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Subzone 5.1 Microbialites of Buenavista

the body of water, more if their spa has the authorization of exclusive use of APIQROO and one of the fleets of boats for tours in the Lagoon, with more seniority and recognition? If the criterion was to protect the coastline, where the stromatolites and microbialites are located and all these delicate structures that at the insistence of groups of the triad (non-governmental organizations, scientists and government) wanted to protect since the corridor is called Bacalar microbialites, why did the zoning leave out all the businesses and houses in the coastal area in front of Bacalar, except the ejido spa? More worrying was the fact that the document does not mention any of this, in fact subzone 9.9 does not appear in the 2019 version or the 2020 version, but it does appear in the interactive plane that Geoalternativa wanted to submit for approval by the APIQROOO committee.

Subzone 5.1 Microbialites of Buenavista


To the north of the Lagoon, on the southern coastal area of the Buenavista ejido, in comparison, a series of more lax opportunities are placed, just as restrictive but more lax. This part of the coast was on the plane with uses such as sailing, rowing, snorkeling, culture, nursery, diving, possibly stilts. Navigation only in transit (to where?) Although he fared better than the ejido Bacalar, perhaps because they did not oppose it so openly. Again the restriction on navigation is placed in front of the town but the possibility outside the zoning 5.1 of Buenavista is left open for all the properties that are located on the coastal zone.

There were some permitted uses that caught our attention, given that it was zoning in the body of water Nursery? Culture? And above all, "possibly palafitos" caught our attention. I want to elaborate a bit on this last allowed use. In a regulation or guideline of uses you can not use adverbs, it probably means "maybe" or "maybe". Maybe stilt houses will be allowed? What kind of regulation is that? And without technical criteria to justify the construction of infrastructure in the body of water that is an attribution of other authorities. Perhaps it was only a coincidence that at that time there were some controversial proposals for the establishment of stilt-type developments by

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