Events: MakeDox in Classroom introduced the documentary film into formal education. With the support of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), we have published two toolkits consisting of 19 creative documentary films for high school teachers in Macedonia. Today, this program is implemented by 140 trained Sociology and Civic Education teachers in 80 high schools throughout Macedonia, reaching at least 30,000 students every year since 2013! We are Visual! Education and Audio-Visualization of Human Rights (WAVE) is a two-volume story. In the first volume we were looking for ways to bring closer documentary stories to teachers and students aged 12-16. Supported by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), we have published a set of 12 documentary films and a handbook for their use within the formal and informal education. Last year we closed the second volume: training of 139 educators and NGO representatives who implement this program in 56 cities and villages across the country. We reached the end of this story in December 2017 when we organized the international conference “Audiovisual Education – future or present” which gathered around one hundred of participants from Macedonia and abroad, including 80 teachers and students, eager to share their experiences and talk about the need of introducing audiovisual content in today’s education system. Youth Film Clubs is a story we began telling together with the Youth Educational Forum. The media clubs in Skopje, Bitola, Resen, Debar, Gevgelija, Kumanovo, Veles, Kichevo, Negotino, Struga, Tetovo and Kratovo were the first to host small temporary cinemas and vast discussion forums. Nowadays, young people’s horizons widen and strong opinions soften as a chopped onion in a heated pan in a few more youth associations and organizations in Macedonia.
Events: ACTive is a regional creative documentary film school open to young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Serbia. This fantastic story that we’ve told twice so far, together with “Pravo Ljudski” from Bosnia and Herzegovina and “DokuFest” from Kosovo, inspired 11 short doc stories, signed by 30 ACTive participants. Last year, we planted the DocuSprouts seeds for the fourth time. DocuSprouts is a project aiming to provide education and film literacy to young people, namely high school students aged 15-19 years. It seeks to offer a program - in an informal way, outside of the schools - to young people through which they will not only get acquainted with the basic stages of documentary filmmaking but also get hands-on experience. Driven by the idea of active youth participation in the creation of new cultural values, DocuSprouts recognizes and brings together the weak points in terms of culture availability among young people allowing for new cultural initiatives to emerge. Over the four sessions that take place during MakeDox Traveling Cinema, the film festival and during the autumn and winter months, the future young filmmakers acquire knowledge and develop skills in the field of documentary filmmaking mentored by MakeDox creative team members and acknowledged docuprofessionals from abroad. So far, three short documentaries have been produced by young people for young people, conveying their messages to a wider audience and at the same time motivating the young audience to proactively contribute to the development of the cultural scene. So far, through MakeDox in Cinema, we have shared 75 exceptional documentary stories with nearly 15,000 primary school pupils in Skopje. Pilot project “Using Documentary Film as a Teaching Tool in Secondary Education” In November 2021, MakeDox implemented the pilot project “Using Documentary Film as a Teaching Tool in Secondary Education,” as part of the “Building Bridges” fund of the OSCE mission in Skopje. The teachers, in collaboration with the MakeDox team, worked on creating model lessons for two documentaries which can be used as teaching tools. In this phase of implementation, 11 professors from secondary schools who teach in Macedonian and Albanian participated.