1 minute read
orange juIce By adaMS Shang
Impressions Leadership Team
Ben franzone, Ian LeBano, noah BuScagLIa
Our Sincerest Thanks...
thank you to aLL the SenIorS Who have Been Part of IMPreSSIonS! We aPPrecIate the yearS of devotIon and hard Work that aLL of you have gIven. BeSt of Luck In your journeyS ahead and May your futureS Be fILLed WIth haPPIneSS and joy!
thank you to MrS. gIordanI and MS. cantor for theIr tIreLeSS dedIcatIon and LeaderShIP; We couLdn’ t have done It WIthout you!
to aLL of thoSe In the MaLvern coMMunIty Who heLPed create thIS MagazIne and to thoSe Who have Shared theIr taLentS WIth uS – We are gratefuL!
god BLeSS!