School newsletter, 2016 No.13

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Term 2 Week 2 6th May 2016 Issue No. 13

From the Principal hours into a fun and successful day for all our students. Thank you to the parent community for coming along to encourage as well. We have some strong competitors and teams to take to State Cross Country in a few weeks. ▪▪Year 7 iPad launch – on Monday evening, Year 7 students were thrilled to receive their own school issued iPad. Much work has gone into the platform, to provide these devices and also prepare the students to be safe digital citizens and disciples. We want to equip our students with skills as 21st century learners and ensure that they have the moral framework required to use technology well and as a powerful resource. ▪▪Stage 3 Camp – Years 5 and 6 gathered before sunrise on Wednesday to head off for three exciting days of learning in Sydney. Staying in the heart of The Rocks, they are travelling by foot and ferry for

It certainly didn’t take long for things to get into full swing for Term 2. Here’s a snapshot of the exciting opportunities that have filled this past week, enriched our students lives and allowed them to represent us with pride. ▪▪Netball – our school has entered three teams into the Maitland District Netball competition this year. We have lots of first timers and all of our teams played with courage and conviction for their games last Saturday. At present we’re at minimum numbers and would love to have an extra girl player join each of the U/10, U/11 and U/12 teams – are you able to help our teams by signing up? ▪▪Cross Country – our students ran a variety of distances of up to 6kms around the school on Monday. The increased level of participation and effort across all carnivals this year has been most pleasing. A big thank you to the organisers and staff who put many Page 1

type of questions, our main preparation is the ongoing quality teaching and learning that has been taking place. We don’t teach to the NAPLAN – we teach well so that students grow in their understanding, their skills and to be able to find their place in God’s world and their security in Him for eternity. Inside that framework we celebrate student growth and reflect on areas where we can do better.

the next few days and enjoying their accommodation which has rooftop views of the Opera House and Harbour Bridge. ▪▪Stage 2 – Years 3 and 4 visited the Civic Theatre on Thursday to enjoy The Peasant Prince, performed by a cast of four, who played 21 different characters. ▪▪School Captains – on Thursday Thomas and Brodie represented our school at both NSW State Parliament and also NSW Government House, along with other school leaders from schools across NSW. This is a great opportunity to mix with other school leaders and to learn from the leaders of our State. ▪▪Art Express – to finish the week our Years 9 – 12 students visited the NSW Art Gallery on Friday to view a diversity of works, including the best HSC Visual Art works from 2015. Our students creativity is being developed in many areas. We hope to showcase these works, not only at MADD Night (Thursday, 1st September) but also on Open Day which will combine with Grandparents Day (Friday, 1st July). That’s a huge week of activities, along with all of the other excellent learning experiences taking place in the school. A huge thank you to our staff members for going the extra mile to bring education to life in this way. Our children are blessed to have these opportunities.

I m p o r tant E v e nt s Mark your calendar for these important events coming up: ▪▪Year 10 into 11 Information Evening – this Tuesday evening, 10 th May. An overview of courses, details and subject information to allow planning for 2017 for students and families. ▪▪Year 6 into 7 Information Evening – the following Tuesday evening, 17th May. Information for students and families about the transition from Primary to High School and opportunities available. ▪▪Explicit Teaching Literacy and Numeracy Tour – on Wednesday, 18th May. An opportunity for parents and prospective families to see our quality teaching methods in action. We are observing outstanding results from these programs and invite parents to see them in action. ▪▪Elevate Study Skills Session for Parents – we have partnered with Elevate this year who have been providing study skill sessions for our high school students. A session for parents will take place on Thursday evening, 19th May and will help parents support the new skills and thinking that their children have learnt through the program. We are blessed with a rich blend of programs here at the school and have much to be thankful for as we see our children grow and develop.

NAPLAN Next week is NAPLAN tests. Some may say “the dreaded NAPLAN test” but I don’t believe so. The tests are a snapshot of student learning in literacy and numeracy. They are actually one of many snapshots we take in our school learning programs, which allow us to measure student progress. NAPLAN tests don’t define a student’s worth or value. They do, however, help us to gain some understanding of student performance and growth in learning, which is helpful information as we seek to be effective.

Blessings Geoff Peet

Have we been practising for NAPLAN? While there may be some familiarisation with the Page 2

Rainforest Animals are on the Prowl in the Primary Art Room Year 6 have been working on these beautiful chalk pastel rainforest animals. The originals have returned to decorate the walls of the students’ classrooms but copies are also on display in the primary art room.

Parent Information Mornings

2016 Term Dates Term 2: Tue 26/04/16 - Fri 01/07/16 Term 3: Mon 25/07/16 - Fri 23/09/16 Term 4: Tue 10/10/16 - Fri 9/12/16

Maitland Christian School is on an exciting journey of improving student learning by using the evidence-based teaching practice of explicit instruction. This is a highly effective teaching strategy that ensures every student participates, engages and masters the content in each lesson.

2017 Term Dates Term 1: Tue 31/01/17 - Fri 07/04/17 Term 2: Mon 24/04/17 - Fri 30/06/17 Term 3: Mon 24/07/17 - Fri 22/09/17 Term 4: Tue 9/10/17 - Wed 13/12/17

To find out more and see Explicit Instruction at work in the classrooms, join us on one of our information mornings on May 18th or June 22nd from 8:45 – 10:45 am.

On the Cover

Only a limited number can attend each session. So parents are asked to call the office on 4933 7633 to reserve your place.

The determination and enthusiasm was clearly evident when Kindergarten to Year 2 students ran the Cross Country on Monday. Sophie from KG summed up the day in her story (below).

Student Concession Cards Student concessions cards are available to students 16 years of age and older. These provide half fare concession travel on trains, local bus routes and ferries. Students who would benefit from having a concession card are asked to contact the school office. Page 3

Kindergarten to Year 12 Cross Country Carnival What a wonderful day we had on Monday at the Cross Country. The weather was beautiful, the activities were so much fun and the students participated with great enthusiasm. Congratulations to everyone who ran or helped out on the day!

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Champion Archers

Years 3/4 Camp

Congratulations to Seth from Year 7 and Mikayla from Year 10 who performed exceptionally well at the NSW State International Field Archery Association Championships on the weekend.

With access to lakes and beautiful beaches, Camp Toukley, on the Central Coast, was a beautiful location for our Year 3/4 Camp last week. The students had plenty of wonderful activities to try out.

Contestants shot 112 arrows each day over the two day event and it is both physically and mentally challenging, with a great deal of mathematical skill required. Mikayla placed 1st for ‘C’ grade Junior Recurve Bowhunter and Seth placed 1st for the ‘B’ grade Cub Compound Bowhunter. In June, they will compete in the National championships being held at Mudgee and they hope to continue on to the World Championships being held in Wagga Wagga in September.

Help Needed At the end of this month, Years 7-10 will be settling into their half-yearly exams. Some of the students who require special provisions will need some help with reading and/or writing. If you have a Working With Children Check and you would like to help between 23rd 26th May, please contact Debbie Zlyden by email at or phone 4933 7633. Page 5

Uniform News The red, high school jumpers are good quality and long lasting and their only change in the new uniform guidelines is the addition of a school logo. Therefore, we have arranged for a local supplier to embroider the logo on existing jumpers, if parents would prefer this to purchasing a new jumper. Red, “Beare & Ley”, knitted, wool blend jumpers can be taken to “Hip Pocket Workwear” at 215 High St, Maitland and they will be embroidered with the correct logo for a cost of $12.65.

Also, the new sport shirts are now in stock at Lowes Greenhills. They are looking great on those who have already received them. If you purchased a temporary shirt (light blue or old sport shirt) earlier in the year, the price you paid will be deducted from the cost of the new shirt. However, you must take the old shirt with you when you go to Lowes to buy the new one.

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What’s Happening at Metford Community Baptist Church?

Metford Community Baptist Church is a community of Christian believers who love Christ, each other and their community. We have services every Sunday (9:30am and 6:00pm) and would love to see you there.

Our Contact details: Pastor: John Cook 83 Chelmsford Drive Associate Pastor: Andrew Sumpton Metford NSW 2323 (Next to Maitland Christian School) Phone: 4934 5350

Church Services: Every Sunday 9:30am and 6:00pm Page 7

U p co m i n g E v e nt s Term 2 Mon 9/05

Tue 10/05

Mon 16/05

Tue 17/05 Wed 18/05



Pri Pri

Scholastic Book Fair Commences Newcastle Jets “Decorate Your Gate” Training Clinic


NAPLAN Testing Commences


Year 10 into Year 11 Information Evening


Year 7 Immunisation



SALT/Mini-SALT Assembly, 2:00pm



Year 6 into Year 7 Information Evening


Year 11 Biology Excursion to Hunter Wetlands


Literacy and Numeracy Parent Information Morning Sec

Senior Study Day


Parent Seminar, “Help Your Child Succeed in their Studies”


Year 10 Hunter Careers Expo


Creation Ministries at TOPS


Creation Ministries at MCBC Youth Group


Year 12 Chemistry Excursion


CSSA State Cross Country

Mon 30/05


Year 9 Mission and Camp Week Begins

Tue 31/05


Year 8 Visual Art Excursion

Thu 19/05

Fri 20/05


Wed 25/05 Fri 27/05


Scholastic Book Fair Next Week in the Library Monday, 9th to Friday, 13th May from 8:15am to 3:15pm Come and explore the collection to find some great books to read! Page 8

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