4 minute read
Set MEA’s Course
Examples of a Resolution (belief statement) include: Resolved that the MEA supports the use of technology as a supplement to the educational process when prescribed by a properly trained educator.
Example of a New Business Item (action item) include: That the MEA will work with the legislature to create fair and equitable assessment system for all K-12 schools that is based on multiple measures.
When? DEADLINE: FEB. 28 Where? How?
Submit a Resolution and/or New Business Item to be discussed at MEA’s annual Representative Assembly, where members set the direction of the MEA.
"It was really inspiring to sit with dedicated educators who felt so passionately about the MEA. I don't think people realize how committed the MEA is to growing the profession of teaching. When you go to an RA and see all of the people committed to the improvement of this professional organization, it makes you proud to be a member. I also was really motivated by NEA President Lily Eskelsen Garcia's mere presence and her speech. It was amazing to see a national leader in education at our little RA in Maine." - Sarah Rubin, Gorham TA
Forms are found online at www.maineea.org and submit to: MEA RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE Maine Education Association 35 Community Drive Augusta, ME 04330 or e-mail to tsimpson@maineea.org
FMI and SUBMISSION FORMS: Contact your local Association President or call Tammy Simpson at 622-4418 x2221 or e-mail tsimpson@maineea.org
It’s your Association. MEA wants your opinion on issues that aff ect your profession, public education, and local association.
Upcoming Events and Deadlines
January 24 or February 7th, 2015: Negotiators Training
NEW! Beginner and Advanced Bargaining Training for Leadership and Negotiator Teams
This brand new offering is geared to help local association leadership, with an emphasis on negotiation teams, bargain contracts with information on how to do everything from negotiate the basics to how to create complex new salary scales. This training is open to all members. Every local is encouraged to send a team to this training. The January session will be held in Orono; February, Portland. To register please visit: www.regonline.com/2015bargain
Various Dates: Member Workshops
National Board Candidate Support
Members interested in receiving support during the application or re-application process to become a National Board Certifi ed Teacher can attend MEA workshops conducted by an existing NBCT and Member. Dates are as follows: • January 24 • February 28 (South Portland offi ce, 29 Christopher Toppi Drive) • March 21 • April 11 • May 2 All workshops last two hours and begin at 8:30 am. Each, except for the February session, is held at the MEA Headquarters in Augusta, 35 Community Drive. You must register to attend. To register or ask questions, contact: cfabbricatore@maineea.org.
Ongoing Sign Up: Reading Events
Cat Tracks Tour with Cat in the Hat and MEA President
In honor of Read Across America, the MEA will be conducting its fi rst ever Cat Tracks Tour! Sign up now for a visit to your class from the Cat in the Hat and MEA President, Lois Kilby-Chesley who will travel the state and read to students with the Cat in the Hat by her side. Members can request a visit by e-mailing gbechard@maineea.org. Members will be selected for a visit during the Cat Tracks Tour on a fi rst-come-fi rstserved basis. All visits are based on time and availability. The visit during the Tour will also include special gifts for your class, including a free book for every student, given to students by the MEA. Please note: the Cat in the Hat is a suit provided by the MEA that must be worn by an employee in your school for the length of the visit. Make-up is also provided. All visits will be conducted throughout the month of March. Those who are selected for a visit will be notifi ed by e-mail.
February 6, 2015: Grant Deadline
Read Across America Funding for Locals
Celebrate NEA’s Read Across America Day with a little extra cash for your activity. The MEA will award $50 grants to locals for their reading events. Funds are limited and available on a fi rst-come-fi rst-served basis, so apply now. Each year there are always more applications than money to go around. For an application form please visit www.maineea.org/readacrossamerica. All applications must be signed by your local President and submitted to the MEA.
March 2, 2015: Nomination Deadline
MEA Awards Submissions
Each year the Maine Education Association sponsors awards to recognize individuals, groups, and companies for their commitment to public education. We encourage each local association to nominate an outstanding member. To apply and learn more visit: www.maineea.org/awards

Up to 20% off at Sunday river and Sugarloaf
Visit the member benefits section of www.maineea.org to print off a vocher and bring it, along with your membership card to the ticket window. Can’t print the voucher? Head to an MEA office and pick one up. Each voucher will work for up to four discounted lift tickets for the MEA member and immediate family (as defined by dependents only).
Up to 15% off Online at Shawnee Peak
MEA members can purchase discounted lift tickets and rentals at www.shawneepeak.com. Use promo code MA4418. Discounts are offered online only. Vouchers must be printed and presented at any of the ticket windows along with an MEA Membership card.
Lost Valley Ski resort, Auburn
MEA members with membership card will receive $5.00 off on an 8-hour lift ticket. The offer is also available for up to 3 additional family members.
Carter’s X-C Ski Centers Route 26 Oxford and Intervale Road, Bethel
Enjoy beautifully groomed Cross Country Ski trails. Trail Fees Adult Day Pass: $14: Seniors (over 62): $10. All MEA members will receive $2.00 off per day ticket price listed above with MEA membership card.
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