The Bridge 02

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Banja Luka, December, 2013


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013



Civil Engineering in the world


International cooperation


The Bridge presents


Knowledge plus

Content 5 Info

27 Interview



Topic of the issue

Theory and practice



Publisher: IACES Banja Luka and Students’ Union of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Editor-in-chief: Ana Ković

Technical editor:


Borivoj Obradović

Jovica Kalajdžić


Milenko Stanković, Saša B. Čvoro, Malina Čvoro, Radovan Beleslin, Aleksandar Borković, Dubravko Aleksić, Anita Zrnić, Bojana Grujić, Dragana Zeljić, Dijana Majstorović, Nevena Milošević, Radomir Stojić, Milisanda Živak, Dragan Jevtović, Slavica Jaslar, Milka Popratin, Nataša Vujović, Mladen Amović, Ljiljana Duvnjak, Biljana Subotić, Saša Brkić, Dragana Docić, Novica Laketić, Aleksandar Komadina, Ognjen Jokić, Slaviša Đurić, David Latinović, Stefan Vuković, Ognjen Mijatović, Manuel Desančić, Svjetlana Vlaški, Božana Baćić, Nikola Juričević, Marija Lukač, Dragana Ilić, Antonijo Julardžija, Maja Radmanović, Tamara Piljagić, Milica Marjanac, Tamara Učur, Igor Šikanjić, Dragan Vidović, Saša Tatar, Nevena Novaković, Miloš Savanović, Srđan Lončar, Ana Jojić, Gordana Jakovljević

Graphic design and paperback design: Jovica Kalajdžić Translated by: Ljubiša Popović, Nina Pijunović, Tanja Maksimović, Biljana Todorović and Jelena Stegić

Editorial office Stepe Stepanovića, 77/3 Phone number: 065/822 446; Web: e-mail:

1 — Number 2 — December, 2013

Editor’s introduction


n front of you, you have the second issue of our mutual magazine called ‘’The Bridge’’, the magazine of students of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy at the University of Banja Luka. This time, again, with the warning of those who have more experience, and now I believe with their pleasure, we did not lack either enthusiasm or will, which are prerequisites of success. Besides active fellow-workers, professors, assistants and students of our faculty, we dared to get in contact with some world famous people. Our famous producer Emir Kusturica, whom we met in Trebinje in one students’ forum, explained to us what it means to be a European, and not to lose your identity. When you listen to his speech or when you watch his performance, days later you will think about every word he had told you. You will retain some of his attitudes, and you will think about some of them, maybe you will even change them completely, but you will surely manage to find some universal messages from various spheres of human being. Because of that, I believe that you will see the importance of the themes published in our column Interview. As in the previous issue, the column of students’ works – Theory and practice is the widest. If we will judge according to the number of students’ works that arrived to the address of our editorial office, we can say that our aim has been accomplished – the realization of ‘’The Bridge’’ was a stimulus for our students to do scientific papers, and in that way to contribute to personal and collective success. Through this column, by combining theoretical and practical knowledge, the students authentically presented their knowledge and affinity for the given themes during their courses at the faculty, participation at some of the scientific gatherings or on their own initiative. Students representatives of the all the three departments, have chosen a project under realization, analyzed it from all three aspects: architecture, civil engineering and geodesy, and in that way, with the professional staff of the project, showed the inevitable connection of these three professions during the realization of any project. In the column Civil Engineering in the World we presented current issues in the area of architecture, civil engineering and geodesy, and also inconveniences in these fields. Besides that, we felt free and courageous to suggest and give to future engineers personal solutions for situations that occured by not following some stage in planning, realization or exploitation of the objects. Together with the professors who are project engineers, we followed the works on the new bulding of our faculty that occured sofar, which were by many things very specific, and you will see that in the column Info. Participation of our students at exhibitions, local and international projects, students’ seminars and congresses are only some themes of this column. We expanded the content of the column Knowledge plus with some useful guidelines about the basis of the software package TOWER, which is necessary for dealing with many problems that students of civil engineering encounter with during their studies. We also continued our tradition of writing about themes from serbian language ortography, some interesting facts and technical words dictionary. In anticipation that the development of our magazine will go in a positive way, we wish for preparations for the next issue. In the end of my brief ’speech’’, I must thank to all those who supported us constantly and helped us and who gave their personal contribution to the content and made it possible that the second issue of our Brigde connects new faces, new experiences and knowlege. We definetly want to meet around The Bridge in 2014 with new energy and ideas, with health and success.

Ana Ković

Info 6

The process of the faculty’s building construction


Cooperation of the Library of the Republic of Srpska and the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy


Practice for the students from the Water engineering major


EASA – the leading network of students of Architecture in Europe

16 18

Students’ Union of the Republic of Srpska


The development and integration of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy with the IMC

20 21 24

Festival of creativity and innovations


Motivational letter to graduated Engineers

Project: Urban regeneration of BROWNFIELD area in factory Rudi Čajavec

Study visit to Višegrad 17 years of the existence of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy


The process of the faculty’s building construction

Step by step

Written by: Saša B. Čvoro, Malina Čvoro, Radovan Beleslin Photography by: Saša B. Čvoro


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013 Bidding documents of the first phase of the Faculty’s building construction


ased on memorandum from 2011 about the realization of the project ‘’Readjustment of the object for needs of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy in Banja Luka’’, the necessary resources have been given by the economic and social component of the developmental program of the Republic of Srpska. Those resources are for preparation and the beginning of the construction of the faculty’s building. Bearing in mind the estimated value of the object, it was determined that the given resources will be sufficient for making investment and engineering documentation, getting the authorization for the construction and doing the first phase of the works. The first phase of the construction includes doing some roughing in, i.e. the construction of the basic structural assembly, without final elements of the outer layer, deck roof, internal dressing, installation system, and the installation of appliances and equipment. The added and upgraded part of the object has been planned with skeleton construction which is based on reinforced concrete and steel columns and girders that are spread in both directions. Generally, the object does not have abrupt change of height so it was founded on the unique raft foundation which is 60 cm thick. The object is founded on the ground made of gravel and sand and it has good bearing power with the expected ground water level at -4.7m from the ground spot level, which, in the planned/ measured level, does not influence much on the object under

7 construction and exploitation. Mezzanine plate floors are reinforced-concrete slabs with different dimensions, the thickness is between 12 and 20 cm, and they lean on reinforced-concrete girders and panels, their system is the system of reinforced slabs that form a cross with slabs that go in one direction. The thickness is different because of the different spans of some slabs and different useful load depending on the purpose of the space. Partition walls (internal and external) are planned from porous blocks with structural and lagging characteristics that are compatible with spatial position. Based on bidding documents and the conducted procedure the Contract about the works on reconstruction, adaptation, adding and upgrade of the existing object of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy which is located in the Duke Petar Bojović Boulevard was contracted with the investors, the University of Banja Luka, the Contractor Graditelj a.d. Teslić. The professional supervision will be done by the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, and the authors of this work are the leading members of the supervision team. The contractor was officially introduced with the works in the beginning of December 2012. Overview of the execution of works The works on the first phase of the faculty’s building construction can be divided into three parts: • works on the preparation and the organization of the building-site • works on the existing part of the part of the object • works on the new part of the object

8 When we talk about the first part, we talk about works on the organization of the building site, then works of removing, moving and protecting the existing trees in the zone of the construction of the building. The second part is about the works on reconstructing the existing object, reinforcing of its construction, and its upgrade. The third part is about works on the new parts of the object, and those are earth works, insulating work, underground floors, works with reinforced concrete. Removing, moving and protection of the existing trees. Before a wide mechanical excavation in the added part of the object, the location had to be prepared and the most important part was to move and remove the existing trees. Under the surveillance of the Genetic resources institute of the University of Banja Luka, and with the professional opinion of the Republic Institute for Protection of Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage, in January 2013 three trees were moved (maple, Japanese cherry, and paper birch) to a well-prepared location within the complex of the University city, and some trees were removed during the works on the construction of the object. For every moved tree, the experts approximately


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013

determined the diameter and the depth of excavation on the precisely determined places and the preparation was done before tree excavation. The remaining trees within the building site that will stay there are protected physically. In order to protect the trees it was determined that all the trees should be wrapped in jute or some other natural material, treetops should be pruned, groups of trees should be hedged with light-structure fence, works near the tree root system should be done manually and the depositing of building material and parking of the machinery near the trees should be avoided. The existing object The existing object – ‘’Tereza’’ building is built with bricks, with slab-and-beam floor, and the number of floors is ground floor + 1 story + attic. While making technical documentation – project of the current state, a detailed review of the geometry of the object was done. It included the excavation of the foundation in order to determine the depth of the founding. These activities gave a precise insight of the object geometry, but not its materialization. The beginning of the work on reconstructing the ‘’Tereza’’ building included removing all wall and floor finishing, and partial demolition of some structural elements. By doing this, the building was left completely bare, and in that way we got the insight to technical solutions and materials that were applied, which were innovative during the object construction. The walls, which are built with solid bricks of old Austrian format, are founded on concrete strip foundation, and


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013

9 and geological profile of the soil under the coverage of the object construction were kept. In order to satisfy the energy efficiency of the object and its static stability, the strengthening of the existing concrete foundations was done, and also high density insulating lagging was done. The existing columns and reinforced-concrete slabs beneath the space which is going to be the library were strengthened by carbon linen.

reinforced concrete columns on concrete isolated footing. Door and window lintels in the walls were done as arch elements. Vent shafts were integrated inside the walls and they were set in every structural field. Vertical ring beams were not done, while in the planar mezzanine floor we can find reinforced concrete horizontal ring beam. Bearing this in mind, the statement given in in the project documentation connected with period in which the reinforcedconcrete elements of the object were made is not correct, it is about the fundamental reinforcedconcrete elements from the period of the object construction, and that puts them into one of the earliest reinforced-concrete constructions in the Republic of Srpska. In order to form a future exhibition about the building construction, original parts of metalwork (windows, doors, stairs handrail), concrete handrail of the balcony, samples of armature, bricks and concrete,

Upgrade of the existing object With the project documentation we planned to increase the number of floors of the existing object to ground floor + 3 stories. For the structural system of the upgraded part of the object light steel skeleton construction, which is coupled with thin reinforced-concrete slab was chosen. This concept of the structural system of upgrade, including both light internal partitions and liners did not have important influence on the existing massive object structure.

10 The original, internal vertical communication was relocated to the west façade plane of the existing part of the object. By doing that, the newly designed stairway, when seen in architectonic and structural way, represents an independent spatial and formative entity. In accordance with spatial context and the purpose of the future object with the need to save and enrich the fund that was found there, the deck roof of the upgraded part of the object inevitably required its greening and making conditions for people’s stay and work in the natural environment. The excavation of the foundation pit Based on geotechnical research works, and research works in order to determine the yield of groundwater, the need for object conditioning and for defining its energy efficiency, that were done in one phase and for planning needs, vertical positioning of the object was done. In that way, the depth of the ground excavation was defined and also the floor level of the underground floors was given. Because of some circumstances - untimely removing and moving of trees


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013

from the location of building construction, earth works began when precipitation was high, and that led to the rise of the level of groundwater for cca 120cm more than research works determined the level of groundwater and the defined level of the excavation of the foundation pit. Works on the wide ground excavation and further works on the construction of foundation plate were slower because of weather conditions and could not be done without constant extraction of water from the foundation pit. In order to carry out the works, i.e. the extraction of water from the foundation pit, a new sand pump with enough capacity was obtained. The water from the foundation pit was pumped to drainage collector in the central avenue of the University city. Insulating works on the underground floors With the project solution it was calculated to make basement floor waterproof by putting synthetic foil with the layers of geotextile over high density lagging. The high level of groundwater caused the pre-planning of the volume of the waterproofing of the sunken part of the object, and also fecal and atmospheric drainage in the


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013 lower, foundation distribution. The changes refer to the need for protecting the entrance into basement of the object, and it lead to the need for waterproofing and the open amphitheater. The lower distribution of fecal and atmospheric drainage is done in concrete channel under the concrete base, which is waterproofed from both sides, and whose vertical extracts in double pipes go through a layer of horizontal high density lagging under the foundation plate. Works with reinforcedconcrete Spatial needs in the functional organization of the object required structural elements with greater span and the use of non-standard shutter systems. Formative and visual characteristics of concrete surfaces required the defining the way mutual joints are set and

11 the types of shutter systems, with special view on work cessation of concrete-work. For every concrete surface, in accordance with its trait (no matter it was surface or line element), the projected part in spatial and formative object characteristics, the type and texture were defined and the draft of shutter folding was given. The project request that basic structural elements are the part of the whole spatial designing, made additional requests when it comes to concrete structures construction technology, the order of concrete-works , planning of shutters and reinforcing structural elements.


Cooperation of the Library of the Republic of Srpska and the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy

The Architecture of the Interior Written by: Dragana Docić


tudents and others who visit the web site of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy got the information, which was given by Maja Đilas – fellowworker at the department of The Architecture of the Interior 1, that Exhibition in (about) the library was opening. From third year students’ point of view, summer semester of 2012/2013 with the course The Architecture of Interior 1 is a story larger than a paragraph and the set exhibition. It started with one whole Saturday of introductory lectures in the library, which was held by the director Ljijana Petrović-Zečić. Within the first phase, Saturdays similar to that one, repeated even when they were not the part of the curriculum. The starting phase included getting to know the space through the


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013

environment which the National Library of the Republic of Srpska offers and hides today and studying the existing project documentation. The second phase included the research work about Vladimir Neidhardt’s architecture and some terms and principles of making a contemporary library. Within the third phase concepts and ideas gradually connected, through stages and functions, into closing projects. The exhibition was opened on November 19 of this year in the hall of the National Library of the Republic of Srpska, when the first, second and third prize of the competition were given. The first prize went to: Admir Islamčević, Aleksandar Vulić, Dragan Karakaš, Zlatko Petrović, Jelena Radovanac, Nemanja Banjac and Stefan Gužvić; the second prize went to: Jelena Krčo, Marko Mioadnić, Ognjen Jokić, Radojka Kočić, Stefan Ružić; and the third prize went to: Anisa Gigović, Ana Jojić, Danijela Đukić, Dragana Docić, Maja Teofilović, Mile Mićić and Tatjana Stjepanović. The jury consisted of: Ljiljana Petrović Zečić, Maja Đilas MA, Malina Čvoro MA, Ivan Živanović MA, and the president of the jury professor Vladimir Mako PhD. As in the very beginning, the director held the speech, who this time expressed her gratitude for cooperation and the possibility of choice, filled with expectations, and she also expressed hope that the projects would be fulfilled ‘’as soon as possible, if not the whole library then at least the room number 29’’. During that time research work about the Neidhardt architecture and cultural objects in Banja Luka continues within the subject Architectonic Design 10.

Second prize

First prize work at the Exhibition in (about) the library, Banja Luka, November 2013



1 — Number 2 — December, 2013

Practice for the students from the Water engineering major

Deserved support and help Written by: Borivoj Obradović


he biggest problem of students of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy is the lack of practice, especially to those students who chose the department of Civil Engineering. However, that should be changed owing to Students’ Union of our faculty and AISEC organization, which engaged to find firms where students could do their practice. The biggest understanding for us was shown by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management that offered to provide practical work to all the students of Water engineering major. Engineers of this ministry fulfilled everything they promised. They provided practical work in several institutions, institutes and firms that, among other things, deal with hydro construction. Also, they wanted to make satisfied other students that do not live in Banja Luka and who during break time, when practical work is done, are at their

homes. In that way, students from Mrkonjić Grad were provided with the practice in Hydroelectric power station ‘’Bočac’’, students from Prijedor did their practice in water supply company in Prijedor and so on. Students who live in Banja Luka did their practical work in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Water supply company in Banja Luka, Hidrokop and some other firms. Practical work can also be a good opportunity for getting a job position if the student shows his knowledge, good relation with the job and the wish to make progress. That was proved to be true when we see the example of our colleague from Water engineering major who did her practice in Hidrokop firm. With her knowledge and commitment she managed to impose herself to the management of the firm which offered her job after she had finished her studies. Also, Hidrokop offered a scholarship to one of our students, Tanja Dragoljević, until the end of her studies. Positive comments also come from our colleague

who did his practice in Water supply company in Banja Luka, where he had spent three weeks. During that period he had the opportunity see the jobs that are done in the administration of this firm, with the jobs that deal with water system maintenance, and then also to see how factory for water production works. Also, he had the opportunity to go to the field and to be present during the realization of a project for connection to water supply and hydrant network and pipeline construction, and also the repair of breakdowns on water supply network. Every achievement gives us pleasure, and when the achievement is the result of one’s own commitment it makes that pleasure even bigger. Namely, with original ideas and good projects the students’ organization of our faculty deserved the affinity of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, which, just to remind you, was the sponsor of our study visit to Israel. We hope that we will, with our initiative and ideas, win affinity and ‘’earn’’ the support of institutions that can contribute to better and more successful studying.


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013

EASA – the leading network of students of Architecture in Europe

Diversities as the potential of development Written by: Dubravko Aleksić and Maja Radmanović



n the summer of 1981, while protests were usurping England because of unemployment and bad situation in the system of the country, a group of students of architecture from the whole Europe gathered in Liverpool. Their aim was to hang out, exchange ideas and try to solve current problems. That is how EASA (European Architecture Students Assembly) emerged. It is the leading international network of students of architecture that, for 32 years, has been giving the unique opportunity to its participants to, together with their colleagues from different cultural and ideological spheres, exchange knowledge, to understand architecture, design and art. That network stimulates intercultural dialogue, encourages cooperation between students from different schools of architecture, different nationalities, origin and opinions and it uses those diversities as a potential for the development of its contestants thinking system. It is held once a year and it is formed as a gathering during the summer, most often at the end of July and at the beginning of August, every year in different city in Europe. Up to 500 future architects from over 50 countries and 250 schools of architecture from Europe gathers here, with tendency to spread to other continents.

The main activities in this gathering are various practical and theoretical workshops that are held by tutors from all European countries. In workshops students use their academic knowledge in practice. They learn how to use modern tools and materials and they directly take part in building of the objects they also designed. In these workshops and activities of the network there is no hierarchy, which additionally contributes to its evolution and it increases the effect of unity of this 15-day community. This effect of unity, which is often hard to describe but easy to feel, is known among students under the name “The spirit of EASA” and it is one of the main reasons why students who attended the gathering come back again. Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy at the University of Banja Luka has been the part of the network since 2001 and around 100 students of the faculty took part in it. This year the gathering was held in Zuzenk, Slovenia. Eight students of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy took part in it. Next year EASA will be held in Veliko Tarnovo in Bulgaria. All students who are interested to take part can apply to competition that will be published in the spring of 2014 on the official Facebook page of EASA in Bosnia and Herzegovina (EASA BiH).


Students’ Union of the Republic of Srpska

Contribution to improvement of higher education Written by: Borivoj Obradović and David Latinović


he new formation of Students’ Union that was chosen in mid-June of this year, in the election assembly it adopted the general plan of this highest students’ organization, which is, by its concept and content, more different that the other former formations of the Union. With the change of generations of students, when younger students got more attention, a new method, which focused on solving concrete problems of students, was announced. The new approach was manifested with the first activity that referred to the Law of Higher education, where the Union fought to be involved in making new legal solution. Thanks to that, the text about amendments to the Law of Higher education included the suggestions that exams in April and October are mandatory, and that means to be available to all students, and not only to those


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013

who managed to get the sufficient number of ECTS. Besides that, thanks to active participation of Students’ Union, the right for transferring of the determined number of ECTS when enrolling to the next year of studies was not abolished, so after the acquisition of the Law of Higher education students will be able to transfer 15 ECTS points. The most important characteristic of the new Students’ Union working method is to put cooperation with institutions in the first plan, through our initiative and active role. This approach has only practical motif that is based on the fact that it is not possible to solve any problem without the institutions in power. Because of that, making cooperation and good communication with the institutions, primarily Ministry of Education and Culture, was one of the priorities. In short period that cooperation gave extraordinary result because on the meeting of the Government of the Republic of Srpska, almost all crucial questions about higher education were discussed. The basis for the discussion, in which representatives from the Union took active part, was an excellent piece of information about the state and problems in higher education, which was given by the Ministry of Education and Culture, validating numerous suggestions of the Students Union. Among other things, the question about the ‘’quality’’ of the work of private faculties was opened, the need for ranking faculties according to quality was indicated, solving problems of the lack of necessary number of professors, making the enrolling politics equal with the needs of the market etc. Besides these ‘’big’’ questions, the Union also contributed to the advancement of the talk about building new dorms, so the works


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013 on the dorm in Pale have already started, and soon the same should happen with the dorm in Foča, and the fourth pavilion of the dorm in Banja Luka. Also, students in Trebinje should get a cafeteria and all that without raising the prices of the fee in dorms. In only several months, the new management of the Students’ Union has also organized several events. First, we have to mention labor action in Tjentište, where more than hundred students from both Universities took part, then the finals of the students’ sport games which were held in Banja Luka, and the roundtable meeting about students’ standard, which has been recently held in Mrakovica. The president of the Republic of Srpska, Milorad Dodik, and minister in the Ministry of Labor, War Veterans and Disabled Persons’ Protection, Petar Đokic, visited our students during their labor action in Tjentište and gave them support.

17 In November the Union published a competition for 44 scholarships for students who get social help. Namely, that was the result of the initiative given by the Union that humanitarian foundation for students’ scholarships should be organized. It should be named ‘’Srđan Aleksić’’, and it will be funded by one part of the wages of Members of Parliament that accept to give 100 marks for this cause. Also, the Union intends to make a contribution for this fund and because of that they planned organizing a big humanitarian concert where famous public artists would take part. When talking about humanitarian work, we should mention that in cooperation with the Ministry of Labor, War Veterans and Disabled Persons’ Protection several temporary money donations were given in order to purchase books for students in families with a war veteran. In the end of this short report of five-month work of the Union, we should mention the fact that the realization of the project named: “The representation of higher education and problems of students in the programs of parliamentary parties in the Republic of Srpska’’ is in process. The project is about the extensive research, which, besides from analysis of the content of political parties, includes a poll with over 1000 students. This research should contribute to the fact that we have more objective attitude about the political offer in the Republic of Srpska, and what the opinion of the students about the politics is, and which problems are a priority for them. The final aim is to show ourselves as a social group and to make an influence on political parties to be more engaged in solving students’ problems.


Project: Urban regeneration of BROWNFIELD area in factory Rudi Čajavec

Remodelling of the former factory Written by: Anita Zrnić


aculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy at the University of Banja Luka together with the Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Urban Planning and Urban Design and Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, School of Civil Engineering & Architecture from Spital in Austria, organized and realized an international project in the form of academic studies under the name Urban Regeneration of a Brownfield Area in the City of Banja Luka – Rudi Čajavec. The realization started in March 2013 an it will last until June 2014. The theme of the project is a spatial remodeling of the former factory in order to include, again, this central city space into cultural, social and economic life of the city, taking into consideration its socio-historical and spatial values. Students had the task to develop different concepts for regeneration and sustainable development of the former industrial zone Rudi Čajavec (8ha) in the central location in Banjaluka. The task was to plan the projects of regeneration realistically taking into consideration current economic and political situation in Banjaluka.


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013

Dynamics of the work in the field The project is realized through two phases. The first phase of the project included the realization of academic studies through teaching that was held parallel in three faculties in the summer semester of 2012/2013 and three workshops where all the participants took part. The workshops were held in three partnership universities. The first workshop was held in Banja Luka in the period from April 8 until April 12. The theme of the workshop was getting to know the city, subject location and the task, and setting the first concept of ideas of regeneration of subject location. The work was done in miscellaneous teams – each team included students from all three faculties. The advantages of working in miscellaneous teams are: getting to know the students better, exchanging experiences and different approaches to the process of urban regeneration and designing. After the workshop the work was continued separately at the three faculties and work teams within individual faculties were formed. The second workshop was held in the period from June 2 until June 5 in Spital. It was organized as a form of presentation of students’ projects. The third meeting of all the participants was organized in September at the faculty in Vienna and final presentations of students’ projects were then held. Diplomatic representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Austria attended the presentations. The second phase of the project includes preparation, publishing and promoting international monograph about the project and it will be realized in the period from October 2013 until June 2014 when promoting of publication in Vienna was planned.

Participants of the project: 1. Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Urban Planning and Urban Design Teachers and fellow workers: Professor Christoph Luchsinger, Professor Michael Surböck and Ivan Tadić Number of students: 28 2. Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, School of Civil Engineering & Architecture Teachers and fellow workers: Professor Peter Nigst, Vladimir Vuković PhD and Jürgen Wirnsberger Number of students: 16 3. University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Teachers and fellow workers: Professor Aleksandra Djukic, PhD, Professor Milenko Stanković, PhD, Nevena Novaković and Anita Zrnić Number of students: 11


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013


The development and integration of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy with the IMC

Builder in action Apparatus for determination of water tightness of concrete

Written by: Bojana Grujić

Triaxial apparatus


ith joint forces of the Ministry of Spatial Planning, Civil Engineering and Ecology, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education and Culture we develop and encourage the development and integration with the Institute for Materials and Constructions (IMC). In the rooms of IMC the newest laboratories for scientific research and didactic have been installed. This delivery, which was financed by the funds from Austrian trade credit, include the equipment for concrete, soil mechanics and asphalt. The equipment for asphalt and concrete have been completely installed, and we are expecting the

Appliance for doing Proctor compaction test

final admission of the laboratory for soil mechanics by the end of November, where training of professors will be conducted. The existence of modern equipment will surely contribute to the improvement of the quality of teaching, and with that, future engineers will be qualified to grasp with real problem in practice. Therefore, the process of accreditation and the game of the market is what is coming next. We emphasize that our faculty and the IMC, besides the mentioned things, have the staff and equipment for energy efficiency, acoustics and light Extractor, the appliance for extraction of bittumen from asphalt



1 — Number 2 — December, 2013

Festival of creativity and innovations

Fusion Design Week Written by: Marija LukaÄ?


rom September 27 until September 29, 2013 the second Fussion Design Week was held in Banja Luka. It represents a festival of creativity and innovation. Many students that applied for workshops in this festival were from our faculty. The participants got the opportunity to present their skills through various contents from different areas of creativity, such as architecture, design and contemporary art etc. Five days before the festival started the participants prepared their works through worshops,

and our students of architecture prepared an exhibition of works they did in courses Architectonic graphics and Visualization and Modelling 2. Through many lectures that followed the workshops, the students gained some new knowledge and experiences, besides from expressing their personal creativity, hanging out and having fun. Besides long-term aim of Fussion Design, which is making network with regional manifestations in order to create high-quality scene of Banja Luka, we hope that there will be more workshops like these and similar to these, and manifestations, also, not only in the city of Banja Luka but also within our faculty.


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013

Study visit to Višegrad

From hydroelectric power station to classical music Written by: Borivoj Obradović


tudents Association of the students from the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy at the University of Banja Luka and IACES Banja Luka, organized the second study visit to Višegrad for the students from the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy in September of this year. Unlike the last year, when only around twenty students went to visit, this year we had twice as many students. This study visit, besides from visiting hydroelectric power station, also included Andrićgrad, the bridge built by Mehmed Pasha Sokolović, Dobrun Monastery and Mokra Gora. The administration of the power station on the Drina river was very accommodating, so they enabled the students of our faculty not only to visit objects within the power station, but also they engaged their engineers from the area of architecture, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering in order for the students to get the whole picture about the functioning of the power station, whose value of the basic capital is almost 442,000,000 marks. Considering the fact that

21 most of the students were visiting hydroelectric power station on the Drina for the first, the engineers first presented the historical background of the power station which started working in 1989. They explained to us that what is interesting for this power station are ‘’Kaplan turbines’’, which make the power of 3 x 105 MW. The average annual given production of electrical power is 1010 GWh, and the record production of 1285, 05 GWh of electrical power was produced not so long ago, in 2010. Most of the students found crest of the dam the most interesting place. The dam is the widest in that part, 280m, while the height of the dam is 79, 5 m. We also heard about some details about works under the diversion dam of the Drina power station, where readjustment of the part where the water was leaking is done. It is about a specific project which is unique in the whole of Europe, and the main contractor is an Austrian firm, Strabag. The aim of this project is to reduce the leakage from 15 cm3 per second to 5 m3 per second. Cooperation with the Drina hydro electrical power station

22 should become a tradition. Namely, the dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy and the Students’ Association made an initiative to the management of the Hydro electrical power station to organize these visits every year and in that way to contribute to practical lessons, especially for students from the water supply major. During the visit to Andrićgrad we had the opportunity to see everything that has been done since our last visit to Višegrad. The town got its cinema, library, bookstore, bank, and some new buildings have been built. Also, we were fascinated with the hotel which is still in the process of construction. Unlike the last year, several restaurants and cafés were open in Andrićgrad, as well as a tavern which we could not skip during our evening visit to Andrićgrad. The hosts have organized an evening with the players of the tamburitza and by doing that they made our visit to Andrićgrad complete. According to what we saw, Andrićgrad will have been finished by the next St. Vitus Day (June 28), as it was planned. And when we visit it again next year, we will find a monument of Njegoš that has recently been set in the


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square that has the same name. During our visit to Drvengrad in Mokra Gora, we had ‘’the pleasure’’ to listen to the concert of classical music, where all young musicians from the whole world took part. The concert was in open and it was really impressive, and we acted as if we were at Haris Džinović’s concert. Sometimes we even successfully pretended that we were experts in that kind of music. We made loud comments about whether some segments of the song should have been played with lower or higher tone. Still, we did not exaggerate.


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013


Visit to the construction site of thermal power plant Stanari

A unique project in the area of South-East Europe Written by: Dragana Zeljić and Dijana Majstorović


n 1st November, Construction Material Institute of Republic of Srpska (CMI RS), in cooperation with the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, organized visit to construction site of TPP Stanari for the undergraduate students of the final year. Beside about fifty students, Minister of Spatial Planning, Civil Engineering and Ecology Srebrenka Golić, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy PhD Milenko Stanković and assisstants of the faculty have also assisted the visit. The whole event was well-covered by media. The hosts organized the presentation about the construction of TPP Stanari and about its significance to RS. The presentation was held by Engineers responsible for constructional and mechanical works on the construction of thermal power plant. Students were enabled to see in person how the construction site is organized and the technology for building the thermal power plant, as well as new methods of controlling and monitoring the construction process. In May 2010, ‘’EFT Rudnik’’ and

‘’TPP Stanari’’ have signed the contract about the delivery of the equipment and the construction of TPP Stanari with the Chinese company ‘’Dongfang Electric Corporation’’, and on 18th May this year the construction of TPP Stanari has begun. It is being built by the power company ‘’EFT Group’’. This is a unique project in the area of Southeast Europe, because the construction of the thermal power plant is based on the “turn-key contract” and it is being built out of the parts that are being manufactured in China by the company Dongfang. Dongfang company is one of

24 the biggest manufacturers of the energy equipment in the world (every year it installs 30.000 MW of new power plants in China and worldwide, which is equal to the power of 100 Stanari power plants). TPP Stanari is the first thermal power plant of this sort that is being built in the area of former Yugoslavia after more than thirty years. EFT Group invests 600 millions of euros in this project, which, other than modernization of the mine Stanari, also implies the construction of modern thermal power plant (pursuant to the Directives of the European Union on environment protection), with the capacity of 300 megawatts (2.000 gigawatt hours of electric energy which will be disposed by EFT). The probation is scheduled towards the end of 2015, and obtaining Certificate of Occupancy should happen in 2016. At the moment, about 250 workers from local companies are working on the construction of the building. After the


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013

construction is done and TPP starts working, the power plant and the mine are said to provide long-term employment for about 900 people. Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy thanked the hosts for their hospitality and Minister Golić for his time, and expressed his belief that future Engineers of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy will make a major contribution in realization of this project and others like this one in RS. ‘’Investments of this sort of extent are rare and this is a great opportunity for the faculty to be actively involved. It is also an opportunity for future Engineers to familiarize with the latest construction technologies and upgrade their theoretical knowledge. This is the best evidence that students from Banja Luka are being educated in accordance to European Principles, respecting the principle ‘’student in the center of the teaching process’’, emphasized Dean Stanković.


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013

17 years of the existence of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy

Students significantly contributed to the development of the faculty Written by: Mladen Amović



eventeenth birthday of our faculty has been celebrated on December 13th this year, in the solemn atmosphere of amphitheater in Campus. As a part of the Solemn Academy dedicated to the faculty’s anniversary, 151 degree has been awarded to graduated Engineers and masters of Technical Sciences. Beside professors, assistants and students of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, the Solemn Academy has been attended by Minister of Spatial Planning, Civil Engineering and Ecology Srebrenka Golić, Head of Representatives of RS in Israel Ari Livne, Director of the Fund of Environmental Protection and Ecology Srđan Todorović, Rector of the University in Banja Luka Stanko Stanić and many other guests. Dean Milenko Stanković estimated the thus far results of the activity of our faculty as highly exceptional. Beside everything else, he especially praised the activity of students who have contributed a lot in making a better image of the Faculty, and among the multitude of activities he singled out magazine “The Bridge”. Dean emphasized the magazine’s contribution to the image of the whole University, and its content’s quality which enables it to compete with prominent international magazines. We

deemed the Dean’s words as additional motivation and stimulus to work in future. ‘’International exchange, too, is where our success lies. We are trying to learn from the best, and our goal is to improve our work and to educate qualified experts,’ said Stanković. Students were motivated by the speech of Minister of Spatial Planning, Civil Engineering and Ecology Golić, who said that the best students of our faculty should be employed in the institutions of Republic of Srpska in the next period. ‘’This is a prestigious academic institution. New edifice of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering will be one of the most modern in the region, which is a precondition of development and education of qualified experts,’ said Golić.



1 — Number 2 — December, 2013

Motivational letter to graduated Engineers – young builders of Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy in Banja Luka

Dear builders – young colleagues, We greeted you on this college by saying “welcome”. When you finished your studies, rather than saying “adieu” to you, we said “goodbye”. We are completely aware that you are our greatest value, hope, product to be proud of, and that is why we are referring to you with warm words – do never forget your school. It was and it will remain a place of great value. It is our duty to take care of it. Please forget potentially difficult moments, unconscious oversights and inconveniences. We ask you to be persistent and responsible. We follow human principles and tend to create, operate and develop our school jointly – for the sake of all of us, but of our descendants, too. We also take this opportunity to thank you for thus far collaboration and to express our faith, love and hope to be tenacious and to persist on the wanted way of melioration of studying results. We suppose that you already know about the process of revision of study curriculum on the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, University of Banja Luka, because many of you have responded and now are active participants in that process. More about each one of study curricula you can find on the web site of the faculty ( We are well aware that we are assigned an extensive and difficult task of melioration of teaching process and the result of studying in the school of builders. Through life-long learning and in cooperation with you we want to develop, grow and progress together. We invite you to register and choose possible forms of cooperation (Questionnaire: We expect comments for improvement of study curricula and comments on the results of studying from you, but all the other forms of cooperation as well. The goal is to build the school together and to build ourselves. You will be informed in time about all the activities. We sincerely believe that each one of your suggestions, comments, ideas and consultations will provide us better insight into the society’s needs and labor market, and that, being aware of human and moral values, you will provide us your precious assistance and support growth and development of both our and your school. Sincerely, Dean of of Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy PhD Milenko Stanković

Interview 28

Encounter with Emir Kusturica


Encounter with Emir Kusturica

"It is our authentic perception of freedom that gives birth to Tesla and Đoković" Prepared: Ana Ković and Borivoj Obradović


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013


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We are here, in Andrićgrad, between Nobel Prize Winner and his spiritual leader Petar II Petrović Njegoš. They are waiting for the rest of the heroes of our culture and science to arrive and settle down the youngest European old town. They, both in heavens and on earth, and we with them, wanted or not, for better and worse. Njegoš and Andrić are not our only great figures who gave the world everything needed for it to be great and significant. That world didn’t give back neither to them, nor to us, what had belonged to us. That’s the reason because at this moment I cannot do without mentioning the name on which our liberty and culture begins. Petar Petrović Njegoš is a phenomenon that most strongly expressed the spirit of our freedom, and his sublime thought is most frequently considered the chorus of our life and historical doom hidden in the slogan: ‘’Let it happen what cannot be happening.’’ (Emir Kusturica’s speech on unveiling of monument to Njegoš in Andrićgrad) About Andrićgrad I’m doing everything I can to keep the good, beautiful and divine within my nation from disappearing. Andrićgrad is a unique town in the world, a confirmation that we are free and that people who accept good ideas exist. This is the greatest project in my life and I think that this project will last long, as a memento to one period of time that was dramatic, as every other actually, and where children will be running through these

squares, where murmur of the youngest will be heard, the bicycles going around Njegoš, people coming to negotiate, market place where they will be coming to buy things. Andrić Institute, where, hopefully, world’s greatest intellectuals will keep meeting, and thus, the possibility exists that all the political parties that have different programs agree with this concept, which now lives. About why Njegoš ‘’watches Andrić’s back’’ That was planned from the beginning. In fact, the order in which those people who are up, and who should be down

with us, too, is planned. They should give us an impression from that strength that they are transmitting, our experience, our perception, to create as it is written, because Andrić sees in Njegoš his spiritual father and the essays that he wrote about Njegoš note that it is the zenith of our poetry. Now, when we quote the famous thought: ‘’Let it happen what cannot be

happening’’, as Andrić says, no other nation nor any other language have such a slogan. Then, one whole existential field is being created that shapes Njegoš’s philosophy and Njegoš’s poetry on that what could or could not happen. Thus, it is very important for those historical connections, that follow one another, to be emphasized, researched and that our history and our culture are being told about and that it affirms itself as much as possible, since it is threatened by oblivion, new technology and accessibility to everything. It is threatened by negligence of the most important things,

and I think that one nation is actually a wealthy nation if it has such great men. About Njegoš Tragic hero bearing Kosovo in mind, as Andrić proclaimed him, is the core of our Europeanism. There are thousands of pages of documents in which he is corresponding with Austrians

30 in Kotor, with pashas and with Stambol, representing in the written form the Montenegrins who were suppressed and abused etc. He was torn apart between the policy and leading people, his poetry and its concrete role in that history. In all that, the most powerful origination is this one that in poetry consists of the most highly intellectual thoughts which are directly under the European influence. He lived and worked in agony and died young in the end. There is no such figure in our history who speaks so thoroughly about our tendency to be European people and to be side by side with the greats, nor there is anyone who has so meaningfully determined our true criterion and our true position. He reconciled the quarreling tribes and reached for every kind of remedy that would put Montenegro in order. As a result of one great, enormous life and its contribution, it was proved that everything about us is fragmented and discontinuous, except in our hearts and minds. So, miscellaneous forces that roamed these regions have buried Njegoš seven times, demolished his tomb, displaced it, and made out of it everything that it has never been and then, in the end, it became a total absurdity in our time. About transition and better life That story about better life comes to an end within my own family, where one man worked as a minister of information, and my mother was a bookkeeper at the Faculty of Civil Engineering. Every 29th our


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supplies were all spent and we waited from 30th, i.e. 31st, until 1st when the salary was due to come, so the debit would already start around 27th. If the man, who was minister of information for a certain period of time, had a financial standstill during Titoism when there were surpluses because of weapon selling etc., if he had to try to make ends meet, the question arises whether it`s the insufficiency of everything in the Balkans that does people good. If back then it was really like that, the question arises whether there is any period in our history that isn`t some sort of a transition. That is the reason why those feelings are still alive inside us, especially the myth of Kosovo, without which we couldn`t exist. It is considered that here in Balkans worlds end and other worlds begin and that here, according to Kalaj, the greatest enemy of Serbian people who ever existed, ``tyrannical East merges with Roman West and that non-political people live here``. He said that precisely because he had worked on that, there were even documents in which he gave order to a supervisor in Mostar to estrange Serbs and Muslims, because he had hoped that Muslims would be Catholics one day. Therefore, that unreliable recipe had always created unfavorable transition conditions, so they were more or less transitional, and those disputes that had always existed among ethnic groups, those were always a delightful fuel to, in any period of time, even after Tito`s fifty years of reign, for which period we thought there would never be war, to set fire a war which was inflamed

People alienate the best part of themselves through glorification of power and imitation of brave world. According to Aristotle, people possess intrinsic virtue to imitate and that is the origin of the theory of acting and the theory of drama. Nowadays, it’s a total absurdity and paradox, because a Gipsy child nearby Sarajevo is named John Kennedy, which is a spontaneous expression of that. I think that the majority of our public loses in the battle with different perfumes and trademarks and, hence, it actually estranges the best part of itself. Because of the shoes that they are buying, because of everything that doesn’t have the feature of originality attached, people lose their individuality and then the army of consumers is being created, who won’t be asked about anything by the corporations, they will just make them spend money. This is why it is a dramatic position.

like matches dropped down in gasoline, so that everything we had done until then would burn. That spiritual dimension was helped by archpriest Nenadović, Njegoš, Ignjatović, Matija Bećković, Isidora Sekulić and others. I’m speaking about people who all tried to do the most characteristic thing for Njegoš and Andrić, to be European, but not to lose identity.


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About our position being difficult Understanding the idea about Njegoš is actually a question about who agrees to lose their identity quickly. Our position is the most difficult in this case because we are rooted in Orthodox Christianity, i.e. in the original Christianity, which never went where Catholics went during the reforms, and, on the other hand, the position of Islamic civilization which left trace and which has its own ethnic group, Bosniaks, who don’t have renaissance and don’t have something similar to renaissance in that period of development of their civilization. It means that everything that is nowadays made up and patented as magnificent is based on Christian civilization, without diminishing Arabians, who made up the numerical system and other good things. But, it seems to me that on this soil that clash is more obvious than in the Middle East, because the generators of those crises are nearer here, i.e. the generators of what in some other part provides war and provides something that is tested method and the most significant method of ruling the world. Especially since Wall Street and shareholder companies were created and united not only by financial fraternity, but also to the idea of psychological value of some share. About the relationship towards tradition and about the reason for great people being born right here Republic of Srpska is paying more attention than Serbia to

preserving the tradition. We can`t say that Serbs in Serbia don’t have that feeling. They are under greater pressure, and that pressure suppresses those oscillations, so there can be found ways to correct that. I think that the idea of ``better things to do`` makes us forget the primary thing. If you are in need, you sign, or make the General Assembly sign the resolution by which China and Russia would support us and by which, practically, the idea of recognition of Kosovo would stop being valid. Say that we turn sides on that conference, it means that probably there was some threat and if you are so busy with that, then you see an ``update`` as something implied. Predominantly, we are the nation that considers everything as something implied. From my individuality strength which is again that resulting point of freedom which no one else has, I consider that this freedom and the perception of freedom are the ones that give birth to Tesla and Đoković. That’s why others don’t have them. My idea is, actually, that in this kind of a culture, from Njegoš to nowadays, great names should be created, because that maybe the most significant aspect of Christianity, which is individual autonomy, was nowhere else applied with such a success nor was it at least comparable to some other neighboring nation who could say that they have Mihailo Pupin, such grandeur like Isidora Sekulić, such a poet like Matija Bećković, Duško Radović, Stevan Sremac, Simo Matavulj etc. There’s little difference between scientific culture and culture, especially nowadays,

and, actually, there’s no such place like ours with so many great ascents among so small number of people. About freedom as an idea of outcome of Serbian people I claim that here, more than anywhere else, there’s autonomy in every concept, whether group or political, which sometimes hurts us. I believe, although I cannot prove it, but relying on my intuition and pieces of intelligence that I do have, the idea of that freedom is the starting point of that nation. This is why it liberates more easily what I say that we gave the big world a lot more than it gave to us. That idea of freedom leads us to dreadful authenticity, because when we would remember everything that went through those periods of time, we would find, from Saint Sava to Njegoš, from Njegoš to Bećković, continuity of something essential and just as important as material life. About World War I There are great directors who are unknown to us. There are bad directors who generate Hollywood movies, known to us. There’s an army As I was one of those who practically grew up in the street, and I didn’t want to be stupid, I wanted to be one of those known as the ones who read books, then it was that emotional intelligence that opened the cosmos to me, in which I later found out what was it all about.

32 of people who are either paid to spy for others or they are voluntarily doing it, as the old Serbian custom implies, so the impression is being made of World War I to be the actual image of our barbarism. However, anyone who peeked a little into the books knows that World War I was induced by former Germany. There’s Fisher’s theory that gives it foundation, and here we will try to provide an insight to archival materials that will testify that the war was planned ahead. There is one example from the history. Empress Katarina started the fight with the Turks over Crimea and Austrians became her allies. One of the deals was to liberate Belgrade and that was what they did. Dositej Obradović welcomed that liberation, wrote pages and pages, but, 17 days after the liberation Belgrade was returned to the Turks because Germany ordered so. It means that the authenticity of the World War I was actually the pressure from Austria, i.e. Germany, for that war to begin. It was supposed to begin in Russia, but it was much more convenient for it to begin in Serbia. Rebecca West told the whole story, the chronology of Ferdinand’s coming and generally that idea of how his uncle Franjo Josip, not speaking about what kind of man he was, announced the Responsibility is the hardest exam that one takes. The most serious accusation for any leader is the lack of responsibility, and that’s another formal human trait that needs to be formed.


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news that Ferdinand was killedGod’s justice was fulfilled. All these conditions speak about that war being imposed and that it was liberation war, what Andrić called ‘’rebel angels’’, as he called Mlada Bosna and generally those people who felt great change and abolition of slavery. But, not just that. It was the war in which 30 per cent of population lost their lives. 30 per cent of population lost their lives for their freedom, and then it all moved out to Sarajevo where it was called celebrating centenary of the war and where the leaders were all those who had lost that war, having in mind the idea that there would be no more wars, which is my dream, but not my primary desire, before it stands the characteristic of this world to feed itself through wars and there will be wars. Great wars have stopped in 1945, but still there are small wars and we are all afraid of some great war, again. They hesitated when they saw a picture of Hitler getting as a birthday present the stone plate with a dedication to the hero Gavrilo Princip, which was on the spot where the assassination took place. According to some people,

Message to students: You must recognize the moment, make it come out of the voluntary aspect of love, and then simply recognize that moment when your intelligence becomes emotional and push towards the goal at all costs, plus, loving those that you lead.

now they have in plan to build a statue of Franc Ferdinand. It would be great if it could be on Hitler’s birthday. And now, the idea is, that is why political correctness exists, to suppress even the thought of that idea of freedom and to change political correctness into compatibility and cooperation. It is no longer our tendency to be free and all that, again, has its origin in those transactional, big companies, that want to dig nickel, that exploit the whole world, because, no matter how many new elements are being invented, it seems that those natural resources remain basics of growing rich.

Topic of the issue 34

Andrić Town in the eyes of the witnesses


Andrić Town in the eyes of the witnesses

The youngest old town Written by: Ljiljana Duvnjak, Biljana Subotić and Ana Ković


1 — Number 2 — Decembar, 2013


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013


The bridge through the centuries According to what famous Turkish writer of travelogues Evlija Čelebija wrote, the lower town of Višegrad was built by Sokollu Mehmed Pasha around 1577, and since there was a place above

them to be entered to the local imperial palace. According to some sources, the first Serbian Patriarch Makarije Sokolović was either brother or cousin to Sokollu Mehmed Pasha, it is not known for sure. According to Turkish sources, this town was conquered in 1544 by Osman Pasha and it was under the Turkish government until 1878, when the Congress of Berlin happened and the whole Bosnia was taken by Austro-Hungary. When AustroHungarians came to Višegrad, it

it the town has got the name Višegrad. In fact, Grand Vizier Sokollu Mehmed Pasha was a Serb, born in Rudo, who was taken to Constantinople when he was a little boy, Bajica, where he was converted to Islam together with forty other children from the well-known Serbian families. The children were brought to Edirne where they were received by Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent in his presence chamber and, after he liked them, he gave order for

started to gain the contours of an urban area. The coastlines of Drina in Višegrad are connected by Sokollu Mehmed Pasha’s old bridge, known as ‘’the Bridge on the Drina’’, which was described in the novel that bears the same name written by Ivo Andrić, who won the Nobel Prize in Literature for that work in 1961. This bridge is a representation of one of the most monumental works of architecture in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was built in the

‘’Life is an incomprehensible miracle because it is constantly being used and it falls apart, but it still goes on and stands firmly, just like the bridge on the Drina.’’ Ivo Andrić


period between 1571 and 1577. The construction of the bridge was trusted to the greatest Turkish builder, Mimar Sinan, former Christian, who went through the same path as Mehmed Pasha and dedicated himself to construction work, leaving behind the most important works of architecture of his time. It is known that this bridge was repaired around the year 1664, then in 1875, 1911, 1939 and 1940. During the World War I two shafts of the bridge were destroyed. The bridge was in that state until 1939, when it was repaired. An iron construction was set in the place of the destroyed part of the bridge from 1915 to 1939 and via it the traffic was conducted. The bridge was destroyed during the World War II and its foundations also were seriously endangered because the hydropower affecting the water level in the river. In spite of these historical events, the uniqueness of the old bridge in Višegrad was saved during the successful


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restorations. At the beginning of 1950’s the stone that was used to build the bridge was renewed. The bridge was added to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2007. New reconstruction of the bridge has begun this year. The bridge will be reconstructed by replacing the existing fence and cobble, and it will be built out of the same stone as it has been built almost five centuries ago. The construction of Andrićgrad ‘’Life without joy, movement and novelties is not a life at all but bare existence, slavery.’’ Ivo Andrić

After five centuries, Višegrad is again big construction site that tends to be as famous as ‘’the bridge on the Drina’’. Along with the old bridge, Andrićgrad is being built, and it has its own symbolism and represents a sort of rebellion against oblivion. That is why there will be found, all in


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013 one place, everything what’s great in our culture, science and history, to remind us on something that we might have forgotten and to bring us back self-confidence. The construction of Andrićgrad has begun in 2011, in the place where the river Rzav flows into the Drina, and it was opened for visitors on 5th July 2012. The creator of this project is our famous director Emir Kusturica. There has been built the architectural combination of two worlds, everything is pleasing to the eye, harmonized, but functional, too. The youngest old town in Europe, which is being built ‘’following the recipes of the history’’, should be finished next year on Vidovdan. However, even now it has the ability to captivate you in one place for several hours, while you enjoy the view and absorb the sounds. That is why it is no wonder that it is Andrićgrad that the team of our magazine ‘’The Bridge’’ has chosen to be the topic of the issue, wishing to make the students of our faculty more familiar with the information that is not generally known and it has to do with our future profession. Architectural engineer Nevena Milošević and plant manager Radomir Stojić helped us by

37 enabling us the access to all the necessary information, part of the technical documentation and rendu of the project. The concept of the project’s development ‘’When a person has inner struggles with oneself and with the unknown forces within oneself, the most important rule should be obeyed: do not ever surrender.’’ Ivo Andrić

The peninsula on the estuary for which Andrić wrote that it represented ‘’the essence of the town which was never formed’’, has been extended for about twenty meters into Drina, where the main promenade has been traced – Mlada Bosna Street. Most of the objects in Andrićgrad are linked by wide underground tunnels. These passages serve the purpose of servicing the theater, cinema, restaurants, cafés, stores, market place, and there are also two parking lots for several hundreds of vehicles underground. The peninsula needed to be protected from the Drina’s flood that often devastates its coastlines. Architectural time machine by which it is easy to ‘’travel’’ through pagan, Ottoman, Christian and civil period has been built around the street Mlada Bosna. For the citizens of Višegrad and thousands of visitors from different parts of the world Andrić’s Institute dazzles, coated with ‘’tenelia stone’’ from Mostar, a gentle, beautiful stone that matures and grows old along with the building. Along with SANA in Belgrade and Matica Srpska in Novi Sad, this classical institute of social science is the new essence of our culture in Republic of Srpska, and it will try


to give answers to the challenges of the future. The most beautiful and contemporary theater in the region is built, ‘’Triplex’’ theater ‘’Čiča Ilija Stanojević’’, that has been running for a full year, behind the Square Nikola Tesla where the statue of Andrić stands, the work of the sculptor Milanko Mandić (1951-2010), just like the one standing on Andrićev Venac in Belgrade. Representative City Hall is built as well. Also, Temple of Saint Lazar, Dečani of Višegrad, Academy of Fine Arts, monument to Petar Petrović Njegoš and the building of the company ‘’HE on Drina’’ have been built. Byzantine Tower is built and there are also bookstores, dormitory, galleries, shopping malls, stores and restaurants, as well as several dozens of stone houses. Hotel, school and theater are to be built. It is expected to be formed the new city core of Višegrad having the function of a tourist mall and a recognizable tourist product in Srpska which could note annual visits of about 150.000 tourists. Constructional preparation of the project ‘’And that mechanical job was followed by some kind of a persistent melody, undetermined but constant thought: there still has to be that ‘right path’ somewhere, which he


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013

had been looking for in vain his entire life; that it exists and a man will find it sooner or later and he will open it for all people.’’ Ivo Andrić

The land, i.e. the characteristics of the subsoil were examined using six geotechnical exploratory holes which depth of 3.5 m is restrained by the advent of groundwater which is directly dependent on the depth of Drina and Rzav. Within the field test it is stated granulometric composition, consistent condition, gloss, dry tenacity, reaction to shaking, as well as existence of CaCO3. By geomechanical testing of samples in laboratory it is stated soil moisture, Atterberg limits, as well as specific weight, for which oedometric test, direct shear test and determination of the specific weight by cylinder are used. The investigations have shown the geotechnical section of the terrain which consists of: • Humus – about 20 cm thick • Embankment – isolated case spotted in only one investigation pit • Alluvial sediments (sandy dusts and dusty sands) • Limestone and diabase – horn-like formations. After the removal of the humus layer and filling the terrain because of the potential flood waves of Drina and Rzav on the


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013 level of 1-2.5 m, out of incoherent materials the buffer layer 0.2 m thick has been built for the objects with basement, and for the objects without basement its thickness is up to 1.9 m. Objects without basement have reinforced concrete strip foundation 0.5 m, 1.0 m or 1.5 m wide with 0.8 m depth of foundation, whilst objects with basement have foundation on reinforced concrete foundation plate of 3.1 m depth of foundation. Contact load beneath fundamental strips is 120-150 kN/m2, whilst beneath plates it is 40-60 kN/m2. Calculation of foundation settlement is carried out using the Steinbrenner method and compressibility characteristics obtained from the results of laboratory and field tests. Types of constructions and materializations

‘’A stroke finds a spark in a stone, if there wasn’t for the stroke that spark would remain hidden.’’ P .P. Njegoš

39 As far as the type of the construction is concerned, it is similar with most of the objects – monolithic reinforced concrete skeletal system which vertical supportive elements are poles, and horizontal elements are ceilings and timbers of various ranges. In some places there is also wooden ceiling. The roofs on smaller objects have classic wooden construction, while theater and cinema have steel truss as a substructure of roof covering. The hotel and the administrative building of hydropower are covered with sheet metal of low incline on the last panel. The church is also built within monolithic reinforced concrete system, except that elements have stronger dimensions than other classic objects in the complex and that there is a dome of 5 m range. First the left and the right promenade, theater and City Hall were built, and the last building, which construction has already begun, is the church. Certain objects were built as the project demanded, while there are others that went through minor or major modifications during the process of building, as a result of the development of the idea of the whole complex. One of our questions directed to the engineers was about building of the remaining objects. They said that most of the objects have already been built, in relation to the original idea. What is left to be built is Serbian court and caravanserai. However, there is a possibility of changing the very idea during the general development of Andrićgrad. We also learned from the conversation which types of materials they used during the building of the objects.

40 Materialization for the entrance gate, as well as the buildings dating from the past along the main street, as finishing treatment authentic and already used rough, hand-carved stone is embedded. This sort of stone and method of installation were also used on the whole façade of the hotel and part of the façade of the administrative building of Hydropower. On certain objects new materials and methods of installation were used, but with a tendency for elements of façade, as well as the final look, to be modeled as if they were from certain period from the past. That is the case with the façade of the church, where new stone was used of a certain texture that fits the primary notion, integrated with patinated Greek brick, so it would look ``aged``. On the administrative building of Hydropower appears an element of contemporary architecture, too, semi-structural glass curtain wall. As technical means of preparation and modeling the project software tools were used: AutoCad, ArchiCad, 3D Studio Max, V-ray, SketchUp.


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013

Inauguration of the monument to Petar II Petrović Njegoš On 29th November, Petar II Petrović Njegoš has majestically settled down in Andrićgrad and in this way 200th anniversary of the birth of this great poet and statesman has been celebrated. This manifestation was described, by the mastermind of Andrićgrad, in the following words: ‘’Njegoš is traveling right now. He will take a seat and watch Andrić’s back. He will sit in front of the church of Saint Lazar and that square will be named after him. He is Andrić’s spiritual leader in every sense and I believe that he is one of those tragedians who haven’t rested in peace even when they died. He is a metaphor of survival, hope and what’s the source of our tradition. The relation towards our tradition has created Andrićgrad.’

Instead of the conclusion Andrićgrad is basically mythical idea. Mythical notion is created of the town that is being created afterward and it should have been created once upon a time. The very scope of the town represents one historical stage and its streets prove that architecture is the only true expression of the way of living. This architecture depicts one historical period, the way of living in it and enables you to truly experience it, by organization of the objects, usage of different materials, fitting the old into the new.

Theory and practice - student’s works -


Students’ research of a current construction project


21. International Urban Planners Exhibit in Leskovac

50 54

Experimental dynamic analysis

56 58



Interior Architecture

Scientific work published on “Georeks 2013” scientific symposium in Osijek Regional Convention of Geodesy Students 2013


Students’ research of a

current construction project

Additional Spillway for Control of Flood Discharge in Bočac Hydro Power Plant Written by: Saša Brkić, Novica Laketić, Ana Ković


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orking together with the nature is an exquisite honor and a great challenge. An engineer in the 21st century, guided by a noble vision, transforms the space according to the engineering ethics code. An engineer is not just a piece of paper neatly folded in a blue case. We witnessed this by analyzing the construction of a project called additional spillway for control of flood discharge. Representatives of “Integral Engineering” construction firm, the contractors, introduced us with the description of the object, problems and space-planning documents. We were received by the executive manager for technical work, Mr. Dragan Jevtović, and their civil engineer Slavica Jaslar, in the cozy environment of the Integra Business Center, in the headquarters of the company. They helped us to partly understand the complexity of the problem by analyzing all the stages of project realization. To get a complete image of the object we arranged a visit to the site with Mr. Jevtović. The professionalism of the experts from “Integral Engineering” left a great impression on us. Civil engineer Radomir Gvozdenović welcomed us on the site and introduced us right away with the project and the problems they encountered during the construction work. Everything was quite easy on paper, but Mr. Gvozdenović had a difficult task of controlling the wild Vrbas canyon.

Details about the project What is special about this project, and the technology used on it, is the fact that the additional spillway for control of flood discharge is constructed more than 30 years after the

dam construction and the accumulation of water. When Bočac hydro power plant started working in 1981, outlet structures on the dam (including the bottom outlet) were structurally designed for a flood flow of 1490 m³/s in a thousand years recurrence period. However, the new technical documents from 1999, showed that the flood flow over a period of thousand years is 2100 m³/s. Therefore,

project. The first part of projecting included extensive amount of research work on the site of the future object, as well as laboratory analysis of the sample materials taken from the site. The result of all this research work was the groundwork necessary for the drafting of present additional spillway project. This includes geodetic, geological and hydrological groundwork.

in 2003, Jaroslav Černi Institute of Water Resources Engineering carried out a “Study of Evacuation of Accumulated Flood Flow” on the dam of Bočac hydro power plant. Apart from the goals of the project, to provide hydrological safety of the dam and Bočac hydro power plant, the scope of work also includes research work necessary for the realization of project solutions as well as drafting of technical documents. Research work includes engineering and geological mapping, exploratory boring, laboratory analysis, geophysical prospecting, geodetic measurements as well as all other research work that is part of the

Geological groundwork Extensive research work was done in order to make all the geological groundwork. This includes office work, different research field work and actions, laboratory analysis from the field of soil and rock mechanics. All this work mentioned above resulted in a geotechnical classification of the line for the side slope and the tunnel. We distinguish two geotechnical parcels, one bigger, massive, with the majority of limestone rocks, and the other one, more complex and significant, even though less frequent, a parcel of marly sediment rocks.



The chute, base of the excavation with a cross section

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Hydrological groundwork Hydrological groundwork used in the drafting of this project was taken out of the “Study of Evacuation of Accumulated Flood Flow” on the dam and was used in the calculations of the transformation of flood waves, to determine the flow for different elevations of the highest grade of accumulation, with new conditions created with the additional spillway. Geodetic groundwork Mathematical modeling of a real situation by the means of geodetic groundwork is the initial phase of every construction project. The site is fitted by a net of fields, with intersection points determined by a suitable geodetic method. Three-dimensional coordinate points are defined by the State Coordinate System, and represent the connection between the object in the project and the physical earth surface. Geodetic surveying of the terrain, necessary for the drafting of technical documents for the additional spillway of the Bočac hydro power plant, was conducted in 2008. The result of this extensive geodetic work is a current plan that was used as groundwork for the designing of the object. Apart from the information taken by the on-site measurements, design engineer was also given some previous groundwork that was significant for the technical solutions.

The analysis of technical solutions In the next phase (the phase of preliminary design) multiple possible and different technical solutions of the additional spillway were analyzed based on

the available groundwork. The committee that was to decide about the preliminary project of the additional spillway adopted a decision to build: • a spillway slope with a sewer canal • a tunnel • a chute and a ski jump As a part of the main project, and being the last phase of it, an extensive elaboration was conducted on the work that needs to be done to build the additional spillway on the left side of the river. Design engineer marked all the important geodetic elements on the site, and in the presence of his supervisor submitted the record to the contractor. This act represents the beginning of the realization of the project. The contractor needs to follow the main grid of geodetic points. It is often necessary to repeat the marking of certain objects during the construction because the primary marking gets destroyed by the machines or other type of work.

Execution of work and its monitoring During the execution of work the contractor encountered various problems, and had to make certain changes in the initial project, with the agreement of the investors and the Jaroslav Černi Institute. Because of the special conditions of the location the greatest problem was the water. Therefore, during the execution of work powerful pumps were used to solve the problem of the constant ingress of water into the unfinished spillway opening. One of the problems was also the fact that in some parts blasting of rocks was not possible because of the existence of a medieval fortress protected as national heritage. As a consequence, the contractor had to remove the rocks with the help of machines. During the execution of work, a very important thing was the system of monitoring. Measurements and monitoring of the object during construction will provide precise determining of parameters and dimensions necessary for the drafting of computer models, i.e. additional information and editing of


geomechanical models of the terrain in order to adjust the construction technology to field conditions, optimize and rationalize the level of work wherever possible. Measurements and monitoring of the object also provide information on how the object behaves in operating conditions. Monitoring system of the object in operating conditions is perceived as modern, with constant surveillance of present events and a wireless transmission of information from the site to the command control center. Analysis of the objects Spillway slope A side spillway slope is set in a cut between the rocks on the left side of the river, an approximate distance of 60m, from the dam. The length of the slope is 55m. The water from the slope goes into a tunnel with a 9m diameter, through a quadrilateral sewer canal with a 6, 9% longitudinal inclination. During the excavation of the slope foundation pit, almost the entire rock part between the pit and the accumulation remained intact and served to protect the foundation pit from the water flowing in from the lake. However, the water still accumulated, but was pumped out to the lake again.


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The rocks were removed both by blasting and by machines. Alongside the construction of the additional spillway and its slope, project research work was done continually, and after that, based on the results of geological research work, changes were made in the technical solutions for the construction of the slope, i.e. the construction of the slope below the elevation of water in the accumulation was done by previously grout sealing the rocks after the bracing wire was inserted (á´“36) to ensure the safety of the slope in the case of flooding. Since the slope is exposed to a considerable lift force during the operation, the necessary strength of the slope is achieved by inserting solid bracing wire in the foundation and partly through the side walls. As a matter of precaution we have bracing

wires with 36mm diameter, built of corrugated iron reinforcing, 7,4m long (bracing wire in the rock is 6m long). The object is built with hydraulic concrete. Its main features: MB 30, V6, M150. Waterproof rubber bands are placed in the horizontal and vertical concrete gaps. The grid of geodetic benchmarks on the slope is placed for the sake of geodetic monitoring of the behavior of the object during the operation. Datum/fiducial measurement will be conducted after the geodetic benchmarks are placed and handed to the object user. After the zero measurements, further regular geodetic measurements will be done two times a year as a part of geodetic structure behavior investigations of the dam. Some special geodetic measurements will be carried out in case the side spillway slope is activated or if the regular annual measurements detect increases bigger than the expected ones. Geodetic benchmarks are set in sheeting and fixed to previously placed reinforced cages. Measurement of strains and movements of the rocks above the slope will be performed on measuring apparatus where a triple rock extensometer will be built in. The perimeter of the


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extensometer is 50 mm, and the preciseness is 0,05 mm. The extensometers are built in the rock under the same inclination as the bracing wire that secures the strength of the slope. Datalogger is an instrument that does the primary processing of measurement data, memorizes them and later on, under certain rules sends them to command control center set in the administrative building. This instrument plays a very important role in the system of acquisition of the measurement data. The tunnel From the slope to the chute, water flows through a 142 m long hydropower tunnel. The day diameter of the tunnel is 9m. The tunnel changes its cross section (going from rectangular to round cross section) through 21m longitude. Longitudinal inclination of the tunnel is 1,50%. After securing the excavation of the whole tunnel, a concrete lining is done so the tunnel gets its final shape with day diameter of 9m. Using the TOWER6 software package an analysis of loading and estimation of impact in the loaded lining was conducted. Stress and deformation analyses and structural analyses done in seven key profiles on the tunnel route, determined the thickness of the lining (30cm) and the necessary reinforcement. The lining is done on the site with a MB 30, V-6 concrete and MA 500/560, RA 400/500 reinforcement. A new Austrian method for tunnel construction, NATM, was chosen for the construction of this tunnel. This method is one of the classical methods for tunnel construction. After the front part of the tunnel is built various kinds

of methods are conducted for securing the excavation contour (shotcrete, bracing wire etc.). The condition for the NATM to be applied is the strength of the rocks in the period from the moment of excavation until the moment of final work on securing the excavation. In the areas in which this is not possible because of bad rock features, excavation is done under protection of steel tubes that are pressed into the rocks (“umbrella system”). Stress and deformation analysis in the tunnel is done by measuring the convergence. It is quite a simple method of tape measurement with digital reading. The measurement consists of certain movements between the pairs of benchmarks built in the walls of the tunnel. The benchmarks for the convergence measurement have to be made of stainless steel. The head of the benchmark has to have a protective PVC cover that will protect the benchmark when it is not in use. The color of these protective covers needs to be easily noticeable. The final decision on the convergence measurements will be brought about during the execution of work, based on the results of other measurements and monitoring. The chute and ski-jump The chute and the ski-jump are designed as a rectangular reinforced concrete canal in the advancing part of the tunnel. Longitudinal section, i.e. finished level of the plate and the interior dimensions of the canal were determined based on the results of hydraulic calculations. The dimensions of the structural elements were adopted based on the experience from previous designing of similar objects and

static calculation. The width of the chute canal on the end of the transitional section is 9m, and it is equally expanded to 12m, which is the width of the ski-jump as well. The side walls are vertical and different height along the chute. At the beginning of the canal they are 9m high and go down to 4 m, through 29m longitude. From this point on, the height does not change, and it is 4 m. Rock excavation was done by the machines, without blasting, not to jeopardize the dam and to save the water sustainment of rock grouting curtains near the dam. The chute canal was designed with a foundation slab that is 1m thick. The chute is founded on the rocks of the slope on which it is set. The construction of the chute is done with MB 30, V-6, M 150 hydraulic concrete. Looking at the still waters of the river Vrbas, from the concrete slope, a feeling of responsibility as future engineers imposes itself on us. We left the site hoping that the tunnel of the additional spillway will long stay dry and dusty.



1 — Number 2 — December, 2013

21. International Urban Planners Exhibit in Leskovac

A city of the future Municipality of East Drvar Authors: Aleksandar Komadina, David Latinović, Ognjen Jokić, Slaviša Đurić, Stefan Vuković Mentors: Miodrag Ralević, PhD Assistants: Dijana Simonović, MA, Dubravko Anđelković, Nevena Novaković


n the course of Urban Planning 2, third-year students of Architecture took part in the 21st International Urban Planners Exhibition with a project called: “Methodology of projecting a space-planning matrix of a

sustainable city of Uvala (zero carbon city) in the municipality of East Drvar”. In the category of students’ work, the students of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy won second place. Idea for this project comes from the global tendencies that every country needs to have at least 20% of protected natural area. Special contribution of the authors of this work is to show that man can live in an area of intact nature, in a completely modern and urban way, without destroying it whatsoever. Recognizing the resources of the Uvala area and the morphology of the terrain, as the main model for construction, and applying the model principle, the authors got a visually dynamic model that is functional and does not disturb the natural concept. A city of the future was recognized in this area, and it was intended for a population of 10000 inhabitants. City zones are intended for houses, companies, researchers and academics from the region and the world. This way, an international center for companies and organizations focused on renewable energy sources and pure technology, is created. Therefore, a goal is achieved: to offer a new model of constructing the space by asserting, defining and protecting the existing natural sources.




Experimental dynamic analysis

Biaxial mechanical stimulator Written by: Ognjen Mijatović and Manuel Desančić


e wished to find out more about the dynamic influence on building structures, but also to give some insight to future generations of engineering students into experimental dynamic analysis. That is why we started the development of biaxial mechanical stimulator. The importance of this instrument was recognized by the Department of Mechanics and Theories of Construction and we got full support to continue with our work. Since the construction of a hydraulic vibrating platform is quite expensive, because of the hydraulic cylinders and valves that control the pressure (speed and movement as well) we decided to achieve the dynamic stimulation mechanically. This instrument raises a harmonic stimulation to model construction, and with certain rectifications and fittings, and with an appropriate liquid it can describe quite an amount of dynamic stimulations in the real world.


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013

Inventiveness and persistence of students in their research is a path towards employment Written by: Milenko Stanković, Dean The teachers and associates of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy made the first step. They applied the theories from their teaching practically.. Enthusiastic and motivated students, Ognjen Mijatović and Manuel Desančić made a biaxial mechanical stimulator. Their resolution, will and persistence about this experiment provided them a working position with an associate institutionInstitute for Materials and Structures (IMS). Dragan Milašinović, PhD, and Aleksandar Brković, MA, gave stimulus and absolute support to these researches. This team of researchers showed us what kind of great power the construction school in Banja Luka has, and that it has become a very prominent place for development and improvement in the area of civil engineering in Republic of Srpska. This way it could be of great help to the ministries in the Government of Republic of Srpska. We can expect other young students to follow the example of these enthusiastic researchers. In the name of this institution, its employees, and for the sake of all its students I want to thank them and promise to support them in their further success.

The goal was to make a machine that satisfies the needs of our research, but also to be obtainable and cheap. Details about the mechanical stimulator • Weight: 980 kg • Base dimensions: 310x250 cm • Prime mover type: singlephase collecting electric engine • Number of prime movers: 2 • Horizontal electric engine:


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51 • Worktable (vibrating platform) • Supporting structure

power 2,2 kW, speed 6000 rpm • Platform connected to the base with 4 suspensions • Carrying capacity of the platform: 450 kg • Horizontal amplitude range: 8-45 mm • Vertical amplitude range: 10 mm • Horizontal frequency range: 1-4 Hz, 0,2 Hz accuracy • Vertical frequency range: 1-4 Hz, 0, 2 Hz accuracy • Dimensions of the vibrating platform: 106x106 cm Components • Horizontal mechanism • Vertical mechanism

The mechanism and the function of the machine The force and speed of the engine are transmitted through certain mechanical sets to the vibrating platform that holds the model construction being examined. This way the mechanical stimulator produces dynamic force. First part of the machine is the horizontal mechanism that produces and raises the stimulations on the vibrating platform. The horizontal force is produced by converting circular movements on the motor shaft, to translatory movements on the vibrating platform, with a help of a variable eccentric joint and a slider with one degree free movement, parallel with the vibrating platform. Second part of the machine is the vertical mechanism that produces vertical stimulation force. This force is made by the rotation of an eccentric roller that touches the roller on the platform, their axes being orthogonal. Stimulation force works in the center of the platform. The vibrating platform is a worktable area onto which the

52 models for examination are placed and fixed. It is connected to the supporting structure with 4 suspensions that enable random movements. The vibrating platform contains a grid with 100 holes placed orthogonally in two different directions. The distance between them is 10cm which enables optional placing and bonding of the support to the platform. On the side ends, i.e. the side which is parallel to the horizontal stimulation force, the platform is fixed. This was done with two fixators that enable tightening and loosening of the vibrating platform. When we fixate the platform it only moves in the direction of the stimulatory force, and does not deviate towards the other axis, but, when we loosen the fixators, the platform moves in both ways, optionally. It needs to be mentioned that because of shorter supporting suspension, the platform rotates around the horizontal axis, and we can say that it does two translations and two rotations. Commands of the mechanical stimulator When changing the frequency of oscillations of the mechanical stimulator we change the speed of the electric engine by changing the intensity of electric power on the dashboard. The power supply is transmitted on the dashboard were we have a number of potentiometers. With these potentiometers we change the intensity of the electrical power and control the speed of the engine. Information


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013

Looking back on the construction of the stimulator Written by: Aleksandar Borković MA In March 2012, during introductory classes of Dynamic Construction Analysis I presented the students with some interesting experiments from dynamic analysis, unfortunately, on the screen only. After that, same as every year, I offered students an opportunity to involve in the construction of a machine for experimental dynamic analysis. Surprisingly, one of the students, Ognjen, was more than interested to involve in this project. Besides the construction of this small machine that I had in mind, Ognjen soon came with an idea of the large stimulator. We agreed on our responsibilities easily, and the rest was history. Another student, Manuel, joined Ognjen and throughout a one year period, in rain, sun and wind they worked tirelessly to construct this machine. They had financial problems and were therefore forced to look for materials on recyclables collection points. Nevertheless, thanks to their skills, careful selection and processing of the necessary components, the machines are those of high quality. During the construction of their project, I tried to provide them with some kind of security in terms of future engagement, unfortunately, without any great success. Luckily, those who try hard get awarded. In the final stages of their project, their willingness and enthusiasm were recognized by the Institute for Materials and Structures (IMS) and they got a temporary position. Devoted commitment, endless learning and dedication of our former students, now civil engineers, should serve as an example to all of us. Current results of the project are smaller and larger stimulators. They can be found in the Institute for Materials and Structures (IMS). The machines, in the first place, will serve as a part of teaching process, for future generations, but with additional equipment it can serve for examination of model constructions. The stimulation with smaller machines is created when electrical signal of certain frequency is sent to a reproducer that transforms the signal into harmonious movements. This movement is used for stimulation of linear and surface model binders. Larger machine is used for harmonic stimulation of high threedimensional building structure models. Worst-case scenario with construction loading is the case when the stimulation frequency coincides with its own system frequency. This machine can be used to detect changes within the machine itself, but also to examine structure behavior in most unfavorable cases of the influence of the dynamic forces. Both machines were presented in October 2013, in the IMS. A number of students and engineers were pleasantly surprised that someone dedicated their time to this unavailing, yet from educational point of view, very valuable project. This whole event was media covered. Ognjen and Manuel are currently in their master studies in Belgrade. We hope that after they graduate, their knowledge, will and competence will be properly recognized in our society.


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53 weight of the construction, amplitude size and stimulation frequency, it is possible to measure the intensity of the electric power necessary to achieve a certain stimulation. An independent activation of both horizontal and vertical mechanism can be done on the dashboard. There is also a possibility of synchronized activation of these two mechanisms. This way stimulation in optional directions on the vertical line is simulated.

about the engine speed we get through induced sensors. They collect the information about the speed, process it and send it to the dashboard. On the dashboard they are connected with a digital tachometer that shows us the speed. This way, while the machine is working we can change the frequency of oscillations and have a constant visualization of the number of revolutions and frequency of oscillations. On the dashboard we have a tachometer and a voltmeter for every mechanism individually. Based on the data about the


Scientific work published on “Georeks 2013” scientific symposium in Osijek

Site investigation in the function of planning documents Authors: Svjetlana Vlaški, Božana Baćić Mentor: Mato Uljarević, PhD


n this article we give a brief overview of our scientific research paper on a given topic. When constructing an object, according to space planning documents, we often witness “unexpected” and unwanted effects of earth creeping. It is clear that the problem is the level and scope of geotechnical examinations of the location in question. As authors of this work we dealt with necessary level and scope of geotechnical examinations in the function of planned objects. Analyzing warning devices and risks of earth creeping and in the light of accepting or not accepting previously mentioned, for the


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construction of the object, we pointed to a necessary scope of geotechnical examinations and analyses, as groundwork for accepting space planning documents. When we give a closer look towards the implementation of a project, we can conclude that in most cases examining jobs were not conducted properly. As a consequence of these effects, we have additional (unexpected) work and sometimes even abandonment of the project, on the location in question. All this results in increased financial expenses on the project and in the conclusion of the team of experts, in most cases, that this was not expected based upon geological examinations. It is perfectly clear that the problem is the level and the scope of geotechnical examination for the location in question. Necessary technical documents and a look on the examination work Throughout this article we pointed out what kind of examination is necessary for a project to be completely “equipped” concerning the space-planning documents. Concerning construction of an object, it is most of all necessary to collect all the essential technical documents that contain analyses of geotechnical examination work, as well as technical groundwork for projecting, in the function of examination work. It is necessary for the technical documents to be completed in accordance with the Regulations on the Content and Procedures of drafting technical documents and the Laws on

Construction Land and Spatial Planning. Technical documents need to contain necessary geodetic and seismologic groundwork, geotechnical analyses as well as other groundwork and analyses depending on the type of object and project. Geodetic groundwork consists of up-to-date cadastral and topographic plan, location and cadaster of lines, installations and underground objects, verified by a body that is authorized for geodetic work. Geodetic analyses consist of engineering and geological, hydrogeological, engineering and seismological, geophysical documents, which are made based upon appropriate examinations and measurements depending on the level of technical documents and the level of terrain exploration, but, first of all, according to technical norms necessary for the foundation of constructed objects. Analyses of geotechnical and geomechanical features of the terrain that serve as groundwork for defining the way of foundation of an object, are made in accordance with the provisions of law that was used to conduct the geological examination in a state.


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Examination work Project geotechnical profile is an essential model for the drafting of geotechnical projects. It is manifested in a Geotechnical analysis. Geotechnical analysis is a document that contains results of all the geotechnical examinations and actions. This document is groundwork for various other actions, calculations and measurements necessary to ensure stability and mechanical resistance of the building for which the geotechnical analysis is made. Its content is technically same for every building for which the examination work is done, but the level of work and the approach to their interpretation is different depending upon the type of building and on what kind of ground it is constructed. Investigation of the level of examination work done on the current question of the Čemerno landslide in BiH in the function of spaceplanning documents On the specific example of the Čemerno landslide we pointed out the level of completed examination work, analyzed the warning device and the risk, and therefore indicated the importance and the essence of this work. It is important for the project and project engineer, as well as for the object and its use. For the Čemerno landslide in the area of which a road was built as a part of the M17 highway, FočaGacko, unfortunately, there is no evidence throughout history, since 1966 until today, that an engineer respected all the procedures in the construction of objects in areas of potential

landslides. It is important to mention that that there is no proper solution to stabilize landslides without complete examination and description of landslide as well as the agents that caused it. It is reasonable to say that technical solutions that were based on groundwork with a lower level of confidence completely lose their meaning. We also notice that, without any reasonable explanation, project engineer ignored everything he perceived in the very center of the landslide, after the repair. On completed constructions of built-up spiles, a continuous monitoring could be rendered quite simply. A standardization of current phenomena with the parameters collected or perceived in geotechnical examination work could be identified out of it.

Today as well, we often witness geotechnical examinations during, or even at the very end of the object construction. Unfortunately, this examination work is not viewed as a measure of control, but as a necessity for perceiving the phenomena of land sliding. In plain words, everything that is overlooked in geotechnical examination work in the period of investment planning, could be done later. The price of examination work is probably the same, but, the price of the conflict between technical solutions with the actual situation on the field is questionable. To the price of mismatch should of course be added the price of repairment work, as well as the additional “urged” work of adapting the earlier technical solutions with the new (fixed) parameters of the terrain, achieved with the necessary examinations.

In the end we can conclude that the spaceplanning documents were not conducted according to rules and regulations, which explains everything that happened to this landslide after numerous repairs until this very day. The project engineer took on the risk, but in this case could not cope with it.

It is obvious that the level (type, perimeter) of examination geotechnical work, concerning the kind of object, should be completely identified, planned and fulfilled, and in that way serve as groundwork for the drafting of geotechnical solutions for the object.



The possibilities of composing an object Authors: Nikola Juričević and Antonijo Julardžija


hrough the course of Development and Sociology of Residential Areas, third-year students of Architecture, from the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, were given an opportunity to participate in the international competition of students of Architecture and Design, TRIMO URBAN CRASH, held in Ljubljana, in April 2013. The authors entered this competition with their project as an answer to the given task. Out of 220 registered teams, our students got into final 30 competitors with their project idea. The main idea was to design an object that is multifunctional, industrially fabricated, easy to set up and most importantly, modular. Modular masonry unit in this case was a 20ft container. The idea was to open the unit on two main sides to provide complete flow and transparence. Based on theirs function, the units are divided in three different ways: save block, repair block and checkpoint block. The possibilities that this object provides, within the scope


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of space-planning, are immense. Because of its modularity and different ways of its composing there are also possibilities of multiple ways of interacting with public space, i.e. definition of public space. This space contains: parking space for city bicycles, parking space for bicycles, a place to charge electrical bicycles, selfservice for bicycles, lockers, spare parts, restrooms, vending machines and a kind of a coffee shop. This object is self-sustaining, using solar energy through solar panels as its primary source of energy (for lights, charging of electrical bicycles, different instruments). Individual elements are ecofriendly as well (euro pallets 120x80, recycled materials) There are also glass panels (could be Plexiglas, or any other translucent material) opening sideways and forming communication within the module. Sliding panels open in different directions, in different modules, depending on their function. Also, there is a possibility of opening the lateral sides completely to create full flow. Lateral sides of the container are set on a subconstruction (similar to construction of garage doors) with a mechanism that lifts those walls and in that way creates roof projections, contributing to the quality of the object and the public space.











Regional Convention of Geodesy Students 2013

The importance of geodesy in assembling industrial machinery Written by: Mladen Amović


here happened a rapid development in different areas of human interest in the last decades of 20th century; e.g. in urbanism, civil engineering, industry. Industrial measuring, with the help of modern techniques became unimaginable without the application of geodetic techniques and methods. The application of geodesy in industry is based, above all, on its contribution to more efficient project realisation, and on it providing the desired industrial project quality. This work will describe the importance of geodesy in the industry throughout an example of a geodetic project realisation in industrial machinery. The work will show the procedure of testing rail parallelism in difficult industrial conditions, which is the first step in assembling the rails. The rapid industrial development in the last couple of years has brought progress for each of its branches which reciprocally contribute to industry development. New techniques


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are developed, the combination of the existing ones which will lead to the best possible result in most diverse fields of action. This development can be particularly noticed in civil engineering, while constructing buildings for specific purposes, such as dams, bridges, tunnels, roads, railways, and other objects. Industrial measuring became unimaginable without geodetic method and technique application due to the new geodetic instruments of high accuracy and efficiency (above all, due to laser trackers and automatisied and robotisied total stations and theodolite). Application of geodesy in industry is based, firstly, on a more efficient project realisation, where the product quality is the most important thing. That tells a lot about geodesy being applicable in the industry, in production phases as well as in industrial product quality control. The application of geodesy in developed countries is very wide. The contribution of geodesy to industrial development is very important and the cheapest way for industries to increase their product quality is through investments in geodetic technology. These investments are relatively small in comparison with the potential yield they can achieve. The importance of actions mentioned will be represented through an example of rail


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parallelism test in simulated and difficult conditions in University campus hangar. It was the most important thing to prove rail parallelism with the use of certain techniques, and to enable the placement of necessary machines on their foundations. Based on the measuring shown and its detailed treatment, conclusions were made, which were confirmed with corresponding evidence of their accuracy and credibility, matching main principles of all geodetic experts. Geodetic network Geodetic works related to construction of complex industrial object or machinery installation, demand many activities, which carry great responsibility for geodetic experts. In order to do geodetic work correctly, it is necessary to assemble a corresponding geodetic network, which will represent the foundation for any further geodetic work. Geodetic network consists of the main network, the network of points both outside and inside the object. This network is often called object control network or specific purpose network, because it is the place where all project measures are taken. Geodetic network installation consists of 3 phases: 1) ground recognising,

59 2) point stabilisation and signalisation and 3) measuring within the network. Geodetic measuring In the main network, direction and length are measured. To perform measuring, total station Topcon Set 500 σp=5“ and σd=2mm + 3ppm was used. From each point, direction and length were measured according to 3 other points in the main network, and from each point only directions towards other points of the object were measured. While measuring directions, the gyrus method was applied, and all the directions were measured with 3 gyri. Length was measured in 2 positions of a scope, on both sides. The instrument was centralised wirh optical plumbing. While measuring length, forced centralisation of total station and prism was done. Processing measuring results Results of measuring in the main network were firstly tested for rough mistakes. Then, after removing rough mistakes, they were tested for presence of systematic influences. Based on these tests, the evaluation of accuracy was performed and then they started the equalisation of the measuring results. The equalisation was performed by the method of smallest squares, and in the case of all points, the minimal trace of co-factoric matrix was taken for the network date. In this part of the work, we have to point out reduced accuracy of length measuring due to relatively short views (table 1). The industrial condition specificity can be best seen in difficult direction measuring from the standpoint of accuracy. In table 1, the accuracies of measuring directions are shown

60 with respective view lengths. The accuracy of instrument centralising while measuring directions in the main network was σci=1mm, and the centralising signal accuracy was σcs=1mm. Although the displayed values of measured directions standard deviations are quite large for an engineering work and are intuitively unacceptable, before rejecting these measured directions, the view lengths have to be considered. Namely, the deviation of measured direction of 134” on 1,5m in length causes the point position movement for 1,1mm. This value of point position deviation is, though, acceptable in engineering works. In other words, the directions in the conditions of short views can hardly be measured more accurately than when this task was realised, but the impact they have on standard deviation of point positions is acceptable due to exactly short views. Nevertheless, we have to insist on the longer possible a view, due to accuracy as well as the inner reliability of measured directions. In table 2, there are the accuracies of measured directions with the respective view lengths. The accuracy of instrument centralising while measuring directions in the main network was σci=1mm, and the accuracy of signal centralising was σcs=1mm. In the second case, we come to an identical conclusion as in the first one, i.e. the deviation of measured direction of 104“ causes the point position movement for 1,1mm on 2,2m in length. Solving problems by regressive analysis Firstly, it is necessary to do regressive analysis which allows us to place n number of points in one xy plane, so that we can draw a straight line which best approximates the position of given points.


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We will look for a solution which depends on the position of n number of points only, and we will use MNK, which states that the straight line is positioned between the given points so that the sum of the squares of lengths between given points and the straight line is minimal, while lengths are measured vertically, in axis direction. Testing the agreement of controlled figure Geometry control implies checking whether the observed figures/objects possess needed geometric features. The general condition is that the given points belong to two mutually parallel lines. In a particular case, where the lines with 4 points are tested, one condition is fulfilled when the value of a zero hypothesis is: 3.6006E-06, and the allowed value is: 1.9384. The values T and F and the fact that T<F show that the given conditions are fulfilled and that the zero hypothesis is accepted: two lines that make up the rails are parallel. The process of testing is in complete analogy with the above described procedure, where one condition is given for

Table 1: Accuracy of the directions measured in the main network and the vision lengths


Vision length (m)

σε ["]

σp ["]

p 3N-5N=




p 3N-6N=




p 3N-2N=




p 5N-2N=




p 5N-3N=




p 6N-2N=




p 6N-3N=




p 6N-5N=




p 2N-3N=




p 2N-5N=




p 2N-6N=





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Vision length (m)

σε ["]

σp ["]

p 3N-1




p 3N-2




p 3N-3




p 3N-4




p 3N-5




p 3N-6




p 3N-7




p 3N-8




p 5N-1




p 5N-2




p 5N-3




p 5N-4




p 5N-5




p 5N-6




p 5N-7




p 5N-8




p 6N-1




p 6N-2




p 6N-3




Table 2: Accuracy of the directions measured according to the object and vision lengths

the lines. Based on everything presented in this work, it is clear that the appropriate implementation of geodetic measuring methods and the treatment of the results enables the possibility of geometric features establishment of engineering objects and their components. The role of geodetic experts in constructing and monitoring engineering objects is enormous, and geometry control occupies a large place in their engagement, as much in volume of work as in responsibility which that work carries. Although the satisfactory accuracy is accomplished, it is notable that measured lengths are more reliable than directions, while the directions among

61 themselves are diverse as far as that criterion is concerned. The directions measured according to the object points with stations placed closer to the point are less reliable than those measured on the stations at greater distance, which agrees with the fact that the accuracy of measured directions depends on view lengths. The recommendation is to give a sort of advantage to length measuring in the industrial conditions of similar works. For direction measuring, one should provide longer views, if possible, and better intersections of measured directions. Based on the given example we can conclude that geodesy has given a significant contribution to the industrial development. Without its involvement in all the industrial needs there would be no quality products, no progress in production or maintenance of quality solutions.

Literature: [1] Begović, A: „Primenjena geodezija“, Institute for Graphic technique of the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, 1979. [2] Cvetković, Č, „Primena geodezije u inženjerstvu“, Institute for Graphics, Belgrade, 2010. [3] Gospavić, Z, „Metodologija kontrole geometrije inženjerskih objekata“, master degree paper, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Belgrade, 1995. [4] Paar, R, Kapović, Z. Marendić „Geodetske osnove za posebne namjene“, seminar paper, Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 2000.


Interior Architecture

Residential space flexibility Written by: Stefan Vuković Mentor: Vladimir Mako, PhD; Assisstants: Maja Đilas, MA, Ivan Živanović


he subject of Interior Architecture 2 course represents remodeling of Branko Petrovic (PhD) house on the corner of Gajeva Street and Ivo Lola Ribar Street in Banja Luka. The house was built in


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1939, according to the architect Stojan Borovnica’s plan. Having intervened on the existing parcel, one had to think of a residential unit with business space on the ground floor that can function separately or within the residential space, according to the type of work. With regards to context analysis, the concept of intervention is defined – adaptation and upgrade. The main concept represents an attempt to form new space, completely dedicated to young people’s needs, by replacing the existing object, significant for architectural heritage, which is currently out of use. The object’s ground floor is envisioned as a multi-functional Youth Centre, space for workshops, exhibitions… The upper floors are envisioned as the temporary residence in the form of a youth hostel, which can also function separately or within the ground floor. The aim of this concept is to achieve transparent space, open for public and to form a more intimate environment for day and night stay on upper floors, with minimal level of intervention.

Civil Engineering in the world 66

Zaha Hadid – The construction of multifunctional complex in Belgrade


LEED Standards (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design)

73 74 76

Gustave Flaubert Bridge

79 80

Inconveniences in civil engineering

Karim Rasheed, contemporary design genius The expansion of roundabout intersections in Banja Luka Tower of Pisa’s subsidence


Zaha Hadid – The construction of multifunctional complex in Belgrade

Avant-garde forms in civil engineering and architecture

Written by: Tamara Piljagić and Milica Marjanac


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elgrade has always intrigued people with its history, culture, geographic position and its specific architecture, of course. The ancient city, founded on the crossroad of the worlds, on the estuary of the Sava River in the Danube River, has been developing according to the time, its conquerors and local traditions. As far as architecture is concerned, Belgrade represents the place where the most diverse styles and epochs have met, leaving a permanent trace on its face. In the last few decades, Belgrade was dozing while living trapped in some times that passed. However, that could be changed soon. Belgrade’s modernist development could be assembled on the location of a former “Beko” fabric factory, by building a multi-functional complex by “Zaha Hadid Architects”design company from London. Ms Hadid overtook the Modernist architecture of 20th century influence, which is typical for Belgrade and she combined it with parametric design characteristic for her study work. Greek company (Lamda Development) bought the building of “Beko- fabric factory in bankruptcy” in 2007 for

55,8 million Euros. Taking into consideration a few world’s architecture bureaus’ solutions, the company decided for the study project of Zaha Hadid Architects. This complex could establish new life standards of Serbian and regional market, and also of architecture. Belgrade could be the first city in Europe to boast with avant-garde building signed by famous people. The project focuses on urban regeneration of a very important and, now practically unused location on the crossroad of crucial cultural areas in the very heart of Belgrade. “The space where the construction will take place

represents the black spot on Belgrade’s map, though being only 500 meters away from the city centre, it is out of use at the moment and it is completely unreachable”, said Zissimos Danilatos, the executive development manager in Greek company Lamda Development. The big lot in the city centre (around 38 000 m2) is located between Kalemegdan Fortress and the sports centre “Milan Gale Muskatirovic”. Zaha Hadid’s studio in cooperation with Patrick Schumacher, the architect, designed a multi-functional complex consisting of a hotel, luxury suites and business premises. In this way, “the new” Beko gets the chance to become the new, urban city centre with the help of diverse content: residential space, galleries, business space, 5-star hotel, the most advanced conference hall, essential for Belgrade to enter the world market of conferences, and shops and shopping malls. The usual form of a classic neighbourhood, characteristic for Belgrade’s old part, is

68 dispersed with cascade-like lines of green lots. Taking into consideration the complexity of this project, the usage of innovative materials and cutting-edge technology, it is predicted that complete investment could go over 200,000 000 Euros. To this, there can be added systems of ecologic construction, but on the other hand, they will enable notably lower costs of living for future users. The residential part of the building will be built with the highest-level constructions and finishing materials. Under the whole complex a big parking garage is planned, with security and maintenance services. At the moment, market analyses are in progress, as well as other preparations in organisation of residential part of the complex. According to the announced exclusiveness, the highest standard of construction and the usage of renewable energy resources are expected. For this purpose, drilling and research for the possibility of constructing the system for gathering rainwater were performed. Even the research about the possible


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solar energy exploitation was performed. According to people in charge of State Institution for culture monument preservation, Zaha Hadid’s study solution is completely in accordance with the regulated preservation conditions. The parameters taken into consideration, for example number of floors, square area, shape of the building, and the percentage of green areas, complied with given standards for this demanding, historical location. Considering that this space is located near the fortress and is under protection as culture monument, the general plan allowed the object construction of 115,000m2 maximum under specific conditions. The solution offered by ZHA studio will take 94,000m2. While planning the construction, special attention was put on the open view from the fortress to Sports centre “25 May”. A part of the ground floor is provided for pedestrian area, so that they have direct to the Danube River. Together with the project “Cloud” on the dock of the River Sava, by the Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto, the

new “Beko” complex will mark the revitalisation of the whole Old Belgrade’s side of Usce, which has an important role in Belgrade’s history. Citizens and tourists will pass through the newly-formed complex which will connect the nearby Novak Djokovic Tennis Courts and other leisure activity contents in “25 May” Sports Centre with restaurants and bars in “Beton Hall” and the area of Savamala. In the last couple of months, the investor spent around half a million Euros in order to remove the existing objects and the remains of the former “Beko” factory. By the complete removal of the decayed factory halls near Kalemegdan, good conditions for complex construction are created. The completion of works can be expected during 2016. The main idea behind Zaha Hadid Architects’ study lies in applying fluid forms in architecture, the organic forms existing in nature, in flora and fauna. The buildings planned by Zaha Hadid Studio completely lack the stereotypical elements in civil engineering: there are no rigid forms, straight lines, repetition, the allocation of space according to functions, symmetry. The form is round, object looks different from each angle, the space flows, it is fluid, and the chambers flow from one to another, uninterrupted. However, while the detailed regulation plan was in public inspection last year, some of the public experts protested against building the complex in that particular location. Lead by Aleksandra Banovic, an architect and the author of the former plan for that neighbourhood in 1969, critics


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warned that fortress would not be seen from the river, and that it is unacceptable to build anything on that location belonging to the fortress, a preserved culture monument of great importance. They also denote that this solution will be problematic for nearby roads, due to its obstruction of the space. It will also be problematic for the supposed tight space inside the complex which will choke in its own shadow, dark and wet. That is particularly unacceptable in the city with not enough sunny days throughout the year. Nevertheless, most of Belgrade’s architectural scene and public experts accept the investor’s decision due to one of the leading world architect’s engagement. Those who know best the work and ideology of Zaha Hadid, know that she is a great professional and that her signature on different projects grants its complete harmony with the environment. While talking about the name, written in architecture history long ago, we have to bear in mind that this project is not

just a professional engagement for her, without any wider connotation and the city aesthetics. The accent of her creative work is in details, and in the environment with which the object corresponds. The renders of her objects gain in seriousness when they come to life, and the abstraction of her visions becomes accepted and applicable. “Belgrade is a very inspiring and busy city. In it, there are the clashes of different people’s energies, with different interests,

and that is a big challenge for architects. It seems to me that it stands out from other South-European cities with its wish to improve its look. I strongly felt that impulse and wished to participate in that transformation”, said Patrick Schumacher within his lecture at Belgrade Design Week 2012. Regardless the different views on this project, one is doubtless: the possibility for a visionary such as Zaha Hadid, to leave her signature on Serbian capital and to position it on the world map of the cities with the attractive objects is the great honour for Belgrade. This, temporarily abandoned, part of the city will get a completely new spirit and connect the historical neighbourhoods of Dorcol, one of the most interesting locations in Serbian capital. It is certain that this project will contribute to its cultural and touristic development, and that it will give a good image of the city and the whole country.


LEED Standards (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design)

“Greenbuilding” certification Written by: Biljana Subotić


EED standards for greenbuilding object certification have been developed by USGBC ( From the first pilot version NCv1.0 published in 1998 up to today, LEED has grown from a rating system for new projects up to the extensive system of six related rating systems which include all aspects of object development and construction. Every day more than 180 000 professionals work on improvement of these systems. LEED accreditations were created with the aim to motivate professionals in the field of greenbuilding to maintain and improve their knowledge. There are 3 levels of accreditation: 1. Basic Training Programmebrings the title GA (Green Associate). 2. Specialisation for a particular rating system- title AP (Accredited Professional).


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Within LEED AP there is a division according to the narrow specialty: • BD+C (building design and construction) • O+M (operations and maintenance) • ID+C (interior design and construction) • Homes • ND (Neigbourhood Development concept) 3. Experts responsible for special contribution are accredited as LEED Fellow. Svjetlana Subotic, LEED AP BD+C explains briefly how accreditation process actually works. The idea of taking LEED exams was introduced with the suggestion of the employers who started building the object which is planned to be certified. In order to get LEED AP specialty, first, one must pass LEED GA exam where LEED practice basics are learnt. One can choose a group or an individual examination of these two exams, which take about 2 hours and consist of about 100 questions which demand quite a hard work, even of people already experienced in some other branch of constructing. Exam is preceded by search of

Residence of Genezime corporation for microbiological researches in Cambridge, USA is one of the role-models among LEED Platinum certified buildings.

Taipei - world’s financial centre, People’s Republic of China, has been world’s biggest object with LEED Platinum certificate since 2011.


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Santa Monica Civic Centre is the first LEED certified parking lot structure, where there is a parking lot for electric vehicles with the necessary charging systems, besides that parking lot for usual vehicles.

Renaissance Pravda is the first object in Russia which has LEED Golden certificate.

each candidate, after which they enter the well-equipped premises with video surveillance, and start the exam. Right after the end of the exam, candidates get their results. Having passed the exam, they become a part of the team which deals with LEED standards implementation. “I am in charge of scoring related to building processgeneral contractors. People submit evidence of fulfilling special guidelines instructed by LEED to design team and me. After we look through those evidence, we


put them in a system where we see the progress of our project towards LEED certification”, Svjetlana Subotic pointed out for “Bridge”. LEED AP specialty must be renewed every 2 years, with the condition of completing 30 hours of additional education, which can be accomplished through participation in LEED projects, LEED courses, LEED volunteering or exam retaking. 6 standard categories, defined by the project type, are provided by LEED standard. Systems have


the same structure, but within them different specific questions are considered, relevant for a given type, which are the basis for determination of the score for the object, such as site sustainability, water consumption, materials and raw materials, project innovations, energy consumption, air pollution… There are 4 levels of certification: • Certified (40-49 points) • Silver (50-59 points) • Gold (60-79 points) • Platinum (80+ points) The advantages that the changes in LEED standards bring are diverse: except the significant influence on reducing the overloads, as well as on increase


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of environment quality within those objects, the price of real estates and customers’ interests also increases. These are exactly the reasons why LEED standards are applied on over 7000 projects all around the world.

Phoenix Convention Centre is the object with the area of about 85.000 m2 and with LEED Silver certificate.

LEED points


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Gustave Flaubert Bridge

Navigable path and an important road Written by: Marija Lukač


n France, in the city of Rouen, over the Seine River, there arose the need for bridge construction which should enable a navigable path, but should also accept an important road that represents a crossroad of all important highways in that area. Just like Tower Bridge in London, this bridge should also represent the connection between the largest French port and the city centre. The architecture bureau SCAU, which won the contest, offered an unusual, but demanding solution – a verticallift bridge. More accurately, the bridge is supported by 4 massive pylons, arranged in pairs, and located in the bed of the Seine River, and by the superb steel cable sheaves, 8 on each of the pylons, that lift the whole construction 50 meters in height. Almost all vertical-lift bridges are supported by the towers which are, in this case, connected in a portal construction. Forces necessary for lifting the movable part with the span of 120m, are transferred by steel ropes, with the help of friction. Both ends of the movable span have to be

lifted at the same speed so that the span stays horizontal. Time needed for bridge to be lifted 50 meters in height is 12 minutes, which is relatively fast in comparison with other movable bridges. Caissons and gabions were built on the spot and only in 2 steps: they were thrown above the water level and then they came to their place by the system of connectors and cables. The towers were also cast on the spot using the “jump-form”. The height of the bridge is 86 meters, which makes it the highest lift bridge in Europe. The width is defined with the location of about 180 meters, with 3 roadways in each direction. Total length is 670 meters. The bridge weighs 1,300 tones, given that epoxidal roadway composition is only 12mm wide. The steel “butterfly” construction above the tower, which consists of 3 parallel frames, adds another 450 tones to this bridge. The bridge was opened in 2008 after 4 years of building. It is estimated to be lifted about 30 times and that 50,000 cars pass across it annually. The sixth bridge on the Seine River carries the name of a famous French writer, and it was

chosen by the citizens of Rouen. The advantage when building this kind of bridges is in the fact that the movable span length is not determined with any mechanism. It is determined only with a constructional limitation of the span set, simple management and the fact that the movable load behaves as the one of a fixed bridge. Major disadvantages are complex and expensive towers, due to which the construction costs exceed 60 million Euros, and the limitation of the opening which is formed by lifting. Another disadvantage is a sort of risk of failing to lift the bridge open, which each ship owner has to take responsibility for.



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Karim Rasheed, contemporary design genius

“Change the world” Written by: Tamara Učur

man who succeeds in turning his interests into products and presents them to the world. He is the winner of over 300 most significant awards in design field, and has over 3,500 realised projects which

Annual Design Review, IDSA Industrial Design Excellence Award, and many others. Karim waa born in Cario, his father of Egyptian and his mother of English origin. In 2008, he married a Serbian

found their way to the mass production. Multiple-awarded industrial designer, designed, in his projects, the products for several hundred purchasers all over the world, including some well-known names, such as: Alessi, Artemide, Audi, Bozart, Cappellini, Estee Lauder, Giorgio Armani, Issey Miyake, Kenzo, Prada, Sony, Toyota, Umbra… Karim Rasheed is a multiple winner of Red Dot Award, Chicago Athenaeum Good Design Award, I.D. Magazine

woman, a chemistry engineer, Ivana Puric, and so Serbia became his other home. Karim does not have his favourite place of living, because he considers himself a cosmopolitan. His works are presented in the permanent exhibition in 14 museums all over the world. He has been an Associate Professor on Industrial Design for 10 years, and a welcome guest on design conferences and universities all over the world. He added an honorable dissertation

“A good design is the glee of experience. Objects in our life space must not be obstacles, but gleeful experiences, organisms we live with.” Karim Rasheed


arim Rasheed is the man who moved the boundaries of usual design, and encouraged all designers and architects to move out of the borders of standard space forms. His “job” definition cannot be described with one word. He is an interior designer, an architect, an industrial designer, a fashion designer, a DJ, in short, he is the


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to his prestigious collection from Corcoran Art and Design College in Washington. His style is described as sensitive minimalism. His ideas are techno-organic and infoaesthetic - they connect natural,

soft lines, and usable solutions. Sensitive and clean, minimalistic and organic. Karim states the whole op art movement and geometric abstractions as

inspiration for his creative work. “Design has shaped the culture of the world from the very beginning. We design systems, cities and products. During that journey, we deal with world problems. However, design nowadays is not about solving problems, but about making our environment and reality more beautiful. Design brings the aesthetic, poetic and emotional enjoyment to our lives. My greatest wish is to see people, who live in our time modus, participating in innovations, releasing themselves from nostalgia, tradition, old customs and kitsch. It is necessary for us to be aware of and in accordance with the world at

the moment. It is a common thing in human nature to live in the past. In order to change the world, we have to change human nature”, Karim explains. Karim is well-known as a designer who is not afraid of colours. It is a familiar thing that the colour pink is his trademark. He is often seen in self-designed pink suits. His last product, in comparison with others, is not brought to us in visual form, but in a form of electro-pop music album, where he shares his philosophies about design

and world in general. The album was released on 18 November 2013, with the title “Change the World”. Although this is Karim’s first album, he has been known, for years, as a DJ who performed at many famous clubs. On his website, there is contact information in case anyone wants to book Karim for a certain event. Electropop sound that prevails this album is not any surprising, since Karim is well-experienced at that field. However, the album goes deeper- it is the manifestation of designer’s well-documented philosophy about human landscapes and the objects inside them. The diversity of Karim’s talents and interests, as well as the ability to easily shift from one field to another, using different materials and playing with various ideas and aesthetics, help him truly broaden his visions and move design boundaries by lifting them to a higher level.


The expansion of roundabout intersections in Banja Luka

Improving traffic flow and all traffic participants’ safety Written by: Igor Šikanjić and Tamara Piljagić


raffic problems such as many jams, became an everyday situation in Banja Luka. City development and traffic with motorised vehicles imposed the need for systematic improvement of the city roads network. After the series of illogical actions, certain changes


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and improvements took place. New solutions, such as the construction of roundabouts are becoming a usual trend in Banja Luka. By definition, a roundabout represents a directed intersection of round shape, with an isle in its centre and the round roadways where three or more flows are included and where traffic flows in counterclockwise direction. The great popularity of this engineering solution all over the world is not present without a reason. The advantages, in comparison with other classic intersection solutions are many: • The high level of security in traffic as a result of reduced number of conflict spots in comparison with a classic intersection, and above all, the impossibility of driving through the intersection without reducing the speed; • Roundabouts give drivers more time to react, and the damage in potential accidents is reduced; • They reduce the waiting time, noise and cars’ harmful gases emission; • The possibility of omitting traffic flow of high intensity; • The aesthetic look with smaller maintenance costs

in comparison with traffic light-regulated intersections; reduced use of space for the same capacity. Statistics show that roundabouts reduce the possibility of an accident for 39%, the consequences of accidents for 76% (there are no direct collisions or collisions at right angle), traffic jams reduced for 75%. Besides many advantages, the decision for roundabout should not be made easily. It is necessary for experts to found, explain and prove the meaningfulness of that kind of solution. The criteria that have to be respected are related to functionality, safety and effectiveness. The great number of roundabouts in line does not enable synchronisation (“the green wave”). Also, in built areas, there arise difficulties while building the central isle and the disadvantage is also in the fact that the traffic cannot be controlled by a policeman. Taking into consideration all the parameters, for local possibilities, the roundabout position and traffic load, it is necessary to make a detailed analysis of possible solutions and choose the most appropriate one. The first roundabout in our town was built 5 years ago. On the intersection Car Dusan Boulevard, Krajina brigades, Karadjordje Street and The Olympics Street, the roundabout was built, with the finances of 1,454,000KM. A year later, construction works on another roundabout started on the intersection of Marija Dimic Street, Krajina brigades and Ivan Goran Kovacic Street. The rules of the correct behaviour in the roundabout confused people

Regulation plan for connecting eastern and western transit via Ivan Goran Kovacic Street, Banja Luka


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for a long time. This year, Banja Luka got two more roundabouts. Recently, a one-lane roundabout came to use, on the intersection near Town Bridge, on the left coast of the River Vrbas, which was worth 180,000KM. There is one experimental solution in Starcevica, on the intersection of Majke Jugovica Street and Slobodan Kusturic Street, which was worth 29,000KM. The public accepted these two projects differently. People of Banja Luka think that the intersection near Kastel Fortress and Town Bridge is now “breathing” and that area is now easily passed through. On the other hand, the thoughts about the montage roundabout on Starcevica are split. It has to be considered that this is only a temporary solution, which serves to establish the necessity and adequacy of the supposed construction in road network of that area. The next roundabout should be on the intersection of Carica Milica Street, Car Lazar Street and Mirko Kovacevic Street. The necessity for another roundabout arose after building one on the other side of Town


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Bridge. Despite the open flow on one side of the bridge, the traffic light on the other side made great traffic jams. Not often did the lines of vehicles drive over the bridge to the other side of the River Vrbas. This situation would erase the positive effects of the built roundabout, 200m away. Due to that fact, the traffic light was shut down and the plans for a new roundabout were in progress. According to the regulation plan of Banja Luka, the establishment of many new roundabouts is inevitable. Borik 1, Borik 2, Kocic’s Wreath, and Laus 2 are just some of the areas where road modernisation should take place. Regulation plans for all these areas are available on the town’s website. At the moment, the biggest problem is the traffic (mis) behaviour of our fellow citizens. The notes that could sound trifling, but should be respected by all the traffic participants are these: • The vehicles in a roundabout are in advantage compared to the

vehicles coming from other directions (no right-side rules). • The vehicle at the beginning of a roundabout does not stop, but enters the roundabout in reduced speed, if the road is free. • For pedestrians and bicyclists same rules as in a classic intersection are in power. • In roundabouts, driving backwards is forbidden (and completely unnecessary). • Longer vehicles are allowed to drive on the cobbled part of the roundabout. For smaller vehicles, that is unnecessary. Regardless different, sometimes skeptical comments, it is evident that the general impression is positive. Roundabouts in Banja Luka proved their function. The evident flow increase and increased security level of all traffic participants are the best sign of right decisions when talking about roundabouts.


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Inconveniences in civil engineering

From illusion to omission Written by: Dragan Vidović


lthough it stands for a city where civil engineering reached the very boundaries of imagination, and where engineers have realised previously unimaginable actions, Dubai still has some defects which now come to the front. The city, planned to be the centre of all world greatest events, and the place which has already become the most desirable location for living, now faces a lot of problems. Everything seems to be functioning as it is supposed, but this city’s soft spot is its sewage system. Sewage system is an irreplaceable system which has to be long planned in every area. One must take care of all the plans

that affect the system. In Dubai that is the crucial problem, which condemned city to the constant fear of unexpected circumstances due to the lack of the long-term plan. Dubai has a great sewage system which is conducted up to the installation for waste water processing. The omission occurred due to the system not being centralised. Only 70% of waste waters is transferred through the sewage system. The rest 30% goes into the tanks which are later transported in cisterns up to the installation for waste water processing. The tanks have the capacity for accumulating waste waters for 3 days. Newly built skyscrapers put the great pressure on sewage system. To make a comparison, that would be as if one smaller town was connected to an existing sewage system of some other town. The problem that arose in the last couple of years due to the system overload is that it is impossible for waste water processing installation to receive all of the city’s waste waters. Because of that, thousands of cisterns are waiting in line in front of the installation for even over 24 hours in order to deliver waste waters. Dubai is now facing the situation in which there are areas where conscienceless drivers discharge waste waters because

they do not want to wait for a whole day in a truck-cistern in unbearable heat. All these facts cause many problems, Waters discharged in open areas end in Persia Gulf, what greatly disrupts its ecosystem. The smell that lingers in those areas is unbearable. If truck-cisterns were unable to extract waters from tanks, catastrophic consequences would arise in those working-class areas. In case some of the waste water processing installations stopped working, the whole Dubai would sink in its own waste waters. In the last couple of years, the outflow of waste waters happened several times. In 2008, in a residential area, where 60,000 people lived at that time, waste waters came to an outflow. Streets, yards, parks, everything was covered with water from the sewage system. The traffic was blocked, the smell was unbearable. Even if the residents kept their doors closed, the odour came through the drain. The same situation happened again, after 7 days in the same area, but also in others. These and similar situations which happen in civil engineering should be a lesson for future engineers, in order to avoid any possible omissions. It can be concluded that engineers should pay much attention to the circumstances their projects will be exposed to, after their realisation, i.e. in the exploitation phase.



1 — Number 2 — December, 2013

Tower of Pisa’s subsidence

Centuries-long struggle with gravity Written by: Nataša Vujović


he proof of to what extent one mistake in constructing can become the world’s attraction is The Tower in Pisa. This recognisable Italian symbol is actually a belfry of Roman Cathedral and is located on the Square of Wonders. Tower foundations were set by the famous architect Bonanno Pisano. While choosing the foundation, he did not pay enough attention to ground characteristics. This whole area is located on the layered grounds, unsuitable for constructing. It consists of thick deposits of clay which cause great ground subsidence (=the process of ground volume reduction due to pore pressure decline and increase of effective voltage). The type of foundation is a massive stone ring, which is not supported by piles, in order to transfer the load from the object to the bigger capacity layers. The Tower of Pisa has 7 floors and 7 belfries, and it is about 14,000 tones in weight. At the beginning of Tower’s construction in 1173, the problems of tower leaning were not obvious, until the third floor was built. During

the following 100 years, the construction was suspended, but despite the risk, the tower was finished by the end of 14th century. There are many similar examples in the world, some of which even collapsed. The reasons why this tower resists time are 4-meter thick foundation walls. Since the completion of the construction, this tower annually leaned for 1mm, and the climax was at the time when vertical slope was 5,4m in 1993. In order to prevent the collapse of the famous tower, the Engineers’ Restoration Committee was formed in the mid-20th century. The restoration took 10 years. In the project worth 40 million dollars, special accent was put on foundation stabilisation and ground drainage. Steel cables were added, and on one side of the belfry 70 tones of ground was pulled out, and then the tower was straightened with the help of several-tone weighs. After work completion, the tower was straightened for the whole 38cm. It is estimated the tower will be stable for the following 200-300 years. In this way, the experts managed to revive one of the most authentic buildings. Only the bravest tourists have the strength to climb 294 stairs in this tower, to the same spot where Galileo Galilei did his experiments and proved that the falling velocity of different objects does not depend on their mass. In 1987, the Tower of Pisa entered UNESCO’s list of world heritage.

Tower of Pisa before and after restoration


Opportunities for scholarships and vocational training


The fellow of the DAAD on Master studies in Dresden

87 89 91 93

Technical practice in Thailand How is Civil Engineering studied in Vienna? IACES congress in Istanbul Study visit to Israel, the country that lies on three seas


Opportunities for scholarships and vocational training

Choose the best for yourself Written by: Nataša Vujović, Saša Tatar and Nevena Novaković


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ost students do not have the possibility to cover all their college expenses, and especially to afford studying abroad. Luckily, there are different scholarship programs for studying and vocational training in foreign countries for excellent students. We are going to briefly discuss some of them in this article. The DAAD scholarships The German Academic Exchange Service is the world’s largest organization supporting international exchange of students and scholars. Since its establishment in 1925, the DAAD has provided scholarships for over 1.5 million scholars in Germany and abroad.

The DAAD supports the internationalization of German universities, promotes Germanic studies and the German language abroad, provides help for developing countries in establishing efficiency of their universities, and advises bodies in charge of cultural, educational and developing policies. In 2011 the DAAD provided scholarships for over 70,000 scholars from Germany and from all over the world. The scholarships are granted for students and scholars from all fields. Each year the DAAD provides scholarships for about 40 students from Bosnia and Herzegovina that cover their staying and research expenses in Germany. The DAAD scholarships for candidates from Bosnia and Herzegovina include the following programs: 1. Scholarships for Master-

degree students of all professions; 2. College scholarships for artists; 3. Scholarships for summer course of German in duration of 4 weeks; 4. Scholarships for intensive course of German in duration of 2 months; 5. Scholarships for professional trips to Germany; 6. Research scholarships for assistants and PhDs; 7. Short research visits of scholars and lecturers to high-education institutions; 8. Scholarships for artists: working visits of lecturers to art academies; You can find separate information on individual scholarship programs for Bosnia and Herzegovina and conditions of applying to them on the official Facebook page of the DAAD – www.facebook. com/DAAD Sarajevo, sublink „Stipendije/Stipendien“. Erasmus Mundus scholarships – the program of international academic exchange At the beginning of the academic year 2011/12 the University of Banja Luka became a partner in two projects within the framework of Erasmus Mundus program of international students, teaching and non-teaching staff exchange, those programs being JoinEU-SEEPENTA and EUROWEB. In this manner the University made an important step towards one of the basic principles of reforming high education according to the Bologna Declaration, that being academic mobility. It was not unusual that, in

Web portal with overall information on scholarships for Bosnia and Herzegovina Besides specified scholarship programs, there are also many others. On one can find information on different scholarship programs that are offered to citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina. the past two years, students of the Faculty of Architecture represented the majority of those interested in this program. Also, as a part of Join EUSEE program two students of the Architecture department successfully attended classes on the third year of basic studies at the University of Bologna and the University of Maribor, passed exams and won ECTS points for an entire academic year. The JoinEU-SEEPENTA scholarship has a general character, and it is designated for students and staff from all professions and sciences, while the EUROWEB scholarship is designated only for the development of IT and engineering. For the JoinEU-SEE-PENTA scholarships students from all three cycles, postgraduates, teaching and administrative staff of the university can apply through webpage www.joineuseepenta. eu.

The scholarship includes paying monthly tuitions and travel costs, visa and travel insurance expenses. This year’s call for entries is open till February 1, 2014 for those

84 candidates who will start their exchange program in autumn of 2014. The second call for entries is going to be published afterwards in autumn 2014, and PhDs, teaching staff and administrative staff of universities can apply to it. The program is going to start the exchange in autumn 2015. The call for entries for the EUROWEB scholarship is open until January 31, 2014. All further information on the two Erasmus Mundus scholarship programs in which the University of Banja Luka participates can be found on the web pages www. and www. The University of Banja Luka has, in cooperation with the deans of all faculties, appointed academic coordinators for international exchange for each faculty. In accordance to it, feel free to ask questions about the scholarship on the email address Scholarships of the German economy The scholarship program of the German economy offers the possibility of gaining technical experience in duration from 3 to 6 months in some of renowned German firms. The practice period usually starts in July, and the program covers all expenses of accommodation in Germany and travel. Fellows are provided with a five-day program of touring Berlin, and also a course of the German language in duration of gaining technical experience period. The prerequisites for applying this program are: • Being a student of the third or fourth year, or recently graduated, • Having a BA degree in


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economics or technical studies (Architecture, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Journalism or Agriculture), • Being under 30 in the moment of applying the call for entry, • Speaking English or German, • Being a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The deadline for applying for 2013 program has passed, while the new tender will be announced in October 2014. All information can be found on this webpage: www. Professional practices by means of IAESTE BiH IAESTE (The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) is an international association for the exchange of students that provides them the opportunity for technical experience. The association provides a practical training related to the field of study for students from more than 80 countries worldwide. In 2013, IAESTE sent 44 students from Bosnia and Herzegovina to 21 countries worldwide to acquire technical experience.

The Banja Luka National Committee has 16 members from the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, which makes more than half of the total number of active members. The call for entries for technical practices that is being announced only once a year, at the end of November, can be applied by students of

all faculties. In order to apply for this tender one must deliver: • Application with basic information, • The certificate that one is a full-time student, • The certificate on passed exams with the average grade. The statistics of this year’s tender, to which 19 students of Architecture, 13 students of Civil Engineering and 6 students of Geodesy applied, speaks about how students of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering are interested in performing technical practice abroad. On the basis of the adopted rulebook on grading, the final grading list of applied students is created. The position on that list is based on students’ English grades students get on tests organized by the Association, the average grade, the year of college (students of the third and fourth year having the advantage) and past performance in the Association, if they are members. The exchange of experiences is performed in an annual conference of IAESTE, and based on the grading list students can choose practices they prefer. This is a perfect opportunity to acquire technical experience and get to know more about modern technology used all around the world. All required information about the IAESTE membership and the conditions of the tender can be found via the webpage or through email address or in person in the office of the Association on the address Majke Jugovića, Student Center P1.


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The fellow of the DAAD on Master studies in Dresden

Being persistent Written by: Božana Babić


t the beginning of my final year on the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering in Banja Luka I could not even dream of the fact that only one year later I would be living and studying in, as Germans like to say, the most beautiful city in Germany, Dresden. The Lord works in strange ways, so in accordance to it, all my ways took me to Germany. I do not want you to think that I speak the German language as if it were my mother tongue… I do not, and I take my classes in English (I stress this for those students who would like to study in Germany, but are withdrawn by the poor language performance). Anyway, our faculty has three

representatives in Dresden: Marko Božić, Strahinja Đukanovic and I, but we sincerely hope that in time this number will expand. But, let me get back to those ways of mine that were quite difficult to pass, if I may speak openly. The persistence is definitely a virtue; this is something I like to say to everyone and it is important to be determined. But without the German Office for Academic Exchange (the DAAD) scholarship I would not have this opportunity. When I applied for the scholarship my good grades definitely helped me, even though I like to believe that I was not judged strictly on the basis of my grades. Preparing documents, recommendations, experiences and extra curriculum activities (organized by the IACES Committee) were my invitation to an interview in Sarajevo. The interview, which I expected eagerly, was followed by waiting until April (I cannot recall the exact date). You always secretly hope for something, and good grades were an extra reason for my selfconfidence in situations like this one. I was then informed that I got the scholarship and a paid course of German on the Goethe Institute in Dresden. After that I started counting days till my departure. On August 3, the journey

Dresden Technical University

officially started, even though not so grandiosely. I waited the bus for Dresden that was about an hour late on the bus station in Doboj, and the temperature was around 40 degrees Celsius. I was able to handle the fact that Dresden was 1,170 kilometers away and that the journey would last 20 hours, but the search in Munich was really overwhelming. After a twenty-two-hour drive, I arrived in Dresden exhausted, and tired, but curious. I accommodated in my new room (one of the advantages of being a fellow student is that many things run smoothly, so my new room was already waiting for me) and fell asleep. Anyway, my roommates were from Bolivia and Burma and we got along very well. So that is how two months in the Goethe Institute started. I was really satisfied with the level of the knowledge of the German language that I acquired. As my people like to say, you cannot find a Serb in Dresden even if your life depended on it. During those two months the Institute was my world. People from all continents, of all races and nations came there to study the language. If you ask me, it was a truly wonderful experience. I made a lot of new friendships with people from all around the world, and I would like to have enough



Semperoper Dresden

money to visit them all one day. The backup from the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering arrived at the beginning of October. Strahinja came to fight on my side for that “estimated German degree.” Living in a dorm in Dresden is very different from living in a dorm in Banja Luka. As the proverb says – You get what you pay for. In Banja Luka I would lose my breath every time I had to reach the fourth floor where my room was, and here I would take the elevator and in a no time I would reach the eleventh floor… Yes, yes, eleventh floor! They do not have problems with earthquakes so they build buildings up to fifteenth floor. I never tried, but I believe that I could see my college from

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my room window. By the way, Dresden has around thirty dorms and fifteen cafeterias. Dresden is a city in the east of Germany, the capital of the Free State Saxony. It is the fourthlargest city in Germany, and with only 560,000 citizens it seems empty and deserted. It is situated in the valley of the Elbe River, and I frankly like the part of the city placed on the banks of the river the most. The river divides the city in two areas, the old and the new. The life in Dresden is pretty affordable, and food is cheaper than in Banja Luka; it has a lot of castles, fortresses and museums. I will use a comment on Dresden I once heard – it is a city that looks like an outdoor museum. The Dresden Technical University is one of eleven German universities that have a title of the University of Excellence. It has around 37,000 students and it is the biggest university in Saxony. The University has a long history; it was established in 1828 as a part of the Royal Saxon Technical College. A part of this university is also the Faculty of Architecture (Fakultat

Bauingerieuwesen) that offers Master studies in English. Again I could describe it as a melting pot, and I managed to count 25 different nationalities attending classes of the Continuum Mechanics and other subjects in a small amphitheater. It is very interesting and colorful. There are a lot of Indians and Chinese, and others are not so numerous. My strong recommendation to everyone is to come to Dresden at least for 7 days and see all beauties of this city, but in the summer, because winters in Germany are not mild. And yes, if you want to study in Germany, you should definitely apply for the DAAD scholarship! And in the end – what is the next step? Is it appropriate to mention a famous crying of Šantić who says: “Stay here, someone else’s sun shall not warm you like ours…”? Are we going to establish the “Technical University” in Banja Luka? Well, let’s establish it, because as Šantić says:”Someone else’s sun shall not make you warm like ours.” Or, as our people like to say – “There is no place like home.”


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013

Technical practice in Thailand

Opportunities that should not be missed Written by: Novica Laketić

The 3D model of the project “CP Leadership Institute” comprised of three objects: Guest house, VIP center and Training center



n Jully 2013, thanks to the IAESTE BiH, I, as a third-year student, got the opportunity for professional training in duration of 11 weeks in the firm “Charoen Pokphand Engineering,” a branch of the largest Thai corporation “CP Group.” The project I worked on, “CP Leadership Institute,” that is constituted out of three separate objects, represents the biggest constructional undertaking in Thailand that covers more than 26,000 square meters, 400 workers and the overall value of the project of 13 million euros, that being more than a huge sum for the Thai standard of living. The construction site was situated in an amazing little town Pak Chong that is on a two-hour ride from Bangkok. My job was to study processes of building certain construction elements and other parts of the construction, and also administrative jobs. I had the knowledge on some of the basic construction processes – setting the reinforcement, pouring and maintaining concrete etc., about which I only had the opportunity to read in books. This is where I first got the chance to associate theoretical and practical knowledge. Although I came there after the foundation work was already over, kind engineers of the company explained me the

process of funding. Due to the specificity of the terrain and the sensitivity of the object when it comes to soil subsidence, they resorted to the process of funding on foundation piles. They used 450 millimeters diameter driven piles that were 7 meters long. 300 piles were used in total in the process of laying the foundations for these objects. In Bangkok, due to the morphology and the consistency of the soil, they use piles that can be up to 30 meters long. For one of the objects, steel lattice girders were used thanks to which 30-meter spans could be overcome, and that is truly fascinating. Some of the construction works were performed during the night, usually welding, because of the lack of permitted dilatation due to high temperatures during the day. Thais pay a lot of attention to safety at work, so it is really impossible to see construction workers not wearing helmets or construction safety belts if they perform their jobs on a

88 certain height. Also, meetings between the investors and the contracting companies where the best solutions were brought out were held every week. One of the things that impressed me the most was a large number of young people working in all sectors of the company. They were all very helpful and trying to assist me as much as they could. The last couple of weeks I spent in the main branch of the company in Bangkok. There I learned about using one of the most famous engineering softwares STAAD. Pro and how to apply it on an object with many floors. Since this was my first professional training, I learned a lot and I hope that the knowledge I acquired there is going to help me in my future career. Of course, I had the opportunity for sightseeing. Bangkok, a metropolis with more than 10 million citizens, really exudes diversity in every aspect of life. Temples, landmarks and parks on one hand and super modern building complexes on the other make Bangkok one of the touristic centers of Asia. In the middle of July I visited the north of Thailand, where I


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managed to enjoy the nature of towns like Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai and Pai together with other students that were having their professional training in Thailand. The first contact with tigers, riding elephants and unique food of the north were just some of the things I was lucky enough to experience and cherish as a memory from the north of Thailand. At the end of August we headed south. We could not imagine even in our wildest dreams what would be waiting for us there. Turquoise sea and white-sand beaches took our breaths away. During our staying we visited many different sights, enjoyed snorkeling and the explosion of colors of the undersea world. We acquainted smiling faces and hospitality everywhere and this is what I would like to emphasize as the greatest treasure of Thailand. One of the most important values of this training was friends I met there. I would like to recommend to everyone to travel, learn something new, and meet new people and cultures, because opportunities like this one are not often provided.


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How is Civil Engineering studied in Vienna?

At firsthand Written by: Miloš Savanović


hat is the best place to start the story about studying on the Tecnical University of Vienna? What is it that would interest most students of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering and basically all people who are going to have the opportunity to read this article? In this article I will do my best to abstract the story and provide answers, mention some topics that are always popular for students and try to represent the Technical University of Vienna through these stories and, in a way, to compare the Technical University of Vienna with the University of Banja Luka by providing the best example at firsthand. When it comes to presenting, I gave the priority to the Faculty of Architecture of the Subject University, not only for the proverbial professional rivalry and animosity between our akin study programs, but also because I myself am a student of Civil Engineering, so this is the issue I am very much familiar with. Joking aside, I will not waste space by mentioning the well-known story about the conditions of entering Austrian universities, requirements and ways of learning the German language etc. The answers to these questions you can find on websites (if the redaction allows me, I would like to promote the website studiraj. eu, which provides much accurate information to interested students) or someone else will write about them on some other occasion.

The basic information about the popular Technical University The Technical University of Vienna is one of the public (state) universities in the city – state Vienna (according to the political system, Austria is a republic constituted out of 9 federal states, one of which is also the capital city, Vienna). It was established in 1815 as the “Polytechnic Institute of the Austrian Emperor Franz I;” since then it has been the University that shapes highly educated personnel of technical vocations and studying Civil Engineering, in many forms, has been present on this University since its establishment. Today it is a modern academic institution where, with the application of the Declaration of Bologna, about 30,000 students on 53 study programs and 8 faculties are being educated. The fact that the institution has 4,500 members of personnel (3,300 of scientific and artistic staff and 136 professors) additionally emphasizes the size of the institution. The budget of the Technical University of Vienna for 2013 is 203 million euros. Most of the study programs, when it comes to the city of Vienna, exist only in this institution. For us and general public some of the best-know people who had their education acquired and specialized at the Technical University of Vienna are Milutin Milanković, Victor Kaplan, Christian Andreas Doppler and many other

world famous scientists. Studying in this University is again being charged in this semester, as in the previous one (a few previous semesters in this University were free of charge), and the price for students from Bosnia and Herzegovina (unless they have a passport/citizenship of some of the EU member states) is 750 euros per semester. How much are exams passed in Banja Luka important in Vienna? One of the common procedures at the very begging of studying on the Technical University of Vienna is the recognition of exams passed in other universities (if you have been studying previously, i.e. if you are not coming at the very beginning of the bachelor studies). The right to start the process of the recognition of passed exams, at least when it comes to the procedure that is applied on the Technical University of Vienna, students acquire by entering the study program as full-time students. It is necessary that candidates compare subjects or study areas on their own and to express a requirement on exactly which subjects from a study program candidates want the Technical University of Vienna to recognize. If we compare study programs of the Technical University of Vienna with the study programs of the technical faculties of the University of Banja Luka, we can say The facade of the main building of the University, built in 1818 on the Karlsplatz


The dome hall placed in the dome of the main building of the University; besides being used for celebrations, seminars and concerts, it is also used for lectures on a daily basis

that the curricula are very similar, and that similarity is particularly expressed when it comes to the study program of Civil Engineering, with one important exception – the Technical University of Vienna, as, after all, majority of study programs in Austria does, applies the relation “Bachelor:” “Master studies” =180:120 “”ETCS” points. Just because of the mentioned similarity between the study programs, students who come from the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering in Banja Luka, and especially those from the study program of Civil Engineering, have positive experience when it comes to the recognition of exams passed in Banja Luka. Still, even though the study programs are similar, that does not mean that they are identical, so one should not expect that all exams passed in some other university, including the University of Banja Luka, are going to be recognized. The Technical University of Vienna and the University of Banja Luka – similarities and differences Besides certain differences in study programs, differences in organization of classes and approaches to studying certain subjects and areas can also noticed. I will name only a few, which were interesting to me because they are very different from the ones at the University of Banja Luka, where


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I used to study. So, for example, we have a situation where lectures and exercises, i.e. theoretical and practical classes, from majority of areas are organized as separate classes, with separate number of classes and ECTS points. This results with having separate exams, i.e. you are not obliged to attend all those subjects simultaneously. Also, almost all subjects are not conditioned by other subjects, so students can choose the order in which they are going to take exams, in which they have all the freedom they want, that even some quite illogical situations can occur. Besides, students do not have limitations when it comes to the number of subjects per semester, i.e. students have the freedom of attending classes from subjects that can carry from 0.5 (the minimal number of points per subject) up to 50 and more ECTS points, if they consider it possible to achieve, and it directly affects the overall duration of studying process. Categories as “renewal of a year,” “permitted transfer of points,” “senior undergraduate status” which are very often seen as burden at the University of Banja Luka and definitely present the legacy of the past (regardless whether they contribute or harm students), do not exist and, in a system like this one, that is completely adjusted to the Bologna process, completely lose their meaning. The thing that is not in accordance with the Bologna process, and is applied on the Technical University of Vienna is that attending classes is not mandatory and no one keeps record on students’ presence in classes, so students neither win nor lose certain benefits (points). A part (up to 20%) of 180 ECTS points of every study program refers to elective subjects and skills. Namely, a student, in order to get his/her diploma, has to gain a part of those 180 points by means of elective subjects or activities that he/she chooses from a wide range of offered possibilities that often do not have to be associated with the primary theme of the study program. It tells that mandatory subjects of every study program

contain less than 180 points in total, i.e. that students cannot get their diplomas even though they passed all their exams. It is also interesting that students, as their elective subjects, can take exams from subjects from other faculties, including those that are mandatory subjects in some other study programs. Professional trips, study visits, participations on seminars and symposiums are also valuated with ECTS points. Due to technical and staff possibilities many subjects are being organized during both winter and summer semester. Again, thanks to staffing, many subjects have more than one professor and almost all subjects have more assistants (up to 10) whose fields of action are based on their specialties in the area of the subject. It is a rare case of hiring same professors or assistants in curricular activities in more departments – institutes, and especially faculties. Is it necessary to notice that administrative and curricular activities are completely done by computers? A student does all the activities associated with the work of Student Service and the curricular processes (registering subjects, registering exams, issuing documents, communicating with teaching and administrative staff, exchanging materials etc.) by means of their “profile” on a functional and very useful internal virtual social network of the University.

The typical look of the University Library, placed on the Karlsplatz


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013

IACES congress in Istanbul

The representatives of our LC in the winning team Written by: Dragana Ilić

„Dream team“


ACES Congress named “ACESS ’13” was held in Istanbul in the period from October 27 till November 3. The General Committee elected the new management of IACES. Jose Calejo (LC Porto) was elected as the new president, Mohammed Sadegh (LC Teheran) was elected as his first deputy, and Serra Kuday (LC Istanbul) as his second deputy. The last-year function of our local committee “coordination center” devolved upon LC ITU Istanbul. It was also decided that the next IACES Congress “ACESS ’14,” to which we are already looking forward, is going to be held in Porto. Representatives of numerous local committees from all over the world attended the Congress in Istanbul. Six students of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering represented the LC Banja Luka. Our impressions on experiences acquired on this congress are difficult to describe in only a few sentences. We were surprised by how well-organized and friendly our hosts were, and also by the fact that they worked very hard to make every moment of our staying in Istanbul as interesting and eventful as possible. Two representatives of the LC Istanbul welcomed us at the airport in a very symbolic way. In the same manner we continued our

91 adventure in this city – eventful, entertaining and not experienced before this visit. The next day we were on our feet from the morning full of energy and wanting to learn new things, spend time with our friends, meet new people, new places and all this accompanied by lots of laughing and fun. On the second day of our staying in Istanbul we showed and proved that besides being funny, easy to be around and playful, we also have certain knowledge. The members of our Local Committee (Dragana and Ana) were members of the winning team of the professional competition, organized by the HILTI Company. The international evening that is a tradition of these congresses, was really special. We had the opportunity to present homemade jam, ajvar, honey from Herzegovina, pršut and different types of homemade brandy (rakija), that became famous even in Mexico, to people from all over the world. This additionally confirms “our” saying – “Rakija connecting people.” We also had the opportunity to taste meals and beverages from different parts of the world, and to learn something about different cultures. You complete your impressions on Istanbul only after cruising Bosporus, and we had the opportunity to enjoy one of those

92 cruises thanks to our hosts. To write about their International Technical University Aiazaga would be like writing about one of our towns. Yes, you’ve read correctly; it would take you more than seven days only to get to know all parts of the University and to visit all of their laboratories. Our hosts put a lot of effort in giving us a few professional lectures that were instructive and very interesting. We had the opportunity also to see the bridge that connects the European and Asian parts of Istanbul, which we had a lecture on. The Bosporus Bridge is also known as the First Bosporus Bridge. It is one of two bridges in Istanbul that spans Bosporus and in that manner connects Europe and Asia. By its construction the First Bosporus Bridge is a suspension bridge 39 meter wide, while the distance between the towers is 1,074 meters. The main carrying parts are 105 meters high. Due to its length, but primarily its beauty, the bridge made the list of the most beautiful bridges in the world. We also visited the giant beer factory “Efes Pilsen” where we witnessed the process of making beer. We were explained that the process of making beer is a general knowledge fact for us, since we are going to become civil engineers, and we accepted this fact with ease, alluding to the love we feel for this drink.


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We visited splendid historical edifices. Hagia Sophia was particularly interesting because of its unusual history. Our free time spent with colleagues from LC Mostar we used for visiting Miniaturk, a vast park of models of important Turkish historical edifices. Our Mostar colleagues were stunned by the model of the old Mostar Bridge. Traditionally, Sing-a-song Party was organized on the last evening in Istanbul. During that evening, each Local Committee sang a song and in that way represented their country and their faculty. It was the happiest, but at the same time the saddest night in Istanbul, because after that we all had to go home and back to our mundane lives. Each of us came back from Istanbul richer for a wonderful life experience, new acquired knowledge, a lot of new friends and hope that we will meet again. We represented our country and faculty well, and the fact that students from ITU Aiazaga Istanbul are going to visit us by the end of this year only confirms it. Hopefully we will have further opportunities to represent the Republic of Srpska, our city and our faculty in the same manner, because even though we still cannot boast with great material accomplishments, our intentions, knowledge and wishes to present it to others in an authentic way are honest!

The laboratory used for testing materials and constructions at the Technical University of Istanbul


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013

Study visit to Israel, the country that lies on three seas

Learn how to appreciate water Written by: Ana Ković

Visiting the “Mekorot Company”


he delegation of students and professors of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering spent time in Israel from 4 till 11 June 2013, due to the project “Learn How to Appreciate Water.” The purpose of this study visit was expanding practical and theoretical knowledge in the area of hydroconstruction, and especially watercourse regulation, waste water treatment and regulating water resources. The main task of the project was to contribute to strengthening the knowledge of highly specialized experts in the area of hydroconstruction in the Republic of Srpska, so that hydro potential of the Republic of Srpska is better used and properly managed, but also strengthening the friendly relations and cooperation between Israel and the Republic of Srpska. The content of the visit was colorful, and the most important parts of the visit are outlined in this article. An all-day visit to the University of Haifa, the Technical Faculty “Technion” was carried out.

93 Our hosts showed us laboratories, libraries, classrooms, and we also had the opportunity to attend lectures on hydrotechnology. With this visit, an agreement on further cooperation that would allow our students to study at the University of Haifa was achieved. Education fees would be paid by the governments of Israel and the Republic of Srpska. During the all-day visit to the leading world company in the field of hydroconstruction “Mekorot” we were presented with: the “smart” system of automating operations and remote control of hydro objects; systems of planning (top-down) and development; the ways of controlling water supplying cities and central system of water filtration; the process of getting fresh water by desalination of sea water; decision support systems (water system planning, predicting hydro basin levels, predicting necessary amounts of water for a particular period of time, hydrological researches, use of SCADA control systems); manners of solving problems of water shortage, complex structures of local systems of water supplying, long distances between the water source and the consumption place and many others. The “Merkot” representatives showed pleasure and suggested that the students of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering should be enabled to participate in projects that “Merkot” is going to carry out in the Republic of Srpska. In addition to visits of professional character, many other visits were organized. As an affirmation of close relations, we visited the partner city Modin, where the mayor and his delegation welcomed us and organized a luncheon.



1 — Number 2 — December, 2013 The Mekorot facility

A visit to the Representative Office of the Republic of Srpska in Israel was organized, as was the audience with the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Theophilos III. We arranged a short presentation to the Patriarch, introduced him with the development of the University of Banja Luka, and looked back on the personal perception of the role of spirituality in the lives of young people in the Republic of Srpska. The Patriarch pointed out the role of the Christian orthodox identity in personal and collective challenges, defined and compared the position of Serbs with other orthodox nations and referred to specific problems of

modern times. Besides the beauty of his speech, his Beatitude, the Patriarch of Jerusalem delivered symbolic gifts to us. Visits to historical, cultural and touristic edifices in Israel were not left out. We visited the Biblical city of Capernaum on the coast of the Sea of Galilee; Nazareth, the city where Jesus grew up, Jericho, the oldest city in the world, the Wailing Wall, Bethlehem, the city where Jesus was born, the Church of Holy Sepulcher, Golan Heights, the Jordan River, The Dead Sea, Mount of Olives, and walked “the Way of Suffering.”

The monograph dedicated to the study visit in Israel Impressions and experiences acquired on this journey were not left unrecorded. We perpetuated them in a monograph the name of which is “Faith, Hope, Love – the Unfulfilled Dream of Israel, the Country Blessed with Three Seas; Experiences, Impressions and Visions of Civil Engineers.” The team work of the authors will allow all readers to experience the acquired knowledge and values of this study visit. We had faith, love and hope, strength and desire to persist and fulfill our unfulfilled dream of Israel. Our experiences, impressions and visions about the country that lies on three seas are from now available to you to, our dear readers.

The Bridge presents 96

Srđan Lončar – the first-team basketball player of the Basketball Club “Borac” from Banja Luka


Art and I


Srđan Lončar – the firstteam basketball player of the Basketball Club “Borac” from Banja Luka

Relaxed civil engineer Interviewer: Ljiljana Duvnjak


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rđan Lončar (S.L.), born in Banja Luka in 1991, a third-year student of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, has been playing basketball since the age of seven. He passed through all younger selections, where he was a team captain, and since 2009, he has been a first-team player of the Basketball Club “Borac” from Banja Luka. Basketball means a world to him and he says he could not image his life without basketball. “The Bridge” Being a student of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, a basketball player of “Borac,” successful and outspoken, how do you handle the popularity? S. L. I do not perceive it as popularity. I always try to be available and open for everyone, and to be a good friend. I was asked for an autograph or a piece of advice a couple of times by younger basketball players, and I always replied with a smile on my face. Today, they are my young friends, whom I gladly shake hands with when I meet them on the street, and if I have time, I even go and see their matches. “The Bridge” Since when have you been playing basketball? S. L. Since 1999. I started practicing basketball during the first grade in elementary school.

“The Bridge” You were a captain of all younger selections. What are the qualities one needs to have in order to be a captain of a team? S. L. From my experience those qualities are regular trainings, responsibility, maximal commitment to the team, being the biggest fan of the team and a motivator are. “The Bridge” Since when have you been the first-team player of “Borac?” S. L. Since 2009, when coach Boro Đaković, the first coach who gave me the opportunity to play, joined the club. “The Bridge” “Borac” is facing a lot of difficulties when it comes to financial aspect of the club. Was it a good thing for players from

our country, i.e. would your chances for playing for the first team decrease if the club had the money to buy players from abroad? S. L. I believe that that provided opportunities for players from our country, who were offered better engagements in bigger clubs after the given chance to play for “Borac.” They showed that they are as good as foreign players. The chances for players from our country would be decreased, but that is not the case only when it comes to “Borac,” but to all clubs in general; they often do not see what is right in front of them, so they keep looking for good players. And when it comes to me personally, I believe that I would play for the first team regardless of that, because, as I already said, I entered the first team when it was still relevant and highly ranked in the BiH league, but one can never be sure about anything. “The Bridge” What inspires you, as a player, the most – when you score three points, when you defeat the opponent of when you hear ovations from your supporters? S. L. The best feeling for me is when I score three points in a tight situation and when I hear ovations from our fans, and especially my loved ones. But since “Borac” is “down” right now, there are less and less fans on our matches, and I would love to see them supporting us and be in the hall when we need



1 — Number 2 — December, 2013 S. L. It gave me good friends, experience, the strength to fight, and without any further ado, it game me only the good stuff. And it only took some fee money away from me. :-)

them, because they are those who give wings to the entire team and especially to each player individually. “The Bridge” Basketball is a very widespread and popular sport. This region brought out many world-famous basketball stars. Do you see some basketball player as your role-model? S. L. When we say basketball player, I think about a team player, someone who is working hard for the team’s sake. That is how former NBA player Jason Kidd used to play; he played for the entire team and he was doing his best to make his teammates play as best as they can, to be at the top of their game. That is exactly what I am trying to do. When it comes to our region, one of my role-models is my last-year teammate from the Basketball Club “Igokea” Hebojša Joksimović, who now plays for the national team of Slovenia and the Basketball Club “Union Olimpia” from Ljubljana. While we played in opposite teams, I was not a huge fan of his, but once I got to know him, I realized what a great man, friend and player he is. He helped me to fit into the team and gave me some useful pieces of advice that I am trying to apply. “The Bridge” You often played on street basketball tournaments. Was that also something you were successful at? S. L. Yes, I played on those tournaments. I participate in street basketball tournaments strictly for

fun and in order to spend time with my friends. The members of the team we make every year are my friends, so that makes winning less important, but it sure feels good to win a tournament. Almost every time we make it to the finals. “The Bridge” You also played for the basketball team of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Does the joy you feel when you win a match wearing the jersey of your faculty team can be measured with the joy you feel when you play for “Borac?” S. L. This also has to do with spending time with my friends. To be honest – no, because “Borac” is my club and I will always support “Borac” wholeheartedly. But I enjoy playing for the team of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering and I always look forward to our victories, because the team is great. “The Bridge” What did the basketball give to you and did it take something away from you?

“The Bridge” One day when you are no longer a player, is that going to be a definite split up from basketball or do you have some other plans associated with it? S. L. Of course it won’t be. I cannot imagine my life without basketball. I already have some plans in my mind, and hopefully my desires will come true and it is all associated with “Borac.” I also hope that “Borac” will retain its former glory. That is my dream. “The Bridge” How come you became interested in Civil Engineering? How do you manage to balance your duties associated with faculty and the ones associated with basketball? S. L. It is all a matter of being well-organized and knowing how to manage your time. I set some priorities, and only when I achieve them I move on. “The Bridge” What does it mean to be a student of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering to you? Is there anything you consider special, something that makes students of our faculty stand out? S. L. As an example I would only like to mention the name of our email group “Relaxed Civil Engineers.”

Srđan’s most significant accomplishments: • 2005 the champion of the Republic of Srpska in the pioneer category • 006 the champion of the Republic of Srpska in the cadet category (junior cadets) • 2007 the champion of the Republic of Srpska in the cadet category • 2008 second place in the Republic of Srpska league in the junior category • 2009 the champion of the Republic of Srpska and third place in the BiH league in the junior category • 2013 the champion of BiH (with the Basketball Club “Igokea”)


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013 99

Art and I

Imagination brought to life by strong will Written by: Ana Jojić


started growing the love of art thanks to my older brother and his art works that were my inspiration and stimulus for expressing more creativity. Even back in elementary school, on Art classes, teachers noticed my talent for drawing and my affection towards that type of art. My work continued in high school, when I achieved first results in different competitions in my country, but also outside the boarders of the Balkans. With the help of my professor who noticed my work, and

Stone bridge – oil on canvas

together with a few more friends, I set up an art workshop, where I had the opportunity to teach younger generations, exhibit my works of art on various exhibitions and to promote them in school magazines. That was an impetus for me to improve my work and try out different techniques – oils, glass and ceramics staining, jewelry making. After visiting the Salvador Dali Museum, being fascinated by the paintings of this artist, I started paying a particular attention to painting on canvas, and I entered a school of fine art, and with the help of the painter Vladislav Dacešin I mastered this skill. The movements in painting that I prefer are Realism and Surrealism, but I definitely plan to experiment with other movements. After finishing high school, I decided to study architecture, because I consider it to be the queen of all arts, and because I believe that I can improve my creativity and talent through different projects. I even managed to experiment with graphic design, and I got the opportunity to design the logo for the restaurant “Banjalučki splav” (“Banja Luka Raft”). I am very


much pleased that my ideas are becoming a reality and that they are positively received. Currently, I am exploring iconography, to which I plan to dedicate seriously in the future period my artistic development. Art is something that fulfills a person spiritually and that provides people with that little whiff of hope that there truly is a world in which will and imagination are something that can be brought to life, both in people and on pieces of paper. Eye – oil on canvas

Knowledge plus 102 104 108 110

Technical vocabulary TOWER 7 demo - basic info Little school of Serbian orthography Curiosities



1 — Number 2 — Decembar, 2013 G

Technical vocabulary

The most common terms in architecture, civil engineering and geodesy Prepared: Nataša Vujović, Tamara Učur and Gordana Jakovljević

Gabion - A cylindrical basket or container filled with earth, stones, or other material and used in civil engineering works or (formerly) fortifications. Gallery - A long room or passage, typically one that is partly open at the side to form a portico or colonnade. Gaussian distribution – (normal distribution) - a function that represents the distribution of many random variables as a symmetrical bell-shaped graph. Gable – triangular section formed by a roof with two slopes, extending from the eaves to the ridge where the two slopes meet. Geodesy - the branch of mathematics dealing with the shape and area of the earth or large portions of it. Geoinformation - computerized geographical information. GIS - Geographic Information System, a system for storing and manipulating geographical information on computer. Girder - a large iron or steel beam or compound structure used for building bridges and the framework of large buildings. GPS - Global Positioning System, an accurate worldwide navigational and surveying facility based on the reception of signals from an array of orbiting satellites. Granite - a very hard, granular, crystalline, igneous rock consisting mainly of quartz, mica, and feldspar and often used as a building stone. Grille - a system of bars, usually of decorative metalwork, forming an openwork barrier or enclosure.


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Gravel - particles of rock usually round in form and intermediate in size between sand grains and boulders. Granulometric composition of soil – the content of granules of varying size in rock, soil, or an artificial product, expressed as a percentage of the bulk or of the quantity of granules of the examined sample.

D Dead load - the weight of a structure itself, including the weight of fixtures or equipment permanently attached to it. Desalination – the process of decreasing (removing) the level of minerals from the sea water which results in getting fresh water, process water or water for irrigation, and getting salt as an additional excipient. Dienst – a building material used in the Gothic construction; a thin round semi pillar (the intersection of which can be ¼, ½ or ¾ of a circle). Diabase – a fine-grained rock of the composition of gabbro but with an ophitic texture; The texture is termed diabasic and is typical of diabases; a dark igneous rock consisting essentially of augite and feldspar; an altered dolerite. Diastyle (dia-stil) – the term describing a Classic arrangement of columns, having the space of four diameters from corner to center of their shafts, and where the intercolumniation measures three diameters. Diptera – a temple surrounded by two lines of columns on all sides. Diffusion - the process

whereby particles of liquids, gases, or solids intermingle as the result of their spontaneous movement caused by thermal agitation and in dissolved substances move from a region of higher to one of lower concentration. Diffraction - a modification which light undergoes especially in passing by the edges of opaque bodies or through narrow openings and in which the rays appear to be deflected; also: a similar modification of other waves (as sound waves) or of moving particles (as electrons). Dike – bank, usually of earth, constructed to control or confine water. Dromos – an avenue or passage leading into a tomb, especially one between rows of columns or statues. Ductility – a solid material‘s ability to deform under tensile stress.


to a significantly greater degree than portland cement paste does; used to compensate for volume decrease due to shrinkage or to induce tensile stress in reinforcement. Expansion joint - a union or gap between adjacent parts of a building, structure, or concrete work that permits the relative movement caused by temperature changes to occur without rupture or damage. External wall - a wall which is part of the envelope of a building, thereby having one face exposed to the weather or to earth. Exedra - a room, portico, or arcade with a bench or seats where people may converse. Extrapolation - estimating a function at a point which is larger than (or smaller than) all the points at which the value of the function is known. Elasticity - The ability of an object or material to resume its normal shape after being stretched or compressed.

Entablature - the upper part of a classical building supported by columns or a colonnade, comprising the architrave, frieze, and cornice.

Entasis - a slight convex curve in the shaft of a column, introduced to correct the visual illusion of concavity produced by a straight shaft.

Enameled brick – brick with a smooth hard surface acquired from the application of a special wash before burning.consolidation/ compression testing.

Envelope - a curve or surface that is tangent to each one of a group of curves or surfaces.

Evaporite – any of a variety of minerals found in sedimentary deposits of soluble salts that result from the evaporation of water. Equilibrium - state of balance. Expanding cement - a cement which when mixed with water forms a paste that tends to increase in volume, after setting,

Enfilade - a suite of rooms with doorways in line with each other. Episcopium - bishop‘s residence Echinus - a rounded moulding below an abacus on a Doric or Ionic capital.


TOWER 7 demo - basic info

Do it yourself! Prepared: Jovica Kalajdžić


he Tower program is used for static and dynamic analysis of planar and space structures. Calculation is done with finite element method. The geometry of the model is defined graphically, drawing only the contours of structural elements and loading. This program consists of 4 different modules, mutually connected: • “unos podataka” • “formiranje mreže” • “proračun” and • “obrada rezultata”


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013

After initiation, the program is always in the first module: “Unos podataka”. First thing you do when working in this program is to introduce all the data necessary to define a problem, in the module “Unos podataka”. Then you go to module “Formiranje mreže” from where you choose an option for calculation after generating the web of finite elements. When you finish calculation you go to module “Obrada rezultata” and analyze estimated impacts, measure the elements of the construction and make project documentation. Going from one module to the other is done by choosing the right option from a drop-down list with the title “Moduli”. Screen layout Screen layout is same in every module of this program. It is divided in different areas: • Horizontal menu • Toolbar • Status line • Command line • Drawing area • Level line.


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013

This is only one part of the possibilities Tower offers, and it is good for solving and controlling school papers, written by hand. You can find free demo version of Tower 7 and some useful tutorials and manual on the web site Activating, repeating and cancelling commands All the commands of this program can be activated equally, either from the horizontal menu or by choosing an icon for the necessary command. When the mouse pointer is set on an icon, after a while, on the screen, a small window opens saying what that certain icon means. This option is of great help especially when you first start working with this program. Knowing that every window has a specific purpose, it is not possible for every command in the program to be executed at the same time in every window. Disregarding the currently active window/tab, the program will still allow you to activate every command, but will check if it is possible to choose certain points in the program in different windows, and if necessary it will give you certain warning. Since the horizontal menu does not contain all the commands this program uses, it is possible to open a drop-down menu in every window by clicking on the name of the window and in it you have all

The truss processed in the example

105 the commands necessary for that window. It is often necessary to reactivate a command that just ended. In that case you don’t have to activate the same command again. Instead, you can press enter or right click on the mouse. Every command can be cancelled during the process. This is done by pressing the “esc” key. After that the program is in a stand-by mode waiting for a different command. A command can also be cancelled by pressing “enter”, i.e. right click on the mouse.

Example To manage all the program functions necessary to solve simple problems of mechanics and resistance of materials, we will now determine, step by step, “M”, “T”, “N” diagrams of an arch with kentledge loaded with concentrated force, moment and equally divided loading. Step 1: Defining the slant By default, Tower’s 2D view is set to the horizontal projection plane (X-Y coordinates), and our truss that we are solving is a frame that lies in the vertical plane (X-Z coordinates in Tower). In the lower left window ‘’Dispozicija’’ by clicking on the arrow next to

106 the window’s name we open the drop-down menu and choose the option ‘’Novi’’. Then, in that same window we draw a horizontal line of arbitrary length and press Enter (during which ‘’Orto mod’’ is on – the second icon in the right vertical section of icons or the shortcut F8, and ‘’Osnap’’ is off – the precise selection of points). Now we can see that the coordinates in 2D view are X-Z. We maximize the drawing window by double-click on ‘’2D pogled’’. Step 2: Setting the axis In the right section of icons we choose the icon ‘’Ose’’ and enter the horizontal distances summarizing them (2 => Enter => 4 => Enter => 7 => Enter). From the command line we choose subcommand ‘’Drugi pravac’’ and enter the vertical distances. We zoom the network by clicking on the icon ‘’Zum sve’’. Step 3: Making the contours of the truss We turn ‘’Osnap’’ on (shortcut F3) and choose the icon ‘’Greda’’, and then we draw the contours on previously defined axis. Tower will open the window in which it is requested to define the cross section and the sort of the timber material, but since this time our goal is just determining M, T and N diagrams, not dimensioning, we skip this step by clicking OK.


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In order to set a fixed support, we choose the icon ‘’Tačkasti oslonac’’, click on the support point and by pressing Enter we open the window for setting the support. Fixed support is set by default, so we finish by clicking OK. We set the mobile support by repeating the command ‘’Tačkasti oslonac’’, and then we choose the subcommand ‘’Set’’ from the command line. Now we have to add a new type (mobile support) in the window for setting the type of support. We click on the command ‘’Dodaj’’ so the fields next to R1 and R2 are uncheck and only the vertical reaction R3 remains check. We click on Ok and then on the support point and finish the command. It’s left still to set the joints. From the horizontal menu we open the drop-down menu ’ Konstrukcija’’ and choose the option ‘’Oslobađanje uticaja’’. We activate M3, and then make clicks on the ends of every stick where joints happen to be and we finish the command. Step 4: Setting the load We set the concentrated force by clicking on the icon ‘’Tačkasto opterećenje’’, then we choose the point of application of the force and press Enter. The window ‘’Tačkasto opterećenje’’ has opened. Force is already checked as the type of the load. We enter the net force, which is 100 kN in this case, press Enter and choose the

For incarceration we check in R1, R2, R3 and M2 (momentum around the axis 2)


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107 the ending points of the stick). In the window ‘’Linijsko opterećenje’’, force is already checked as the type of the load, and as intensity we enter 10 kN/m in both fields, since the load is constant (minus because it works contrary to the positive direction of the X-axis). We check the field ‘’Po projekciji’’, press Enter and choose the direction of the action in the direction of X-axis. We press OK to finish.

direction of the action. In this case it is the direction of the X-axis. We finish by clicking OK. To set the concentrated momentum we repeat the command ‘’Tačkasto opterećenje’’ and choose the point of application. Now we have to check the momentum as the type of the load. We enter the intensity of the momentum, which is 50 kNm in this case, press Enter and choose the direction of the action around the Z-axis. We press OK to finish. We choose the evenly distributed load by clicking on the icon ‘’Linijsko opterećenje’’ and set it by clicking on the endpoints of the stick on which the load works (even though the load is working on the projection of the stick, we don’t choose the point outside the contours of the truss, but always

N1 – the diagrams of normal forces along the local axis 1; T2, 3 – the diagrams of transverse forces along the local axis 2, i.e. 3; M1,2,3 – the diagrams of momentum along the local axis 1, i.e. 2 or 3; u1, 2, 3 – moving along the local axis; r1, 2, 3 – rotations along the local axis; Xp, Yp, Zp – moving along the global axis; Xr, Yr, Zr – rotations along the global axis;

Step 5: Result processing When all the data is entered we should go to module for forming the network. In the horizontal menu we go to falling menu ‘’Moduli’’ and choose ‘’Formiranje mreže’’. Tower asks to save the file if we have not done it before. Because the network is formed, the same way we go to module “Proračun”, Teorija 1 has already been checked so we just confirm with OK. The calculation is done instantly, and Tower transfers us automatically to module for data processing. To show the reaction of the support in the area of icons we choose the icon “Reakcije”, and for diagram drawing we choose the icon “Uticaji u gredama”. The type of the diagram is chosen with a click on a command “prikaz” which is located in the command line.


Little school of Serbian orthography

Vocal alternations Prepared: Tamara Učur


vocal shift (alternation) is changing a phoneme in a word during derivational processes or conjugation. If we talk about these shifts in a synchronic way (description of language phenomena the way they are in a specific time), it more correct to say vocal alternations (lat. Alternation – changing, shifting). If look at this shifting diachronically (analyzing language phenomena the way they change in a specific time) we can call them vocal shifts. When it comes to orthography the most important are: • Phoneme ‘h’ by rules is pronounced and written where they exist etymologically: hljeb, hrana, mahati, duh, ruho, hvala (faliti, a ne hvaliti) etc. • Phoneme ‘h’ is absent without altenation: trunuti, istorija, rđa, rvati (but ophrvati) • Phoneme ‘h’ is replaced by ‘v’: buva, muva, duvati, kuvati, kuvar, duvan, etc.


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013

• In some cases we can have ‘v’ and ‘h’: uvo-uho, pastuvpastuh, gluv-gluh, suv-suh • ‘J’ by rules is written between i-a, i-e, i-u, i-i: i-a: armija, Marija, Srbija, sa radija, etc. But – iako, antiamerički; i-e: dijeta, klijent, premijer, pijem, etc. But – arhiepiskop, poliedar; i-u: piju, podijum, u žiriju etc. But – priupitati, niukoliko; i-i: sudiji, mediji, čiji, stariji, Marijin, etc. But - šiiti, šiitizam. ‘J’ by rules is not written between i-o, a-i, e-i, o-i, u-i, except in cases when ‘j’ is the part of the word base or an affix. i-o: pio, avion, million, radio, fioka, Miodrag, ambiciozan, komediograf, etc But – zmijo, Srbijo, vijoglav; a-i: naivan, kokain, kaiš, laik, Kairo, naime, etc. But – događaji, Krajina, gajiti, Majin, kalajisati; e-i: ateista, neimar, šeik, protein, rezimei, etc. But – kreji, seji, muzeji; o-i: egoizam, sakoi, oktoih, etc. But – moji, zavoji, krojiti, sojino, heroji; u-i: beduin, fluid, kanui, tabui, uigran, etc. But – oluji, zuji, bujici; J is not inserted between e-a: idealan, seansa, geak, klišea, rezimea etc. However, if we have the ending –eja we adjust the foreign words, such as: ideja, etopeja, orhideja, epopeja, turneja, Koreja, Gvineja. J is written as mandatory in the imperative: pij, pijmo, nalij, nalijmo, šij, šijmo, grij, grijmo, etc.


1 — Number 2 — December, 2013 Voicing assimilation is connected with other consonants (we have pairs: b-p, g-k, d-t, dj-c, z-s, z-s, dz-c). Srpski, bjesktvo, slatka, potpredsjedink, pretpostaviti, prethodni, drska, sveska, svagdašnji, opservacija, supstandard, supstanca, supstrat, etc. But – podtačka, podtekst, podtip, predturski, adstart, subpolaran, predteren, etc. Shift of k (/c), h and h vowels: • Ručica, nožica, majčica, daščica, etc. But – bakica, kukica, prečkica, kćerkica; • Kraljičin, Novičin, Miličin. But – pjevačicin, spremačicin, Ančicin; • In dative and locative case: ruci, huci, dasci, ljusci, trojci, dršci, palanci, sprezi, nezi, svrsi, etc.

109 But – kćerki and kćerci, slugi and sluzi, epohi and eposi, maski and masci, freski and fresci; Baki, ćiki, ligi, kacigi, profesorki, crnki; But – Atici, Africi, Banjaluci, Rijeci, Korzici. The shift of ‘l’ to ‘o’ It is correct: talac-taoca, taocitalaca, tužilac-tužioca, tužilaca, čitalac-čitaoca, čitalaca, etc. But – znalac-znalca, stadalac-stradalaca, stradalac-stradaoca. Obao and obal, topao and topal, podao and podal; Ogledalce, odelce, krilce. Unstable ‘a’ Prepositions nad, pod and pred get the –a ending in front of instrumental case of ‘mnom’ and pronominal enclitic: nada mnom, preda mnom, poda mnom; The same is with uz, niz and kroz in front of pronominal enclitic: uza se, uza me, niza me, kroza nj, etc. Prepositions s and k are expanding in front of the words that begin with the same or similar consonant: sa sestrom, sa zida, sa ženom, sa šlagom; ka kući, ka Goču, ka hramu; While in other cases one can choose any form: s Anom – sa Anom, k mostu – ka mostu etc.




Did you know Prepared: Ljiljana Duvnjak • That the ropes of Golden Gate Bridge, in San Francisco, California, were built with 128,000km of steel wire.

1 — Number 2 — December, 2013

(Little Rista’s Room) in Pirot is one of the oldest and most beautiful buildings of Balkanoriental style. It belonged to a respected merchant Hristivoje Jovanović- Mali Rista (“Little” Rista) who built it in 1848. • That the first tunnel for sewage system was built around 2500 BC, on the grounds of today’s Pakistan, where those terracotta buildings’ remains were discovered.

• That Backminster Fuller’s geodetic dome carries the load with the smallest use of constructing material. • That the longest building in the world, The Great Wall of China, passes through China in 8851km. • That “Konak Malog Riste”

• That Visoki Decani is the largest church building of Middle Age Serbia. The temple is over 36m long, 24m wide, and the height of the dome is about 29m, that is why it is called “visoki”=high, adj. • That The Empire State Building, a New York’s skyscraper with 102 floors and 1545 stairs, is built with around 10 million bricks and 6,500 windows. • That the biggest waterfall in Serbia is Jelovarnik, on Kopaonik Mountain, 71m in height and 1500m above sea level. The team of geologists discovered it in 1998.

• That USA has the biggest railway system, 226,000km in length, which connects 48 states. • That the scientists from Chinese university Zei Yang discovered the lightest material in the world, the sponge-like substance made of lymfolised carbon, weighs 0,16mg/cm3 and is named graphen aerogel.

road in the world.

• That it is estimated that since the opening of The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco (75 years ago), 1,6 billion vehicles have passed over it. • That the tunnel under English Channel, which connects Folkestone in Great Britain and Calais in France, is 50km long, where 37km are under water and that it is the longest underwater tunnel.

• That, if all of the salt from oceans was taken out, Europe would be covered with 5kmthick layer of salt. • That the Chilean city of Calama is one of the driest cities in the world, with the annual precipitation of only 55mm.

• That the oldest university in the world is the one in Bologna, and that it has been working ever since 1088. • That the first steel bridge was built in 1779 in Coalbrookdale in England, and that it is 60m long. • That Woodward Avenue in Detroit has the mark M1 because it is the first paved

• That the largest TV tower was opened in Japan last yearTokio Sky Tree, 634m in height. • That sound travels through solid objects the fastest, then through water, then through air.

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