Inconsistent World Jessica Wiseman
Content Page Page 3- Introduction Page 4- Gender Pay Gap Page 5- Double Standards Page 6- Mental Health Page 7- Raical Exploitation Page 8- Gender Inconsistency Page 9- Women in Power Page 10- Extended Knowledge Page 11- Nhs Funding Page 12- Pressure on Society Page 13- Royal Acceptance Page 14- Innovators and Influencers Page 15- Consumer Tribe Page 16- Conclusion Page 17- Referencing Page 18- Referencing Page 19- Picture Referencing Page 20- Picture Referencing
Introduction An inconsistent world relates to discrimination in the world and how the world is never stable in its actions towards people. Discrimination is an ever-growing problem in society. There are different types of discrimination which include racial, gender and health. A drive towards change is needed in society to try and minimalize discrimination and change into a more accepting place for everyone and their needs. A change will need to have a direct impact from innovators and influencers as well as the use of direct promotion and increase in knowledge. The change is needed to see a positive stride towards a more accepting world rather than an inconsistent world we live in today.
Key Driver
Gender Pay Gap Women are earning on average 18% less than men a year through hourly wage in the UK, which has seen a decrease from 23% in 2003. (Allen.K, 2016) But even though the pay gap has narrowed over recent years, there is still a significant gap in wages, with the gap suggesting women should stop working roughly 7 weeks before the end of the year as effectively they will be working for free due to the hourly wage gap. (The Guardian, 2016) On average women are earning just under ÂŁ300,000 less than men within their working lives, with many losing out on Promotions and hourly wage increases due to having children. The gap significantly rises after the first 12 years of having a child with pay gaps increasing to up to 33%. (Allen.K, 2016) The reduction in the pay gap shows a sign of change for women in the hourly rate of pay but with such a small change and a large gap still visible compared to men, this shows how gender is discriminated in the work place. Not only just with hourly wage rates but also in promotional differences with a large percentage of men moving up whilst women are having children and after birth. This shows gender Inequality and imbalance within the workplace as well as inconsistency depending on what gender you are.
Key Driver
Double Standards In the UK, an estimation of 74% of men whilst 64% of women to be categorised as overweight by 2030. (Meikle.J, 2016) But men are facing double standards within the fashion industry due to their body image, even though there is and due to be more, larger men classed as overweight. Whilst plus size modelling and clothing stores are on the up for women, this can’t be said for men who are categorised as plus size. With the average woman in the UK weighing 11 stone and the average man weighing 12st 6lbs, there is a large difference in sizing. (Foster.J, 2016) (Waterlow.L, 2014) But even though the average man is larger, women are more targeted to embrace their size with plus size modelling as well as Barbie dolls now being produced in a ‘diverse range’. (Time, 2016) But with only one plus size male signed to model agency ‘IMG’, who have recently started a new plus size division called “brawn”, does this show that men are facing double standards, as well as more pressure in the fashion industry? (Hughes.A, 2016) The increase in double standards for men reflects discrimination within the fashion industry showing how changes in gender as well as body image can change how you are taken into consideration. With women having such a large presence in the plus size industry, with men being left behind, this shows there is a lack of consideration for men. Even though there is still a far way to go with women in the fashion industry, men are still being left far behind leaving a large gap in standards for men and women, showing an inconsistency in the fashion industry.
Key Driver
Mental Health There has been a rise in mental health issues in the UK. With 1 in 4 people in one year suffering from a mental health issue including 1 in 10 young people, mental health is becoming more serious in the UK. (Time to Change, 2016) But even though there has been a significant rise in problems within the UK, the government are set to decrease funding in a bid to reduce government spending in the NHS. But with mental health being such a presence in many people’s lives, this could cause an even bigger increase if help isn’t available for all patients. With 73 areas, due to see a fall in funding, this is being called dangerous by Labours mental health campaigner. (Gill.M, 2016) As well as a fall in funding, statistics have been released that show less than 46% of GP’s are not being trained in mental health. With mental health being one of the biggest problems in UK health care, but a small problem for the NHS, are mental health patients being discriminated of their own health? (Mind, 2016) Even though there has been a cut in the NHS budget for mental health care, there has been an increase in the overall budget for the NHS with an £10bn rise, one of the biggest increases in history. But with such a large rise in the budget, showing an inconsistency within the NHS budget, and a significant rise in mental health cases within the UK, a cut in the mental health sector of the NHS reflects a lack of consideration for the help and care the patients need. It shows discrimination for mental health patients compared to other patients in the NHS who need just as much help as the other patients do. It reflects a lack of consideration. (Triggle.N, 2016)
Key Driver
Racial Exploitation With many more ethnicities mixing together around the world, there has been a large increase in racial discrimination, not just by individuals but also by employers. There has been a total rise of 25% in the UK with people who hold prejudice. (The Guardian, 2014) But not only does this happen within the UK. In the USA, Facebook are being taken to court by two employees of the company over racial discrimination. The employees are accusing Facebook of not responding correctly to complaints of harassment made. The employees state that racial slurs were used against them from their manager as well as being paid less than the white employees, and whilst complaints were made to the company, the company didn’t take the complaints any further or effectively. (Mihalcik.C, 2016) But not only have Facebook, been taken to court for racial discrimination, recent figures also show that only 1.5% of their workforce are African American, with over 41% of men working there being white which shows a large racial difference. (Neate.R, 2015) The figures of the workforce reflect the lack of diversity of ethnicities within Facebooks workforce. As well as the lack of discipline against racial comments, Facebook shows the relevance to their employees depending on their race through wages as well as respect. This shows inconsistency depending on what race you are. This relates to the trend of discrimination as their actions taken show a large racial difference showing an inequality in the workplace.
Key Driver
Gender Inconsistency Birth control has highlighted gender inequality, leaving women still left at the disadvantage of the times. Birth control became available for women in 1957, but recently there was a breakthrough for men to be eligible for birth control, but only until the experiment outlined the side effects, putting a hold to the breakthrough in the medical field. (Nikolchev.A, 2010) The birth control was tested on men over a 3-year period and side effects experienced included mood swings, acne and muscle pain which is a small list of side effects women experience daily. Women have a 40% chance of experiencing depression six months after use, with some women ending up with blood clots on the brain. (Mortillaro.N, 2016) Only 20 men out of the 320 participating in the experiment dropped out due to side effects, which caused the experiment to be put to a halt, whereas the extreme causes that happen to women hasn’t caused a stop to birth control. (Racco.M, 2016) Does this suggest that a different standard is set for men than women? The small difference in side effects from birth control, but the large impact this had on the action of the male birth control highlights a significant difference in standards set for women and men in the medical field. The significant change in the experiment after the side effects compared to allowing women to carry on with the same effects and worse shows discrimination against gender in the medical field highlighting different standards against women and men. It shows an inconsistency within the medical field, highlighting gender inequality.
Trend Impact
Women in Power H&M have recently come out with their autumn/winter 16 television advert, but instead of using average models, they have used women that mirror the real world of today. The advert shows empowerment of all women including a plus size woman, an ethnically ambiguous high-powered female business executive and a transgender. The advert celebrates todays millennial women, where the size 4/6 tall woman isn’t what everyone aspires to look like. The advertisement suggests diversity and change within society and praises all women in different times of their lives. The use of the women reflects the women of now and who shop within their stores, not just one type of woman. (Mahdawi.A, 2016) H&M demonstrating the women of today shows a change in the fashion industry. It shows a step away from the stereotypical model of the past and shows diversification in their clothes to suit all women. The movement in change shows H&M trying to change the boundaries of how women should be perceived, and embracing women in all jobs and their appearances, trying to step away from the discrimination of only using the perfect woman. But with H&M being only one company to campaign against discrimination of women in the industry, does this show that it discrimination is still very much there?
Trend Impact
Extended Knowledge The police in the UK have started to be given training in the knowledge of the transgender community. Radio DJ Simon Hurst, who transitioned into a female, has been taking part in teaching police officers on the transgender community and how to approach any problems risen. By making authority aware of the sensitivities around gender identity and victims of hate crime, it will help offers in dealing with any problems. With a rise in the transgender community, with over 15000 transgenders in the UK, as well as 600 reported attacks last year, the increase in knowledge of the area will help police officers react to situations and can adopt their knowledge to the cases. (Lyons.K, 2016) The training is being made to over 1400 officers, which is a start to tackling change in helping the ever-rising transgender community. (Kotecha.S, 2016) The use of education to increase the knowledge for the officers of the ever-growing transgender community reflects the change in society and for the better to try and constantly tackle discrimination towards the transgender community.
Trend Impact
NHS Funding The NHS is due to spend £40 million on doctors and specialist mental health workers to help drive change with the ambition of helping over 30,000 women by 2021. The funding is being put into place to help pregnant women and new mums. The funding will help women in 20 areas in the UK to prevent any risk of illness for the mum or the baby. With one in five women in the UK experiencing severe depression during pregnancy or after child birth, the increase in funding will help the support be more accessible and help decrease the risk of the side effects of pregnancy getting worse. The funding will pay for more nurses and psychiatrists to be available for women around the UK. (BBC news, 2016) The NHS funding for pregnant women relates to discrimination highlighting an inconsistent world is still very much apparent. Before the funding increase, women weren’t getting all the mental health care required and money was being used in the NHS in other areas. But the increase in funding makes it more accessible for women to be able to receive the health care required. But this is only to an extent with over 140,000 women in the UK suffering from mental health problems due to child birth, there has been an increase in funding but only to an extent to benefit some women. Not only is it to an extent for women, but for other areas in health care including mental health who have seen a decrease in funding, leading to a still very much there inconsistency in the NHS.
Trend Impact
Pressure on Society There has been a rise in young men using steroids to achieve the “perfect look”. With the lack of diversity of male models in the industry, men, young and old, only have the “perfect” models to strive to look like. The pressure to have large muscles and six packs has led to increase in steroids of 8 times since 2011. Across the UK up to a million men are using the steroids which can cause dangerous health risks. With health risks, such as liver malfunction and heart problems, are men putting themselves at a larger risk than needed? With such pressure for perfection, boys such as 14 are using steroids increasing harm to their still growing bodies. There is a lack of knowledge by GP’s, as well as a lack of regulations in the UK, preventing the steroids being available on the market to all consumers. (Mail Online, 2016) (Parry.T, 2016) With a lack of highlighting all different men’s body image in the fashion industry and an increase in men becoming more bulked up to achieve what is now perceived as the “perfect image”, men are now putting themselves in danger with steroids. With such strong influences of different body sizes with women including Victoria secret models all the way up to plus size models including Ashley graham, there is a more realistic body women can achieve to look like. Whereas for men the perfect body is consistently perceived as “bulked up”. This related to discrimination as men are only given one unrealistic body type compared to women who are celebrated in any body. There hasn’t been a drive to change to help increase confidence of men’s body image.
Trend Impacts
Royal Acceptance Prince Harry has recently released a statement on behalf of his girlfriend, Meghan Markle, about the recent harassment and abuse the mixed-race women has received. Meghan Markle comes from a mixed ethnicity background, her mum is African American and her dad is Caucasian whereas she has been brought up in the USA. (Wikipedia, 2016) There has never been a history of anyone other than British within the royal family and with such a dynamic ethnicity, Meghan received lots of racial comments through national papers and social media as well as a lot of sexist comments. But Prince Harry sent a statement out recently about his relationship with Meghan stating that the relationship is carrying on and urging people to stop with the racial and sexual abuse. (Royal UK, 2016) “He knows commentators will say this is ‘the price she has to pay’ and that ‘this is all part of the game’. He strongly disagrees. This is not a game - it is her life and his”. Racial and sexism attacks is a clear example of discrimination. With a large increase in racial and sexual attacks in the UK, including Princes Harrys girlfriend, Prince harry decided to speak out about the problems around this and stated that it’s not ok. Being such a large influencer in the UK, will help to change people’s perception of ethnical differences and help send a direct message out to the public, trying to put a stop to discrimination and become a more accepting diverse world. But this is only to an extent as this is only one influencer striving to change racial discrimination in the world.
Innovator: Emma Watson Emma Watson is a goodwill ambassador for UN women, fighting for women’s equality in the world. She is an example of an innovator of discrimination against the equality of gender. Her campaigns for women equality, including the #Heforshe campaign in 2014, as well as various speeches alighting the world of such difference in equality, has proved she is representing women, fighting for change. “Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong.
It is time that we all perceive gender on a spectrum, instead of two sets of opposing ideals.”. (Sociology, 2016) With over 1 million men pledging for change since the speech which took place 2 years ago, Emma Watson has helped towards making a positive change for equality in the world, but with an ever-increasing presence as an UN ambassador, the fight for change continues to change the future of the world we see today. (Bailey.A, 2016)
Innovator: Mattel Inc Influencer: Zayn Malik Zayn Malik is an influencer of the trend discrimination, due to his bravery about opening to the public about the ever-ongoing problem of mental health. In a brave move, Zayn opened out to the world of social media by expressing his recent problems with anxiety. With men’s mental health being a large problem within the UK, and ever increasing, Zayn publicising his issues, with such a powerful move, brought a found respect for the singer by the public for speaking out.
The move was revolutionary and represented the extent of mental health in a way the public related to his personal experiences, to try to help to achieve more people to emphasise the importance of speaking about mental health issues. “He expresses solidarity with other people who experience anxiety, and writes that he “hopes those who don’t can empathise with (his) Situation.” (Allwood.E, 2016)
Mattel inc was one of the first production companies to produce a range of dolls to show a variety of different women. The range has been called ‘diverse’ which offers dolls including tall, petite and curve, with different skin tones and body size to promote the women of today. “We are excited to literally be changing the face of the brand – these new dolls represent a line that is more reflective of the world girls see around them – the variety in body type, skin tones and style allows girls to find a doll that speaks to them”. (Keegan.N, 2016)
This range was brought out by mantel in January 2016, with recently them also launching a Barbie doll, after the model Ashley graham, who is one of the most popular models, also plus size, at this current time in the fashion industry. (Hua.k, 2016) Mattel are now one of the only production team to produce dolls of different measurements to generation z, the young generation of today, to enhance positive body image for all shapes and sizes.
Revamp Tribe The revamp tribe are young individuals making their way into the real world who strive to make change. They want to try and lead the world into a better positive place. With a typical age group of 18-25, just leaving education, where they have been taught what’s right and wrong. They are more aware of problems around the economy and regularly vote to see change and voice their opinions. The young individuals stay up to date with trends and dress to express their personalities through clothing. They eat healthily to look after their bodies, with many eating in new and upcoming restaurants. They go for cocktails in the evenings with friends to socialise. As well as cocktails, the tribe are into socialising, especially on the weekends by going out partying with friends at night as well as going to big cities during the day including London and Manchester shopping. They are very big on social media, with gadgets such as iPhone and iMacs to use on the go. Many will need the gadgets to help with further educations whilst doing degrees which they have a passion for which include law and phycology. Some may be starting new jobs, starting in fields such as law, finance or working for charities striving and campaigning for change such as a woman’s advocate charity. In their spare time, mainly females, may like to express their views and opinions through the uses of blogs and social media. Many will like to travel, with many taking a year out to go travelling to explore what other countries offer.
Conclusion Society is starting to show steps into changing the world into a more positive place to live in. Using promotion and public influences, there is a step forward to making the world a more acceptable place to live in. But this is only to a certain extent. As much as changes are occurring, these changes are only minor changes in the world compared to the large inconsistency of world and how much discrimination is occurring. There is still a long way to go, but with only promotions and the use of influencers, it will take much longer for change to occur. Large attempts are needed but with such large problems and to try and make them into reality, how much longer will it take?
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