From Executive Director: Gwen McCauley
Hello Manayunk Stakeholders,
Main Street is back and we even have the numbers to prove it! In 2022, our street visits by customers outperformed our 2021 numbers by a solid margin, while also outperforming visit by customers from pre-pandemic 2019. We are also seeing increased pedestrian traffic at events and during normal business nonevent days. The ability to capture this data is now available in our office and the staff is using this tool to realize who is visiting the street, how we can better support our businesses, advocate for grant funding, and better our events through increased marketing in pinpointed areas and increased sponsorship opportunities. This data could be advantageous to your business as well. Reach out to our staff if you want more details.
As a result of this renewed popularity of the district, we are seeing longtime vacant properties being transformed into new uses. It is an exciting time to be a stakeholder in our area and we are confident that the work our organizations is performing has a direct correlation to our recent renewed popularity. Property values are also reflecting this new normal.
There are many exciting initiatives happening in 2023 Here is a sampling of a few New exciting businesses are opening on the business corridor. You can expect new murals and art installations to appear in the district as well as new landscaping to continue beautification efforts We anticipate the completion of the Towpath Improvement Project, which is $725,000.00 in grant funding for upgrading the Tow Path between Cotton and Canal View Park. We expect the completion of the new MDC Headquarters at 106 Grape Street by Fall 2023.
Our hope for 2024 and beyond is an increased partnership with the City of Philadelphia. We are hoping the new mayoral administration and city council jumpstarts improved safety and street services in our business corridor and throughout the city. A stronger collaboration will make our popular district an even better area to live, shop, dine & play. Thank you for your interest in our annual report and in Manayunk.
Gwen McCauley Executive DirectorMSSD Mission
The Manayunk Special Services District (MSSD) was established in 1997 under the Municipal Authorities Act of 1945 and is supported by the City of Philadelphia and the City Council.
MSSD's mission is to create a clean, attractive, safe, and well-managed business district so that Manayunk can successfully compete as an environment to live, dine, and visit. MSSD initiates capital improvements and manages sidewalk cleaning and beautification of public space within the district.
MSSD Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is nominated each year in a general election of all assessees
The Board can appoint any additional members as it deems necessary
After elections, the new nominees are submitted to the City of Philadelphia Mayor's office of Business Improvement Districts
Appointed to the BID Board by the Mayor of a 5-year term
Terms are staggered so that an equal number of Board Members roatate off each year
The MSSD has no staff; all MSSD initiatives are implemented by the MDC and its staff
Next Elecection: April 2024
MDC Mission & Vision
The Manayunk Development Corporation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, economic development organization dedicated to enhancing and advocating for the growth of the collective Manayunk Business District
Through shared stewardship collaborating with local organizations, Manayunk Development Corporation and its members envision a thriving business district and vibrant community that work together to advance diversity and sustainability while promoting Manayunk as an ideal destination to live, shop, dine, and play.
MDC Board of Directors
FY2022 MSSD Income and Expense Summary
FY2022 MDC Income and Expense Summary
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MNYK: A Year In Review
May 1, 2022 - Apr 30, 2023
© 2023 Placer Labs, Inc. |More insights at
MNYK: A Year In Review
May 1, 2022 - Apr 30, 2023
MNYK: A Year In Review
May 1, 2022 - Apr 30, 2023
By August 2023, the Manayunk Towpath between Cotton Street and Canal View Park will see the completion of a $725,000 beautification project. With funding from Pennsylvania’s Department of Conservation & Natural Resources (DCNR), Department of Community & Economic Development (DCED), and the Office of Councilman Jones, this project allowed the area to be cleared and grubbed, boardwalk widening, and amenity improvements including new landscaping, banners, benches, and trashcans. MDC partnered with Philadelphia Parks & Recreation, Boles Smyth Associates, and JPC Group Inc. to complete this project.
FEMAFundingfromHurrican IDA
After working with FEMA since December 2021, MDC received nearly $146,000 in damages incurred during Hurricane Ida. This funding has primarily gone toward repairs and equipment replacement in MDC’s parking lots.
This summer, a brand new, four-story building will officially be home to all MDC and MSSD operations. This project will feature two ground-floor retail incubator spaces, office space on the second and third floors, and a fourth-floor conference room and community meeting space. This $1.7 Million project is MDC’s first real estate venture and was funded by loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration.
After years of waiting, Indego Bikes has finally expanded to Manayunk. As of May 2023, two stations have already been installed with another three locations in the works by Summer 2023.
Current & Future Projects
MDC received a $67,500 grant from Pennsylvania’s Local Share Account to install new lighting along the stone wall that divides Main Street from Ridge Avenue at 3705 Main Street. The goal of this project is to not only improve the safety of this area, but to create an iconic gateway to Manayunk’s business district.
LowerMainStreetFlood MitigationPlanning
InconjunctionwiththeEastFallsDevelopment Corporation(EFDC)andtheCityofPhiladelphia’s FloodTaskForceandwithfundingfromDCED, MDCisworkingona$25,000floodmitigationstudy ofbothcommercialcorridors.Throughcommunity engagement,coordinationwithcitypartners,and dataanalysis,itisthehopeofEFDCandMDCthat ourorganizationswillbeabletoimplement strategiesforeffectiveandsustainabledevelopment withintheseflood-proneareas.AsofMay2023,this projectiscurrentlyouttobidwithanestimated kickoffbyJuly2023.
WissahickonGateway Improvement/LowerMainStreet Improvements
With a groundbreaking in May 2023, SEPTA has begun work on a $28 Million project to redevelop this transfer center located at Manayunk’s southern gateway. This project will improve SEPTA operations, safety, and accessibility for an estimated 7,000 commuters who utilize this station every day. This project will also serve as a catalyst to improve the Schuylkill River Trail’s connection between Kelly Drive and the Manayunk Towpath.
FlatRockDam Project
With an estimated completion of Fall 2024, this $18 Million restoration project just north of Main Street will improve local water quality, stabilize and preserve historic structures, and create a new intake system that will create constant water flow in the Manayunk canal for this first time in decades.
Grants & Loans
EIDL Loan Increase: $2 Million Increase
CDC Tax Credit: $100,000
$100,000 from Councilman Jones for Get Lit Matching Grants
PA Department of Community & Economic Development Keystone Communities Grant: $50,000
PECO Communities Grant: $10,000 MDC Membership
121 MDC Members in 2021
119 MDC Members as of May 2022
To learn more about MDC membership and benefits, please email
The MDC employs 3 full-time maintenance crew members to ensure the entirety of the Manayunk Special Services District stays clean and free of litter 7 days per week.
Roles & Responsibilities
Ensure the entire district stays clean including:
Main Street from Ridge Ave to Leverington Ave
Leverington Ave from Main Street to Umbria Street
Cresson Street and Side Streets between Shurs Lane and Green Lane
Venice Island & the Manayunk Towpath between Lock Street and Leverington Avenue
The Entrance to the Manayunk Bridge
Green Lane Bridge
Sidewalk and Street Cleaning
Emptying trash and recycling containers in the district
Graffiti & Sticker Removal
Repairing damaged equipment and neighborhood amenities
Restocking Dog Waste Bags
Event Day Setup, Breakdown, and Trash Removal
Seasonal tasks including landscaping, watering of plants, flowers, planters, and trees, raking leaves, snow removal and salting at public areas.
Annual Numbers (Estimated 2021)
20,000 bags of trash and recycling picked up.
45,000 dog waste bags
75 bags of mulch & potting soil
500+ Graffiti tags covered
120 Planters Managed
500+ plants & flowers planted and watered
A Look Ahead
Wissahickon Gateway Improvement/Lower Main Street Improvements
Flat Rock Dam, Lock & Sluice Project
Indego Bike Stations
MDC Headquarters
Social Media Analytics
Audience Profile
Facebook Followers:
75%Women & 38% Men
AGES 25-35: 27.2%
AGES 35-44: 31.8%
AGES 45-54: 19.4%
Facebook Location Demographics:
The location demographic is about 40%
Philadelphia audience with the other 60% ranging vastly from popular Philadelphia suburbs, and parts of New York, and New Jersey
Instagram Followers:
70% Women & 30% Men
AGES 25-35: 45.1%
AGES 35-44: 28.5%
AGES 45-54: 11%
Instagram Location Demographics:
The location demographic is about 42.8%
Upcoming Events
Stroll the Street
Thursday Nights June - August
33rd Annual Manayunk Arts Festival
Saturday, June 24th & Sunday, June 25th
Dog Day of Summer
Saturday, August 19th
Out & About in MNYK
Friday, September 29th - Sunday, October 1st
Halloween in MNYK
Thursday, October 5th - Sunday, November 4th
Saturday, October 29th
Small Business Saturday
Saturday, November 25th
Founders Philly Freeze Out
To be Determined
Manauynk StrEAT Food Festival
Sunday, April 21st
Thank You to our Partners & Friends
Dear Partners and Friends,
On behalf of the staff at Manayunk Development Corporation, we thank you for your support, patronage and partnership on making the Manayunk Business District a leader among our city's commercial business corridors As we continue to navigate through difficult times it is our intention to continue to carry out the mission of providing maintenance, beautification efforts, economic support and guidance to our small businesses.
We continue to be amazed at the perseverance and strength of our business owners and hold a great respect for the way you have navigated during the past two years.
We look forward to the remainder of 2023 and beyond. The forecast is positive and we hope you see many successes in the coming year. We encourage you to join us on social media at and to shop small in the coming year. We look forward to seeing you on Main Street.
The MDC StaffGWEN MCCAULEY Executive Director
Contact: 267-270-3078
Marketing & Retail Strategy
Contact: 267-270-3080
LEO DILLINGER Director of Operations
Contact: 267-270-3076
Communications Coordinator
Contact: 267-270-3079
JANINE GASAROWSKI Marketing Coordinator
Contact: 267-270-3081
CAITLIN MARSILII Events Coordinator
Contact: 267-270-3075