2 minute read
Who is the MEABT?
by Maineea
Nearly 70,000 individuals rely on the MEA Benefits Trust (MEABT) for their health care coverage. The MEABT is run by and for members. The Trust is non-profit and has some of the lowest administrative costs in the insurance business, and members benefit from MEABT being one of Anthem’s largest clients. There is power in size! That savings, over the 28 years of existence, is passed on to you, the member.
The Trustees for 2020-2021 are Robin Colby, Chair, RSU 18; Sonya Verney, Vice Chair, RSU 71; Jill Watson, Secretary, RSU 38, Larry Given, Retiree; Jesse Hargrove, Hermon High School; Patty Scully, Winslow Elementary, Donna Longley, CSD 18; and Barbara Williams, Camden-Rockport Elementary. The MEA Board of Directors appoints all Trustees to serve on the MEABT Board. In addition, the MEA Vice President serves on the MEABT Board.
Jennifer Kent is the Executive Director; Sharon Beaulieu is the Benefits Manager; Michael Booth is the Wellness Director; Lynn Andreasen is the Field Representative; and Rebecca Mangin is the Staff Accountant. The MEABT offers four comprehensive health insurance plans for active employees and early retirees. When you are enrolled in one of these four plans, you will be automatically enrolled in the Blue View Vision plan which provides you with enhanced vision benefits for yearly eye exams, plus coverage for eyeglasses and contact lenses. For retirees enrolled in Medicare, the MEABT offers a customized group Medicare Advantage Plan. Blue View Vision is offered as a voluntary plan to Medicare retirees at low group rates. Regardless of which MEABT health plan you are enrolled in, you can be assured that your plan provides comprehensive coverage for doctor office visits, preventive care services, prescription drug benefits, inpatient and outpatient hospital services, and emergency care services.
The MEABT is committed to providing the best health insurance plans at affordable rates for the benefit of all Plan participants. They negotiate annually. In 2013, due to legislation, the MEABT transitioned to a new rating methodology. The modified risk pool approach allows school districts with 51 or more eligible employees (including retirees) to benefit in the rating process from good claims experience, while also protecting school districts with less-than-average claims experience by capping the maximum increase a school district could receive. School districts with 50 or fewer employees are part of a statewide community rate.
Who are Your Board of Trustees? Valuable Insurance Coverage
Who are the MEABT Staff employees? Rate Protection
There are many additional valuable programs available to you as an MEABT member. Please visit the MEABT website, www.meabt.org, to see all the programs and services that are available to you. Virgin Pulse Wellbeing Program SmartShopper Member Assistance Program (MAP)
Virgin Pulse is a unique online platform with tools and support to help you make changes to your physical health, activity level, mental health, and day-to-day stress. You can also collect up to $62.50 Pulse Cash per quarter, earning up to $250 after four quarters. SmartShopper provides you with cash rewards for choosing a highquality, cost-effective provider for services such as MRIs, CT scans, colonoscopies, mammograms, physical therapy, and lab work. For more information, please call the Personal Assistant Team at 844-328-1582 or visit smartshopper.com. You and your household members can access confidential help at no extra cost to support a wide range of problems from mental health to finances to legal. Call the MAP 24/7 to set up visits with licensed therapists, attorneys, financial advisors, and other professionals at no extra cost.