The Exporter - Aug 2020

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THE EXPORTER NEWSLETTER The Exporter is a monthly publication of the Kenya Export Promotion Branding Agency

During the month of August 2020, Kenya Export Promotion Branding Agency (KEPROBA) was able to engage several key stakeholders on diverse issues aimed at establishing existing gaps that hinder export growth to: -

• Enhance stakeholder’s credibility towards the Export Agenda

• Establish the pain areas and strategies to alleviate the pain areas

• Enhance the Agency’s Visibility and relevance


• Content creation and establishment of areas of synergies

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Export Compliance and Quality Standards

KEPHIS team and KEPROBA team tour the KEPHIS state of the heart lab in August 2020

KEPROBA engaged KEPHIS on strategies that horticultural sector exporters can apply to ensure compliance and quality standards are observed in the exports horticultural sector. KEPHIS spearheads phytosanitary services which ensures that all planting material is free from pests and diseases and that all exported plant products are of high quality and met international standards of health and purity.

Pest infested Collard ( Kales)

Private Sector Engagements

KEPROBA CEO, Dr. Wilfred Marube, and KEPSA Deputy CEO, Martha Cheruto, to discuss areas of synergy between the two organizations on the increase of exports.

To achieve an holistic approach in promotion of exports, KEPROBA engaged KEPSA whose mission is ensure yearly improvement in overall business environment of Kenya by working together with the Government and other stakeholders. This is also aligned to KEPROBA mandate of easing the exporters pain areas through engaging strategic stakeholders.

Expanding the Avocado Sector: To achieve an holistic approach in promotion of exports, KEPROBA engaged KEPSA whose mission is ensure yearly improvement in overall business environment of Kenya by working together with the Government and other stakeholders. This is also aligned to KEPROBA mandate of easing the exporters pain areas through engaging strategic stakeholders.

KEPROBA CEO Dr. Wilfred Marube meets the Avocado society of Kenya CEO, Mr. Muthomi Ernest on expanding market access for Kenyan Avacados

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Content Generation and Packaging: To enhance publication of content that supports the Kenyan exports through collaboration of content creation, storytelling, videos and images that tell the KEPROBA is collaborating with the Kenya Yearbook on developing longterm content building strategies.

Dr. Wilfred Marube, Mr. Edward Mwasi, CEO, Kenya Yearbook on areas of partnership on content generation on the export agenda

Tea Sector Projects Highlights KEPROBA in collaboration with the Tea Directorate and University of Nairobi School of Art and Design have synergised to conduct onsite coaching and training for tea sector to enhance product packaging and design towards export readiness. The programme kick started in Bomet, Nyamira and Kericho Counties and will be replicated in other tea growing counties progressively. A media briefing by the KEPROBA CEO was conducted at Mbogo Valley Tea factory in Nandi County. Click to view Dr. Marube shares insights on tea growth, the the coverage potential market for Kenya’s value-added tea during videos/374857977246255/?app=fbl https:// the launch of onsite coaching for tea producers w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / C i t i z e n T V K e / v i d e o s / 767587773991275/

County Partnerships In its continued efforts to enhance and build s t a k e h o l d e r s credibility and trust, KEPROBA engaged the Kisii County Government on areas of collaborating towards building export ready products. Seven products we identified for brand positioning and market access in the prioritized markets. The products include Coffee (Blue Mountain Coffee) Speciality Tea (Orthodox, green and white teas) Soapstone, Pythethrum, indigenous vegetables, Bananas, Indigenous Chicken. Mr. Charles Tumbo, Export Development Manager displays County Analysis Report

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Meet the Exporter: Kisii Soapstone The Agency engaged Kisii soapstone players on positioning for exports and market access. The products are diversified and segmented  into  into gift items, decorative   items, art decor, games  artifacts like chess board, seasonal gifts categories  to  meet niche markets. NCE Screen For Updating Farmers On Coffee Prices At The Auction

Meet the Exporter: Coffee KEPROBA engaged Gusii Coffee Farmers Cooperatives Union on promotion of the coffee exports. The Union produces two million kilograms of coffee per season that is sold in bulk at the Nairobi Coffee Exchange auction. The cooperative has implemented value addition through crushing of the coffee beans which are packaged, labelled, branded as Gusii Coffee and sold within Kisii and its environs. KEPROBA will partner with the Union to position and brand Gusii coffee for market access in Russia, Korea, Japan and China.

Indigenous Vegetables KEPROBA engaged Suneka Jua Kali Association on Value addition initiatives for their indigenous vegetables which are solar dried, packaged and labelled for sell. The products include Cow peas, Spider plants, African nightshade and African s p i n a c h . T h e A g e n c y w i l l o f f e r s u p p o r t through capacity building on branding and packaging of the products, product development adaptation programme and market access.

Coffee packed through value addition with modern machines

Solar dried indigenous vegetables powder made by Suneka Jua Kali Associations

Dr. Marube is taken through the coffee processing technique

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Specialty Tea; KEPROBA visited Itumbe Tea Factory which specializes in the production of white, green and orthodox tea. In collaboration with KTDA, K E P R O B A w i l l e x p l o r e s t r a t e g i e s and opportunities to position the unique specialty teas for market access under the prioritized 22 markets .

Green Tea at Itumbe Factory in Kisii County

Green Tea at Itumbe Factory in Kisii County

Kenya -Tanzania Isebania Border Issues: - KEPROBA engaged Migori County on areas of collaboration which will include identifying   and profiling potential SME’s and enterprises in the county for capacity building on export preparedness, product development and adaptation through onsite coaching. Products to be considered include oil seeds (sesame and s u n fl o w e r ) , c o t t o n f a r m i n g , c o f f e e products, livestock products, poultry farming, sisal and Warehouse construction at the border post point in Isebania that will enhance trading between Kenya and Tanzania.

KEPROBA team engages with Kenya Revenue Authority Team and business traders at the Isebania Border Post Migori County on pain areas experiencing between Kenya Tanzania border post

Dr. Marube engages with Migori CEC Samuel Ochieng during the county visit.

Migori County Engagements KEPROBA engaged Migori County on areas of collaboration which will include identifying   and profiling potential SME’s and enterprises in the county for capacity building on export preparedness, product development and adaptation through onsite coaching. Products to be considered include oil seeds (sesame and s u n fl o w e r ) , c o t t o n f a r m i n g , c o f f e e products, livestock products, poultry farming, sisal and Warehouse construction at the border post point in Isebania that will enhance trading between Kenya and Tanzania.

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