S PR ING/S U MME R 2020― 21
Creative Kids While Free Art Sunday sessions were on hold, MRAG encouraged kids to ‘See Make Do’ at home, whether with #MRAGfromhome activities inspired by exhibitions or just by following their own creative joy. Lucinda Oost (7), Cardiff #MRAGhomedelivery activity
Mandala made out of natural materials. Amica McGrath (9), Lorn
Plein air painting her work Picnic by the Waterfall in the backyard.
Free Art Sunday is usually on every Sunday from 11.00am–1.00pm, but please check the MRAG website for updates about session times and booking requirements.
Toby Hershman (3), Horseshoe Bend
In the garden making a happy mess.
Supported by MRAG Members and CleverPatch.