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Be an ACE
ACE Advocates for Children & Education
Be an ACE.
Have you ever asked, “Why can’t the MEA do something about that?” Here is your answer. You are the MEA. The MEA is only as strong as its members’ voices. While MEA staff advocate for you, your students and the profession, there are only 41 MEA staff members statewide. But, there are 24,000 members across Maine. Your voices are needed now more than ever to advocate for your students. If you want to impact education policy decisions become an ACE, an Advocate for Children and Education.
Brief Description: Advocates for Children and Education (ACE), MEA’s new grassroots advocacy program, focuses on the experts in our schools—our members—giving them a chance to share their expertise with those who make policy decisions about public education.
Mission: MEA members will advocate on issues that affect public education including policies that affect students, member rights and working conditions. ACEs will work to promote positive policies and legislation and deter negative ones by establishing one-on-one relationships with legislators, who make the decisions that affect your students and workplaces.
What makes a good ACE: The MEA ACE advocate believes in public education and recognizes the need to get involved in the political process, which controls so much of what happens in our schools. As an advocate you may decide you want to email your legislators, invite them into your school or even share a cup of coffee to discuss important education issues.
Expectations and Responsibilities of ACE Advocates:
• Participate in MEA training for ACE Advocates • Communicate regularly with elected officials with the purpose of establishing a relationship with the legislator • Communicate with other MEA members and members of the community (including parent/teacher organizations) on the connection between public education and politics • Serve as a “rapid response” team and act quickly when called upon during times of legislative crisis • Provide regular and ongoing feedback to MEA • Agree to a two year commitment to the ACE program • Average time commitment expected: two hours per month
Interested in advocating for your students? Contact John Kosinski, Government Relations Director at jkosinski@maineea.org