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5. a = 3/2 @LiVV©«s 1 + a + 1 - a = ? 1. 2 - 3 2. 2 + 3 3. 3/2 4. 3 2 2 2 (1+a)+(1-a) +2 1-a = ( 1+a+ 1-a) ) 2 = 2 (1 + 1-a ) = 2 (1 + 1- 3/4) = 2(1+1/2) = 2 × 3/2 = 3 1+a + 1-a = 3 3
6. (a.8) - (6.8) 2 2 (9.8) + 9.8×6.8+6.8 1. 3 2. 2 3. 9.8 4. 6.8 3 3 2 2 a -b = (a-b)(a +ab+b ) 3 3 a -b = (a-b) 2 2 a +ab+b a = 9.8, b = 6.8 b - b = 9.8 - 6.8 = 3
7. INRP»R½©«sV 20 Aª«soÌÁ©«sV LRiW.2,00,000 ÌÁNRPV N]®©s©«sV. @LiµR¶VÍÜ[ 12 Aª«soÌÁ xqsLSxqsLji µ³R¶LRi LRiW.12500 @LiVV©«s −sVgjiÖÁ©«s Aª«soÌÁ xqsLSxqsLji µ³R¶LRi FsLi»R½? 1. LRiW.6000 2. LRiW.6250 3. LRiW.6500 4. LRiW.7000 12 Aª«soÌÁ ®ªsVV»R½òLi µ³R¶LRi = LRiW.12×12500 = LRiW. 1,50,000 −sVgjiÖÁ©«s Aª«soÌÁ ®ªsVV»R½òLi µ³R¶LRi
IxmsöVNRPV©yõLRiV. INRPLRiV A xms¬s¬s 6 L][ÇÁÙÌÁV ¿P[¸R¶VgRiÌÁ²R¶V. BLiN]NRP»R½©«sV 8 L][ÇÁÙÌÁÍÜ[ ¿P[¸R¶VgRiÌÁ²R¶V. INRP ËØÌÁV²R¶V xqs¥¦¦¦¸R¶VLi»][ −dsLjiµôR¶LRiV A xms¬s¬s 3 L][ÇÁÙÌÁÍÜ[ ª«sVVgji}qsò A ËØÌÁV²T¶NTP LSª«sÌÁzqs©«s ªyÉØ FsLi»R½? 1. LRiW.300 2. LRiW.225 3. LRiW.75 4. LRiW.100 ®ªsVVµR¶ÉÓÁ ª«sùNTPò 3L][ÇÁÙÌÁ xms¬s = 3/6 = 1/2 lLiLi²R¶ª«s ª«sùNTPò 3 L][ÇÁÙÌÁ xms¬s = 3/8 = 1/8 ªyLRiV ²R¶ÊÁV÷©«sV xmsLi¿RÁVN][ª«sÖÁ=©«s ¬sxtsQö¼½ò =1/2 : 3/8 : 1/8, = 4 : 3 : 1 :. ËØÌÁV¬s ˳ØgRiÌÁ = 1/8 × 600 = 75 LRiW.ÌÁV
840/x+10 = 840/x - 2 840/x - 840/x+10 = 2 8400 = 2x2 + 20x x2 + 10x - 4200 = 0 :. x = 60 NTP.−dsV/gRiLi.
düe÷<ÛëHê\T 1. 3 2. 4 -6. 3 7. 4 11. 3 12. 4
3. 3 8. 2 13. 3
4. 1 5. 3 9. 4 10. 1
C. Jayaprakash Reddy Senior Faculty prakashreddy336@gmail.com
k˛eTyês¡+ 22 nø√ºãsY 2018
RRB - Bits 1. The force by which a body is attracted to wards the centre of the earth is called1. Gravitational force 2. Mass 3. Momentum 4. Impulsive force 2. The maximum displacement of a vibrat ing body from its mean position is called1. Gyration 2. Wavelength 3. Amplitude 4. Impulse 3. The kinetic energy of a body depends upon1. Mass, gravity and height 2. Its mass alone 3. Its velocity alone 4. Both mass and velocity 4. A ball weighing 25 grams is thrown verti cally into the air. It takes 15 seconds to reach its highest point. How much time would it take to reach the ground from its highest point? 1. More data are required for calculation 2. Less than 15 seconds 3. More than 15 seconds 4. 15 seconds 5. The term 'Squirrel Cage is associatedwith 1. Pressure gauges 2. Internal combustion engines 3. Potentiometers 4. Electric motors 6. The phenomenon of increase in the tem perature of the earth's atmosphare due to absorption of the infra-red radiations re flected from the earth's surface is called1. Tsunami 2. Solar heating 3. Green-house effect 4. Seismic effect 7. Why is it recommended that people should not use charcoal or gas stoves in closed rooms? 1. The electrical wiring in the room may catch fire 2. The stoves will get extinguished 3. It can cause carbon monoxide poison ing 4. The stoves may burst 8. The most effective way to improve safety in a vast organisation like the Indian Railways is to 1. Ignore small acts of negligence by the staff 2. Carry out frequant checks 3. Educate the staff at all levels 4. Punish defaulting staff 9. A Swimmer finds it easier to swim in sea water than in plain water. Why? 1. Sea water has less contamination 2. Sea waves help a swimmer to swim 3. Sea water has higher density than plain water 4.Sea has a much higher volume of water 10. Humidity refers to1. Both temperature and moisture con tents of the air 2. Temperature of the air 3. Moisture content of the air 4. Presure of the air 11. Boyle's law states that1. Volume is directly proportional to temperature 2. Pressure is inversely proportional to temperature 3. Pressure is directly proportional to temperature 4. Presure is inversely proportional to valume 12. A stick is dipped in a vessel containing water. It appears bent due to the property of1. Reflection 2. Newton's Law of Motion 3. Refraction 4. Buoyancy 13. The planet farthest from the Sun is1. Pluto 2. Mercury 3. Jupiter 4. Neptune 14. As a train approaches us, the frequency or shrillness of its whistle increases. This phenomenon is explained by1. Big Bang Theory 2. Doppler Effect 3. Charles' Law 4. Archimedes Principle
düe÷<ÛëHê\T 1. 1 2. 3 3. 4 -6. 3 7. 3 8. 2 11.4 12. 3 13. 1
4. 4 5. 4 9. 4 10. 3 14. 2
k˛eTyês¡+ 22 nø√ºãsY 2018
A N D H b˛{° R A|üØP R A B H A ø£å\ Á|ü‘˚´ø£+ IBPS CLERK PRELIMS SPECIAL 1. Seven years ago, the ratio of the age of A to that of B, was 7: 9. C is 12 years older than A and 12 years younger than B. What is C's present age? a. 93 years b. 103 years c. 110 years d. 113 years e. 105 years
2. 24 women take 14 days to complete a piece of work which can be completed by 14 men in 12 days. 18 men started working and after 5 days, 10 men left and 8 women joined them. How many days will it take them to complete the remaining work? a. 14 days b. 5 days c. 91/2 days d. 61/2 days e. 2 1/8 days 3. Pavan can type 50 pages in 10 hours; he and Upendra together can type 400 pages in 50 hours. In what time can Upendra type 40 pages? a. 20 hours40min b. 13 hours c. 8 hours d. 50 hours e. 13hours 20 min 4. A certain sum in invested for T years. It amounts to Rs. 1584 at 10% per annum. But when invested at 4% per annum, it amounts to Rs. 792. Find the time (T). a. 45 years b. 60 years c. 50 years d. 40 years e. none of these
bers of type I to type II items produced by A is 9 : 10. Type I items produced by Company B is 175% of type I items produced by A. Total items (both I and II) produced by B is 150% of total items produced by A. The number of type I items produced by C is 20% more than the number of type II items produced by A. 11. What is the number of type II items produced by B? a. 9600 b. 10200 c. 14400 d. 12600 e. None
21. What is the difference between the number of chairs on Wednesday and the number of chairs on Monday in both the stores together?
9. In a stream running at 3kmph, a boat goes 52 km upstream and comes back to the starting point in 276 minutes. What is the speed of the boat in still water? a. 12kmph b. 14kmph c. 17kmph d. 22 kmph e. 23 kmph
27. I. 5x2 - 16x + 12 = 0 II. 3y2 + 5y - 12 = 0
29. I. x2 = 8649 II. y = (9105+304) 30. I. 9x - 5y = 21 II. 5x + 7y = 19 Directions 31-35 : What approximate value will come in the place of question mark (?) in the given questions? (You are not expected to calculate exact value) 31. (?)×479.87 ÷12.01 = 179 + 139.99 a. 36 b. 100 c. 64 d. 4 e. 16
12. What is the ratio of the number of type I items to the number of type II items produced by Company C? a. 2 : 3 b. 3 : 4 c. 4 : 5 d. 5 : 6 e. None of these 13. What is the average number of type I items produced by all three companies? a. 9650 b. 9800 c. 9960 d. 10200 e. None of these
32. 629 ÷ 9.02 - 139.996 ÷ 7.06 = ? a. 75 b. 35 c. 50 d. 65 e. 25 33. 45% of 401 ÷ 3 - ? = 6.022 a. 38 b. 52 c. 6 d. 24 e. 12 34. 55% of 259.96 - ? - 54 = 19 a. 80 b. 70 c. 73 d. 90 e. 78 2
35. 7 × 23.846 - ? = 18÷2+(4.06) ) a. 143 b. 163 c. 183 d.173 e. 181
6. The number of employees working in a company is increased by 35% and the wages per head are decreased by 35%. What is the percentage decrease in the total wages? a. 17% b. 15 2/3 % c. 221/4 % d. 121/4 % e.131/2 %
8. Two stations A and B are 265 km apart on a straight line. One train starts from A at 6 am and travels towards B at 30 km/h. Another train starts from B at 9am and travels towards A at a speed of 40 km/h. At what time will they meet? a. 10: 30 am b. 10: 05 am c. 11: 35 am d. 11: 30 am e. 12: 25 am
26. I. x2 - x - 56 = 0 II. 2y2 - 3y - 9 = 0
28. I. 4x2 + 4x - 24 = 0 II. 7y2 - 28y + 28 = 0
5. A bag contains 8 white balls, 13 black balls and 5 green balls. If two balls are drawn at random from the bag one after another without replacement, what is the probability that the first ball is white and the second ball is black? a. 3/26 b. 4/25 c. 6/25 d. 9/25 e. none of these
7. A vessel contains a mixture of liquid A and liquid B in the respective ratio of 5: 3. If 16 litres of mixture be taken out from the vessel and vessel be filled with liquid B, the ratio of liquid A and liquid B becomes 3 : 5. What was the initial quantity of liquid in the vessel? a. 35 litres b. 40 litres c. 45 litres d. 48 litres e. 50 litres
$<ë´Á|üuÛÑ 15
14. The number of type II items produced by C is what percentage of the total number of items produced by C? a. 80% b. 75% c. 60% d. 50% e. 40% 15. What is the difference between the total number of type II items and the total number of type I items produced by all three companies together? a. 2750 b. 2800 c. 3000 d. 3150 e. None of these Directions 16-20 : What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the given number series? 16. 369 380 402 435 ? 534 a. 452 b. 501 c. 528 d. 479 e. 494 17. 154 158 185 201 326 ? a. 424 b. 354 c. 362 d. 380 e. 398
10. Total cost price of 2 articles is Rs. 9000 one of them is sold at a profit of 24% and the other at a loss of 24%. The selling price of both the articles is same. Find the loss on both the articles a. Rs. 518.4 b. Rs.578.4 c. Rs.576.4 d. Rs.577 e. None of these
18. 3 27 189 945 ? 2835 a. 2835 b. 3780 c. 945 d. 1890 e. 4725
Direction 11-15 : Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions. Three companies - A, B, and C produce a particular item in two different types -I and II. Total number of items of both types produced by all three companies is 62000 and total items I and II produced by company A is 15200. The ratio of the num-
20. 2 7 26 101 400 ? a. 1595 b. 980 c. 1294 d. 896 e. 1080
19. 721 361 181 91 46 ? a. 22 b. 28 c. 18 d. 20.5 e. 23.5
Direction 21-25 : Study the following graph and answer the given questions. The line graph shows the number of chairs in two different stores in five different days.
a. 24 d. 30
b. 32 e. 20
c. 28
22. What is the ratio between the total number of chairs on Tuesday and Thursday together in Store A and the total number of chairs on same days in store B? a. 5:7 b. 4:5 c. 7:6 d. 7:8 e. 3:5 23. If the number of chairs in store A on Saturday is 25% of total number of chairs on Thursday, What is the average number of chairs in store A on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday together? a. 24 b. 36 c. 30 d. 38 e. 20 24. If the number of chairs sold in store A and B on Tuesday is 52 and 24 respectively, what is the number of unsold chairs in both the stores together? a. 12 b. 15 c. 16 d. 18 e. 20 25. The number of chairs in both the stores on Friday is approximately what percentage less than the number of chairs in both the stores on Wednesday? a. 12% b. 15% c. 16% d. 10% e. 11% Directions 26-30 : In the questions, two equations numbered I and II are given. You have to solve both the equations and mark the appropriate option. Give answer a. if x > y b. if x > y c. if x < y d. if x < y e. if x = y or relationship between x and y cannot be established.
36. Two containers A and B have same capacity. In container A petrol and diesel are in the ratio of 1:3 and this ratio is 1:4 for container B. Half of the quantity of container A is poured in the tank B and then same quantity of the resulting mixture in again poured back in container A. What is the ratio of petrol and diesel in the resulting mixture of container A? a. 6:25 b. 7:23 c. 8:27 d. 9:32 e. None of these 37. The ratio of area of a circle and a square is 9p : 16. If the total surface area of a cuboid whose height is 2 cm length and breadth are equal to the radius of the circle and side of the square respectively is 152 cm 2 .What is the sum of length of all the edges of the cuboid? a. 24 cm b. 34 cm c. 44 cm d. 54 cm e. 64 cm 38. A has some blue and some red sheet which are in the ratio 2:7. Each day, he uses 1 blue sheet and 3 red sheets. One day, he uses 3 red sheets and the last blue sheet, leaving with him 15 red sheets. The total number of sheets in the beginning was? a. 144 b. 135 c. 105 d. 155 e. None of these
1. b 6. d 11. b 16. d 21. b 26. e 31. c 36. b
2. d 7. b 12. a 17. c 22. c 27. e 32. c 37. e
3. e 8. d 13. b 18. a 23. d 28. d 33. b 38. b
4. c 9. e 14. c 19. e 24. e 29. c 34. b
Y. Srinivasa Rao Subject Expert Cell :
5. b 10. a 15. e 20. a 25. c 30. a 35. b
ÊÁúµyúµj¶ N]»R½ògRiW®²¶Li ÑÁÍýØ @©«sõxmsolLi²ïT¶ ª«sVLi²R¶ÌÁ xmsLjiµ³j¶ÍÜ[¬s @ÊÁV÷gRiW®²¶Li úgSª«sVLiÍÜ[ J ryµ³y LRißá ª«sVµ³R¶ù »R½LRigRi¼½ \lLi»R½V NRPVÈÁVLiÊÁLiÍÜ[ Ç ¬søLiÀÁ Fs£mnsAL`iª¯[ xmnsÖÁ»yÌÁÍÜ[ LSúxtsíLiÍÜ[®©s[ úxms´R¶ª«sV róy©«sLiÍÜ[ ¬sÖÁÀÁ »R½©«sNRPV, »R½©«s úgSª«sW¬sNTP }msLRiV úxmsÆØù»R½ÌÁV ¾»½ÀÁè|msÉíØLRiV. @»R½®©s[ ÇÁÙÊÁV÷LRiV ®ªsLiNRPÛÉÁ[aRP*LRiLSª«so, ÇÁ¸R¶Vª«sVøÌÁ lLiLi²][ NRPVª«sWLRiV²R¶V ª«sVÛÍýÁ[aRP*LRiLSª«so. @¼½ ryµ³yLRißá \lLi»R½V NRPVÈÁVLiÊÁLiÍÜ[ ÇÁ¬søLiÀÁ FsLi»][ xmsÈíÁVµR¶ÌÁgS ¿RÁµj¶ªy²R¶V. ª«sVµ³R¶ùÍÜ[ Fs©¯[õ FsµR¶VLRiV ®µ¶ÊÁ÷ÌÁV »R½ÖÁgji©«sxmsöÉÓÁNUP G ª«sWú»R½Li ¿RÁÖÁLi¿RÁNRP A»R½ø −saS*xqsLi»][ ª«sVVLiµR¶VNRPV ®ªs×ýÁ @©«sVNRPV©«sõµj¶ ryµ³j¶Li¿y²R¶V. @ÍØlgi[ »R½©«s ÒÁ−s»R½ @LôðSLigji úaSª«sßÓá \|qs»R½Li Fs£mnsAL`iª¯[ \øå±´ìï kÕ~Û+#ê]˝≤... Dµ][ùgRiLi ryµ³j¶Li¿P[LiµR¶VNRPV úxms˳ÏÁV»R½* Dµ][ùgRiLi ¿P[¸R¶WÌÁ®©s[ ÊÁÌÁ\®ªsV©«ss AaRP¸R¶VL iµôR¶Lji¬ds 2014ÍÜ[ \|¤¦¦¦µR¶LS Ëص`¶ \®ªsxmsoNRPV ©«s²T¶zmµ][x¤¦¦¦µR¶xms²ïy²R¶V. −dsLjiµôR¶LjiNUP ªyLj sLiÀÁLiµj¶. \|¤¦¦¦µR¶LSËØ µ`¶ÍÜ[¬s ÀÁNRPä²R¶xmsÖýÁÍÜ[ zqsÉÔÁ 2013ÍÜ[ −sªyx¤¦¦¦\®ªsVLiµj¶. @LiVV¾»½[ |qsLiúÈÁÍÞ \ÛÍÁúÊÁLkiNTP µR¶gæRiLRiÍÜ[ INRP ÀÁ©«sõ gRiµj¶¬s @®µô¶NRPV BµôR¶LRiW D©«sõ»R½ Dµ][ùgRiLi ¼d½xqsVNRPV©yõLRiV. @LiVV¾»½[ F¡ÉÔÁ xmsLkiORPQNRPV zq ryµ³j¶Li¿yÌÁ®©s[ xmsÈíÁVµR¶ÌÁ»][ µôALôðR¶ª«ðjisNRV¹P¸ró¶[¡VùLiµRª«sV»R¶VNR½ PVxqsLj®ªisVÉÔF¡©«ÁLjsiLiµR¸R¶¶VÍÞV©«s N]©«L][ÇsÁÚVg][̵RÁV¶gæRiLR¿iP[ÍÜ[}qsLiµR¬s¶VNRzqsÉÔPV Á −sÇÁ¸R¶VLi ryµ³j¶Li¿yLRiV.
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PHYSICS IS UNDERSTANDING THE LAWS OF NATURE the velocity increses at 5m/s2 5m/s2 5m/s2 Physics is understanding the laws of nature and being in sync with it. anything the rate of 10 m/s in one second. 5m/s2 50m/s 45m/s 40m/s 35m/s we derive out of physics is to complement nature. When a student gets the real Now at t = 3sec, if the essence of the subject, one definitely starts enjoying it while learning otherwise, acceleration is reduced to m/s , the velocity int=0 t=1sec t=2sec t=3sec it remains tough, confusing and complicated thing. It becomes really interesting 5creases at the rate of 5 m/s in one second. and easy to learn physics when all the misconceptions are cleared off. So, for the now, at t = 3sec, if the acceleration is increased to �5m/s2�5m/s2�5m/s2�5m/s2 benefit of the students, I have taken up a few articles to explain students, the �50m/s2�55m/s2�60m/s2�65m/s2 10 m/s , the velocity decreases at the rate of 10 way to learn and understand physics properly. 2
Clearing off the misconcepttions in KINEMATICS: Understanding kinematics is the foundation to learn mechanics. Especially when it comes to exams like jee main / advanced. I have been observing so many students who tend to get misconceltions while trying to understand the basic concepts like velocity and acceleration. This article helps students to clear off the misconceptions. Let us first go through the definitions of velocity and acceleration. velocity: It is the rate of change of displacement with respect to time.
misconception: A particle moves in the direction of acceleration or net force. No, a particle may not move in the direction of acceleration or net force. A particle moves always in the direction of its velocity. When subjected to acceleration, the velocity changes (magnitude or direction or both) and that change decides the path of motion. this is the reason why earth does not fall in to the sun. Earths acceleration is towards the sun. And velocity is tangentical to the orbit.
other possible misconceptions
1. If acceleration increases, then the magnitude of velocity
m/s in one second. t=3sec t=4sec t=5sec t=6sec 10m/s2 10m/s2 10m/s2 10m/s2 increses. 2. If acceleration increases, Acceleration decreased 35m/s2 25m/s2 15m/s2 5m/s2 then the magnitude of velocity � � � after 3 seconds, but the � cannot decrease. magnitude of velgcity in3. If acceleration decreases, creased through out. it In the above case, the acthen the magnitude of velocity happenrd so because accelaration incresed after 3 decreases. celeration and velocity seconds, but the velocity 4. If acceleration decreases, are in same direction. As continued to decrease. then the magnitude of velgcity the acceleration deThe only reason for the cannot increase. creased, the rete of decrease of velocity is the The above four statements increase of velocity has direction of acceleration seems to be carrect. but, they decreased. Initially (first being opposite to that of are wrong. Let us take a very 3 seconds) velocity invelocity. basic example to clear the creased by 10 units every This proves why stateconfusion. For instance, consecond and later (next 3 ments 1 and 2 are wrong. sider a body moving with, seconds) velocity inthis is what happend in a consider a body moving with creased only by 5 units uniform circular motion. initial velocity of 20 m/s and every second. conclusion: no mater acacceleration 10 m/s2 , both This understanding clears celeration increases, pointing in the same direction. why statements 3 or 4 are concept: when acceleration is wrong. For instance, consider another body in the same direction as that moving with initial velocof velocity, the magnitude of ity of 50m/s and velocity increases without acceleration 5m/s2 in the changing the direction. It is opposite direction. similar to a case where you are running and some body concept: when accelerapushes you in the same dition is directed opposite to recton. Certaning you speed velocity, the magnitude of up.
�10m/s2�10m/s2�10m/s2�10m/s2 2
�20m/s �30m/s �40m/s �50m/s t=0
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this physical quantity tells us how fast a particle is describing its motion Acceleration. It is the rate of change of velocity with respect to time. when velocity changes i.e , either the magnitude of velocity or the direction or both of them change, three is acceleration.
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velocity decreases without changing the direction. It is similer to a case where you are running and some one pulls you. Certainly you slow down.
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concept: when acceleration is rpendicular to velocity, the magni tude of velocity remai ns constant, but the di rection alone hanges. decreses or remains constant, it is only the direction of acceleration with respect to velocity, that decides whether the magnitude of velocity increses, decreses or remains or remains constant. When accelaration is directed obliquely with velocity, it can be resolved into into two components. One along velocity and other perpendicular to velocity. In such a case, both magnitude and direction of velocity change. For example, a non uniform circular motion or a projects motion. D. VIKRAM, CEO NINE EDUCATION IIT ACADEMY CELL - 9866889904
düT\uÛÑ‘·s¡yÓTÆq »+|ü⁄H˚ m+#·Tø√yê* úFyNíUPxqsV xqsª«sV¸R¶VLiÍÜ[ @˳ÏÁùLóRiVÌÁV xqsVÌÁ˳ÏÁ»R½LRi\®ªsV©«s Fs»R½VòÌÁ©«sV FsLizmsNRP ¿P[xqsVNRPV¬s úFyNíUPxqsV©«sV ®ªsVVµR¶ÌÁV |msÉíØÖÁ. @Li¾»½[NS¬s ®©s[LRiVgS ¬slLôi[bPLiÀÁ©«s Fs»R½Vò©«sV µR¶WNRP²R¶Li ¿P[¸R¶VNRPW²R¶µR¶V. ÍØLig`i ÇÁLi£ms úFyNíUPxqsVÍÜ[ −dsVLRiV µR¶WZNP[ µR¶WLRiLi\|ms NRPW²y Aµ³yLRixms²T¶ DLiÈÁVLiµj¶. @˳ÏÁùLóRiVÌÁV xmsµj¶ ©«sVLiÀÁ 12 −dsVÈÁLýRi µR¶WLS¬sõ FsLi¿RÁVNRPV¬s @NRPä²R¶ ©«sVLiÀÁ ¬slLôi[bP»R½ Fs»R½VòNRPV µR¶WNRP²R¶Li ¿P[¸R¶WÖÁ.
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Main Directions
There are four main directions 1. East 2. West 3. North 4. South Note 1. Angle between two main directions is 90 . 2. We can take the direction in any manner but West is always opposite to East and North is always opposite to South. Subdirections/Cardinal Directions A direction between two main or prime directions is known as a subdirection/cardinal direction. There are four subdirection as given below 1. North - East (NE) 2. South - East (SE) 3. South - West (SW) 4. North-West(NW) Note 1. The angle between any two adjacent subdirections is 90 . 2. Angle formed between a prime direction and a subdirection is 45 . Now, following conclusions can be drawn for taking a turn in a particular direction.
Concept of Shadow Direction before taking the turn
Direction in which the person or vehicle will be moving after taking the turn Right
North-East South-West
North-West South-East
(vii) South-East
South-West North-East
(viii) North-East
South-East North-West
A N D H b˛{° R A|üØP ø£å\ Á|Rü‘˚´ø£A+ B H A
Direction Test
Point L is 5 m to the North of K.
3. Which of the following represents the direction of point G with respect to point J? a. South-East b. North-West c. South-West d. South e. North-East 4. How far and in which direction is point E from point L? a. 5 m, South b. 3 m, East c. 234 m, North d. 3 m, West e. 5 m,North Directions Q. Nos. 5-6 : Read the following given information carefully and answer the given questions. Point N is 8 m to the West of point O. Point P is 4 m to the South of point O. Point Q is 4 m to the East of point P. Point R is 6 m to the North of point Q. Point S is 8 m to the West of point R. Point T is 2 m to the South of point S. 5. How far and in which direction is point T from point N? a. 4 m to the East b. 8 m to the West c. 4 m to the West d. 8 m to the East e. 6 m to the South
9. If a person walks in a straight line for 8m towards West from point R. which of the following points would he cross the first? a. V b. Q c. T d. S e. Cannot be determined 10. Which of the following points are in a straight line? a. P, R, V b. S, T, Q c. P, T, V d. V, T, R e. S, V, T 11. W walked 40m toward West, took a left turn and walked 30m. He then took a right turn and walked 20m. He again took a right turn and walked 30m. How far was he from the starting point? a. 70 m b. 60 m c. 90 m d. Cannot be determined e. None of these Directions Q. Nos. 12-13 : Study the following information and answer the given que stions.Point B is 12m South of point A. Point C is 24m East of point B. Point D is 8m South of point C. Point D is 12m East of point E and F is 8 m North of point E. 12. If a man has to travel to point E from
2. A person starts walking from his home towards his friends place. He walks for 25 m towards West. He takes a 90 right turn and walks for 20 m. He again takes a 90 right turn and walks for 10 m. He then walks for another 10 m after taking a 90 left turn. Turning 90 towards his right, he walks for 15 m to reach his friend's place. How far and in which direction is the friend's place from his home? a. 30 m towards East b. 30 m towards North c. 40 m towards South d.30 m towards South e. 40 m towards North Directions Q. Nos. 3-4 : Study the following information and answer the given questions. Point F is 10 m to the South of E. Point G is 3 m to the East of F. Point H is 5 m to the South of G. Point I is 6 m to the West of H. Point J is 10 m to the North of I. Point K is 6 m to the East of J.
17. Mohan walked 25m towards South, took a right turn and walked 15m. He then to ok a left turn and walked 25m. Which direction is he now from his starting point? a. South - East b. South c. South - West d. North - West e. None of these 18. Prabir started walking towards South. He took a right turn after walking 10m. He again took a left turn after walking 20m. Which direction is he facing now? a. South b. North c. West d. East e. Cannot be determined Directions Q. Nos. 19-22 : The following qu estions are based on the diagram given below showing four persons stationed at the four corners of a square piece of plot as shown. 19. 'A' starts crossing the field diagonally. After walking half the distance, he turns right, walks some distance and turns left. Which direction is 'A' facing now? A D w s
n e
a. North-East b. North-West c. South-East d. South-West e. None of these 20. From the original position. D and Bmove one and a half length of sides, clockwise and anti-clockwise respectively. Which one of the following statements is true? a. B and D are both at the mid-point between A and C. b. D is at the mid-point between A and C, and B is at the corner originally occupied by C.
c. B is at the mid-point between original position of A and Dand D is at the mid-p oint between original position of B andC. d. B is at the mid-point between A and C, and D is at the mid-point between original position of B and C. e. None of the above.
In the morning, when the sun rises in the East, the shadow of any person or object is in the west direction. Similarly, in the evening, when the sun sets in the West, the shadow of a person or an object is towards the East. Type 1 : Identification of Direction and Distance 1. Point A is 30 m to the South of point B. Point C is 20 m to the East of point A. Point D is 15 m to the South of point of C. Point D is exactly midway between points E and F in such a manner that point E, D and F form a horizontal straight line of 40 m. Point E is to West of point D. How far and in which direction is point E from point B? a. 45 m towards South b. 25 m towardsSouth c. 30 m towards West d. 35 m towards North e. 45 m towards North
k˛eTyês¡+ 22 nø√ºãsY 2018
6. Point R is 10m North of point A. Point K is exactly in the middle of the points R and A. Point N is 7m East of point A. Point M is 7m East of Point K. Point S is 6m North of point M. What is the distance between points S and N? a. 13 m b. 16 m c. 11 m d. 12 m e. None of these Directions Q. Nos. 7-8 : Study the following information and answer the given questions. Point A is 5m towards the West of point B. Point C is 2m towards the North of point B. Point D is 3m toward the East of point C. Point E is 2m towards the South of point D. 7. If a person walks 2m towards the North from point A, takes a right turn and continues to walk, which of the following pointsz would he reach the first? a. D b. B c. E d. C e. Cannot be determined 8. Which of the following points are in a straight line? a. ABE b. DCA c. CED d. BDA e. ACE Directions Q. Nos. 9-10 : Study the following information and answer the given questions. Point P is 9m towards the East of point Q. Point R is 5m towards the South of point P. Point S is 3m towards the West of point R. Point T is 5m towards the North of point S. Point V is 7m towards the South of point S.
point A (through these points by the shortest distance), which of the following points will he pass through first? a. Point C b. Point D c. Point F d. Point B e. None of these 13. If a man is standing facing North at point C, how far and in which direction is point F? a. 12 m West b. 24 m East c.12 m East d. 24 m West e. None of the above 14. P walked 20m towards North, took a left turn and walked 10m, then took a right turn and walked 20m, again took a right turn and walked 10m. How far is he from his starting point? a. 50 m b. 60 m c. 40 m d. Cannot be determined e. None of these 15. Nidhi walks 5km towards the North, takes a right turn and walks 10km. She now takes a left turn and walks 5 km. She finally takes another left turn and walks 10km. Towards which of the following directions is she walking now? a. East b. South c. North d. West e. None of these 16. Kunal walked 10m, towards the East, turned right and walked another 15m. He then turns left and walks 3m. He finally takes a left turn after walking 6m. Which direction is he facing now? a. East b. North c. West d. South e. South - West
21. From the original position given in figure above, A and B move one arm length clockwise and cross over to the corners diagonally opposite. C and D move one arm length anti-clockwise and cross over the corner diagonally opposite. The original configuration A, D, B, C has now changed to a. CBDA b. BDAC c. DACB d. BCAD e. None of these 22. From the positions in original figure 'A' and 'C' move diagonally to opposite corners and then one side each clockwise an d anti-clockwise repectively. 'D' and 'B' move two sides each clockwise and anticlock wise, respectively. Where is A' now a. At the North East Corner b. At the North-West Corner c. At the South-West Corner d. At the South-East Corner e. None of the above
düe÷<ÛëHê\T 1. a
2. b
3. a
4. d
5. a
6. c
7. d
8. a
9. d
10. e
11. b
12. d
13. a
14. c
15. d
16. b
17. c
18. a
19. sa
20. c
22. d G. RAMAKRISHNA (Reasoning Faculty)
NANDYALA COACHING CENTER, Amerpet, Cell : 9247345095
k˛eTyês¡+ 22 nø√ºãsY 2018
A N D H b˛{° R A|üØP R A B H A ø£å\ Á|ü‘˚´ø£+ JEE MAIN MODEL PAPER-I PHYSICS 37. The time period of oscillation of simple l pendulum is given by t = 2 g where length “l” is 100 cm and is known to have 1 mm accuracy. The time period is 2 sec. The time(T) of 100 oscillations is measured by a stop watch of least count 0.1 sec. The percentage error in measurement of g is 1. 0.1 % 2. 0.2 % 3. 0.8 % 4. 1 % 38. In a cylinder piston arrangement, air is under a pressure P1. A soap bubble of radiusr lies inside the cylinder. Soap bubble has surface tension T. The radius of bubble is to be reduced to half. Find the pressure P2 to which air should be compressed isothermally 1. P1 + 4T/r 2. 4P1 + 12/r 3. 8P1 + 24T/r 4. P1 + 2T/r 39. For a person with normal hearing the faintest sound that can be heard at a frequency of 400Hz has a pressure amplitude of -5 about 6.0×10 atm. Calculate the corresponding intensity in w/m2 . Take speed of sound in air as 344 -3 m/s and density of-2air 1.2 kg/m3 1. 4.4×10-4 w/m2 2. 4.4×10-1 w/m2 3. 4.4×10 w/m2 4. 4.4×10 w/m2 40. A point charge q is placed inside a neutral conducting spherical shell of inner radius 2R and outer radius 3R at a distance of R from the centre of the shell. The electric potential at the centre of shell will be 1/4 0 times 1. q/2R 2. 4q/3R 3. 5q/6R 4. 2q/3R 41. A fish rising vertically up towards the surface of water with speed 3 ms-1 observes a bird diving vertically down towards it with speed 9 ms-1. The actual velocity of bird is (Given water = 4/3) 1. 4.5 ms-1 3. 3.0 ms-1
2. 5.4 ms-1 4. 3.4 ms-1
42. A substance of mass m kg requires a power input of ‘P’ watts to remain in the molten state at its melting point. When the power is turned off the sample completely solidifies in time ‘t’ sec. What is the latent heat of fusion of the substance? 1. Pm/t 2. Pt/m 3. m/Pt 4. t/Pm 43. Two converging lenses with focal lengths f and 2f are positioned at a distance 3f apart. A parallel beam of light is incident on the lens with focal length f. If d is the incident beam width, what is the width of the emerging beam? 1. d/2 2. d 3. 2d 4. 4d 44. A point P moves in counter-clock wise direction on a circular path as shown in below mentioned figure. The movement of “P” is such that it swee ps out a length s = t3 +5, where’s’ is in metre and ‘t’ is in seconds. The radius of the path is 20 m. The magnitude acceleration of ‘P’ at t = 2 s is nearly: 1. 14ms-2 2. 13ms2 3. 12ms2 4. 7.2ms2 45. A coil having 100 turns and area of 0.001 m2 is free to rotate about an axis; the coil is placed with its plane perpendicular to magnetic field of 1.0 Wb/m2. If the coil is rotated rapidly through an angle of 1800, how much
charge will flow through the coil ? The resistance of the coil is 10 1. 0.02 coulomb 2. 0.04 coulomb 3. 0.08 coulomb 4. 0.07 coulomb
>∑‘· dü+∫ø£ ‘·s¡TyêsTT
46. A man weighing twice as much as a boy and the man takes half time as much time as the boy takes to climb a particular height. What is the ratio of power spent by the man to the power spent by the boy? 1. 4 : 1 2. 1 : 2 3. 5 : 7 4. 2 : 3 47. ‘n’ identical light bulbs, each designed to draw P power from a certain voltage supply are joined in series and that combination is connected across that supply. The power consumed by one bulb in the combination will be 1. nP 2. P 3. P/n 4. P/n2
velocity of light, c = 3×108 m/ s, the photoelectric current liberated is -6 -7 1. 1.836×10-5 amp 2. 1.836×10-4 amp 3. 1.836×10 amp 4. 1.836×10 amp
53. The following figure shows a logic gate circuit with two inputs A and B and output C. The voltage waveform of A, B and C are as shown in second figure below:
The logic circuit gate is : 1. OR gate 2. AND gate 3. NAND gate 4. NOR gate
$<ë´Á|üuÛÑ 19
given) 1. 4 m/s 2. 2 m/s 3. 3 2m/s 4. 100/3 m/s
power (in watts)
4 2 10
in m
59. To decrease the cutoff wavelength of continuous X-rays by 25%, the potential difference across X-ray tube 1. must be increased by 100%/3 2. must be decreased by 100%/3 3. must be increased by 25% 4. must be decreased by 25% 60. In the circuit when switch S1 is closed and S2 is open, the ideal voltmeter shows a reading 18V. When switch S2 is closed and S1 is open, the reading of voltmeter 24V. When S1 and S2 both are closed the voltmeter reading will be
48. A continuous flow water heater (geyser) has an electrical power rating is 2 kW and efficiency of conversion of electrical power into heat is 80%. If water is flowing through the device at the rate of 100cc/sec, O and the inlet temperature is 10 C, the outlet temperature will be O O 1. 12.2 C 2. 13.8OC O 3. 20 C 4. 16.5 C 49. A ball of mass m is thrown upwards with a velocity v. If air exerts an average resisting force F, the velocity with which the ball returns to the thrower is mg F 1. v mg+F 2. v mg+F 3. v mg - F 4. v mg+F mg + F mg 50. The figure shows a conducting wire wou nd in a helical shape so as to form a spring. The bottom end of the wire barely touches the mercury (a good electrical conductor). After the switch is closed, current in the circuit causes the light to glow. The bulb will 1. Glow continually with constant intensity 2. Glow briefly and then stop 3. Repeatedly turn on and off like an indica tor of a car 4. Glow continually with decreasing in tensity 51. The reading corresponding to zener diode are given below in the table. From given table, determine the reverse breakdown voltage of the zener diode. Forward bias V (volt)
i (mA)
Reverse bias V (volt) i (mA)
1. It is lying between 1.0 V to 5.0 V 2. 1.0 V 3. greater than 5V, but less than or equal to 5.5 V 4. <0.5V to > 1.5 V 52. OneO milliwatt of light of wavelength 4560A is incident on a cesium surface of work function1.9eV . Given that quantum efficiency of photoelectric emission is 0.5%, -34 Planck’s constant, h = 6.62×10 J - sec and
54. If two electric charges q and - 2q are placed at distances 6a apart, then the locus of point in the plane of charges, where the field potential is zero, is (Assume that charge q is at origin) 1. x2+2y2 - 4ax -12a2 = 0 2. 2x2 + y2 + 4ax - 12a2 = 0 3. x2 + y2 + 4ax - 12a2 = 0 4. x2 + y2 + 8ax + 12a2 = 0 55. The time constant of the given circuit is 1. 3RC/5 2. 6RC/5 3. 5RC/6 4. 7RC/3 56. The ratio of the KE and PE possessed by a body executing SHM when it is at a distance of 1/n of its amplitude from the mean position is 1. n2 2. 1/n2 3. n2 +1 4. n2 -1 57. For the arrangement shown in the figure let ‘a’ and T be the magnitude of acceleration of the blocks and tension in the string respectively. The string and the pulley are frictionless and massless. Which of the graphs show the correct relationship between ‘a’ and T for the system in which sum of the two masses m1 and m2 is constant. T T
T 3.
a2 2.
1/a2 4.
1. 14.4V
2. 20.6V
3. 24.2V 4. 10.8V
MATHEMATICS 61. The number of ways in which nine boys & five girls can be arranged in two vans each having numbered seat, three in the front and five at the back such that at least four girls always sit together is 1. 11P9 5! 46 2. 11P9 .5! 3. 11P9 6! .2 4. 10P9 5!.38 62. A bag contains a large number of white and black marbles in equal proportions. Two samples of 5 marbles are selected (with replacement) at random. The probability that the first sample contains exactly 1 black marble, and the second sample contains exactly 3 black marbles, is 1. 25/512 2. 15/32 3. 15/1024 4. 35/256
düe÷<ÛëHê\T 37. 2
38. 3
39. 2
40. 3
41. 1
42. 2
43. 3
44. 1
45. 1
46. 1
47. 4
48. 2
49. 3
50. 3
51. 3
52. 1
53. 2
54. 3
55. 2
56. 4
57. 2
58. 1
59. 1
60. 1
61. 1
62. 1 1/a2
58. A particle A of mass 10/7 kg is moving in the positive direction of x-axis. Its initial position is x = 0& initial velocity is 1 m/s. The velocity at x = 10 is: (use the graph
Chairman Impulse Educational Institutions Cell : 9848743658
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1. 3 -6. 2 11. 2 16. 4 21. 3 26. 1 31. 1 36. 1 41. 1 46. 2
2. 2 3. 1 4. 1 7. 2 8. 4 9. 3 12. 3 13. 4 14. 3 17. 1 - 18. 4 19. 1 22. 2 23. 4 24. 3 27. 2 28. 3 29. 2 32. 4 33. 1 34. 4 37. 2 38. 3 39. 3 42. 2 43. 4 44. 2 47. 3 48. 3 49. 4
Dr.M.Reddi Ramu
Associate professor Academic Coordinator Kuppam Engineering College Cell: 08897892659
5. 3 10. 1 -15. 2 20. 1 25. 4 30. 4 35. 4 40. 1 45. 3 50. 3
k˛eTyês¡+ 22 nø√ºãsY 2018
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