MALVIE Magazine The Artist Edition Vol 193

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Instead of being afraid of what could go wrong, what if we were excited for what could go right?

Fear and excitement are the 2 biggest motivators for humans. More often than not, when given the option, people will choose to focus on the negative consequences verses the positive ones. It’s a natural instinct.

Although there is a place for negative reinforcement, what if we focused on the excitement of the positive outcome? Our brain often resorts to worst case scenarios that more than likely won’t take place. We spend tons of time stressing on hypotheticals, when in reality, they probably won’t happen.

Hard times are only meant to be endured once but when you stress and ponder over the worst case scenarios, you end up subjecting yourself to it over and over again.

A simple change of perspective from what could go wrong to what could go right will transform your life! You are always just 1 decision away from a better life.

The opportunity is always there. It’s rarely the same opportunity, but the opportunity to make a good choice is always there. You just have to take it!

Letter from the editor


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April Our NEW website FRONT COVER BACK COVER FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM @ MALVIEMAG 10 05 26 70 18 62 36 50 2021 *The Artist Edition is a showcase volume.

MALVIE Mag is a one-of-a-kind Fashion, Beauty and Art Magazine based in France - WE ARE THE PEOPLE! Feel free to contribute with: Fashion, Beauty, and conceptual submissions.


INSTAGRAM: @creative.marius




INSTAGRAM - @malviemag

TWITTER: @malviemag




For submissions, please visit Once images are approved for publication, you give us the right to correct/edit/retouch pictures if needed. Images will never be sold or used for any other purposes other than to promote YOU and MALVIE magazine.

NOVAFLASH X Din Foto studio

Model: Novaflash @novaflash_

Photographer/Retoucher: Photographer Din Foto Studio @Dinfotostudio

7 The Artist Edition | April 2021



Photographer: José Lopez @phjlopez Makeup Artist: Nicolas denisi @nicolasdenisi Martina Echegaray @martina.echegaray
12 The Artist Edition | April 2021
15 The Artist Edition | April 2021


Photographer: Ilya Ushak @ilyafotodoctor Model: Daria Ushak
20 The Artist Edition | April 2021

We pride ourselves on discovering new talents! We love all ages, races and subjects. We are a melting-pot of CULTURE and inclusive unique creators!

MALVIE Magazine Teens & Kids Special Edition Vol. 14 MALVIE Magazine Teens & Kids Special Edition Vol. 13 MALVIE Magazine Teens & Kids Special Edition Vol. 08 You can submit your work here:


Model: Sophia Aru


Photographer: Vladimir Cojarschi @vladimircojarschi

Makeup Artist: Yana Rybalko @makeupartistyana

Hair Stylist: Simone Tomasini @simone.tomasini

Hair Stylist: Trillo Maison @Trilloparrucchieri


to dress in a more discrete way than what’s considered “trendy” now in the regular runways and the media, with dresses and skirts that go all the way to their ankles or feet, clothes that don’t expose the cleavage or the arms and all kinds of pants – but specially the baggy ones.

As we talk about Modest Fashion and its grown in the society and in the fashion industry, it’s important to know that the idea of making modest clothes came from the visualization of a new market, inspired in the needs of religious women, as a way to bring fashion to them without disrespecting their faith, but it has become so famous that it’s not about religion anymore: anyone can wear it and look amazing. It is known to be the most inclusive fashion trend till this day, because every person that is interested and passionate about Fashion can be part of the tendency in their own personal way, without the need to settle for something they are not comfortable with, whether it is being active in the fashion world or just seeing it in stores and social media.

Fashion’s origin is more than the need to protect the body from the cold, it is in the human necessity of standing out socially, it was even used to measure ones prestige in the society, based in many standards – which we´re still trying to overcome. But today we don’t have to fit in anymore, because we’ve learned and accepted that Fashion is all about expression and communication going from the individual to the world, having an important role when it comes to someone´s personal identity. Our clothes are the first things we choose in the morning when we wake up, and even if you don’t think about it that much, you’re making a statement about yourself and your personality to everyone you meet that day – and that’s why they are so important. Based on their personalities or even on their feeling in that specific day, some people like to put on sparkly and revealing clothes, which is awesome if it makes them feel good about themselves, but other people just like to dress modestly, maybe because of their faith or religion, maybe for personal preference. Either way, modest fashion is a growing business and we already know for sure that it isn´t just a trend; it is here to stay. Often attributed with religious and cultural dress, Modest Fashion extends to all those who simply prefer

What started with the desire to sell clothes to a specific group of people became a lot bigger than anyone could think, so big that it has now its own fashion weeks, already happening in Miami, Indonesia, Dubai, London and other places around the world. They are extraordinary events about ethic, culture, innovation and education that have the purpose to bring integration between brands, designers and the audience in a place that shows diversity while presenting the latest news in Fashion – so much that Modest Fashion is seen by some as the next haute-couture. Along with that, so much attention has been brought to the subject in the last decade, that Modest Fashion gained a special digital platform in 2017, “The Modist”, specialized in luxury modest clothes, with clothes that were signed by some of the biggest high-fashion brands, like the italian maisons Valentino and Dolce & Gabbana – part of their collections was even destined specifically to The Modist, but the website went out of business in early 2020, when the pan-


demic of the Corona virus made the young project so vulnerable it had no option but to close, leaving all its buyers devastated. Today, luxury modest fashion can be found in other platforms, like the Net-a-Porter. Also, while the regular fashion industry just started focusing on comfort now, during the quarantine and lockdown restrictions caused by the pandemic that made impossible (or at least a lot harder) for people to get out of the house, Modest Fashion has always been more about being comfortable than just glamorous, as it is easier to spend the whole day in a suit than in a tight dress, especially if you have to go to work or something like that –but of course, there’s no problem at all if you like doing it in a dress. Giving people – and specially women – the chance to wear clothes that are confortable and cozy without losing its sense of style and fashionable side of getting dressed is a big win, considering the fact that women clothes have been uncomfortable and almost trapping through the whole human history, like all the layers of fabric and pieces that were part of the antique dresses, for example.

We have to recognize that having the opportunity to choose how we, as women, want to dress and show ourselves to the world is something to celebrate, as it’s only possible because many women fought for this right – and we got to keep on fighting for them for us and for the next generations to come. But as the market kept on growing, the biggest goal of the modest fashion, which is to guarantee access to more clothing options to this specific market and make these people seen, started to lose itself when it became just a big ‘trend’. It does not take away the importance of Modest Fashion, but it is something to be aware of when talking about it,

and especially when buying and wearing it. Make sure to buy it from sustainable and ethic places and to make it more than just a picture in your instagram feed, wear it with confidence and conscience.

By the end of the day, the most important thing is to feel like the best version of yourself every time you get dressed, and that´s why the Modest Fashion movement is so important and empowering, because it gives everyone an option. It doesn’t matter if you feel better in a croptop or in a long closed-cleavage dress, you’re beautiful in your own way and the clothes you choose to wear should enhance that beauty and show it to the world.

Since I was little, I always knew what I was meant to do in this world. And it was writing. I could only express myself through words, and they always came to me in the most natural way. A few years later, I discovered fashion and became obsessed.

It was my way out of the chaos of the world. So when it came to choose what I wanted to do for a living, I didn’t even have to think about it: I had to be a fashion journalist. My heart made the choice for me a long time ago, and I couldn’t be happier about it.

Follow her on Instagram: @valentinaroque Fashion Article by Valentina Roque Photo: @asmirnova_photo MUA: @starkova_oliya Model: @envoleemodels Stylist: @yashkinairina Via @officialkavyar


Photographers: Ksenia Govoruhina @ksugovoruhina

Model: Ekaterina Zueva @zuueva

Mua: Anna Leonova @artleonova

Hair: Zuev Simeon @promaster_zuev

Assistant: Milena Fomina @mileshkanew

Agency: @lsamodels

PR: LSA publications @leo.alderman @lsapublications

44 The Artist Edition | April 2021

The S

Can you, please tell us a little bit about yourself and your background?

I'm an international model, influencer and blogger. I boast over 2.5m followers on Instagram (@zuueva), and have released my own book, “Be an Instagram Influencer - How To Create Your Brand.” I’ve reached incredible heights with modelling career, being featured in internationally renowned magazines.

I’m passionately in love with health and fitness. I practice yoga and stretching every day. I’ve already visited more than 40 countries, and even have my own fashion brand, ZUZU.

How does it feel to see yourself on the cover of MALVIE Magazine for the first time?

I’m happy to be a cover girl. I’m proud for that.

As a model, can you tell us what are the basic modeling rules everyone must follow to have a beautiful pose?

The most important thing is to love yourself and be confident

Which role does traveling play in your life?

I enjoy traveling. Love to change places.

What languages do you speak?

Russian, English and French a bit

What was the first big trip you went on?

When I was a child I’ve been studying English at summer school in London.

Please share a few fun facts about yourself that probably most people don't know about you. I can’t sing.

How do you stay fit and healthy?

What is your exercise and diet regimen like? I don’t keep on a special diet. Love stretching and yoga. And go to the gym 2-3 times a week.

How did you get through hard times in your career?

I didn’t have hard times

Do you feel like you have a pretty good idea of who you are at this point in your career?

I’m an influencer, a mom, and designer of my clothing brand.

When did you knew you wanted to be a business owner? Why is your fashion brand so important to you and why are you designing your own clothes?

Just because it makes me happy. I enjoy it.

of Ekaterina Zueva


What kind of impact do you hope to make in the fashion world?

I have no such goal. I just do what I like.

What exciting new projects should we expect from you in the future?

What exciting new projects should we expect from you in the future?

Fashion Editor: Agnese Sanchez @agnesesanchez

Fashion Designer: Maimia @maimialimitededition_1

Photographer: Beatrice Marchiori

Photographer: Emanuele Tetto @tettoemanuele

Fashion Designer: Ledudu Enrica Simonazzi @ledudu_enricasimonazzi Le dudushoes

Model: Altea Leardini @altea_leardini @Yourway Management

Model: Catalina Stan @___katalyst_art__

Wardrobe Stylist/Accessory Designer: @Lecosedielegioielli

Makeup Artist: Alessia Alma @alessialmakeupartist

Model: Daniele Bocci

Le cose di Ele Milena Giov



Racism goes against everything we believe here in MALVIE

Whether it comes in big gestures, like bullying and name-calling, or disguised as “jokes”, racism is violent. It is always aggressive and has the only purpose to oppress people. And that is something we can no longer tolerate. As we live in a world where people are being discriminated and even murdered for their skin color and genetic features, it is our mission to try to make life a little less scary.

You are not alone!

You deserve to be respected and appreciated for who you are, and nobody has the right or the power to say otherwise.

We know we cannot change everything on our own, but we are doing our best to help in any way possible and to show our support in the making of a society in which everyone is safe, respected and gets every opportunity they deserve.

We know it will take time for us to make big changes with worldwide impacts, but we can try and start somewhere. That’s why we created MALVIE Noir, a special edition destined to empower people of color and make their voices heard through the art. Also, in the immediate term, we are donating proceeds to a black led organizations that fights racial injustice.


Photographer: Daria Krasova @krasova_daria Model: @_sysoevairina_
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70 The Artist Edition | April 2021


Photographer: Adry and Greg Studio @adryandgreg

Model: Vivien Pinter @vivien.pinter1991

Makeup Artist: Szilvia Martin @szilviamartin

75 The Artist Edition | April 2021
76 The Artist Edition | April 2021
77 The Artist Edition | April 2021 SUBMIT Your Work NOW!
Photo - Diana Reentovich @diannree_ph Model - Katerina Avramchikova @kate_tyga Hair - Angelina Moseiko @moseushka Studio - SMART Studio @smartstudioby

The Main ISSUE is a SINGLE and UNIQUE ISSUE that contains the most creative and well-executed editorials.


Photographer: Дмитрий Гуляр @defaultvision

Female Model: Elisaveta Korovkina @ilisaweta

Male Model: Denis Razhanauskas @denisrast_fit

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82 The Artist Edition | April 2021
83 The Artist Edition | April 2021
85 The Artist Edition | April 2021
88 The Artist Edition | April 2021


Photographer: Daryna Myroshnichenko @darinaphotographer Model: Ksusha Blondie @blondie.ksu Makeup Artist: Elena Karpeniuk @elenakarpeniuk


To Our Artist Edition

The Artist Edition is an Open-Themed ISSUE. We accept fashion, beauty, art, studio, fitness, tattoo, sensual (implied nudity only) and more. You can submit your work here:

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