1 minute read
MuSIc By anonyMouS
The Bridge
Josh DeStefano
aS I tangoed on death’ S doorSteP that nIght I heard the Water SPLaShIng doWn BeLoW and LookIng Back, oh hoW I Lacked foreSIght I StILL can feeL that MuSty, coLd WInd BLoW
on a guard raIL, I WaS unProtected froM the vILLaIn I never couLd evade entIcIng Me to juMP; Be coLLected By death’ S gentLe handS, In the Water Wade
and So I roSe, noW Body LIMP and fraIL WIth ruShIng WIndS noW faSter than Before BreakIng the Water’ S tenSIon and I SaIL doWn the StreaM, have I truLy Won the War?
My onLy neMeSIS defeated Me But So too have I achIeved vIctory
Background Photo by Ben Franzone
Abuser to the Abused
Dean DiFabio
I heard the door SLaM Shut WIth Such a Bang the SuffocatIng heat, It StrangLed Me So cankerouS theIr ScreaMS, LIke BeLLS they rang!
theSe LudIcrouS SInnerS are PayIng theIr fee for theIr actIonS are not WIthout conSequenceS they coSted theM the chance to Be Set free
for they MuSt Pay theIr BoundLeSS exPenSeS aBuSerS of anIMaLS, they’re noW the aBuSed If onLy they had coMe to theIr SenSeS
the torturouS tearS of the offenderS oozed doWn the WaLLS Into a StreaM– the dead Sea SaInt francIS, of theIr actIonS, he dISaPProved!
he LeadS Me through, a heaven InvItee hIS Love of god’ S creatIonS IS unMatched aLL froM the grIzzLy to the queen Bee
the grISLy WrongdoerS In cageS they Scratched to zero avaIL, they Begged for Mercy the WhIP of a deMon, It ’ S PaIn unMatched
forever WILL they feeL the Pudency deScendIng noW, I exIt the oven door theIr heartS though endLeSSLy Icy
faLLIng noW doWn to a deePer fLoor I Wonder hoW the evIL can Be More