1 minute read
Cat Tracks Tour
from Maine Educator April 2015
by Maineea
Y o u r A s s o c i a t i o n Cat Tracks Tour To promote and celebrate reading in our public schools, the MEA launched a new initiative called the Cat Tracks Tour. The Tour took MEA President Lois Kilby-Chesley on a ride across Maine with the Cat in the Hat (suit worn by gracious members) to visit schools during NEA’s Read Across America. During the visits, Lois read the classes a new story and gave students a book to take home. The response from MEA members and students was amazing! In total, the Cat Tracks Tour reached more than 300 } students in a dozen communities.
Governor John Fairfi eld Elementary, Saco Member: Darci Holland, Saco EA
“The kids really enjoyed listening to the Dr. Seuss books – especially the fourth graders who loved the tongue twisters
in Fox in Sox!” - Anne Pietroski, Seacoast EA
Dike-Newell School, Bath Member: Kathy Henrikson, Sagadahoc EA Owls Head Central School Canal Elementary, Westbrook Member: Susie Brown, Westbrook EA
Greely Middle School, Cumberland Center Member: Beth Fenwick, SAD 51 EA Russell Elementary School, Gray
“My class enjoyed the book and were still talking about it at the end of the day. Thank you also for the generous
students.” - Courtney Knight, Gray-New Gloucester TA
Gardiner Regional Middle School
“The reading event was wonderful and the students

donation [of books] to the classroom and
enjoyed Lois's visit very much.” - Kim Quirion, Gardiner TA Ridge View Community School, Dexter Member: Kristy Staples, SAD 46 EA
Helen S. Dunn Elementary School, Greenbush Member: Ann Bean, Greenbush TA
Hancock Grammar School Member: Yasmin Beal, Down East EA (RSU 24)