Bläddra i Write green av Majemaförlaget

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Lotta Berge

My fantasy friend Work together to find more words to use. Word bank

a cat play the guitar adventure


Write about your fantasy friend on the next page.

Berge Lotta

My fantasy friend's name is He lives in He is He is He has He has He can He can He likes He likes

Lotta Berge

ten years old

My fantasy friend

Draw a picture.

Read your text in English and Swedish to a friend. Lotta


Date .........................


Facts about an animal Use the mindmap to write facts about an animal. food

length and weight





it lives here

Use your mindmap to finish the sentences.

The animal is a The colour is It is It can weigh It lives It eats Its enemies are An interesting fact is



Write about the animal on the next page.

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