19 minute read
MEA 93rd Representative Assembly
by Maineea
93rd Representative Assembly brings members together virtually
The Maine Education Association held its 93rd annual Representative Assembly in late May, with the theme “Spring Forward.” Elected delegates, from local associations across the state, gathered virtually with both MEA and NEA presidents to work together to help shape the future of the Association, and to honor colleagues from around the state. On the following pages are the changes to the MEA structure and bylaws in addition to new business items, and belief statements voted on by the delegates. Additionally, please take a minute to honor our award and Clyde Russell Scholarship winners.

From the MEA President, Grace Leavitt
I know we are all at different places in this work. But I know that we all share the vision, mission, and core values of MEA. I know that MEA members—we all believe in the value and the promise of public education. And I do believe that we must do all we can, ALL WE CAN, to be UNITED in our work to see that these values are visible—we must be united in ALL of our work going forward.
United we are STRONG and POWERFUL and we will see our vision of a great public school for every student become a reality across our state.
From the MEA Executive Director, Rachelle Johnson
As we talk about evolution and growing our organization, we have to find more space for the folks in their early careers to allow them to take on meaningful roles because they will be the ones who inherit the organization.
It is about evolution in order to stay strong, stable and solid the organization has to evolve, and we have to challenge ourselves. It will be the buy-in ultimately in three, in five, in ten years that will result in the longterm stability of MEA. I think it’s an incredibly exciting time to be part of MEA!
From the NEA President, Becky Pringle
If no one has said it to you lately, MEA members, you are remarkable. Your commitment and strength your resilience have made me even prouder to be a teacher to be a fellow educator and to lead this, the largest labor union in the country.
You know this period of challenge has also been a period to rethink and to reimage, to reinvent learning new strategies for both our school and our union work. Collaborating in new and different and exciting ways always trying to find and create hidden opportunities.... You stepped up MEA.
Vision for the Future

Re-Elected MEA Leadership Team
During the MEA RA, delegates re-elected the existing leadership team to serve an additional three-year term, ending in July of 2024.

President: Grace Leavitt Vice-President: Jesse Hargrove Treasurer: Beth French

MEA honors members and community leaders who support public education. The following are the 2021 MEA award winners.
John Marvin Local Association Award Auburn EA
AEA put safety, students, and staff first as it fought back a district reopening plan that would have ignored safety protocols. Auburn EA organized their local, got support from the public and protested the district’s plan to open full-time, at the height of the pandemic.
Friend of Education Award Senator Matthea Daughtry
As Senate Chair of the Education Committee, Senator Daughtry is a dedicated supporter of our public schools and the people who work in them. When she speaks, it is clear she understands the issues our students and educators face, and she is committed to working hard to create teaching and learning environments that are in the best interest of our students and staff.
The Center Theatre for the Performing Arts creates cultural and fun opportunities for kids in the Dover-Foxcroft area. The theatre offers movies, drama camps and drama programs for older kids over the summer and school breaks and provides scholarships so most kids can attend for free.
John Marvin Local Association Award Mt. Blue EA
Mt Blue worked under an expired contract and took a vote of no confidence in the superintendent who left the district. The issues in the district were good organizing and membership opportunities for the local as they worked together to both increase membership and power.
Public Higher Ed Impact Award Rep. Rebecca Millett
Representative Rebecca Millett is a tireless advocate for higher education, faculty, and staff, current and retired. When higher education retirees were fighting to keep their health insurance Rebecca Millett was in the middle fighting to support retirees.
The efforts of our members in AFUM, UMPSA, and ACSUM, our higher education local associations in the University of Maine System, were incredibly united and showed the power of a union when they fought back health care changes pushed on to them from the UMaine System. These changes would have been detrimental to retirees and the union advocated, and won, to stop these health care rollbacks. Equality Maine continues to prove it is a leader in making school safer by working with administrators, teachers, parents, and students. The organization works hard to improve the climate for LBGTQ+ youth and allies by providing leadership skills, community building and selfempowerment. MEA’s Special Recognition Award is in honor of Ashley Bryan for his lifetime commitment to education and social justice. Mr. Bryan has impacted innumerable Maine students and educators and is also credited for being the first African American to publish a children’s book as an author and illustrator.
The Clyde Russell Scholarship Fund was created by the MEA through a trust established by the late Audrey Lewis. It awards graduating Seniors monies to help cover tuition, room, board, books, and fees.
Sabrina Sperrey
Presque Isle High School College: Eastern Maine Community College Program: Medical Radiography
Nathaniel Robinson
Jonesport-Beals High School College: Eastern Maine Community College Program: Diesel Mechanics
Emily Lyman
Skowhegan High School College: Kennebec Valley Community College Program: Nursing
Jane Dawson
Freeport High School College: Dartmouth Program: Inclusive Global Politics and Math
Simona Ickia Ngaullo
South Portland High School College: University of Maine Program: Pediatrics
Deanna Oakes
Stearns High School College: University of Maine Program: Nursing
Camden Rollins
Yarmouth High School College: University of Southern California Program: Global Studies
1. RESOLVED: that the MEA when meeting virtually will encourage participants to list their personal pronouns. 2. RESOLVED: that the MEA will offer opportunities for LGBTQIA+
SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) trainings for all educators on a variety of platforms. Specifically, trainings including current language practices and rights of the students and educators. 3. RESOLVED: that the MEA will create an Award honoring an educator/ individual (such as Ashley Bryan) in the field of arts and humanities for their work and advocacy towards human civil rights and social justice.
2021 STANDING RULES CHANGES RULE 2. ELECTIONS PROCEDURES Section 1. Elections Conducted at the MEA Representative Assembly
A. Notices of Intent
For publication in the Maine Educator or other official MEA publication sent to members by the date determined by the Structure and Bylaws committee. Notice of Intent to run for any Association office elected by the
Representative Assembly shall be filed with the Executive Director on or prior to the date set by the Elections Committee which shall be not less than seventy-five (75) days prior to the annual meeting. In order to be considered as a candidate for any Association office elected by the Representative
Assembly, Notice of Intent must be filed with the Executive Director no later than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the first day of the Representative
RULE 2. ELECTIONS PROCEDURES Section 5. Campaigning
C. Maine Education Association Resources Available to Candidates: 2. Announcement in the Maine Education Association's Maine
Educator or other official MEA publication : Candidates who have filed a
Notice of Intent to run for at-large or governance district office may submit a picture and a biographical sketch with the Notice of Intent. The MEA
Executive Director shall publish the submitted pictures and biographical sketches of candidates whose elections are held prior to the MEA
Representative Assembly in an the February issue of the Maine Educator or other official MEA publication sent to all members, as determined by the Structure and Bylaws Committee." The length of each biographical sketch submitted shall be two hundred (200) words or fewer and shall be written in paragraph format. The Executive Director shall publish the submitted pictures and biographical sketches of candidates whose elections are held at the MEA Representative Assembly in an the April issue of the
Maine Educator or other official MEA publication sent to all members, as determined by the Structure and Bylaws Committee. Paid advertisements for political campaigns shall not be accepted by the Maine Education
A11. RESOLVED: That the MEA believes in and supports the guiding principles on school funding: • that life-long learning is essential in creating a productive citizenry • that there should be a state-wide minimum property tax effort for education • that the local, state and federal governing bodies need to ensure that an equitable public education be fully funded • that educational equity should be the guiding principle for determining school funding, including when remote learning is necessary (Adopted 1995; Amended 2006; Amended 2009; Amended 2021)
Amendment to A20
A20. RESOLVED: That the MEA believes that all children should have access to public Pre-K and K programs that are developmentally appropriate, whether in person or remote: • mandatory, full-day, free, publicly funded, developmentally appropriate, quality kindergarten programs in all school districts; • optional, full-day, free, publicly funded, developmentally appropriate, quality universal pre-kindergarten programs for all three- and four-year old children whose parents choose to enroll them; • dedicated funding for early childhood education; • increased publicly funded support services such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, et al, for children, birth through age 5, in disadvantaged families; • increased access to Early Head Start programs. (Adopted 2019; Amended 2021)
Amendment to B4
B4. RESOLVED: That the MEA supports maximizing educationally effective and appropriate use of student and educator time as an alternative to increasing the length of the school day or the number of days in the school year. (Adopted 1989; Amended 2002; Amended 2020; Amended 2021)
Amendment to B9
B9. RESOLVED: That the MEA supports the use of technology within the educational process when delivered by a properly trained educator. (Adopted 1993; Amended 2009; Amended 2013; Amended 2021)
Amendment to B11
B11. RESOLVED: That the MEA believes every student has the right to receive an excellent education at a great public school. The MEA believes Great Public Schools have:
• safe, secure and supportive environments for all students and staff • parent and community involvement and support • educator involvement in educational policy • fully qualified teachers and Education Support Professionals committed to students and their learning • appropriate funding and resources, including technology • appropriate technology and accessibility • highly skilled and collaborative professional leadership • challenging curricula that are flexible, innovative, diverse and complete • well-maintained facilities with appropriate space and proper heating/ cooling/ventilation systems. (Adopted 1995; Amended 1997; Amended 2002; Amended 2012; Amended 2013; Amended 2015; Amended 2019; Amended 2021)
Amendment to B17
B17. RESOLVED: That the MEA believes that members need to be professional proactive advocates for children and public education. To accomplish that objective, the MEA also believes that: • members can be more effective at Individual Education Plan meetings if they are knowledgeable about special education laws and regulations, transition regulations, and 504 regulations. • local associations should have a resource person knowledgeable in special education/inclusion/504. • local associations should negotiate additional resources and improved working conditions in special education. • state and local organizations involved in special education need to coordinate their services. • members need to be knowledgeable of legal protections against harassment, student violence, and other unsafe working conditions for educators or students. • members need to gain knowledge about issues that face our increasingly diverse students and staff, including the District’s Lau Plan, a document which describes how school administrative units (SAU) meet the needs of its English learners and fulfills its civil rights obligations to them. • members need training on the social and emotional needs of students. • members need current training on bullying prevention. • members need training on implicit bias. • members need support in all of the above issues through local professional development. (Adopted 2003; Amended 2012; Amended 2015; Amended 2019; Amended 2021)
New B34.
RESOLVED: that the MEA believes during a state health crisis, a maximum class size/teacher ratio should be 7:1 for kindergarten, 9:1 for grades 1 – 6 and 9:1 for grades 7 – 12 per instructional classroom, and should follow the social distancing rules given by the Maine State CDC. Referred to Committee
New B35.
RESOLVED: that the MEA believes that during any time of remote learning, all staff must be provided the necessary technology tools, training and time to learn these technology tools that are required to teach students. (Adopted 2021)
Amendment to C26
C26. RESOLVED: That the MEA believes that school personnel should be protected from workplace and cyber harassment and bullying. (Adopted 2015; Amended 2021)
Amendment to D24
D24. RESOLVED: That the MEA believes that the collective bargaining process is the most effective guarantee for economic and professional security of school personnel. Negotiated comprehensive contracts between governance affiliates and the appropriate educational governing body should include agreements on: • compensation commensurate with the fundamental importance and worth of education to society that reflects the skill, training and experience brought to the education profession • working conditions, including but not limited to: » establishment of viable limits on class size and work loads » hybrid/remote learning models » release from non-teaching duties » health and dental insurance benefits » duty-free lunch period » time for planning » personal and sick leave plans including a sick leave bank » child care leave » professional leave » sabbatical leave • the utilization of support professionals in well-defined support positions • contract grievance provisions, including: » binding arbitration to resolve disagreements » due process and just cause in the layoff or dismissal of members, or the non- renewal of member contracts » a procedure for monitoring the contract by a grievance committee advocating and guarding member rights • full salary compensation for members selected for jury duty, or ordered to training duty with a military unit (Adopted 2004; Amended 2014; Amended 2017; Amended 2021)
Amendment to D33
D33. RESOLVED: That the MEA supports adequate teacher-directed
preparation and planning time, free of other assignments and activities, of at least the equivalent of a class period daily. (Adopted 2020; Amended 2021)
Amendment to E12
E12. RESOLVED: That the MEA supports the expansion of the role of the state and local association’s involvement in professional, educational, and community activities and encourages training opportunities that include human and civil rights and social justice topics. (Adopted 1996; Amended 2002; Amended 2021)
Amendment to E14
E14. RESOLVED: That the MEA supports Human and Civil Rights and Social Justice programs, initiatives and statutes to improve the learning environment for all Maine students. (Adopted 1997; Amended 1999; Amended 2011; Amended 2021)
Amendment to E24
E24. RESOLVED: That the MEA believes that all students should be able to use the bathroom or locker room of the gender with which they identify, including gender neutral students. The MEA supports the goal of creating gender neutral public restrooms in all Maine educational institutions. (Adopted 2018; Amended 2021)
New E30.
RESOLVED: that the MEA believes and advocates that all students should be able to play and participate in school sports teams, clubs, and activities that match their gender identity best, including gender neutral students. (Adopted 2021)
New F8.
RESOLVED: that the MEA believes that every student deserves a nutritional breakfast and lunch free of charge during a health crisis. (Adopted 2021)
The purpose of the Association is to protect the rights of professional and support educators and advance their interests and welfare; advance the cause of public education for all individuals in the State of Maine; promote and protect human and civil rights, promote social and racial justice, especially those of professional and support educators; advocate professional excellence among professional and support educators and secure the autonomy of the profession; and guarantee the independence of the professional and support educators and assure its benefits to every affiliated association.
ARTICLE IV. MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Categories of Membership
Membership in the Association shall consist of the following classes: Active, Active Education Support, Past President, Retired, Student, Reserve, Staff, Non-Teaching Professionals, Community Ally, and such other classes as may be provided by the Bylaws.
Section 2. Membership Eligibility
A. Application for membership shall be open to all persons actively engaged in the education profession or to persons interested in advancing the cause of public education who shall agree to subscribe to the goals and objectives of the Association and to abide by its Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing
B. Members shall adhere to the National Education Association Code of
Ethics of the Education Profession.
C. The Association shall not deny membership to individuals on the basis of race, creed, national origin, age, color, gender, handicap, marital status, sexual orientation, or economic status, nor shall any organization, which so denies membership, be affiliated with the Association.
D. Community Ally Persons interested in advancing the cause of public education who are granted membership, and who are not eligible for any other category of membership, shall not have the right to serve as officers of the Association, as members of the Board of Directors, or as delegates to the
Representative Assembly.
ARTICLE IV. MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Categories of Membership
Membership in the Association shall consist of the following classes: Active, Active Education Support, Past President, Retired, Student, Reserve, Staff, Non-Teaching Professionals and such other classes as may be provided by the Bylaws.
Section 2. Membership Eligibility
A. Application for membership shall be open to all persons actively engaged in the education profession or to persons interested in advancing the cause of public education who shall agree to subscribe to the goals and objectives of the Association and to abide by its Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules.
B. Members shall adhere to the National Education Association Code of
Ethics of the Education Profession and the Professional Educators of Maine
Code of Ethics.
ARTICLE IV. MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Categories of Membership
Membership in the Association shall consist of the following classes: Active, Active Education Support, Past President, Retired, Student, Reserve, Staff, Non-Teaching Professionals and such other classes as may be provided by the Bylaws.
Section 2. Membership Eligibility
A. Application for membership shall be open to all persons actively engaged in the education profession or to persons interested in advancing the cause of public education who shall agree to subscribe to the goals and objectives of the Association and to abide by its Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules.
B. Members shall adhere to the National Education Association Code of
Ethics of the Education Profession.
C. The Association shall not deny membership to individuals on the basis of race, creed, national origin, age, color, gender, gender identity, handicap, marital status, sexual orientation, or economic status, nor shall any organization, which so denies membership, be affiliated with the Association.
D. Delegates representing student members shall be apportioned in accordance with the following: 1. student affiliates with 35 to 199 members shall be entitled to two(2) delegates; 2. student affiliates with 200 to 499 members shall be entitled to three(3) delegates; 3. student affiliates with 500 to 799 members shall be entitled to four (4) delegates.
ARTICLE VI. COMMITTEES Section 2. Standing Committees
A. Government Relations Committee
A Government Relations Committee shall consist of members representing each of the UniServ Districts, one (1) education support professional member, one (1) Maine Education Association retired member, and one (1) student. Where representation from each UniServ District is not feasible, the
President shall have the option of filling committee positions with at-large appointments for not more than one (1) year. Committee members shall be appointed for three-year (3) terms. If there are no ethnic minority members on the committee, the President shall have the option of creating and filling an at-large ethnic minority seat on the committee for a term of not more than one (1) year.
C. Instruction and Professional Development Committee
An Instruction and Professional Development Committee shall consist of one (1) member from each of the UniServ Districts, one (1) education support professional member, one (1) member of the Maine Education
Association retired, and one (1) student. Where representation from each
UniServ District is not feasible, the President shall have the option of filling committee positions with at-large appointments for not more than one (1) year. Committee members shall be appointed for three-year (3) terms. If there are no ethnic minority members on the committee, the President shall have the option of creating and filling an at-large ethnic minority seat on the committee for a term of not more than one (1) year.
D. Statewide Bargaining Committee
A Statewide Bargaining Committee shall consist of one (1) member with bargaining expertise from each UniServ District, one (1) education support professional member selected from the state at-large, one (1) Maine
Education Association retired member, and one (1) student member. Where representation from each UniServ District is not feasible, the President shall have the option of filling committee positions with at-large appointments for not more than one (1) year. Committee members shall be appointed for three-year (3) terms. If there are no ethnic minority members on the committee, the President shall have the option of creating and filling an atlarge ethnic minority seat on the committee for a term of not more than one (1) year.
ARTICLE I. MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Membership Categories
New J - Community Ally Community Ally membership shall be open to any person interested in advancing the cause of public education, who supports the mission, vision, and core values of the Association, and who is not eligible for any other MEA membership category. The MEA Board of Directors shall adopt rules to implement this membership category. Community Ally members shall not have the right to nominate or vote for candidates for elected office, nominate, or vote for delegates to the Representative Assembly, or hold any elected office or appointed committee position in the Association.
ARTICLE VI. COMMITTEES Section 2. Standing Committees
B. Human, Civil Rights, and Social Justice Committee A Human, Civil Rights, and Social Justice Committee of eleven (11) members shall advocate for minority involvement in the Association and educational and training programs designed to enhance human and civil rights and shall make recommendations on ways for the Maine Education Association to promote social justice. Committee members shall be appointed for three-year (3) terms.
ARTICLE VI. COMMITTEES Section 2. Standing Committees NEW G. Black, Indigenous, People of Color Committee
Black, Indigenous, People of Color Committee of 11 (eleven) members shall advocate for minority involvement and pathways to leadership, support educators and students of color, promote and support Anti-Racist education, and identify policies and practices that further support the MEA becoming an inclusive, equitable, and diverse organization. Committee members shall be appointed for a three-year (3) term.