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CURRENT AFFAIRS- ANALYSIS ORGANIC TEXTILE DYEING Context ✩ Kerala University identifies 12 indigenous plants capable of giving colour to cotton and silk textiles. The technology will be of great value in the development of ecofriendly and safe clothing. What is Organic Dyeing? ✩ Natural Dyes are dyes and colorants derived from plants, invertebrates, or minerals, the majority of natural dyes are vegetable dyes from plant resources – roots, berries, bark, leaves and wood and other biological sources such as Fungi and Lichens. Advantages of Organic Dyeing Minimal Environment Impact ✩ As they come from natural sources, natural dyes are not harmful to the environment, which makes it so appealing for consumers, natural dyes are biodegradable and disposing them don’t cause pollution. Renewable ✩ Natural dyes are obtained from renewable sources that can be harnessed without imposing harm to the environment. Color payoff ✩ If one opt soft hue or soothing shade, natural dyes can help you achieve that look. Safe: Some natural dyes, such as Carmine found in lipsticks, will not cause harm or health problems when ingested. Disadvantages of Natural Dyes (Challenges): Cost ✩ 1 pound of Cotton requires 230 grams of natural dyes. Therefore Natural dyes is more expensive than synthetic dyes. Color-payoff ✩ Color payoff from Natural dyes to tend to fade quickly.
Moreover, quality may not be as consistent as what synthetic dyes can deliver. Availability ✩ It can be difficult to produce because the availability of raw materials can vary from season to season, place and species whereas synthetic dyes can be produced in laboratories all year. Sustainability ✩ Natural dye sources are renewable, sustainability can still be an issue for natural dyes because producing them require vast areas of land. What are indigenous dyes in India? ✩ The indigenous vegetable dyes of India are very popular. ✩ Colors are extracted from the vegetable like beetroot etc., they are preferred for their durability and effect. ✩ They are available only in a crude form, and it is necessary to extract dyes from the waste products and put them in the market ready for use by the dyers. ✩
GEOLOGICAL DIVERSITY Context ✩ The stories tell efforts need to be taken to safeguard our geological heritage. Geological heritage ✩ A natural area or structure that is recognized as an International importance and deserves protection is considered as Geological heritage. ✩ These sites are designated by Geological Survey of India. Geological Diversity ✩ Rocks, minerals, fossils and landscapes that are evolved over billions of years ago. What happening ✩ Apart from marble, the stone production industry, export of what is collectively called Granite - the term encompasses diverse suites of
metamorphic and igneous rocks – fetches billions in foreign exchange. ✩ India’s topography and Geological heritage stand to be last forever if the digging of natural resources takes place. ✩ Wasting of minerals and other resources will lead to the destroy of Geological heritage. ✩ Geological diversity includes rocks, minerals, fossils and landscapes which should be considered as our non-cultural heritage. ✩ Geological conservation is an ignored subject in the country. ✩ Geological features that should be declared as national assets include bodies of unusual rock types, landforms that preserve records of natural events of the past, significant fossil localities, stratigraphic type sections, areas where significant advances in geology have been made, and deposits of particular minerals. ✩ Geological sections in the regions are lost forever due to construction of highways and real estate development. Precautions ✩ Educational outreach programmes about these treasures need to be organised for officials and politicians.
Practical mechanisms is to be involved to ensure that our geological heritage survives with long terms. ✩ Geo conservation should be a major factor in land use planning and a stringent legal framework. Conclusion ✩ Our history does not begin at Harappa and Mohenjodaro, it goes back a billion years. ✩
GEOLOGICAL STRESSES in INDIAN OCEAN Context ✩ Geological stresses building along the Indo-Australian tectonic plate boundary in the southern ocean have the potential to cause a powerful Earthquake as per the studies. ✩ It might trigger a Tsunami across much of South India. ✩ The studies said the diffuse of deformation zone between Indian and Australian tectonic plates is capable of generating Earthquakes up to a magnitude of 8. Geological stresses ✩ Stress is the force applied to an object per unit area. ✩ Geological stresses causes Tsunami, Earthquakes. ✩ Tsunami happens when earthquakes, landslides and
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volcanic eruptions disturb the Ocean floor. ✩ Most Tsunamis occur when there are Earthquakes at tectonic plate boundaries. Tectonic plates ✩ Tectonic plates are pieces of Earth crust and upper most mantle, together referred to as Lithosphere. Deformation zone ✩ It is a region of significant stretching in the atmosphere. ✩ The stretching is often caused by air streams flowing toward each other. Earthquake ✩ A sudden violent shaking of ground, typically causing great destruction. ✩ They are the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth crust. ✩ An Earthquake under the ocean cause Tsunami. ✩ Most of the Earthquakes strike on fault lines. Causes of Earthquake 1) Tectonic Movement: This happens when the continental plate collides against the oceanic plate Tectonic earthquakes have occurred in Assam in 1950. 2) Volcanic Activity: Earthquakes may also be caused by the movement of lava beneath the surface of the Earth during volcanic activity. 3) Dislocation of Earth Crust: Earthquakes may be caused by the dislocation of the crust beneath the surface of the Earth. 4) Faulting and Folding in the rock beds are responsible for causing minor Earthquakes. Earthquake Belts 1) The Circum Pacific Mountain Belt ✩ About 70% of all Earthquakes happen here. ✩ These islands cover areas of Japan,
Philippines and Indonesia shaped like an arc. ✩ This belt also known as the Pacific Ring of Fire. 2) The Mid-World Mountain Belt ✩ 20% of all earthquakes occur in this belt covers parts of Europe and Asia. 3) Other belts ✩ Remaining 10% are scattered in 0700km range over ocean floor, rift valleys and other areas.
CONSOLIDATED FDI POLICY Context ✩ The consolidated FDI policy issued by Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIIP). ✩ It said a scheduled operator permit can be granted only to a company which should consist of chairman and atleast 2/3rd of the directors of Indian Citizens. ✩ The substantial ownership and effective control of which should be vested in Indian nationals. ✩ It means 49% of share to foreign investors and 51% share to Indian national partners. Q) What is Consolidated FDI Policy? 1) The document includes all changes in India’s FDI policy over the last year. 2) The DIPP is under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, is the nodal agency on FDI policy. 3) It compiles all policies related to India’s FDI regime into a single document to make it simple and easy for investors to understand. 4) The whole exercise of FDI policy is aimed at providing an investor friendly climate to foreign players and in turn attract more FDI to boost economic growth.
Krishna pradeep Director, 21st Century IAS, Hyd.
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