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Beach PhotoS By coLIn kennedy

Went to SWeeP hIS caMP and get Back on the road. he had Been foLLoWIng the fugItIve for Many MonthS and WaS deterMIned to Locate hIM. he contInued to foLLoW the PLateauS untIL he caMe acroSS SoMe traIn trackS. When he Looked uP the traIn trackS, he couLd See a traIn In the dIStance that WaS StoPPed. he kneW Who WaS there. he gaLLoPed over to the reStIng StoP of the traIn to fInd La jInete PáLIda, hoLdIng the conductor and Many PaSSengerS at gunPoInt and deMandIng caSh, ShootIng thoSe he WaS done WIth. WhILe StILL In a gaLLoP, the Stranger PuLLed out hIS rIfLe to Shoot PáLIda’ S hand and Make hIM droP a PIStoL; a Bang WaS heard, But no droP, the Shot BareLy MISSIng. the Stranger yeLLed, “PáLIda, your dayS aS a hIghWayMan are done! droP the IronS or the next goeS rIght thru ya!”

La jInete PáLIda Laughed, “SoMe grIngo thInkS he can out gun Me? I’ve kILLed More Men than you have yearS Seen, oLd Man.” the Stranger rePLIed, “then they MuSt of Been LouSy ShotS - I can aSSure you, I aIn ’ t.” In the SPan of a MoMent, Both Men took aIM; hoWever, onLy one Shot and a thud WaS heard.

Memories: A Dedication to the Class of 2021

Ben Franzone on Behalf of the Impressions Team

WhILe your tIMe at MaLvern haS coMe to an end the MeMorIeS Made WILL forever tranScend

the fIrSt day of SchooL So Shy and So neW a dIStant IMPreSSIon hoWever So true

yearS of hard Work, of BLood, SWeat and tearS, haS cuLMInated to thIS, your fInaL year

froM fLynn to roPer and oStIck of courSe So Many LegendS have graced you WIth force

athLetIc SucceSS WaS Second to none and concertS and ShoWS never ceaSed to Stun

one chaPter cLoSeS a neW one BegInS each of theSe StudentS to try and to LIve

BoyS turned to Men In the BLInk of an eye the tIMe that haS PaSSed WILL aLWayS Stand By

unIted together In truth and Love WILL SPread theIr WIngS froM the PaLM of a gLove

frIar BrotherS for yearS aS they go to croSS PathS agaIn one day they May knoW

the Work you have done WILL forever LaSt the dreaMS that you hoLd WILL keeP you SteadfaSt

May your future fILL WIth joy and SucceSS We WILL MISS you dear But WISh you the BeSt

congratuLatIonS on your graduatIon and May your heartS reSt In the Lord aLWayS! go frIarS! 57

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