Assignment 2: Vision Paper

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Sunshine: Makings of Melbourne West’s Social Super Hub

Fig 1. Sunshine Metropolitan Activity Centre Layout 2019 (Brimbank City Council, 2019, p. iv)

Fig 2. Designated survey location 2019 (SV2, 2019)

Envisioned to be the “Capital of Melbourne’s West” by 2050 (Brimbank City Council, 2019, p. 12), Sunshine is currently undergoing substantial changes in its developmental spheres, such as economic, socio-cultural and environmental, in order to achieve this vision set by its planners. Part of this vision is aimed at turning Sunshine into a transport “Super Hub” (Brimbank City Council, 2019, p. 8), under which a new rail link project has been initiated that would not only connect Sunshine to major cities and the airport, but would also present the suburb with many economic opportunities in terms of local job options and new company investments following the development. Currently, as one of Australia’s “fastest growing regions” (Brimbank City Council, 2019, p. 8), Sunshine accommodates a vastly diverse community, in terms of culture, age group, employment and services (see Fig. 1 for the diverse activity zones in Sunshine). In order to gain insight into this community’s expectations and vision for its suburb, a street survey was conducted on April 17, 2019 (see Fig. 2 for location of designated survey spot) wherein a set of questions were asked to a range of people in the designated survey area, related to the strengths and weaknesses of Sunshine and what the community feels would be necessary to change and/or develop further. This report will use the responses collected from the survey and will assess Sunshine’s Super Hub development under five broad sectors – economic, socio-cultural, environmental, urban form and governance. It aims to identify opportunities and threats to an upliftment in these sectors in order to achieve the vision set by Sunshine’s town planners and its community.

1 Manasi Chopdekar (935401) Cities: From Local to Global (ABPL20035) Assignment 2: Vision paper

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