Term 2 Week 5 27th May 2016 Issue No. 16
From the Principal PISA Performance
I trust you will you will once again enjoy reading about the vibrancy of activities undertaken by our students across the past week. Along with these enrichments, we congratulate our Year 7 – 10 students on their diligence toward their exams over this week.
It’s a semi regular occurrence to hear news items about slipping standards by Australian Schools in the OECD’s Program of International Student Assessment (PISA). Analysis released this week is showing that students in NSW Independent schools are producing results that rank them among the best-performing school systems in the world (based on the most recent 2012 PISA results).
It is now marking and reporting time for teachers. As they receive their results back the students will have an opportunity to celebrate growth and set goals for their future learning.
The study, “Academic Achievement in NSW Independent Schools” was undertaken by Dr Gary Marks of the Australian Catholic University. Chair of the AISNSW Institute, Bill Daniels, said the analysis demonstrates that a significant part of the Australian schooling system is getting things right
Thank you to the many parents who attended the very profitable Elevate Education Study evening last week, so that they could further support their children in their learning journey. Page 1
Mr Daniels said: “The strong performance of students in Independent schools across a range of measures is often dismissed as being the result of wealth. This ignores the fact that two-thirds of Independent schools in NSW have a socioeconomic score in the lower half of the SES scale. The research shows that it is parents’ education levels and the value they place on education, along with school and teacher quality that are the strongest defining factors.� This study confirms that our model of schooling, where parents and school work in partnership, is highly effective in producing academic achievement in students. Maitland Christian School also continues to make positive and exciting progress in this regards.
in terms of helping students to achieve their best. It also counters widely-held perceptions that the decline in the performance of Australian students in international assessments over the past ten years is uniformly reflected across all school jurisdictions.
Induction Service Thank you for the warm welcome you have extended to Pastor Peter this week. We are enjoying his work in the school. Pastor Peter will be formally inducted into this role on Sunday, 5th June at the 9:30am service at the Metford Community Baptist Church. It would be lovely to have members of our school community attend as an encouragement on this morning.
The mean scores from the 2012 PISA assessments saw the NSW Independent schools sector ranked competitively with the top Asian countries/jurisdictions and Finland, all of which are frequently cited as benchmarks in international student assessments.
Encouraging Testimony
The analysis also delved more deeply into the achievement data, showing that socioeconomic status and family background typically explained only a small part of the variation in student achievement, contrary to common perceptions that these were very strongly linked. Even when adjusted for socioeconomic status, the differences in achievement were still significant.
The story at this link http://j.mp/1Z2JTPb is well worth a read. It is an important reminder of how our actions and a view of each person as an image bearer of God can greatly impact the lives of those around us. Blessings Geoff Peet Page 2
Have a Coffee Break!
Will This Float?
Many of our parents tell us that they like to sit down on a Friday afternoon with a cup of coffee and read the newsletter. After the training they had this week, our Year 11 Food Technology students might be able to help with that. On Tuesday they did a Barista course at the Maitland TAFE.
1/2C enjoyed investigating buoyancy in Science last week. They found that some objects are more buoyant than others.
Creation Ministries Visit
Grandparents Day
Dr John Anderson, from Creation Ministries International, was in the school last Friday to discuss the scientific evidence of Creation with our students.
One of the best features of the school year is Grandparents Day. Invitations will be going out soon for this year’s event on Friday, 1st July. On Facebook, one grandmother said, “Love this day..have been every year.” Another assured us that she was “Counting down the sleeps. One excited Nana xo.” We are also counting down the days to seeing you. If any parents are available to help on the day, your assistance would be greatly appreciated, particularly in preparing and serving morning tea for our grandparents. To offer your assistance, please contact Vivienne Hughes on 4933 7633 or email v.hughes@maitlandcs.nsw.edu.au
On the Cover On Wednesday, our staff and student leaders participated in the National Simultaneous Storytime. For more information, please check out the story on the next page. Page 3
National Simultaneous Storytime Wednesday was National Simultaneous Storytime, where people read the same book, at the same time, all across Australia. This year’s book was, “I Got This Hat” by Jol Temple and Kate Temple. Some of the staff and our primary and high school student leaders joined forces to read out one page of the book each. Mrs Cumming made a very convincing pirate. After the reading, the students had fun trying on the hats. However, apparently some of the hats didn’t fit very well.
A Chemical Dilemma On Wednesday, the Year 12 Chemistry class visited the Orica plant at Kooragang Island. When Mr Milford was asked about the purpose of the excursion he said,
the reaction to go in the opposite direction and that’s not what Orica wants.” To find out how Orica have overcome this difficult but interesting dilemma, please enrol in HSC Chemistry.
“We were looking at the Haber process and how the compression of Nitrogen and Hydrogen gases lead to the production of Ammonium and how we need to use very high pressures and high temperatures to make the reaction rate go faster. But there is a problem with that in that it’s an exothermic reaction and according to Le Chatelier’s principle that is going to force Page 4
Temporary Lowes Relocation
2016 Term Dates
As a result of the renovations at Greenhills, Lowes will need to relocate their Greenhills store to central Maitland for 12 months.
Term 2: Tue 26/04/16 - Fri 01/07/16 Term 3: Mon 25/07/16 - Fri 23/09/16 Term 4: Tue 10/10/16 - Fri 9/12/16
Next week (3rd to 8th June), Lowes will be relocating to a store in the Maitland Mall, opposite to the entrance to Kmart.
2017 Term Dates Term 1: Tue 31/01/17 - Fri 07/04/17
Lowes have apologised for the inconvenience that this may cause our parents. However, the situation is totally out of their hands and is a necessary part of the renovations that are taking place.
Term 2: Mon 24/04/17 - Fri 30/06/17 Term 3: Mon 24/07/17 - Fri 22/09/17 Term 4: Tue 9/10/17 - Wed 13/12/17 Primary Assemblies
The new store in the Maitland Mall will only be for schoolwear or, alternatively, schoolwear can be purchased from the Lowes website, if you wish. Lowes have assured us that there should be no problem in supplying our uniforms, apart from next week when they are moving.
Term 2
Week 5
27th May
Week 7
10th June
Week 9
24th June
Music Assembly
When Visiting the School ....... We love to see parents and other community members at the school. Even so, there need to be procedures in place to keep our students, staff and also our visitors safe. Therefore we ask that everyone sign in at Reception before entering the school grounds.
Uniform Shop Metford Community Baptist Church runs a secondhand uniform shop to bless our school families and also raise money for missions.
If you are visiting or have an appointment with a staff member, please notify Reception when you arrive and wait in the foyer. You may not need to sign in.
Opening Hours
All approved volunteers are to sign in and wear a name badge, which shows that their child protection status is up to date.
Tuesdays 8:30am - 9:00am
Please remember that you are welcome at Maitland Christian School and these procedures are only needed to keep our school community safe.
Thursdays 2:30pm - 3:00pm
Page 5
Welcome Miss Barkley!
New Library Bags Library bags may be purchased from the school library at any time throughout the year. Brand new stock has just arrived - in a range of colours that are sure to please everyone’s tastes. This popular style now comes with a 25 year guarantee, reinforced corners, and a see-through window. For only $10, a library bag will protect school library books for many years of borrowing. Please direct any enquiries to the library staff.
There was a wonderful surprise for Year 6 on Wednesday, as they were preparing to start their lessons for the day. They saw Miss Barkley coming across the playground toward them. They were cheering and clapping and getting so excited that Miss Barkley said she felt like a movie star. Miss Barkley taught 5B last year when she exchanged jobs with Mr Hyslop, who taught her class in Canada.
Community News
Page 6
What’s Happening at Metford Community Baptist Church?
Kids Club is on each Thursday night during term, between 3:30pm and 5:00pm in the Church Hall. This is a free program for 8 - 12 year old children.
School Pastor Induction Service Our new School Pastor, Peter Bryan, will be inducted at Metford Community Baptist Church on Sunday, 5th June at the 9:30am service. School families are invited to come along and meet Peter Bryan and his wife, Beryl. You are also invited to stay for a fellowship lunch at the church!
Metford Community Baptist Church is a community of Christian believers who love Christ, each other and their community. We have services every Sunday (9:30am and 6:00pm) and would love to see you there.
Our Contact details: Pastor: John Cook 83 Chelmsford Drive Associate Pastor: Andrew Sumpton Metford NSW 2323 (Next to Maitland Christian School) Phone: 4934 5350 admin@metfordbaptist.com.au
Church Services: Every Sunday 9:30am and 6:00pm Page 7
W hat ’s
o n th e
S ch e du le
Before School
After School
Supervision from 8:00am Period 1 starts 8:30am
11:03am - 11:43am
1:40pm - 2:00pm
2:51pm After 3:15pm, collect children from school office
Primary Art/Mural Club in C1 Years 3-6 Chess Club
SALT in E8
Secondary TOPS Meeting in M1
MiniSALT in M2 Years 3-6 Computer Coding Club in E3 K-2 Choir in B2
GIFT in E15
Secondary Vocal Group in M2
Primary Choir in M2
Wednesday Secondary Visual Arts Club in E2
Years 5/6 Drama Club in D5 Secondary Tops Rehearsal in M1 Mission Knitting and Quilting Group in E5
Secondary Boys Bible Study in E8
Grandparents’ Day, Friday, 1st July Page 8