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fIShIng By jack PerrauLt
Hell Enters Duffy
Ben Franzone
MuSIc IS PLayIng WhILe the StudentS Work the caSt IS ready aS they WaIt BackStage StudentS adMIrIng cLaSSMateS’ artWork
a Student coMeS uP and they SMear My Page they gIve Me a SMIrk aS they WaLk aWay My WhoLe Body InStantLy fILLS WIth rage
WIth My guIde, da vIncI LeadIng the Way BeLoW duffy Stage We Were Shocked to fInd PeoPLe chaIned uP In a great Long haLLWay
hIdden art gaLLery BeLoW Stage BLInd PeoPLe In ShackLeS WIth PaInt everyWhere I’ve caMe to concLude a MuSe WaS BehInd
the aroMa of PaInt Wet fILLS the aIr PeoPLe are uSed aS a huMan canvaS to get out aLIve, they WILL need a Prayer
LeveLS of heLL gIve theM Many chanceS cooL coLorS BegIn that tranSfer to WarM Satan’ S doWn BeLoW chooSIng your StatuS
SecretLy StePPIng to See a LIfe forM BodIeS hangIng on the WaLL, aS PaIntIngS enterIng a rooM to fInd a duSt StorM
I StuMBLe aLong SoMe PeoPLe WaItIng there BoneS are BrIttLe, theIr fLeSh ShrIveLed uP the SMeLL of PaInt haS Me nauSeatIng
a Secret dark LaIr, that IS aLL Locked uP More BodIeS, fLoatIng In a StreaM of PaInt corPSeS on the ground Start to PILe uP
the endIng IS near, But It IS quIte faInt thIS endLeSS journey WIth goth and WIth gore MuSt end at once, for I aM not a SaInt
the PerforMerS on Stage BegIn theIr ShoW and no one WILL knoW My journey BeLoW
Background Photo by Noah Buscaglia