Sunshine October 2009

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What are your heating options?

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

see our ad on pg 43


Sunshine Magazine is distributed in Puerto de Mazarrón, El Alamillo, Mazarrón (Port and Town) Camposol (all sectors), Mazarrón Country Club, El Pareton, Totana, Alhama de Murcia, Fuente Alamo, Polaris World (Alhama), La Azohia, Isla Plana, Bolnuevo, Las Palas, Tallante and we issue 5,000 copies every month.

We are waiting to take your call and book your listing for the next Sunny Numbers Guide. So if you missed out on the 1st 2009 issue call us now on: 968 429 113 or email us on:

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EDITORIAL Dear Readers,

Publisher Sunshine Mediahouse S.L. CIF: B-54428156 Camino Cementerio 3 03312 Desamparados Orihuela Alicante. E-mail Sunny Numbers E-mail Sales, Per Jensen, 699 501 508 Sales, Pamela Robson, 671 948 475, English Translated by: I.K.G Language Services Layout & Design: Deadline for all advertisement and new copy is 28th of the month Sunshine Magazine Apartado de Correos 1039 30850 El Paretón, Totana, Murcia No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher All rights reserved. ©2008 Sunshine Mediahouse S.L.

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Welcome to our October issue of the Sunshine Magazine. As winter is fast approaching, its time we all started thinking about keeping warm during the cold winter evenings and having our boilers serviced. Inside you will find a feature which may help you decide on what type of heating you need in your home. Most regions of Spain have experienced some pretty bad weather recently. I have never seen hail stones like it! The size of tennis balls! The storm caused a lot of damage in and around Alicante. Take a look at our news item to see for yourself. Christmas & New Year is almost upon us, so its time to start thinking about where to go and what to buy….. look out for our November edition for ideas. Till next month……. From the team at ¨Sunshine Magazine¨.


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Home Heating Options Sudoku How to Carve a Pumpkin Breast Cancer Awareness Month In The News For the kids Crossword Puzzle answers Horoscopes UK Classifieds Traders Page

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WARM UP FOR WINTER! Winter is now upon us in Spain and all thoughts have turned from ¨Keeping Cool¨ to ¨Keeping Warm¨!

Home heating systems - Options for heating your home Firstly, cut your energy bills by insulating your roof! Or add a modern boiler and heating controls that will save you money.

BOILER SYSTEMS There is a revolutionary new boiler system that can “Warm” rooms and “Cool” rooms. Many years have gone into the design and know how of this technology.

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The boilers use less power than any other heating or cooling system. It is possible to have up to 10 water filled Aluminum high output convector radiators on this system, just like in the UK. All that is required to have this fantastic system in your home is a plug socket. CENTRAL HEATING without the massive cost and inconvenience to run by gas or oil central heating. Just imagine how much more this will enhance your room! Providing HEAT in the cold winter months and COLD air in the hot summer!

These boilers can also be installed hidden away in a cupboard as they don’t need a flue. It is possible to fit this boiler almost any wear. This boiler is so low in energy consumption it just needs a small electrical supply, no gas. No risk to life from a gas explosion or carbon monoxide poisoning. Ideal to comply with the new gas laws in apartments and for the elderly. RADIATORS The Radiators or Iceators when they are providing ice cool rooms are the most stylish and most modern available on the market today. Made from Aluminum with no rusting and minimal maintenance. The thermostats are finger touch up and down, simple and easy. You can even adjust each individual radiator to be piping HOT in the winter, then ICE COLD in the summer with the use of the optional Thermostatic radiator valves.


Oil Central Heating is normally used in a ‘wet’ heating system where an oilfired boiler heats water, which provides central heating via radiators and hot water through the taps in your home. Heat-only and combination condensing oil-fired boiler types are both available. Most oil-fired combination boilers have an internal hot water store to supply domestic hot water rather than the instantaneous heating more common in gas boilers. continued on pg 10

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Oil fired boilers can provide central heating throughout the winter months and hot water through the year for as little as 8 Euros a week. The boiler temperature is kept constant to provide instant hot water. This form of heating also provides a comfortable warm living environment at the flick of a switch. Attractive radiators and towel rails are positioned to maximise the benefits of heating your home and with digital wall mounted programmers providing customers with various heating options that´s simple to operate.

reasonably expected to provide 90% of a home’s hot water over a year. The technology uses the sun’s heat – so there are no further costs once you’ve had the equipment installed, and no carbon emissions either. The sun emits a large amount of energy to the Earth and if it could all be reined in, the amount of solar radiation that reaches the globe every 30 minutes would be enough to fulfil energy consumption requirements for a year worldwide. There are three types of solar panel technology:

SOLAR ENERGY Solar Water Heating A renewable energy source.

In the current climate, it’s more important than ever that we heat our homes in the most efficient way. Using less energy is the best way to cut your bills – however, this doesn’t mean having to live in a cold, dark home. A solar water heating system can be

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1 FLAT PLATE COLLECTORS The thermal solar panels heat the liquid that runs

through by the direct sunlight. This then passes through a coil in the water tank and this then heats the water that is stored in the tank. Hot water is finally produced. The system produces hot water by using the heat radiated by the sun. 2 - PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS Using rechargeable batteries to generate electricity, the photovoltaic modules firstly harbour the suns energy. The sunlight adapts electricity through the photovoltaic panels therefore saving energy for the customer. Without releasing any greenhouse gases, the customer can start using their own generated electricity through using photovoltaic panels with a battery, controller and inverter. The energy produced can be used to run the lighting and appliances in the home. Photovoltaic panels can be simply mounted to a suitable wall, roof or can stand alone. The standard types of photovoltaic systems can be used with batteries to store energy but they still provide direct electricity to any building. To absorb as much of the sun’s energy as possible the panel will need to be mounted in a south facing garden, but the solar photovoltaic systems can be used in most buildings. 3 - EVACUATED TUBE COLLECTORS The evacuated tube collector systems are the most expensive type of solar collections but they are by far the most efficient. The systems are commonly used for domestic customers, but some commercial customers currently use these systems. They need to be wall mounted in a position where they receive direct sunlight to gain the most efficiency.

To accumulate sunlight energy the evacuated tube solar collectors have selective absorbers that store the energy in vacuum-sealed tubes. These collectors are most efficient used in moderate temperature applications as their thermal losses are extremely low in cold climates. To allow the cylinders to capture the sun from all angles, the panels have a round surface so they can collect more solar energy. Evacuated tube collectors are made up of several parallel cylindrical and use the sun’s energy to heat the water – unlike flat plate collectors. Benefits


Typically, residential air conditioning units for your home are smaller in size than the bigger units required to climatise a business. They can provide warmth for the winter and cool air for the summer. There are various models available but we have listed the most common types here.


Wall split units are very popular and fashionable. These elegant units are mostly

designed to sit very high on the wall, just

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40mm below the ceiling and remain very unobtrusive.

They are ideal for residential, retail, restaurant and office use, and can be mounted at the desired level from floor to ceiling. Split Type Air Conditioning units have heat pumps which allows the unit to function with heat controls. This style of unit has an indoor and an outdoor section with Pipes and cables connecting the two parts, allowing refrigerant flow and compressor Control. An internal or room temperature sensor detects changes in room temperature and switches the cooling or heating aspect on and off. The room air and external air are used as the delivery medium. This style can be high wall mounted, low wall mounted, above ceiling ducted, floor standing and recessed type.


Multi fuel and wood burning stoves are a deservedly popular means of heating your living space, either as a primary or secondary source of heat. Wood burning fires are growing rapidly in popularity throughout the world. They provide a natural, eco-friendly option for those people that want the luxury of a real fire, but who are also concerned about the burning of fossil fuels. These types of fires come in all different shapes, sizes and designs. They can be Rustic, Modern, Contemporary, Elegant, and Stylish and make your house into a home. You cannot beat an open fire for warmth and the feel good factor. They are easily installed into any type of home. Visit your nearest showroom to discuss the best options for you to heat your home.


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Fill in the grid so that every row, column and 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9. There’s no math involved. The grid has numbers but nothing to add up to anything else. You solve the puzzle with logic and reasoning. Solving time is typically 10 to 30 minutes, depending on your skill and experience. Solutions in the next issue of Town & Country Magazine. Good luck! Last Month’s winner was Luc Vanlinthout

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NEW for November A private listing property section. So if you have a property to sell or rent please email for further details to

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election view a s tal en of our r ies on propert page 63

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DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED FOR DRIVING ON SPANISH ROADS The differences in traffic regulations around the world often cause problems for foreign drivers residing in Spain. They occasionally have difficulties due to a wide range of factors: language problems, unfamiliarity with the regulations in force, the correct measures to take in the case of an accident etc. As a result, Línea Directa Aseguradora, a company which specialises in foreign residents’ insurance in Spain, provides its policyholders with all the information they require as soon as they take out their policies in our country. The first basic rule is to ensure that the car is in perfect working order and complies with the obligation of having the correct insurance which covers all the possible contingencies resulting from an accident. Therefore, Spanish legislation requires the policyholder to have the following documentation in his or her vehicle at all times: COMPULSORY DOCUMENTATION •

Vehicle registration document (“Permiso de circulación”), which shows the owner’s identity

and the car’s chassis number. •

Vehicle’s technical data sheet. (“Ficha técnica”)

MOT (ITV) stamp and sticker on the front windshield, which contains all the technical

information about the car and acts as proof that the vehicle has passed the required tests. •

Driving Licence.

Road tax receipt.

In addition, both Línea Directa Aseguradora and other institutions recommend taking: RECOMMENDED DOCUMENTATION •

Photocopy of Foreign Residency Permit Number (NIE). This is a personal, unique and

exclusive number, accorded by the Foreign Nationals’ Office which is granted to a person who is legally authorized to remain in Spain. •

Photocopy of the Green Card (International Insurance Certificate of Civil Responsibility for

Land Motor Vehicles). All foreign citizens from any country not belonging to the European Union must possess it, but it is also compulsory in other countries such as: Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Belarus, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Israel, Iran, Moldavia, Morocco, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro, Tunisia, Turkey and the Ukraine. •

Last insurance receipt.

For more information, go to or call 902 123 104

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Halloween (also spelled Hallowe'en) is a holiday celebrated on October 31 . It has roots in the Celtic festival of Samhain and the Christian holy day of All Saints’ Day. It is largely a secular celebration, but some Christians and pagans have expressed strong feelings about its religious overtones. Irish immigrants carried versions of the tradition to North America during Ireland's Great Famine of 1846.] The day is often associated with the colors orange and black, and is strongly associated with symbols such as the jack-o'-lantern. Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, wearing costumes, ghost tours, bonfires, costume parties, visiting haunted attractions, carving jack-o'-lanterns, pranking people, reading scary stories, and watching horror movies. You’ve come to the right place for Halloween Pumpkin Carving! A well carved pumpkin will impress your friends, neighbours and best of all, you’re trick-or-treaters! Carving a pumpkin into a Jack-O’-Lantern freehand is the traditional way of doing it, is very easy and only takes a few basic tools. A large spoon or ice-cream scoop, a thin bladed knife and some newspaper will get you started.

With a long, thin bladed knife, cut out the top of the pumpkin around the stem of the pumpkin. The hole should be large enough to allow you to scoop out the guts (seeds and stringy membrane) by hand and with a large spoon. Generally, the size of the hole should be about two-thirds the diameter of the pumpkin. While you can cut a round circle out, you’ll find that cutting a five or six sided opening will work the best. As you cut out the top hole, angle the knife so that the lid and hole will be somewhat cone shaped. This will help prevent the lid from falling into the hole. Now you can use a large spoon to scrap the inside walls of the pumpkin clean.

Inspect the surface of the pumpkin to decide the best side to carve you face. Now, visualizing the face you want to carve, use your knife to carefully cut out the individual parts of the face or you can pre-marked the pumpkin by using a Crayon to draw the face onto the surface of the pumpkin and cut through the lines you drew. When you are finished cutting, carefully push out the pieces to view the final results.

Make sure that you have scrapped the bottom of the pumpkin flat, so that the candle will sit level in the pumpkin. We prefer the traditional use of candles to illuminate our Jack-O’-Lanterns. A Votive candle, placed in a clear glass candle holder is safer and will actually last longer. Also, plain white candles give off the most light and will illuminate the inside of your Jack-O’-Lantern the best.

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BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) (also referred to locally as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM)) is an annual international health campaign organized by major breast cancer charities every October to increase awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention and cure. The campaign also offers information and support to those affected by breast cancer.

carried through tubes called ducts to the nipple ready for breastfeeding. The darker area of skin around the nipple is called the areola. On the areola there are some little raised bumps. These are quite normal and are called Montgomery glands. They produce fluid to moisturise the nipple. Normal breast changes Your breasts change constantly throughout your life from puberty, through adolescence, the childbearing years, and then the menopause (change of life). This is because of the varying levels of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone in your body. It’s very important to see your GP (local doctor) about any changes that are new for you, even though most of these will be benign (harmless). Breast problems

About your breasts Breasts are mainly made up of glandular, fibrous and fatty tissue. They sit on the front of the chest and extend down and around into the armpit. The breast tissue is supported by ligaments and the large chest muscle that extends over most of the ribs. The glandular tissue contains lobes, with many smaller lobules inside each one. The lobules are the milk-producing glands. During lactation breast milk is 36 Sunshine Magazine

Sometimes breast changes can indicate a benign breast condition that may need treatment. For example, breast pain linked to your periods is common and usually seen as normal. However, when it’s severe and long lasting it can be seen as something that needs treating. Being breast aware Whatever your age, size or shape it’s important to take care of your breasts. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK, so it’s important to look after your breasts by being breast aware. Being breast aware is an important part of caring for your body. It means getting to know how your breasts look and feel, so you know what is

normal for you. You can then feel more confident about noticing any unusual changes. How do I check my breasts? There’s no right or wrong way to check your breasts. Try to get used to looking at and feeling your breasts regularly. You can do this in the bath or shower, when you use body lotion, or when you get dressed. There’s really no need to change your everyday routine. Just decide what you are comfortable with and what suits you best. Remember to check all parts of your breast, your armpits and up to your collarbone. The breast awareness 5-point code 1. Know what is normal for you 2. Know what changes to look and feel for 3. Look and feel 4. Report any changes to your GP without delay 5. Attend routine breast screening if you are aged 50 or over Currently, mammography is the most effective technology available for breast cancer screening. But, aside from the conventional mammography, there are several techniques that can be used for screening. These techniques are:

 PET scan  Electrical Impedance Scanning  Ductal Lavage Breast Cancer Risk All women are at risk when it comes to breast cancer, but no one knows what exactly causes breast cancer. Doctors often cannot explain why one woman develops breast cancer and another does not. Research has shown that women with certain risk factors are more likely than others to develop breast cancer. Some examples of risk factors are:  Cancer is hereditary; if your sister, mother, or daughter developed breast cancer, then you have a higher risk of developing it yourself.  Your own personal history with cancer;  The age at which your menstrual cycle began; how earlier your cycle began, how higher the risk.  The age at which you go through menopause; women who have their menopause after the age of 55 are at higher risk of developing breast cancer.  The age at which you give birth to your first child; the risk increases with older age, but if you have first degree relatives with carcinoma of the breast, then risk goes down.

 Computer-Aided Detection

 Your current age; the risk increases with age. Age is the biggest risk factor. (76% of women who develop breast cancer had no other risk factors).


 Your race; Caucasian women

 Ultrasound  Digital Mammography

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have a slightly higher risk than Black, Hispanic, or Asian women.  Your health; women who are overweight or obese after their menopause have a higher risk of developing breast cancer.

clear risk factors. If you think you may be at risk, you should discuss this concern with your physician. He or she may be able to suggest ways to reduce your risk, and can plan a schedule for checkups.

 Drinking alcohol; studies suggest that the more alcohol a woman drinks, the greater her risk of breast cancer. Many risk factors can be avoided, others, such as family history, cannot. Women can help protect themselves by staying away from known risk factors whenever possible, but shouldn’t let it dominate their life. It is important to keep in mind that most women who have known risk factors do not get breast cancer, and most women with breast cancer do not have a family history of the disease. In fact, except for growing older, most women with breast cancer have no

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In The News Hail storm decimates crops in Murcia

other reports that the neighbouring towns of Blanca and AbarĂĄn were also affected. Hailstones the size of golf balls fell on Caravaca de la Cruz. Farmers are assessing the damage from storms which hit parts of Murcia this weekend, when hailstones the size golf balls fell on Caravaca de la Cruz on Saturday, seriously affecting crops in La Almudema and Singla. Singla also saw the lighting put up for the local fair destroyed by the hail. Another storm which hit Cieza on Sunday damaged crops and caused flooding in Cieza itself and on the A-30 motorway. There were

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Cars were damaged by falling trees in another sudden downpour in Valencia and Las PedroĂąeras. Cuenca, suffered its worst storm for 60 years on Saturday afternoon. Water levels there were up to one and a half metres high in some parts of the town centre.

Hail batters parts of Alicante province

Roads were cut off and flights were unable to land at the airport.

to spend the night on Calpe’s Peñón de Ifach on Saturday after calling emergency services for help after rain started falling as they attempted their descent of the 332 metre rock. Paralysed by fear, they preferred to spend the night on the rock with their rescuers, and made the descent with the fire officers on Sunday morning.

Torrential rain and hail this weekend brought more havoc to the Costa Blanca, cutting off three roads in the province, delaying four flights which were due to land at El Altet, and flooding streets in Alicante City and San Vicente de Raspeig.

Woman missing in Torre Pacheco flash flood found dead

It is reported that 38 litres of rain per square metre fell in the space of an hour and a half in the sudden downpour on Sunday afternoon, with lengthy traffic delays on the A-70 near Elche where the falling hail froze on the road. The hail was so thick in some parts that one driver commented that it seemed as if snow had fallen on the road.

A woman missing from Torre Pacheco since Wednesday evening, after calling her sister for help as her car was being washed away in a flash flood on the road to Cayetano, has been found dead. The body of the 25 year old was discovered by Civil Guard divers in Las Cantandas, in Torre Pacheco, on Thursday morning, still inside her car, which had been swept into an irrigation pond.

The El Altet area of Elche saw damage to crops, vehicles and window blinds in the heavy hailstorm.

A British man meanwhile escaped unhurt when his car was washed down Lorca’s Rambla Ramonete during a storm.

Two young Spaniards were meanwhile forced

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Coffee Break C ro s s Word Across

1 North Atlantic food fish 4 Ruling faction 9 Keyboard errors 14 Dedicated verse 15 __ a kind 16 Early video game name 17 Unruly bunch 18 Breakfast deli order 20 Attorney’s filing 22 Ararat lander 23 Compass reading 24 Poke fun at 27 ‘’Suit of lights’’ wearer 29 Musical toy 32 Police-blotter letters 33 Assign a value to 34 Salesperson’s specialty 38 Inside scoop 40 Tropical trees 43 Sans assistance 44 Finish (with) 46 One not to be trusted 48 Salty body 49 2007 World Series champs 53 Had to be paid 56 Shire of ‘’Rocky’’ 57 Foreman beater in ‘ 7 4 58 Rank below Sgt.

59 Brew hue 62 ‘’Family Ties’’ star 67 Cheer for a 27 Across 68 Israeli leader Shimon 69 ‘’Night before Christmas” poet 70 Mia in ‘’Pulp Fiction’’ 71 Audible inhalation 72 Urged, with ‘’on’’ 73 Swift of sci-fi


1 Hair-care aid 2 Foul smell 3 One way to pay 4 Where one may find work 5 Argentine article 6 Battery terminal: Abbr. 7 Low digit 8 Burning 9 Sleeveless garment 10 Thus far, in acctg. 11 Turned white 12 Maine college town 13 Philly hoopster 19 Saudi, e.g. 21 Mouse-spotter’s cry 25 Lose control

26 Soul singer James 28 Pivotal point 29 Green shade 30 Related 31 Word on a nametag 35 Sleep fitfully 36 Egyptian queen, familiarly 37 It’s a trick 39 Part of CRT 41 Creator of coins 42 Lee of pastries 45 Computer program? 47 Took a load off 50 Apartment manager, for short 51 Info seeker’s phrase 52 Not very bright 53 Cavalry bases 54 Visa applicant 55 Film or phone lead-in 60 Ticklish Muppet 61 Paper purchase 63 What to call a yacht 64 Loping run 65 Confused state 66 Raw metal

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REF: 0446

REF: 0444

REF: 0445

Totally reformed village house in the historic village of Aledo. This beautifully restored property has a unique glass wall and partly glassed ceiling providing the most superb views. It has 3 double bedrooms 1 bath and 1 cloakroom, fitted kitchen etc. Price 114.000€ plus taxes

Overlooking a small park, a pretty bungalow on Country Club with 2 beds and 1 bath. The property has air conditioning and it is being sold fully furnished. There is a garden to the front and an enclosed patio to the rear.

In La Azohia a lovely apartment only a short walk from the beach. This fully furnished property has 2 double bedrooms, bathroom, fitted kitchen etc. The terrace has open views and the small complex has a pool and tennis courts. Under-ground secure parking.

Price 95.000€ plus taxes

Price 129.995€ plus taxes

REF: 0395

REF: 0383

REF: 0442

In a very pretty area of El Pareton, within easy walking distance to all the amenities, a beautifully restored property of 186m2 with 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. This spacious family property is being sold fully furnished. It has a private garden and private parking. Viewing is highly recommended.

Excellent value, a detached bungalow with 3 bedrooms and one very spacious bathroom with separate walk in shower. There is a large open plan living area with decorative pillars separating the lounge/diner from the fitted kitchen. Private plot of 600m2, situated in the village of Las Paganes, ideal travelling distance to Cartagena.

Plot of land with restoration project. The plot is almost 10,000m2 and has a property of 80m2 to be restored. It is situated in El Raiguero alta, in a tranquil area yet only 10 minutes drive from all the amenities of El Pareton. There is water on the plot and electricity close by. Price 79.995€ plus taxes

Price 189.000€ plus taxes

Price 125.000€ plus taxes.

REF: 0394

REF: 0366

REF: 259

Only 5 minutes drive from Totana and with excellent views of the Sierra Espuña, a fully fenced plot of 6000m2. There is a project and a licence to build and the plot has water and electricity.

House and apartment in El Pareton. The house has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms spacious fully fitted kitchen, lounge etc. The apartment has lounge, kitchen, 2 beds, 1 bath and storage space. To the outside there is a large courtyard plus 2 small and 1 large outbuilding ideal for many uses. Price 175.100€ plus taxes

Situated at the foot of the Sierra Espuña Natural Park and surrounded by pine trees, a spacious detached villa with large underbuild. The property has 3 beds, 2 baths, fully equipped kitchen, lounge, conservatory etc. The plot is 5000m2 and it is fully fenced. Excellent value. Price 290.000€ plus taxes – NEGOCIABLE.

Price 97.000€ plus taxes.

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Crossword Answers

Sudoku Answers

Give A Dog A Home

Rusty, 2 yr old male cross - has been castrated and fully vaccinated. Very loving, gentle little guy that needs a stable and loving home. Lucy, 6 yr old Pointer bitch, spayed and fully vaccinated. She was found 4 yrs ago in the middle of the road with a broken hip and in a dreadful state. She was homed for 3 years, but for personal reasons Lucy needs a new loving home. She has a fantastic temperament and would make a great companion dog or an all round family pet. Philipe is a male Dalmatian cross, 7 months old. He is a playful young man and would suit a family home. He has lots of energy and loves to be around people and other dogs. Jessie was found abandoned and alone near Fuente Alamo, it is thought she is about 4 or 5 yrs old and in very poor condition. She has had her blood test done and is clear of any disease, all she wants is love and affection and a home to call her own.

If you think you can offer me a home - please call us on 968431265 or 968431590 54 Sunshine Magazine

How did you do?

Horoscopes - October Aries



Look Both Ways

On-the-Job Training

Taking Fun Seriously

Four planets in relationship-oriented Libra


keep you focused on everyone but you this

expanding your professional life this month.

month. Now is the time to find some much-

Nevertheless, it’s all for naught if you don’t

needed balance as you learn more about

take a break once in a while -- rejuvenation

successful cooperation and reevaluate your

is an essential factor in maintaining good

to entertain new ideas and learn fresh ways

relationship to the world.

health and productivity.

to interact with others.




Security Conscious

Endings and Beginnings

Mining for Gold

If money is tight these days, October

Money matters steal the spotlight this

may prove to be a transition that

month, with investments and business


Insecurity and impulsiveness may threaten you this month; still, it’s important to push past the status quo








If you felt pushed to your limits last month, you now have time to catch your breath and integrate the recent changes. You’re now free


partnerships at the forefront. It’s time

relationships are concerned, though,

to draw on the undeveloped gifts you

it’s important to remember that all that

have within you to upgrade your sense

and into new territory now.

glitters is not gold.

of self-worth and, in turn, your income.




Before the Harvest Expect challenges this month as you work to complete old business, but remember that pruning back your tree of life now will encourage healthier growth ahead. October should find you blessed with grace and inspiration to push forward.

Waiting in the Wings This month you might feel like you’re lurking in the shadows and observing carefully before your next move. You probably won’t receive all the recognition you deserve, but should find yourself blessed with professional boldness and creativity that will carry you into next year.

The Joy of Life Opportunities for spontaneous creativity and play are everywhere this October. Your fiery personality gets punched up with even more sparkle than usual, letting you take the initiative to bring more love and fun into your life.




Get Down to Business Career is the main focus for Capricorn this month, placing you right in your element. Your drive is already intensified and you crave immediate success, but you may face a shortage of time or resources to pull off your ambitious schemes.

Intellectual Pursuits Your level of mental activity is heightened this month, giving you plenty of opportunities to share your love of ideas. Hopes for a more rewarding future that have been circulating inside your head will be more easily translated into positive action now.

Know What You Want While you’re not the most materialistic person, money is on your mind this month. Beware spending sprees and panic about resources, and instead focus on fresh ideas to increase your income -- a plan that’s been simmering below the surface can be put into action now.

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Your Business Card here Call Today for more information

968 429 113 or email

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Earn extra cash. Free under 500€. Over 500€ - 10€ FOR RENT. Rebecca, terraced bungalow on Camposol D, 2 bedrooms 1 bathroom, fully furnished, uk t.v. front sun terrace and large roof Solarium. €250 per month PLUS utilities. TEL 666 186 037 VILLA FOR RENT Detached villa - 2 bed/2 bath - Camposol D sector, Mazarron Well furnished, pool, English TV, Central Heating, Driveway Suitable for short or long term let. Special rates for long term. Viewing can be arranged, pictures can be emailed. email: mena.lynch@btinternet. com Phone: 968 131 843 or 692 400 914 FOR RENT Long Term. Beautiful 3 bed, 3 bath detached villa with Jacuzzi. 450€ per month plus bills. Tel. 968 199 544 or 628 216 414 FOR SALE EINHELL 2000 PETROL GENERATOR. Used only once, suits most purposes e.g domestic. Cost €210 new, will accept €120 for quick sale. 2x Timber Steamer Relax chairs for only €50 the pair. 60 Sunshine Magazine

Mazarron country club. TEL 968 956 175 FOR SALE 2 x inkjet printers 15€ each. 1 Masa pack wicker coffee table 20€. 2 x battery operated drills 20€ each. Mans Alloy frame mountain bike 50€. 1 electric cement mixer 200€. 2 x large free standing electric fans 25€ each. 1 free standing hot and cold air conditioning unit 40€. Tel 968 199 234. FOR SALE Marble Top for Double Vanity Unit for 2 sinks, including Plinths.45€ Dolphin 90cm. shower Door with Surround. 45€ 3kw. Log Effect Electric Fire with Tall Canopy. 145€ Phone 696 399 947 FOR SALE 2 Table lamps - One large and one small. In good condition. Both with glass shaped bases on brass stand. Cream shades with pink/ cream fringe/trim. Large 25 euros - Small 20 euros (40e for both) email for picture: mena. or view 968 131 843 FOR SALE As new dog kennell (green) 50€. Bush colour TV 32”

large back 60€. Unit top dish washer 60€ .tel.619 684 574 FOR SALE Gas bbq grill with hot plate,50.00e,Office chair adjustable blue 15.00e,Computer monitor hp flat screen 50.00e, Extending pine table plus 4 chairs 60.00e, 2 x pine 3 draws bedside tables each 20.00e,1 pine mirror 20.00e, Pine chest drawers 4 50.00e, pine coffee table 40.00e, 2 pine chairs for the pair 30.00e, Oblong storgage box plastic garden 35.00e, 2 metre glass dining table chrome base 6 chrome chairs upholstered seats, Cost 1200e new accept 350.00e, 2 mtr extending ladders 35.00e, Electric treadmill 300.00e, Taurus coffee maker 12.00e, Paella gas ring new with gas connector 15.00e, Washing machine front loader 80.00e,3mtre parasol with stand & Weights adjustable cream 120.00e, Selection pine wall units 50.00e,2 fans 10.00e. All items in good condition. Puerto mazarron call 0034 648 827 754

FOR SALE BMW X-5, 3.0, Diesel MSport, AirConditioning, Heated Seats, Heated Mirrors, Beige Leather Upholstery, Electric Adjustable Front seats, Front & Rear Parking Sensors, Panoramic Sun Roof, Automatic (Tiptronic 4 wheel drive), Sat Nav, Television, Telephone, Zenon Headlights, 19” Alloy Wheels, 85,000 Kilometers, Year 2004, Spare Wheel. Full BMW service history. SHOWROOM CONDITION Price 23,995€ ono. Tel: 671 948 475 FOR SALE 2007 Kia Rio Diesel, still under Warranty and with full history. 7,995€ O.N.O Phone 696 339 947. HELPING HANDS Are you looking for someone to Clean, Iron or do your Shopping etc..? Or Elderly and Children sitting service. NVQ’s in Care & Catering. Fully police checked. References available. Call Karen 675 865 636. email,

Sell anything under 500€ for free!! All property for sale 10€ to advertise Do you have something you want to advertise? A car... A job... Free for situations vacant, and personal items. Call us today or fill out the form below to get into the next issue of the Sunshine magazine. Tel: 968 429 113, or mail to: Sunshine Magazine, Apartado de Correos 1039, 30850 El Paretón, Totana, Murcia, or you can email to Name: Address: Phone: E-mail: Item to advertise:

Sunshine Magazine 61


TRADERS Dentista / Dentist


Friends in Nautical Sports

645 657 094


Clinica Dental Olivier

968 153 645


Helping Hands

675 865636


Clinica Dental San Agustin

968 598 481


Hotel Costa Najeros

968 583 980


Clinica Dental San Jose

968 589 691


Hotel La Mariposa

968 631 008


IKG Language Ser.

968 503 183

Inmobiliaria / Estate Agents p21

Best of Spanish

635 434 651


Inmobiliaria La Pinilla

968 157 510


Ruiz & Jensen S.L.

699 501 508



968 595 046


Costa Calida Property Man.

966 763 672


Villas Solmar S.L.

968 484 366

Restaurantes y Bars

p64 Imetalia

968 422 151


Imperial Pools

965 731 310


Inside Out

659 232 507


Jennifer Cunningham

902 373 444


Joyeria Isais

968 591 832


La Gardenia

968 154 204


Llamas Cimeneas

968 591 030


La Tona

965 151 525


La Via Electrodomesticos

968 592 065


La Voz

968 592 459


Linea Directa

902 123 978

p3 El Saladillo

968 138 211


La Fundicion

616 371 868



628 682 303


Les Enfants Terribles

676 691 324



671 682 579

Lords Removals

608 061 872


Novo Carthago

968 134 777



Rest Coquus

968 636 104


Louis Harris Electrical

619 712 821

Max Confort

968 960 141


Rest Peyma

968 154 597




634 103 696


MC Consulting

968 137 407



636 172 198



675 021 669



968 060 303


Puerto Aluminio

606 462 988


Puerto Baño

968 595 145


Que Idea

968 154 618


Radio Cope Espuña

968 631 364



968 591 913


Solar Facil

622 422 300


The Calida Group

968 152 568


Viajes Iberia

968 333 152


Vial Carpinterias

969 864 816

Servicios / Services p56

Adichats II

653 560 423

p64 Aquabel p57

Aranixa Torres

968 595 844



968 424 819



968 171 005


Baby Equipment Hire

646 475 367


Bahia Sur Fitness

968 595 812


Calfri Murcia

619 569 676


Calida Gas & Oil

659 761 771


Camposol Business Centre

968 199 674


Camposol Heating

968 199 184



968 425 180


Conchyta F. Newell

968 553 005


Cool Solutions

600 418 220


Costa Cálida Property

p56 p21 p26

FC Car hire

968 199 156

Veterinaria / Vets



902 881 121

p41 Veterinary Clinic Puerto

Vehiculos / Vehicles p56

Ford Fuente Alamo

968 597 447

968 199 251



968 596 189

Estacion de Servicio El Pareton

968 484 355


Talleres Yogesh K. Dave

966 433 011


644 506 748

62 Sunshine Magazine

968 153 931

Sunshine Magazine 63

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