Reporter Newspaper issue 119

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Reporter The Costa Calida

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Reporter The Costa Calida




22ND MAY - 4TH JUNE 2009

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page 13

Consumers Want Back Morning After Pill Available To Bi-monthly Bills! Without Prescription

THE Council for Business and Research has asked the Secretary General of the Ministry for Industry to modify the decree which has meant that the electricity company Iberdrola bill consumers on a monthly basis whilst reading the meters every two months. The driving force of the move has been the number of complaints and the general level of concern from the public over their electricity bills, as of each two bills received, only one is based on an actual meter reading and the other is based on an estimate. Consumer Associations across

the region have been meeting to discuss the issue, mainly due to the high number of consumer complaints that they have been getting over the revised billing system. Despite a huge amount of work done by Iberdrola in checking and analysing bills to detect any discrepancies, there has been no evidence of any irregularities in the monthly bills which would indicate fraudulent activity. So far in 2009 there have been 2000 queries about the bills, as opposed to around 1000 for the whole of last year, and each one of these denuncias against Iberdrola has had to be

investigated by the company’s technicians to check for errors. The lines of communication between consumer groups, Iberdrola and the end consumers themselves remain open, but the ongoing workload of handling around 20 enquiries a day has meant that there are now calls for the Ministry to change the system back to the two monthly billing system which coincides with an actual meter reading. This would put consumers’ minds at rest and have an immediate impact on the number of queries and investigations needed.

THE morning after pill is to be available throughout the whole of Spain without prescription, it was announced last week. The news was confirmed in a press release from the Government Minister for Health and Social Politics, Trinidad Jiménez, and the Minister for Equality, Bibiana Aído. The measure is part of the Strategy for Sexual Health, which also promotes the use of condoms to teenagers. The process will now be initiated, but it will take around three months before the pill will be available through pharmacies without a prescription. The aim of the measure is to make it easier for women to gain access to emergency contraception away from their normal place of residence, and in time to make the pill effective. At the moment, the pill is only available for free via the health service in the provinces of Andalucia, Aragón, the Balearics, Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla y León, Cataluña, Extremadura, Galicia and Navarra. Last year, around half a million emergency pills were requested. The increased availability of the morning after pill is also aimed at preventing unwanted pregnancies in teenagers, as the rate of terminations and unwanted pregnancies has been increasing, especially for this age group.

According to the 2007 data, there were more than 10,600 pregnancies for girls below the age of 18. There were also 112,138 terminations in total, of which 6,273 were for the under 18’s. Just over 4,400 girls under 18 went ahead with the birth. Of the continued on page 5

See our ad on pg 9



Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •

Dancing The Time For A Night Away At Café Break Casa Rural

ON Fridy 8th May MABS Mazarrón held their annual spring dance and enjoyed an evening of excellent food, brilliant service and great entertainment. With the meal coming to an end the audience were entertained by the lovely Christine who delighted us with a fine selection of songs that soon had everyone on the dance floor. Next they were perplexed by the wonders of the Magician, Steve the Snip, who for his finale through down the gauntlet to anyone in the audience willing to undergo a very public ¨be-heading¨. The challenge was taken up by one of our very own volunteers Malcolm Bell; the room fell silent as Steve placed Malcolm’s head in the guillotine (and a bucket underneath – just in case!!) and then as everyone held their breath Steve let the blade drop – the silence was broken by tremendous cheers when Malcolm smiled and stood up to show he was still in one piece. As with all MABS Mazarrón functions, a wealth of prizes had been donated by local businesses and individuals and those lucky enough to have the

winning raffle tickets were not disappointed; even the Spanish waiters and waitresses joined in and were overjoyed to find they had won some prizes. The evening concluded with more songs from Christine.

CAFÉ (Community Ambulance Fund España) announce that the funds for the new ambulance are now is excess of 24500 Euros and that the target of 60000 Euros is now within site. Various clubs, organisations, businesses and individuals are putting on their own events throughout the summer and the more support that the public give the quicker the ambulance can be in commission. The big event is CAFÉ CONCERT THREE (CC3) planned for October 3rd at Zaira Disco in Bolnuevo. Last year’s fest provided 9 hours of entertainment to 700 people at The Playa Grande and this year with a new venue an anticipated 1000 people are expected. Bands are already asking to be included and businesses will be encouraged to sponsor the nine acts or to book a table to display their own wares. Sooner than that there are two

MABS Mazarrón would like to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who attended the evening or donated prizes for the raffle that helped to make the evening such a huge success and raising a huge amount of money which will be used to continue the work of MABS Mazarrón in the local area. Special thanks also to our wonderful Fund Raising team for all their hard work. Our next event is a Table Top Sale at Trevi's bar on Friday the 29th May from 11am until 5pm come along and enjoy. COULD YOU BE A “FRIEND OF MABS Mazarrón”?


War does not determine who is right only who is left.



specific CAFÉ events. The first on 29th May is a SHOPPING trip to Torrevieja’s Market followed by a 3 course lunch with entertainment by INFINITY at Los Arcos Restaurant 27.50 Euros, pick up at Country Club and Camposol. Limited tickets. The second is an evening’s varied entertainment for just 5 Euros at Kennelly’s on 31st May. Want to see flamenco dancing at its very best, then RAQUEL PENA´S BALLET ESPANOL will excite you, want to hear the voice of the future, - KIRSTY will be making an appearance to sing in her own unique style, want to hear two accomplished musicians - THE MCLANE LINDO BAND with saxophone and keyboards will get you dancing and disco too. For tickets please call 626 460 465 or see Brian and Gina outside The Steak Out on Camposol B any Saturday morning 11 till 1.30. Limited tickets.

DUE to the overwhelming support, MABS Mazarrón would like to advise that for the foreseeable future they are unable to accept any items of new or second hand clothing. Items of Bric a Brac are however still needed. Various sales will be held in the coming weeks (watch press for details) and then will cease until the autumn. MABS Mazarrón would like to thank everyone who has donated items recently, your support is very much appreciated.


Pads Dog Show PADS dogs’ charity is pleased to announce our forthcoming Dog Show. Judging will be based on 9 different categories and the 10th category will be an overall winner picked from the best in the show. We are seeking sponsorship for the 10 different categories. If you would be interested in sponsoring a category for your product, business or service then €25.00 will




CLAUDE MONET - 138 WORDS Acme, acne, aeon, alee, aloe, alum, alto, amen, ante, atom, aunt. Cade, calm, came, cane, cant, caul, cede, cent, clad, clam, clod, clot, clue, coal, coat, coda, code, cola, cold, cole, colt, coma, come, cone, cote, culm, cult, cute. Dace, dale, dame, damn, date, deal, dean, deem, dele, dene, dent, dole, dolt, dome, done, dote, dual, duel, duet, dune. Elan. Lace, lade, lame, land, lane, late, laud, lead, lean, lend, leno, lent, load, loam, loan, lode, lone, loud, lout, luce, ludo, lune, lute. Mace, made, male, malt, make, mane, maul, mead, meal, mean, meat, meet, meld, melt, mend, menu, mete, moan, moat, mode, mole, mote, moue, mule, muon, mute. Name, neat, need, neum, node, name, note, nude. Omen, once. Talc, tale, tame, teal, team, teed, teem, tend, toad, toed, told, tole, tome, tone, tuna, tune. Ulna, undo, unto.

SOLUTIONS Across 1 Egress, 7 Imply, 8 Cursor, 9 Eject, 12 Reply, 13 Harry, 14 Means, 17 Phobia, 18 Mamba, 19 Nestle. Down 2 Gruyere, 3 Epsilon, 4 Sire, 5 Apse, 6 Kyat, 10 Jealous, 11 Cordial, 14 Mime, 15 Army, 16 Span.

get you mentioned in all our pre-show advertising and again, on the day itself. So get in touch and choose your category. It is for a good cause. The Dog Show is to be held at our kennels in Benferri on Saturday 13th June, from 1.00pm to 5.00pm. The kennels are near Orihuela, junction 81 off AlicanteMurcia motorway. We aim

for a fun-filled day, with lots to see and do, therefore everybody is very, very welcome, with or without their four-legged friends! Make a note in your diaries and we look forward to seeing you there. For further info regarding entering your dog or sponsorship, please ring 626 751 522 or 619 938 955.

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Reporter The Costa Calida

continued from front page

terminations to the under 18’s, 500 girls were under the age of 15. The Health Minister is keen to emphasise that the pill should be treated as an emergency measure of contraception, only to be used when another method of contraception, such as a condom, has failed or if the woman has had unplanned intercourse. The priority is the prevention of unplanned pregnancies and the transmission of sexual diseases, and the most effective way remains the use of the condom. Spain will now join the ranks of countries who have made the pill available on request without prescription. This inlcudes France, the UK, Portugal,

22nd May - 4th June •

Belgium, Denmark, Slovenia, Finland, Holland, Iceland, Luxemburg, Norway, Switzerland and Sweden. However, the Region of Murcia Councillor for Health and Consumers has called for a rethink of the new proposals, stating that “the morning after pill is medication, not a method of contraception, and it should only be given out with a prescription”. The Councillor, María Ángeles Palacios, has denounced the proposals as a purely political move, and in a statement familiar to UK readers, has accused the Government of wanting to draw attention away from more pressing matters, such as the 4 million unemployed.

She claims that the proposals go against medical advice, and that the correct way forward is to improve knowledge of methods of contraception in order to prevent unplanned pregnancies. The morning after pill can have side effects, and possible contra-indications and therefore critics of the new proposal say that it should be dispensed by a doctor with the correct knowledge of the patient’s medical history. Without the necessary controls in place for dispensing the pill, it is claimed that many view it as a method of contraception, rather than for use in an emergency. No doubt the debate will continue for some time.

Spanish Economy “Gone To Pieces” Under Zapatero THE President of the Autonomous Community of Murcia, Ramón Luis Valcárcel, has said that the Spanish economy has crumbled under the leadership of Rodríguez Zapatero, and says that the Spanish Government have not taken tough enough measures to confront the economic crisis or to solve the growing unemployment problem that the nation is facing. The statements were part of an interview on Radio Nacional de España in Murcia, in which Valcárcel lamented the lack of action by the Prime Minister in several key areas, accusing Zapatero’s Government of failing to protect the unemployed, the “most vulnerable people”. By contrast, the Regional Government are

trying to implement measures to help those worst affected with economic aid of 420 euros per month for 6 months. This is to help those who have lost the right to claim unemployment benefit and have no source of income. Valcárcel says that “we are obliged to help those who are suffering the most” and says that the Murcian Government are the first to have implemented a plan to revitalise the economy, and implement other social policies to help the region weather the effects of the crisis. The Regional Government have, he says, done their homework. And although the current aid is not part of the financial plans, the “good years” and careful

housekeeping have allowed for some funding to help those who have lost their jobs in the current downturn. Valcárcel called on the Spanish Government to take action, as the measures already announced are not having the desired effect on the economy. To emphasise his point, the Murcian President said that Spain now had one of the worst unemployment records in Europe, and that for every 4 Europeans out of work, 3 were registered here in Spain. “It is time to generate productive policies as we are already in a worse position than many countries”, he concluded.


Reporter The Costa Calida

Postal address. The Reporter Newspaper, Apdo. de Correos 395, La Manga Club, 30389 Cartagena, (Murcia)

Advertising Sales & Enquiries. Telephone. 618 549 283 Fax. 968 163 626 Email. Web. ® THE REPORTER NEWS PUBLICATION Printed in Spain. Published fortnightly. Published by. Clare Smith (X-4440081-T) Deposito Legal. V-4291-2004

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New Hospital To Open In 2010 Murcia Furniture is the regions largest independent supplier of furniture packages and associated products and services for clients who have purchased properties in the area. Based in the heart of the regions new developments, off the C3319 road, between Murcia and San Javier airport.

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The ideal candidates will have/be:• English as their native language • Creative and have a passion for furniture • Knowledge of the region and the property marketplace • Persuasive telephone manner • Good negotiation and sales skills • Computer literacy • Hard working

THE Health Councillor, María Ángeles Palacios, has visited work on the new hospital in Cartagena, which, once finished, will be used by residents of ‘Area 2’, comprising Cartagena, Mazarrón, Fuente Álamo and La Unión, around 276,000 people. The Councillor was accompanied on her visit by the Mayoress of Cartagena, Pilar Barreiro and was able to view the progress of the project first hand. Barring any last minute problems, the new hospital should be open in the second quarter of 2010. There will be around 600 beds in the facility, with approximately 40% in individual rooms for greater privacy. However at this stage of the project it is still possible that this percentage may be reduced, and the number of beds on the wards increased. The project has gone over the forecast budget, however the Councillor says that this is mainly due to the increase in new

technology that is to be installed, as the new hospital is to have state of the art facilities, which have cost a little more than previous estimates. The Councillor then went on to address some of the criticisms of the Rosell Hospital questioning the professionalism of the staff there, which has caused staff protests in the street. She defended the work done by the doctors in Rosell, saying that they attend to a huge population with levels of care that are superior to any hospital in the Region. The people of Cartagena should be reassured, she stated, by the fact that they have a large hospital with excellent professionals in charge, and although on the one hand there have been some mistakes, which are already under investigation, the staff there are working hard to offer top quality care to a huge number of patients.

Congratulations to John Harvey from Torre Pacheco... For being the selected winning entry to last issue's Flying Experience competition with Flight Fantastic (

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Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •

Half Of Drivers Exceed Speed Limits AROUND half of European drivers exceed the speed limits, according to a recent European survey. The report once again raises the importance of cutting speed as a means of reducing the number of fatalities on the roads. With this in mind, the current traffic campaign to hit Murcia’s streets is focusing on reducing speeds on secondary roads across the region. Trafico are running a new campaign until 27th May, and the main aim will be to check speeds on the single carriageway secondary roads. In 2008, 78% of fatal accidents took place on these roads against 22% for the motorways. This meant that there were 502 fatalities on secondary roads which were directly attributed to drivers travelling at the wrong speeds. As a result, the focus will be on raising awareness of the need to “put on the brakes” on all types of road, not just the motorways. A 5% reduction in average driving speed would account for around a 20% reduction in the number of fatal accidents. Drivers seem to be getting the message, albeit slowly. Since

2003, the number of accidents attributed to excess speed has fallen 3%, and the average velocity of drivers has also fallen from 116.7 km per hour in 2005 to 114 km per hour in 2007. The number of drivers exceeding 140 km per hour on the roads has also reduced, from 6.8% in 2005 to 0.8% in 2008. The increase in both fixed and mobile radar points and speed cameras, along with reforms to the penal code for driving offences and the introduction of the points system have all played a part in driving down the number of speeding offences. Trafico give several reasons to drive more slowly on the region’s roads: • Braking distance. A 5% reduction in speed gives around a 20% reduction in fatal accidents and 10% in accidents with injuries. The faster the vehicle is travelling, the further the braking distance needed to bring the car to a halt. A vehicle travelling at 120 km per hour needs a stretch of road longer than a football pitch to stop. • Pedestrian injuries. If a car is travelling at more than

80km per hour, the chance of a pedestrian surviving any impact is virtually nil. In 2008, 198 people were knocked down by cars and killed, 129 on secondary roads and 69 on the motorways. • European legislation will transform road safety with a positive impact on speeding offences. Until now, infractions committed in other European countries have been almost impossible to punish, but that is set to change and non-resident drivers will be held responsible for any infractions committed on roads across Europe regardless of where they live. • Slow down for a positive impact on the environment. The ideal speed for the most efficient petrol consumption is 90 km per hour. Once the speed rises to 120 km per hour, consumption rises by 30%. So watch your speed on the roads for the rest of May, as the combination of tougher penalties and the current campaign will mean that drivers speeding across Murcia’s road network could well be in for a nasty shock. Cut your speed and help to save lives.

Campoverde Players Donate €500 To AECC

BEFORE the start of their latest Theatre Dinner Night, a production called American Pie, Campoverde Players

presented AECC Pilar Branch with a magnificent donation of 500€. The money had come from the proceeds of their three productions in 2008, a Theatre Dinner Night, a Murder Mystery and of course the much loved Xmas Pantomime, three similar productions are planned for 2009. The Players, now based permanently at the Olympia Restaurant in Mil Palmeras, are always looking for new members and fresh talent. If you are a resting thespian looking for a new challenge, a star in the

making or simply someone that would like to become involved with this dynamic group backstage or front of house then give Colin Nelson a call on 966 774 127 or 628 404 405. Pilar de la Horadada Branch incorporating Cañada de Praes, El Mojón, Mil Palmeras, Pinar de Campoverde & Torre de la Horadada Picture shows Ray Marsh, PRO for A.E.C.C. Pilar, receiving the cheque for 500€ from Adele Kippin of the Campoverde Players.

Cantabile Singers Celebrate European Day CANTABILE Singers directed by Jennifer Morton, joined with Crescendo International Choir in Torrevieja’s beautiful Church of the Immaculate Conception on Sunday May 10th as part of the celebrations for European Day. As the concert followed hot on the heels of the evening mass, the church was packed with an appreciative multinational audience. While Crescendo sang a full variety of songs ranging from Malotte's The Lord's Prayer and Bruckner's Locus Iste to the modern and lively Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho and Swinging with the Saints, Cantabile kept to a more gentle and religious mood, beginning their session with All in the April Evening by Sir Hugh Roberton, then Ave Maria - a lesser known version by Saint-Saens. Habanera Divina was obviously a favorite with the Spanish in the audience judging by the applause. The Exodus Song is always popular and the ladies of Cantabile

finished with their Musical Director's arrangement of the Easter Hymn from Mascagni's Cavalleria Rusticana. Chairman Eve Day was the soloist. The acoustics in the church are so glorious; none wanted the concert to end. At the end of the concert, Crescendo were joined by Cantabile and sang The Blessing of Aaron together, conducted by Crescendo's MD, Charles Smith. Graham Knight closed the proceedings with some kind words of thanks and Sr. Pedro Valero presented both choirs with an elegant silver plaque in a presentation box to commemorate the occasion. Many thanks to both pianists - Sue Trick of Crescendo and Larissa Yvonne of Cantabile - and to Torrevieja Town Hall for allowing us to sing in the church.

Hats On!

THE Minister of the Interior, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, has announced the lastest campaign to enforce the wearing of a helmet on motorbikes and scooters. From May 15th until 31st July, the Local Police will be stopping any rider who is not wearing the correct protective headgear in the provinces of Andalucia, Murcia and Extremadura. These three provinces have the lowest rates of riders complying with the laws, well below the Spanish average, and are seen as key areas of focus to improve safety statistics. In some areas the use of a protective helmet has fallen as low as 84% of riders and 64% of accompanying passengers, versus a 99% rate on the main roads. Wearing the appropriate headgear is key to protecting the rider in the event of an accident. Without a helmet, the risk of suffering a cerebral lesion is three times greater, and 3 out of every 4 riders die as a result of head injuries when involved in an accident. But with a safety helmet, the risk of a lesion is reduced by 72% and the risk of fatality by 39%. The main aims of the campaign are to achieve a 100% compliance figure in urban areas, and there will be penalties of 150 euros and the loss of three points on a rider’s

license if they are caught riding without a safety helmet. In Spain, thanks to the wonderful weather, there are around 5 million bikers, with 2.4 million bikes and 2.5 million mopeds registered, representing 15% of the total vehicles. However, the bikes are involved in 32% of accidents and the risk of dying in a bike accident is 17 times greater than in a car accident. In 2007, 72% of accidents ocurred in urban areas, and 880 bikers were killed in total, 268 in urban areas. On top of this, there were 37,000 people injured as a result of bike crashes. The good news is that , thanks to safety campaigns, the number of fatalities had fallen by 25% in 2008. The police are asking for the collaboration of all the town halls and riders will have their bikes impounded if they are not wearing a helmet and cannot collect it without one. Many organisations, such as the RACC automobile club and motorcycle clubs, are also collaborating with the campaign, and the eyecatching posters, featuring 5000 years of protective headgear from Romans to Vikings to Starwars, urge all riders to “¡Ponte El Casco!”.

Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •


Pilot Scheme For Fruit Bus Travel In A Buggy & Veg In Schools

THE Regional Government is to implement a pilot scheme called ‘Fruit At School’ with the aim of encouraging our youngsters to eat more healthily. For the next academic year, 2009 to 2010, the project will be implemented at 40 schools across the region for pupils between the ages of 6 and 10. Teaching our kids healthy eating habits for life is seen as key to tackling worrying trends such as the increase in juvenile obesity. Similar projects are already in place in other European countries, including the UK and France. The project will start in 20 schools for the first term of the new school year, and will then be rolled out to a further 20 schools in the second term. For the month of October it will focus on the younger pupils of ages 6 and 7, and will then

continue into the other primary classes. All the selected schools will have a nutritionist at hand to help with implementation and information, and the kids will be supplied with one piece of fruit or veg each day in their snack break. The project has two phases. In the first phase the fruit will be supplied to the schools for 3 months, and during the second phase the kids will bring their fruit along to school with them, as the involvement and collaboration of the parents is essential to the success of the scheme. The project hopes to raise current low levels of fruit and veg consumption amongst school children, as a recent study by the European Union found that around 70% of kids living in the

EU eat less than 100g of fruit a day, only a quarter of the amount recommended by the World Health Organisation. The children will also learn a little about the production of fruit and veg, as many seem to think that it grows in the chiller cabinets in the supermarkets! Amongst the products the kids can sample will be mandarins, apples, pears, oranges, kiwi fruit, bananas, grapes, strawberries, beans, carrots and tomatoes. And with no added sugar, salt or fat, the fruit and veg will prove to be perfect snacks. The development of the pilot project will be subsidised by a grant from the EU fund, which has made 90 million euros available to share out between the participating member states for projects of this nature.

THE Councillor for Public Works, José Ballesta, has announced that passengers travelling with the under 3’s on the region’s public transport network may travel with pushchairs without any extra charge for the price of the child’s ticket. The aim is to make the transport network more accessible for those who have to make journeys with young children, without having to fold and unfold the buggies. According to José Ballesta, “with this simple measure the adults who have to travel with children in pushchairs will be able to make better use of the public transport service”. The move is one more step to improving the conditions for public transport users across the region and developing better pricing and tariffs. Specifically, the ruling means that pushchair users may use the

areas set aside for wheelchairs, although in all cases wheelchair users have priority for the places. Children must be wearing an appropriate harness in the pushchair. Access to the bus will be by the front door, although if at any time this is not possible, the rear access door can be used. The pram may be placed in the central aisle, facing the direction of travel and with the child wearing a safety harness. The buggy’s brakes must also be on. In the event of any accident, this offers the safest position for the child and also protects other passengers. The new regulation means that bus journeys for those with small children should become easier and more comfortable, and guarantee the right of mobility to all those who want to travel with very young children.

14 8

Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •

Public Works Invest 3.4 Million In La Manga Motorway THE Council for Public Works is to invest over 3.4 million euros in improvements to the slip roads along the La Manga motorway, in order to improve access to the AP-7, and the A-30 motorway running from Murcia to Cartagena. A total of 3,431,708 euros will improve the slip roads of the RM-12, which joins Los Beatos with Cabo de Palos. The aim is to improve the road links for the residents in the area. The road sees a high volume of traffic, reaching around 65,000 vehicles a day in the summer period, with around 9 million vehicles a year. The project will improve traffic flow and reduce the risk of accidents at the junctions for motorists. The RM-12 joins the La Manga area with the Cartagena to Vera toll road the AP-7, and the Murcia to Cartagena road the A-30. The current slip roads need to be re-modelled, especially those specifically for access to the beaches, in order to make them

safer. The project will mean the construction of 3 new connecting roads, the first at El Algar south, the second at Mar de Cristal and Islas Menores and the third at the link with Los Nietos, for the Murcia carriageway. The improvement work will also cover the reconditioning of the road from the exit for Los Nietos and Llano del Beal, the MU-F43, and the construction of a roundabout to improve the traffic flow and the visibility at the access to the country lane and the service road. Other inprovements will see the roundabouts at Atamaría, La Manga Club Golf and the Mar de Cristal improved. Finally, the exit to Playa Honda and the Camping will have a lane for changing speed and a roundabout for improving safety in the area. Roundabouts continue to be one of the best ways of improving traffic flow and reducing accidents at junctions.

Now 10% Discount on ASSSA’s Innovative New Health Plan - SUMMUM ASSSA’s new health plan – SUMMUM - offers the insured person an exquisite range of services with a difference. Its cover gives reassurance in the knowledge that, on presentation of a simple card, you are able to access the services of any local GP, paediatrician, specialist or consultant operating from the numerous international clinics listed in ASSSA’s medical directory – or one of your own choice. On choosing a clinic within ASSSA’s network, the service is paid directly by ASSSA to the clinic. Using a clinic, not listed in ASSSA’s medical directory, the company will reimburse the policy holder according to a list, published in our brochure and attached the private conditions of the policy. The Spanish National Health system is based more on cure than prevention, but we all like to get a full, yearly “MOT”. The annual check-up accessible under the SUMMUM Health Plan is specifically designed to be adapted to your particular medial requirements. It includes a


consultation with a GP, complete physical examination and in accordance with the doctor’s recommendation complete blood test, thorax X-rays, and abdominal ultrasound. Further consultations and clinical examination by the following specialists: Ear-Nose-Throat (incl. hearing test), digestive system (incl. colonoscopy), cardiologist (incl. ECG), gynaecologist (smear test, mammogram, breast and gynaecology ultrasound, and bone density scan), and urologist (incl. urology ultrasound). Difficult to find a more complete check-up and ASSSA is at hand to arrange it all for the clients. A big fear for many is the “Big C” – cancer -, especially for women if a mastectomy is necessary. The psychological repercussions for women in feeling “disfigured” can be enormous. SUMMUM covers oncology with diagnostics, planning, surgery, radio/chemotherapy and medication, plus the prophesises in post-mastectomy reconstructions. Again ASSSA’s impressive level of service is there to guide and support the client through the whole process, allowing the patient to concentrate on the recovery and return back to normal life. Most of us have been admitted to hospital once or more in our lives. Never a pleasant experience, as you naturally do not feel well, but the thought of sharing room with one or more other patients would put anybody off. With a private health insurance you are guaranteed a private room with an extra bed for accompanying person. Add to this that a SUMMUM Plan gives the insured person a daily allowance to cover all those extras that inevitably occur when hospitalised, like your partner eating in the hospital’s cafeteria, books & magazines etc. This allowance is payable until the day the doctor, treating the patient, releases him/her. As a novelty within health insurance, SUMMUM also includes chiropractic, normally considered an alternative medicine. This is a free-choice service, with reimbursement. During the months of May and June, ASSSA offers a 10% discount on all SUMMUM policies. The discount will be applicable as long as the policy is in vigour. This plentiful assortment of services will therefore be available from only €950.40 per year, representing a cost of only €79.20 per month. The earlier you join, the cheaper it is! Like all ASSSA’s products, you are of course protected against rises in premiums, just on the ground that you are growing older. Do not hesitate! Contact ASSSA for further information on how to secure that your health is covered by probably the most comprehensive cover on the market at the most economic price available. Phone 968 153 396 for an appointment in our office in Puerto de Mazarrón, at one of our service points, or in your own home. Our next visit to Los Belones is June 3rd.

Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •

Plan Renove For Commercial Vehicles

Disco Safety Checks

THE Councillor for Industry and Research , Salvador Marín, has held a meeting with the President of the Regional Federation of Metal Workers (FREMM), Juan Antoio Muñoz, in which they have presented the next Plan Renove for Commercial Vehicles. The aim is to stimulate growth in the struggling automotive sector with grants for the self-employed and businesses if they buy commercial vehicles which pollute the atmosphere less. The budget for this phase of the initiative is 480,000 euros, with the allocation set at 1200 euros per vehicle. The idea is to get those driving around in older commercial vans and lorries to change them for more energy efficient ‘greener’ models, and reduce the effect on the environment with respect to greenhouse gases. The additional benefit is that the micro-economy is stimulated with the purchase of the vehicles, helping to offset some of the effects of the current economic crisis. The discount will be applied directly by the dealerships who are involved in the scheme, in a similar way to the Plan Renove for white goods. The rules will apply to vehicles with the classification N1, which do not exceed the

THE Region of Murcia is implementing a series of checks on the discotheques across the province, with the aim of ensuring the safety of the users. Around 40 establishments will be subject to checks to make sure that all safety and security systems are operational and that there is no risk to those out to enjoy a “night on the town”. The checks will make sure that all the equipment complies with the relevant regulations. Any discos found breaking the rules, or not meeting the safety standards required by law, will be subject to a fine, which could be as large as 90,000 euros. The inspection consists of a first stage to check all the documentation and paperwork to ensure that the business has all the correct authorisations to operate safely. The annual maintenance contracts will also be checked to ensure that any revisions and official inspections are documented. Secondly, there will be a

maximum authorised weight of 3.5 tonnes and with emissions less than 160 grammes per kilometre of CO2. It will also apply to category M1 vehicles, cars sold for commercial use which comply with one of the following conditions: emissions of less than 120 g per km of CO2 or those with emissions of less than 140 g per km with a 3 way catalytic convertor for petrol, or EGR if diesel. The maximum purchase cost is 30,000 euros, and the vehicle to be bought must be new or less than 3 years old. The details of the owner of both the older vehicle and the new must also coincide. There will also be help available for those considering buying a car run on alternative methods of fuel, and there is a budget of 300,000 euros available to help purchase

hybrid or electric cars, cars running on LPG fuel, natural gas or hydrogen. For electric cars, there will be a grant of 6000 euros, for hybrid cars a grant of 2000 euros or 750 for motorcycles. For gas vehicles there is a grant of 2000 euros. Help is also available for filling stations to convert to the new fuels, increasing the network of re-fuelling points for drivers. Transport companies can also benefit, by changing older fleets of vehicles for the newer more energy efficient models. Funding of 50,000 euros is available to change a 3.5 tonne truck for a newer model, and gas or LPG vehicles attract a grant of up to 12,000 euros for tractors or wagons for internal use.

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technical inspection to check the correct functioning of all the equipment to make sure that it complies with the latest safety legislation and that the premises are fit for the use that they are intended for. The main checks will be the electrical installations, any air conditioning and the fire protection for the building. Any infractions under the legislation will be classed as a serious non-compliance, and the fines can be substantial. Fines for minor infractions go up to 3005 euros, whilst for serious offences the fines start at 3005 euros and go up to a maximum of 90,151 euros. In addition, any establishment which has defects or deficiencies to safety standards that may put things or people at risk must temporarily suspend all activities.

14 10

Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •

Sculptures In San Javier

AN exhibition of scupltures by the artist Pilar Guitierrez, from the Canary Islands, has gone on display in San Javier in a somewhat unusual location... the airport! Called ‘Nature, Art and Life’, the display will run for around two months in the airport

terminal building. The works were unveiled by the Mayoress, Pepa García, recently in the presence of the airport Director and the artist herself. The 6 peices are in a ‘surreal figurative’ style, typical of the artist’s work. Airport Director Ángela Navarro remembered

seeing the works on display in the airport in La Palma, and decided that it would be a good idea to move the exhibition here to Murcia. Guitierrez, known as “Pegé”, has a distinctive style and her work is said to be “full of messages”.

Spanish Courses For Homebuyers THE Cartagena Foundation for the Spanish Language and the Consortium of Promotion of Tourist Homes in the Region of Murcia have joined forces by signing an agreement to collaborate in offering language courses to those who are thinking of buying a holiday home in the area. The Council for Culture have supported the collaboration between the two organisations,

in which each entity will provide information on the services of the other to potential clients with the aim of promoting “language tourism” in the area, along with the promotion of the city of Cartagena as an ideal destination for foreign buyers. All students of the Spanish language courses will be given information on the Consortium’s activities, whilst the Hola Murcia consortium, in the policy of not

simply selling a house but also the local environment in which the development is set, will include details of all the Foundation of Spanish Language courses in their information packs and on their web site. The aim is not simply to promote property to foreign buyers, but the language and culture of Spain, specifically the delights of the Cartagena area.

More Roundabouts For Gran Vía La Manga THE Local Government in Cartagena have signed an agreement with the Autonomous Community of Murcia for the construction of a new roundabout to improve the traffic flow on the Gran Vía in La Manga. The roundabout will be located at the plaza del Cavanna, and

work to improve the paving and gardens will take place at the same time. The regional government are contributing 300,506 euros towards the cost of the improvements. The Councillor for Infrastructures, José Vicente Albaladejo, explained that the

work is in addition to the two recent roundabouts built at Los Triolas and Ribera Sur, along with a cycle lane linking the two, and that the ultimate objective is to improve the traffic flow along the Gran Vía.

Consumer Price Index Rises For April THE Councillor for Economics and the Home, Inmaculada García, confirmed this week that the retail price index, known in Spain as the IPC (Índice de Precios al Consumo), went up in April by 1.4% with respect to the month of March. The main cause for the rise was said to be the increase in prices for clothes and shoes, as the sales had

ended and the new season stock was now on sale in the shops at higher prices. On a year by year basis, the IPC is down 0.5 %, however, the councillor says that we are not talking about deflation yet, as this term applies to a continuous fall in prices for 3 consecutive months against the International Monetary Fund, and March was

the first month to see a negative growth. This week a meeting will take place by a working group to discuss food prices, and talks will continue with associations and institutions to analyse the prices of food products, which went down 0.1% in April.

Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •

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More Funding No Parking At Arsenal For Beach Safety Cleaner Beaches For Cartagena THE Government has approved funding of around 272,000 euros for the Town Halls in Mazarrón, San Pedro del Pintar, San Javier and Los Alcázares to finance activities designed to increase the safety on the beaches and lifeguard services. San Pedro is to receive 104,621 euros and Mazarrón will receive 97,975 euros to implement more lifeguard positions in both municipalities. These will be manned by trained personnel from voluntary groups and associations such as the Red Cross and the Civil Protection. Both Town Halls are also involved in the Plan Copla to coordinate safety activities along the Murcian coastline. Los Alcázares and San Javier will get 45,000 euros each which will allow the reinforcement of the maritime safety activities under Plan Copla.

THE Coastal Services Institute in Cartagena is to strengthen its maintenance teams this summer, with the aim of improving the cleanliness of the beaches and the promenade areas. The increase in staff will take place in two phases. Initially from Monday 18th May the number of operatives doubled from 8 to 16 staff. This means that more work can be done to improve the cleanliness of the beaches and the environment in areas such as El Portús, Isla Plana and La Azohia. The second phase will see an additional 5 operatives added to the team from the 15th June. This will help to improve the quality and safety of the beaches and the service areas around them throughout the busy summer season. However, from last Monday, the beaches will be cleaned on a daily basis, along with the promenade and gardens, to make sure that visitors and residents using the beaches can continue to enjoy clean, safe bathing conditions.

NO, we aren’t talking about the football team, but the old military arsenal in Cartagena! From this week work to improve the road in the area in calle Real is affecting the flow of cars

around this part of the city. The first stage of the project will see parking prohibited along all of the zone around the Arsenal Militar, so that two way traffic flow can be maintained

throughout the duration of the improvement works. The central reservation of the calle Real will be used as a carriageway whilst resurfacing work is carried out. The first phase will begin once work to install a pumping station and pipes to carry water away from the calles Carmen and Tolosa Latour has been completed. This work alone will cost more than one million euros. The traffic flow in the area will have to be modified as the project progresses, so if you regularly drive along the calle Real keep your eyes on the road! The Town Hall say that clear signs will be put up at each stage to help drivers navigate in safety.

La Manga Tourist Investment Tops 5 Million Euros THE latest plan for improvements to the tourist infrastructure in La Manga was presented this week, with the news that an ambitious improvement plan will see more than 5 million euros invested in the area over the next 4 years. For 2009 alone, the funding will amount to 755,200 euros and has already been earmarked for several projects, including improvements to the Parque Jessica in the municipality of Cartagena, Gola de Marchamalo Phase I and the resurfacing

of the road to the lighthouse at Cabo de Palos. Other notable improvements have taken place at the “Fuente del Loco” in Los Belones, the park in Playa Honda and the fiesta area at Islas Menores. La Manga has also seen work to improve the area around the Hotels London and Mangalán. The plan will invest around 3 million more in the area between 2009 and 2012, improving the environment, access to the beaches and tourist facilities in the area.

The funding will go to Cabo de Palos (667,155 euros) for improving the lighthouse area, Los Belones (368,000 euros), Playa Honda (298,492 euros), Islas Menores (257,634 euros) and Mar de Cristal (275,382 euros). An additional 75,000 euros is to be made available to improve paths and walking trails in the Mar Menor area. The remainder of the funding has been spent on promoting the improvement plans, and on planning and feasibility studies and equipment.

Reporter The Costa Calida


22nd May - 4th June •

Spain Explained! EVERYTHING an Expat should know about Tax & Legal, and Health & Funeral in Spain Wednesday 27th May ÁBACO Asesores and ASSSA Insurance will be hosting an information meeting in restaurant Rumours in Camposol. Spain is different from our home country – of course it is, that is why most expats have moved here. The difference is not only in weather and lifestyle, but also in e.g. legal and health matters. Where to go for honest and concise information? Perceptions, rumours, and hearsays are not good sources for information, though often the ones expats are leaning on when deciding how to deal with those issues. To fill that void, two leading companies each within their field, both specialising in service to expats, have teamed up to offer free information

on Tax & Legal matters and Health & Funeral issues. Providing a more light view on life in Spain, well-known entertainer Barrington, will give his version of life as an entertainer in Spain under the headline “From Motown to Murcia”. Barrington has worked in the entertainment industry since he was 16. He learnt his trade working in London, Kent and the South East before moving to the European circuit, where he worked regularly in Portugal, France, Switzerland and Spain. Barrington toured Europe, regularly working in the Algarve in Portugal, Torre del Mar, Mojacar Playa (where he worked both Christmas and New Year for three years) and Benidorm in Spain. Next stop was Switzerland working for the Hyatt International. In 2003 he decided to settle in the Murcia region and quickly secured a one year

contract as the resident soul singer at Motown Restaurant, Torrevieja. ÁBACO Asesores is a friendly team of multi-national Lawyers, Legal Executives, Accountants and Tax Consultants specialising in what they do best - Property Conveyancing (dealing with all the legalities of the purchase and/or sale of your Spanish home), Property Taxes, Personal Income Taxes, Residence Permits, Spanish Wills, Probate and Inheritance matters. Á B A C O Asesores has three offices along the Costa Blanca - in Torrevieja, in the city of Alicante and in Vera (Almería). They offer m o d e r n , f r iend ly, con f identia l a n d professional service to their clients in the client’s own language, giving the clients a distinctly m o d e r n professional legal service combined with the highest standards of care and personal attention.

ASSSA Insurance has more than 70 years’ experience in health insurance – of those, more than two decades in service to expats in Spain. Via ASSSA’s 10 branch offices they offer personal service in the clients’ own language, bridging the gap between the expat client and the Spanish health system. The company is in growth and is planning the opening of more offices along the Mediterranean Coast, continuing ASSSA’s tradition of high quality personal service, which has put them at the forefront in the market of health cover for expats. The combined expertise of

the two companies is put at the service of the public for free at the information meeting, SPAIN EXPLAINED, on 27th May. After the meeting, the participants are invited to seek individual advice. Admittance is only for ticket holders. The tickets are free of charge, including one free refreshment, and are available from Restaurant Rumous (Camposol, Mazarrón), Legs & Co. (Fuente Álamo), Restaurant Los Amigos (Tallante), and ASSSA Insurance’s office (Puerto de Mazarrón). Alternatively tickets can be reserved on 968 153 396.


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Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •

Programme listings as

The Costa Calida


14 DAY



available at the time of going to print.

Pages 13-16 and 25-27 All information is copyright DigiGuide. For more information visit

FRIDAY MAY 22ND 07:00 10:15 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:30 14:00 14:30 14:45 15:15 16:00 16:05 16:15 16:25 16:50 17:05 17:35 18:05 18:15 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:25 23:35 00:35 00:40 02:10 02:15 03:15 04:00

Breakfast Real Rescues Homes under the Hammer The Unsellables Cash in the Attic Chelsea Flower Show BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Moving On BBC News Big and Small Grandpa in My Pocket Tronji Funky Fables Animals at Work Trapped Newsround The Weakest Link BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show Chelsea Flower Show EastEnders Total Wipeout Fast Forward Have I Got News For You Reggie Perrin BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Friday Night with Jonathan Ross National Lottery Euromillions Draw Just Friends Weatherview Horizon Real Rescues BBC News

07:00 07:30 08:00 08:25 08:30 09:00 09:30 09:40 09:50 10:05 10:10 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 12:00 12:30 12:40 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:15 16:00 16:45 17:30 18:15 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:30 00:00 00:45 01:45 02:30 03:25 04:20 05:15

Tikkabilla Teletubbies Freefonix Newsround Hotel Trubble Beat The Boss Big and Small Bob The Builder 3rd and Bird Poetry Pie Something Special - Out and About Boogie Beebies Get Squiggling Nina and The Neurons Charlie and Lola In The Night Garden Wipe Out Science Clips Investigates Look and Read The Daily Politics Working Lunch Castle in the Country Animal 24/7 Car Booty Murder, She Wrote Flog It! Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Cash in the Celebrity Attic Eggheads Great British Menu Britain’s Best Drives Mastermind Chelsea Flower Show Off By Heart Newsnight Newsnight Review Golf Medium The Wire The Wire The Wire Pages from Ceefax

07:00 GMTV 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News and Weather 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News and


15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 The Biggest Loser 18:00 Divided 19:00 London Tonight 19:30 ITV Evening News and


20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Tonight 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Boy Meets Girl 23:00 News at Ten and Weather 23:35 Unforgiven 02:00 Nightwatch With Steve Scott 02:50 Aces High 04:45 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News

06:50 07:15 07:40 07:45 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:55 12:30 13:00 13:30 13:35 14:05 16:25 17:15 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:55 21:00 22:00 23:00 01:00 01:30 01:45 02:45 03:30 03:35 04:35 05:25 06:10 06:40

The Hoobs The Hoobs Planet Cook Making It Freshly Squeezed Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Will and Grace Parents and Teens: Welcome To My World Batty Man Mum’s Gone Gay Battlefront News at Noon 3 Minute Wonder The City Gardener The Way West Countdown Deal or No Deal The Paul O’Grady Show The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News 3 Minute Wonder A Place In The Sun Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Shaft The Shockwaves Album Chart Show The JD Set Presents... No Angels What About Brian Veronique Empires of Stone Time Team Countdown Superbike World Championship 2009 Cubeez

07:00 07:10 07:25 07:40 07:55 08:00 08:15 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:25 09:35 09:45 09:55 10:00 10:15 11:45 12:45 13:45 13:55 14:45 15:15 15:50 16:10 16:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:25 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 05:00 05:45 06:10 06:35

Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Fireman Sam Roary the Racing Car Peppa Pig Olivia Little Princess The Mr. Men Show Noddy in Toyland Fifi and The Flowertots Peppa Pig Thomas and Friends Pocoyo Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures Chiro Hana’s Helpline The Wright Stuff The Trisha Goddard Show Colin and Justin’s How Not to Decorate five News Wordplay Neighbours Home and Away Wordplay Plus The Family Recipe Spring Thaw five News Neighbours Home and Away Animal Rescue Squad Party Election Broadcast Five News at 7 Peb: Plaid Cymru Top Trumps Police Interceptors NCIS Law and Order: Criminal Intent NUMB3RS Quiz Call The Gadget Show Wildlife SOS Neighbours Home and Away

07:00 08:00 08:05 08:10 08:35 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:35 09:50 10:00 10:15 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:30 15:00 15:15 16:55 18:55 21:00 21:05 21:55 22:55 23:55 00:55 05:00 05:45 06:00 06:15 06:40 06:50

Sunrise Mio Mao Ebb and Flo Franklin Hana’s Helpline Olivia The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Animal Families Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs Mist: Sheepdog Tales Roary the Racing Car Roobarb and Custard Too The Milkshake! Show Mobil 1 The Grid The Gadget Show Fifth Gear Stunt Special Oil Riggers Michaela’s Zoo Babies Zoo Days The Wind In The Willows Little Giants The Goonies five News NCIS NCIS CSI: New York Law and Order Quiz Call The Gadget Show Rough Guide to Weekend Breaks Hana’s Helpline The Milkshake! Show Thomas and Friends Roary the Racing Car

SATURDAY MAY 23RD 07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen 12:30 Football Focus 13:00 BBC News 13:10 F1: Grand Prix Qualifying 15:15 Golf 18:30 BBC News 18:40 Regional News and Weather 18:50 The Weakest Link 19:35 Robin Hood 20:20 Tonight’s the Night 21:15 The National Lottery: 1 vs


22:05 Casualty 22:55 BBC News 23:15 Reggie Perrin 23:45 Pearl Harbour 02:35 Friday Night with Jonathan


03:35 Weatherview 03:40 BBC News

07:00 07:30 08:00 08:15 08:30 08:50 09:15 09:30 09:50 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:30 13:00 13:40 14:10 14:35 15:05 16:35 18:30 19:35 20:20 20:50 21:50 22:50 23:30 01:15 02:45 04:10 04:25

Tikkabilla Teletubbies Funky Fables Eliot Kid Dinosapien Wolverine and The X-Men Sportsround What’s New Scooby Doo? Frankenstein’s Cat Sorry, I’ve Got No Head Hotel Trubble Transmission Impossible with Ed and Oucho Young Dracula Kyle XY Winging It Class of 2008 Sound The Treasure of Pancho Villa Four for Texas Golf Flog It! Dad’s Army Chelsea Flower Show The Birth of British Music Have I Got a Bit More News for You Donnie Darko The Defender Of Human Bondage Inside F1 Pages from Ceefax

07:00 GMTV 10:25 The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 11:30 Quincy, M.E. 12:30 Columbo: Old-Fashioned


14:05 ITV News and Weather 14:15 Carry on Jack 16:00 Blues Brothers 2000 18:20 London Tonight 18:35 ITV News and Weather 18:50 You’ve Been Framed! 19:20 All Star Mr and Mrs 20:20 Primeval 21:20 Britain’s Got Talent 22:50 ITV News and Weather 23:05 Mission: Impossible II 01:25 Six Degrees 02:15 Valdez is Coming 03:45 Nightwatch With Steve Scott 04:35 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News

06:50 07:15 07:40 08:00 08:30 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 14:30 15:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:50 02:00 03:55 04:40 05:05 06:05

The Hoobs The Hoobs Planet Cook Gillette World Sport Texaco Havoline Ginetta Championship The Morning Line Yo Gabba Gabba! Friends One Tree Hill Friends Green Day Girls Aloud v Sugababes Scrubs Scrubs Channel 4 Racing Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Big Art Born Survivor: Bear Grylls Hitler: The Rise of Evil Bullitt Brick The Closer Extinct! Time Team Countdown


Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •

SUNDAY MAY 24TH 07:00 Breakfast 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 The Big Questions 12:00 The Politics Show

07:00 Tikkabilla

07:00 GMTV

07:30 Teletubbies

10:25 Coronation Street Omnibus

08:00 Chucklevision

12:40 Holiday on the Buses

08:15 Chucklevision 08:30 Dinosapien

16:00 EastEnders Omnibus

09:30 M.I. High

18:10 Songs of Praise

12:30 Great British Menu

08:00 Gt4 European Cup 09:00 Volvo Ocean Race

14:30 Best Ever Worst Dance

11:00 Something for the Weekend

07:40 Planet Cook 08:30 FIA GT Championship

09:00 The Legend of Dick and Dom

10:00 Escape from Scorpion Island

07:15 The Hoobs

14:25 ITV News and Weather

13:10 F1: Grand Prix

17:55 Points of View

06:50 The Hoobs


09:55 Friends 10:30 T4 Movie Special

15:30 Britain’s Got Talent

11:00 Hollyoaks Omnibus

17:00 Police Academy 3: Back in

13:30 Friends

13:00 Animal Park

19:30 Last of the Summer Wine

14:00 Escape to the Country

18:45 London Tonight

14:35 The Big Bang Theory

19:00 ITV News and Weather

15:05 The Big Bang Theory

20:00 BBC News 20:15 Regional News and Weather 20:30 Countryfile

15:00 Fred Dibnah’s Made in



14:00 Being...: Alesha Dixon And

18:45 Final Score

19:15 Beat the Star

15:30 Golf 19:30 Ray Mears Goes Walkabout

23:00 BBC News

Martin’s Mille Miglia

23:00 ITV News and Weather

00:50 The Greatest Game Ever


02:40 Weatherview 02:45 Terry Pratchett: Living with



16:40 The Simpsons 17:45 Deal or No Deal

21:30 Britain’s Got Talent

22:30 The Incredible Human

15:40 Smallville 17:15 The Simpsons

20:30 The Real Italian Job: James

21:30 South Pacific

The Saturdays

20:30 Heartbeat

21:30 Inspector George Gently

23:20 Match of The Day

18:30 Channel 4 News 18:45 The Simpsons

23:15 The South Bank Show

19:15 Night at The Museum Intro

00:15 Crossing Jordan

19:20 Night At The Museum 21:30 Come Dine with Me

23:30 Fighting Passions

01:15 It’s My Life

00:30 The Graham Norton Show

02:05 The Cosby Mysteries

23:30 Ricky Gervais Live: Animals

03:00 Quincy, M.E.

01:00 Once upon a Time in

Uncut 01:15 The Enforcer

03:50 Tonight

02:55 BBC News

03:45 Holby City

04:45 The Super League Show

04:15 ITV Nightscreen

04:45 BBC News

05:45 Pages from Ceefax

06:30 ITV Morning News

22:30 The Secret Millionaire


05:00 Scrapheap Challenge 05:55 Countdown 06:40 Cubeez

07:00 08:00 08:05 08:10 08:35 08:50 09:00 09:20 09:35 09:50 10:05 10:20 10:35 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 14:00 16:00 20:05 20:15 21:00 00:05 02:50 03:10 03:40 04:45 05:10 06:00 06:15 06:40 06:50

Sunrise Angels of Jarm Ebb and Flo Franklin Hana’s Helpline Olivia The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Animal Families Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs Mist: Sheepdog Tales Roary the Racing Car Rupert Bear: Follow The Magic The Milkshake! Show Michaela’s Wild Challenge Everybody Hates Chris Helicopter Warfare Build a New Life in The Country Strangers on a Train Lawrence of Arabia five News Cricket on Five Where Eagles Dare The Wild Bunch Winter X Games Boxing Classic Boxing USA Motorsport Mundial FIM Motocross Hana’s Helpline The Milkshake! Show Thomas and Friends Roary the Racing Car

07:00 07:10 07:25 07:35 07:45 07:50 08:00 08:15 08:27 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:20 09:25 09:40 09:45 09:55 10:00 10:50 12:00 13:00 14:00 14:45 15:15 15:50 16:00 18:00 18:15 18:45 19:15 21:00 22:00 00:25 02:05 03:05 03:55 04:45 05:35 05:45 06:10 06:35

Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Fireman Sam Roary the Racing Car Peppa Pig Roobarb and Custard Too Olivia Little Princess Little Lodgers The Mr. Men Show Noddy in Toyland Fifi and The Flowertots Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Thomas and Friends Pocoyo Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures Chiro The Wright Stuff Bupa London 10,000 The Trisha Goddard Show Penguin Adventure With Nigel Marven Wordplay Neighbours Home and Away Wordplay Plus None But The Brave Five News With Natasha Kaplinsky Neighbours Home and Away The Hunchback of Notre Dame The Gadget Show The Rookie Death Wish II NASCAR: The Sprint Cup US PGA Golf AMA Supercross Arenacross Winter X Games Motorsport Mundial Neighbours Home and Away

MONDAY MAY 25TH 07:00 Breakfast

07:00 Tikkabilla

07:00 GMTV

06:50 The Hoobs

10:00 Real Rescues

07:30 Teletubbies

10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show

07:15 The Hoobs

10:45 Homes under the Hammer

08:00 Jakers: The Adventures of

11:30 The Biggest Loser

07:40 Planet Cook

11:45 The Unsellables

12:30 60 Minute Makeover

08:00 Freshly Squeezed

12:15 Cash in the Attic

08:25 Space Pirates

13:30 Loose Women

08:25 Everybody Loves Raymond

13:15 Bargain Hunt

08:55 Poetry Pie

14:30 ITV Lunchtime News and

14:00 BBC News at One

09:00 Bear Behaving Badly

14:15 Regional News and Weather

09:20 Basil’s Game Show

15:00 Midsomer Murders

14:20 Flog It!

09:50 Wolverine and The X-Men

17:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal

14:50 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 15:15 Diagnosis Murder 16:00 Wallace and Gromit: A Close


16:30 Freaky Friday 18:00 National Treasure 20:00 BBC News at Six 20:25 Regional News and Weather 20:30 Everest ER 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Panorama 22:00 Ashes To Ashes

Piggley Winks

10:10 Pinky and Perky 10:25 Thumb Wrestling Federation 10:30 Beat The Boss USA 11:00 Little Howard’s Big Question 11:30 SMart! 12:00 The Little Vampire 13:30 The Moon-Spinners 15:25 Coast 15:30 Escape to the Country 16:00 Paralympic World Cup 18:15 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 19:00 Great British Menu 20:00 Only Yesterday: The


18:00 Divided 19:00 London Tonight

08:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Frasier 09:55 Will and Grace 10:20 Friends 10:50 Friends 11:20 Lily Allen Special: Under The


19:15 ITV Evening News and

12:25 Black Beauty

14:25 Rio Grande


19:30 Coronation Street Uncut

16:25 Countdown

20:00 Emmerdale

17:15 Deal or No Deal

20:30 Coronation Street

18:00 Coach Trip

21:00 Airline

18:30 Come Dine with Me

21:30 Coronation Street

19:00 The Simpsons

22:00 Britain’s Got Talent

19:30 Hollyoaks

23:30 The Late News and Weather

20:00 Channel 4 News

23:45 Championship Play-Off Final Highlights


23:00 BBC News at Ten

23:10 Regional News and Weather

21:00 Springwatch

00:45 UEFA Champions League

23:15 The Omid Djalili Show

22:00 Who’s Watching You?

23:45 Inside Sport

23:00 Going Postal

01:15 Nightwatch With Steve Scott

00:15 Two for the Money

00:30 The Wire

02:10 Nightwatch With Steve Scott

02:10 Weatherview

01:30 BBC News

03:00 Loose Women

03:50 Get The Picture

02:15 South Pacific

04:00 Pages from Ceefax

03:50 The Jeremy Kyle Show

04:05 The Closer

03:15 Real Rescues

05:00 Short Circuit

04:45 ITV Nightscreen

04:50 Full Metal Challenge

04:00 BBC News

06:00 Short Circuit

06:30 ITV Morning News

05:50 Scrapheap Challenge

Carpenters’ Story

20:05 Around The World in 80


22:20 Churchill’s Darkest Decision 23:25 The Operation 00:30 8 Out of 10 Cats 01:05 NY-LON 02:05 The Road to Guantanamo

Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •


TUESDAY MAY 26TH 07:00 10:15 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:15 14:00 14:30 14:45 15:15 16:00 16:05 16:15 16:25 16:50 17:00 17:05 17:35 18:00 18:05 18:15 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:25 23:35 23:40 00:25 02:05 02:10 02:40 03:40 04:35 05:20

Breakfast Real Rescues Homes under the Hammer The Unsellables Cash in the Attic Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Diagnosis Murder BBC News Big and Small Grandpa in My Pocket Tronji Funky Fables Thumb Wrestling Federation Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab Blue Peter MyWish Newsround The Weakest Link BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather Party Election Broadcast for the European Parliament by the British National Party The One Show EastEnders Holby City Uncovering Our Earliest Ancestor: The Link BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Party Election Broadcast for the European Parliament by Libertas Kick Out The Kids Jacknife Weatherview See Hear Rocket Science Country Tracks Real Rescues BBC News

07:00 07:30 08:00 08:25 08:55 09:00 09:20 09:50 10:10 10:25 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:15 16:00 16:45 17:30 18:15 18:55 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:30 00:20 00:25 01:25 05:00 05:20 05:40 06:00 06:15 06:35

Tikkabilla Teletubbies Jakers: The Adventures of Piggley Winks Space Pirates Poetry Pie Bear Behaving Badly Basil’s Game Show Wolverine and The X-Men Pinky and Perky Thumb Wrestling Federation Beat The Boss USA Little Howard’s Big Question SMart! The Shaggy Da Working Lunch Castle in the Country Animal 24/7 Escape to the Country Murder, She Wrote Flog It! Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Cash in the Celebrity Attic Party Election Broadcast for the European Parliament by the British National Party Great British Menu South Pacific Springwatch Simon Schama’s John Donne Have I Got News For You Newsnight Party Election Broadcast for the European Parliament by Libertas The Wire BBC News Short Circuit Short Circuit Short Circuit Short Circuit Short Circuit Short Circuit

07:00 GMTV 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News and Weather 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News and


15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 The Biggest Loser 18:00 Divided 19:00 London Tonight 19:25 Party Election Broadcast By

The British National Party

19:30 ITV Evening News and


20:00 Emmerdale 21:00 Coronation Street 21:30 Britain’s Got Talent 23:00 News at Ten and Weather 23:30 Party Election Broadcast By


23:35 Champions League Final


00:35 Nightwatch With Steve Scott 01:30 Supernatural 02:15 Loose Women 03:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 04:00 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News

06:50 07:15 07:40 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:25 10:55 11:55 13:00 13:30 14:00 16:25 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:55 21:00 22:00 23:35 00:40 01:10 02:10 02:35 03:05 03:55 04:20 05:10 05:35 06:35

The Hoobs The Hoobs Planet Cook Freshly Squeezed Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Will and Grace The Class Fat March USA Mark Ronson’s Top 20 Brit Girls News at Noon The City Gardener The Quiet Man Countdown Deal or No Deal Coach Trip Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News 3 Minute Wonder Gok’s Fashion Fix Time Team Special The Operation My Name Is Earl Pokerstars.Com European Poker Tour World Superbikes Gillette World Sport Destination 2012 FIA Gt3 Championship KOTV Classics Freesports on 4 Scrapheap Challenge Inuk

07:00 07:10 07:25 07:35 07:45 07:50 08:00 08:15 08:27 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:10 09:20 09:25 09:40 09:50 09:55 10:00 10:15 11:45 12:45 13:45 13:55 14:45 15:15 15:50 16:10 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:15 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 04:30 05:20 06:10 06:35

Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Fireman Sam Roary the Racing Car Peppa Pig Roobarb and Custard Too Olivia Little Princess Little Lodgers The Mr. Men Show Noddy in Toyland Fifi and The Flowertots Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Thomas and Friends Pocoyo Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures Chiro Hana’s Helpline The Wright Stuff The Trisha Goddard Show I Own Britain’s Best Home five News Wordplay Neighbours Home and Away Wordplay Plus The Wedding Dress Five News With Natasha Kaplinsky Neighbours Home and Away Animal Rescue Squad Party Election Broadcast Five News at 7 Cricket on Five Helicopter Warfare CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Miami CSI: New York The Shield NBA Basketball NBA Basketball Indycar Series Neighbours Home and Away

07:00 07:10 07:25 07:35 07:45 07:50 08:00 08:15 08:27 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:10 09:20 09:25 09:40 09:50 09:55 10:00 10:15 11:45 12:45 13:45 13:55 14:45 15:15 15:50 16:05 16:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:25 20:30 21:00 22:00 00:30 01:30 03:05 03:40 04:30 06:10 06:35

Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Fireman Sam Roary the Racing Car Peppa Pig Roobarb and Custard Too Olivia Little Princess Little Lodgers The Mr. Men Show Noddy in Toyland Fifi and The Flowertots Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Thomas and Friends Pocoyo Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures Chiro Hana’s Helpline The Wright Stuff The Trisha Goddard Show I Own Britain’s Best Home five News Wordplay Neighbours Home and Away Wordplay Plus The Family Recipe Murder 101: If Wishes Were Horses Five News With Natasha Kaplinsky Neighbours Home and Away Animal Rescue Squad Party Election Broadcast Five News at 7 Party Election Broadcast Highland Emergency CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Presumed Innocent True CSI Partypoker.Com European Open V V8 Supercars Race and Rally UK NHL Ice Hockey Neighbours Home and Away

WEDNESDAY MAY 27TH 07:00 10:15 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:15 14:00 14:30 14:45 15:15 16:00 16:05 16:15 16:25 16:50 17:00 17:05 17:35 18:00 18:05 18:15 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:25 23:35 23:40 23:50 00:50 02:35 02:40 03:40 04:40 05:25

Breakfast Real Rescues Homes under the Hammer The Unsellables Cash in the Attic Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Diagnosis Murder BBC News Big and Small Grandpa in My Pocket Tronji Funky Fables Thumb Wrestling Federation Paradise Cafe Blue Peter MyWish Newsround The Weakest Link BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather Party Election Broadcast for the European Parliament by the Green Party The One Show Animal 24/7 10 Things You Need To Know About Losing Weight The Apprentice BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Party Election Broadcast For The European Parliament By No2eu - Yes To Democracy The National Lottery Draws The Street It Runs in the Family Weatherview The Incredible Human Journey Professor Regan’s... Real Rescues BBC News

07:00 07:30 08:00 08:25 08:55 09:00 09:20 09:50 10:10 10:25 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:15 14:00 14:30 15:00 16:00 16:45 17:30 18:15 18:55 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:30 00:20 00:25 01:25 05:00 05:20 05:40 06:00 06:15 06:35

Tikkabilla Teletubbies Jakers: The Adventures of Piggley Winks Space Pirates Poetry Pie Bear Behaving Badly Basil’s Game Show Wolverine and The X-Men Pinky and Perky Thumb Wrestling Federation Beat The Boss USA Little Howard’s Big Question SMart! Dangermouse Return to Oz See Hear Working Lunch Escape to the Country Murder, She Wrote Flog It! Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Cash in the Celebrity Attic Party Election Broadcast for the European Parliament by the Green Party Great British Menu Keep It In The Family Springwatch Armando Iannucci in Milton’s Heaven and Hell The Apprentice: You’re Fired! Newsnight Party Election Broadcast For The European Parliament By No2eu - Yes To Democracy The Wire BBC News Short Circuit Short Circuit Short Circuit Short Circuit Short Circuit Short Circuit

07:00 GMTV 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News and Weather 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News and


15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 The Biggest Loser 18:00 Divided 19:00 London Tonight 19:10 Party Election Broadcast By

The Green Party

19:15 ITV Evening News and


19:30 Emmerdale 20:00 UEFA Champions League


23:10 News at Ten and Weather 23:45 Benidorm 00:15 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 02:05 Nightwatch With Steve Scott 03:00 Loose Women 03:45 The Jeremy Kyle Show 04:40 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News

06:50 07:15 07:40 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:25 10:55 11:55 13:00 13:30 14:05 16:25 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:55 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:05 01:05 02:05 03:05 04:05 05:05 05:55 06:40

The Hoobs The Hoobs Planet Cook Freshly Squeezed Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Will and Grace The Class Fat March USA Alexa’s Top 20 Headline Grabbers News at Noon The City Gardener The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance Countdown Deal or No Deal Coach Trip Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News 3 Minute Wonder Embarrassing Bodies Grand Designs Desperate Housewives The Operation Dirty Sexy Money Around The World in 80 Trades Missing: Race Against Time Full Metal Challenge Scrapheap Challenge Countdown Cubeez


Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •

THURSDAY MAY 28TH 07:00 10:15 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:15 14:00 14:30 14:45 15:15 16:00 16:05 16:15 16:25 16:50 17:05 17:35 18:05 18:15 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 23:25 23:35 23:40 00:40 02:45 02:50 03:20 04:15 05:00

Breakfast Real Rescues Homes under the Hammer The Unsellables Cash in the Attic Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Diagnosis Murder BBC News Big and Small Grandpa in My Pocket Tronji Funky Fables Ed and Oucho’s Excellent Inventions Horrible Histories Newsround The Weakest Link BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather Party Election Broadcast for the European Parliament by the Liberal Democrats The One Show EastEnders On the Fiddle? My Family Tourettes: I Swear I Can’t Help It BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Party Election Broadcast for the European Parliament by the Jury Team Question Time The Name of The Rose Holiday Weatherview Panorama Countryfile Real Rescues BBC News

07:00 07:30 08:00 08:25 08:55 09:00 09:20 09:50 10:10 10:25 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:20 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:15 16:00 16:45 17:30 18:15 18:55 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:30 00:20 00:25 01:05 05:00 06:00

Tikkabilla Teletubbies Jakers: The Adventures of Piggley Winks Space Pirates Poetry Pie Bear Behaving Badly Basil’s Game Show Wolverine and The X-Men Pinky and Perky Thumb Wrestling Federation Beat The Boss USA Little Howard’s Big Question SMart! Wide Awake Coast Working Lunch Castle in the Country Animal 24/7 Escape to the Country Murder, She Wrote Flog It! Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Cash in the Celebrity Attic Party Election Broadcast for the European Parliament by the Liberal Democrats Great British Menu The Apprentice Springwatch Keep It In The Family The Graham Norton Show Newsnight Party Election Broadcast for the European Parliament by the Jury Team The Apprentice: You’re Fired! BBC News Short Circuit Short Circuit

07:00 GMTV 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News and Weather 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News and


15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 The Biggest Loser 18:00 Divided 19:00 London Tonight 19:25 Party Election Broadcast By

The Liberal Democrats

19:30 ITV Evening News and


20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Countrywise 21:00 Coronation Street 21:30 Britain’s Got Talent 23:00 News at Ten and Weather 23:30 Party Election Broadcast By

Jury Team

23:35 The Fast and the Furious 01:35 Motorsport UK 02:25 Crossing Jordan 03:15 Loose Women 04:00 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News

06:50 07:15 07:40 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 10:55 11:55 12:50 13:00 13:30 13:35 14:40 16:25 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:55 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:05 01:10 01:45 02:15 02:25 02:55 03:55 04:00 04:45 04:55 05:55 06:40

The Hoobs The Hoobs Planet Cook Freshly Squeezed Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Will and Grace The Class Fat March USA Fat March USA Supporting Acts News at Noon 3 Minute Wonder Life Begins Again Two Thousand Women Countdown Deal or No Deal Coach Trip Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News 3 Minute Wonder The Home Show The Building Inspector is Coming Extreme Male Beauty The Operation Xbox Campfire Sessions Dubplate Drama Gary Go The Shockwaves Album Chart Show Around The World in 80 Trades 3 Minute Wonder The Closer British Made Scrapheap Challenge Countdown Cubeez

07:00 07:10 07:25 07:35 07:50 08:00 08:15 08:27 08:30 08:42 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:25 09:40 09:50 09:55 10:00 10:15 11:45 12:45 13:45 13:55 14:45 15:15 15:50 16:10 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:25 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 05:00 05:45 06:10 06:35

Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Fireman Sam Roary the Racing Car Peppa Pig Olivia Little Princess Little Lodgers The Mr. Men Show Milkshake! Show Songs Noddy in Toyland Fifi and The Flowertots Peppa Pig Thomas and Friends Pocoyo Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures Chiro Hana’s Helpline The Wright Stuff The Trisha Goddard Show I Own Britain’s Best Home five News Wordplay Neighbours Home and Away Wordplay Plus Mystery Woman: Mystery Weekend Five News With Natasha Kaplinsky Neighbours Home and Away Animal Rescue Squad Party Election Broadcast Five News at 7 Party Election Broadcast Highland Emergency Paul Merton in India The Mentalist Law and Order: Special Victims Unit Law and Order: Criminal Intent Quiz Call NBA Basketball Wildlife SOS Neighbours Home and Away

The Hoobs The Hoobs Planet Cook Freshly Squeezed Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Will and Grace The Class Fat March USA Fat March USA Post Modern Pastimes News at Noon Life Begins Again I Was a Male War Bride Countdown Deal or No Deal Coach Trip Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News 3 Minute Wonder A Place In The Sun Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days 4music Favourites: Black Eyed Peas The JD Set Presents... Tori Amos No Angels What About Brian The Closer Scrapheap Challenge Countdown World Superbikes

07:00 07:10 07:25 07:35 07:50 08:00 08:15 08:27 08:30 08:42 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:25 09:40 09:50 09:55 10:00 10:15 11:45 12:45 13:45 13:55 14:45 15:15 15:50 16:05 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 05:00 05:45 06:10 06:35

Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Fireman Sam Roary the Racing Car Peppa Pig Olivia Little Princess Little Lodgers The Mr. Men Show Milkshake! Show Songs Noddy in Toyland Fifi and The Flowertots Peppa Pig Thomas and Friends Pocoyo Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures Chiro Hana’s Helpline The Wright Stuff The Trisha Goddard Show I Own Britain’s Best Home five News Wordplay Neighbours Home and Away Wordplay Plus A Painted House five News Neighbours Home and Away Animal Rescue Squad Party Election Broadcast Five News at 7 Top Trumps Police Interceptors NCIS Law and Order: Criminal Intent NUMB3RS Quiz Call The Gadget Show Wildlife SOS Neighbours Home and Away

FRIDAY MAY 29TH 07:00 10:15 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:15 14:00 14:30 14:45 15:15 16:00 16:05 16:15 16:25 16:50 17:05 17:35 18:05 18:15 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:25 23:35 00:35 00:40 02:40 02:45 03:45 04:30

Breakfast Real Rescues Homes under the Hammer The Unsellables Cash in the Attic Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Diagnosis Murder BBC News Big and Small Grandpa in My Pocket Tronji The Secret Show Animals at Work Trapped Newsround The Weakest Link BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather Party Election Broadcast for the European Parliament by the UKIP The One Show A Question of Sport EastEnders Total Wipeout Fast Forward Have I Got News For You Reggie Perrin BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Friday Night with Jonathan Ross National Lottery Euromillions Draw Starship Troopers Weatherview 10 Things You Need to Know About Sleep Real Rescues BBC News

07:00 07:30 08:00 08:25 08:55 09:00 09:20 09:50 10:10 10:25 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:25 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:15 16:00 16:45 17:30 18:15 18:55 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:30 00:00 00:35 01:40 02:25 03:20 04:20 05:20

Tikkabilla Teletubbies Jakers: The Adventures of Piggley Winks Space Pirates Poetry Pie Bear Behaving Badly Basil’s Game Show Wolverine and The X-Men Pinky and Perky Thumb Wrestling Federation Beat The Boss USA Little Howard’s Big Question SMart! The Country Bears Coast Working Lunch Castle in the Country Animal 24/7 Escape to the Country Murder, She Wrote Flog It! Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Cash in the Celebrity Attic Party Election Broadcast for the European Parliament by the UKIP Great British Menu Eggheads Are You Being Served? Mastermind Gardeners’ World My Life in Verse Britain’s Best Drives Newsnight Newsnight Review Later... with Jools Holland Medium The Wire The Wire The Wire Pages from Ceefax

07:00 GMTV 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News and Weather 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News and


15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 The Biggest Loser 18:00 Divided 19:00 London Tonight 19:25 Party Election Broadcast By

The UK Independence Party

19:30 ITV Evening News and


20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Tonight 21:30 Britain’s Got Talent 23:00 News at Ten and Weather 23:30 Party Election Broadcast By


23:35 The Beguiled 01:35 Nightwatch With Steve Scott 02:25 Nightwatch With Steve Scott 03:20 Red Skies 04:45 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News

06:50 07:15 07:40 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 10:55 11:55 12:45 13:00 13:30 14:30 16:25 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:55 21:00 22:00 23:00 01:10 01:45 01:55 02:10 03:10 03:50 04:40 05:35 06:20

Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •



Green Wave Spreading Across Mazarrón Area Gardening is infectious Peter from Fuente Meat Traders, Greg from the CRA, Gerard from Mercers Estate agents, Pamela and Graham from Tidy Gardens and Enchanted Gardens and Mark from C and M Construction, on the Mercers Roundabout, currently being refurbished.

The MCC Neighbourhood Concern Gardening Group It has the same effect as a man opening his car bonnet on a deserted suburban street on a Sunday morning; one minute there’s nobody around, then the next there are ten blokes peering into the engine, opening their toolboxes and rolling up their sleeves to help with the job in hand. What started as a clean up campaign on sector D, Camposol, has now spread to embrace not only the whole of Camposol, with

volunteer groups operating on all the sectors, but has infected the Mazarrón Country Club as well, with a new volunteer group cleaning up communal areas and planting community gardens. Members of Simply Business have supported their local community efforts in whatever way they can, according to their means. The English Butchers on sector A donated a mountain of sausages, Quick Save sent down a tray of rolls and the Trevi Bar

contributed a box of refreshments, keeping up the strength of the volunteers on a mammoth gravel spreading exercise, when 50 tons of gravel were spread across a newly cleared area. Others have donated equipment and expertise; C and M Constructions providing machinery to assist with clearing efforts on Sector A, and Plant Marketing International donating thousands of square metres of used mypex to help with weed control, whilst others have gone one step further and sponsored entire roundabouts, all of which has created a cleaner, more cared for environment for the residents of the urbanizations who have turned out in their hundreds to weed, rake, gravel and plant. One of the major stumbling blocks in the community works is the ongoing discussions between the Town Council and Masa in relation to the completion of the urbanization and handover to the council. Liaising with all parties has been the unenviable task of Laurence, from Simply Networking, who sought permissions from all parties to ensure that both the urbanization residents and the businesses themselves would be protected from the possible side effects of over-enthusiastic community efforts, and is now grateful to hand over the policing of completed roundabouts to the CRA, who have agreed to ensure that cleaned roundabouts remain clean, and the urbanization doesn’t drown in a sea of unwanted advertising boards. “Our overwhelming concern is to make sure that everyone benefits from the enthusiasm of the volunteers”, he said, “the residents have to live here on a day to day basis, so their agreement is paramount, but we also have to ensure that businesses who put in the larger sums of money to assist in the major projects have the presence to warrant their expenditure. Sponsorship is a common occurrence in the UK, but it’s something completely new over here. Now that we have a control structure in place, we can begin to tackle some of the larger projects on the urbanization, and make a real difference. We’re affiliated to the Royal Horticultural Society, and have taken their campaign, connect with your community, to

heart, and are following the wave of enthusiasm that has joined communities across the UK”. Rainbow Satellites, Eurospas, Tidy Gardens, Mercers Estate Agents, Plant Marketing Intl and Daniel Rust, mosaic artist have all

Sector D Volunteer Group

sponsored complete roundabouts, and with the new structured volunteer groups gaining momentum, many more look set to join the community efforts and make Mazarrón a greener place to live.

What is Simply Networking? There’s nothing more irritating than hearing about a fantastic event after it happened. That’s why we started a website which gives masses of free information about events, people, clubs and the activities of local businesses within the Mazarrón, Alhama, Totana and Cartagena area, drilling it down to give local, up-to-date information on a day to day basis. We aim to bring people together, helping them make the most of life in Spain, and believe passionately that business, communities and good causes benefit tremendously from working with common goals in mind, so promote community schemes, business sponsorship and the irrepressible British community spirit. The business networking group, Simply Business, offers local, legal business people a forum to create beneficial business relationships; Simply Gardening brings together those who share a love of plants, whilst Simply Active and Simply Social give people the opportunity to find others with similar interests, communicate through

the free forums and keep up-todate with specifically local events that are pertinent to them. It takes a lot of time to source the information, particularly when the local Town Halls don’t even release the concert details until the day before the event actually happens, but there’s nothing more satisfying than turning up to the concert ourselves, and meeting a group of fellow ex-pats who’d seen it on the website and were having a really enjoyable evening out for free. And when someone takes the trouble to email and say how much they enjoyed an event, or sends us photos of a plant in flower that they took home from the gardening meeting as a scrappy little cutting, it’s the most rewarding job imaginable. To see what we do, get connected, go to our website on and make the most of your life here in Spain. Tel. 968 971 824. Simply Networking, bringing people together.


Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •

Joining The Local Pensionistas

– it’s easier than you think, and great fun too....

One thing that most of us find out fairly quickly when moving to a new country is that it’s not what you know, but who you know that matters. Joining the local Pensionistas is a great way to meet not only other ex-pats, but also to integrate with the local spanish, and take advantage of all the low cost activities that Spanish pensioners enjoy. In this article, Jon Thompson, who partakes in many of the activities of the Puerto de Mazarrón pensionistas, explains how to join the pensionistas and what to expect. How would you like to learn a new hobby, have an (inexpensive) haircut, use a library and computer room, take exercise, make new friends, learn more about the culture, customs and language of the country you are living in and get a cup of coffee at one of the lowest prices in the area? You can by joining the Centro Social de Personas Mayores (Social Centre for Senior Citizens) or the Pensionistas Club of Puerto de Mazarrón, as it is known. The building is on Calle Mayor, two storey, glass fronted, not very attractive but bustling with activity. Ground floor has the restaurant, tables and chairs

for card playing and rooms for medical treatment. There is also a reception area where the willing staff will help you and answer your

questions. The first floor has some administration offices, library, hairdresser, computer room, meeting rooms and display cases. The second floor is presently being renovated. Membership is free and (under new rules introduced this month) renewable every five years. The reason for renewing is to keep track of the total number of members. Under the present scheme there are 5,300 members on the books but as very few people ever advise

Your Vote Is Important In Spain On the 23rd May 2009 in the Sensol Hotel at 11.30am Rafael Lopez-Dieguez, national leader of the Alternativa Espanola (AES) will chair an open forum to discuss the cooperation between the British Conservative Party and the AES.

Topics for discussion include: • •

Camposol and its many problems The problems of British Expats in Spain.

As part of his visit Senor Lopez-Dieguez will have a breakfast meeting with the Chairman of the CRA and also representatives from the Country Club. He will also be taken on a short tour of Camposol to see the problems we face for himself. THIS AFFECTS YOU ALL!!! The meeting will be in English and will give everyone an opportunity to pass on their views to someone who will soon be in a position to support our cause. PLEASE TAKE THE OPPORTUNITY TO ATTEND. The European Elections are on the 7th June 2009.

when they move to another area or country (or die!) it is likely that actual membership is much lower. In recent years the number of foreigners has increased with the British being the largest group. To qualify as a member, you have to live in Murcia, be over 65 years old or be 60 years old and receive a pension (changed from 60 and 55 years under the new decree). Your wife/husband or partner can join even if they do not qualify by age but you will need to prove that they are living with you – see below. To join is easy. Make an appointment at reception to meet with Servicios Sociales (Social Worker) Alfonso Cifuentes who has an office on the first floor. The telephone number is 968 154 443, or you can just turn up if your Spanish is a little ropey. Miguel is also very helpful and friendly and

he is usually around during the day. Bring with you two photographs, NIE, passport, and padron, but the padrons need to be verified by the Ayuntamiento (Town Hall) if one of you does not qualify by right. Alfonso will input your data into his computer and explain the goings on of the Club. He is taking an English speaking course this month so his English should be superb by June! The process takes

about 40 minutes and you collect your pass from reception the following week. The Social Centros come under the Instituto Murciano de Acción Social (IMAS) and you can only join one. Paradoxically, the Club in Mazarrón Town is not under IMAS but is run by the Ayuntamiento, so in theory, you could be members of both Puerto de Mazarrón and Mazarrón Town. The only employees of the Centro

the Barriers). The group is led by Alfonso and the programme varies, sometimes a member gives a presentation of their country or city, discusses a hobby, or a local place of interest (Mazarrón old town hall) is visited, history of the area or you learn about Spain. The present group of 40 is full and winding down for the summer but in September, it will re-open, again under tighter rules, so that membership can be opened to

are the new Directora Consuelo Hernández Chicano, Alfonso and the three receptionists. The Centro is mostly run by volunteers of the members under a Council (Committee) chaired by Ana Méndez. Maria Angeles Martin arranges excursions and visits on a regular basis to neighbouring places of interest, usually day returns, when the bus cost is subsidised by the Club, or to places further a field which last two or three days. The longer trips are not subsidised but are extremely good value. Recent short trips have been to Cartagena Roman Theatre, the fish research farm in Isla Plana and the mines in Mazarrón. The longer trips have been to Jerez, Andorra and Yeste. They are going to Salamanca in June. Fortnightly on a Wednesday at 4 pm a group of foreigners meet to “Rompiendo Barrearas” (Break

those who participate. Put your name down now and there will possibly be space for the next year’s session starting in September. Mayo Cultural 2009 is currently underway with a varied programme of activities throughout the month of May. Pick up a leaflet. You may never fully fit into Spanish society but to quote Giles Tremlett from his book “Ghosts of Spain” you can be “an integrated outsider”. One way to achieve that aim is to join a Centro Social, and get involved with the locals, even if it’s just calling in for a cup of coffee from time to time. The Centre is open from 9am – 8pm, Monday to Friday, and from 10am- 8.30pm, Saturday and Sunday. Many thanks to Jon Thompson for the time and effort put into researching and writing this article.

The Welcome Group 55 members of the Welcome Group have just returned from a visit to the beautiful city of Cordoba, where they enjoyed 3 days soaking up the atmosphere and visiting the multitude of narrow streets, crammed with flowers and decorations as part of the annual fiesta, Festival of the Patios. Neighbours and friends decorate patios, courtyards, balconies and rejas with flowers and plants, in friendly rivalry, competing for prizes in a competition which celebrates the new growth and beauty of the Spanish spring. The group had a wonderful 3 days, enjoying not only each others company, but the architectural splendour of this historical city. Maureen and Rosemary, who organise the group and events, extend their thanks to all who took part in this sociable and pleasurable visit, including coach driver Alfonso, who, along with the bingo, quiz and goodie bags which entertained on the outward journey, helped to make the trip so enjoyable for all who went to Cordoba. The next meeting of the Welcome Group is on Saturday 6th June at 2pm, in Marianos Restaurant, Camposol Sector A, and anyone

who wishes to find out more about the activities of this friendly social group is welcome to go along. For more information, call

Rosemary on 620 105 179 or Maureen on 618 254 143 or go to the website on www.

Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •


Out & About A Visit to the Guadalest, The Eagles Nest If you look through guide books, or visit Benidorm, you’d think that all there is to do in The Costa Blanca is visit beaches and bars, but the truth is, that if you are willing to explore, there are lots of ways to enjoy yourself including lunch in Villajoyosa, visits to historic cities like Alicante and Elche and natural attractions like The Caves of Canelobre and Guadalest. The Moorish stronghold of Guadalest, positioned in the Aitana, Serella & Xorta Mountains, has always been a popular tourist destination where you can visit a number of different museums and enjoy breathtaking panoramic views over the reservoir, with its clear blue waters. Allow a half a day for a visit; take a picnic, your camera and walking shoes, as you can explore the village and the surrounding countryside. There are lots of souvenir shops but if you are visiting in the peak season arrive early before the coaches. One attraction which is still featured on some sites is El Arca wildlife sanctuary, Noah’s Ark, which was closed to the public in 2008. There are 2 ways to get there and both involve climbing up through twisting roads through dramatic scenery but the best and widest route is via the CV70, signposted through La Nuncia, Polop and this is the main coach route. The more scenic route the CV-755 will take you through the town of Vella to Callosa d’En Sarrià and then onto El Castell de Guadalest and is the same route to reach the Fonts d'Algar waterfall. On the same road will also take you past the Vall de Guadalest Motorcycle Museum. On both routes there are lots of places to stop for local restaurants and stores selling local products and souvenirs. There’s plenty of parking and a tourist information office on the left and parking for a fee of €1.70 The village itself has 200 residents who make their living from tourism and subsequently there are lots restaurants, museums and shops selling a vast range of souvenirs to suit all tastes. The small town of Guadalest is divided into 3 areas; the area to the left of the car park has modern shops and the Tourist Office. The old village is probably the best place to sit, have a coffee and get your bearings and where you’ll find a variety of shops and 4 museums, the Micro-Gigantic Museum, Dolls House Museum, Torture Museum, and the Ribero Girona Museum. The final area, the walled town, is on the right entered through the ‘Portal de San José’ a 15 foot tunnel carved through the rocks and leading to the Moorish city and main viewing points - but be prepared for the waiting photographer at the end of the tunnel who will snap you and you’ll find a keying waiting as you leave, cost €5. The main walled town with its panoramic views over the reservoir and dams really is the highlight of the visit as on one side of the square you can sit on the stone seats and from the viewing point look over and see the ‘Embalse de Guadalest’, a dam and reservoir, which was built between 1953 and 1962, that is 26 metres high and 270 metres long, that supplies water to a number of towns and villages in the area, including Benidorm. The water is a beautiful turquoise colour. If you are not careful, with a choice of 6 museums each charging €4 entry for adults and €2 for children it can become an expensive day. There are certain places that you must visit, the first being the Orduña house, which is a restored house and museum where the Orduña family once lived and where you will find beautiful furniture and worth a special mention the library with its ancient manuscripts. To get to the highest vantage, Alcozaiba Castle and the cemetery you have to use the route via Orduña House as it is the only tourist route available. This is not really suitable for people with walking difficulties as there are lots of steps to climb but it’s worth it for 360 degree views of the valley. Living in Guadalest must be good for your health as you’ll see by visiting the cemetery. Read the dedications on the old and new graves and you’ll find that most people lived well into their 80’s and 90’s Following the steps down from The Castle you will reach a cobbled square where you will find some more restaurants, a school and a very tiny jail, obviously not used anymore. Heading back towards the tunnel you can visit the shops and Baroque style Catholic church. This review is just one of the many included in the Our Property Guide rental welcome pack and for help with renting your property visit or call +34 965 319 743

On the right, opposite the church, is an Ethnological museum, which is free to visit. As you enter you’ll be given a sheet in English which guides you around the exhibits. In a reconstruction of an 18th century house you can see what their homes were like. What they wore and examples of a bread oven, a pantry, a yard with animals and different tools for agricultural work including wine and olive oil making.

Guadalest is not only a tourist attraction; it is actually a busy village with houses and schools, where the population rely on tourism and agriculture for their income. Popular with the Spanish on most days during the school year you’ll find parties of school children with local guides singing and playing games in the courtyards. It is well worth a visit and once you have been there once you’ll probably go back as you can always find something new and different to see and do in this charming village.

Where would you like to send Roy? If you have a particular place in mind which you would like reviewing then please send in your suggestion and perhaps it will feature as one of our next Out & About reviews.


Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •

What's On where Camposol Fiesta Programme

One For The Classic Car Enthusiasts

The outline programme for the Camposol Fiesta over the weekend of 27th and 28th June has been released and is packed with exciting events to bring the ex-pat community together in a fantastic weekend of free entertainment. Following the official opening at 12 midday on Saturday 27th, the live music begins with the Little Rock band and continues until 2am with an outrageous disco party featuring the Scorpio sound and light and foam show. By 9.10pm on the Saturday, somebody will be the proud owner of a brand new Citroen C3 for just a 10 euro ticket purchase. There are still a few tickets left , available from Yorkshire Linen (Puerto de Mazarrón) The English Butcher on Sector A, Alley Palais on Sector B and in the foyer of Consum, Camposol B. Sunday sees the titanic struggles of the Camposol Olympics with sweating teams competing in the Tug of War and the Fun Run, before the families compete in a series of easier events, carefully designed so that men, women and kids can all compete on a level playing field. At 11am, the classic car show takes place, with the afternoon filled with demonstrations from the children’s dance school, martial arts display and the fun dog show, all in the manner of a traditional British summer event. In amongst it all, a craft fair, village fete style stalls including Hook the Duck, Aunt Sally, Coconut Shy, Beat the Goalie and lots more - bouncy castles, for the little kids and the ones that never quite grew up will be running, providing genuine family entertainment for all ages. Many local charities and organisations are joining together to participate in the fiesta, which hopes to attract several thousand visitors over the weekend.

The weekend of 22nd, 23rd and 24th May sees the important rally and exhibition given by the Club Ruta Del Sol, the most prestigious classic car club in the region. The VII Feria Auto-retro Region de Murcia, the seventh annual fair of retro cars of the region of Murcia, takes place in the Antiguo Cuartel de Artilleria in Murcia. A wonderful selection of vehicles will be on display, some just for admiring, others for sale, together with the expected selection of trade stands and professional services on offer. The fair is open from 4pm on Friday afternoon until 9pm at night, then from 10am until 9pm on both Saturday and Sunday. This is the biggest classic car event of the year in Murcia, so if you love the craftsmanship and design of beautiful cars and motorbikes, make sure you don't miss it. Anyone who owns a classic car and is interested in joining the club can contact the director on 968 350 428 or email auto-retro@, The Antiguo Cuartel de Artilleria, Murcia, is on the edge of town, in Calle Cartagena, close to the Autovia A30 and the N340. Looking at google maps it would appear that the exit is 395 from the Autovia.

Fiesta programme: Saturday 27th June: 12.00pm

Official Opening of Fiesta Opening of Sideshows, Games, Stalls, Craft Fair (20+ exhibitors), Bouncy Castles (adults and children), Paint Ball Target Range and more.


Giant Paella will be served (free to all)


Live Music ..Little Rock Band


Live Music ..The Rumble


Flamenco with Dancers and Horses


Live Music


Live Music


Surprise Guest Vocalists


Display by Sundance Line Dancers


The Blues Brothers Tribute


Draw Time - A New Citroen C3 WILL BE WON


The Liverpool Band


Firework Spectacular


Live Music


Disco Party with Scorpio Sound and Light and Foam Show.



Sunday 28th June: 09.45

Camposol Crazy Olympics. Great fun for everyone.


Grand Parade of Historic and Classic cars.


Live Music


Fun Dog Show


Live Music


Lloyds Class, Martial Arts Display


Louise’s Dance School - Kids of all Ages

17.30 till 22.00

Live Music and Cabaret


Fiesta Closing Disco Party

Classic Car and Camposol Fiesta article kindly provided by:

Genre: Drama/Mystery/Thriller Duration: 127 Rating: PG-13 (Some violence, language plus sexual refs, brief drug content.)

Saturday 30th & Sunday 31st May 5.30pm & 8.15pm A petty thief is gunned down in an alley and a Congressman's assistant falls in front of a subway - two seemingly unrelated deaths. But not to wisecracking, brash newspaper reporter Cal McAffrey who spies a conspiracy waiting to be uncovered. With a turbulent past connected to the Congressman and the aid of ambitious young rookie writer Della Frye, Cal begins uprooting clues that lead him to a corporate cover-up full of insiders, informants, and assassins. But as he draws closer to the truth, the relentless journalist must decide if it's worth risking his life and selling his soul to get the ultimate story.

Rascals 2009 Variety Show Continental Capers Come and enjoy a good evening of entertainment which will leave you with the “feel good” factor. This is a show in four sections. Sit tight for a journey of music, dance & comedy as you are whisked through three continents. In the very colourful Latin Quarter you will be “Flying down to Rio”. The second section is an American Odyssey. A lot more travelling is involved to various places in the USA. After a short break you will be taken on a European Experience travelling from Copenhagen to France and on to Italy. To add to the flavour a couple of songs are sung in French and Italian. The last section is of course “The Best of British” which includes some well known songs and a lively rock and roll dance. All this for only 8 Euros including a programme. Tel Sue on 96 678 4874 for reservations. Next performance is at the Catral Casa del Cultura on Friday 5th June at 19.30. This is the RASCALS 15th year and to date 88,000 Euros has been donated to local charities. All the money from ticket sales are donated to a designated charity and presented on the night of the performance. With your help we hope to crash the 100,000 Euro barrier this year.

Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •


What's On where 23rd May 2009, 8.30pm

Philharmonic Orchestra of Dresden, Brahms and Schumann Auditorium Victor Villegas, Murcia. Rafael Fruhbeck de Burgos, Director, Performing Brahms – Symphony no. 3 Schumann – Symphony no. 3 In 2005 the orchestra celebrated 135 years in existence, and is one of the premier philharmonic orchestras in the world.

29th May 2009, 8.30 pm

Symphonic Orchestra of Murcia Auditorium Victor Villegas, Murcia. Spanish Brass Luur Metals, 5 piece, Director Jose Miguel Rodilla, C. Lindberg – Brain Rubbish, J.J. Colomer – La Devota Lasciva, A.Copland – Rodeo, Suite, G. Gershwin – An American in Paris

7th June 2009, 8.30pm

Symphonic Orchestra of Vienna, Haydn and Mahler, Auditorium Victor Villegas, Murcia. Haydn - Symphony no. 87, The Bear, Mahler – Symphony no. 4, Mojca Erdmann, Soprano, Fabio Luisi, Director Information about the Auditorium Victor Villegas, Murcia: The auditorium hosts a wide range of musical and dance performances by top worldwide artists. Ticket prices are fairly steep compared to many other performances in the region, but the performances are all absolutely top class and the facilities are superb.

Ticket sales: Telephone 968 34 30 80

Opening times: Monday to Friday from 10am to 1pm and 5pm to 8pm, Saturdays

from 10am to 1pm, Saturdays and performance days, the box office is open 2 hours before the performance for ticket collections and sales. Sundays closed. To buy tickets online and to see the full programme of events go to www. The Auditorium Victor Villegas is situated in the Avenida Primer de Mayo, which is one of the principle arteries of Murcia, directly off the Ronda Sur, the main southern ring road.

9th May 2009

Evening Barbecue on the beach Event type: Daytime, PALS event. Popular evening barbecue. Food and drinks included. Bring your own table and chairs. Ticket price 13 euros. Tickets on sale outside the Steak Out Bar, Camposol B commercial centre every Saturday, or call Ken on 626 460 465 or email for more details.

30th May 2009, 7.30pm

Grand dance fundraiser for the Orchid Ministries Orphanage. Event type: Evening The orchid ministries orphanage project , which aims to directly help children affected by prostitution, poverty and neglect, is holding a fundraising dance at the Hotel Playa Grande, with John Sloeman on guitar and Martin Ross, as "One Time." The entertainment starts at 7.30pm and carries on until late, and is priced at 25 euros a ticket, including a buffet and entertainment. For tickets and more information call Bert: 679 789 925 Dick (Camposol): 650 773 431, Cliff: on 629 834 946 or Belin: 699 707 954

Events supplied by: Simply Networking email:

SABS Spanish Association Of Barbershop Singers Bigger Venue For “En Armonía Show” SABS – the Spanish Association of Barbershop Singers – has moved its ‘En Armonía’ show to a bigger venue. The Teatro Auditorio Municipal in the Plaza Hernandez, Torrevieja will open its doors to the public on 6 June at 8:00 pm for the first-ever festival of barbershop singing in Spain. Tickets are just 5 Euros and are on sale at the Theatre Box Office, which is open Tuesday to Friday from 11:00 to 13:00 or you can call 966 706 838. Topping the bill will be British Gold Medallists ‘Finesse’ ladies’ quartet, supported by choruses and quartets from all over Spain, comprising various nationalities. “It promises to be a night to remember.” commented Nico de las Peñas, SABS President. “The Levante members of SABS have worked tirelessly to put this exceptional show together and I am really looking forward to performing with my own quartet, ‘The Investigators’. We’ve worked hard to make this a truly international show and the new venue means that more people can enjoy the evening with us”. Tickets will sell fast so book yours now to ensure that you don’t miss out on this unique event. If you would like to know more about SABS or any of the member choruses, please visit their website: www.sabs. es or email them at


Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •

Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •

Vega Baja Premier Golf League


Mazarrón Bowls Club

Inter Society Day - Roda Golf - 15th May 2009 The end of the season Inter Society Day was being played this year at Roda Golf the winter venue for the PGA of Europe, the weather for the day was perfect for the start but a challenging breeze did get up in the afternoon, to make play a little more testing. The course was in excellent condition which we now come to expect from Roda thanks to Roger Sidwell formerly at The Belfry, and it shows. Some of the teams were looking to salvage some pride from either a mediocre season and so it was with a great deal of enthusiasm that the first balls were struck. There were 14 Societies with 6 players in each team, 84 players all competing for their respective teams, there was still and individual prize to play for, and the prizes were provided by Nike Golf and Roda Golf. 50% of the players scored over 30 points, so it seemed inevitable that the scores for the teams was going to be close, but it was Rocajuna Golf Society that piped opponents Katie Reilly Golf Society by just six points, top scorer for Rocajuna was Captain Tony (Mr Nike) Poole with 36 points and all of his team exceeded 30 points to total a very respectable 206 points. Country cousins out of La Marquesa could only be separated by 1 point, with TOFFS coming off the better from last years winners Eurogolf.

The results of the day were: 1. Rocajuna G S 2. Katie Reilly G S 3. Alamo G S 3. La Manga South G S 4. TOFFS G S 5. Eurogolf G S 6. San Miguel G S 6. Las Ramblas G S 7. VIP Club 25 G S 8. Las Caballeros G S 9. La Manga North G S 10. Terra Mitica G S 11. Torre G S 12. El Raso G S

206 points 200 points 184 points 184 points 179 points 178 points 176 points 176 points 172 points 167 points 156 points 152 points 148 points 135 points

With 42 players achieving in excess of 30 points, it was going to take a good score to take the best individual and so it was with 41 points from VIP Club 25’s Geoff Willettt.

Geoff Willet – VIP Club 25 G S 41points Best Individual winner of Hybrid Club NEAREST THE PINS Hole 7: Ivie Davies – Torre G S Hole 13: Mike Box – Eurogolf G S The prize giving was performed by League Secretary Ivie Davies and announced by the League Treasurer Ron Nicholson. So congratulations to the Rocajuna team team for a having won the Inter Society Trophy but also being the promoted from the “C” Division just as Eurogolf did last year with a similar score. It shows that the format being played by the Vega Baja Premier Golf League is a system that promotes a team spirit and performance, as they averaged 34.3 points per player, followed very close by Katie Reilly G S averaging just the one point less on 33.3 Well the curtain has slowly been drawn on the season and what an excellent season it has been with many close and fair battles and the Inter Society Day was the crowning glory, it was an excellent day thoroughly enjoyed, by everyone without exception, a super day. A big thanks to Roda Golf staff both golf and catering, for the service and support, our sponsors Nike Golf for making it a day to remember. We now move on to our Gala Dinner Dance at La Perdiz Restaurant at San Javier on 23rd May. We are looking forward to the 2009/10 season and if it’s half as good as this past season we are in for a cracker. For more information on the Vega Baja Premier Golf League, contact The Secretary Ivie Davies 669 211 410 or

Open Tournaments “galore” at Hacienda del Alamo Over the next few months a number of very special Open tournaments will take place at Hacienda del Alamo. Our hope is to encourage as many players from as far and wide as possible to participate in three very different tournaments. Men’s Open Sunday - 31st May 2009 This is our inaugural Men´s Open competition and we hope that the stableford format will encourage many players to participate. Prizes will be awarded within 3 handicap categories, with longest drive and nearest the pin prizes also available. Mixed Open Sunday - 21st June 2009 Following on from the success of our Mixed Open last year, we hope to increase our

Victory over SABA Representative Side The last Sunday in April turned out to be a red letter day for Mazarron Bowls Club – in a very closely contested match at Hacienda, Mazarrón overcame the South Alicante Bowls Alliance representative side by 5 matches to three. Drawn from a dozen or so clubs in the region, the Alliance might have had the disadvantages that their match teams comprised players not accustomed to playing regularly with each other and further that our surface at Hacienda is quite a bit “slower” than the visitors might have been accustomed to. Nevertheless, although the home side had been alerted that a strong side was being presented against them and thus fearing the worst, Mazarrón rose to the occasion and equipped themselves well. The wins recorded by Mazarrón on five rinks skipped respectively by John Allaker, Gordon Tottey, Keith Salter, David Green and Doug Macfarlane were won individually by not more than 4 shots and in fact in the overall score count SABA outscored Mazarrón by 131 shots to 121. The event had a particular significance to Mazarrón to demonstrate to one of the provincial organising authorities that our facilities and green were up to the standards required and that our performance in play would be competitive with other clubs in the region. Waiting to be incorporated into the regional league structure, our application now has the merit of satisfactory performance and facilities to support our approach. But always looking to the future, the Club held another Open Introduction Day on the Sunday following the match weekend targeting newcomers to the sport and offering a further opportunity for more experienced players to make contact with the Club and some of its Members. Completely free of charge and with the necessary equipment provided including bowls, enough people came along to Hacienda to have seven rinks active. As with previous occasions, no doubt a number of those present will be back to join the Club and take their bowling experience a bit further. The Summer Triples League has opened now with this series being played on Thursdays extending through to early July. Nine teams are battling for the trophies this time. First results have come as a shock for some but healthy for the competition. The defending champions “Better Late than Never” and the runners-up from the last series “Tickety Boo 2” each lost their opening matches respectively to “All at C” selected from Julie Cooper, Graham Lewis, Les Crook and Richard Cooper and “Ballykiss Angels” from Rose Smith, Johnny Sparrow, David Green and Richard Smith. Both these teams together with new combination “Good, Bad and Ugly” (Sue Sparrow, Brian Wright, Nick Ford and Jim Tarrant) went on in the second week to consolidate their good starts with further wins and resulting in these three teams staying ahead of the field and “Ballykiss Angels” in the lead. There is a long way to go but already the leaders from series past are looking a bit jaded against the new shining lights. New Members and visitors are welcome to come along and join in with the Members at the open roll-ups held on Tuesdays and Sundays although the green is open for casual bowlers on any day of the week. Anyone looking for more information about the Club should contact the Secretary Richard Cooper on 968 131 619 or refer to the website at

entry and even try to encourage more married couples and partners to participate, providing they can get round the golf course without arguing!! With a very popular Greensomes format, this should be the ideal opportunity to see some low scores. Ladies Open Sunday - 12th July 2009 Last year 60 ladies participated in this event and again we would love to increase the numbers this year. The format is Texas Scramble, which develops great team spirit within the event. Longest drive and nearest the pin prizes will also be played for during the tournament, along with our own version of “No bet, No loose”. As with many large golf events we are always looking for sponsors to ensure that Open days are a success for everyone involved. If you are interested in sponsoring any of these events, please contact Elaine McBride: for more information regarding our sponsorship packages. For more information or to register, please contact 608771843 / 608353894 or e-mail


Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •

Mazarrón Finish on a High CD Bala Azul 2 , Mazarrón ‘San Antonio’ CF 1, 10.05.09 Mazarrón ‘San Antonio’ CF 5 CD Pozo Estrecho 3, 17.05.09 Roger, Photos credited to PascU MendeZ excellent game throughout, played the ball over the top and Arturo timed his run perfectly to fire past Soto. 10mins later a superb move by Mazarrón pulled a goal back. Munir started the move on the half way line. Cantero fed the ball to Viti and his ball through found Juanmi, who rounded the keeper and side footed in from a tight angle. Before the end, Rocamora shuddered the bar with a header from a corner and in added time he headed another just over, but it was not to be and the home side avenged their earlier defeat despite having Emilio sent off just before the end.

The happenings at the start of the first match do not bode well for the future of Mazarrón Football Club. As the whistle was blown to start the play, all the Mazarrón players sat down on the ground in protest at not having been paid by the owners of the club. The home players kicked the ball around amongst themselves for about 30secs, as an act of solidarity. As the game proper got started, Bala Azul were the first ones to settle down and Soto had to be sharp to save a shot from Agustin, before Juanmi hit a shot on the volley from 16ms that went just wide. In the 20th min, Raul, in the home goal was fortunate to stay on the pitch when he bolted out to flatten Paco on the edge of his area when he was the final line of defence. Perhaps he didn’t know that he was a goalie as well! Juanmi’s curling free kick was punched over the bar by Raul. Bala Azul took the lead in the 30th min. Munir, again playing as a makeshift right back, gave the ball away in midfield. Mada’s run caught out both Del Baño and Soto as he fired into the empty goal from just inside the area. Four minutes later, Del Baño showed that he was up for the challenge, starting a move in his own half and the galloping into the penalty area to head Viti’s cross over the bar. In the second half, Mazarrón had more of the play and played the more cultured football, but despite how hard Paco tried, a striker he isn’t. Bala Azul were trying to hit the visitors on the break and on 60mins they made it work. Hato, who had an

Elenor is a cute little Spanish

dog, very small and a very homable little girl. She was found abandoned in pup, and only a short while to go before she gave birth. She had also been found having been attacked by several larger dogs, and was bleeding from her neck. The poor girl was on a drip for 48 hours but has come through her ordeal with flying colours and is now ready for that special someone with a place in their heart and their home for her. She is very friendly but still a little cautious of strangers at first and travels well in the car. Seems to have no fear of other dogs despite her ordeal. She was born around March 06 and has had a full range of treatments including being spayed. Could that person be you?

This result of the second match cemented Mazarrón’s sixth place in the league, and unfortunately for the visitors, it condemned them to relegation. Absentees from the previous week were back and so Mazarrón had the rare luxury of four substitutes. It was also good to see Pablo return as a sub for the final match. Before the match, Juanmi was presented with the Los Amigos ´Player of the Season´ trophy, just reward for his 21 goals. Mazarrón had the lead within 5mins of the start. Del Baño, who has had a tremendous season in the heart of the defence, played the ball to Viti on the right. He comfortably beat Godoy before squaring for Luki to calmly side foot in. The home side had the better of the subsequent play, with Luki and Viti prominent, until Pozo scored an unlikely equalizer after 30mins. A poor back pass by Munir played Paco into trouble and he had to resort to fouling Lamy. Cuco sent Paco the wrong way from the spot and things were all square again. This status was short-lived however, as the home side scored on the stroke of half time. Javi’s free kick on the right was headed down by Del Baño to Rocamora. He found Viti on the right, who again evaded Godoy’s tackle before crossing to Cuenca. His first header hit the keeper and went into the air and he was first to react when it came down again.

second. Pozo came back though, and just over the hour, they scored again. A long ball out of defence looked to have found Lamy off side, but he rode his luck, looping the ball over Paco before running around to head it in. Luki then caught the defence napping, robbing Salva just outside the area and then rounding Bartolo to slot the ball into the empty net. There was still time for the visitors to come back, and they did it through Jose Antonio. He picked up a loose ball inside the Mazarrón half. As he ran in, his first shot was blocked by Paco, but he made no mistake with the rebound. Deep into injury time, Pablo, on for the last couple of mins, steered the ball out to Viti, whose crosscome-shot came out off the bar to Luki who coolly completed his hat trick. It remains to be seen what will happen to the club during the close season, but at least all the fixtures were fulfilled this year and at the end, the players showed their appreciation of the support they have had this season.

The second half was very entertaining as Pozo pushed forward to try to gain the win they needed. Within 2mins of the restart, Mazarrón broke from halfway. Deaza sent Javi away down the left before making ground for the return. It went just over his head, but Viti was waiting behind. He controlled with his first touch and fired in with his

Lewis and Hamilton are two

German Shepherd cross boys born Jan 07 & May 06 respectively, both are fully vaccinated. These two have been together for some time as they will not be parted at present. They are very timid but with some care and love will make excellent pets with a guard dog look about them. They were found in the mountains. Both had eye infections, and tick and flea infestations but all this has now been cleared and they are in top health. They walk well on the lead, will sit and offer a paw, showing that someone has started to train them.


is a mixed breed born July 07. He is fully vaccinated and neutered. This handsome boy was found in the campo near Las Palas looking for a place to lay his head, starving and in need of water. He is currently being fostered by the family that found him. He is excellent on the lead and gets on well with the other dogs there. He has had some training and will sit and offer his paw. This boy will fit into any family.

Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •


SATURDAY MAY 30TH 07:00 Breakfast

07:00 Tikkabilla

11:00 Saturday Kitchen

07:30 Teletubbies

12:30 Take on the Takeaway 13:00 BBC News

07:00 GMTV 10:25 The Crocodile Hunter Diaries

08:00 Funky Fables

08:30 Dinosapien 08:50 Wolverine and The X-Men

14:00 Canoeing

09:15 Sportsround

17:55 The Weakest Link 18:45 BBC News 18:55 Regional News and Weather 19:05 To Be Announced 19:40 To Be Announced 20:15 Robin Hood

10:00 Sorry, I’ve Got No Head

11:00 Transmission Impossible with Ed and Oucho

22:00 Reggie Perrin 22:30 BBC News

13:40 Winging It

21:45 Britain’s Got Talent 22:45 ITV News and Weather

18:15 Rugby League

23:00 To Be Announced

20:30 Dad’s Army 21:00 The Birth of British Music

23:50 To Be Announced

22:00 Have I Got a Bit More News


for You

22:40 To Be Announced

01:50 To Be Announced

01:55 BBC News

03:30 Pages from Ceefax


09:00 The Morning Line 10:00 Yo Gabba Gabba! 10:30 Friends

12:00 Friends 12:30 Video Exclusive 13:00 Ent 13:30 Ent 14:00 Scrubs 14:30 Scrubs

00:00 Village of the Damned

17:00 To Be Announced 19:30 Channel 4 News 20:00 Born Survivor: Bear Grylls 21:00 To Be Announced

01:50 Six Degrees

22:00 To Be Announced

02:50 Double Bill

23:50 To Be Announced 02:05 Kissing Jessica Stein

00:10 To Be Announced

01:50 Weatherview

15:00 Channel 4 Racing

15:05 To Be Announced

19:00 ITV News and Weather

20:45 Primeval

22:50 To Be Announced

00:50 Friday Night with Jonathan

18:45 London Tonight

19:45 All Star Mr and Mrs

13:00 Kyle XY

21:10 Casualty

08:30 Msa Formula Ford

19:15 You’ve Been Framed!

12:30 Young Dracula

14:35 Sound

11:55 ITV News and Weather

11:00 One Tree Hill

10:30 Hotel Trubble

14:10 Class of 2008

08:00 Gillette World Sport

14:15 To Be Announced

09:50 Frankenstein’s Cat

21:00 The National Lottery Draws

10:55 Quincy, M.E.

12:00 To Be Announced

09:30 To Be Announced

07:15 The Hoobs 07:40 Planet Cook

08:15 Eliot Kid

13:10 To Be Announced

15:20 To Be Announced

06:50 The Hoobs

04:25 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News

04:55 Big Art 05:55 Countdown

07:00 08:00 08:05 08:35 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:35 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 11:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 17:00 18:50 19:00 21:10 22:10 23:10 00:10 01:10 05:00 05:45 06:00 06:10 06:35 06:45

Sunrise Mio Mao Franklin Hana’s Helpline Olivia The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Animal Families Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs Mist: Sheepdog Tales Roary the Racing Car Rupert Bear: Follow The Magic The Milkshake! Show The Adventures Of Elmo In Grouchland Mobil 1 The Grid The Gadget Show To Be Announced Dial M For Murder What’s Up, Doc? five News The Magnificent Seven NCIS CSI: New York Law and Order To Be Announced Quiz Call The Gadget Show Rough Guide to Beaches Hana’s Helpline The Milkshake! Show Thomas and Friends Roary the Racing Car

07:00 08:00 08:05 08:35 08:50 09:00 09:15 09:35 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 14:00 16:00 17:50 19:45 19:50 22:00 00:10 01:55 02:20 03:10 03:40 04:55 05:20 06:00 06:15 06:40 06:50

Sunrise Angels of Jarm Franklin Hana’s Helpline Olivia The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Animal Families Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs Mist: Sheepdog Tales Roary the Racing Car Rupert Bear: Follow The Magic The Milkshake! Show Michaela’s Wild Challenge Everybody Hates Chris Helicopter Warfare To Be Announced To Be Announced D.A.R.Y.L. To Be Announced five News Stealth Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines Solo To Be Announced IndyCar Boxing Classic Boxing USA Motorsport Mundial Cricket on Five Hana’s Helpline The Milkshake! Show Thomas and Friends Roary the Racing Car

SUNDAY MAY 31ST 07:00 Breakfast

07:00 Tikkabilla

07:00 GMTV

06:50 The Hoobs

10:00 The Andrew Marr Show

07:30 Teletubbies

10:25 Planet’s Funniest Animals

07:15 The Hoobs

11:00 Pentecost

08:00 Chucklevision

10:55 Coronation Street Omnibus

12:00 Country Tracks

08:15 Chucklevision

13:00 The Politics Show

08:30 Dinosapien

14:00 EastEnders Omnibus

08:55 Diddy Dick and Dom

15:55 To Be Announced

09:00 The Legend of Dick and Dom

18:15 Points of View

09:30 M.I. High

07:40 Planet Cook 08:00 FIA GT Championship

13:10 To Be Announced

08:30 Gt4 European Cup

15:45 ITV News and Weather

09:00 Volvo Ocean Race

15:50 To Be Announced 16:50 Britain’s Got Talent

10:00 Friends 10:30 Friends 11:00 Hollyoaks Omnibus

17:50 To Be Announced

13:30 Friends

19:00 Creature Comforts

14:00 4music Favourites: Black

18:30 Songs of Praise

10:00 Escape from Scorpion Island

19:05 Last of the Summer Wine

11:00 Something for the Weekend

19:35 To Be Announced

12:30 Great British Menu

19:15 London Tonight

20:00 BBC News

13:00 Animal Park

19:30 ITV News and Weather

15:45 Smallville

20:15 Regional News and Weather

13:30 MotoGP

19:45 Beat the Star

16:45 The Simpsons

20:30 Countryfile

15:00 Canoeing

21:00 Heartbeat

17:15 The Simpsons

21:30 To Be Announced

16:15 Rugby League

22:00 To Be Announced

22:00 To Be Announced

18:45 The Hairy Bikers

23:00 BBC News

19:00 To Be Announced

23:20 To Be Announced

21:00 South Pacific

00:20 To Be Announced

22:00 The Incredible Human

02:00 Weatherview


Eyed Peas

14:30 To Be Announced

17:45 Deal or No Deal 18:30 Supernanny US

23:00 ITV News and Weather

19:30 Channel 4 News

23:15 Drama Trails

20:00 To Be Announced

23:45 Crossing Jordan 00:45 It’s My Life

21:00 To Be Announced 23:15 To Be Announced 00:45 To Be Announced

01:45 The Cosby Mysteries

03:05 The Closer

02:45 Quincy, M.E.

03:55 To Be Announced

02:05 To Be Announced

23:00 To Be Announced

02:35 To Be Announced

00:00 The Graham Norton Show

03:35 To Be Announced

04:35 To Be Announced

00:45 To Be Announced

04:15 ITV Nightscreen

05:05 Big Art

05:05 BBC News

02:25 BBC News

06:30 ITV Morning News

06:05 Countdown


03:45 Tonight

04:05 Full Metal Challenge 05:00 To Be Announced


Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •

MONDAY JUNE 1ST 07:00 10:15 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:15 14:00 14:30 14:45 15:15 16:00 16:05 16:25 16:50 17:05 17:30 18:05 18:15 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 23:25 23:35 00:15 00:45 02:25 02:30 03:00 04:00 05:00

Breakfast To Be Announced Homes under the Hammer The Unsellables Cash in the Attic Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Diagnosis Murder BBC News Nuzzle and Scratch Tronji The Secret Show Beat The Boss M.I. High Newsround The Weakest Link BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather Party Election Broadcast for the European Parliament by the Conservative Party The One Show Everest ER EastEnders Panorama Ashes To Ashes BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather To Be Announced Inside Sport To Be Announced Weatherview To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced BBC News

07:00 07:30 08:00 08:25 08:30 09:00 09:30 09:40 09:50 10:00 10:05 10:20 10:40 10:50 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:10 12:15 12:20 12:25 12:30 12:35 12:40 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:45 17:30 18:15 18:55 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:30 00:20 01:20

Tikkabilla Teletubbies Freefonix Newsround Hotel Trubble Beat The Boss Big and Small Bob The Builder 3rd and Bird Poetry Pie Lazytown Extra Mister Maker Harry and Toto Telly Tales Jakers: The Adventures of Piggley Winks In The Night Garden Primary History Telling Tales Telling Tales Telling Tales Telling Tales Telling Tales Telling Tales Let’s Write Non-Fiction The Daily Politics Working Lunch Rowing To Be Announced Murder, She Wrote Bargain Hunt Famous Finds Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Escape to the Country Party Election Broadcast For The European Parliament Eggheads Flog It! South Pacific Springwatch Who’s Watching You? Have I Got News For You Newsnight To Be Announced BBC News

07:00 GMTV

06:50 The Hoobs

10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show

07:15 The Hoobs

11:30 This Morning

07:40 Planet Cook

12:25 ITV News and Weather 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women

08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier

14:30 ITV Lunchtime News and

10:00 Will and Grace

10:30 The Family: Teen Stories


15:00 60 Minute Makeover

11:10 Rappin at The Royal

16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal

13:00 News at Noon

17:00 The Biggest Loser 18:00 Divided 19:00 London Tonight

13:30 To Be Announced 14:35 Support Your Local


16:25 Countdown

19:30 ITV Evening News and

17:15 Deal or No Deal

18:00 Coach Trip


20:00 Emmerdale

18:30 Come Dine with Me

20:30 Coronation Street

19:00 The Simpsons

21:00 Tonight 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 To Be Announced 23:00 News at Ten and Weather

19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 3MW 21:00 To Be Announced 22:00 To Be Announced

23:35 Dating the Enemy

23:30 To Be Announced

00:15 Be Cool

01:55 NY-LON

02:30 UEFA Champions League

02:55 The Shape of Things

04:30 To Be Announced


03:00 British Touring Cars


04:30 The Jeremy Kyle Show

05:00 Channel 4 Education 06:00 Forum 06:20 The Number Crew 1 06:30 The Number Crew 1

05:30 ITV Nightscreen

06:40 The Number Crew 1

06:30 ITV Morning News

06:50 The Number Crew 1

07:00 07:10 07:25 07:35 07:45 07:50 08:00 08:15 08:25 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:25 09:35 09:40 09:50 09:55 10:00 10:15 11:45 12:45 13:45 13:55 14:45 15:15 15:50 16:10 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 01:05 02:05 03:05 03:55 04:45 05:20 06:10 06:35

Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Fireman Sam Roary the Racing Car Peppa Pig Roobarb and Custard Too Olivia Little Princess To Be Announced The Mr. Men Show Noddy in Toyland Fifi and The Flowertots Peppa Pig Thomas and Friends To Be Announced Pocoyo Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures Chiro Hana’s Helpline The Wright Stuff The Trisha Goddard Show I Own Britain’s Best Home five News Wordplay Neighbours Home and Away Wordplay Plus Straight From the Heart Five News With Natasha Kaplinsky Neighbours Home and Away Animal Rescue Squad Party Election Broadcast Five News at 7 Massive Speed The Gadget Show’s Summer Special The Patriot To Be Announced NASCAR: The Sprint Cup US PGA Golf Race and Rally UK NHL NBA 360 Neighbours Home and Away

TUESDAY JUNE 2ND 07:00 10:15 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:15 14:00 14:30 14:45 15:15 16:00 16:05 16:25 16:50 17:05 17:35 18:00 18:05 18:15 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:30 20:57 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:25 23:33 23:35 00:15 00:45 02:25 02:30 03:00 04:00 05:00

Breakfast To Be Announced Homes under the Hammer The Unsellables Cash in the Attic Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Diagnosis Murder BBC News Nuzzle and Scratch Tronji The Secret Show Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab Blue Peter MyWish Newsround The Weakest Link BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather Party Election Broadcast for the European Parliament by the Labour Party The One Show EastEnders BBC News and Regional News Holby City To Be Announced BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather BBC Weather To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Weatherview To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced BBC News

07:00 07:30 08:00 08:25 08:30 09:00 09:30 09:40 09:50 10:00 10:05 10:20 10:40 10:50 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:10 12:20 12:40 12:50 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:15 16:00 16:45 17:30 18:15 18:55 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:30 00:20 01:20

Tikkabilla Teletubbies Freefonix Newsround Hider in the House Beat The Boss Big and Small Bob The Builder 3rd and Bird Poetry Pie Lazytown Extra Mister Maker Harry and Toto Telly Tales Jakers: The Adventures of Piggley Winks In The Night Garden Science Clips Science Clips Let’s Write a Story Emotional Literacy Emotional Literacy The Daily Politics Working Lunch Castle in the Country Animal 24/7 Car Booty Murder, She Wrote Bargain Hunt Famous Finds Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Escape to the Country Party Election Broadcast For The European Parliament Eggheads Flog It! To Be Announced Springwatch To Be Announced To Be Announced Newsnight To Be Announced BBC News

07:00 GMTV 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News and Weather 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News and


15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 The Biggest Loser 18:00 Divided 19:00 London Tonight 19:30 ITV Evening News and


20:00 Emmerdale 21:00 To Be Announced 22:00 To Be Announced 23:00 News at Ten and Weather 23:35 Dating the Enemy 00:05 The Truth About Binge


01:35 Red Bull Air Race Season

Preview 2009

02:05 Supernatural 03:05 Loose Women 04:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 05:05 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News

07:00 07:10 07:15 07:20 07:30 07:40 07:50 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:50 12:10 13:00 13:30 13:55 16:25 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:55 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:05 00:35 01:05 02:05 02:35 03:00 03:55 04:45 05:00 06:00

To Be Announced The Number Crew 2 The Hoobs The Number Crew 2 The Number Crew 2 Planet Cook The Number Crew 2 Freshly Squeezed Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Will and Grace The Family: Teen Stories The Underdogs Designers Under Pressure The Spartans News at Noon To Be Announced The Barefoot Contessa Countdown Deal or No Deal Coach Trip Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News 3MW Gok’s Fashion Fix I’m Running Sainsburys To Be Announced The Big Bang Theory My Name Is Earl Pokerstars.Com European Poker Tour Gillette World Sport Gt4 European Cup Destination 2012 KOTV Classics To Be Announced Channel 4 Education Alice Through the Looking Glass

07:00 Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends 07:10 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 07:25 Fireman Sam 07:35 Roary the Racing Car 07:45 Peppa Pig 07:50 Roobarb and Custard Too 08:00 Olivia 08:15 Little Princess 08:25 To Be Announced 08:30 The Mr. Men Show 08:45 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Fifi and The Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Thomas and Friends 09:35 To Be Announced 09:40 Pocoyo 09:50 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 09:55 Chiro 10:00 Hana’s Helpline 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 The Trisha Goddard Show 12:45 I Own Britain’s Best Home 13:45 five News 13:55 Wordplay 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Wordplay Plus 16:05 Profoundly Normal 18:00 Five News With Natasha Kaplinsky 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 Animal Rescue Squad 19:55 Party Election Broadcast 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 Highland Emergency 21:00 Helicopter Warfare 22:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23:00 CSI: Miami 00:00 CSI: New York 01:00 The Shield 02:00 NHL 04:00 Indycar Series 04:50 Rolex Grand American 05:30 Ironman World Championships 06:10 Neighbours 06:35 Home and Away

Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •


WEDNESDAY JUNE 3RD 07:00 10:15 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:15 14:00 14:30 14:45 15:15 16:00 16:05 16:25 16:50 17:05 17:35 18:00 18:05 18:15 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 20:57 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:25 23:33 23:35 23:45 00:45 01:15 02:55 03:00 04:00 05:00

Breakfast To Be Announced Homes under the Hammer The Unsellables Cash in the Attic Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Diagnosis Murder BBC News Nuzzle and Scratch Tronji The Secret Show Paradise Cafe Blue Peter MyWish Newsround The Weakest Link BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show Animal 24/7 BBC News and Regional News To Be Announced The Apprentice BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather BBC Weather The National Lottery Draws To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Weatherview To Be Announced To Be Announced Joins BBC News

07:00 07:30 08:00 08:25 08:30 09:00 09:30 09:40 09:50 10:00 10:05 10:20 10:40 10:50 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 16:00 16:45 17:30 18:15 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:30 00:20 01:20

Tikkabilla Teletubbies Freefonix Newsround Hider in the House Beat The Boss Big and Small Bob The Builder 3rd and Bird Poetry Pie Lazytown Extra Mister Maker Harry and Toto Telly Tales Jakers: The Adventures of Piggley Winks In The Night Garden Wildlife on Two The Daily Politics See Hear Working Lunch Living in the Sun Murder, She Wrote Bargain Hunt Famous Finds Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Escape to the Country Eggheads Flog It! Keep It In The Family Springwatch To Be Announced The Apprentice: You’re Fired! Newsnight To Be Announced BBC News

07:00 GMTV 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News and Weather 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News and


15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 The Biggest Loser 18:00 Divided 19:00 London Tonight 19:30 ITV Evening News and


20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 The Bill 22:00 To Be Announced 23:00 News at Ten and Weather 23:35 Dating the Enemy 00:05 Terminator 2: Judgment Day 02:40 Loose Women 03:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 04:40 60 Minute Makeover 05:40 Tonight 06:10 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News

07:00 07:15 07:25 07:40 07:55 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:50 12:10 13:00 13:30 14:00 16:25 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:55 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:05 01:05 01:15 01:30 02:30 03:30 03:55 04:40 05:05 06:05

To Be Announced The Hoobs We Are From... Planet Cook Making It Freshly Squeezed Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Will and Grace The Family: Teen Stories The Underdogs Designers Under Pressure The Spartans News at Noon To Be Announced The Caine Mutiny Countdown Deal or No Deal Coach Trip Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News 3MW To Be Announced To Be Announced Desperate Housewives To Be Announced Video Exclusive The Maccabees Dirty Sexy Money Kimberley: Young Mum Ten Years On To Be Announced The Closer To Be Announced Big Art Countdown

07:00 07:10 07:25 07:35 07:45 07:50 08:00 08:15 08:25 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:25 09:35 09:40 09:50 09:55 10:00 10:15 11:45 12:45 13:45 13:55 14:45 15:15 15:50 16:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:05 01:05 02:35 04:05 04:30 06:10 06:35

Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Fireman Sam Roary the Racing Car Peppa Pig Roobarb and Custard Too Olivia Little Princess To Be Announced The Mr. Men Show Noddy in Toyland Fifi and The Flowertots Peppa Pig Thomas and Friends To Be Announced Pocoyo Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures Chiro Hana’s Helpline The Wright Stuff The Trisha Goddard Show I Own Britain’s Best Home five News Wordplay Neighbours Home and Away Wordplay Plus Columbo: Murder, Smoke and Shadows Five News With Natasha Kaplinsky Neighbours Home and Away Animal Rescue Squad Five News at 7 Michaela’s Zoo Babies Oil Riggers Extraordinary People Shops, Robbers and Videotape CCTV Cities Partypoker.Com European Open V NHRA Drag Racing Motorsport Mundial NBA Basketball Neighbours Home and Away

07:00 07:10 07:25 07:35 07:45 08:00 08:15 08:25 08:30 08:40 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:25 09:40 09:50 09:55 10:00 10:15 11:45 12:45 13:45 13:55 14:45 15:15 15:50 16:05 16:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 05:00 05:45 06:10 06:35

Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Fireman Sam Roary the Racing Car Peppa Pig Olivia Little Princess To Be Announced The Mr. Men Show To Be Announced Noddy in Toyland Fifi and The Flowertots Peppa Pig Thomas and Friends Pocoyo Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures Chiro Hana’s Helpline The Wright Stuff The Trisha Goddard Show I Own Britain’s Best Home five News Wordplay Neighbours Home and Away Wordplay Plus The Family Recipe Melanie Darrow Five News With Natasha Kaplinsky Neighbours Home and Away Animal Rescue Squad Five News at 7 Highland Emergency Paul Merton in India The Mentalist Law and Order: Special Victims Unit Law and Order: Criminal Intent Quiz Call NBA Basketball Wildlife SOS Neighbours Home and Away

THURSDAY JUNE 4TH 07:00 10:15 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:15 14:00 14:30 14:45 15:15 16:00 16:05 16:25 16:50 17:05 17:30 18:05 18:15 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 20:57 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:25 23:33 23:35 00:35 01:20 01:25 01:55 02:25 02:55 03:55 04:55

Breakfast To Be Announced Homes under the Hammer The Unsellables Cash in the Attic Bargain Hunt BBC News and Weather Regional News and Weather Doctors Diagnosis Murder BBC News Nuzzle and Scratch Tronji The Secret Show Ed and Oucho’s Excellent Inventions Horrible Histories Newsround The Weakest Link BBC News and Weather Regional News and Weather The One Show EastEnders BBC News and Regional News To Be Announced To Be Announced BBC News Regional News and Weather BBC Weather Question Time This Week Holiday Weatherview To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Joins BBC News

07:00 07:30 08:00 08:25 08:30 09:00 09:30 09:40 09:50 10:00 10:05 10:20 10:40 10:50 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:10 12:15 12:20 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:15 16:00 16:45 17:30 18:15 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:30 00:20 01:00

Tikkabilla Teletubbies Freefonix Newsround Hider in the House Beat The Boss Big and Small Bob The Builder 3rd and Bird Poetry Pie Lazytown Extra Mister Maker Harry and Toto Telly Tales Jakers: The Adventures of Piggley Winks In The Night Garden Primary History Telling Tales Telling Tales Primary Geography Telling Stories The Daily Politics Working Lunch Castle in the Country Animal 24/7 Car Booty Murder, She Wrote Bargain Hunt Famous Finds Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Escape to the Country Eggheads Flog It! The Apprentice Springwatch Keep It In The Family The Graham Norton Show Newsnight The Apprentice: You’re Fired! BBC News

07:00 GMTV

06:50 The Hoobs

10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show

07:15 The Hoobs

11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News and Weather 12:30 This Morning

07:40 Planet Cook 08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond

13:30 Loose Women

09:30 Frasier

14:30 ITV Lunchtime News and

10:00 Will and Grace

10:30 The Family: Teen Stories


15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal

11:00 The Underdogs 11:50 Designers Under Pressure 12:10 The Spartans

17:00 The Biggest Loser

13:00 News at Noon

18:00 Divided

13:30 To Be Announced

19:00 London Tonight

14:30 The Fighting Kentuckian

19:30 ITV Evening News and


16:25 Countdown 17:15 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Coach Trip

20:00 Emmerdale

18:30 Come Dine with Me

20:30 Countrywise

19:00 The Simpsons

21:00 The Bill

19:30 Hollyoaks

22:00 To Be Announced 23:00 News at Ten and Weather 23:35 To Be Announced

20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 3MW 21:00 The Home Show 22:00 To Be Announced

01:45 British Superbike

23:00 To Be Announced

00:00 To Be Announced

Championship Highlights

02:45 Motorsport UK 03:45 Crossing Jordan 04:45 Loose Women

01:30 The Great Escape 02:00 Dubplate Drama 02:30 To Be Announced 03:30 To Be Announced

05:45 ITV Nightscreen

05:05 Big Art

06:30 ITV Morning News

06:05 Countdown


Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •

Coffee Break

Solutions page 4


Clues Down 2 A hard yellow cheese (7) 3 The fifth letter of the Greek alphabet (7) 4 An animal’s male parent (4) 5 The altar end of a church (4) 6 A Burmese monetary unit (4) 10 Resentfully envious (7) 11 Hearty (7) 14 A play without dialogue (4) 15 A large military force (4) 16 The space between two extremities (4)

Clues Across 1 The way out (6) 7 To insinuate (5) 8 The movable part of a slide-rule (6) 9 To throw out (5) 12 To answer (5) 13 To disturb by constant attacks (5) 14 Considerable wealth (5) 17 A compelling dread (6) 18 A venomous African snake (5) 19 To settle snugly (6)

Lost letters

In each of these puzzles a famous or popular quotation fills the grid. The individual letters remain in their correct column, but have fallen out and are out of order. Reinsert them in the correct order to find the answer. Any punctuation is given in its own square. This quotation is from Bertrand Russell.

FOUR-LETTER WORDS See how many four-letter words you can make using the letters in the name

CLAUDE MONET Each letter may be used once only in each word.NOT admissible are abbreviations; prefixes; proper names; poetic short forms; plural and verb forms ending in ‘s’; foreign and dialectal words not in common English use; slang terms; and words that might make Granny blush. Today’s pass mark is 138 words: 11 beginning with A, 28 with C, 20 with D, one with E, 23 with L, 26 with M, eight with N, two with O, 16 with T and three with U.



Sudoku Place a number from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each 3x3 block, column, and full row includes each of the numbers from 1 to 9 only once.

Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •


On Spanish soil… by Dawn Llewellyn-Price

Oh, if only newspapers could carry video clips as well as photos. Imagine it. Touch the pic, it springs to life, giving maybe thirty seconds of news footage, even a talking ad, or some badly behaved celeb stumbling half naked and drunk from the latest nightclub. No doubt there’s a chip somewhere which could be implanted to enable such an action, probably hidden in some CIA or MI5 laboratory, or another high tech silicon valley institution lurking hidden in this over-developed world. In fact I’m sure I’ve World, but that would have

seen it on Tomorrow’s been many yesterdays ago. But why, I hear you ask, would we need such a thing when we’ve only to turn on Sky News, or watch the ‘shorties’ slotted subliminally in between your favourite drama or soap? I’ll tell you why. Because then you could actually see what I saw (via the aid of my camera) gyrating and dancing across the stage at Cardiff’s International Arena on May 9th. Because no still photo would do it justice; indeed, too-far-away-for-flash equals a grainy, smallfigure-in-the-distance image. Not ideal for human consumption. Especially as the small figure in question was the not so small (someone yielded the figure 6ft 4in) Enrique Iglesias, much beloved Latino crooner and son of Julio. Yes, one of my final acts before leaving the UK to return to Spain was to see this snake hipped (replace that with skinny hipped) singer’s sell out concert in the Welsh capital. In line with Spanish habits he didn’t take to the stage until 9.20pm following Alesha Dixon and some unknown American chica. By that time, I was almost asleep on Virgo man’s shoulder. During the aftermath of house clearing we’d been up at 5am for a boot sale to rid ourselves of some final garage junk, been caught twice in the rain on site, gone home, unloaded the unsold items and hoped for a siesta before driving the hour to Cardiff. It didn’t happen; too much to do, too little time. Both totally worn out and starving, we high tailed it up the M4 in search of parking and nosh. After all, the day thus far had consisted of; Breakfast, 8am: warm welsh-cakes and coffee from a vendor’s van. Early brunch: 11am: beef-burger and tea from another van. What else at a boot sale? Doing Del-boy impressions makes you hungry. With the fridge systematically running down in readiness for the exodus, all that was available mid afternoon (without a run around the shops) was Slimfast and some squares of dark chocolate. Following the welsh-cakes and beef-burger there didn’t seem much point in wasting the diet fodder so when we found a pub near the venue in Cardiff we went straight for the kill and had lasagne and chips. Fuelled by carbohydrate, fat, and a semi-snooze while the support acts performed we just about managed to stay on our feet (with a couple of sit downs in the slower numbers) until Enrique left the stage and we lemmings departed for the NCP and the interminable wait to pay and exit. Enrique talks a lot. Really. He obviously enjoys a decent Spanish tertulia. At times I just wanted to yell; ‘Sing, for god’s sake!’

Handsome and lithe, a decent sized gal in the car park afterwards summed it up: ‘Great voice, but not enough meat on him for me!’ Her husband wasn’t going to disagree. Obviously a differing opinion to Denise on Loose Women who flirted shamelessly when he appeared on the show (lucky her) and appeared to have the attention reciprocated. (Even luckier.) Avoiding the merchandising area on the way in (apart from a quick glance) has become de-rigueur at concerts. Huge Star he may be, but absolutely no more ‘stuff’ that will sit forgotten in a drawer is entering my firmament. I don’t do T-shirts, my Ricky Martin and Skeletal dead horse statue posters (the latter from the scary Body Worlds exhibition from days of yore) are still rolled up in a cupboard. And who really needs a glow-stick when you pass 30? A torch will do the trick and last longer. The concert, however, was fantastic. Brilliant atmosphere, fabulous light show, a great Spanish guitarist and all the classic Enrique hits, including Hero during the encore, where bespectacled ‘nearly eighteen’ Maxine from Merthyr Tydfil was the willing victim to be dragged from the crowd, sang to on stage, and hugged and cosseted by those all enveloping arms. The audience seemingly comprised mostly of mother and daughter couplets (the pair next to us had come by train from Shropshire) and hordes of handcuffed males forcibly dragged along, looking distinctly peeved until the show actually started. The sweetest moment came when Enrique invited a mother and son onto the stage,-the son dressed almost exactly the same as our hero, and chatted to them for ages before singing their request,-something in Spanish. He crooned part way through the song, and then smilingly pointed the microphone at the son, who continued the totally unrehearsed lyrics…in Spanish. The crowd went wild, and Enrique smiled as this young Welshman (brought up in Jordan) tunefully finished the verse. A magic moment for them and a magic moment for the home crowd. My personal favourite is Bailamos. No doubt. I love it, despite the fact it’s the first track on his greatest hits album, and jumps terribly when the car hasn’t warmed up, causing irritation and annoyance just as I’m getting into it and the driver of the car next to me acknowledges there’s a strange woman mouthing even stranger words to silence alongside them. (Naturally in the 14 degree heat-wave of early May the windows were open.) Enrique has set us up for the Spanish summer; flinging ‘stuff’ into my designer bin bags for a further fling into the back of the car was easy. Just hum the songs, and remember the sun was just a ferry ride away. Oh, not forgetting to check his website on arrival for any planned Spanish concerts. Most definitely worth a second look. If only to see if he’s put on any weight. However, citizens of Cardiff take heart. Impressed by the city, the Bay area, and the green fields, Enrique has decided to retire there. He said so at least twice. Would those eyes lie?

Hasta pronto…..


Copyright 2009 Dawn Llewellyn-Price

Iberbrit Legal are located on La Manga Strip at: Gran Via s/n – Km 1.5, Edificio Monterrey – Iberbrit Legal office, – 30380 La Manga – Cartagena. Tel. +34 968 337 392 Fax. +34 968 563 224 Email: Website:

PO BOX No. 163

by Daniel Codes Llamas, Chartered Accountant and senior partner of IBERBRIT LEGAL.

If there is a particular topic you would like to see addressed, send your query to:, with LEGAL as the subject.

Why You Should Make A Spanish Will When you make the decision to buy a property in Spain you are far more likely to be concerned about your future enjoyment of the property than what is likely to occur upon your death. However, as with any other substantial asset the prudent investor should consider the issue and make the necessary provisions to ensure that family and other loved ones will eventually benefit. If you own a property in Spain it is advisable but not essential that you make a Spanish Will. If you do not and instead rely on your English Will or the laws of intestacy (if there is no Will) then you will find there will be increased bureaucracy and administration costs in dealing with the Estate as the relevant documents will need to be translated and notarized.

Making a Spanish Will is a reasonably straight-forward matter. The most popular way is for the Will to be executed before a Spanish Notary. It may however be advisable to employ the services of a lawyer beforehand in order for him to prepare a draft of the Will in accordance with your instructions. The Will in most cases is a reasonably simple document reciting those members of your family and friends who you wish to see benefit from your estate. It is not normal procedure as in an English Will to appoint Executors as the Spanish authorities consider it to be the responsibility of the beneficiaries of the Will to deal with the Estate’s administration. As a foreign national the Spanish civil code allows you to leave your Spanish assets

in accordance with the national law of your country of origin. An English person would not therefore be obliged to leave a proportion of his estate to members of his family as is required of a Spaniard. Once a Will has been executed you should ask for a copy of it known as a "Copia Simple" from the Notary who will ensure the original is filed in his record, whilst a further copy will be sent to the Central Wills Registry in Madrid as an official record. Those property owners who take the time to consider the future devolution of their Spanish assets will find they have made a sensible decision.


Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •


Other Jobs in the garden this week Dusting with sulphur powder. Grapes, tomatoes, courgettes, squashes and peppers are all prone to fungal attacks and mildew. To avoid this, start a regime of dusting lightly with sulphur powder, about once a fortnight, which can be purchased by the kilo in agricultural suppliers. We use an old sock, but we’ve seen neighbours using a fine sieve. Thin out the numbers of grape bunches on vines and fruits on trees such as oranges or fruits. There’s no point being greedy – its better to have three bunches of wonderful big, juicy sweet grapes than 10 scrawny little bunches with no juice or flavour.

At the last meeting of Simply Gardening, the gardeners’ question time revealed the amount of problems experienced by members in relation to their citrus trees. Last issue we looked at the problems of discoloration caused by chlorosis, and discussed the curling of leaves caused by underwatering. This week we explore one of the other common leaf problems – leaf miners. Leafminers attack many other plants, but here in Spain, citrus are their favourite snack, and the damage caused by their burrowing larvae can devastate new growth, leaving the tree looking very untidy, although the damage caused is mainly superficial. Grapefruit and lemons are the preferred choice, particularly the young, emerging growth and leaf tips, and occasionally on the rind of young fruit, the older, more mature leaves being ignored. The adult citrus leafminer is a tiny moth about one-twelfth of an inch long. It has silvery and white forewings with brown and white markings and a distinct black spot on each wing tip.

The agapanthus are getting ready to flower. Clean off all the old leaves and give them a nice feed.

The moth is most active from dusk till dawn and rests on the undersides of leaves during the day. The female moth lays eggs singly on new shoots and on leaves less than a half-inch in length. The most preferred egg-laying site is along the mid vein on newly emerged leaves. The larvae, a tiny caterpillar, hatches and begins feeding immediately in nearly invisible mines under the leaf's cuticle. As the larvae grows, its zigzagging path of parallel mines make it easily identifiable. When the larvae matures it moves to the leaf edge where it creates a silken cocoon. As the silk dries the leaf curls over the pupal cell. The larvae pupates within the mine and then emerges as an adult moth. The pest occurs on host plants throughout the year and has a short life cycle. It can have six to 13 generations annually, depending on temperature and the availability of new growth flushes. That’s a lot of leaf damage if left unchecked.

Treatments and Prevention Leaf miners are difficult to control since they spend most of their life inside the leaf, protected by the leaf. Picking off the infected leaves before the moth itself emerges and perpetuates the cycle is the most ecological control, but sometimes this could mean picking off practically all the leaves. Chemical sprays are available, but should be used with care as they can damage the plants almost as much as the moths themselves, and repeated treatments are needed; these should be sprayed if possible before the larvae enter the leaf surface. Organic treatments include Neem, which can be purchased in ”green shops” or herbolarias here, or from the internet, or try using a white oil recipe, which is also a good way to deal with aphids or whitefly.

Garden Club of Vega Baja…May Meeting The May meeting of the Garden Club of Vega Baja took place on Monday May 4th with more than 120 members attending. The main speaker was Inge Wiesschalla who spoke very knowledgably about Aloe Vera; its cultivation, medicinal and cosmetic use. Aloe Vera is well known for its soothing properties especially for sunburn and stings, when used externally. The juice of aloe vera leaves when mixed with fruit juice can decrease the acid in the stomach and acts like an antiinflammatory. It can also reduce blood sugar so is beneficial to diabetics. Altogether Aloe Vera has many and varied uses but it is always best to consult your doctor before using it. Inge explained that it is now being tested in many areas including HIV and cancer, but as yet nothing is conclusive. There is a very informative page about Aloe Vera on the Wikipedia page on the internet, giving its origins, uses etc. The second part of the meeting was taken up with a fun competition, all members voting for the roses of their choice from those on display brought along by club members who grow roses here. There was a beautiful selection ranging from pure white to deepest red; some with perfume, others without. Richard gave his usual five minute chat about work in the vegetable garden and there was a question time for people to swap information. The next meeting will be on Monday June 1st at 2pm at “The Venue” on the Lemon Tree Road, Guadamar, when the speaker will again be Dr. Juan Martinez Tome of NATUR PLANT garden centre who will talk about “diseases in plants” For further information about the club please ring Val on 966 716 527

Mix a starter mix which is half cooking oil, half water, with a tiny bit of washing up liquid. Dilute this mix about 40 to 1 with water and spray, thoroughly coating the leaves. It may be necessary to apply several times, always in the cool of evening and out of direct sunlight.

The next meetings of Simply Gardening Saturday 23rd May at 2pm Cañadas Old School Hall, Cañadas del Romero. This month we’ll be propagating irises, learning how to structure yuccas and talking about the problems of palm weevil. Saturday 6th June at 2pm A special treat this month with an extra meeting due to the visit of an eminent horticulturalist, staying with friends who has offered to give a talk about the clever little tricks used by plants to survive the heat of our climate. He’ll show us how plants have adapted, and give guidelines on how to choose plants that specifically suit our growing conditions. If anyone is interested in joining Simply Gardening, see our website on or call 968 971 824.

Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •


Jane Burton, a qualified practising Feng Shui Consultant in the UK and Spain for 7 years. Jane has also written articles for magazines in the USA, UK, Asia, Zambia and Spain for 7 years on Feng Shui. She features monthly in the Costa Blanca's Female Focus and the Costa del Sol's Key to Mijas magazines. Once a month on a Thursday morning she appears on Onda Cero International Radio Costa Blanca discussing aspects of Feng Shui with Pauline McGough. She has a successful Feng Shui Consultancy, established 7 years and can give advice on site but also by phone or email too. Jane and her team run weekend workshops/retreats on Feng Shui and other subjects in a stunning venue in the Jalon Valley. More information. http.// or call. 96 648 2636

Feng Shui Misunderstandings Part 1 I know some of you have read books on Feng Shui and tried to implement it yourself and got very confused with the terminology within the different schools of Feng Shui. There are two main reasons why Feng Shui terms and descriptions are so cryptic and misunderstood. One reason is that Feng Shui masters of old purposely coded their references so that the average person (or the political enemy) would not have privy to this powerful information. The other reason is less sinister: much can get lost in literal translation from an ancient and superstitious culture. Below are just some of the main phrases you will have come across. The Death Position: Main stream Feng Shui books still refer to an undesirable sleeping position. It refers to someone who sleeps in a direction that isn’t favourable to him or her, based on their birth year and it can also refer to someone who sleeps directly aligned with a doorway. Neither of these situations causes death. But they do put a person in a position that can undermine their health over a long period of time because the body itself is not in sync with the energy of the room. Eight




Palaces: This is a very elaborate way to point out the 8 basic directions: north, south, east, west, northwest, southwest, northeast, southeast. Even today, a tiny flat may be referred to as someone’s “palace.” Poison Arrows: This refers to the hard edges of a corner or a long uninterrupted line of air currents, such as an excessively long hallway or street. It has been used loosely to describe the small corners of furniture to the large angled corners of buildings. Like an arrow, it sends a direct line of air currents, considered harmful to health and well-being. This is definitely something to consider and avoid on a large scale, but the current panic over every little edge to a table or bookshelf is totally unnecessary. Dragon, Tiger, Tortoise, Phoenix: These are code words for the size and height of nearby mountains, hills or even houses and buildings on any side of your property. Some heights are considered beneficial and others harmful, all in relation to the unique property being analysed. As an example, if you have a small town house sandwiched in between two very tall apartment blocks, then the “dragon” and “tiger” on each side would be

too overwhelming for the energy of the small town house with negative side affects. Flying Stars: This branch of classical Feng Shui refers to the advanced use of the Chinese compass (lo-pan), for calculating the energies both inside and approaching a structure. It is based on when the structure was built as well as the changing annual, monthly, and daily influences. Part 2 - in the next issue of The Reporter will hopefully clear up some of the basic misinterpretations and myths surrounding cures in Feng Shui. Why not come and join me at the Spiritual Friends Fair and open day Wednesday 3rd June at Bar Mediterraneo, Avda.del Mediterraneo, Teulada to buy some cures or chat about Feng Shui. Also I am always available for Tarot Readings both private and group bookings call me on 96 648 2636 or visit my website Spiritual Development Workshop dates open for June 6th & 7th 2009 email

Lo-pan Don’t forget I am available for Tarot readings both private and group bookings. If you would like book a reading call me on 96 648 2636 or visit my website As always I am available for Consultations and advise on Feng Shui, just call me on the number above. I also have new Spiritual Workshop dates for the Spring & Summer 2009 including Practical Feng Shui

Jane Burton, a qualified Astrologer, recognised by the Astrological Society of Great Britain. Jane has written horoscopes for magazines in the USA, UK, Asia, Zambia and Spain for 7 years. She features monthly in the Costa Blanca's Female Focus and the Costa del Sol's Key to Mijas magazines. Every Thursday morning she appears on Onda Cero International Radio Costa Blanca with weekly horoscopes. She has a successful worldwide Tarot Reading Consultancy, established 12 years, by phone or email. Jane and her team run weekend workshops/retreats on Astrology, Tarot, Feng Shui and Mediumship in a stunning venue in the Jalon Valley. Recently Jane has been advising as Astrological Technical Advisor to a US film producer on an Astrological fantasy movie "Paths of Destiny", Jeff Goldblum is ready to sign for a leading role. More information. http.// or call. 96 648 2636

ARIES (March 21-April 19). You are generally in high spirits and in the mood for winning, competitive activities are your forte now. You could be a bit too abrupt with loved ones so be careful not to overdo the high spirits.

CANCER (June 21-July 22). There is a revelation around romance that takes your breath away, you are on top form and attracting attention. Love is following you wherever you go right now. Money however needs a little attention, try to fit it in!


shouldn't, don't think so hard about it.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Decisions, decisions, Capricorn, your mind is all over the place, too many conflicting stories, go with your instincts now, all is not what it seems, avoid making decisions till you are completely convinced.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). A good time for settling outstanding debts and collecting outstanding payments. Your finances should be your main focus, try not to get distracted else you will falter somewhere where you can’t afford to.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21). Compromise, compromise and more compromise, but don't over do it you are just as important now, you need to find a nice balance to accommodate everyone around you but not neglect your own needs.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You are a shoulder to cry on or a mine of information for some now and you will find that you are everyone's agony aunt giving out pearls of wisdom so easily and comfortably, however try to leave a little for yourself.


SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).


Romance deepens and becomes more

This is a time of promotion of all

You have the golden touch now

passionate after the 24th but you


You need to keep your eye on your job

are still trying to be in two places,

important contacts, and venturing

cutting yourself in half between work

beyond your normal everyday routine,

due to your mind being so obviously

and home till the end of the month.

go with it and see where it takes you.

else where will lead you into hot water.





A loved one has an outpouring of emotions around the new moon on the 24th.

Don’t let small setbacks

and delays spoil your week after the new moon at the end of this month. GEMINI





(Aug. group

23-Sept. activities,





Communication is coming in thick and fast and there will be a tendency to over load and over analysis where you

around this time as little mistakes




where everything you touch goes extremely well for you. Get yourself out there on a social and professional level






Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •

The Journey to La Huerta

Southwest Scotland to sunny Spain by Liz Edmiston Continuing our story of one family’s relocation to Murcia. Liz Edmiston is a freelance writer and also runs 2 businesses here in Spain. VillaFinders Costa Calida, offer property search and relocation services for clients moving from the UK to the Costa Calida. OwnersAway offer property management, rental and letting services in the region. For details on all these services, call Liz on 691977107 or check out the websites and

But the parcel deliveries are a different matter. I have two couriers who should be delivering to me on a regular basis, dropping off supplies for my Weight Watchers meeting. And after almost a year, they still haven’t managed to make it to my house! One company calls me whenever they reach Totana centre, and despite giving them directions to the house each time (and even a map!) we invariably end up meeting in a garage, or a supermarket car park for the handover. On the positive side, each time they seem to be getting just a little closer to where I live, and are now within 2 minutes drive of my seemingly impossible to locate house.

When we lived in Scotland, our farmhouse was fairly remote. A scattering of cottages further down the lane were our neighbours, and the nearest village store, in the Post Office, was a short drive away. But our postman still managed to find us, and even if the deliveries didn’t exactly make it all the way up to the house, they at least made it into the US style mailbox plonked on a post at the end of the winding drive.

Here in Spain, it seems that getting the mail delivered can be a complicated affair. And don’t get me started on the couriers! So far, our best solution has been to keep a mailbox at the garage near the kids school, where a small shed has boxes for the whole village. It doesn’t seem to matter that we now live 8km away, having rented a house there for just 3 months a few years ago, our mail always finds its way into the box and we simply pick it up each day on the school run.

But my second courier is the funniest. Again, despite the map and directions, they insist that they can’t find where I live.. and after waiting in for them a couple of wasted afternoons, we hit on the ideal solution. I go to the courier’s office and pick up my own parcels! Why UPS and the other companies haven’t thought of that one is a mystery! Still, I have to agree that it is actually easier for me. No more wasted afternoons waiting in for deliveries.. just pop in the office whenever it is convenient and pick up the stuff... hmmm, this idea might catch on after all!

Recipes from La Huerta Liz Edmiston is a keen cook with a special interest in healthy food for children. For comments and feedback, or to request recipes (vegetarian, special diets, etc) for future columns, please email Liz on. info@

Garlic and Herb Pasta

Here is a very quick main course, ideal for when you are short of time, as it takes just 15 minutes to prepare. Try using wholemeal or coloured “vegetable” pasta for a healthier version, and light cream cheese.

Ingredients (serves 2)

175g pasta Olive oil, for frying 50g mushrooms 100g chorizo sausage, sliced into chunks 80g to 100g “Boursin” cheese, or any other brand with garlic and herbs 60ml cooking cream


1) Cook the pasta according to the instructions, until it is “al dente”, just firm to the bite. 2) Meanwhile, spray a little olive oil on the pan, add the mushrooms and fry gently until soft. 3) Add the chorizo to the pan. 4) Mix together the cream and the cheese and add to the pan, stirring frequently. 5) Drain the pasta and add to the pan. Toss well to coat with sauce. Serve this with a crispy side salad and crusty bread. This dish freezes well for up to 1 month, making it a quick and economical supper dish, although in my house there are rarely any leftovers!

Next time: A sad goodbye

OwnersAway Property Rentals New Properties for May Country finca near Cuevas de Reyllo. 4 beds, ample living space.Large 1500m sq plot with pool. Fully enclosed with dog run. Mains services & SAT TV. Long term only, 495 pcm plus utilities.

New 3 bed, 2 bath villa on Res Espuña, Totana. Garden with 8m x 4m pool.Fully fitted kitchen Short term from 200€ per week low season, long term around 600 pcm plus utilities.

Country finca near Librilla, 3 bed, 2 bath sleeps 6. Tastefully renovated, lovely pool & terraces. Close to local amenities.Contact us for short term rates, longer lets considered.

STOP PRESS: Just on! 3 bed, 2 bath duplex in Bolnuevo. Secure gated complex with communal pool. Short term from 200€ pw. Long term considered

TENANTS: Call us for more information on our rental properties. OWNERS: We currently need more good quality, short term rental properties with pools.If you´d like better exposure for YOUR rental property, call us for an informal discussion. We cover the Mazarrón area, Country Club, Camposol, Condado de Alhama and Inland Contact Liz on 691977107 or send us an email at:

Weight Watchers Camposol WOULD all members of the Camposol Weight Watchers Group please note that the last meeting for the group will now be Wednesday 3rd June. As many of you know, Leader Liz Edmiston is involved in several businesses, and other time committments (and an ever increasing workload!) mean that Liz will be leaving Weight Watchers to focus on the growth of her own property rentals company. Anyone who has attended the meeting over the last year is welcome to join us for a coffee after the last meeting at Rumours Bar, Sector B Camposol at around 11.30am on Wednesday 3rd June.

Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •



The Bridge Is Besalú By Sylvia Anne Grant If you are looking for a picturesque medieval inland setting for a few days or an overnight stay to/from France, then Besalú is an ideal spot. It is situated in the region of La Garrotxa, about thirty three kilometres north of Girona, at the point where the Rivers Fluvia and Capellanes meet. “Wilfred the Hairy”, credited with the unification of Catalonia, was born here in 878. He was so called because he was “as hairy as a mountain troll, even having hairs on the soles of his feet!” Besalú then became the capital of an independent county in 902, but later fell under the control of Barcelona. The main approach to Besalú is across the River Fluvia, over the striking eleventh century bridge with its two tower gates, and travellers with their goods were required to pay a toll at the gatehouse before entering. The bridge has been washed away and rebuilt several times, and it suffered its last major catastrophe during the Civil War when part of it was blown up. Since then it has been beautifully restored to make an unforgettable entrance to this unspoilt village (and you will be pleased to know that you no longer have to pay a toll!). As you cross the bridge and go along Calle Tallaferro, you enter the old Jewish Quarter. Ancient records show that the Jewish community here had enough influence to build a synagogue. No trace of this has been found, but in 1964 a bath-house, the Mikvah, for the Jewish ritual of purification, was unearthed. Built in 1264, it is one of the only three of that period to survive in Europe. Besalú’s highest point was once the site of a castle, the stronghold of the Counts of Girona, but now nothing of the castle remains, except the Colegiata of Santa Maria which was built at the end of the twelfth century from stones of the ruined castle. By the way, the Fiesta Mayor takes place during the first weekend of September, when Besalú goes back in time a thousand years and the centre of the village is recreated into its former earldom. In December the Fiesta de Ratafia is held, based on the local sweet liquor which is flavoured with herbs, spices, coffee and nuts – sounds good to me! We happened to visit Besalú on a Tuesday, to the hustle and bustle of the colourful traditional market which has taken place for centuries in the Plaça Llibertat, one of the two main squares in the centre of Besalú. Surrounded by arcades, it was formerly a commercial centre and more recently a railway junction connecting Olot, Figueres and Girona. The cuisine here is Catalan and after purchasing some of the local sausages and sweets we wandered round to the larger square, Prat de Sant Pere, which was the burial ground of the huge Monastery of Sant Pere. Now only the church remains, and this is rated amongst the most important twelfth century buildings in Spain. Just around the corner you will find the little Hospital de Sant Julia, with its huge Romanesque door. Other important buildings are the Casa Cornelia (a twelfth century mansion), the Curia Reial (a fourteenth century Court of Justice and Royal Court), and the Eglisia de Sant Vicenç, which houses

11th Century Bridge to Besalú the fifteenth century alabaster tomb of “deis Dolors” – the patron saint of Besalú. This important church has a simple Romanesque façade, but an ornate thirteenth century rose window inside. When the church was set alight in the Spanish Civil War a Moorish rock crystal vase was uncovered, and this is now in the Museo d’Arte in Girona. The Tourist Board offer guided tours of the village and also hold the key to the Mikvah. You will find the Tourist Board Office in Plaça Llibertat, just near the Town Hall. Today the workforce is mainly employed in the textile and plaster industries, or in the many family run shops and small businesses within the village. In 1966 Besalú was declared a monumental centre, protecting its precious historical buildings and preserving its beauty for the enjoyment of the local inhabitants and its many, many visitors – I do hope you will be one of them. Places to visit near Besalú are Girona, Figueres (Dali Museum), Cadaques (Dali, Picasso and Joan Miro stayed here) and the Parc Natural de la Zona Volcanica de la Garrotxa. Copyright 2009 Sylvia Anne Grant


Useful Info: Besalú’s Tourist Office Plaça Llibertat 2 Tel: 972 591240 Fax: 972 591150 Hotels:

Hotel Restaurante Fonda

Siques, Avgda President Lluis Companys 6 Tel: 972 590 110 Hotel Restaurante El Jardins de La Martana Tel: 972 590 009 Hotel Restaurante Venencia Calle Mayor 6 Tel: 972 591 257

Medieval Festival



Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •

Food For Thought... By Drew Ryder

What is the most valuable commodity on earth? The most valuable commodity on earth has got to be none other than good old water! It takes up approximately seventy percent of the earth’s surface; our bodies are made up of seventy percent of it. Western counties use vast amounts of it daily. Third world and developing countries are desperate for it. We cannot survive without it. It is the elixir of life. The body has many ways in which it tells us it needs water. “Do we know the signals to look out for”, I ask. “Sure”, you reply, “it’s when we get a dry, parched mouth.” Well actually, the response to that statement is no. When we get to this signal we are not just thirsty, we are dehydrated. Yes, dehydrated! We miss a lot of other signals which the body sends before we get to this stage. The body sends out many signals when it requires water, many of which are overlooked or even mistakenly diagnosed by the medical profession. What if you found out that the body’s many aches and pains are attributed to a lack of water in the body? What if you found out that most of the diseases of the body can be attributed to a lack of water? Would it encourage you to drink more of it? Would it enable you to cut down on any of the medication you are currently taking? Would you really feel better by drinking more of it? According to Dr Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, an Iranian-born doctor, many illnesses that plague millions of people worldwide are as a result of a simple unrecognised cause in that we do not drink enough water. As a consequence our bodies often cry out painfully in protest. These agonizingly painful protests are desperate signals such as Alzheimer’s, asthma, arthritis, bulimia, diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, hypertension (high blood pressure), and obesity to name but a few. Dr Batmanghelidj trained as a Doctor at St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School of London University. After his training he returned to Iran and successfully set up medical centres and clinics for those in need. However, during the 1979 revolution in Iran he was one of many professional people rounded up and imprisoned in Tehran to be investigated, tried and ‘dealt with as quickly as possible’. This meant a revolutionary trial whereby identity was established, a pronouncement of guilt was issued and sentence passed – usually execution. Dr Batmanghelidj was one of the lucky ones held for ‘processing’, probably due to his usefulness as a doctor whilst being held captive. Indeed it was this that ultimately saved his life. Held in deplorable conditions, he spent two years and seven months in a prison originally built to house six hundred people, which was ‘packed like sardines’ with eight to nine thousand people! It was whilst living in these conditions whereby people were obviously falling ill that he first became aware, or rather discovered, waters ‘curative powers’

Approximately, two months after his internment, he was woken by the sound of an inmate who had excruciating stomach pain. He was being held upright by two others as he could not stand. He was suffering from a peptic ulcer and needed medication. Dr Batmanghelidj was not allowed to take any medical supplies into prison and the man was devastated when he heard this. Dr Batmanghelidj states, “It was then the breakthrough occurred”. He gave the man the only thing he could which was two glasses of water. Within minutes he began to feel better! Dr Batmanghelidj says you cannot imagine the joy this man experienced as a result of his pain ceasing. Apparently, the man asked Dr Batmanghelidj what to do if the pain should return, the only reply he could give was ‘to drink more water – two glasses every three hours’. As a result this man became pain-free and disease-free for the rest of his internment. Dr Batmanghelidj was amazed by the discovery; amazed by the fact that it was just plain tap water that had ‘cured’ this man’s pain. So much so, that he went on to identify many health problems caused by the stress of imprisonment. The biggest problem involved ulcer pains. However during his stay in prison he found that ‘water could treat and cure more diseases than any single medication’ he knew about. Perhaps the biggest discovery was that he cured a man who was quite literally dying of pain. He came across a young man curled up in agony, who seemed totally detached and kept giving out deep piercing groans. Dr Batmanghelidj could not get a response to his questions from the man initially, when trying to establish what was wrong. This man was semi-conscious and on the verge of death. Dr Batmanghelidj managed to establish that the man had an ulcer and had taken three Tagamet tablets and a full bottle of antacids (obtained from the prison hospital) but the pain kept on getting worse. He examined him to ensure there where no further complications and gave him two glasses of water to drink (half a litre in all), he checked on the man ten minutes later to find the groaning had stopped but he was still in pain. He gave him a third glass of water – within four minutes the man was pain free! During his time in captivity he treated and cured over three thousand ulcer cases using only water. Following his release he escaped Iran and went to America where he has spent twenty years researching the benefits of water as a cure and has seen water reverse not only the conditions as previously listed, but also back pain, chronic constipation, chronic fatigue syndrome, colitis pain, depression, heartburn and hiatal hernia, migraine headaches, and overweight problems. Now I am not advocating that you go out and drink gallons of water (tap or bottled – your choice) and throw away your medications! What I am advocating is that you read his book, ‘Your body’s many cries for water’. It is a fascinating read and he

takes an in-depth look at how water functions in our body, and explains why it is so crucial to maintain our body’s water levels. He explains the components to the sensation of pain, and there are pictures to help and understand some of his explanations. I first read this book well over ten years ago. I have been ‘dibbing’ into it over the years and yes I considered myself to be someone who drinks a lot of water; as a therapist I am aware of the benefits of water, especially with regards to relieving headaches (not only the alcoholically induced ones!), and in helping weight loss and alleviating water retention and for flushing out toxins within the body, especially after a treatment. However, over the years I have introduced more tea and coffee as well as red wine and the odd ‘g and t’ into my diet and have not altogether practiced what I preached in this area of wellness. Having recently re-read Dr Batmanghelidj’s fantastic book I have slowly increased my water intake to re-hydrate my body and feel so much better. I have again ‘ditched the coffee’ and have only one cup of tea per day, and recently attended a party where I drank copious amounts of water having only one glass of wine. My verdict - I feel so much better generally, but specifically I have less aches and pains in my joints, (those of you who know me must know of my cranky knees!) and, more to the point, my diabetes is much better managed, so much so that I am looking forward to reducing the medication for this, (under medical supervision I hasten to add!). In his book Dr Batmanghelidj asks that if the information contained therein helps in any way, that readers write to him to help his research. His book contains many letters as proof that his findings work. Imagine being pain free and medication free simply by drinking sufficient amounts of water! I must add here that by ‘drowning’ yourself in water (suddenly drinking gallons of it!), is not the way to alleviate long standing pain or disease, the cells of the body are like sponges and take time to re-hydrate. It is also important to ensure that your kidneys are functioning properly before drinking more water, in order that they can filter excess water in the body. (If your body is ‘overwatered’ then your lungs may be affected). To check kidney function is relatively simple, you measure the amount of fluids you normally drink and the amount of urine you pass. Then start adding a couple of glasses of water a day to the amount you usually drink. If the amount of urine begins to increase then it is safe to increase the water you take. If you are taking diuretics remember that water is the best natural diuretic. If you are on any medication of any kind it is best to seek professional supervision as you cannot just cut your medication and start drinking water. To recap, Dr Batmanghelidj, whilst imprisoned in Iran, has made a major discovery in the field of medicine in finding a cure for a lot of the worlds many illnesses that plague millions of people worldwide - a simple cure, using only water. Our bodies comprise of seventy percent water, thirty percent solid matter, it makes sense to maintain that balance in order for our bodies to function the way they are designed to. In the main, it is the inappropriate use of other beverages (his book reveals all!) and the failure of taking in, sufficient water over time that contributes to the depletion of the body’s water. It is this depletion, according to Dr Batmanghelidj, that is responsible for so many ills. You can take responsibility to reverse this process, I suggest you read Dr Batmanghelidj’s book and gradually increase your intake of water. The summer is virtually upon us, and we need to consume more water during the hotter months. Wouldn’t you like to be pain and medication free? Fancy a drink……………?

Written and compiled by Drew Ryder BSc. Hons. Drew is the owner and chef at Restaurante Los Amigos, in Tallante and is also a fully qualified Holistic Therapist (IHHT trained and registered) and an NLP practitioner.

Reporter The Costa Calida


22nd May - 4th June •


RELIGIOUS SERVICES CHRIST IN YOU-THE HOPE OF GLORY CHURCH warmly invites you to join us for Bible based Evangelical Christian worship, celebration and fellowship every Sunday morning at 10.30. We meet at the Europa Building, Avenida del Pino, Pinar de Campoverde. (From Pilar de la Horadada take the CV 925 towards Orihuela. When entering Campoverde, cross the 1st roundabout and at the 2nd roundabout the building is just on the right). Everyone is most welcome-we are multi-national and there is Spanish translation. We also have dedicated Sunday School teachers, Youth Groups and Home Groups. Just come along or if you would like to know more please contact Pastor Joseph on 96 818 3984 or e-mail to or visit our website www. (Church registered in Spain as number 1456-SG) LOS NIETOS COMMUNITY CHURCH Friendly, Informal, Evangelical Christian Church. Services in English 10am each Sunday. Alpha Centre, Avenida del Progreso 19, Los Nietos Viejos (Nr, La Manga Club) See alphacentre for more details and directions or call Miguel on 968 133 724. LA SIESTA EVANGELICAL CHURCH is an ecumenical English speaking congregation of Baptist, Methodist, United Reform, Church of Scotland, Presbyterian Church in Ireland etc. We share the Church building at La Siesta, Torrevieja with three other denominations, holding services on the second, fourth and fifth (where applicable) Sundays of the month at 11.15am. Our Church belongs to the Iglesia Evangélica Española or Spanish Evangelical Church. Our ministers are Joel René González García MA and his wife Mayra Gómez Soto de González MA. Contact us by calling 96 670 0131 or visit our website www. TORREVIEJA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (TCF). Lively services in English: Sunday 10:30am at the Asturias Restaurant, Orihuela Costa and Wed 6pm (Bible Study Service) at Calle San Luis 20, Torrevieja, Costa Blanca. More info: Web: WELLSPRING VICTORY CHURCH (part of Worldwide Victory Churches Int) 11am Sunday and Midweek Bible Study Wed 7pm at Apt Nati Bolnuevo. Join us for lively worship, sound Bible teaching, friendship and fellowship. More info Pastor Andrew/Wendy 968358750 or Duncan 607382033 /968130530 FULL GOSPEL BUSINESS MEN’S FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL We are a Christian organization with a difference. Breakfast meetings for men each month including a testimony time, & time to ask questions for those who seek answers. Info: Stuart 968 575 417 or 664 673 863 FULL GOSPEL BUSINESS MEN’S FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL (Torrevieja area). We are Christian organisation with a difference. More info: Stuart on 664673863. ANGLICAN CHAPLAINCY OF ST. PETER AND ST. PAUL, TORREVIEJA Serving the area from La Marina, south of Alicante, to La Manga near Cartagena. Chaplain:- All enquiries to - 966925905 Hon. Assistant Clergy: Rev. G Talbot, 968956536. Canon T Sampson, 677237496 Rev. J Littlewood, 966763933 (All authorised for wedding blessings, baptisms and funerals – please phone 966925205 or secretary re costs involved) Chaplaincy Wardens:Annette Beagrie, 966722100. Joan Berry,


Societies SEND YOUR DETAILS TO. FAX. 968 163626

968193117 (also secretary) Church web-site:- Lago Jardin – every Saturday at 6pm. (closed August) Tel. Annette Beagrie, 966722100 Los Balcones – (and Sunday School) – every Sunday at 10.30am. (July/ August at 11am with no Sunday School) Tel. Casandra Hopkins, 965720673 La Marina - held in the RC Church at San Fulgencio,– every Sunday at 10.15am. (July/August at 11.15am). Tel. Rita Bryan, 966795535 La Siesta – 1st and 3rd Sunday of month at 11.15am. Tel. Karen Miller, 965070197 Campoverde - 1st and 3rd Sunday of month at 6pm. Tel. Jill Dorsett, 966762715 La Manga, St. Teresa’s - 2nd and 4th Sunday of month at 6pm. Tel. Derek King, 968546866 OLIVE BRANCH CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. An invitation to join us at 11 am on Sundays in ‘The Centro Social Mercadillo’ at Cañadas del Romero for morning service and communion. A warm and friendly welcome is extended to all. Take the M603 past Camposol towards Murcia turn left towards Totana. As you enter Cañadas del Romero carry on for approx. 1 km, turn right for ‘Centro Social Mercadillo’, follow the road round to the right passing the white church. On left is the modern red brick building where we meet, ‘Centro Municipal Polivalente Cañadas del Romero’. For more information please contact pastor Ralph Locke or his wife Margaret on 968 199 622 or 618 720 181. MID WEEK BIBLE STUDY. Every Wednesday at 7pm meeting at the TEA POT next to Mercadona Puerto de Mazarrón. Join us for lively discussion as we study the word of God followed by prayer and worship. Phone Pastor Andrew on 968358750 or 620599270 or ST NICHOLAS ECUMENICAL CHURCH, CAMPOSOL. Services held every Sunday at 10.30am at Calle Andalucia 9, Camposol A. For information contact Len Eaton on 968 138 952. The Church choir rehearse every Tuesday at 5.30. New members welcome. Contact Stuart Burnley 618 869 376. The German speaking branch of St.Nicholas Ecumenical Church meets at San Jose church in Puerto de Mazarron twice monthly. Webiste. INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY, Evangelical English Speaking Church,Calle San Miguel de Salinas 2, Corner of Santomera, Torrevieja. Sunday Service 6.30pm; Wed. Ladies’ Meeting 11am; Thur. Prayer/Bible Study 6.30pm. All welcome. Contact Rev. Rafael Restrepo 660 127 276/ Info: 968 282 049 Pilar Christian Community Church Service Sunday at 11am, and Thursday at 5pm for Prayer meeting at Pilar de la Horadada at Calle Integración 7 (just off Avda de la Libertad, up the Ramble on the Terrapilar side). Home groups meet during the week. All welcome, from any church background or none. for further information contact us on 966763725 or 968575417 or by e.mail: PilarChristian. CATHOLIC MASS Mazarrón area (Murcia) MASS IN ENGLISH is celebrated at the Catholic chapel of Pastrana. approximately 10 km. from Mazarrón. Directions. Take the Mazarrón/Aguilas road (N-332); pass the tunnel “Sierra de las Moreras”, arrive to a roundabout, 8 kms. from Mazarrón, and follow sign to Ramonete. After roundabout go two more kms -you will pass the restaurant Los Cazadores on the left and you will see a sign to Pastrana on the right. Those from further a field are welcome, there is an excellent link now to Mazarrón via the new AP-7 motorway, from Cartagena and Torrevieja beyond! Schedule of Masses. Saturdays, at 4.30 PM Schedule of Confessions. Saturdays, at 4.00 PM For more information. Phone. 968 - 424386 or 676-219445, Shoreless Lake School, American School of Totana. (ask for Fr. Peter Escribano or Fr. Octavio Carpena) AGLOW INTERNATIONAL. For the BUDDHISM IN CARTAGENA. Contact Laura Sanchez on 636002034 after 7pm. Meeting every Thursday at 8.30pm.

THE HOPE OF GLORY CHURCH (Church registered in Spain under the number 1456 - SG) Bible based Evangelical Christian worship and celebration every Sunday morning from 10am to 12 noon at the town hall meeting room, Plaza Florida, Pinar de Campoverde, Pilar de la Horadada (behind the Sunday market and along the walkway from the Deutsche Bank and Peta’s Bar). 96 818 3984 or 96 676 3962, or by email. botwgo@yahoo.

CHARITIES HELP MURCIA MAR MENOR has been operating for 6 years as a voluntary and charitable Association with over 300 members. We offer help to anyone of any age and nationality and offer a 24 hour helpline for any time that you find you have no-one or nowhere else to call. We can supply you with temporary orthopaedic aids and electric scooters for a small donation. We supply up to date Fact and Information sheets about medical services, sudden deaths, and how and where to obtain residencias and padrons. We have a hospital visiting team, at present covering Los Arcos Hospital. We also can provide drivers when needed for medical appointments. We have a number of on-going groups; Diabetic Support, Cancer Support, Friendship and Fund Raising, besides an active research Access group pertaining to everyday barriers throughout the area, such as high kerbs and bad crossings etc. which has Council backing. We are entirely dependent on volunteers, funds raised from charity sales at the EuroCine Car Park in San Javier on Weds. & Sats. and at special events throughout the year and ofcourse , donations. We do need to recruit new volunteers urgently as we are so busy. The office, which we rent, is based at Calle Conde Campillo 15 Bajo, 30720 Santiago de la Ribera, and is open Mon-Fri. 10-1.30 with disabled parking outside. We hold a General Meeting on the 2nd Tues. of every month at La Biblioteca, CISSMU, Los Narejos (except in Aug. & Dec.) at 12pm followed by lunch in adjoining restaurant El Torreon at 1.30. Our AGM is held in March each year. Yearly membership is only 10€. PLEASE FEEL WELCOME TO COME ALONG & JOIN. HELP MURCIA MAR MENOR can be reached by post, telephone 968 570059, e-mail: and our website is: info@ AECC PILAR DE LA HORADADA BRANCH (CAMPOVERDE). We are an English speaking group in Pinar de Campoverde with a Help Desk open every Wednesday morning 1000 hrs – 1200 hrs (except Fiestas) at the Una Europa building situated on the second roundabout entrance to Campoverde, approximately 6 Km from Pilar. Annual membership of €15 entitles you to free tests to detect symptoms of cancer for men and women. Please call in for more information or advice in the strictest confidence. Also visit the AECC charity stall on alternate Sundays at the Campoverde Sunday Market held in Plaza Florida. MABS CANCER SUPPORT GROUP (MAZARRÓN) - We are a group of people dedicated to giving help and support to all those with the illness. Information leaflets on all types of cancer & treatment involved are available. We provide volunteer drivers to take cancer patients to and from hospital/clinic appointments (we can also provide a patient escort if needed). We have several reliable, translators available. We endeavour to help allay any fears and concerns that may occur during and after treatment. Emotional support and befriending is also available to patients and their families. If you are suffering from cancer and need our help please ring CANCER SUPPORT LINE 620 422 410. For any other information or queries please ring GENERAL ENQUIRIES 620 582 418 between 11am - 4pm Or visit our website www. P.A.L.S. (Protection And LifeSaving) PALS is a registered charity raising funds for additional medical and lifesaving equipment for the medical services in the Mazarron area. Come to Rumours Bar,

Camposol, 11.30 am on the second Monday of the month for the Committee Meeting. For information on PALS events go to or call President Ken (626 460 465) or V-P Pat (628 879 284). ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. Fuente Alamo. Alcoholics Anonymous, an English speaking meeting Thursdays 7.30pm at Fuente Alamo. If you have a drinking problem and seek a solution come and join us. Contact 646 29 04 20 for details. ALCHOLICS ANONYMOUS. Cabo de Palos; English speaking meeting every Friday, 7.30 p.m. If you are affected by alcohol and wish to seek help, contact 679 385105 for details. CANCER SUPPORT GROUP (MABS) MURCIA/MAR MENOR. Help and support is just a phone call away Tel. 693 275 779 or 968 432 525 THE LIONS CLUB OF MAZARRON BAHIA. Meet first Monday of each month at ‘Rumours’, on Camposol ‘B’ at 8.00pm. For further details of these meetings and a variety of other functions, Please call Diane on 968 431 521, or Andrew on 968 597 554

SOCIAL CLUBS EX-SERVICEMEN'S ASSOCIATION OF MAZARRÓN District [ESAMD] Registered in the Community of Murcia with the number 8.694-1a The Ex Servicemen's Association of Mazarron will be holding their third Anniversary Dinner/Dance at the Hotel Bahia - Puerto de Mazarron, Thursday 28th May 2009 cost will be €18 for members and €20 for guests, entertainment will be provided by Lucinda. Times are as follows: 7.30pmfor 8.15pm. Entry is by ticket only, which are available from committee members. Please contact either Bryan on 637 140 179 or Bill on 626209419 SACRED HEARTS SUPPORT GROUP - MAZARRON COUNTRY CLUB. We meet every Thursday morning, 11am – 1pm to read & discuss ‘Mind, Body & Spirit’ Books! The morning begins sharing our ‘life stories’ and enjoying a drink, then we dive into the book of the moment which you can guarantee always repeats what we’ve just been talking about! SPOOKY or SYNCHRONICITY! We then discuss what it all really means to us...and how we can put it into practice in our daily life! We end our sacred time together taking GODDESS/HEALING cards...and enjoying a quiet MEDITATION! We have a couple of places for ‘likeminded’ friends to join us...Please contact Barbara Franken...Tel: 650796579 or Email: ADAPT. Clubs within a club! Would you like to have fun while integrating with the Spanish community? We are open to English speaking and Spanish speaking people from any area. We have cycling, walking and camera clubs. Try the skittles, that’s really good fun. The Singles Friendship club is a wonderful support group and is great if you fancy a Sunday lunch and occasionally a day or night out. Also we have a very good and active Environmental club. There are lots of exciting projects in the pipeline including the San Pedro Carnival. We meet at 11 o clock at the Casino Restaurant in the centre of San Pedro on the first Saturday of the month. For only 2 euros you can just sit in and see if you would like to join us. If you do, and we’d love to have you, that will be just 10€ for the year. PILAR SOL CLUB. Following our recent A G M we have a new management team as Len & Pat have retired after 7 years of sterling service. We have Computer group on Monday pm's starting at 2.30, Whist on Mon Evening commencing at 7.30. Tuesday pm will be Spanish lessons whilst Tues evening is the Bridge Group at 7.30. Wed eve. is our 'club night' when we have Bingo alternating with Quiz, doors open 7.30.Thursday Line Dancing starts at 7.30 and Friday Eve. is our Social and games night. Once a month we organise a dance/social evening. At our functions there is a bar available or your can bring your own drinks and nibbles. New members are welcome for only €5 per annum membership fee. Future programme: Friday 13th March we have STEVE FINN who is a top U K vocalist & Guitarist. Saturday 11 April will be Easter Mardi Gras with 'All That Jazz' playing for a New Orleans Night. Tickets for these events are available from Thelma, Tel No. 965 720 984. For any further information on anything relating to the club please ring our new President, Trevor, on 966 769 655

WELCOME GROUP. Meetings are held at Mariano´s Restaurant, Camposol, Mazarron on the first Saturday of each month at 2 p.m. All welcome, no membership. The Entertainment programme is available from Dragontours Office and Costa Calida Properties Office, Camposol. For info. on the Group please contact 620 105 179 between the hours of 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. (Mon- Sats). LOS AMIGOS DE MAZARRON CF meet every Thursday afternoon at the Saladillo Vista Bar on Camposol A. Why not support your local team? More details at, or call Mick, Tony or Steve on either 649285257, 634054419 or 650346611 PUERTO DE MAZARRON LADIES CIRCLE Meets every Thursday afternoon at the Hotel Playa Grande, doors open 1.30pm. Visitors and new member welcome. For information ring Anne on 669338885 or Linda on 616112879 THE NOSMO CLUB OF THE MAR MENOR normally meets every Wednesday at Roda Social Club at 7.00pm. We welcome you to join us in any of our non-smoking events which includes walks, daytrips, petange, tenpin bowling, restaurant visits, quizzes and dominoes. We are a very friendly group with a wide range of social activities as requested by members, so come along and make new friends. For further information and directions email: nosmomarmenor@ or call 968 54 68 17. THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL CLUB, TORREVIEJA. meets every Friday at 8.00pm at Los Arcos Rest., Avda Baleares, Torrevieja for an evening of friendship and fun including Bingo, Dancing to Simon Morton and a Bumper raffle. New members always welcome phone George on 966 784 376 or Tony 966 775 029. MAZARRON FRIENDSHIP GROUP Are you lonely, do you live on your own? Would you like to meet new friends? Why not join our friendship group and get out to meet new friends for organised days and evenings out and see new places of interest. The Mazarron group is Camposol based. If you are interested or need more information about the group please contact Len on 689 113 494. We are a sister group to a Cartagena group and we go out and about with them visiting places of interest all around Cartagena and Murcia ROYAL BRITISH LEGION, TORREVIEJA meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the Month at 12.30 in La Marina Bar, Torreta II. More Information and directions are available on our website, Welfare enquiries should be made on 676141309 and for any other information Call Gill on 638512056. Visiting Members welcome. THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION, LA MANGA meets at Julian’s Bar, Playa Honda, at 19.00 hours every 1st Tuesday of the month except July and August. New and visiting members always welcome every Tuesday at Julian’s Bar 20.00 hours onwards. Car boot sale 1st Sat of the month at Playa Paraiso. Booters 5€ from 8.30am. See our website www. for directions and upcoming events, or telephone 691 98 27 24. THE ROYAL AIR FORCES ASSOCIATION COSTA BLANCA BRANCH 1359 The Costa Blanca branch of the RAFA meets monthly on the third Tuesday at the Social Club at Cuidad de los Comunicaciones in San Miguel. Social events are also held on the second & forth Thursdays each month. Anyone interested from any air forces are welcome to join us for social and general meetings. For information please call; Noel Cork MBE (Chairman), Tel 966723451. or Walter Shatford (Secretary), Tel 686859441 or check out our Web Site. rafacostablanca. m y s i t e . o r a n g e . u k ROYAL NAVAL Association, Torrevieja The Branch meets on the first Wednesday of the month at “El Paraiso” bar/ restaurant, located at Avda Las Alondras, Becisa, Los Angeles, Torrevieja. Existing and new members welcome. For information, contact Secretary, Rod Millington 966764292 or view our website

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Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •



U3A TORREVIEJA Meets the third Thursday of the month at Los Arcos Restaurant Torrevieja. Learning and friendship for the retired providing educational, recreational and leisure activities for its members. Look at our web site or telephone Lyn Howarth 965329953 Penny Godrey 966116526 or David Evans 966723909

FRIENDS AND BUDDIES This is a social Club for people who find themselves living on their own in Spain, offering friendship and support. We meet at EL Saladillo bar on sector A at Camposol on Tuesdays at 8pm except the 2nd Tuesday of the month when we meet at Los Galayos in Port Mazarron at 8pm.We also arrange trips and outings so if you are on your own why not come and join us. If you would like more information contact Ann Lambert on 968163758 or 628153329 or e-mail LABOUR INTERNATIONAL COSTA BLANCA SOUTH If you look at life from a left wing point of view and would like to meet others similar for information, discussion on UK and Spanish politics as well as social events contact Christine 966 784 720 or Alan 966 925 5059. Formal meetings 1st Thursday of every month at Casa del Pueblo, Calle La Paz, Torrevieja. EXCHANGE MEET-UP IN CARAVACA - Programme for Saturday 30th of May 2009: 10.00 Welcome at Plaza Tuzla in Caravaca. 11.00 Discovery of the castle. 12.30 Guided visit at the "Fiesta museum". 14.00 Generous meal at local restaurant. 16.00 Promenade "Fuentes del Marquez". For more information and inscriptions encuentroslinguisticos@gmail. comor or contact Tobias on 676 422 158.

SPORT & LEISURE SCUBA DIVING DAILY, PADI Courses, beginners to Master Scuba Divers, Dive Club membership available, Tel: 645 657 094, www. KRAV MAGA SELF DEFENCE CLASSES. Learn to defend against armed or unarmed attackers. Qualified instructor, classes held every Wednesday 6.30 to 7.30 in the Centro Municipal Las Claras. Cost 8€ per session. contact kravmagalosalcazares@ LOS ALCAZARES DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB moves back to it´s summer venue at the Costa Narejos Hotel from Thursday 26th March. Play Starts at 6.30 pm every Thursday and caters for all abilities. For more information contact Margaret & Ron Odell 968575760 or romar.odell@ BADMINTON. A group of English players play Badminton in Totana on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6 - 8 PM and are looking for more intermediate to advanced players. For further information contact Ric on 680782076 BADMINTON in San Pedro. We play on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Pabellon Principe de Asturias, Ave. Antolinos, next to the new swimming pool, from 10.00 to 13.00 hours. Beginners with plastic shuttles (informal coaching available), intermediate and advanced players with feathers. For further information call 651 483 809. FLYING Club/Group forming in the Costa Calida region. Looking for group members, pilots and enthusiasts for flying and social events. PPL revalidation possible. Contact. Hans Beckler, Tel 671 90 29 29 FUENTE OLD GUARD GOLF SOCIETY If you are interested in playing golf at different courses and don’t want to pay ridiculous green fee amounts why not find out more about our society. Most of our members are retired and live around the Fuente Alamo area in Murcia. Contact the secretary Bob Daffon tel. 968598540 or e-mail chrisandbobinspain@hotmail. com. MAZARRON BOWLS CLUB. The Club has its home green at the Sports Complex at Hacienda del Alamo Golf Resort – Exit 21 from the RM2 (A30) Alhama to Cartagena motorway or signposted from Fuente Alamo (2 Kms). The club is open from to 11pm weekdays with organised Club Days on Tuesdays and Thursdays and also on Sunday mornings for open rollups, coaching and other events. The club organises formal competitions and

Societies SEND YOUR DETAILS TO. FAX. 968 163626

leagues, Club Championships, interclub matches, charity and novelty events, and social activities. Hire equipment including bowls is available. Further information and Membership information is available from the Secretary on 968 131 619 or from the website www.mazarronbowlsclub. CAMPOSOL BRIDGE CLUB The Bridge Club meets to play Duplicate Acol Bridge at The Pizzeria Trevi, Camposol Shoppng Centre, Mazarron on Monday 4-7 pm; Wednesday & Fridays 09.45-12.45. Info. from Barry 609925497 or Norma 650418887 RUBBER BRIDGE PLAYERS (Los Alcazares) required for a small circle of players meeting afternoons and weekends for Bridge at a reasonable level, 5 card Major players are particularly welcome. Please call 968 170 986 or 66 11 383 36 THE ART GROUP meets every Monday at 11.00am at Los Canovas in the Casa Cultura. The group is open to all abilities. For more information please contact Chris Leiper tel. 968 199 418. EXPLORING ART at Los Amigos in Tallante. This is an established group happy to accept new members who are interested in experimenting with different media and looking at new styles of working. It is a 2 hour session (10 until 12), with participants bringing their own basic materials. Phone Annette for more details on 968 163 640 or 649 647 467. SAN MIGUEL COMPUTER CLUB Meets on Wednesday’s 14.00 till 16.00, The Rendezvous Bar/Restaurant, Pueblo Principe, next to Villamartin’s Archway near the new Mercadona. For details and directions please visit or call 966 791 656. LOS ALCÁZARES DIGITAL CAMERA CLUB meets at 10.30am on the first Monday of every month at the CISSMU building in Los Narejos (Los Alcázares). Training workshops follow the meeting and photographic field trips are made to places of interest on the third Thursday of each month. For more information call Trevor on 968 57 48 77 or Mike on 968 58 22 17 and visit our website at www. 1 METRE RADIO CONTROL SAILING CLUB, we our now into our 2009 racing season, every Sunday from 11 am to 1pm at C.A.R. sports College in Los Alcázares. We now have 10 boats and want to expand so new members are welcome. Also ladies please come along and have a coffee with the other wives. We are also looking for a volunteer race officer, for more information call David on 968 170 870 or Richard 965 325 009, e-mail SHOESTRING DINGHY SAILING SHARE GROUP MAR MENOR, we operate out of the C.A.R dinghy park in Los Alcázares, and meet every Friday for a group day, with sailing throughout the week. While the membership is currently full we do have a waiting list and any experienced dinghy sailors interested in knowing more should, contact Brian Blackburn on 966 718 021, David Lees 968 170 870 or view the S.a.m.m w e b s i t e at. www. MAR MENOR SAILING ASSOCIATION MURCIA, welcomes new members. We meet monthly, the second Wednesday in the month at 11am in CISSMU, Los Narejos. Our activities cover boat owners needing crews, shared boat ownership, improvement of sailing skills including Spanish sailing tests and social events. See our website for more details. Contacts : Commodore Mike Wright sammcommodore@hotmail. com, Membership Brian Blackburn, Webmaster michael.phillips@ sailingmarmenor GUIDING & SCOUTING, 5 – 14year olds, based in South Murcia. For more info either call 608 174 485 or email

MUSIC & DANCE COME DANCING at the Olympia Restaurant, Mil Palmeras, in Airconditioned comfort on Wednesdays and Fridays. Wednesday's Modern Sequence and Social Sequence - non-stop from 8pm, teaching at 7.30 of one of the new dances. Friday's Modern Ballroom, Latin American and Social Sequence - non stop from 8pm - visitors always welcome at all our dances.

Note:- No dancing during July and August - Contact Michael on 965 350 762 or 610 981 795 LATIN LINE DANCE sessions are held at Trevi’s Bar, Camposol from 11.30 till 12.30. This is a class where you do not need a partner and concentrates on great Latin music and basic Latin moves to improve fitness and have fun. Phone Annette on 968 163 640 for more details or to book a place. NEW TAP CLASS – 10 week Beginners Tap Class for adults starts at Centro Polivalente, Canadas del Romero on Thursday 16th April from 8 until 9 p.m. Phone Annette on 968 163 640 for more details or to book a place. SEVILLANAS CLUB Sevillanas club meets last Sunday of each month in the Orihuela Costa Resort (La Zenia). Open to anyone who enjoys Spanish culture and wants to know more about flamenco and Spain in general. A social afternoon, integrated with mini shows from students of Raquel Peñas’s Flamenco Dance School, and a chance to watch or dance Sevillanas. For more information call 630 689 431. LINEDANCE UNLIMITED. New beginners class Thurs 19.00pm at the Lo Monte Hotel,Pilar.Learn to dance and make new friends. Followed by improvers 20.00 and intermediates 21.00pm. Further details and info on other venues, contact Gerry and Sally, 600362044 MIL PALMERAS JAZZ! JAZZ, JAZZ, Jazz fans meet every Monday night at 8pm in the Jazz Club at Mil Palmeras, held in the El Pescadito, for ‘live’ jazz of every style, played by top local band “Jazz Greats”. Experienced jazz musicians and singers are welcome to sit-in. A special ‘jazz supper’ is available! Details from Roger on 96676 2308. THE ICENI DANCERS. We are a dance group who perform locally for charity and welcome anyone with a dance background to join us. We rehearse twice weekly and cover all forms of theatre dance. Info. Joy 966787918 or Jacqui 965323673. ENGLISH FOLK MUSIC CLUB Our new home is the ROCAJUNA BAR at Las Barcas 1 Urbanisation, near Punta Prima. We still meet every Tuesday at 8.30pm and we still welcome anyone who wants to sing, play or just listen. Entry is free. We look forward to your company. For more info contact Ian or Carol on. 968186656 or 676566090 Email. CRESCENDO INTERNATIONAL CHOIR meets every Wednesday at 7.00pm at La Siesta Church, Urb. La Siesta, Torrevieja. The sixty strong Choir is always happy to consider requests to perform its enormously varied repertoire of quality music at social or charity events anywhere – ‘Have Music, will Travel!’. Please contact our Concert Manager Sue Woodward, Tel. 96 678 4108. Both the membership and the music we perform are truly international and we would be most pleased to hear from prospective choristers of any nationality. The ability to read music is not essential, commitment, dedication and application are! If you are not sure to which voice group you belong, we will tell you. For further information contact Chairman David Snaith Tel. 650 841 736. We find great pleasure in making good music. Why not share it, in harmony with us? JUST BRASS. Rehearses Thurs 4.307.00pm at The Social Centre San Miguel (opposite the Post Office). Come listen or play along with us any time. Available for concerts, garden parties, etc to play traditional brass band music. Info: John Bawden 966 706 959/Tony Murray 966 789 965 “VELVETONES” TORREVIEJA LADIES BARBERSHOP CHORUS Meet at the Cabo Cervera Hotel, La Mata every Wednesday, visitors are always welcome at our rehearsals and we are still available to entertain at Garden Parties, Dinners, Shows, etc. Further information please telephone Elizabeth 96 572 7034 or Maggie 96 678 4139. Visit our website. SPANGLES. Have fun, make friends, make music! Ladies Barbershop Harmony Chorus Meet every Thursday from 11am at Centro Las Claras, Los Alcazares. Call for more information Anthea 968 334 527 or Lyn 968 432 525 or visit the website WEDNESDAY’S Modern Sequence and Social Sequence - non-stop from 8pm, teaching at 7.30 of one of the new dances. Friday’s Modern Ballroom, Latin American and Social Sequence - non stop from 8pm - visitors always welcome at all our dances. Contact nos. 965 350 762 or 610 981 795

Following are the activities carried out in Centro Municipal Las Claras, Calle Helena 177, Urb. Oasis, Los Alcázares, CLAQUÉ (TAP DANCING)


Mondays and Thursdays 10:30 to 11:10

Fridays from 17:30 to 18:30


Mondays and Thursdays from 12:00 to 13:00 Wednesdays from 11:00 to 12:00



Tuesdays from 11:00 to 12:00

Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 to 11:30

CONVERSATION GROUP Wednesdays 17.30 to 19.30 English & Spanish



Tuesdays to Fridays from 9:00



Thursdays from 18:00 to 19:30 Wednesdays from 17:00 to 19:00

Thursdays from 10:30 to 13:00

Phone 968 170 085 / 334 560


Under the auspices of the Asociación de Vecinos All classes require an initial payment of 4 weeks on enrolment. SPANISH - Tel: Antonio 680 753 819 Beginners: Tuesday Afternoons 15.00 – 16.00 or 16.00 – 17.00 or 17.00 – 18.00. Lower Intermediate & Intermediate: Thursday P.M. Conversation & Revision: Friday Afternoons. NEW Spanish for Business: GENEALOGY – Tel: 660 384 778 A block of four 1.5 hours classes - times to be negotiated. SPANISH COOKING – Tel: 660 384 778 Two courses cooked by a local Spanish Housewife & eaten afterwards with bread & wine. Husbands & wives welcome!!!!!. Wednesday 12.00 - 13.30 “Not Strictly – Ballroom” NEW ADULT DANCE CLASS Tel: 655 421 120 Simple routines to suit the basic rhythms of the social dance scene. Learn how to whisk your partner round the floor gracefully. Non dancers welcome. Choreographed for easy enjoyment by a qualified instructress. Thursday 16.00 – 17.00 ART CLASSES - Tel: George 664 150 222 Tuesday 10.00 - 12.00 or 13.30 – 15.30 YOGA & PILATES - Tel: Wendy 630 288 978. Monday 18.15 - 19.45 Wednesday 9.45 – 11.15 Friday 10.00 – 11.25 & 11.30 – 12.55 PILATES & CIRCUITS - Tel: Wendy 630 288 978. Wednesday 18.30 – 19.30 PATCHWORH, CROSS STITCH & EMBROIDERY – Tel: Penny 968 130 866. Monday 11.15 - 13.15 Stitch something different. GUITAR CLASS - Tel: John 628 232 936. Thursday 13.00 – 14.30 DOG TRAINING CLASSES @ the Social Centre 6 weeks basic training (over 6 months old) Puppy socialization (up to 6 months old). Fully Qualified behaviourist. Adele: 619 807 388 or Lisa 650 221 846 DRAWING CLASS - Saturday 10.00 – 13.00. Explore a variety of techniques & approaches to drawing through a variety of mediums & subjects. Qualified Instructor. Tel: George 664 150 222 SEVILLANAS: Friday 20.30 – 21.30 8 classes with three Ladies from the Village. Taking Names & Numbers Tel: 660 384 778 The following short classes will run regularly. GARDEN CLASS: One session of 2 hours on a Thursday Afternoon. SPANISH HISTORY: Two sessions of 2 hours on a Thursday Afternoon covering the local area & includes visits to local areas. GEOGRAPHY of SPAIN: One session of 2 hours on a Thursday Afternoon. Looking at Life, Climate & Nature of the Area.

SUPERSTITIONS of THE REGION One session of 2 hours on a Thursday Afternoon. Traditional Issues surrounding religion & superstitions. Plus places of Interest to Visit. Tel: Antonio 680 753 819 to book your place on the above four courses. MURCIA DANCE COLLEGE – Tel: Louise 655 421 120 Tuesdays Boyz Urban Dance17.00 – 18.00, Tuesday 18.00 – 19.00 age 5 – 10 years, Tuesday 19.00 – 20.00 age 11+, Thursday BBO Ballet 18.00 – 19.00 age 5 - 8 LADIES SELF DEFENCE CLASS Keep fit & learn how to defend yourself. Tel: Lloyd 666 201 379 to reserve your place. NEW GARDEN CLUB Swap plants, seeds, mags. etc. Contact Zoe 968 971 824 or 686 680 565 BEGINNERS ADULT TAP DANCE 10 week course every Thursday 8 – 9 p.m. Tel: Annette 968 163 640 or 649 647 467 SPECIAL SUMMER ACTIVITIES Louise´s Dance Workshops for Children & Adults, Antonio´s Special Local Interest Course, Wendy´s Summer Pilates & Yoga Course SOCIAL CENTRE & RESTAURANTE Now under new Management – come & try the menu, Meals, tapas,drinks & Al la Carte. Monday to Sunday Menu del Dia. To book Tel: 968 429 145 FIESTAS de SAN JUAN BAUTISTA Come & participate in our local village Spanish Fiesta. Saturday 20th June Free Paella at 2.00p.m. followed by a Children´s Dance Display. Bingo @ 8.00p.m. Dance & Disco afterwards. Sunday 21st June Mercadillo in the morning followed by Children´s Games at 6.00p.m. & a Children´s Dance Display @ 8.00p.m. followed by Dancing & Free Garlic Potatoes & Michirones. Wednesday 24th June 8.30 Mass in Honour of our Patron with Floral tributes. Dance & Disco in the evening. The committee reserves the right to alter the programme & times – please check at the Social Centre. SPANISH MERCADILLO (CAR BOOT) NOW RUNNING EVERY WEEK Proceeds go back into the Community. Organized parking 7.30a.m. start. No unloading before 7.00a.m. No trading before 7.30 a.m. No overnight parking. Tel: Dave 660 550 022 PETANCA/BOULES CLUB - Tuesday Morning 10.30, St Nicolas Church. Contact: 636 658 965 OLIVE BRANCH CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Sunday 10.00a.m. Rev. Ralph & Margaret Locke Tel: 968 199 622 For up to date information or

Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •

Any item UNDER 75€ IS FREE to advertise here


39 37

Classified form on pg 4

EMAIL. FAX. 968 16 36 26 (10am - 5pm only) The Reporter, Apdo de Correos 395, La Manga Club, 30389 Cartagena, Murcia

Budget Advertising for Your Business: from under 3€ per week plus IVA. CALL 618 549 283 TODAY AIR CONDITIONING AIRCONDITIONING INSTALLATION C.B. Domestic and Commercial Sevicing re-gas General maintenance Fitting only from 180€ Reliable friendly service For a free quotation phone PAUL 680 608 628 TONY 699 775 219 airconditioninginstallation

BARS & RESTAURANTS Castillo del Pinar - Perin 968 163 138



very competitive rates call Harald on. 699 421 966


Building and Property Maintenance Patios, Block Paving, Tiling All building work undertaken Fully Legal, Call David.

Tel. 968 133 618 Mob. 628 041 367



CABINETMAKER CARPENTRY & JOINERY Over 30 years experience • Made to measure or freestanding furniture designed for your home • Bathrooms and kitchens fitted • All carpentry work • Joinery • Small building works

Call Alan on 660 075 583 or 660 079 476

CAR SALES Confay Motors (Cartagena) 968 539 070

DENTISTS Indent (Fuente Álamo) 968 596 306

LG Dental (San Pedro del Pinatar) 968 186 660 / 696 153 470

EDUCATION Academia Escudero (Los Alcazares) 968 171 300

ENTERTAINMENT Ancient Cartagena Walking Tours – 650 017 327 or 968 351 018 Flamenco La Tona 968 684 194 / 637 279 587 Pilar's English Cinema 696 632 098


HEALTH & BEAUTY SHAPE & TONE (Los Alcazares) 661 002 648

PETS New Life 4 Spanish Animals 600 463 195 APAH Rescue www.apahrescue,org 630 422 563 Noah's Arc Pet Rescue 699 352 818

PROPERTY Novasol – 636 899 803 Owners Away Property Management Professional property management and holiday rental services on the Costa Cálida Tel. 691 977 107 or

www.ourpropertyguide. com - 965 319 743

PSYCHOLOGY 696 895 147


Weight Watchers 900 818 112

Bath Buddy 952 560 336

ASSSA Insurance 968 153 396


A PAIR OF MOTOROLA VHF walkie talkies, with charger. Cost 120€, accept 40€, never used. Tel. 666 129 388. OBRIEN REVENGE 93 Competition Pro water ski ex. Condition, 65.5 inch, 75€. Sportsfuff Sumo Tube, good condition, 15€. Tel. 666 129 388 JOBE AQUARIDER, 5 man banana, needs slight attention, cost over 440€, accept 25€. Tel. 666 129 388. TRADITIONAL BEER HAND pump with pump clip, 20€. Beer cooler, good working order, 40€. Tel. 666 129 388.

ITEMS FOR SALE RYOBI PRESSURE WASHER 160 bar. Semi industrial. Cost €500 new, 2 years old, little use. €200Mazarrón area. 649 353 478.

TOWN HOUSE, Los Alcázares. Situated in quiet road overlooking a park area. Three bedrooms, sunny lounge, air con, short walk to shops. Phone 660 645 996. RF/LH

RETAIL Media Markt (Cartagena) 968 323 900


AXA Insurance 968 171 005 BEST Insurance 966 766 803

AMSTRAD SKY DIGIBOX. Model DRX200. Good working order. 25 Euros. Tel: 659 226112 (La Manga area).


Casa Kitchens & Bathrooms Los Alcázares 968 171 209


ITEMS FOR SALE UNDER 75€ Excludes trade ads & wanted ads.

INDUSTRIAL TOASTER with timer and 2 shelves. Ideal for bar or restaurant. Cost €240 new. As new, 3 months old. €100 no offers. Mazarrón area. 649 353 478


GLASS CURTAINS Create extra warm living space without unsightly frames. For free estimate Tel 646 111 825


The British Golf Club 676 651 184 or 968 134 813

TELECOMMUNICATIONS BT Mobile Authorised Agent 900 804 574 Citrus Red SL 900 804 564

APARTMENT in Los Alcazares two bed rooms, two bathrooms, well furnished, over-looking gardens, use of swimming pool, private solarium. Short walk for supermarket, restaurants and bars and the beaches of the Mar Menor. Phone 660 645 996 for availability. RF0357/LH DETACHED 3 bed villa to rent in Los Narejos set in its own well established garden. Air conditioning. Short and restaurants. Ideal holiday location. Phone 660 645 996. RF0567/PH POLARIS WORLD RESORT, Mar Menor. Three bedroom, three bathroom detached villa to rent with own swimming pool. Beautifully furnished. Ring for availability and prices. 968 171 209 or 660 645 996. RF0667/PH

LONG TERM PROPERTY RENTALS TIPTOP VILLA CARE - Long term rental specialists Tel. 968 566 011

or e-mail RF03102/125 APARTMENT FOR RENT Los Urrutias. 2 bedrooms with large living area, new kitchen, balcony, and roof terrace with spectacular view. 80 meters to beach and close to all amenities. Long term rental only. 440€ p/m plus utility bills.

PROPERTY MANAGEMENT TIPTOP VILLA CARE - We Care for your property. Key Holding, Property Checks, Rental Advertising. Tel. 968 566 011 or e-mail RF02102/125

KEYHOLDING, Cleaning, Letting, Tel: 625 684 139 Email: RF01116/125

MOBILITY EQUIPMENT Sale and hire of mobility equipment. Tel. Freedom Mobility 968 153 620. RF01113/126

SPANISH TUITION WWW.SPANISHFORADULTS.ES Enjoy learning Spanish with creative, diverse and well structured weekly lessons: small groups or one-to-one. Intensive residential courses for different purposes including Spanish for business. Maria Linares 678 936 110 968 546 859. RF01119/120

BUSINESS WANTED Cash paid for cleaning business (any size) Email:

SITUATION VACANT Freelance advertising sales staff required for, to sell web site advertising to related businesses. great commision rates. send email to: 649 353 478

14 38

Reporter The Costa Calida

22nd May - 4th June •

To see your property or vehicle advertised here call 902 907 324 today!

PROPERTIES & MOTORS STILL TRYING TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY OR CAR? Displaying your property at and open the doors to anyone in Spain or abroad who is looking for property. Your property will also be listed in the printed paper version of The Reporter for no extra charge. You can send in your property description and up to 8 photos together with your email and telephone number. All telephone and email enquiries go direct to you so you are free to negotiate as you wish with no middle man involved. There is no commission to pay, no hidden costs – just a special introductory price of 39€ for a 6-month listing.

Or perhaps you are trying to sell your car, caravan, motorbike etc – we can display it to the world via The Reporter website with a comprehensive listing and up to 6 photos, and in print. Listings stay live until the vehicle is sold. So don’t delay, call Reporter Properties & Motors today on 902 907 324 (24 hours) for further information, or email FOR SALE/FOR LONG TERM RENT. Lovely country house, near Tallante (between Cartagena/Mazarrón). Character & impressive scale set in almond and olive trees. 5 bed/2 bath, huge sitting room - log burner. Alarm system, oil fired central heating throughout. Landline telephone and ADSL connected, mains electricity & water. 8x4 pool. Outbuildings. Make wonderful family home/be converted to small rural hotel. 330,000€. Rental 850€ per month + bills. Tel. 606 814 279. Further details RF03-220509

FOR RENT. Apartment situated in Hacienda Golf

Resort close to Sucina. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, underground parking, air-conditioning and a very large corner terrace with views of a fantastic swimming pool and golf course. Nicely furnished, basically brand new. Long term let available, 500€ including bills. Telephone 678 094 393. Further details

Ref: 01-220509

FOR SALE. First floor 2 bed apartment on Polaris World Condado de Alhama Resort. Full size solarium, communal pool and surrounded by mountain views. Easy walking distance to golf, shops and sports facilities. Furnishings and fittings of highest quality, included in price of €128,000. Tel: 680553903 Further details Ref: 01-270309

FOR SALE. El Alamillo, Puerto de Mazarrón 2 bedroom

ground floor apartment, approximately 25 minutes walk from Puerto de Mazarron. It is part of a complex of 24 properties surrounding a swimming pool. Beach is 5 minutes walk. Front and back terrace. Allocated parking. Fully furnished. Offers of around 120,000 euros are invited. Tel: 0044 1623 551 054. Further details

Ref: 02-270309

FOR SALE. La Manga del Mar Menor. Spacious furnished

FOR SALE. A lovely 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home set in a peaceful location, this property is south facing and has mountain views. Conservatory, summer kitchen, bodega, plunge pool, barbeque. Plot size 780 sqm. Mains electric and water supply, also an agricultural water supply. The property is located midway between Murcia city and Cartegena, 6kms from Fuente Alamo. 250,000€. Tel. 00 44 7784 342230. Further details Ref: 01-130309

FOR SALE: Luxury house in Mar Menor, Santiago de la Ribera. Residential area. 345 sqm garden, courtyard ideal for dining, 4 bedrooms, 1 service bedroom, 2 bathrooms, chimney. Everything within walking distance. This house makes a great holiday or retirement home in the sun. 440,000€. Tel. 639 633 758. Further details Ref: 02-130309 For Rent. La Torre Golf Resort Apartment. Room: 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 shower room, 1 WC. Central heating, Air conditioning, TV, Video player, CD player, Telephone, Satellite TV, Wi-fi available. Balcony / Terrace, Shared outdoor pool (unheated), Private garden, BBQ, Shared tennis court on site, Childrens pool, Climbing frame, Swing set. FROM £150 pr week. Tel. 34 663 727 931. Further details Ref: 02-270209 For Sale. La Torre Golf Resort Apartment. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 shower room, 1 WC. Central heating, Air conditioning, TV, Video player, CD player, Telephone, Satellite TV, Wi-fi available. Balcony / Terrace, Shared outdoor pool (unheated), Private garden, BBQ, Shared tennis court on site, Childrens pool, Climbing frame, Swing set. £121,995 REDUCED. Tel. 663 727 931. Further details Ref: 04-270209 For Sale. 2 Bedroom Semi-Detached Home, Sucina, Murcia, Spain. Surrounded by five 18 hole golf courses and just 2 minutes walk to the local shops, banks and bars this bungalow makes a great holiday or retirement home in the sun. The Lounge Diner: Air Conditioning / Heating, Integral Window Blinds, Bug Blind. The Bedrooms: Built-In Wardrobes, Winter Heaters, Blackout Blinds, Bug Blinds. Swimming Pool, Grill Bar, village shops & banks all within walking distance. Offers around 125,000€ Tel. 968 371 216. Further details: Ref: 01-270209 For Sale. 2 bed, 2 bath apartment, due for completion June 2009. Area: Albatera, sits on the banks of the River Segura, a beautiful spot with stunning views of the surrounding Sierra de Crevillent mountains. The Church is famed for its impressive baroque doorway, intricately carved in stone. Has town plaza and Parque de la Huerta with fountain. Price €127,907 inclusive of IVA. Tel: 680 787 277. Further details Ref: 03-270209 For Sale. Los Canovas, Fuente Álamo, Murcia, Spain. Duplex, 140sqm. 3 Bed, 2 Bath, Lounge/Diner, Kitchen, upstairs sitting room with access to balcony. Air/ con and log burner, with ceiling fans in all rooms. All white goods and some furniture included. 2 mins from RM2 motorway junction, hence, Cartagena 30 mins, Mazarron 20 mins, Murcia airport 35 mins, Beach 20 mins. Views to mountains from both the front and rear of house. Price: 160,000€ e-mail: Further details Ref: 06130209

apartment finished to a very high standard, situated on the second floor of the Las Gondolas Complex, with views of Mar Menor and the Mediterranean. 3 beds, 1&1/2 baths, lounge/dining room, kitchen and utility room. Balcony, swimming pool. White goods included. Price: 140,000 €. Tel. Spain 664 69 20 25 - UK - + 44 790 503 9951 Further details Ref: 01-240409

For Sale. LA APARECIDA, MURCIA, SPAIN. A 2 bed, 1 shower room detached villa in La Aparecida overlooking the park area. Open plan lounge/dining area & kitchen with a ‘living flame’ gas fire, A/C in the lounge. White goods are included in the price. A/C unit in the master bedroom. Domestic water is heated by a very energy efficient solar power system. Off road parking for 2 cars, pergolas to the rear. Land line telephone and English/Spanish TV are installed. There is a large communal pool. Price: 160,000.00 Euros Tel: 968 165 664. Further details Ref: 01-130209

FOR LET. South Brittany, France. 4/5 bed holiday cottage/gite

For Sale. 2 bedroom Bungalow in Mazarrón Country Club, Mazarron. Price: €144,995. End terrace bungalow on a 215m2 corner plot in a quiet cul-de-sac. The property comes fully furnished and is of good quality including leather sofas and all the white goods with dishwasher as well. Sat. TV. broadband, telephone and hot and cold air conditioning. The garden is gravelled - driveway big enough for a caravan and car. Front terrace comes with a pagola with climbing plants and there is also a large rear courtyard ideal for dining. Tel: 649 353 478 Further details Ref: 01-300109

short/long stays –ideal stopover driving to/from UK - Spain. 2 bedrms & shower room/WC. Traditional Breton living room, fitted kitchen, dining area, lounge - wood-burning stove, TV/ video/DVD. Garden, a 7-metre pool in the summer, views. 30 mins from the Gulf of Morbihan, close to historic town, beaches, forts, forests & lakes. From UK: 01273 252108 or 07973 621637, in France on 0033(0)2 97 46 740 or +33 (0)631 721 760 Further details RF02-240409

2004 FORD FOCUS ESTATE 1.8 TDCI 1.15BHP, 90,000kms. Excellent Condition, Very economical. ITV 2010. Air Con/Radio/CD. LHD Spanish 5,000€ Tel. 649 353 478 Reduced for quick sale. G Reason

For Sale. TOTANA, MURCIA, SPAIN. Exchange considered UK. Fully furnished 1 year old villa high standard build on select quiet development. 3 beds, 2 bathrooms, 9x3 pool. Countryside views. Extra features including full airconditioning, central heating, alarm system, individual entry phone, TV satellite system, landscaped garden with auto watering system. All main services. Price: 273,000€ Tel. 968 429 965 Further details Ref: 02-130209

Tel. 966 199 589 Mob. 634 147 636

For Sale. Lux. house on the seafront at San Pietro in Bevagna - Manduria - Italy. 200m to beach. 400m2 garden. Approx. 120m2 build + small apartment. 3 bed, includes white goods, bathroom with massage shower. 1 entrance terrace covered 30 square meters (ocean side). 1 terrace apartment. 1 60m2 courtyard with stone grill. Location close to amenities. Summer kitchen (part covered). Bari airport 150 km away. Brindisi airport 50 km away (with Ryanair to all English/ Irish airports). Price: 220,000 euros. Tel. 968 58 27 97 or 654 56 82 58 Further details Ref: 03-130209

CITROEN PICASSO SXTOP 2.0l diesel. First registered in September 2005. 62,000 km. Full Citroen service history. Excellent condition. 7,995€. Tel: +44 7702 588547

For Sale. COUNTRY FINCA, MAR MENOR, MURCIA, SPAIN. The last of its kind. 3000m2 plot. Overlooking Mar Menor & La Manga. Views all around. Small community of about 20 properties. Fully reformed house and newly built self-contained guest accommodation separate from house. Electric gates. Air conditioning. ADSL. Completely walled and private. Price: 290,000€ Tel. 699 170 065 Further details Ref: 04-130209

MITSUBISHI CHALLENGER. 1996, 2.8 Turbo Diesel 4x4. Automatic UK plates (RHD) MOT Nov 09 120,000 km Alarm, ABS, CD player Black & gold colour 2,750€

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