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Tracks Tour
To promote and celebrate reading in our public schools, the MEA launched a new initiative called the Cat Tracks Tour. The Tour took MEA President Lois Kilby-Chesley on a ride across Maine with the Cat in the Hat (suit worn by gracious members) to visit schools during NEA’s Read Across America. During the visits, Lois read the classes a new story and gave students a book to take home. The response from MEA members and students was amazing! In total, the Cat Tracks Tour reached more than 300 students in a dozen communities.
Owls Head Central School
Governor John Fairfield Elementary, Saco Member: Darci Holland, Saco EA
Dike-Newell School, Bath Member: Kathy Henrikson, Sagadahoc EA 22
Maine Educator • April 2015
“The kids really enjoyed listening to the Dr. Seuss books – especially the fourth graders who loved the tongue twisters in Fox in Sox!” - Anne Pietroski, Seacoast EA
Canal Elementary, Westbrook Member: Susie Brown, Westbrook EA