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Professional Development for Members
by Maineea
MEA offers virtual Quality Schools Summit
Despite not being able to meet in-person, MEA still offered its annual Spring Quality Schools Summit. During two separate Saturdays, members logged on to receive training on multiple topics from emotional equity to leaders for just schools to social and emotional learning. MEA offers contact hours for those who attend our training sessions, which members value and appreciate. Missed these sessions? Check out what members learned below and log on to our website to catch up on our webinar offerings. Note: in order to receive contact hours, you must attend virtually, in-person.

What was the most valuable takeaway from this conference?
“There was a lot, but if I had to go with one it would be that there is help out there if a student is being abused. Having been involved with a situation where there wasn't much help for the student it was nice to hear what is out “It was refreshing to meet with there now.” colleagues who are committed to justice and equity.” “Love MEA for continuing to “Keron Blair's message-provide information, training excellent!” and opportunities.”