‘Ë˝∞–ÈΔÊˇÖ 23 Ú‹Ú≥tÖ∫ΔÊˇ$ 2017
What is the first letter of that word? Reasoning Model Questions 1. 'Bank' is related to 'Money' in the same way as 'Transport' is related to a) Goods b) Road c) Movement d) Traffic e) Speed 2. 'Fan' is related to 'Wings' in the same way as 'Wheel' is related to a) Round b) Cars c) Spokes d) Moves e) Air 3. 'Museum' is related to 'Curator' in the same way as 'Prison' is related to a) Warden b) Monitor c) Manager d) Jailor e) None of these 4. Find the odd man out. a) 32 :15 b) 86 : 42 c) 56 : 26 d) 74 : 36 e) 38 : 18 5. Find the odd man out. a) Ring b) Bangle c) Tyre d) Plate e) Nut 6. What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following sequence? BZA, DYE, GXI, KWM, ? a) OVT b) NUQ c) PVQ d) QVA e) None of these 7. Dilip's position from the left in a row of students is 10th and Jagdish's position is 20th from the right. Both of them interchange their positions and jagdish becomes 23rd from the right. How many students are there in the row? a) 33 b) 44 c) 42 d) 41 e) 32 8. Jaya's position from the left in a row of students is 12th and Rekha's position is 20th from the right. After interchanging their position, Jaya becomes 22rd from the left. How many students are there in the row? a) 30 b) 31 c) 41 d) 34 e) None of these 9. If the alphabets are written in the reverse order and every alternate letter starting with Y is dropped, which letter will be exactly in the middle in the remaining letters of alphabets? a) M b) O c) M or O d) N e) None of these 10. How many pairs of letters in the word are as far from each other as they are in the alphabets in the word 'RELATIONSHIP' ? a) None b) 1 c) 2 d) 3 e) 4 11. If you pick up from the alphabet, 6th an d the 14th letters from the right end and then pick up 5th and 20th letters from the left end and from a meaningful wo rd, what is the first letter of that word? a) M b) E c) No meaningful word can be formed d) More than one word can be formed e) None of the above 12. Ravi starts walking towards North. After walking 15m he turns towards South. After walking 20m, he turns towards East and walks 10m. He then turns towards North and walks 5m. How far is he from his original position and in which direction? a) 10m, North b) 10m, South c) 10m, East d) 10m, West e) None of these 13. Ms. A goes for her morning walk at 6 0'clock towards sun for 2 km, then she turns to her right and walks 3 km. She again turns to her left and walks 2 km, finaly she turns to her left to walk another 6 km. In which direction is she moving and at what distance from the last turn, she is standing? a) 6 km, East b) 9 km, East c) 6 km, North d) 9 km, North e) None of these 14. Going 50 m to the south of my house, I turn left and go another 20m. Then turning to the north, I go 30 m and then
Panditi Meenakshi Pavan Senior Faculty
Bank P.O's, Clerks Special start walking to my house. In which direction am I walking now ? a) North b) East c) North-West d) South- East e) None of these (15-19): Following is given a set of digits and the corresponding letter code of each digit followed by certain rules for coding.
In each of the questions one number consisting of six digits is followed by four combinations of letter codes. You have to find out which of the combination of letter codes represents the set of digits based on the above codes and the conditions given below and mark your answer accordingly. Otherwise, give answer (e) as your answer i.e., None of these. Conditions : (i) If both the first and the last digits of the number are odd digits, then both are to be coded as I. (ii) If both the first and lat digits of number are even digits then both are to be coded as Y. 15. 726395 a) IMDNWI b) YMDNWY c) YMDNWR d) IMDNWR e) None of these 16. 263847 a) IDNBKI b) YDNBKY c) IDNBKY d) MDNBKY e) None of these 17. 591248 a) IWJMKB b) RWJMKY c) YWJMKY d) RWJMKB e) None of these 18. 615824 a) IJRBMI b) IJRBMY c) YJRBMY d) DJRBMK e) None of these 19. 831795 a) INJTWR b) BNJTWR c) BNJTWY d) YNJYWY e) None of these (20-22): Read the following information and then answer the questions that follow In the given figure the rectangle stands for philosopher, circle for historians and triangle for magicians.
20. According to the above diagram, which one of the following statement is true? a) All philosophers are magicians but no magician is a historian b) All magicians are either historians or phiosophers c) Some philosophers are historians and some magicians are philosophers d) Some historians, who are philosophers, are magicians too e) None of these 21. According to the above diagram, which
one of the following statement is true? a) All historians are magicians b) Some magicians are philosophers as well as historians c) All historians are either philosophers or magicians d) Some historians are philosophers e) None of these 22. According to the above diagram, which one of the following statement is not true? a) Some magicians are philosophers b) No magician is historian c) Magicians, who are philosophers, are historians also d) Some philosophers are magicians e) None of these (23-25): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions based on it. Five person are sitting in a row. One of the two person at the extreme ends is intelligent and other one is fair. A fat person is sitting to the right of a weak person. A tall person is to the left of the fair person and the weak person is sitting between the intelligent and the fat person. 23. Tall person is at which place counting from right ? a) First b) Second c) Third d) Fourth e) Can't be determined 24. Person to the left of weak person posses ses which of the following characteristics? a) Intelligent b) Fat c) Fair d) Tall e) Can't be determined 25. Which of the folllowing persons is sitting at the centre? a) Intelligent b) Fat c) Fair d) Weak e) Tall (26-30) : In the following questions, the symbols @, %, *, $ and # are used with following meaning as illustrated below: 'P * Q' means 'P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q'. 'P # Q' means 'P is not greater than Q'. 'P @Q' means 'P is neither greater than nor equal to Q'. 'P $ Q' means 'P is neither smaller than nor greater Q'. 'P % Q' means 'P is not smaller than Q'. Now in each of the following questions assuming the given statement to be true, find which of the two conclusions I and II given below them is/are definitely true? Given answer : a) if only conclusion I is true b) if only conclusion II is true c) if either conclusion I or II is true d) if neither conclusion I nor II is true e) if both conclusions I and II are true 26. Statements : H * R, R $ Y, Y % M Conclusions : I. M @ H II. H $ M 27. Statements : T $ R, R # M, M @ N Conclusions : I. N * T II. R @ N 28. Statements : W % V, V # D, M * D Conclusions : I. M $ W II. M @ V 29. Statements : B # V, V $ M, M * Z Conclusions : I. B $ M II. Z @ V 30. Statements : K $ M, B # M, F * B Conclusions : I. K $ B II. K * B
Answers 1) a 2) c 3) d 4) c 5) d
6) c 7) e 8) c 9) d 10) e
11) a 12) c 13) c 14) c 15) a
16) e 17) d 18) c 19) b 20) c
21) d 22) c 23) b 24) a 25) b
26) d 27) e 28) d 29) b 30) d
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