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Pinning on Pinterest

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Pinning on

With a half a million education pins each day, Pinterest has quickly become the largest source of ideas for educators. If you can imagine it—Pinterest has an idea for how to do it. If you’ve never used Pinterest, take a minute to get familiar with the site with our Pinterest 101 section here. If you’re an old pro—check out some ideas we found for you to make your life a little easier. Everything you see here came from a Pin on Pinterest, which is usually linked to another site or blog where you can fi nd more information.

Pinterest 101

Pins are visual bookmarks that you collect on boards. You can save (“re-pin”) Pins you fi nd on Pinterest or add new ones from your favorite websites. (Source: Pinterest)

Click “Pin It” to “re-pin” or Pin a link. View the image or website the Pin came from Pin’s original source Send the Pin via private message to another user User who Pinned the link and caption about the link.

Image representing the Pin’s subject

Classroom Tips and Tricks

Silent Sprinkles

Purchase a sugar container, fi ll with rice and glitter, and tape the hole. When your students get noisy “sprinkle” their heads and tell them to use the magic to settle down.

"I purchased an inexpensive shoe rack and numbered the slots. I ask students to store their cell phones and personal devices in one of the slots each day when they come into class," says Scharla Taylor, on a classroom technology blog found on Pinterest.

From the blog: Teaching Sam and Scout

Require all students to turn something in on assignment due dates. If their assignment is not done they must turn in a “Missing Work Log.” Once the assignment is turned in the top of the log is saved by the teacher and the bottom is attached to the assignment. Download the log: http://tinyurl.com/ missingworklog

What else can you find on Pinterest?

Life Hacks

Why didn’t I think of that?!

Save $1,378 this year!

Take the 52 Week Money Challenge. Start with $1 and add $1 per week until you hit $52. Or start

with $52 and reduce the amount by $1 per week.

Around the House

When you have to hang something with exact holes, photocopy the back and use as a template.

Double Duty Dinners

Great at night and for lunch the next day

Turkey Tacos http://tinyurl.com/turkeytaco

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