Mingalabar Magazine Volume 7

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Sagaing A

To Kaunghmudaw Paya (3.5mi)






Road to Sagaing Hill

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Colonial Aye Mya Houses Waddy St

S tr


444444 B


Shwe-kyet-kay # Ú Sagaing Bridge

R nd



Y on G y i S t


Htuparyon S t

Htuparyon Paya




444444 444444

M in n S t


Education College

T hit S


Hoe ta y


S ay

Tonbo Jetties

r St

Thacheiselik # Ú 2


To Mingun



Stairway to Soon U Ponya Shin Paya and Sagaing Hill

#Ú Shwezigon

Aung San Statue

80 0 m 0.4 miles


Ava Bridge


Children are NOT Tourist Attractions Myanmar offers many beautiful, exotic and interesting sites to visit. An orphanage is not one of them. During your visit in Myanmar, you may be invited to visit or volunteer at an orphanage or “children’s home”. You may be asked for a small donation to assist with the running costs. Orphanages can be dangerous and damaging for children. Children are best raised in a family environment.

Do you know that 73 percent of the children living in orphanages still have parents? These children should grow up in a family. By visiting orphanages, you support systems that often separate children from families. If you want children to have a better life, then help families to care for their children.

How do you harm children by visiting an orphanage? Many orphanages rely almost entirely on donations from visitors to operate. Poor living conditions for children may be purposefully maintained to encourage you to donate. By visiting orphanages and making a donation you may be fuelling a system that separates children from families, and may put them at greater risk of abuse and exploitation.

Make a difference in the lives of children in Myanmar Most tourists would never consider going to an orphanage in their own country. An orphanage is a child’s home and children have the right to privacy in this space. If you would like to learn more about child-safe tourism and how you can play a role in protecting children, please visit www.thinkchildsafe.org and www.unicef.org/myanmar/ protection.html

Children in Myanmar are no different from children in your country. They should be afforded the same basic rights and protection. Please think twice before visiting an orphanage.



ၿပးီ ခြဲစတ ိ ဒ ္ ဏရ ္ ာကလ ုိ ်ွငျ္မနစ ္ ြာသကသ ္ ာေစပါသည္

29,900 “ ေအာကပ ္ ါ ေ၀ဒနာမ်ားႏင ွ ့္ ထးူထးူျခားျခား သငႀ္ကဳံေတ႕ြဖးူပါသလား ” ရငဘ ္ တေ ္ အာငျ့္ခငး္ ၊ ဗက ုိ ေ ္ အာငျ့္ခငး္ ၊ ၾကက ြ တ ္ ကျ္ခငး္ ၊ ထက ု ံ ်ငျ္ခငး္ ၊ အသကရ ္ ၾႈကပလ ္ ာျခငး္ ၊ ေခၽးြအလန ြ အ ္ မငး္ထက ြ ျ္ခငး္ ၊ေခါငး္မးူျခငး္ တ႕ု္ိျဖစပ ္ ါသည။္ အကယ၍ ္ ထေ ု ိ ၀ဒနာမ်ား သငျ္ဖစပ ္ ာြးခစ ံ ားဖးူပါက ႏလ ွ းုံခန ု သ ္ ံ မမန ွ ျ္ခငး္ (သ)႔ ု ိ ႏလ ွ းုံ တက ုိ ခ ္ က ုိ ခ ္ ရ ံ ျခငး္(Heart a

စေသာ ႏလ ွ းုံေရာဂါ ျဖစပ ္ ာြးႏင ုိ ေ ္ ျခရပ ိ ွ ါသည။္

အခ်န ိ မ ္ ေႏာွငး္ခင္ ႏလ ွ းုံက်နး္မာေရးအတက ြ ္ ေခတမ ္ အ ီ ဆငျ့္မင့ ္ နညး္ပညာမ်ားႏင ွ ့ ္ ေဆး ဘကဆ ္ င ုိ ရ ္ ာပစည ၥ း္ကရယ ိ ာ အျပညအ ့ ္ စရ ုံ ေ ္ ိ ွ သာႏလ ွ းုံေရာဂါကု ဌာနတင ြ ္ လာေရာကေ ္ ဆးစစျ္ခငး္ျဖင့ ္ ႀကဳိတငက ္ ာကယ ြ ထ ္ ားႏင ုိ ပ ္ ါသည။္

အးီေကဂ်ေ ီ ခၚ ႏလ ွ းုံစက္

ႏလ ွ းုံပတ ့ဲ ငသ ္ ံ ႐က ုိ ၍ ္ စစေ ္ ဆးေပးသညစ ့္ က္

အေျပးစကေ ္ ပၚေျပး၍ ႏလ ွ းုံစစေ ္ ဆးစမး္သပျ္ခငး္ (EST)

ႏလ ွ းုံပရ ုံ ပ ိ ္ (၆၄) ပု ံ ရက ုိ ေ ္ ပးႏင ုိ ေ ္ သာ(CT Scan)

ႏလ ွ းုံေသးြေၾကာမ်ားပတ ိ ဆ ္ ႕ုိေနျခငး္ ရိ ွ မရက ိွ စ ုိ စေ ္ ဆးေပးျပးီပတ ိ ဆ ္ ႕ုိေနျခငး္ေတ႕ြရပ ိ ွ ါကခ်ကခ ္ ်ငး္ကသ ု ေပးႏင ုိ ေ ္ သာ (CAG) ႏလ ွ းုံေသးြေၾကာက်ဥး္ေရာဂါ ရိ ွ မရိ ွ ပရ ုံ ပ ိ ေ ္ ဖာစ ္ မး္သပေ ္ ပးျခငး္ျဖင့္ ေရာဂါရာွေဖစ ြ စေ ္ ဆး ေပးပါသည။္

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