6 minute read
System Stressed
from Maine Educator April 2015
by Maineea
Once named a Top Ten Techie to Watch by Massachusetts High Technology Magazine, Dr. George Markowsky brought a unique perspective to the halls of the State House. He’s more than accomplished— he’s built enhanced voice controlled keyboards for paralyzed individuals, he’s written six books and among other things is the director of the University of Maine Homeland Security Lab and the chair of the Computer Science Department at UMaine.
On this day in Augusta though, he’s an advocate for college students.
Markowsky joined a half a dozen other professors from University of Maine campuses from around the state to talk with lawmakers, many in influential positions on the Education and Cultural Affairs Committee and Appropriations Committee, about the state of the UMaine System (UMS). All are members of the Associated Faculties of the Universities of Maine (AFUM), the MEA unit that represents higher education. The group is concerned about the impact of the UMS budget on students and staff—the budget is $519 million for the coming fiscal year. All campuses, except the flagship in Orono, are running at a deficit. While the Governor’s proposed budget does increase funding for UMS, it is about half of what the System requested and needs. For Markowsky the needs go beyond money—he says part of the problem is cultural.
“We don't value higher education enough. You can see everybody wants to win American Idol—they don't want to do the next breakthrough in biochemistry,” he added.

The question for faculty now, after seeing so many cuts (see timeline) across the UMaine System campuses, is can they change people’s minds about the value of higher education. In meeting with Education Committee Chair and retired Bangor teacher, Representative Tori Kornfield suggested faculty continue to share their stories with other members of the Education Committee and other lawmakers who are UMaine System alum. "The future of Maine runs through our public schools and universities. As a teacher of 37 years and now a legislator, I believe it is time for the State to properly fund higher education and understand its value both for our students and for Maine's future economic success," said Representative Kornfield.
The University of Southern Maine has been hit particularly hard. Since the spring of 2014, more than 100 professors have been fired, retired or left for new jobs, according to recent data provided by AFUM. Sociology professor Christy Hammer says despite the cuts and low morale she remains steadfast in advocating for the survival of USM, located in both the population center and economic engine of Maine.
“Just maintaining USM as a comprehensive institution is crucial, Hammer told Representative Kornfield. They (UMaine Board of Trustees) want to say let’s just cut traditional majors but we have the population so we need to prevent any more firing and prevent more cuts to traditional majors.”
While faculty at campuses across the state crunch the numbers on what the latest budget will mean to the nearly 30,000 students enrolled in the UMaine System, the computer science professor reflects on his day in Augusta, wondering if most people are simply missing the bigger picture.

“Public education has been a way for people who come from disadvantaged areas to get a college education and as we cut funding to public universities we are transforming them to private universities,” said Markowsky. “We as a society, we have to realize public education is necessary so we don't create a two-tier system of the ‘haves and have nots.’”
And it could get worse for Maine’s future college students. Due to several years of flat funding from the state, declining enrollment and three years of tuition freezes, the financials of the UMaine System are headed in the downward direction. UMaine officials told lawmakers in order to not raise tuition and fees, which already make up 18% of Maine’s median household income of $50,487, they will have to use $9 million in reserves to balance the 2015-16 budget. Last year was the first year UMS used money from the budget stabilization fund to close financial holes. They’re the kind of numbers that even one of the Top Ten Techies can’t compute.
“If we don't care about the American Dream—then sure, don't fund public education and university,” said Markowsky.
UMaine System: A Closer Look
october 6, 2014
University announces the elimination of 50 faculty positions at USM. Students and faculty protest the cuts
october 24, 2014
The master’s program in Applied Medical Sciences and the undergraduate French program are eliminated
november 17, 2014
More than 100 USM students, alumni and faculty take over Board of Trustees meeting protesting higher education cuts
December 1, 2014
14 non-faculty positions eliminated at USM
December 2, 2014
American Association of University Professors (AAUP), a national college faculty organization which lobbies on behalf of academics announces plans to investigate USM cuts
December 31, 2014
Deadline for cut faculty to vacate campus offi ces
January 18, 2015
AAUP visits Maine to investigate cuts on behalf of faculty
In Memory
Dennis Towle
Towle was a former president and chief negotiator (7 years) for the Augusta Teachers Association, former member of the MEA Board of Directors and a trustee on the MEA Benefi ts Trust, and was a former chair of Special Services for MEA. He also served as vice president of the Maine Education Association – Retirees organization.
Catherine Sullivan
In addition to being a life-long teacher, Sullivan served on the MTA (now MEA) Board of Directors, was elected as MTA president, served on the MEA-R Executive Committee, the Guidance Committee of the National Retired Teachers Association and as a trustee on the MEA Benefi ts Trust. At the time of her death she served as a trustee at MEPERS.
Charlene Thompson
A Saco school system teacher for more than 30 years, Thompson served in many capacities for the Saco Education Association and on the MEA Board of Directors. She received the Anne Sheehan Political Action Award in 2013. Thompson also represented Maine at the NEA RA for more than 15 years. In retirement, Thompson was active in the York County Retired Teachers Association, including two terms as president.
February 24, 2015
Standard & Poor’s downgraded its long-term outlook for the University of Maine System from stable to negative (lower credit ratings mean higher interest rates on future borrowing)
March 5, 2015
Faculty from UMS campuses across the state lobby legislators to support higher education and increase funding
March 9, 2015
UMS budget presented to legislature-proposal includes 206 more positions to be cut systemwide
last fi ve years
7.5% decrease in enrollment systemwide
UMS faces a potential $69 million defi cit
USM at a Glance
• 160 positions affected by the budget cuts, since reductions began • About 130 of those positions will not be refi lled • 18.5% decrease in employees at USM • Fall 2014 enrollment down 5.5%
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