7 minute read
Proposed Changes to Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules
from Maine Educator April 2015
by Maineea
Constitution CONSTITUTION ARTICLE VI. Section 2. Board of Directors
A. The Board of Directors shall consist of members as follows: three Officers - President, Vice President, Treasurer, the National Education Association Director(s) from the state, one director from each of the Maine Education Association election districts, one director who represents education support professionals, and one director who represents retired members. ……
RATIONALE: To clarify the length of terms for Officers and Board of Directors.
Submitted by MEA President Lois Kilby-Chesley
The S&B Committee recommends: No Position
CONSTITUTION ARTICLE VI. Section 3. Terms of Office: A. and C.
A. The Officers President, Vice President, and Treasurer shall serve for no more than two (2) three-year (3) terms to begin July 15 with the exception of the Treasurer elected in 2013 who shall serve for a two-year (2) term. No officer shall be eligible to consecutively succeed himself/ herself more than once for the same position.
Officers Board of Directors members who will have completed fewer than two (2) years of a vacated seat will be eligible to serve two (2) consecutive three-year (3) terms.
Officers Board of Directors members who will have completed two (2) years or more of a vacated seat are eligible to serve one (1) additional three-year (3) term.
C. MEA Board of Directors members shall serve for no more than two (2) three-year (3) terms to begin July 15. No Board of Director member shall be eligible to consecutively succeed himself/herself more than once in any combination of MEA Director
MEA Board of Directors members who will have completed fewer than two (2) years of a vacated seat will be eligible to serve two (2) consecutive three-year (3) terms. MEA Board of Directors members who will have completed two (2) years or more of a vacated seat are eligible to serve one (1) additional three-year (3) term.
In no case will a MEA Director serve for more than seven (7) consecutive years.
RATIONALE: To clarify the length of terms for Officers and Board of Directors.
Submitted by MEA President Lois Kilby-Chesley
The S&B Committee recommends: Ought to Pass
CONSTITUTION ARTICLE VI. Section 3. Terms of Office
A. The President, Vice President, and Treasurer shall serve for three-year (3) terms to begin July 15 with the exception of the Treasurer elected in 2013 who shall serve for a two-year (2) term. No officer shall be eligible to consecutively succeed himself/herself more than once.
RATIONALE: This Constitution article was amended at the May 2012 RA to align the elections of the MEA Officers.
Submitted by Structure and Bylaws Committee
L. Members shall pay an The annual assessment of $2 per member for an the MEA Legislative Crisis Fund (50%) and Pro Education Media Campaign (50%) will be increased from $2 to $6 per active/retired member and from $2 to $4 per active educational support/student member for one year (2014-2015) only. RATIONALE: This Bylaw was amended at the May 2014 RA for a one-year period.
Submitted by Structure and Bylaws Committee
The S&B Committee recommends: Ought to Pass
BYLAWS ARTICLE 1. MEMBERSHIP Section 5. Dues Transmittal and Enforcement Procedures
New E. A governance affiliate which is more than 20% in arrears in dues transmittal as determined by either the regular or a previously-approved alternate dues transmittal agreement will have its financial records subject to review by the MEA at the discretion of the Executive Director.
RATIONALE: This will provide more flexibility to the Association in how it assists local governance affiliates ensure fiscal responsibility, accountability and transparency to its members.
Submitted by MEA President Lois Kilby-Chesley
The S&B Committee recommends: Ought to Pass
The following positions shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Representative Assembly by a majority vote of delegates present and voting. Elections shall be by open nomination and written secret ballot unless there is only one (1) nominee. In the event there is only one (1) candidate for a position, the candidate shall be declared elected.
A. President
B. Vice President
C. Treasurer
D. National Education Association Director(s)
E. Maine Public Employees Retirement System Trustee - The Maine
Education Association representative on the Board of Trustees of the
Maine Public Employees Retirement System shall be nominated and elected in accordance with the procedures followed in the election of officers. The term of office shall be as defined in the Maine Public
Employees Retirement System Laws, Title 5, Chapter 101, Subchapter
II, s1031.
RATIONALE: The edit to this Bylaw would allow electronic balloting in the future.
Submitted by Structure and Bylaws Committee
The S&B Committee recommends: Ought to Pass
BYLAWS ARTICLE VI. COMMITTEES Section 2. Standing Committees, A, C, and D
A. Government Relations Committee A Government Relations Committee of nineteen (19) members shall consist of members representing each of the UniServ Districts, one (1) education support professional member, one (1) Maine Education Association retired member, and one (1) student. Where representation from each UniServ District is not feasible, the President shall have the option of filling committee positions with at-large appointments for not more than one (1) year. Committee members shall be appointed for three-year (3) terms.
C. Instruction and Professional Development Committee
An Instruction and Professional Development Committee of nineteen (19) members shall consist of one (1) member from each of the UniServ Districts, one (1) education support professional member, one (1) member of the Maine Education Association retired, and one (1) student. Where representation from each UniServ District is not feasible, the President shall have the option of filling committee positions with at-large appointments for not more than one (1) year. Committee members shall be appointed for three-year (3) terms. A Statewide Bargaining Committee of nineteen (19) members shall consist of one (1) member with bargaining expertise from each UniServ District, one (1) education support professional member selected from the state at-large, one (1) Maine Education Association retired member, and one (1) student member. Where representation from each UniServ District is not feasible, the President shall have the option of filling committee positions with at-large appointments for not more than one (1) year. Committee members shall be appointed for three-year (3) terms.
RATIONALE: Adjustment of the numbers on committees in accordance with actual numbers of UniServ Districts by removing the number the descriptions state the make-up of each committee.
Submitted by MEA President Lois Kilby-Chesley
The S&B Committee recommends: Ought to Pass
BYLAWS ARTICLE VI. COMMITTEES Section 2. Standing Committees, New F.
F. Education Support Professional (ESP) Committee
An Education Support Professional Committee of eleven (11) members shall advocate for ESP involvement in the Association and educational and training programs designed to advance ESP related issues. Committee members shall be appointed for three-year (3) terms except in the first year. In the first year 4 individuals will be appointed for three-years (3), 4 individuals will be appointed for two-years (2) and 3 individuals will be appointed for one-year (1) to ensure staggered terms.
RATIONALE: The current ESP Ad Hoc Committee will become a MEA Standing Committee with the specific charge to attend to ESP issues for all categories, including but not limited to: bus drivers, custodians, maintenance staff, clerical staff, food service staff, and educational technicians/paraeducators as well as others designated as ESP in a local association’s Recognition Clause.
Submitted by MEA President Lois Kilby-Chesley
The S&B Committee recommends: Ought to Pass
D. The budget shall include an appropriation for contingencies of at least one-third one half (1/2%) of one a percent (1/3 of 1%) of the previous year’s budget. This provision may be waived by the Representative Assembly with a two-thirds (2/3) vote.
RATIONALE: Each year the MEA budget increase in total. Presently we set aside 1/2 of 1% to the contingency account. That amount is presently more than enough for our needs. By reducing the amount to 1/3 of 1% we will have a contingency account that fits our needs at the same time releasing additional funds for use in other parts of the budget.
Submitted by MEA President Lois Kilby-Chesley
The S&B Committee recommends: Ought to Pass
B. The Elections Committee or its designee shall be responsible for:
1. supervising the accreditation and registration of delegates of the Representative Assembly; 2. conducting elections and any other items on which votes are taken by printed ballot; 3. providing a preliminary report at the first meeting of the Representative Assembly. The preliminary report shall include information concerning compliance with all requirements required of delegations. Noncompliance by delegations will be specifically noted and reported; 4. providing a final report prior to the adjournment of the Representative Assembly; 5. preparing ballots and setting up a method for counting the ballots; and 6. announcing the results of the elections as soon as the results are certified.