How to Score M arks in Physical Sciences 10th class study plan F irst a word with u, Dear students, Science is involved in the mainstream subjects with its applications all through the various areas of both personal and professional life of an individual. In today's world where markets are fast globalising, Science stands out as an important subject which students should not de-prioritise. Key points for class X: So here are a few points that students have to keep in mind while preparing for their class 10th Science Board Exam in order to score well in the subject. Dear students, Aim at acquiring the knowledge from the subject, during the process you can get your best score in the subject. Keep in mind there is nothing like important and unimportant chapter in the text book, in CCE mode anything can be asked from anywhere in the textbook. The only thing you as a student you should do to be master in the concepts and fundamentals given in textbook. Start revising early: You will not grasp the concepts of physics and chemistry the night before the exam. You must follow a gradual learning process over a period of months. Practice the numerical questions and revise the concepts. As doing these will provide you an idea on where you are going wrong and howcould you improve on them. Review and revise: Read…. Read until you
understand it- attempt each topic and try to decipher value questions from those. Formulate a technique G. Shravan chandra for memorizing the forSenior Faculty mulae’s and concepts in a clear consensus. This will provide you with a broad understanding of the subject. Make use of learning aids to retain information better. For example: use visual aids such as mind maps or diagrams. Seek out the help of notes prepared by you during your class, lab practical and projects, as they might prove precious for you in scoring MCQ’s and very short answer questions. Find for new questions on MCQ’s and reasoning on the similar context from sample papers and other Model test papers. Always time yourself while answering the sample papers as it will help you manage time during the exam. Since you don’t have plenty of time, just go with 3-4 revisions, keeping in mind to cover
Exams-Planning ❏ ❏
B»√ «{Mʸ*så˝–˛$Öså˝ Δ>≈Œ& Vʸ$Ör*ΔÊˇ$
GMʸPyÊ˛: —fƒÊ ˝ $ØË ˛ VÊ ¸ ΔÊ ˇ ÖÃZ∞ Δ>i–í˛ V>Ö´© ›˘µΔäˇtfi ı‹tyÏ˛ƒÊ˝$ÖÃZ AM¯t∫Δäˇ 6 Ø˲$Ö_ 17 –ö˛ΔÊˇMʸ$ øÊ˝»¢ ^Û˛ı‹ ¥˘Á‹$tÀ$: ›˘ÀjΔäˇ Ø˲«fiÖVä¸ AÌ‹Ú‹tÖså˝, ›˘ÀjΔäˇ MʸœΔäˇP/ ›˘tΔäˇ MÓ¸Á≥Δäˇ sÒ˝Mϸ≤MʸÃå˝, ›˘ÀjΔäˇ {sÙ˝y䲖ö˛$Øå˛ HƒÙ˝$ hÃÍœÀ AøÊ˝≈ΔÊˇ$¶ÀMʸ$: Vʸ$Ör*ΔÊˇ$, MʸyÊ˛Á≥, MʸΔÊˇ*≤À$, Ø˛À*œΔÊˇ$, {Á≥M>‘Ë˝Ö, AØ˲Öô˲Á≥#ΔÊˇÖ, _ô˲*¢ΔÊˇ$. ßÊ˛ΔÊˇRÍÁ‹$¢: Δ>≈ŒMϸ ‡fΔÊˇ$ M>–ö˛yë∞Mϸ Ú‹Ú≥tÖ∫Δäˇ 20 –ö˛ΔÊˇMʸ$ BØå˛ÃÒ˝OØå˛ÃZ «h{ı‹tÁŸØå˛ ^Û˛Á‹$M¯–ÈÕ. –˛ªå˝Ú‹Oså˝: www.joinindianarmy.nic.in
yÏ˛Ì‹Ì‹ ªÍ≈ÖMä¸&MʸyÊ˛Á≥ MʸyÊ˛Á≥ hÃÍœ M¯ BÁ≥ΔÛˇsÏ˝–í˛ Ú‹Ö{rÃå˝ (yÏ˛Ì‹Ì‹) ›Îtãú AÌ‹Ú‹tÖså˝/MʸœΔäˇP ¥˘Á‹$tÀ øÊ˝»¢ M¯Á‹Ö دsÏ˝ÌúMÛ¸ÁŸØå˛ —yÊ˛$ßÊ˛À ^Û˛Ì‹Ö®. –˛$$ô˲¢Ö R͉À$: 39 AΔÊˇ·ô˲: yÏ˛{X. ô˛À$Vʸ$, CÖXœãŸ øÍÁŸÀÚ≥O Á≥r$t EÖyëÕ.
Proper planning of your time is a Must. Make a time-table and try to stick to it. Have confidence. Unlike the English test, physics wants you to be as cocky as anything. You need to show this exam who is the master, and they only way to this is by tackling every question as if you are a physics ace. Do Count the number of chapters you have and the number of days left for the exams, to start. Apportion a certain amount of time for each chapter, giving more time to your weaker chapters.
–ö˛ƒÊ˝$Á‹$: 18&30 H‚Ê˝ìœ (BVʸÁ‹$t 31 ØÈsÏ˝Mϸ) GÖÌ≥Mʸ: Δ>ô˲ Á≥»Ñʸ, CÖrΔÊˇ*”≈ ßë”Δ> ßÊ˛ΔÊˇRÍÁ‹$¢: BØå˛ÃÒ˝OØå˛ ßë”Δ> ßÊ˛ΔÊˇRÍÁ‹$¢Mʸ$ _–ö˛« ôÛ˛©: AM¯t∫Δäˇ 3, 2017 –˛ªå˝Ú‹Oså˝: http://kadapadccb.in/
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each and every topic. Try and finish chapters which you find easy to understand as it will boost your confidence. Practice….Practice…Practice: Practice various test papers of previous years, so that you can have an assessment of how the mode of questions being asked, prepare for the think and discuss questions from the book thoroughly. SSC board exam question papers are completely based on the contents in the book. Do not start a new topic at the last minute. Revise the topics which you have already completed. By this time you should have already finished screening the syllabus, and might have gone through each chapter. However, if you still have any doubts in your mind or a little confusion then there is do not fret. I am here to fix it. The idea of the exam in CCE mode is to assess the knowledge you gained from the textbook but not the memorizing techniques of yours. Please remember one thing your exam is based on the concepts given in the textbook, not on the questions asked at the end of the textbook. So, give importance to the concepts and fundamentals given in the textbook. Use reference textbooks for complete understanding of the concept. ❏
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Do be careful not to be overconfident, as you will stay thinking that you are actually a physics ace rather than actually being one, and that will only end badly. Get up early. Your mind will be fresh to absorb information and it is really the best time to study. Banish that video and TV set from your li fe. There is time enough after the exams, to watch your favourite programmes. Be disciplined and strict with yourself. At the same time, DON’T Study your favourite chapter(s) at the cost of others. Jump from topic to topic. Cover each topic thoroughly before you go on to the next one.
AyÏ˛√ÁŸØå˛fi gÒ˝GØå˛ƒÊ˝$* f–ö˛Áfl˝ΔäˇÃÍÃå˝ Ø˛{Áfl˝î ƒÊ˝$*∞–ö˛«fisÓ˝& Ø˲*≈…Ï˛Œœ, ——´ßÊ˛ M¯ΔÊˇ$fiÃZœ {Á≥–Û˛‘È∞Mϸ دsÏ˝ÌúMÛ¸ÁŸØå˛ —yÊ˛$ßÊ˛À ^Û˛Ì‹Ö®. BÁúΔäˇ ^Û˛Á‹$¢Ø˲≤ M¯ΔÊˇ$fiÀ$: G–˛$√Ô‹fi (∫ƒÒ˝*sÒ˝M>≤Ài) GÖGÔ‹fi (A{W ∫ƒÒ˝*sÒ˝M>≤Ài)/GÖ—GÔ‹fi GÖsÒ˝Mä¸ (∫ƒÒ˝*sÒ˝M>≤Ài) AΔÊˇ·ô˲: Á‹Ö∫Ö´®ô˲ —øÍVʸÖÃZ yÏ˛{X {Á≥–Û˛‘Ë˝Ö: Δ>ô˲ Á≥»Ñʸ B´ßëΔÊˇÖV> Δ>ô˲ Á≥»Ñʸ ôÛ˛©: yÏ˛Ú‹Ö∫Δäˇ 30, 2017 ßÊ˛ΔÊˇRÍÁ‹$¢: BØå˛ÃÒ˝OØå˛ ßë”Δ> ßÊ˛ΔÊˇRÍÁ‹$¢Mʸ$ _–ö˛« ôÛ˛©: AM¯t∫Δäˇ 13, 2017 –˛ªå˝Ú‹Oså˝: www.jnu.ac.in
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∫$´ßÊ˛–ÈΔÊˇÖ 20 Ú‹Ú≥tÖ∫ΔÊˇ$ 2017 OVERVIEW OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES SYLLABUS: Content of the Physics Part in Physical Sciences 1. Reflection of Light by Curved Surfaces 2. Refraction of Light by Curved Surfaces 3. Human Eye and Colourful World 4. Electric Current 5. Electromagnetism Content of the Chemistry Part in Physical Sciences 1. Chemical Equations 2. Acids, Bases and Salts 3. Structure of Atom 4. Classification of Elements - The Periodic Table 5. Chemical Bonding 6. Principle of Metallurgy 7. Carbon and its Compounds Dear students, If you check the previous exam papers it is quite evident that questions may be asked from anywhere of the textbook. It is mandatory to the students to have a thorough knowledge of the concepts and fundamentals of class X physical science curriculum. ACADEMIC STANDARD WISE WEIGHTAGE TABLE Academic Standard AS-1 AS-2 AS-3 AS-4 AS-5 AS-6 Total
% of Weightage 40% 10% 15% 15% 10% 10% 100%
Marks Allotted 16 04 06 06 04 04 40
Allotted No. of marks questions 16 04 12 06
Essay type questions Short answer type questions Very short answer type 07 questions Multiple choice questions 05
–Û˛$ØÛ˛gå˝–˛$Öså˝, –ö˛*ΔˇPsÏ˝ÖVä¸ –Û˛$ØÛ˛gå˝–˛$Öså˝, Áfl˝î≈–ö˛$Øå˛ »›˘Δäˇfi –Û˛$ØÛ˛gå˝–˛$Öså˝ {Á≥–Û˛‘Ë˝Ö: M>≈så˝&2017/GMä¸fiGsÏ˝&2018 ›˘PΔäˇ, Δ>ô˲ Á≥»Ñʸ, {Vʸ*ã≥ yÏ˛Á‹PÁŸØå˛, CÖrΔÊˇ*”≈ B´ßëΔÊˇÖV>. ßÊ˛ΔÊˇRÍÁ‹$¢: BØå˛ÃÒ˝OØå˛ ßë”Δ> ßÊ˛ΔÊˇRÍÁ‹$¢Mʸ$ _–ö˛« ôÛ˛©: Ìú{∫–ö˛« 16, 2018 –˛ªå˝Ú‹Oså˝: http://www.spm.pdpu.ac.in/
M>–ö˛$Øå˛ GÖ{sÒ˝Øå˛fi GV>j–í˛$ ÁúΔäˇ yÏ˛gÒ˝OØå˛&2018
IIsÏ˝&ªÍÖªÙ˝ ∞ΔÊˇ”Ìfl˝Ö^Û˛ M>–ö˛$Øå˛ GÖ{sÒ˝Øå˛fi GV>j–í˛$ ÁúΔäˇ yÏ˛gÒ˝OØå˛ (Ì‹DDyÏ˛)&2018Mϸ دsÏ˝ÌúMÛ¸ ÁŸØå˛ –˛À$–ö˛yÏ˛Ö®. D Á≥»Ñʸ ßë”Δ> yÏ˛gÒ˝OØå˛, –ö˛*Ø˲$≈∏ÎMʸa«ÖVä¸ —øÍV>ÀMʸ$ Á‹Ö∫Ö´®Ö_Ø˲ –ö˛*Á‹tΔäˇ Bãú yÏ˛gÒ˝OØå˛, Ì≥Úfl˝^å˛yÏ˛ M¯ΔÊˇ$fiÃZœ {Á≥–Û˛‘Ë˝Ö Mʸյ›Î¢ΔÊˇ$. {Á≥–Û˛‘Ë˝Ö MʸյÖ^Û˛ Á‹ÖÁ‹¶À$: IIGã‹Ì‹& ªÒ˝ÖVʸ‚Ê˝îΔÊˇ$, IIsÏ˝&ªÍÖªÙ˝, IIsÏ˝&…Ï˛Œœ, IIsÏ˝& ÚflO˝ßÊ˛Δ>ªÍßä˛, IIsÏ˝&V˙Áfl˝Ü, IIsÏ˝yÏ˛GÖ& f∫Ãå˝Á≥NΔäˇ, IIsÏ˝&M>Ø˲*µΔäˇ. Ì‹DDyÏ˛&2018 Á≥»Ñʸ ôÛ˛©: fØ˲–ö˛« 20, 2018 ßÊ˛ΔÊˇRÍÁ‹$¢: BØå˛ÃÒ˝OØå˛ ßë”Δ> ßÊ˛ΔÊˇRÍÁ‹$¢Mʸ$ _–ö˛« ôÛ˛©: Ø˲–ö˛Ö∫Δäˇ 10, 2017 –˛ªå˝Ú‹Oså˝: www.ceed.iitb.ac.in/2018/