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MEA Election Information
Honor a Colleague
Each year the Maine Education Association sponsors awards to recognize individuals, groups, and companies for their commitment to public education. We encourage each local association to participate fully in acknowledging those MEA members whose commitments to the ideals of our Association serve as models for each of us. Deadline for award nominations is March 2, 2015. Awardees are recognized at an awards banquet at the MEA Representative Assembly in May. Log on to www.maineea.org/awards for applications and nomination forms.

Election information and forms for candidates filing for Maine Education Association positions are available on the MEA web site. Candidate positions include:
• MEA President
• MEA Vice President • MEA Treasurer • MEA Board ofDirectors
• NEA Director - If and When election
• MEA Representative Assembly • NEA Representative Assembly
The election information is divided into 3 categories. All forms and instructions are PDF file format and available on the MEA website at www.maineea.org and go to MEA Elections in the Members Only area. Register for access if you have not already done so by following the instructions on the Members Only access page.
For assistance, please contact Linda Heaney at lheaney@maineea.org.
Elections Conducted by the LocalAssociation
Candidates’ Notices of Intent are due to Local Presidents by January 22, 2015 to conduct an election. Elected delegates and alternates Certificates of Election need to be signed by the Local Association President and submitted to MEA by March 5, 2015
NEA will be emailing Local Association Presidents with information regarding delegate counts and forms - filing deadline is April 10, 2015
MEA Board of Directors
Information, forms, responsibilities, and list of districts for Board vacancies – filing deadline is February 2, 2015
ACSUM, AFUM, UMPSA, CCFA, CCAA, MPBCEA Information and forms for MEA RA vacancies for statewide locals – filing deadline is February 2, 2015
(local associations with less than 35 members) Information, forms, and list of cluster districts for MEA RA vacancies – filing deadline is February 2, 2015
NEA Representative Assembly At-Large Seats, District 24 Seat and Cluster Delegates/Alternates
Information, forms, and list of responsibilities for NEA RA vacancies – filing deadline is February 2, 2015
Information and forms for members of MEA-Retired Association for MEA and NEA Representative Assembly vacancies – filing deadline is February 2, 2015 SEAM– Student Education Association of Maine Elections will be conducted by the MEA for the MEA and NEA Representative Assemblies. Forms will be emailed directly to SEAM members in January.