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Promoting the Profession
News You Can Use
Promoting the Profession

“What we do every day is come in and do the very best that we can for our students. The challenges are immense, but we do it because we are passionate about this work. The people who are committed to this business are committed to the kids who come through the door every day.” Alan Yuodsnukis, Gardiner Area High School

The MEA is continually looking for new ways to reach out to the public so the people who live all over this great state understand the work being done in our public schools.

Recently, the MEA Communications Department received a grant to help in this effort, and is producing several video commercials to air both online and on television. The commercials feature MEA members-bus drivers to teachers to custodians and more highlighting the efforts to help each student succeed and how the MEA helps support that work.
Be sure to keep an eye out for these spots, and always remember MEA has your back and is continually working to educate the public on how much goes into educating each child each day!