Ramsar site of 2011, proposed by Luisa Falcón, of the Institute of Ecology of the UNAM, and both coincided with the plans and base zonings of the Ecological Ordinances of Bacalar (2005) and Othón P. Blanco (2015). Here we must clarify two things, from the PLAN of PROTUR: The plan in the document said one thing and the interactive plan detailed by zones told a very different story. As a technical advisor to several members of the Bacalar lagoon operations committee before APIQROO, I was provided with the link to review the interactive plan proposed by the consultant. This link is not currently working but we reviewed it, downloaded the kmz file and had the opportunity to make observations at the time. One thing is what was presented in the document that was so much defended in all the support groups and another thing is what appeared on the interactive map that was presented to the authorities, who were the main cause of the real potential conflict that the community detected. I leave some examples, of the many that were found as inexplicable zoning criteria.
Magical Bacalar ejido swimming facility in the non-existent zone 9.9 When one reads the PROTUR document and finds the magical Ejidal Spa Bacalar, at the scale that can be seen in the plane, it is located within zone 9. Biocultural landscape. The PROTUR document states that it is a kind of opportunity III. And quote: "...This is the unit of greatest tourist activity and is located in front of the urban center of Bacalar. It consists of various natural and induced elements that show social and historical events related to pirates and struggles of the Mayan peoples for their territory. West Coast is covered by hotels, restaurants and rental homes. Seven subunits within the lagoon and three outside them in which it is desirable to install a visitor reception and monitoring center (section of impact reduction strategies), where the tourist is received with high quality focused on a message of contextualization of the special of the site that is visited and the ways to take care of the previous to the entrance to the lagoon...” It must be taken into consideration that this interactive plan that we review and that is currently no longer available, was the plan that was submitted to the consideration of the Integral Port Administration of Quintana Roo, it cannot be argued that it was any plan, it was a plan that was submitted to the 133