000204 df magazine

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Issue 2 VOL 4 2009

In This Issue:

Dr. Al B. Sutton, Jr., Pastor Earl Dixon Sheila Tyson Roderick Royal Jay Roberson Chiquita Lashun Holloway James Williams

K.I.D.S Christian Music Center’s

Dr. Daniel M. Cason, II Divine Favor Magazine. Issue 2 Vol 4 2009.



www.d i v i n e favorgos pelm a ga z i ne.nin g .com

Dr. Al B.

Sutton Jr. Pastor

Sixth Avenue Baptist Church

Weekly Schedule Sunday

7:00am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Early Worship Service 7:45am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunday School 8:30am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worship Service 8:30am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sonrise Sunday School 10:00am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Members Class 11:00am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worship Service 11:00am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Children’s Church

1101 Martin Luther King Dr. SW | Birmingham, Al 35211 PH 205-251-5173 | FX 205-251-5186 www.sixthavebaptist.org


6:00pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Male Chorus Rehearsal


6:30pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Progressive Choir Rehearsal


5:15pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Children’s Choir Rehearsal 5:30pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Youth Choir Rehearsal 5:45pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Intermediate Choir Rehearsal


6:30pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sanctuary Choir

We Welcome You! Come Worship With Us…

The mission of Sixth Avenue Baptist Church is to worship our Lord, give hope and instruct all persons that they will be saved and equipped to become disciples of Jesus Christ. Issue 2 Vol 4 Divine Favor 2009

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Issue 1 Vol 3



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BRL & Publishing Firm P.O. BOX 110682, Birmingham, AL 35211

Derlesia Sims ISSN-1934-3132. Copyrights 2009 by Billionaires Record Label & Publishing Firm, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction of any part of Divine Favor Gospel Magazine without permis-

To subscribe visit www.amazon.com, click magazine and type in divine favor magazine in the search column. To advertise please email us at divinefavorbham@aol.com or call 205-401-0192.

Issue 2 VOL 4 2009

contents 5

| Candidate James Wilson


| Candidate Chiquita L. Holloway


| COVER STORY: Dr. Daniel M. Cason II


| Candidate Roderick Royal


| Candidate Sheila Tyson


| Candidate Jay Roberson


| Tribute to President Obama

sion from the publisher is prohibited. Distribution of this magazine does not constitute an endorsement of context, products or services. Readers are not to insinuate or assume that clients that market in Divine Favor are endorsed or are in support of particular products, persons or groups that may or may not have purchased an ad. Views expressed in Divine Favor Gospel Magazine do not necessarily represent those of the publisher, parent company or its sister company’s or its clients. Send all correspondences to P.O. Box 110682 Birmingham, Alabama 35211 or call 205-401-0192. We insure accuracy, but we cannot guarantee accuracy. However, we will make corrections in follow up issues once recognized. We do not guarantee the accuracy of all information nor the absence of errors and omissions; hence, no responsibility can be or is assumed. Watch our television show on Brighthouse Network Channel 4 each Monday at 2:30pm and listen to our radio show. To submit gospel videos please use same address. For distribution please call 205-401-0192. Visit our website at www. divinefavorgospelmagazine.ning.com. Help us spread the gospel by starting a divine favor gospel magazine in your city. Employment opportunities are also open in sales, distribution and promotions. We encourage you to support the ministries and businesses that are marketed in Divine Favor Gospel Magazine. Divine Favor Magazine and its clients makes no public nor private endorsement of any particular candidate running for any public office and any do not intended for readers to assume such. We are open for advertisement to all candidates for advertisement without malice or discrimination of any particular party or persons.

Divine FAVOR Derlesia Sims



Brooks Law Firm

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Burned-out houses.

Undeveloped landfields.

James Williams City Council District 9 Candidate


was Educated in the Birmingham Public School System and is currently attending Lawson State Community College in Birmingham. I have hosted “Talkback Live” on 98.7 (Kiss FM) for a number of years and the People’s Morning Show with Sheila Smoot on WPSB AM 1320. I am a member of Bethel Missionary Baptist Church (Pastor Tommy Lewis). My achievements are as follow: Awarded the “Emerging Leader of Alabama in 2004”, Desert Storm Veteran, Marine Corps, Father of a wonderful son, Randall (Bethel-Ensley), member of the NAACP, awarded “The Distinguished Gentleman Award” by Birmingham City Council, member of SCLC , member of the Joint Leadership Conference of Birmingham I Volunteered for President Barack Obama‘s Presidential Campaign, served as a volunteer for Acknowledge Outreach Ministries, co-organized Mayor Larry Langford’s Men and Women’s Forums held at The Alabama State Fair Grounds in Fair Park Arena (gathering over 5,000 citizens), founded and organized the “Youth First Expo” in conjunction with The Department of Youth Services (Cedric Sparks-Director), organized and hosted numerous Town Hall Meetings within the community to increase political involvement , volunteered for City of Birmingham Family Unity Day, served on B.E.A.T Board and built over 10 homes in District 9, created “United Men of America” with Rickey Smiley (host of BET Comic View and syndicated radio announcer) to educate men on the duties of fatherhood I volunteered at Scott School mentoring young males, sponsored and coordinated an informational tour at The University of Alabama School of Communication for over 200 students to increase knowledge of career in the field of communication and created the “Rappin’ Up The Vote” benefit concert to encourage political awareness and involvement with the City of Birmingham. I want to thank you for considering me as your public servant in District 9. I firmly believe that if we unite and work as one community, District 9 will no longer be the “Forgotten Abandoned old National Guard building. District.” So let’s come together and build a better

community! When elected my goals are to: • Revitalize our neighborhoods: Tear down the over 450 dilapidated homes in our neighborhoods and build new, quality homes in our neighborhoods. • Establish covenants in our neighborhoods: No longer will we allow broken down cars and overgrown lots in our neighborhoods • Strengthen neighborhood Associations: The neighborhood Associations are the eyes and ears of our community and we must make City Hall open to them and assist them in bringing more citizens to neighborhood meetings. • Economic Development: Work with the businesses that already exist in our community and establish a relationship and also use new, innovative methods to bring more businesses. • Education: Partner with the District 9 School Board Members to create 21st Century ideas to educate our children and also increase parental involvement in our schools. • Update our Parks and Recreation Centers: Work with the Park and Recreation Department of the City and partner with the private sectors (Businesses in the City) to make our parks and recreational centers more family-oriented and state of the art. • Crime Prevention: Bring the citizens and the Police Departments closer together to rid our community of the crime element and improve the quality of life Village Creek floods after each rain. in our neighborhoods.

Burned-out houses.

Abandoned chemical plants that are toxic.

newchoice yourvoice

Paid for by Friends to Elect James Williams for City Council District 9, PO BOX 202, Birmingham, Al. 35060, 205-283-9641

Issue 2 Vol 4 Divine Favor 2009

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Rev. Otis McGuire District Manager Piggly Wiggly

Issue 2 Vol 4 Divine Favor 2009

Council Chiquita City District 7 Candidate LaShun

Holloway Chiquita LaShun Holloway has always been oriented to helping the community. Chiquita Lashun Holloway has a B.S. degree in Biology with a minor in Broadcast Communications. She also has two master’s degrees (one in Biology Education and one in Educational Leadership). • A member of Peace Baptist Church, Riley Community • Platoon Leader, United States Army Reserve, 926th Engineering Battalion Combat Heavy, Charlie Company • Served in the United States Navy Reserve, Fleet Support Training Unit 1309 CAIA program, Sea Cadet Commander • Emeritus Assistant Treasurer, Metro Birmingham Branch NAACP #5006, Women in NAACP, and Walk-a-Thon Committee Member • Attended Jones Valley, is a Graduate of Wenonah High School • B.S. Degree in Biology with a Minor in Broadcast Communications from Miles College in Fairfield • High School Teacher of Biology, Mathematics and Science • Class “A” Certifications in Secondary Education (Grades 7-12) and Educational Administration Grades P-12 • Miles College Alumni Association, Miles College Golden Bears Booster Club and UAB Alumini Association • Usher and Greeter Ministry Team, Peace Baptist Church, Riley Community • Miss Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Gamma Pi Chapter • Order of Eastern Star, Mizpah #194 Chapter, Birmingham, Alabama • Rainbow Push Coalition • Miss Housing Authority Birmingham District • Member of SCLC • Miss Miles College • Ms. Miles College Birmingham Alumni • Ms. Miles College National Alumni • Civil Rights Activist Committee: Foot Soldier’s • Sponsor, Alpha Kappa Kappalettes, a non-profit High School Sorority • Leadership Council, Birmingham Civil Rights Institute • Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Sweetheart, Gamma Kappa Chapter • Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Omicron Omega Chapter, Committees: Christmas Breakfast, Grant Writing, and Heritage Organizations • Emeritus Trustee, Assistant and Vice Daughter Ruler, Improved Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the World Ms. Holloway is a resident of the Riley-Travellick Community. She attended Jones Valley School, and is a graduate of Wenonah High School. She is a Congressional Young Scholar and National Science Foundation Young Scholar. Ms. Holloway has taught high school Biology, Mathematics, and Science. At Miles College, she majored in Biology and minored in Broadcast Communications, where she received a B.S. in Biology. At UAB, she received two master’s degrees one in biology education and the other in educational leadership. She has a class “a” certifications in secondary grades 7-12 biology and educational administration grades p-12. Other affiliations include: miles college alumni association, miles college golden bears booster club, and UAB alumni association. Ms. Holloway is the recipient of numerous honors and awards, and is a member of various community organizations in Birmingham. Today, she announces her candidacy for District 7 City Council. Ms. Holloway is asking everyone in District 7 to go out and vote. The primary election will be held August 25, 2009. Call 568-4711 to volunteer, make a financial contribution, or for a yard sign. And please vote. Together, we can make our communities get better! Paid for by friends to Elect Chiquita LaShun Holloway for City Council District 7, P.O. BOX 28204, BIRMINGHAM, AL 35228


he mission of K.I.D.S Christian Music Center is to make a difference in the kingdom of God in as many families as possible by exposing their children to a quality Christ-centered music education at affordable rates to all interested children regardless of race, religion, ethnic origin, financial means or level of ability. Programs including but not limited to Vocal Technique, Choir, After School Study with Tutors, Motivational speakers, Guest presentations (musical and non-musical), Bible Classes, Black History Month Emphasis, Musical Plays, Recitals by Staff, Orff Instrument and Hand Bell Instruction, Field Trips (i.e. Ballet, Aquarium, Symphony, etc.), Piano Lessons, Voice Lessons, Dance Lessons, Summer KIDS Camp. Dr. Cason gives thanks to Mr. Kauffman for free music lessons in theory as a child. “When I was 13 years old, Mr. Kauffman took me as a private student and gave me FREE music lessons in theory, sight reading, composition, etc. Because of his unselfish contributions and dedication to my musical growth, my life has been tremendously changed and enhanced. His dedication to help me develop has afforded me countless opportunities to perform and express my gift to others. May God bless Mr. Kauffman with many more years of peace, joy and health.” COVER STORY

Making A




Minister Daniel Cason is an ordained minister, concert pianist and a former high school music teacher. He received his formal education at the Cleveland Music School Settlement (Rainey Institute), the renowned Cleveland Institute of Music and the University of Southern California (ISOMATA) where he studied master classes with Lee Thompson of the Julliard School of Music. Reverend Cason holds two earned music degrees (Bachelor of Arts and Masters ) from MTC School of Theology. Reverend Cason has been featured musician and Clinician at the Gospel Music Workshop of America, the National Convention of Gospel Choirs and Choruses and the International Worship Congress for many years. He has also served as the conference pianist and piano instructor for the Hampton University Ministers Conference. In recent years, Reverend Cason served as Associate Professor at Lawson State Community College. Although Minister Cason is in great demand internationally for workshops and concerts, his love and dedication has been focused on the K.I.D.S Christian Music Center. He has conducted “Church Music Workshops” and “Praise and Worship Seminars” throughout America as well as maintained his very heavy schedule as an Artist/Pianist and Workshop Clinician. Reverend Cason has ministered at many churches throughout the U.S.A. and in Russia (four times), Italy (before Pope John Paul), the United Kingdom, and Ireland (twice). His most recent international engagement (March 2002) was to Port Harcourt, Nigeria where he not only shared his musical abilities but his Biblical knowledge with over 1000 pastors in attendance. Reverend Cason is the Founder and Director of K.I.D.S. Inc. (KIDS Christian Music Center and KIDS Community School of the Arts). He also manages Professionals For Christ Publications (BMI) with over 400 published works and several unpublished work. Currently, Reverend Cason serves on the Music Ministry Staff of the 4,000 member Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Founding Pastor of Abundant Life Christian Tabernacle. Daniel and his wife, Gwendolyn, reside in Birmingham, Alabama and together they have two wonderful children, Joy Krystal and Daniel Mario-III, Issue 2 Vol 4 Divine Favor 2009 and one grandchild, Landon.

It is refreshing to see a plan come together, and we have come quite a distance together. In the beginning we talked about housing, streets, sewers, schools and inoperable cars. Here’s an example of what we have done. Let’s keep working our plan… ■ 68 new single family homes in Wylam ■ 21 new single family homes in North Pratt ■ New sanitary sewers in Dolomite and Oakridge ■ 11 million dollars for school access roads and sidewalks ■ Free Discount Drug Prescription Cards with 20% savings to seniors, families and individuals ■ More than 17 million dollars in street resurfacing (Smooth Ride Plan)

Grassroots Movement Demands Change Naming Sheila Tyson As Their Choice For Leadership!

Leadership is not unknown to District 6 lifetime resident, Sheila Tyson. Tyson is the President of the Citizen Advisory Board, serving 99 neighborhoods. But, the City Council seat on behalf of District 6 is the seat the District 6 community wants Tyson to hold. They want it so sincerely that they launched “Penny Pal For Sheila Tyson District 6 Campaign” – spearheading Tyson to officially throw her hat in the election ring. “Penny Pal For Sheila Tyson District 6 Campaign” has assembled milk jugs, water & juice bottles, and any kind of container they can muster, for the community to respond and fill with loose changes. So much change has been collected for Tyson its mind boggling! Why Tyson? Why so many community members of District 6? Tyson is a tireless formidable grassroots activist. This is not a sit-on-the-side-lines nonchalant Monday Morning Quarterback! Tyson is knee-deep into the wants and needs of the community and what the community deserves. Her performance is so outstanding; she was recently the first neighborhood organizer recipient of the prestigious St. John AME Church

’s “Certain Women Award.” Tyson created, revitalized and maintained programs to empower members of District 6, as CAB President Tyson’s leadership skills prove her to be a community builder and organizer with a passion and dedication to serve. It’s no wonder Tyson’s campaign slogan is “THE PEOPLE’S CHOICE – THE PEOPLE’S VOICE!” Tyson lead Make Over Homes throughout District 6; obtained FREE 501c3 Community Development Corporations; launched 50% Neighborhood Block Watch Captain Programs; developed Youth Scholarship partnership with Princeton Hospital; wrote Scholarships Grants for High School girls; partnered with Patrick Cooper’s BIRMINGHAM VISION to provide summer jobs for youth; partnered with Mission Birmingham for the Million Dollar House Restoration; created Annual Christmas Needy Children’s Programs; created three times yearly FREE Health Fairs for youth, adults and Seniors; organized bi-monthly community cleanups; and, spearheaded painting/repairing 135 homes in the West End community. It’s not hard to understand why the communityat-large of District 6 is behind TYSON FOR

CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 6. Tyson has a long, untainted record of service to the District 6 community. And now, Tyson is on a mission to serve not only West End but, Graymont, Glen Iris, Mason City Powderly, Smithfield and Titusville. “The People’s Choice – The People’s Voice” is making incredible headway with the grassroots movement “Penny Pal For Sheila Tyson District 6 Campaign.” They realize they need a tireless, easily assessable public servant working for them in City Hall! To support the campaign financiall or volunteer, please call friends of Sheila Tyson at 205-249-8559 Log Onto: www.sheilatyson.com

Paid for by friends to elect Sheila Tyson • 1233 14th Place SW Birmingham, AL 35211

Spotlight Cheer And Dance Mini Camp Begins For 2009

School And High Area Middle e Day m Ga r Fo t Ready Cheerleaders Ge i Camp. Min During Spotlight

Bush And P hillips Photos As Spe T cial Gue ake “Tray” st T.J. A Natio nal Hip Dancer H Fr In Betw om “BET” Sn op eaks een His Travels Issue 2 Vol 4 Divine Favor 2009

Jay Roberson will get the job done. Jay Roberson

- Father, James Roberson, 30yr educator. - Mother, Linda, 37yr educator with Jay with his wife, Niva, Birmingham City Schools their children, -and Graduate Alabama Lia, A&M University 1994 Tre´, and Ava.

- Founder, President Top Ten Management LLC - Associate Athletic Director Samford University - Former Assistant Commissioner SWAC - Member Emerging Leaders of Alabama - Member Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. - Attends 6th Avenue Baptist Church

will get the job done.

- He will demand the resources to keep our district clean and safe - He will make sure our streets are paved and repaired - He will recruit business to locate inside District 7 - He will work to improve relationships in the city so ourALdistrict can prosper Pd. Pol. Adv. by Friends of Jay Roberson, P.O. Box 110714, Birmingham, 35211

Jay with is wife, Niva, and their children, Lia, Tre´, and Ava.

- Father, James Roberson, 30yr educator. - Mother, Linda, 37yr educator. - Graduate Alabama A&M University 1996

- Founder, President Top Ten Management LLC - Associate Athletic Director Samford University - Former Assistant Commissioner SWAC

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- Member Emerging Leaders of Alabama - Member Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. - Member 6th Avenue Baptist Church

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London Davis Tyrus Young

Divine Favor Babies Sponsored by

Spiritfilled Christian Bookstore 1400 3rd Avenue West | Birmingham, Al. 35208 | 205-780-0900



God’s Simple Soluti ons To Getting Out of D ebt ple Solutions ars, Pastor Earl Dix im S s ’ d o on 5.G No ne of them worked unl ugh intense fina ess a f Debt ncial commitme nt was made toOut o has read all kinds of theT m.o G etting stick with urported would help



Pasto Author

1000 + $200




r Earl Dixon

Earl Dixon’s 5th Book Publication



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Shipping and Handling

EDJ Ministries SOLUTSION S N O I T U S L PO BOX 9893 DE simple


to getting out of


DEBT to getting out


Birmingham, AL 35220 EarlDixonM@aol.com

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44th President of the United States of America Elected November 4, 2008 Sworn in on January 20, 2009

President Barack Obama Barack H. Obama is now the 44TH President of the United States of America. He has an American story of success. To live to see the first African-American to be Elected President of the United States has been a life long endeavor for many African-Americans across the globe. The walk was not an easy one for the nation, but President Obama has shown a new way of achieving true unity towards all men. President Obama’s father was a native of Kenya and of African descent. His mother was a United States citizen from Kansas, but President Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961 and raised by his grandparents in Hawaii after the passing of his mother. “President Obama entered into college under student loans and scholarships. President Obama later moved to the City of Chicago and worked with church groups to assist with jobs in the community. “He later became the first African-American presi-

dent of the Harvard Law Review while in law school. President Obama returned to Chicago after graduating from college to help with voter registration drives, teach law at the University of Chicago and to be active in the community in which he lived. “President Obama has been very a gifted to unite people in public service and purpose. President Obama’s experience in the Illinois State Senate has been one of professionalism. He passed the first major ethics reform, cut taxes and structured health care for families. As a United States Senator, he was very instrumental in lobbying reform and brought transparency to government by placing federal budgeting online. “President Obama is the father of two daughters, Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7 and husband of First Lady Michelle Obama.”

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