The Downs Malvern ISI Inspection Summary 2018

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TBS t: +44 (0)1684 544108 | e:

Welcome Dear All, All of us here at The Downs Malvern are thrilled to have this opportunity to share with you the key findings made by the inspectors from the Independent Schools’ Inspectorate following their intense three-day visit to the school in November 2018. Within their report, the Inspectors have made so many wonderful comments about our school, the staff, the children, and the excellent all-round educational experience that they receive. Independent Schools’ Inspectorate reports do not provide a single overarching judgement for the school, but instead give a clear judgement about key outcomes for pupils and information on the quality of the school’s work. The headline judgements must include one of the ISI descriptors: ‘excellent’, ‘good’, ‘sound’ or ‘unsatisfactory’ and I am delighted that you will see many, many ‘excellent’ judgements throughout the Report. The EDUCATIONAL QUALITY inspection reports on the quality of the school’s work. It focuses on the two key outcomes: ◆

The achievement of the pupils, including their academic development, and

The personal development of the pupils.

The Report can be seen in full on our school website: The-Downs---Malvern-College-Prep-School-EQI-report-2018.pdf Anyone who knows the Inspection process will be amazed that the Inspectors found only one matter upon which they felt they should offer recommendation. I am sure that you will be reassured to hear that this recommendation is already being addressed. I am grateful that you have found the time to read through our most excellent report and trust that you will agree that the happy and successful children here are part of a most wonderful school.

Alastair S Cook Headmaster

ISI Inspection Report November 2018 Summary

The quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent

Exemplary attitudes towards learning throughout the school


quality of pupils’ academic achievements Teaching, learning and assessment across the school are of a very high quality. This is because teachers and leaders have a shared commitment to providing a first-class education. Pupils’ high attainment is facilitated by close monitoring and the rigorous analysis of data. Pupils, including those with SEND or EAL, make excellent progress from their starting points because of the impact leadership has on pupils’ achievement. Pupils identified as being the most able make progress beyond agerelated expectations as a result of the school providing specialist programmes and enrichment activities. Pupils’ high levels of motivation and engagement in lessons result in exemplary attitudes towards learning throughout the school. Pupils are very well prepared for the next phase of their education with a considerable number gaining scholarships to their destination schools each year.

ISI Inspection Report November 2018 Summary

The quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent

Pupils’ successes such as in music, drama, art and sporting events, and in their academic studies are excellent


quality of pupils’ academic achievements Pupils spoke about their achievements in learning with articulacy and passion. Their outstanding oral fluency stems from the considerable range of opportunities given to all when participating in the classroom. Pupils are highly effective in assimilating and applying significant levels of knowledge and understanding through study skills. Pupils are enthusiastic learners who relish being actively engaged in lessons. Pupils’ successes such as in music, drama, art and sporting events, and in their academic studies are excellent. Pre-Prep pupils show well-developed independence and demonstrate the ability to plan and structure their learning above age-related expectations. Children in the Nursery and Reception successfully develop very good language, mathematical, social, physical and creative skills.

ISI Inspection Report November 2018 Summary

The quality of pupils’ personal development is excellent

Pupils identify strongly with the community and those around them


quality of pupils’ personal development Pupils benefit significantly from opportunities to develop resilience and self-reliance, finding new levels of determination and motivation. They relish opportunities to work together, particularly in sports teams, drama productions and music ensembles. Pupils’ high levels of self-understanding are commendable, owing to the pastoral care provision offered by staff. Pupils have a very keen sense of what is right and wrong, and spoke positively about the guidance the school gives them. They conduct themselves sensibly and courteously around the school, and their classroom behaviour is exemplary, giving them every opportunity for productive study. Pupils have a thorough understanding of how to adopt a lifestyle which will benefit them as they mature.

ISI Inspection Report November 2018 Summary

The quality of pupils’ personal development is excellent

Pupils demonstrate a high level of maturity and a strong sense of pride in both the school and boarding communities


quality of pupils’ personal development As they progress through the school, pupils demonstrate a high level of maturity and a strong sense of pride in both the school and boarding communities. Pupils identify strongly with their school community and those around them. They actively involve themselves in supporting local and global charities, including cancer and children’s organisations. Pupils show a very well-developed sense for the broader aspects of life and frequently reflect on the beauty of the world around them. Outstanding artwork abounds across the school. Pupils place high value for their own cultures and live in tolerance of pupils who come from varying religious, ethnic and social backgrounds.

ISI Inspection Report November 2018 Summary

The Downs Malvern Brockhill Road Colwall Worcestershire WR13 6EY t: +44 (0)1684 544108 e:

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