follow up report as soon as the event finishes to ensure more visibility of the event for those who didn't attend it.



-An Alumni wants to check in before the others: I will try to reassure him, and tell him that we are working on it and I will check with the responsible of it in the CC Team. -An Alumni wants something from outside the venue: After asking what kind of thig that he wants, I will try to find who can go outside to bring it for him when not missing the work. My biggest challenge will be dealing with laziness of the members of the CC because I really can manage the high stress situations. The thing that I'm proud of the most in my character is that I'm super relax and cool even when it comes to the most stressful situations. I will try to motivate the members with my smile and my own motivation. I will try to replace them in the work if it's possible for me


As I said before, I'm a very organized person and I made my own tool to organize my tasks. So if I come upon many unexpected tasks, I reorganize them even in my head if I don't have the time then I will make the tasks according to the DDLs and the estimated time to finish it.


I will not make a matrix or a bullet point for this question. Because I don't have a unique skill. But I can ensure the best envirnoment to work within the CC Team through my motivation and fun spirit. I am a person who is highly motivated even in doing stuff that I don't like.

Thank You!

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