6 minute read
Thank an Educator
by Maineea
Allison Richards Second Grade Teacher Talbot Elementary School MEA member
MEA Launches Campaign Highlighting Work During Pandemic
This school year has been challenging for everyone, including public school educators. But day after day, we've seen our teachers, support staff and professors respond with creativity, grit, grace and - above all else - an unwavering commitment to their students. At MEA, we support our educators so they can inspire their students - and we couldn't be prouder of you!
MEA launched a "Thank an Educator" campaign to help the general public better understand the work being done inside our schools to help support student learning. The campaign featured two members in two video stories giving people a deeper look into all that goes into a single school day. The videos appeared on TV and across digital platforms, including social media and streaming TV providers.
The campaign included a contest asking Mainers to nominate someone they wanted to give an extra “thank you” to with that educator’s name entered to win a gift package from MEA. The response was overwhelming, with hundreds of submissions from parents, colleagues and even students all highlighting how much people really do appreciate the work you do! Here are just a small sample of the entries.
Meghan Goulette 4th Grade Teacher Turned into Technology Teacher Vickery Elementary School Pittsfield
Mrs. Goulette has gone above and beyond this year! At the start of the year, she was a 4th grade teacher on my teaching team. She worked very hard helping our team integrate technology into our In Person Lessons along with our Home Learning Lessons. She also worked hard helping her class of students adjust to this difficult year of school. When she moved into the role of Technology Teacher (and left her role as 4th grade teacher) she supported every teacher in our school in a similar way. She started teaching technology lessons to all students on a weekly basis. She helped students with technology tips that improved their computer literacy and lowered their frustration. She stays late and takes work home almost every night to make sure that no teacher or student question goes unanswered. She has been vital to our survival as a school this year!
Dennis McGrath Teacher/Coach Brewer Community School Brewer
Mr. McGrath is a leader and supporter of all children in all grades at Brewer Community School. He steps in and helps kids all year long, including the summers. He is also a coach for basketball and baseball and builds the kids' spirits to believe that they can and should! Even beyond their classroom and on into High School, he will mentor and keep in contact with the students and helps them believe in themselves, to work hard and achieve their goals. He is strict with his expectations but also knows how to have fun. His classroom is not like an ordinary classroom-peppered with lots of memorabilia that he has collected over the years and the students are in awe when they enter the 4 walls of his classroom. Additionally, he teaches them about basic skills in life including helping others. Each year, his classroom works hard at raising money and groceries to feed thousands of families in need during the holiday season. He impacts their lives every day from the classroom and beyond.
Cheryl Martin Kindergarten Teacher George J. Mitchell School Waterville
Mrs. Martin is a caring and dedicated teacher, not only has she helped my child succeed academically. She also cares deeply about her students as people! If they wear snow pants to recess, so does she - and is the first to hop into the snow during recess. Her kids work hard for her because they feel connected and seen.
Emily Rumble English Teacher Marshwood High School South Berwick
The reason why Ms. Rumble deserves to be recognized because she is always spreading positive energy. Throughout my sophomore year Ms. Rumble has proven to be the most enthusiastic teacher I have ever met. She is always respectful, kind, generous, and upbeat every day when I come to class. She comes in everyday with a positive attitude and is always ready to help her students be successful. She makes the classroom environment stress-free where everyone has equal opportunity to learn. I also know that I can always trust her whether it be school related or personal, I know that she is someone I can go to in times of need. She deserves to be recognized for all the hard work she has put into the community. Thank you for everything you have done this year and I hope that you get recognized for your hard work.
Jason McDermott Custodian Pleasant Hill School Scarborough
Jason is one of those special people that you are blessed to have work with you. His attention to detail maintains a safe and meticulously clean environment. Our school literally sparkles, not only with his cleaning but with his positive attitude. He warmly greets students and staff. He sees what needs to be done and jumps in without even being asked. This includes student needs, teachers, food service, and all. He mentors students with activities like gathering recyclables. If a staff member asks for anything it is done gladly and efficiently. I know my colleagues and students feel the same. He is over the top and deserves to be recognized.
Katrina Barter School Nurse Morse High School Bath
Katrina has led the RSU in all summer meetings with administration, was on an ongoing team to bring us the latest information from the RSU and the CDC, continuously make changes in policies, and keep everyone informed and up to date. She did all this while caring for her entire flock of students, doing her regular job, and NEVER complaining. She shared information in a timely manner with all other nurses in the RSU and truly helped us all to be safe and to return to school.

Lisa Riley Food Service Director Kaler Elementary School
MEA member
Alexis Thomas 3rd Grade Teacher Sea Road School Kennebunk
Mrs. Thomas was our son's 3rd grade teacher, and we are now lucky to have her again with our daughter. Mrs. Thomas deserves a huge "thank you" as she is not only a fabulous teacher, but she really "gets" the students in her classroom. She knows who they are as little human beings, and nurtures their interests, passions and areas of need so that they will love school and learning. She is simply an amazing educator!
Madison Leach Kindergarten Teacher Fort Fairfield Elementary MSAD #20
Madison is finishing up her second year of teaching and has yet to teach a "normal" year of school. Her youth and tech knowledge has kept our kindergarten team rocking and rolling since the pandemic started. Her students love her and so do her colleagues. She has a unique passion for teaching and for the success of her students. While she certainly has all the knowledge and ability she needs, she does seek advice and resources to make her an even better teacher. It makes us old dogs happy to have a young teacher on our team who enjoys collaborating and sharing ideas... and we have needed lots of that in these unusual times! Madison deserves recognition for beginning her career in a pandemic and sticking it out even when times are tough!
Yard Signs

In addition to TV and digital ads, the MEA launched a yard sign component to the campaign, creating a buzz in communities around the state. The signs, which were free to order online, gave people the opportunity to publicly thank the educator of their choice by writing their name and school on the sign and then place the sign on their lawn or public grass in their community.