Spring Forward with MEA 93rd Representative Assembly brings members together virtually The Maine Education Association held its 93rd annual Representative Assembly in late May, with the theme “Spring Forward.” Elected delegates, from local associations across the state, gathered virtually with both MEA and NEA presidents to work together to help shape the future of the Association, and to honor colleagues from around the state. On the following pages are the changes to the MEA structure and bylaws in addition to new business items, and belief statements voted on by the delegates. Additionally, please take a minute to honor our award and Clyde Russell Scholarship winners.
Vision for the Future
From the MEA President, Grace Leavitt I know we are all at different places in this work. But I know that we all share the vision, mission, and core values of MEA. I know that MEA members—we all believe in the value and the promise of public education. And I do believe that we must do all we can, ALL WE CAN, to be UNITED in our work to see that these values are visible—we must be united in ALL of our work going forward. United we are STRONG and POWERFUL and we will see our vision of a great public school for every student become a reality across our state.
From the MEA Executive Director, Rachelle Johnson As we talk about evolution and growing our organization, we have to find more space for the folks in their early careers to allow them to take on meaningful roles because they will be the ones who inherit the organization. It is about evolution in order to stay strong, stable and solid the organization has to evolve, and we have to challenge ourselves. It will be the buy-in ultimately in three, in five, in ten years that will result in the longterm stability of MEA. I think it’s an incredibly exciting time to be part of MEA!
From the NEA President, Becky Pringle If no one has said it to you lately, MEA members, you are remarkable. Your commitment and strength your resilience have made me even prouder to be a teacher to be a fellow educator and to lead this, the largest labor union in the country. You know this period of challenge has also been a period to rethink and to reimage, to reinvent learning new strategies for both our school and our union work. Collaborating in new and different and exciting ways always trying to find and create hidden opportunities.... You stepped up MEA.
Re-Elected MEA Leadership Team During the MEA RA, delegates re-elected the existing leadership team to serve an additional three-year term, ending in July of 2024.
Pictured from left to right: Vice-President Jesse Hargrove, President Grace Leavitt, and Treasurer Beth French
Maine Educator • June 2021
President: Grace Leavitt Vice-President: Jesse Hargrove Treasurer: Beth French