A SIGN FROM GOD OR JUST A SIGN ON A POST…..??? I was looking for THE NEXT BIG NAME TO COME OUT OF MEMPHIS. I was looking for MY heroes who have gone on to become our very own homegrown rockstars, SALIVA . I was looking for Josey, Trent, Cheeze, and Chris D’abaldo from BLACKBONE. I was looking for Eric Lewis and Chris Scott from SON OF SLAM. I FOUND THEM. ALL OF THEM. Memphis has a new crown prince, the reigning heir to Josey Scott in the person of John Falls, vocalist for EGYPT CENTRAL resurrecting That Memphis Vibe and establishing a new order. Josey Scott and company in SALIVA are still enjoying worldwide success Trent Anderson A.K.A. Stix Axetion (formerly BLACKBONE) is currently in THE DOGS DIVINE, THE BLACK CORRAL in Chicago, IL Cheeze (BLACKBONE, SEBASTIAN BACH, SMOLDER) used to live just down the street from me, once upon a time, not so very long ago…MY ALWAYS AND FOREVER FAVORITE HALF NAKED BASS PLAYER Chris D’abaldo (BLACKBONE, SALIVA, SMOLDER) now in EGYPT CENTRAL. I have kept up with this man’s career intently since 1994. Eric & Chris, I know so little about, and they impacted me the most, but I hear they’re in RIVERCITY TANLINES