c. Product Development Program Phase Two
The Kenya Export Promotion and Branding 2020/2021 targeting twenty prioritized products Agency (KEPROBA) is rolling out the second (Tea; Fresh Cut roses and buds; Fresh or dried phase of the Product Development Programme Macadamia Nuts; Coffee; Manufactured tobacco and cigarettes; Goat Meat; Medicaments ; Men’s Clothing; Fresh cut flowers and buds; Preserved leguminous vegetables; Fresh or dried avocadoes; Pineapple Juice; Fresh or chilled vegetables; Iron and steel products; Food preparations; Salt; Preserved/canned pineapples; Soap detergents; Women’s clothing and Leather Products). The second phase is scheduled to begin on 1st February 2021 and will run for the duration of the month. It will cover enterprises in Bungoma, Kisii, Kisumu, Mombasa and Meru. To apply for participation, please use the two links below; https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI pQLSe2DxitH0ryFClHTHzBj9tDiMTl4eKzuzioJfyqDumQb3kJQ/viewform
“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” John Maxwell