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monday, january 22, 2018
Delhi City Edition
28 pages O 10.00
Government, political parties must stay out of judicial crisis, says Modi
O.P. Rawat to succeed A.K. Joti as Chief Election Commissioner
18 killed after Taliban militants attack luxury hotel in Kabul
Grigor Dimitrov knocks Nick Kyrgios out of Australian Open
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Printed at . Che n n a i . Coim b ato r e . Be n g a luru . Hy de r a b a d . M a d u r a i . No i da . V i s a k h a pat n a m . Th i ru va n a n t h a pu r a m . Ko ch i . V i j ayawa da . Ma ng a lu ru . Ti ru c h i r a pa l l i . Ko l k ata . Hu b b a l l i . Mo h a l i . Ma l a p p u r a m . M u m b a i . Ti ru pat i . lu c k now
Disquali cation of AAP MLAs approved
As President gives nod, party says it will explore legal options Owner of illegal Delhi reworks factory held
Soumya Pillai
President Ram Nath Kovind on Sunday accepted the re commendation of the Elec tion Commission to disquali fy 20 MLAs of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), the rul ing party in the national cap ital, for holding o ces of pro t. A noti cation issued by the Law Ministry quoted the President as saying, “In the light of the opinion ex pressed by the Election Commission (EC), the 20 members of the Delhi legis lative assembly have been disquali ed.” The AAP MLAs were ap pointed as Parliamentary Se cretaries and a petitioner, in a complaint to the EC and the President in 2015, said being a Parliamentary Secre tary was holding an o ce of pro t and this invited dis quali cation. After the Presi dent’s decision, the AAP said it would use all legal options available.
The Delhi police on Sunday arrested Manoj Jain, owner of the unauthorised reworks factory, after 17 people were killed on Saturday in a massive re in the manufacturing unit in the Bawana industrial area. Police Commissioner Amulya Patnaik also transferred the case from the Rohini district police to the Crime Branch. NATION
Haryana teen sent to twoday police remand YAMUNANAGAR
The 18yearold student who allegedly shot dead Ritu Chhabra, the principal of Swami Vivekanand School, was on Sunday produced in a court, which remanded him in twoday police custody. NATION
New Delhi
Request for meeting AAP Delhi convener Gopal Rai said the 20 MLAs had re quested a meeting with the President to discuss the is sue before his decision was announced on Sunday. Ho wever, they could not get an appointment as the Presi dent was “not available.”
“We had requested a meeting for Sunday morning but were denied, and now [Sunday afternoon] we get this news. We will approach the court and hope for jus tice,” Mr. Rai said. No remuneration A Parliamentary Secretary assists a Minister, and the of ce usually comes with perks as well as a measure of political in uence. However, in a noti cation con rming the appointment of the 20 MLAs, the govern ment had said no remunera tion or perks would be given to the Parliamentary Secre taries. The 20 MLAs who are fac ing disquali cation include Transport Minister Kailash Gehlot, who is the MLA from Najafgarh.
“It is unfortunate that the President took the decision in such haste, without even giving us a chance to speak. It is a ploy by the Centre, us ing constitutional institu tions to derail our govern ment. But we will not give up. We have faith in the jud iciary. The doors of the High Court and the Supreme Court are still open for us,” said Alka Lamba, represent ing Chandni Chowk and one of the 20 disquali ed MLAs. AAP spokesperson Sau rabh Bharadwaj also ques tioned the speed at which the recommendation had been accepted by the President. CONTINUED ON A PAGE 10 EC CITES SC RULINGS IN ITS RECOMMENDATION A PAGE 10 PROFIT AND LOSS A EDITORIAL
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CPI(M) not for tie-up with Congress Draft political resolution adopted at party’s Central Committee meet in Kolkata ing. “As per the adopted draft political resolution, there will be no understand ing or electoral alliance with the Congress. But this is a draft political resolution and the nal decision will be ta ken at the Party Congress, the highest decisionmaking authority,” Mr. Yechury said.
Staff Reporter Kolkata
The draft political resolution adopted at the meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) here has ruled out any electoral alliance or un derstanding with the Con gress, party general secre tary Sitaram Yechury said on Sunday. The nal decision will be taken at the Party Congress to be held in Hyderabad in April, and electoral tactics will be decided depending
Sitaram Yechury
on the “concrete situation” in the States. Mr. Yechury was speaking to journalists at the conclu sion of the threeday meet
Majority decision He said the draft resolution was adopted on the basis of a “majority decision.” The Polit Bureau’s draft, which ruled out any alliance
Leading the pack
or understanding with the Congress and which was backed by its former general secretary Prakash Karat, was put to a vote in the Central Committee and supported by 55 members, with 31, in cluding Mr. Yechury, oppos ing it, and no one abstaining. The Central Committee has said the main objective of the party is to “defeat the Bharatiya Janata Party” and it will focus on "mobilising all secular democratic forces.” CONTINUED ON A PAGE 10
Padmaavat protests hit bus services Mahesh Langa AHMEDABAD
His comments came days after Indian troops carried out retaliatory action against Pakistani troops, in which seven of their sol diers were killed and four injured in the Poonch sec tor. He said that a few months ago, Pakistan had attacked and martyred 17 jawans.
Bus services on more than 100 routes in half a dozen districts in north Gujarat were suspended after vio lent protests by the Rajput community continued over the release of the Bolly wood movie Padmaavat. Sunday also witnessed several protests, a day after protesters torched four pu blic transport buses and vandalised a theatre in Ah medabad. The authorities decided to suspend bus op erations as a precautionary measure as protesters con tinued to block tra c on highways at several places. “We are trying to resolve the crisis,” a top o cial in the government told The Hindu, adding that the go vernment was also explor ing legal options. Gujarat’s incharge DGP Pramod Ku mar appealed to the Rajput community not to resort to violence and help authori ties maintain law and or der. In Rajasthan, a group took out a jauhar swabhimaan rally in Chittorgarh demanding a complete ban on the movie. (With inputs from PTI)
Running for gold: Solomon Deksisa and Amane Gobena made it a double delight for Ethiopia in the $405,000 Tata Mumbai Marathon on Sunday by clinching the men’s and women’s races. *
India can strike across the borders, says Rajnath Special Correspondent NEW DELHI
Union Home Minister Raj nath Singh on Sunday warned Pakistan that India could kill its enemies not only within its borders but also across them, even as violence along the Jammu and Kashmir border conti nued to climb. Holding Pakistan respon
sible for the poor bilateral relations, Mr. Singh told a public gathering in Luck now, “We want to maintain good relations with our neighbour but they don’t stop doing mischief. We have given a strong message to the world that India can kill its enemies not only on this side, but on that side of the border as well.”
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