5 minute read
MEA Elections - Offi cers Biographies
from Maine Educator April 2015
by Maineea
lois Kilby-Chesley
Delegates to the MEA Representative Assembly will be voting for leadership of our Association. I have been your MEA President for the past three years, and hope I have shown you I am trustworthy, capable and ethical enough to be re-elected for another term. I genuinely love the challenges of being MEA President. I look forward to continuing to advocate for our members and focus on improving, protecting, and promoting public education for our students.
I believe we must be courageous, and I am not someone who is shy about standing up for what I believe is right for students and educators. I am known for my candidness, but hope in the process that I remain respectful and open-minded to others’ beliefs and values.
Thank you for your part in the success of public schools. We must have a diverse membership dedicated to being pro-active in every community. I believe Maine public schools pre-K through higher education are the best around – let’s keep it that way!
I promise, if re-elected, I will continue to fairly represent MEA members and be a leader of whom you can be proud to say, “I am the MEA and Lois is my president”.
MEA Vice President
Michael Thurston
It has been an honor to represent our students and our members at every level of advocacy within our Association. Delegates to the MEA-RA will receive a full list of my local, state, and national Association activities. I’d like to use this space to let people know that I’m the son of public educators and I’ve been teaching high school government and law for 30 years. I was born and raised in Maine, attended public schools, and along with both of my parents, my wife, three siblings, and both of my children earned a college degree on a University of Maine campus. Public education is not my job – it absolutely defines who I am. It is my sincere hope that the delegates to the RA will allow me to continue fighting on behalf of our students and our colleagues. I can no longer imagine a time when I won’t be on the front lines organizing, communicating, negotiating, and advocating for Maine students, instructors, and all education professionals. I want to hear your thoughts and ideas. Feel free to contact me at natsfanmet@hotmail.com, and visit our facebook page: facebook.com/MikeforMEA. Your issues are my concerns. Elect Mike! Focus on the future!
MEA Vice President
Grace leavitt
In my 16 years on the MEA Board, representing District J, then as your NEA Director, and now as your Vice President, I have worked hard to keep our Association strong and energized as our professions face ongoing changes and challenges at the local, state, and national levels.
My enthusiasm for this work parallels my devotion to teaching and learning. I am in my 40th year as a teacher, having taught Spanish at Greely High in Cumberland for 30 years where I am also department chair, and having experience at all levels, elementary through college and adult education. I have been recertified as a National Board teacher and I continue to have a deep commitment to do all I can to improve public education and opportunities for our members and our students.
My supportive husband and talented daughters (both artists) have played a large role in inspiring me, but even more I have drawn energy and motivation from you, my colleagues, and from my students. With your support, I will continue to devote my energy, common sense, experience and commitment to further benefit our members and the students in our schools and universities, and to keep our Association moving forward!
MEA Treasurer
Denise Simoneau
I have been educating sixth grade children in the Bangor area for the past eighteen years, and I look forward to many more years working with awesome middle school students.
Currently, I serve the Association locally as the Bangor EA grievance chairperson, delegate to the MEA/RA and NEA/RA. I have also been a member of our negotiations team. Statewide, in addition to my role as MEA Treasurer, I chair the Strategic Budget committee, am a member of the Appeals Board, the Audit committee, EDEC, and Membership committee. I have also served as chairperson to the Structure and Bylaws committee.
Serving as your treasurer for the past two years has been such an exciting and rewarding experience that I would very much like to serve the MEA in the same capacity for three more years. I was honored that you voted me as your treasurer two years ago, and would appreciate your support again this election. Thank you.
NEA Director (If and When Election) Amanda Cooper
My name is Amanda Cooper and I am asking for your consideration of my candidacy for NEA Director at the 2015 MEA RA, should the position become available. I have been an active member of the MEA since 1998 where I served as president of the student organization at St. Joseph’s College of Maine. I currently serve as treasurer and chief negotiator of my local association, and am serving my fourth year as a member of the MEA Board of Directors. As a parent, educator, and taxpayer I feel very strongly that the voice of professional educators needs to be heard in the political arena. My passion for working on educational policy is driven by my belief that every child in this country deserves access to a quality education so that they can become contributing members to our future communities in meaningful ways. Our children deserve caring and competent educators advocating for their needs and their future. Having the opportunity to serve as a board member for the NEA would provide a platform for me to engage in this important work on behalf of children and educators here in Maine, and across the country.
MEA ElECTion WinnErS
MEA Board of Directors
• MEA Board District E – Ken Williams - 3 Year Term • MEA Board District F – Jill Watson - 3 Year Term • MEA Board District I – Samantha Garnett - 3 Year Tern • MEA Board District K – Robert McCully - 2 Year Term • MEA Board District M - Jamie Watson - 2 Year Term • MEA Board District N – Deborah Butler - 3 Year Term • MEA Board District O – John Messier - 3 Year Term
MEA-retired delegates to the MEA representative Assembly for 3-year terms
• Paul Bouchard; Peg Newberg; and Claudette O’Connell
MEA-retired delegates to the nEA representative Assembly for 1-year terms
• Jim Bryson, Jan Cerabona, Larry Given, and Crystal Ward • Claudette O’Connell will be the alternate
nEA At-large delegates to the nEA representative Assembly for 2-year terms
• Robin Colby, Lindsay Davis, Phyllis Hunter, Ben Paradis, Jonathan Payne, and Robert “Bo” Zabierek • At-Large alternates will be Claire Bailey, Stacie Cocola, Mary Kay Dyer, Beth French, Terry Martin, Patricia Morris, and Jill Watson
nEA rA District 24 Delegate – for a 1-year term
• Samantha Garnett