Pupil Experience Programme
Pupil Experience Programme
The Pupil Experience Programme is open to pupils of Malvern College International Schools, who will be in the Foundation Year (FY3 / Year 9) during the term of the programme taking place.
In 2025 the programme will be running throughout the Spring Term and the first half of the Summer Term, following the Malvern College, UK, calendar.
2024 - 2025 Academic Year:
Spring Term - Monday 6th January – Friday 14th February 2025
Spring Term - Monday 24th February – Friday 28th March 2025
Summer Term - Tuesday 22nd April – Friday 23rd May 2025
Application should be submitted in advance, with a minimum of one month proir to the start of the commencing course.
Term Dates
Pupils are invited to Malvern College in the UK for a full half term experience, where they will be fully immersed in the typical lifestyle of a full time Malvern College UK pupil.
Education, boarding accommodation, meals and excursions are included. This document provides further information and guidance for families looking to apply for a pupil place on the programme.
Below is an exemple of academic and boarding routines at the College. As well as attending lessons, the daily schedule throughout the week includes sport and time for individual study.
08:10 - 08:15
08:25 - 08.40
08.45 - 09.35 Period 1
09:40 - 10:30 Period 2
10:30 - 11:00 Break
11:00 - 11:50 Period 3
11:55 - 12:45 Period 4
12:45 - 13:45 Lunch
13:45 - 14:35 Period 5 Curriculum Sport Period 5
14:40 - 15:30 Period 6 Period 6
15:35 - 16:25 Independent Study Curriculum Sport Independent Study
16:30 - 17:30 CCAs CCAs
17:30 - 18:20
18:25 - 19:00 Supper
19:00 - 21:00 Hall: Super-curriculum, Speakers, Concerts, Performances
08:10 - 08:15 Registration
08:25 - 08.55 Chapel
09:00 - 09.50 Period 1
09:55 - 10:45 Period 2
10:45 - 11:15 Break
11:15 - 12:05 Period 3
12:10 - 13:10 Lunch
13:15 - 18:25 Curriculum Sport
18:25 - 19:00 Supper
19:00 - 21:00 Saturday Evening Social Activities
Saturdays have a much shorter academic timetable, allowing for sporting tournaments and trips away.
Sundays provide a chance for pupils to relax and reset after a busy weekalthough there is still lots of fun to be had. Pupils will be able to take advantage of all the onsite facilities, or go on a trip such as paintballing, outdoor pursuits or shopping.
A dedicated International Tutor will be assigned to participating pupils, who will be there to support them throughout their time in the UK. The International Tutor will also act as the first point of contact for families, liaising directly between home and school, and between Malvern College and Malvern College International.
Pupils will be provided with all textbooks and workbooks required to complete their studies as part of the fee. Additional supplies including stationary will be available for them to purchase from The School Shop, located on .
While studying at Malvern College, pupils will receive tuition from our EAL department, where needed. Their principal aim is to give all pupils from overseas, whose first language is not English, the linguistic ability, skills and confidence to deal with their studies, activities and social situations while they are in the UK.
All pupils will be accommodated in one of our eleven on-site boarding houses, mixed proportionately with existing Malvern College pupils. All boarding houses benefit from shared dormitories, with additional communal areas including a house common room, dining room televisions, games, pool tables, table tennis tables, books and other provisions.
All meals will be provided for pupils throughout the duration of their stay. This is inclusive of weekdays, weekends and leave out weekends which are spent at the school. Meals are taken in the dining rooms in each boarding house, where pupils dine together.
Meal and snack times are:
Morning break: 10:30-11:00
Lunch: 12:45-13:45
Afternoon break: 15:30-16:45
Supper: 18:25-19:00
Evening snacks: 21:00-21:30
We are able to cater for most religious and/or dietary needs, including allergies and intolerances. If you successfully enrol your child on the Pupil Experience Programme, you will be required to complete a dietary requirements form, making us aware of any special requirements that your child has.
Pupils will be able to wear their regular school uniform for the duration of their time in the UK. Should they need any additional items during their time with us, the International Tutor will be able to support them in ordering new items online, or via our second hand uniform shop which is located within the school grounds.
Under current financial regulatory obligations, Malvern College is unable to hold sums of more than £100 cash for any pupil. Pupils may therefore wish to open a UK bank account in order to access spending money. Each bank will have its’ own rules and processes to follow, but the College is happy to assist pupils by providing letters to confirm proof of study, term time address etc.
Malvern College has excellent wi-fi facilities and this will be made available to pupils during their stay. The wi-fi network is fully regulated by the College with restrictions on timings and content that can be accessed and is also monitored by the College e-safety coordinator. Mobile phones are permitted during break times and free time, however they will be collected and kept safe by House Staff while pupils partake in lessons and at bedtimes. If you would like to contact your child and are unable to reach them via their mobile phone, please contact the school directly and we will be able to support you. There will also be regular communications from the International Tutor to keep you informed of their development during their stay.
To ensure the safety of your son or daughter, we need to be provided with the details of when your child will be arriving and departing from the College, as well as details about the method of transport. This is a legal requirement detailed in the parent contract. Upon confirmation of enrolment, we will contact you to confirm these details.
House Staff will be on hand to support your son/daughter during their arrival and departure.
Pupils should arrive at their allocated boarding house between 6.30pm and 9.00pm at the latest on the evening before their first day at the College.
Pupils should vacate their boarding house between 11am and 2pm on the final day day of the half term.
If early departures are necessary, then parents should email the Attendance Officer at ria.wilkins@malverncollege.org.uk as well as the House.
Parents are asked not to book flights which require their son or daughter to leave the Boarding House before 7.00am or to return to the Boarding House after 10.00pm.
Arrangements to host your son/daughter overnight will need to be made with College Guardians if the flight arrangements require departure from or arrival at the Boarding House outside these hours.
If you find that your plans have to change, please let the House and International Tutor know as soon as possible.
Main transport links are easily accessible from most major airports and are able to provide direct transfers to Malvern College.
The closest main airports are Birmingham International and London Heathrow. Other airports that you may wish to use include Bristol and London Gatwick.
Expected travel times from each airport by road are as follows:
» Birmingham International: 1 hour
» London Heathrow: 2 hours
» Bristol: 1 hour, 25 minutes
» London Gatwick: 2 hours, 40 minutes
Malvern has a railway station 15 minutes away by foot. Expected travel times include:
» Birmingham International airport: 2 hours 20 minutes
» Bristol airport: 3 hours, 45 minutes
» London Paddington train station: 2 hours, 40 minutes
Transfers from the following airports are provided and will be arranged with you the month before your child’s visit:
» London Heathrow
» Birmingham International
Please note that transfers from other locations will not be covered by Malvern College. Flights are also not included in the price of the Pupil Experience Programme.
Sitting at the foot of the Malvern Hills, in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, the Victorian spa town of Malvern is a short walk from Malvern College campus. Here, there are a range of small shops, cafes and restaurants, as well as attractions including the Great Malvern Priory and Malvern Theatre. At regulated times pupils may be allowed to go ‘up town’, visiting a small section of the Malvern town centre with friends.
Directly accessible from the College, there are also numerous routes for walking and mountain biking which pupils may choose to join. Activities will typically be organised by our in-house outdoor pursuits team who have the qualifications and expertise to ensure a fun-filled and safe trip out.
C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien are amongst the authors that frequented Great Malvern, drawing inspiration from the town and landscape for their globally aclaimed novels.
J.R.R. Tolkien was introduced to the area by C. S. Lewis, who introduced him to George Sayer, the Head of English here at Malvern College. Sayer had been a student of Lewis, and later became his biographer. Together, Lewis, Tolkien and Sayer would walk the Malvern Hills, reliving stories from The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. With constant reminders across Malvern, could you walk in their footsteps and compare parts of the Malvern Hills to the White Mountains of Gondor?
Upon enrolment with the Pupil Experience Programme, all pupils will be provided with medical health services for the duration of the programme. This includes support from doctors and nurses, both on and off-site.
Malvern College Medical Centre offers a 24-hour, on site medical service. We are also supported by the doctors surgery in Malvern, where any visits are supported by a member of staff.
If you enrol your child on the Pupil Experience Programme, you will be required to complete a Medical Health Questionnaire.
If your child has any health / medical issues that occur outside of school time please inform the Medical Centre (details below) as soon as possible so that we can update our records.
Malvern College Medical Centre:
e: medicalcentre@malverncollege.org.uk
t: +44 (0)1684 581535
New Court Surgery:
A: New Court Surgery, Prospect View, 300 Pickersleigh Road, Malvern, Worcestershire WR14 2GP
t: +44 (0)1684 573161
It is a legal requirement for all pupils studying in the UK, whos parents are based overseas, to have a legal guardian in country, to support them pastorally. College Guardians will provide this service, which is included in the enrolment fee.
For further information about College Guardians, please visit their website: https://www.collegeguardians.co.uk/
If you would like to enrol your child on the Pupil Experience Programme, please complete the online application form.
Your school will also be able to answer any questions that you have but if you have any further questions please contact:
The application process is as follows:
1. Application form completed and submitted online.
2. Malvern College International will support liaison between your local school and Malvern College UK regarding the application. At this stage references from your home school will be provided.
3. Applications will be shortlisted.
4. Interview process will be organised between the applicant, Malvern College staff and Malvern College International.
5. If your child is successful, an onboarding information session will be organised 2-3 weeks before enrolment.
Please be aware that the parent contract stipulates the following relating to medical matters and failure to comply with these terms will constitute a breach of contract, which might result in your child being asked to leave the College:
» Parents must provide in confidence all relevant information about any medical condition, health problem, or allergy which affects your child and/or which may prevent the child from taking a full part in the College’s academic and games/sports curriculum and outdoor activities. This should include any history of a mental health condition e.g. anxiety, depression, eating disorder or self-harm.
» Parents must, as soon as possible, disclose to the College in confidence any known medical condition, health problem or allergy affecting your child, any history of a learning difficulty on the part of your child or any member of his/her immediate family, or any family circumstances or court order which might affect your child's welfare or happiness, or any concerns about your child’s safety.
» Parents must complete the medical declaration form concerning your child’s health and must inform the College Medical Officer in writing if your child develops any known medical condition, health problem or allergy, including mental health problems, or will be unable to take part in games or sporting activities, or has been in contact with infectious diseases.
» The Headmaster may at any time require a medical opinion or certificate as to your child’s general health where the Headmaster considers that necessary as a matter of professional judgement in the interests of the child and/or the College. A pupil of sufficient age and maturity is entitled to insist on confidentiality which can nonetheless be overridden in your child’s own interests or where necessary for the protection of other members of the College community. Full consideration will be given to any reasonable adjustments required by a medical condition. However, if in the professional opinion of the Medical Officer it is not in the best interests of your child to remain at the College, the Headmaster may, following consultation with the Parents and where appropriate, the child, require the Parents temporarily or permanently, to remove the child from the College. In these circumstances fees in lieu of notice would not be charged. The Headmaster shall act with procedural fairness in all such cases, and shall have regard to the interests of the child and Parents as well as those of the College.
At Malvern we teach the importance of a set of well-tested values called the Malvern Qualities.
These are the traits that prepare our pupils for life beyond Malvern and enable them to work with anyone, anwhere.
These qualities are fostered and encouraged through all areas of school life - from building a sense of teamwork in School houses to digging deep and disaplying true resilience while out on expeditions.