Costa Calida Reporter issue 118

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Reporter The Costa Calida





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pages 20 & 21

The Public Health Commission Asks For ‘Swine Flu’ Vaccines

THE Public Health Commission, made up of the heads of the Health Services from all the Autonomous Communities, met on Tuesday in Madrid to ask for the central acquisition of the Swine Flu vaccine. The request, to the Minister of Health and Social Politics, means that the vaccine should be bought from state, rather than regional, funding. There is no concrete date for the acquisition of the vaccine, but it could be ready by the end of the year. The proposal to create a

network of laboratories to speed up the confirmation of suspected cases was also discussed at the meeting, with suitable facilities being examined in each community to make sure that they can meet the rigourous, unified testing and analysis procedures. At the moment, the lab here in Murcia in the Virgen de la Arrixaca hospital can only determine if the sample is a Virus A, or another type of virus. If it is confirmed as type A, then the results currently need to be sent away for further analysis. This week, the Health

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8TH MAY - 21ST MAY 2009

Council has sent the samples from a 27 year old Murcian patient suspected of contracting swine flu, to Madrid. The samples have gone to the National Microbiology Centre there for detailed analysis. The situation is changing on an almost daily basis, but this case brings the number of suspected cases in Murcia up to four since the news broke that the disease had arrived here in Spain. The latest patient to be suspected of having the flu is a 27 year old woman who arrived back in Spain after visiting Mexico. She is being kept under observation in the region’s Virgen de Arrixaca hospital, and whilst not in a serious condition, has been showing some of the symptoms of the disease. The patient is being treated with anti-viral drugs. The Health Authorities here remain on high alert for the arrival of any epidemic in Murcia. The situation at the time of going to press is that there has been one confirmed case of Swine Flu, and 3 suspected cases of the disease. Two of these cases have since proved negative for the virus A (H1N1). The main risk at present appears to be from those who have travelled to any of the countries with confirmed outbreaks of the flu in the last


10 days, and the Murcian Health Service advises that travellers returning from Mexico, or any other affected destination, who begin to show symptoms of the flu should seek immediate medical attention and call 1-1-2 if necessary. The confirmed case is currently responding to treatment in the patient’s own home with minimal medical intervention. Across Spain, the total number of confirmed cases has reached 73 , with 21 cases in Cataluña, 19 in Andalucía, 19 in Valencia, 4 in Madrid, 5 in Castilla La Mancha, 1 in Galicia, 1 in the Basque Country, 1 in Aragón, 1 in Extremadura and the Murcian case. Less than a third of those confirmed positive have needed hospitalisation, and all have responded favourably to treatment. The total number of cases investigated is now 56 across the country, with several testing negative for the virus. The Health Minister has responded to the situation by deciding to issue an update on a daily basis, and the latest statistics will be made public each day between 6.30pm and 7.30pm.

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Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •

Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •

Reporter The Costa Calida

Postal address. The Reporter Newspaper, Apdo. de Correos 395, La Manga Club, 30389 Cartagena, (Murcia)

Advertising Sales & Enquiries. Telephone. 618 549 283 Fax. 968 163 626 Email. Web. ® THE REPORTER NEWS PUBLICATION Printed in Spain. Published fortnightly. Published by. Clare Smith (X-4440081-T) Deposito Legal. V-4291-2004

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Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •

Environmental Regional Transport Corps - 17 New Atlas For Murcia Vehicles THE region of Murcia is to have its own ‘atlas’ of public transport, with details of all the routes, timetables and tariffs published for everyone to access. The book contains all of the information travellers need about stations, transport operators, lines, timetables and prices for all of the means of transport across the region. It may not quite be “Planes, Trains and Automobiles”, but it does provide an in depth guide to buses, trains and municipal services such as licensed taxis, amongst other data of interest. It has been hailed as a complete manual for public transport, improving the ease with which residents can find out what they need to know to make their journey across the province. Both

THE Councillor for Agriculture and Water, Antonio Cerdá, has presented the agents of the Environmental Corps with 17 new all-terrain vehicles and 2 trail bikes to assist them in their duties. The new 4x4’s come fully equipped with the latest safety technology, such as fog lights, airbags, ABS, stability controls and reinforced frames. They are also fitted with high visibility flashing lights, meaning that they can be easily located in the event of a forest fire. The Environmental Corps consists of around 100 agents who are responsible for caring for and patrolling the region’s countryside in order to protect it from damage. They also assist in any emergencies that take place in the area, and on many occasions their help is needed in rescue operations with difficult access. The all terrain vehicles mean that they can cover any type of ground with ease. The Councillor thanked the Corps, saying that the task of conserving and protecting the natural heritage in Murcia was “a little recognised skill, working in a difficult and sometimes hostile environment”. The 17 new 4x4’s will go to the

16 distinct areas of the region, with an extra vehicle for the special forces. In addition, the 2 trail bikes will be used on occasions where it is necessary to go deeper into the countryside, such as sporting events, pilgrimmages and other public activities. The presentation of the vehicles also coincided with a diplay of the Canine Brigade, which is specialising in the detection of bait. After 6 months of preparation and planning, the brigade is now operational, and the dogs are highly trained at finding poisoned bait, which presents a risk to both the wildlife and humans in the area. The offence is considered serious, and in 2004 all the Autonomous Communities agreed on the Strategy to Control the Use of Illegal Bait in the Environment. The strategy has 3 main objectives; to inform and improve knowledge of the substances used, to prevent and dissuade people from using the bait and to prosecute those caught committing offences. So far, there have been 90 cases of poisoned bait in the forests, which have affected several species, such as vultures, owls, and badgers .

Dramatic Rescue On Mar Menor TWO canoeists were dramatically rescued on the Mar Menor last week, in a rescue operation involving sea and air searches. The events unfolded during the afternoon, when the two canoes capsized in the area between Punta Brava and the Isla Perdiguera, and were carried towards La Manga by the strong currents. The Proteccion Civil in Cartagena co-ordinated the rescue operation, after the alert was raised at around 18.15 via a call to the 112 emergency service. A rapid response vehicle carrying six members of the Proteccion Civil was immediately despatched to the scene, whilst 2 jet skis and a quad bike were also deployed. The lifeguard boat Carthago I was also put to sea, along with a boat from the Proteccion Civil in Cartagena. A helicopter also

performed an air search, although the search proved to be fruitless for some hours. Finally one of the canoeists managed to make it to the shore in the Punta Brava area, and immediately called 112 to inform them of his whereabouts. He was also able to inform the rescue teams that his friend was still in the water, although wearing a life vest. After several searches, the helicopter managed to locate the 2 canoes, semi-submerged, but could still not find the missing man. With daylight fading fast and after almost 3 hours of searching, he was finally found by one of the rescue boats in the Isla Perdiguera area. Both men were treated for symptoms of hypothermia, and the dramatic events finally drew to a close at around 10.30pm that evening.

residents and tourists will find it an invaluable guide to getting around the region, as it contains all the necessary information for the 45 municipalities in Murcia. An initial print run of 3000 copies is set to be handed out, but more will be produced to meet the demand if the atlas proves a hit with the travelling public. Other useful information in the guide covers tourist establishments and hotels, Town Halls and Tourist Offices and any areas of public interest. If you are interested in getting your hands on a copy, then call into any of the Oficinas de la Entidad Pública del Transporte, or you can download a copy yourself from the website www. But it may take a while, as the 692

page guide covers all of the 250 bus routes, which travel around 7000 kilometres. In addition, there are 264 kilometres of railway, 114 plans with descriptions for each itinerary, all the timetables, prices for 581 regional bus routes, and a train and taxi service section! However, accessing the data online means that you can plan your journey interactively, and refer to the huge database of information covering every aspect of travel and transport in Murcia. The project will increase the standard of quality and accessibility of the information for users of the system, meaning that it should become easier than ever for us all to get mobile.

Rescue Organisations Get Funding THE Government has approved funding for various rescue and life saving organisations across the Region of Murcia, with almost 334,000 euros in total being distributed to different groups. The lifeguard groups responsible for patrolling the beaches and rescues at sea will get 146,300 euros under Plan Copla 2009. The Red Cross will get a further 123,300 euros which will also be used to finance maritime rescue operations under Plan Copla. The Red Cross has a wealth of experience in protecting and

saving lives in emergency situations, especially at sea, and their collaboration under Plan Copla is invaluable. The Town Halls in Mula and Calasparra will also receive 23,000 euros of funding to complete various different projects designed to ensure the safety of those using the inland riverside “beaches”, where hundreds gather to bathe throughout the summer season. There will be two lookout posts at El Embarcadero and the Santuario de la Esperanza in Calasparra, at a cost of 15,000 euros, and a

First Festival Of Barbershop Singing In Spain Comes To Torrevieja

TORREVIEJA is to have the honour of being the first town to host a festival of barbershop singing in Spain. SABS – the Spanish Association of Barbershop Singers – will be gathering its members together for a weekend of singing, coaching and camaraderie, based at the Cabo Cervera Hotel in La Mata. The brainchild of Madrileños Nico and Jorge de las Peñas, SABS was formed after their first-ever trip to a barbershop harmony college in Germany and they were bowled over by the experience. They returned to Madrid on a mission – to gather like-minded singers and create their own Association. “We enjoyed the German harmony college experience so much that we decided to see if we could organise something similar here in Spain, so we searched the internet and were surprised just how many

barbershoppers we found dotted around the country.” said Nico. “I am proud to be President of SABS and I am really excited about the coming weekend, where we can all meet and put on our first show. I hope this will become an annual event for SABS.” SABS members will be performing in the ‘En Armonía’ Show at the Virgen del Carmen Centro Cultura in Torrevieja on 6 June at 8:00 pm. The show will include barbershop choruses and quartets from all over Spain and topping the bill will be British Gold Medallists ‘Finesse’ ladies’ quartet. Tickets are just 5 Euros and can be obtained from the Virgen del Carmen, which is open from 10:00 – 13:00, Monday to Friday. There are only 300 seats, so book your tickets now to ensure that you don’t miss out on this unique event. If you would like to know more about SABS or any of the member choruses, please visit their website: or email them at Photograph of ‘Finesse’ – left to right: Helen, Beth, Nicky & Tan

further post in Mula at Fuente Caputa, which will cost 8000 euros. In addition, it has just been announced that three grants have been given to various organisations for mountain rescue operations. The Canine Search and Rescue Unit has been awarded 18,930 euros, the mountain rescue volunteers of the Protección Civil will get 15,750 euros, and the Murcian Federation of Potholers will get 6310 euros for assisting in rescue operations.

Just Spit Into This Sir? LOCAL police in San Javier have become the first force in the region of Murcia and one of the first 25 municipalities across Spain to have a new aparatus called “DrugTest” at their disposal. The innovative new piece of equipment allows the detection of drugs in saliva, and is to be carried in one of the force’s vehicles from now on. The Drug-Test machine will be used for both testing in road accidents and routine controls made by the police. The announcement coincided with the opening of the road safety park in the town, attended by the Mayoress, Pepa García , Government Representative, Rafael Gonzalez Tovar, and the Provincial Director of Traffic, Francisco Javier Jiménez, amongst other officials. The vehicle was formerly a municipal ambulance, and now that it has exceeded the 8 years allowed in service by law, it has been converted into an “evidence” vehicle for Trafico. The vehicle is equipped with alcohol detectors, a camera, turbo flare lights, a computer, scanner, printer, work station, radio transmitter... well, everything but the kitchen sink! In the next few days a radar device and the Drug-Test are also to be installed, and San Javier has been chosen as the location for the pilot scheme for the detection and control of drugs using the latest equipment.

Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •

Cartagena Reaches 215,000 Residents THE city of Cartagena has continued to grow at a rapid rate, and according to the Office of Statistics has now passed the 215,000 barrier, based on data gathered on 1st January 2009. The official figures reflect a population of 215,186 residents, with an almost equal ratio of males to females at 108,981 men to 106,205 women. This means that the population has grown by over 1000 inhabitants in a year, as in 2008 there were 214,033 people living in the area.

Foreigners continue to make up a significant proportion of the population, although the level has stabilised at around 31,000 since 2008. The figures are also affected by the number of non-EU immigrants who will need to re-apply for the renewal of their residencia card in May and who are currently counted within the figures. This applies to around 500 people. Morrocan nationals make up the larger part of the immigrants living in the city, with 12,621

residents. This is followed by Ecuador with 4086 residents and the UK with 3280 residents. The data reflects a similar trend to 2008, although with slightly lower figures for Ecuador and the UK. The most populated areas of the city are the urban area of Cartagena, San Antonio Abad and El Plan, whilst the zones with the most immigrant residents are the urban quarter, San Antón and El Rincón de San Ginés, in that order.

Ryanair Announce 7 New Routes LOW cost airline Ryanair has announced the introduction of 7 new routes and the acquisition of a new aircraft for the Alicante hub. The new plane will be a Boeing 737-800 and will allow Ryanair to operate 7 new routes from July this year from their Alicante base. This brings the total investment in the El Altet airport to 6 aircraft with a value of over 420 million dollars. Route Bologna Fez Gdansk Lille

Starts 8th July 8th July 6th July 7th July

The 7 new routes will operate to Bologna, Fez, Gdansk, Haugesund, Lille, Marrakesh and Santander. In addition, the frequency of flights on the routes to Billund and Gothenburg will increase. The total number of passengers carried by the airline via Alicante will rise to around 2.7 million per year and Ryanair contributes around 2700 jobs to the local economy. Micheal O´Leary, President of

Frequency Wed, Fri, Sun Wed and Sun Mon and Fri Tues, Thurs, Sat

Murcia Furniture is the regions largest independent supplier of furniture packages and associated products and services for clients who have purchased properties in the area. Based in the heart of the regions new developments, off the C3319 road, between Murcia and San Javier airport.


Haugesund Marrakesh Santander

Ryanair, said that “Alicante is celebrating the opening of these 7 new routes in July 2009. With a total of 45 low cost routes from the El Altet airport, passengers can fight the recession and travel to other European cities.” Ryanair offer “exciting destinations at guaranteed low prices” and don’t pass on fuel surcharges, he added. The routes will operate as below:


7th July 6th July 6th July


Tues and Sat Mon and Fri Mon, Tues, Thurs, Sat

External Sales

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Mining Themed Park Will Boost La Unión Tourism THE Manager of Tourist Infrastructures, Marina García, recently attended a meeting in the Town Hall in La Unión which was attended by representatives from all the different municipalities in the region of Murcia. The aim of the meeting was to exchange ideas and projects with in order to boost the region’s tourist potential. At the meeting, the new Mining Park in the Sierra Minera was presented as an important project which will have the aim of turning La Union into a model for regional tourism. The Councillor also explained the different grants and financial aid available to help initiatives in the tourism sector. Murcia is in a strong position to attract tourists, with miles of beautiful coastline

and a wealth of historic cities and cultural sights. Last year, over 5 million tourists visited the region, and in the first three months of 2009, the figures have actually risen by 4.7%, versus a sharp 16% drop for Spain overall. After the meeting, the group visited the Agrupa Vicenta mine, which was put into operation in 1864 and was mined throughout the 20th century for pirite extraction. It will become one of the largest mines in Europe that can be visited, at over 2300 square metres and a depth of 80 metres. The opening of the mine as a tourist attraction is set for next summer.

Motor Enthusiasts Get Grant The Regional Government has approved a grant of 65,000 euros for the speed circuit in the city of Cartagena. The aim is to promote both automobile and bike racing at the track, and allow the development of a programme of events to attract both competitors and tourists to the area.

The aim of this help from the Council for Culture and Tourism is to promote motor sport with the collaboration of the track which organises races and competitions at regional, national and international levels to attract competitors and motor sport afficionados from all over.


Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •

Early One La Manga Improvements Sunday Morning

THE La Manga Consortium, a public organisation which is a collaboration between the Autonomous Community of Murcia and the Town Halls in Cartagena and San Javier, has begun a phase of improvement works in the area, with a total cost of 755,200 euros. Three of the projects will affect the area of La Manga under the town hall of Cartagena. The first one is the work to improve the area of the Parque Jessica and Gola de Marchamalo phase I, whilst the second will involve the reconditioning of the access road leading up to the Cabo de Palos lighthouse phase III. The Fuente de Loco area in Los Belones will also benefit from an overhaul, and the

Parque Oeste of Playa Honda will have the surroundings improved, in a similar manner to the leisure area at Islas Menores. In San Javier areas of La Manga there will also be three projects, with the first being to improve the condition of the road by the Hotel Mangalán and Hotel Londres, the second to improve signage in the area and the third will be to improve the equipment and facilities available to tourists on the beaches. The La Manga Consortium works to improve the infrastructure in the area, and operates alongside other public services and organisations to improve the La Manga area.

It’s dark at six in the morning, especially when my alarm clock, like church bells, is ringing in my ear. I staggered my way, not because I had too much to drink the night before, to have a shower. I had offered to help at the MABS, Mazarrón car boot at Cañadas del Romero and my car was full of plastic bags with items to sell. I had a cup of tea and sat on the back step to watch fingers of light nudge dark away. The quietness of dawn is filled with sounds, bird song, barks of dog, cars beginning on roads to find their journeys end. Now I was beginning to feel awake for the journey wasn’t far. There were few cars on the road and I began to wonder if I

would be the only one there. But at seven on a Sunday morning the site was full of people emptying their cars with wares to sell. Now one piece of advice, should you decided to join a car boot sale, don’t wear shorts that early in the day, its cold! Soon people arrived and as the sun stretched higher in the sky more arrived. A few of the other helpers reckoned they found a long dress just my size, then another a pair of gold shoes. The fairy tale is about Cinderella nor about Cinderfella. Just think men the agony of having your legs waxed once a month, me I am quite happy to have hairy legs! It’s a pity they didn’t keep me warm that morning when wearing shorts in the cold! We managed to raise 216 Euros, and as the picture shows there were a lot of happy faces. I am going to the next one, it’s fun! There will be a Table Top Sale outside Trevi’s bar - on Friday the 29th May between 11am and 5pm. There will be household items of good quality, new and

nearly new clothing, I bought a Marks and Spencer’s pair of shorts for only 2 Euros, kitchenware, bric-a brac and lots more. I hope they have sausage rolls they were delicious. Why don’t you be a Friend of MABS, Mazarron? Friends of MABS, Mazarron means a few hours of your time to help with our many fund raising activities. From Table Top Sale, Fun Nights, Coffee Mornings to Barbeques. It may just be being able to store a few items in your under build. Your reward is to have some fun, laugh, and share in warm friendship. Call or text. 663 308 584 to become a Friend of MABS, Mazarron or email mazmabs@ and we will get back to you.

The Group covers the Mazarrón area approximately from Totana to Cartagena and Puerto de Mazarrón to Alhama de Murcia. Help and support is just a phone call away. Helpline No. 620 422 410. Web:

Orange Thieves Surprised in Pozo Estrecho The Local Police of Cartagena surprised two Ukranian nationals recently, when the men were caught taking crates of oranges from a finca in Pozo Estrecho. Security guards for the finca were patrolling the area last week when they noticed that part of the perimeter fence had been moved. Upon checking the grounds, they saw two men with crates full of the produce. They

immediately alerted the local police, and managed to hold one of the men whilst waiting for the police to arrive to take control of the situation. The police inspected the robber’s vehicle to check that they had not loaded any of the crates inside, and then informed the detained man that a denuncia would be issued against him for the crime.

Tourism Boost For Espuñas The beautiful Sierra Espuña is to benefit from funding designed to help boost tourism by improving the infrastructure of the area. The Director General of Tourism, Marina Garcia, announced that 400,000 euros would be made available for the improvements, of which around 300,000 will go to projects in the Espuñas. The remainder of the funding will go to Fuente Álamo and Torre Pacheco. Projects for the Sierra Espuña include the reconditioning of stretches of the walking route Senda del Agua from Pliego to

Mula, and the Totana to Aledo route. In addition,the Casa Forestal de Leyva will be refurbished. The 100,000 euros will be equally shared between the Consorcio Turistico Torre Pacheco and the Fuente Álamo project, Tierra y Tradición. The Consorcio will benefit from improved parking and a leisure area, plus better sign posts to the monument. The Fuente project will allow improvements to the Plaza del Museo and Plaza del Agua, with decorative features and planting schemes.

Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •


Coastal Towns Get New Green Light For Energy Saving Emergency Vehicles THE municipalities of Cartagena, Mazarrón, San Javier, San Pedro del Pintar and Los Alcázares are each to get a new emergency vehicle, donated by the Autonomous Community. Councillor For Public Administration, María Pedro Reverte, said that the vehicles will allow improved service in each of the areas, especially in attending to the needs of the citizens. The total investment in the new vehicles os 79,802 euros, with each vehicle costing 15,960, give or take a few cents!

The Town Halls will use the vehicles in work carried out by the Proteccion Civil and in emergency situations, and they will also be made available as resources for the General Management of Emergencies, should the need arise. Another 5 vehicles, this time all-terrain vehicles, are also to be given to the Town Halls in Cieza, Librilla, Yecla, Mula and Bullas. These will also be available to respond to emergencies, and the 4x4´s will cost around 25,951 euros apiece.

This shows the collaboration between the regional administration and the local Town Halls to make sure that here in Murcia we have the best equipment and trained personnel at our disposal for emergency attention.

Grants For Infant Schooling THE Government has approved the funding project for the municipal infant schools in Cartagena, meaning that grants are once more available to families to help with the cost of the places. The tariffs and grants are very similar to last year’s , but some of the application criteria have been changed for the 2009 – 2010 academic year. There are now more factors being taken into account for calculating the grant, such as discounts for large families with more than 3 children, and discounts for those with more than 65% disability. The maximum grant can have a huge impact on a families financial layout, reducing the

cost of a 67,80 euro place to just over 4 euros with the maximum fundung. The application process takes into account the family’s income, number of children, whether a single parent family, if there are other c h i l d r e n registered at the same school, any

disability of the child or its parents and several other factors.

However, in tough economic times, one thing can be certain: all the families appreciate the financial help.

THE Town Hall in Cartagena has begun the process of progressively replacing the city’s old style traffic light with a newer, more environmentally friendly model. The older lights work by using halogen lamps, whilst the new models use the LED (Light Emitting Diode) technology. The new lights include a multitude of tiny coloured lamps which work together to generate an effect similar to the traditional lights by using a coloured reflector. The new model is said to reduce energy consumption by around 80 to 90 percent, and represents both a substantial cash saving, and a positive impact on the environment. In addition, the LED technology has a lifespan of around 10 years, compared to just 6 months for the halogen lights. The new lights are also

said to be safer, as they have a brighter effect and can be seen more easily, even in sunny conditions. With over 100 small lights working in each set, should one bulb fail, the lights will still function. The energy saving is huge, as the 5,108 traditional lights in Cartagena consume 8,581 kilowatts per day and emit over 3 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere. The new lights will consume only 1,225 kilowatts of energy per day, and the emissions will be around 0.47 tonnes of CO2. The project will take approximately two months to complete , and has not cost the Town Hall any funding, thanks to a grant from the Institute of Diversity and Energy Saving, IDAE. The project is being implemented by local company MURTRAFIC.

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Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •

I wish I could make a happier world - harmonious, friendly and peaceful His Holiness the Dali "Tying Rocks to Clouds"






You do not have access to Spanish National Health Services, nor do you want to tackle the issue using “The Ostrich Method”. Only alternative then is to take out a private health insurance. But it is a jungle out there. In ASSSA Insurance we naturally try to keep ourselves informed


about the market in Spain, both about the Spanish insurance providers as well as the foreign insurance providers operating here. Our philosophy is that competition is good – it keeps us all on our toes. As a consumer we do not want to pay more than necessary. On the other hand, we all know that we will only get what we pay for. In choosing a product, inclusive health insurance, you should not just look at price. In taking out a health insurance, you should definitely look at cover and, especially when living in a foreign country, also service. By law Spanish health insurance companies can regulate the premiums according to the medical index, the overall claims by its policyholders calculated over a year, and the individual policyholder’s age. Wow! I do not have a problem with increase due to higher costs of the “raw products” – for health insurance paying for the increase in costs for the company whenever I visit a doctor. It is though harder to swallow that I have suffer a loading of my premium due to other policy holders claims history – especially if I myself have had a year with no claims. As for the third increase: higher premium as I grow older. Though inevitable, none of us like to grow older (although I do not like the alternative either), but to be punished for old age does not appeal to me. ASSSA guarantees that your premium will be frozen within the age bracket you were in when you joined. My advice is that you check out your insurance company’s provisions for increase in premiums. If you do not already have a private health insurance and are checking out private cover, remember to ask the ASSSA rep about increases. Does personal face-to-face service from someone speaking your own language appeal to you? Would you like to phone Janet, Jane, Carol or what-ever her name is – a person, who knows your name, and who does not really care what you policy number is, because you are not a number to her but a person, and who knows who you are - to ask her to make an appointment for you with the doctor/specialist/ health centre? Did you say that no company would do that? Well I can give you a personal guarantee that ASSSA offers that service - and more. Good news is that we are present here in Murcia, inclusive once a month giving consultations in both Cehegín and Los Belones. Yes, ASSSA will ALWAYS be near to you.

Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •

Dangerous Power Lines Put Right

THE General Manager of the Heritage and Biodiversity Council, Pablo Fernández, and technicians from his department have met with local agricultors at the Ricardo Cordonu Visitor Centre in the Sierra Espuña to talk about corrective actions to dangerous power lines in the area. The Sierra Espuña is an area classed as a “Zona de Especial Protección de Aves” (ZEPA) which is an area where protected species live, and the electrocution of birds on power

lines can have serious consequences for the population of some protected species, such as birds of prey. So far, a total of 22 km of lines crossing the zone have been modified, along with 161 dangerous pylons, at a cost of 262,000 euros. The remaining 23 pylons are on the edge of the area and will be rectified by Iberdrola before the end of the year. Using photos and videos, the difficulties of working in these mountainous areas was illustrated to the audience, as the access is often poor and any new pylons required need to be brought in by helicopter! The birds often use the pylons as resting places, however electrocution remains one of the biggest causes of mortality for birds such as the eagle. In addition to the danger to

the birds, the resulting power losses reduce the quality of the supply and increase maintenance costs, so it is in everyone’s interest to protect both the power lines and the birds. The search for a complete solution has been going on now for decades, however, eliminating some of the more dangerous points will go some way towards reducing the number of incidents. The project has a 4 year span and began in 2007, with a total budget of 1,835,000 euros. Of this, half was given by the European Union. The Council for Agriculture and Water met 30% of the cost and the remaining 20% is being covered by the electricity giant Iberdrola.

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Live Bomb In Cartagena

THE truth is that the bomb in question isn’t nearly as dangerous as it sounds. However, the operator of a mini digger working in the city got more than he bargained for last week, when he uncovered an unexploded shell in calle Real! Workers digging to improve the city’s sanitation network were shocked to discover the

50cm long by 25 cm wide shell in their excavation. The shell possibly dates back to the Spanish Civil War. Officers from the Local Police and Bomb Experts from the National Police Corps were rapidly dispatched to the scene, and removed the intact shell to a safe place for further examination.

14 10

Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •

Portuguese Invasion STAFF at the Coastal Services Institute in Cartagena found an unwanted Portuguese invader in the waters last week, when a Portuguese Man O’War was discovered in the sandy area of the beaches at Las Cañas. The creature is often mistakenly thought of a type of jellyfish, however it can easily be recognised from the characteristic “sail” which floats at the surface of the water, whilst the long tentacles are hidden in the sea. This makes their presence easier to spot, and if you see one in the water, move away as quickly as possible. The presence of just one single Man O’War is unusual, as they can swarm in very large numbers, up to thousands. Given their powerful and painful sting, the presence of a swarm presents danger to bathers, and it has been known for beaches to be closed if large numbers are found. The Cartagena creature was retrieved from the water, to remove any risk to swimmers. Normally the Man O’War is found in the open sea, in warmer waters, such as the Pacific and Indian oceans and tropical regions. They can’t propel themselves through the

water, however, meaning that at times they simply drift with the current and “go with the flow”! In the past they have been spotted in the waters around Cádiz and Málaga, arriving in the Mediterranean via the Atlantic Ocean. The sting of the Man O’War is particularly painful, and needs immediate medical attention. The sting is not fatal, and statistically speaking there are few deaths. However, as in the case of an

allergy to bee stings, anyone hypersensitive to the sting will be at risk, and in very exceptional cases there have been fatalities. The Coastal Services Institute are now on alert for any other specimens found during the daily cleaning of the beaches, which may indicate the presence of increasing numbers but stress that their presence in our waters is unusual.

Lighting Improvements for La Manga THE Town Hall in Cartagena is working to improve paving and lighting in the area of the Instituto Mediterráneo de La Manga del Mar Menor, as part of the state investment plan, Plan E del Fondo de Inversión Estatal. Specifically, the area around the Playa de Los Alemanes and the salt marshes will benefit. The improvements form part of a programme to enhance lighting and renew pavements before the summer season begins in La Manga, and will also see the areas of Monte Blanco, Cavanna and La Cala del Pino benefit from an overhaul. The total cost of the projects will be 231,000 euros.

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Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •

MABS Say Thank You For The Music

‘THANK You for the Music’ was a total sell out on both nights, with people still turning up in the hope of getting a ticket for this very popular show with an ABBA theme. Spangles Ladies’ Barbershop Harmony Chorus opened the show with a rousing ‘Mamma Mia!’ followed by a beautiful Maori song called Pokare Kare Ana. Their repertoire is carefully chosen to ensure that they are always entertaining and the final applause from the audience was confirmation of that. Also appearing were quartets ‘¡Viva!’ and ‘Amber’. ABBA Elite wowed the audiences with all the ABBA favourites, encouraging people to join in, which gave the whole evening a great atmosphere. A spectacular finale saw Spangles joining ABBA Elite on stage to sing ‘Thank You for the Music’, with audience participation and lots of arm-waving. “We’ve had tremendous feedback from the show” says Musical Director, Gail Grainger. “Everyone I have spoken to has said how professional the whole thing was and wants to know when the next one is. We were all on such

a high at the end of the show, because we had such fabulous audiences.” A total of €834 was raised for MABS Cancer Support Group. “We’re absolutely delighted that Spangles has nominated MABS Murcia/ Mar Menor as their charity for 2009. They have worked so hard to make this show a success and I’d like to thank them and all the MABS and chorus volunteers who helped things run smoothly on both nights, as well as the Ayuntamiento de Los Alcázares for donating the venue”. commented Lyn Baines, Group Coordinator of MABS Murcia/Mar Menor. “I hope that we can make this show an annual event, so keep checking the MABS website if you don’t want to be disappointed next time.” MABS Murcia/Mar Menor helps all people in this area who are affected by cancer, providing drivers, translators, information leaflets, equipment, a listening ear, or a shoulder to lean on. If you want to volunteer, donate or you need help, you can contact MABS on 693 275 779 or visit our website:

39 11

Crescendo sing at Santa Maria del Mar, La Zenia

SUNDAY 26th April, the International Choir Crescendo gave their fourth spring concert at the church in La Zenia. As usual, the choir was conducted by Chas Smith and accompanied on the keyboard by Sue Trick. The concert started with a new piece in the choir’s repertoire, the ‘Triumphal March’ from Aida. This was followed by ‘Any dream will do’ and ‘Joshua’. The quartet within the choir, “Soave” made up of soprano Ali, contralto Viv, tenor Laurence, and bass Trent then sang ‘Panis Angelicus’ filling the church with their beautifully balanced voices. The choir took the stage again with ‘Unchained melody’ and ‘Locus Iste’. Next it was the turn of trained contralto Margaret Jennings who left her wheelchair to stand by the alter and sing ‘Tristesse’ in Italian (better known in English as ‘How deep is the night’). A couple more songs by the choir, then Sue Trick played a piano solo ‘Andalucia’ with her usual flair … suitably wearing a red Spanish shawl embroidered with black to match the new choir uniforms…. followed by the choir singing ‘Let it be’ by the Beatles and ‘The Lord’s Prayer. Soprano Pat Yardley then sang a pretty little Spanish song entitled ‘La cancion del Olvida’. One of the audience had particularly requested ‘Sentimental Journey’ a favourite with the choir, who then finished the concert with ‘What a wonderful world’ and ‘Rhythm of life’. Each item in the programme was introduced by Mary Priddle in English, and Jennifer Morton in Spanish. Parish Priest Don Joaquin Carlos thanked the choir and everyone in the audience, then the members of Crescendo circled the church to sing their own beautiful version of ‘The Blessing of Aaron’. As always there was a mouth-watering buffet laid on downstairs served by Maggi Bray and her ladies. Don’t miss Crescendo’s next concert in Torrevieja church on Sunday May 10th at approx 20.45 after evening mass. They will be joined by Cantabile and Soave; there will be a bucket collection afterwards for the church organ fund. For all info about the choir please visit the website Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer Junta Local de Pilar de la Horadada. Pilar de la Horadada Branch incorporating Cañada de Praes, El Mojón, Mil Palmeras, Pinar de Campoverde & Torre de la Horadada

Sophisticatzz Donations to AECC Hit €1000 ONCE again Sophisticatzz, a ladies only club located in Campoverde and Torre de la Horadada, have come up trumps with another donation to Pilar de la Horadada AECC Campoverde section. This latest donation of €200 brings the total donated to this most worthy cause by Sophisticatzz since they were formed in April of 2008 to €1000, a great effort. The money was raised from raffles held at their meetings and functions in Campoverede and Torre. This very active group of ladies have currently planned a “Ladies Who Dun nit” in Torre, a “Lunch Special” at El Clavel Restaurant and a “Summer Swing Lunch” complete with entertainment, in Bar N0 6, both in Campoverde. Ladies if you would like to find out more about this fun loving group then telephone Debbie on 966762913.


Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •

The House That Joel Built

RUTH and Joel Fernandez would have celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on 3 May this year; sadly, Ruth died from cancer in November 2008. The couple had a very active social life and both were members of the Country Bowls Club in the Valle del Sol. Joel has found some

comfort in joining his fellow team mates for matches, even though life is still very difficult without Ruth by his side. One of Joel’s talents is carpentry and he has crafted a beautiful dolls house which he has donated to MABS Cancer Support Group Murcia/Mar Menor to raise funds for the work they do in this area. “MABS volunteers, Anne and Diane, were a tremendous help to us” commented Joel “Both were available whenever we needed them, either in the hospital or at home, which was a great comfort, and they continue to support me. Donating the dolls house is my way of saying ‘thank you’ to MABS”. The family was also full of praise for the medical care that Ruth received, both locally in Roldan and from the specialists at the Naval Hospital, in Cartagena. “Joel has already donated €440 to MABS, and this dolls house is an absolute treasure” said Lyn

Baines, Group Co-ordinator for MABS Murcia/Mar Menor. “I am sure there’s a little girl somewhere who will love to have this and we plan to raffle it for our tenth anniversary celebration on 13 June.” Raffle tickets are on sale now at the following outlets: DFS Furniture (San Javier), Best Wishes (San Javier), Shape & Tone (Los Alcázares), and Legs & Co (Los Alcázares and Fuente Alamo branches), so don’t miss your chance to make a little girl happy and help MABS at the same time. MABS Murcia/Mar Menor helps all people in this area who are affected by cancer, providing drivers, translators, information leaflets, equipment, a listening ear, or a shoulder to lean on. If you want to volunteer, donate or you need help, you can contact MABS on 693 275 779 or visit our website:

Photo – Joel’s dolls house and Ruth Fernandez (taken in March 2007).

Breast, Cervical & Prostate Cancer Screening For The Murcia Region Help Murcia Mar Menor Cancer Support Group AECC Contra El Cancer Torrevieja has kindly offered you the opportunity to take part in their Breast & Cervical Cancer screening programme. The cost of the screening is 120 euros but AECC are asking you to pay a donation of at least 50%. If you would like to take part in this programme, which is open to all, please contact the Cancer Support Group on the telephone number below. You will need to make your donation and give your NIE no., full name & address with telephone no. at an arranged

meeting place. This programme is also open to men to have a prostate blood test and examination which costs 100 euros and again you are expected to donate not less than 50%. The blood test and screening for men takes place in a Torrevieja clinic by an urologist specialising in cancer of the prostate. If you would like to take part in this programme please telephone between the hours of 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday to Friday:- Tel No.680 39 32 57

Sharp Eyed Coordinator Finds Stolen Car LAST Friday a NHW coordinator in San Luis was alerted by her dogs barking and on checking found a Mercedes car parked near to her house. None of her neighbours knew anything about the vehicle so when it was still there on Thursday morning the Policia Local were informed through the Neighbourhood Watch system. Early Friday morning the coordinator saw another car drive very slowly past the Mercedes with the occupant appearing to take a great interest in the car before using his mobile and then driving off. The coordinator also reported this incident in case it was a thief

checking on the Mercedes. Shortly afterwards the police arrived with a grua and took the Mercedes away informing the residents that the car had been stolen complete with keys from Novelda. It is possible that this car had been parked in a quiet spot before being used in a crime, so if you come across a vehicle you cannot account for always inform your local NHW or the police who will be only too pleased to check the vehicle out. This is a perfect example of Neighbourhood Watch in action, a coordinator doing something very simple but greatly assisting the police. Ray Marsh NHW PRO


Lights, Camera, Action! The Mar Menor and La Manga are just about to be uncovered! And the cameras are ready to roll. SOL Productions the Costa’s premier English productions company is making ‘Spain Uncovered – the hidden treasures of the Mar Menor’. Many of the local businesses are involved to help show off life in the Mar Menor highlighting the beauty from land and sea, to promote living and holidaying in the area – you can watch the four part series from June on Simulsat TV channel 6, 10am, 2pm & 6pm (old Telmicro), Canal Uno TV Mar Manor channel 25 or online at www. Many of the local businesses feel very passionate about promoting the area as a

whole to attract more people and Sol Productions are passionate about parts of the wonderful country that we live in and exploring, to find out what is actually not really that far from our own doorstep – so now its time to discover the hidden treasures of the Mar

Menor - Wish you were here? Tune in or log on to see parts of the Mar Menor that you didn’t even know existed! And if you are a business with a venture to promote contact the Sol Crew on 966 720 407 or email

Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •

Programme listings as

The Costa Calida


14 DAY



available at the time of going to print.

Pages 13-16 and 25-27 All information is copyright DigiGuide. For more information visit

FRIDAY MAY 8TH 07:00 10:15 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:15 14:00 14:30 14:45 15:15 16:00 16:05 16:15 16:25 16:40 16:55 17:05 17:35 18:05 18:15 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:25 23:35 00:35 00:40 02:25 02:30 03:30 04:30 05:15 07:00 07:30

Breakfast Real Rescues Homes under the Hammer To Buy or Not to Buy Sun, Sea and Bargain Spotting Cash in the Attic BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Diagnosis Murder BBC News Big and Small Grandpa in My Pocket Arthur Arthur Frankenstein’s Cat Animals at Work Trapped Newsround The Weakest Link BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather Party Election Broadcast for the European Parliament by the Liberal Democrats The One Show A Question of Sport EastEnders Total Wipeout Fast Forward Have I Got News For You Reggie Perrin BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Friday Night with Jonathan Ross National Lottery Euromillions Draw High Fidelity Weatherview Yellowstone Orangutan Diary Real Rescues BBC News Tikkabilla Teletubbies

08:00 08:25 08:30 09:00 09:30 09:40 09:50 10:10 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 12:00 12:10 12:30 12:40 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:15 16:00 16:45 17:30 18:15 18:55 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:30 00:00 00:35 01:40 02:20 03:20 04:15 05:15

Freefonix Newsround Hotel Trubble Prank Patrol Big and Small Bob The Builder 3rd and Bird Something Special - Out and About Boogie Beebies Get Squiggling Nina and The Neurons Charlie and Lola In The Night Garden Fun With Phonics Razzledazzle Science Clips Investigates Look and Read The Daily Politics Working Lunch Castle in the Country Car Booty Heir Hunters Murder, She Wrote Flog It! Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Cash in the Celebrity Attic Party Election Broadcast for the European Parliament by the Liberal Democrats Eggheads Great British Menu The Good Life Mastermind Gardeners’ World English Heritage Britain’s Best Drives Newsnight Newsnight Review Later... with Jools Holland Medium The Wire The Wire The Wire Pages from Ceefax

07:00 GMTV 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News and Weather 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News and


15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 The Biggest Loser 18:00 Golden Balls 19:00 London Tonight 19:25 Party Election Broadcast By The Liberal Democrats 19:30 ITV Evening News and


20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Tonight 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Boy Meets Girl 23:00 News at Ten and Weather 23:35 Pushing Daisies 00:35 Leaving Las Vegas 02:25 The Wiz 04:40 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News

06:50 07:15 07:40 07:45 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:30 12:00 12:10 13:00 13:30 14:30 16:25 17:15 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:35 21:00 22:00 23:45 01:25 02:00 02:15 02:30 03:30 04:15 05:00 05:55 06:40

The Hoobs The Hoobs Planet Cook Making It Freshly Squeezed Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier We Are Together Designers Under Pressure Crip on a Trip News at Noon A Place In The Sun Channel 4 Racing Countdown Deal or No Deal The Paul O’Grady Show The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Unreported World A Place In The Sun Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA The Man The Shockwaves Album Chart Show The JD Set Presents... Steve Appleton No Angels What About Brian Hill Street Blues Time Team Countdown Cubeez

07:00 07:10 07:25 07:35 07:50 08:00 08:15 08:25 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:20 09:30 09:40 09:50 09:55 10:00 10:15 11:45 12:45 13:45 13:55 14:45 15:15 15:50 16:10 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:15 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 05:00 05:45 06:10 06:35

Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Fireman Sam Roary the Racing Car Peppa Pig Olivia Little Princess The Milky and Shake Show The Mr. Men Show Noddy in Toyland Fifi and The Flowertots Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Thomas and Friends Pocoyo Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures Play! Rupert Bear: Follow The Magic The Wright Stuff The Trisha Goddard Show Colin and Justin’s How Not to Decorate five News Wordplay Neighbours Home and Away Wordplay Plus Rosamunde Pilcher’s Summer five News Neighbours Home and Away Zoo Days Party Election Broadcast Five News at 7 Cricket on Five Police Interceptors NCIS NUMB3RS Criminal Minds Quiz Call The Gadget Show Wildlife SOS Neighbours Home and Away

The Hoobs The Hoobs Planet Cook Making It Gillette World Sport The Cooper Tyres British Formula 3 International Series The Morning Line One Tree Hill Friends Friends Alexa’s Top 20 Headline Grabbers Video Exclusive Shipwrecked 2009: Battle of the Islands Scrubs Scrubs Channel 4 Racing Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Endgame Bring Back... Star Trek Star Trek: Nemesis Being John Malkovich Dog’s Mercury Empires of Stone Time Team Countdown Making It

07:00 08:00 08:05 08:10 08:40 08:55 09:00 09:20 09:35 09:50 10:00 10:15 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:30 13:30 15:00 16:45 18:25 20:10 20:15 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 05:00 05:45 06:00 06:15 06:40 06:50

Sunrise Mio Mao Ebb and Flo Franklin Hana’s Helpline Olivia The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Animal Families Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs Roobarb and Custard Too Roary the Racing Car Rupert Bear: Follow The Magic The Milkshake! Show Mobil 1 The Grid The Gadget Show Oil Riggers Brave Warrior The Violent Men 3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain The Mighty Ducks five News Cricket on Five NCIS NCIS CSI: New York Law and Order Quiz Call The Gadget Show Animal Rescue Squad Hana’s Helpline The Milkshake! Show Thomas and Friends Roary the Racing Car

SATURDAY MAY 9TH 07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen 12:30 Football Focus 13:00 BBC News 13:10 F1: Grand Prix Qualifying


15:15 Rugby League 17:30 Final Score 18:10 The Weakest Link 18:55 BBC News 19:05 Regional News and Weather 19:15 Robin Hood 20:00 Tonight’s the Night 21:00 The National Lottery: 1 vs


21:50 BBC News 22:10 Casualty 23:00 Reggie Perrin 23:30 Match of The Day 00:50 Paycheck 02:40 Friday Night with Jonathan


03:40 Weatherview 03:45 BBC News

07:00 07:30 08:00 08:15 08:25 08:50 09:15 09:30 09:50 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:15 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:40 16:00 17:40 19:30 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:40 23:40 01:00 02:35 03:25 04:55 05:20

Tikkabilla Teletubbies Funky Fables Eliot Kid Dinosapien Wolverine and The X-Men Sportsround What’s New Scooby Doo? Frankenstein’s Cat Sorry, I’ve Got No Head Hotel Trubble Dani’s House Dani’s House The Story of Tracy Beaker The Story of Tracy Beaker Young Dracula Winging It Sound Racing The Sky at Night She Wore a Yellow Ribbon Zulu Dawn Planet Earth Dad’s Army The Birth of British Music Have I Got a Bit More News for You Bill Bailey’s Remarkable Guide to the Orchestra The Night Listener The Big White Mad Men Committed Inside F1 Pages from Ceefax

07:00 GMTV 10:25 The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 11:25 Quincy, M.E. 12:25 Columbo: Make Me a

Perfect Murder

14:15 ITV News and Weather 14:20 Carry on Cowboy 16:05 Every Which Way But Loose 18:15 London Tonight 18:30 ITV News and Weather 18:45 You’ve Been Framed! 19:15 All Star Mr and Mrs 20:15 Primeval 21:15 Britain’s Got Talent 22:15 ITV’s Best Ever Ads 23:15 ITV News and Weather 23:30 Red Dragon 01:50 Six Degrees 02:35 Real Women Have Curves 04:05 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News

06:50 07:15 07:40 07:45 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:55 10:50 11:20 11:50 12:50 12:55 14:00 14:30 15:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 22:00 23:35 01:45 03:45 04:10 05:10 06:00 06:45


Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •

SUNDAY MAY 10TH 07:00 Breakfast

07:00 Tikkabilla

08:35 Match of The Day

07:30 Teletubbies

10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 The Big Questions

08:00 Chucklevision

07:00 GMTV

06:50 The Hoobs

10:25 Coronation Street Omnibus

07:15 The Hoobs

12:40 On The Buses

08:15 Chucklevision 08:25 Dinosapien

14:25 ITV News and Weather

12:00 The Politics Show

09:00 The Legend of Dick and Dom

14:30 Fletch Lives

13:10 F1: Grand Prix Live

09:30 M.I. High

16:15 EastEnders Omnibus 18:10 My Family

10:00 Escape from Scorpion Island 11:00 Something for the Weekend 12:30 Great British Menu

18:40 Points of View

13:00 Animal Park

18:55 Songs of Praise

14:00 Badminton Horse Trials

19:30 Last of the Summer Wine 20:00 BBC News 20:15 Regional News and Weather

16:00 Rugby League Challenge

21:30 Inspector George Gently

20:30 James May: My Sister’s Top

23:20 Damages



21:30 South Pacific 22:30 The Incredible Human

19:15 London Tonight

13:15 Shipwrecked 2009

19:30 ITV News and Weather

15:00 Friends

19:45 Beat the Star


00:15 Crossing Jordan

21:00 Come Dine with Me

01:15 It’s My Life

00:30 The Graham Norton Show

03:05 Quincy, M.E.

01:15 The Hotel New Hampshire 03:00 BBC News

04:10 BBC News

04:15 Pages from Ceefax

18:30 Supernanny US

20:00 The Big Art Project

02:15 Guinness Premiership Rugby


17:40 Deal or No Deal

23:15 The South Bank Show

23:30 Match of the Day 2


03:10 All the Small Things

16:40 The Simpsons

19:30 Channel 4 News

01:35 Weatherview

02:10 Holby City

15:35 Smallville

23:00 ITV News and Weather

09:55 Friends 10:35 Hollyoaks Omnibus

00:20 Big Trouble

01:40 DIY SOS

09:00 Volvo Ocean Race

17:15 Catwoman

22:00 Martin Clunes: Islands Of

19:05 Carry on at Your

16:15 Britain’s Got Talent

17:10 The Simpsons

18:35 Flog It!

20:30 Countryfile

23:00 BBC News

08:00 Vendee Globe 08:30 Vendee Globe

21:00 Heartbeat


07:40 Planet Cook

22:00 The Secret Millionaire 23:00 Chris Moyles’ Quiz Night 23:50 Jason X

03:55 Tonight

01:35 Jodhaa Akbar 05:25 The Playful Muse

04:20 ITV Nightscreen

05:50 In Your Dreams

06:30 ITV Morning News

06:05 Countdown

07:00 07:10 07:25 07:30 07:35 07:45 08:00 08:05 08:10 08:35 08:50 09:05 09:20 09:35 09:55 10:05 10:20 10:35 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:55 18:00 20:05 20:15 21:00 23:50 00:55 01:25 02:25 03:35 04:15 05:15 05:35 06:00 06:15 06:40 06:50 07:00

Thomas and Friends Little Princess Peppa Pig Pocoyo Angels of Jarm The Beeps Mio Mao Ebb and Flo Franklin Hana’s Helpline Olivia The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Animal Families Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs Roobarb and Custard Too Roary the Racing Car Rupert Bear: Follow The Magic The Milkshake! Show Michaela’s Wild Challenge Everybody Hates Chris Build a New Life in The Country - Was It Worth It? Rough Guide to Tropical Islands Angels and Demons Movie Special King Solomon’s Mines The Body City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly’s Gold five News Cricket on Five The Da Vinci Code Revealed Angels and Demons Movie Special A1 Grand Prix Ironman Triathlon Boxing Classic Boxing USA Race and Rally UK Motorsport Mundial Hana’s Helpline The Milkshake! Show Thomas and Friends Roary the Racing Car Breakfast

07:00 07:10 07:25 07:35 07:45 07:50 08:00 08:15 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:25 09:40 09:45 09:55 10:00 10:15 11:45 12:45 13:45 13:55 14:45 15:15 15:50 16:05 16:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:55 01:45 02:35 03:25 04:10 05:00 05:20 06:10 06:35

Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Fireman Sam Roary the Racing Car Peppa Pig Roobarb and Custard Too Olivia Little Princess The Mr. Men Show Noddy in Toyland Fifi and The Flowertots Peppa Pig Thomas and Friends Pocoyo Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures Chiro Rupert Bear: Follow The Magic The Wright Stuff The Trisha Goddard Show Colin and Justin’s How Not to Decorate five News Wordplay Neighbours Home and Away Wordplay Plus The Family Recipe Tornado! Five News With Natasha Kaplinsky Neighbours Home and Away Zoo Days Party Election Broadcast Five News at 7 Massive Speed The Gadget Show Angel Eyes Loser NASCAR: The Sprint Cup US PGA Golf AMA Supercross Arenacross Winter X Games NBA 360 Neighbours Home and Away

MONDAY MAY 11TH 10:15 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:15 14:00 14:30 14:45 15:15 16:00 16:05 16:25 16:50 17:05 17:35 18:05 18:15 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 23:25 23:35 23:40 00:10 00:40 02:15 02:20 03:20 04:20 05:05

Real Rescues Homes under the Hammer The Unsellables Sun, Sea and Bargain Spotting Cash in the Attic BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Diagnosis Murder BBC News Kerwhizz Tronji Funky Fables Beat The Boss USA M.I. High Newsround The Weakest Link BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather Party Election Broadcast for the European Parliament by the Green Party The One Show Watchdog EastEnders Panorama Ashes To Ashes BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Party Election Broadcast for the English Local Elections The Omid Djalili Show Inside Sport Mr 3000 Weatherview The Department Store Orangutan Diary Real Rescues BBC News

07:00 07:30 08:00 08:25 08:30 09:00 09:30 09:40 09:50 10:10 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 12:00 12:10 12:15 12:20 12:40 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:15 16:00 16:45 17:30 18:15 18:55 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:45 23:30 00:20 00:25 01:20 05:00

Tikkabilla Teletubbies Freefonix Newsround Hotel Trubble Prank Patrol Big and Small Bob The Builder 3rd and Bird Something Special - Out and About Boogie Beebies Get Squiggling Nina and The Neurons Charlie and Lola In The Night Garden Fun With Phonics Telling Tales Telling Tales Let’s Write Poetry Let’s Write a Story The Daily Politics Working Lunch Castle in the Country Car Booty Heir Hunters Murder, She Wrote Flog It! Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Cash in the Celebrity Attic Party Election Broadcast for the European Parliament by the Green Party Eggheads Great British Menu South Pacific Property Watch Heroes Heroes Newsnight Party Election Broadcast for the English Local Elections The Wire BBC News GCSE Bitesize Revision

07:00 GMTV 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News and Weather 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News and


15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 The Biggest Loser 18:00 Golden Balls 19:00 London Tonight 19:25 Party Election Broadcast By

The Green Party

19:30 ITV Evening News and


20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Tonight 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Cops With Cameras 23:00 News at Ten and Weather 23:35 Scent of a Woman 02:25 UEFA Champions League


02:55 Nightwatch With Steve Scott 03:45 Loose Women 04:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 05:30 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News

06:50 07:15 07:40 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:05 16:25 17:15 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:55 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:05 01:10 01:55 02:55 03:55 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:10 06:20 06:30 06:40 06:50

The Hoobs The Hoobs Planet Cook Freshly Squeezed Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Will and Grace Parents and Teens: Welcome To My World Day I Got The Sack Take Away My Takeaway Teen Tycoons Battlefront Television 2009 News at Noon The City Gardener 3 Minute Wonder Chariots of Fire Countdown Deal or No Deal The Paul O’Grady Show The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News 3 Minute Wonder Dispatches Find Me a Family The Secret Millionaire Madeleine Was Here Chris Moyles’ Quiz Night Find Me a Family NY-LON Flood Hill Street Blues Channel 4 Education Star Maths 4 Star Maths 4 Star Maths 4 Star Maths 4 Star Maths 4 Star Maths 4

Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •


TUESDAY MAY 12TH 07:00 10:15 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:15 14:00 14:30 14:45 15:15 16:00 16:05 16:15 16:25 16:50 17:00 17:05 17:35 18:00 18:05 18:15 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:25 23:35 23:40 01:30 02:30 02:35 03:05 04:05 05:00 05:45

Breakfast Real Rescues Homes under the Hammer The Unsellables Sun, Sea and Bargain Spotting Cash in the Attic BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Diagnosis Murder BBC News Big and Small Grandpa in My Pocket Tronji Funky Fables Thumb Wrestling Federation Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab Blue Peter MyWish Newsround The Weakest Link BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather Party Election Broadcast for the European Parliament by the UKIP The One Show EastEnders Holby City 10 Things You Need to Know About Sleep BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Party Election Broadcast for the English Local Elections Unlawful Entry Damages Weatherview See Hear Rocket Science Country Tracks Real Rescues BBC News

07:00 07:30 08:00 08:25 08:30 09:00 09:30 09:40 09:50 10:10 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 12:00 12:10 12:20 12:30 12:40 12:50 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:15 16:00 16:45 17:30 18:15 18:55 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:30 00:20 00:25 01:20 01:50 05:00

Tikkabilla Teletubbies Freefonix Newsround Hotel Trubble Prank Patrol Big and Small Bob The Builder 3rd and Bird Something Special - Out and About Boogie Beebies Get Squiggling Nina and The Neurons Charlie and Lola In The Night Garden Science Clips Science Clips The Maths Channel The Maths Channel Focus Focus The Daily Politics Working Lunch Castle in the Country Car Booty Heir Hunters Murder, She Wrote Flog It! Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Cash in the Celebrity Attic Party Election Broadcast for the European Parliament by the UKIP Eggheads Great British Menu Coast Property Watch Horizon Later Live... with Jools Holland Newsnight Party Election Broadcast for the English Local Elections The Wire High Altitude BBC News GCSE Bitesize Revision

07:00 GMTV 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News and Weather 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News and


15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 The Biggest Loser 18:00 Golden Balls 19:00 London Tonight 19:25 Party Election Broadcast By

The UK Independence Party

19:30 ITV Evening News and


20:00 Emmerdale 21:00 A Place in The Wild 22:00 Holiday Showdown 23:00 News at Ten and Weather 23:35 Confessions 00:05 Championship Play-Off


01:05 Guinness Premiership Rugby 02:00 Nightwatch With Steve Scott 02:50 Supernatural 03:35 Loose Women 04:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 05:20 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News

07:00 07:15 07:30 07:40 07:45 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:30 16:25 17:15 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:55 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:15 00:45 01:10 02:10 03:10 04:00 04:25 04:55 05:00 06:00

Inuk The Hoobs We Are From... Planet Cook We Are From... Freshly Squeezed Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Will and Grace Parents and Teens: Welcome To My World Day I Got The Sack Take Away My Takeaway Teen Tycoons Battlefront Television 2009 News at Noon A Place In The Sun Damn The Defiant! Countdown Deal or No Deal The Paul O’Grady Show The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News 3 Minute Wonder Gok’s Fashion Fix Find Me a Family Shameless The Big Bang Theory My Name Is Earl Find Me a Family Pokerstars.Com European Poker Tour Destination 2012 Gillette World Sport Adrenalin Rush Just Not Cricket Channel 4 Education Sarah Moves On

07:00 07:10 07:25 07:35 07:45 07:50 08:00 08:15 08:25 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:25 09:40 09:45 09:55 10:00 10:15 11:45 12:45 13:45 13:55 14:45 15:15 15:50 16:10 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 04:30 06:10 06:35

Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Fireman Sam Roary the Racing Car Peppa Pig Roobarb and Custard Too Olivia Little Princess Milkshake! Show Songs The Mr. Men Show Noddy in Toyland Fifi and The Flowertots Peppa Pig Thomas and Friends Pocoyo Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures Chiro Rupert Bear: Follow The Magic The Wright Stuff The Trisha Goddard Show Colin and Justin’s How Not to Decorate five News Wordplay Neighbours Home and Away Wordplay Plus The Princess and the Marine Five News With Natasha Kaplinsky Neighbours Home and Away Zoo Days Party Election Broadcast Five News at 7 Highland Emergency Helicopter Warfare CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Miami CSI: New York The Shield NBA Basketball Cricket on Five Neighbours Home and Away

07:00 07:10 07:25 07:35 07:45 07:50 08:00 08:15 08:25 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:25 09:40 09:45 09:55 10:00 10:15 11:45 12:45 13:45 13:55 14:45 15:15 15:50 16:05 16:10 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 01:25 03:00 03:50 04:30 06:10 06:35

Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Fireman Sam Roary the Racing Car Peppa Pig Roobarb and Custard Too Olivia Little Princess Milkshake! Show Songs The Mr. Men Show Noddy in Toyland Fifi and The Flowertots Peppa Pig Thomas and Friends Pocoyo Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures Chiro Rupert Bear: Follow The Magic The Wright Stuff The Trisha Goddard Show Colin and Justin’s How Not to Decorate five News Wordplay Neighbours Home and Away Wordplay Plus The Family Recipe Annie’s Point Five News With Natasha Kaplinsky Neighbours Home and Away Zoo Days Peb: Plaid Cymru Five News at 7 Michaela’s Zoo Babies Oil Riggers Extraordinary People Fallen Partypoker.Com European Open V V8 Supercars Seniors Golf NHL Ice Hockey Neighbours Home and Away

WEDNESDAY MAY 13TH 07:00 10:15 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:15 14:00 14:30 14:45 15:15 16:00 16:05 16:15 16:25 16:50 17:00 17:05 17:35 18:00 18:05 18:15 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:25 23:35 23:40 23:45 00:45 02:30 02:35 03:35 04:05 05:05 05:50

Breakfast Real Rescues Homes under the Hammer The Unsellables Sun, Sea and Bargain Spotting Cash in the Attic BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Diagnosis Murder BBC News Big and Small Grandpa in My Pocket Tronji Funky Fables Thumb Wrestling Federation Paradise Cafe Blue Peter MyWish Newsround The Weakest Link BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather Party Election Broadcast for the European Parliament by the Liberal Democrats The One Show Waterloo Road The Apprentice BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Party Election Broadcast for the English Local Elections by the BNP The National Lottery Draws The Street She’s Having a Baby Weatherview Alan Whicker’s Journey of a Lifetime Grow Your Own Drugs Orangutan Diary Real Rescues BBC News

07:00 07:30 08:00 08:25 08:30 09:00 09:30 09:40 09:50 10:10 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 12:00 12:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 16:00 16:45 17:30 18:15 18:55 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:30 00:20 00:25 01:20 05:00 05:20 05:40 05:55 06:15 06:35

Tikkabilla Teletubbies Freefonix Newsround Hotel Trubble Prank Patrol Big and Small Bob The Builder 3rd and Bird Something Special - Out and About Boogie Beebies Get Squiggling Nina and The Neurons Charlie and Lola In The Night Garden Wildlife on Two The Daily Politics See Hear Working Lunch Living in the Sun Murder, She Wrote Flog It! Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Cash in the Celebrity Attic Party Election Broadcast for the European Parliament by the Liberal Democrats Eggheads Great British Menu Keep It In The Family Property Watch Winds The Apprentice: You’re Fired! Newsnight Party Election Broadcast for the English Local Elections by the BNP The Wire BBC News Taking Issue Taking Issue Taking Issue Taking Issue Taking Issue Worlds of Belief

07:00 GMTV 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News and Weather 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News and


15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 The Biggest Loser 18:00 Golden Balls 19:00 London Tonight 19:25 Party Election Broadcast By

The Liberal Democrats

19:30 ITV Evening News and


20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 The British Soap Awards


23:00 News at Ten and Weather 23:35 Benidorm 00:05 Ghost Ship 01:40 Nightwatch With Steve Scott 02:35 Loose Women 03:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 04:20 Tonight 04:45 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News

07:00 07:15 07:30 07:40 07:45 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:30 16:25 17:15 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:55 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:05 01:15 01:20 01:35 01:40 01:55 02:55 04:25 05:10 06:05

Inuk The Hoobs We Are From... Planet Cook We Are From... Freshly Squeezed Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Will and Grace Parents and Teens: Welcome To My World Day I Got The Sack Take Away My Takeaway Teen Tycoons Battlefront Television 2009 News at Noon A Place In The Sun Channel 4 Racing Countdown Deal or No Deal The Paul O’Grady Show The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News 3 Minute Wonder Embarrassing Bodies Find Me a Family Desperate Housewives Shameless Video Exclusive Gary Go Video Exclusive Laura Izibor Find Me a Family The Tall Stranger Hill Street Blues Time Team Countdown


Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •

THURSDAY MAY 14TH 07:00 10:15 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:15 14:00 14:30 14:45 15:15 16:00 16:05 16:15 16:25 16:50 17:05 17:35 18:05 18:15 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 23:25 23:35 23:40 00:40 01:25 01:30 02:00 02:30 03:25 04:10

Breakfast Real Rescues Homes under the Hammer The Unsellables Sun, Sea and Bargain Spotting Cash in the Attic BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Diagnosis Murder BBC News Big and Small Grandpa in My Pocket Tronji Funky Fables Ed and Oucho’s Excellent Inventions Horrible Histories Newsround The Weakest Link BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather Party Election Broadcast for the European Parliament by the Labour Party The One Show EastEnders My Family DIY SOS Traffic Cops BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Party Election Broadcast for the English Local Elections by the UKIP Question Time This Week Holiday Weatherview Panorama Watchdog Countryfile Real Rescues BBC News

07:00 07:30 08:00 08:25 08:30 09:00 09:30 09:40 09:50 10:10 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 12:00 12:10 12:15 12:20 12:30 12:45 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:15 16:00 16:45 17:30 18:15 18:55 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:30 00:20 00:25 01:05 04:10 05:00 05:55

Tikkabilla Teletubbies Freefonix Newsround Hotel Trubble Prank Patrol Big and Small Bob The Builder 3rd and Bird Something Special - Out and About Boogie Beebies Get Squiggling Nina and The Neurons Charlie and Lola In The Night Garden The Maths Channel - Year 5 Telling Tales Telling Tales Primary Geography Just So Darwin Barnaby Bear The Daily Politics Working Lunch Castle in the Country Car Booty Heir Hunters Murder, She Wrote Flog It! Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Cash in the Celebrity Attic Party Election Broadcast for the European Parliament by the Labour Party Eggheads Great British Menu The Apprentice Property Watch Keep It In The Family The Graham Norton Show Newsnight Party Election Broadcast for the English Local Elections by the UKIP The Apprentice: You’re Fired! BBC News Pages from Ceefax Taking Issue Belief File

07:00 GMTV 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News and Weather 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News and


15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 The Biggest Loser 18:00 Golden Balls 19:00 London Tonight 19:25 Party Election Broadcast By

The Labour Party

19:30 ITV Evening News and


20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Countrywise 21:00 The Bill 22:00 Taggart 23:00 News at Ten and Weather 23:35 Van Helsing 01:50 British Superbike

Championship Highlights

02:40 Motorsport UK 03:30 Crossing Jordan 04:20 Loose Women 05:10 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News

06:50 07:15 07:40 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:30 16:25 17:15 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:55 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:05 01:10 01:45 02:15 02:45 02:55 03:45 04:10 04:15 05:10 06:05

The Hoobs The Hoobs Planet Cook Freshly Squeezed Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Will and Grace Parents and Teens: Welcome To My World Day I Got The Sack Take Away My Takeaway Teen Tycoons Battlefront Television 2009 News at Noon Life Begins Again Channel 4 Racing Countdown Deal or No Deal The Paul O’Grady Show The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News 3 Minute Wonder Kirstie’s Homemade Home Stir of Echoes: The Homecoming Extreme Male Beauty Man Hunters: Meet The Gigolos Green Day Dubplate Drama The Shockwaves Album Chart Show Dish Dispatches Unreported World 3 Minute Wonder 1900 Time Team Countdown

07:00 07:10 07:25 07:35 07:50 08:00 08:15 08:25 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:25 09:40 09:45 09:55 10:00 10:15 11:45 12:45 13:45 13:55 14:45 15:15 15:50 16:05 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:15 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 05:00 05:45 06:10 06:35

Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Fireman Sam Roary the Racing Car Peppa Pig Olivia Little Princess Milkshake! Show Songs The Mr. Men Show Noddy in Toyland Fifi and The Flowertots Peppa Pig Thomas and Friends Pocoyo Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures Chiro Rupert Bear: Follow The Magic The Wright Stuff The Trisha Goddard Show Colin and Justin’s How Not to Decorate five News Wordplay Neighbours Home and Away Wordplay Plus The Cradle Will Fall Five News With Natasha Kaplinsky Neighbours Home and Away Zoo Days Party Election Broadcast Five News at 7 Cricket on Five I Own Britain’s Best Home The Mentalist Law and Order: Criminal Intent Law and Order: Special Victims Unit Quiz Call NBA Basketball Wildlife SOS Neighbours Home and Away

The Hoobs The Hoobs Planet Cook Freshly Squeezed Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Will and Grace Parents and Teens: Welcome To My World Mediabox Short Films 2009 Day I Got The Sack Mediabox Short Films 2009 Take Away My Takeaway Teen Tycoons Mediabox Short Films 2009 Battlefront Television 2009 News at Noon Life Begins Again Channel 4 Racing Countdown Deal or No Deal The Paul O’Grady Show The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Unreported World A Place In The Sun Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA There’s Something About Mary The Shockwaves Album Chart Show The JD Set Presents... No Angels What About Brian Hill Street Blues Friday Night In Great Civilisations Time Team Countdown

07:00 07:10 07:25 07:35 07:50 08:00 08:15 08:25 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:25 09:40 09:45 09:55 10:00 10:15 11:45 12:45 13:45 13:55 14:45 15:15 15:50 16:05 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:15 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 05:00 05:45 06:10 06:35

Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Fireman Sam Roary the Racing Car Peppa Pig Olivia Little Princess Milkshake! Show Songs The Mr. Men Show Noddy in Toyland Fifi and The Flowertots Peppa Pig Thomas and Friends Pocoyo Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures Chiro Rupert Bear: Follow The Magic The Wright Stuff The Trisha Goddard Show Colin and Justin’s How Not to Decorate five News Wordplay Neighbours Home and Away Wordplay Plus Rosamunde Pilcher’s Autumn five News Neighbours Home and Away Zoo Days Party Election Broadcast Five News at 7 Cricket on Five Police Interceptors NCIS NUMB3RS Criminal Minds Quiz Call The Gadget Show Wildlife SOS Neighbours Home and Away

FRIDAY MAY 15TH 07:00 10:15 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:15 14:00 14:30 14:45 15:15 16:00 16:05 16:15 16:25 16:50 17:05 17:35 18:05 18:15 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:25 23:35 00:35 00:40 02:10 02:15 03:15 03:45 04:30

Breakfast Real Rescues Homes under the Hammer The Unsellables Sun, Sea and Bargain Spotting Cash in the Attic BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Diagnosis Murder BBC News Big and Small Grandpa in My Pocket Tronji Funky Fables Animals at Work Trapped Newsround The Weakest Link BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather Party Election Broadcast for the European Parliament by the Conservative Party The One Show A Question of Sport EastEnders Total Wipeout Fast Forward Have I Got News For You Reggie Perrin BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Friday Night with Jonathan Ross National Lottery Euromillions Draw The Hunted Weatherview Louis Theroux Orangutan Diary Real Rescues BBC News

07:00 07:30 08:00 08:25 08:30 09:00 09:30 09:40 09:50 10:10 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 12:00 12:10 12:30 12:40 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:15 16:00 16:45 17:30 18:15 18:55 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:30 00:00 00:35 01:40 02:20 03:20 04:15 05:10

Tikkabilla Teletubbies Freefonix Newsround Hotel Trubble Prank Patrol Big and Small Bob The Builder 3rd and Bird Something Special - Out and About Boogie Beebies Get Squiggling Nina and The Neurons Charlie and Lola In The Night Garden Fun With Phonics Razzledazzle Science Clips Investigates Look and Read The Daily Politics Working Lunch Castle in the Country Car Booty Heir Hunters Murder, She Wrote Flog It! Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Cash in the Celebrity Attic Party Election Broadcast for the European Parliament by the Conservative Party Eggheads Great British Menu Who Killed the Honey Bee? Gardeners’ World English Heritage Britain’s Best Drives Newsnight Newsnight Review Later... with Jools Holland Medium The Wire The Wire The Wire Pages from Ceefax

07:00 GMTV 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News and Weather 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News and


15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 The Biggest Loser 18:00 Golden Balls 19:00 London Tonight 19:25 Party Election Broadcast By

The Conservative Party

19:30 ITV Evening News and


20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Tonight 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Boy Meets Girl 23:00 News at Ten and Weather 23:35 Red Heat 01:30 Nightwatch With Steve Scott 02:25 Saved! 04:00 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News

06:50 07:15 07:40 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 10:55 11:00 11:25 11:30 12:00 12:25 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:30 16:25 17:15 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:35 21:00 22:00 23:00 01:15 01:50 02:05 03:05 03:45 04:35 04:45 05:10 06:05

Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •


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LA TORRE GOLF RESORT MURCIA, SPAIN Apartment, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, Air conditioning, Telephone, Satellite TV, Wi-fi available, Balcony /Terrace, Shared outdoor pool (unheated), Private garden, FROM £150 pr week Tel. 34 663 727 931.

MAZARRÒN COUNTRY CLUB, MURCIA, SPAIN 2 bed bungalow for sale €150,000. Large garden, great views, Call For more info on: 649 353 478

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SAN PIETRO IN BEVAGNA, MANDURIA, ITALY Lux. seafront, 400 sqm garden, Approx. 120 sqm build + small apartment. 3 bed, 1 bath, Summer kitchen, A/C, Many extras. Close to airports Ryanair - UK/ IR airports. Price: €220,000 Tel. 968 58 27 97 or 654 56 82 58 (Ref: 03-130209)





6 KM FROM FUENTE ALAMO, MURCIA, SPAIN 3 bed, 2 bath, peaceful location, south facing, mountain views. Conservatory, summer kitchen, bodega, plunge pool, barbeque. Plot size 780m2. Mains electric/water supply, + agricultural water. Located mid-way between Murcia city and Cartegena, 6kms from Fuente Alamo. 250,000€. Tel. 00 44 7784 342230.


Spacious furnished apartment finished to a very high standard, on 2nd floor of the Las Gondolas Complex, views the Mar Menor and Mediterranean. 3 beds, 1&1/2 baths, lounge/dining room, kitchen, utility room. Balcony, swimming pool. White goods included. Price: 140,000 €. Tel. Spain 664 69 20 25 - UK - + 44 790 503 9951 (Ref: 01-240409)

4/5 bed holiday cottage/gite for short /long stays. 2 bed rms, shower room/WC. Traditional Breton living room, fitted kitchen, dining area, lounge - woodburning stove, TV/video/DVD. Garden, 7-metre swimming pool in the summer, views. 30 mins from the Gulf of Morbihan, easy reach to historic town, beaches, forts, forests and lakes. From UK: 01273 252108 or 07973 621637, in France on 0033(0)2 97 46 740 or +33 (0)631 721 760 (Ref:02-240409)

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Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •

The Three Ugly MABS Go Surfing To Amigos Finish Beat The Credit Crunch New Crazy Golf Course THEY say that necessity is the mother of invention, and MABS have come up trumps with an ingenious scheme to solve their wheelchair shortage without spending too heavily out of much needed funds. At the April meeting of the Welcome Group, MABS appealed for wheelchairs, a piece of equipment in desperately short supply, with 48 patients now receiving help and only 4 wheelchairs at their disposal. The Welcome Group immediately offered to purchase a chair on their behalf, but in spite of a newspaper appeal, no other sponsors or offers of equipment were forthcoming, so the Sundance Line Dancers stepped forward with a donation of 400 euros, enough to purchase a second chair. However, with so many patients in desperate need of a wheelchair, and determined to get the most for their money, MABS chose instead to go surfing on the information highway and managed to purchase three second hand chairs in excellent condition via EBAY, for less than the price of one new piece. The poor exchange rate and general economic slowdown have left many members of the local community with greatly reduced incomes, having to make hard choices about which charities they choose to support, so it’s inspiring

to see this much respected local charity using resources wisely and finding such an ingenious solution to the wheelchair shortage. The financial costs involved in helping nearly 50 patients to attend hospital appointments, visit doctors and specialists and receive the translation services they require to help them through this difficult period are enormous, and not only is MABS constantly seeking financial assistance, they are also desperately in need of volunteers who are willing to give just a few hours to help with both fundraising and patient activities.

They are also looking for some storage on the Camposol urbanization, so if anyone has a bit of space in an underbuild or a spare room, MABS would be very grateful for your assistance. If anyone is able to help in any way at all, please contact MABS on the general enquiry line at 620 582 418. The helpline number for MABS is 620 422 410

Yeste Y Letur Excurción IMMORTALISED in paint, the three ugly amigos put the finishing touches this week to the new crazy golf course at Scotties bar in El Pareton, providing a much needed facility for families who want to enjoy a family meal out in the area. There’s been a noticeable lack of family orientated entertainment available, and Scotties have worked hard over the last few months to build a new area, completing the friendly space in time for the pre-summer visitor rush. Scottie herself displayed hidden talent with her fabulous hand

painted wall murals, and managed to capture the charms of the three builders with uncanny accuracy, decorating all the walls of the course inch by inch in between raising a family and running a busy bar. With a full programme of barbecues, jazz nights and their legendary curry blowouts, Scottie looks set to be run off her feet over the next few weeks, although she’ll still have to find time to finish decorating the new garden eating area. Just be careful if you’re called in to fix the plumbing, you never know where she’ll find her inspiration next….

YOU get value for money when you go on an excursion with the Pensionistas of Puerto de Mazarrón. The bus, food and drink, entrance fees, guide, accommodation are included in the cost. On the most recent trip, Maria Angeles Martin, the brilliant organiser, even gave back 10€ from the fee. The trip was to Yeste and Letur - Ruta Gastronomica – in the mountainous area of Castilla – La Mancha. The road to Letur was through the mountains with woods, and pastures full of white, yellow and reds flowers and two reservoirs. There were hawks, buzzards and the occasional eagle. Letur is a pueblo on a hillside with a river and aqueducts channeling water through a mill. The church is old and the architecture of the town is the usual mixture of old and modern with the modern kept in check. Two kilometers short of Yeste is a Hotel Rural called La Alberquilla, a new build with 17 rooms and 6 casas rurales. The group were greeted by jack of all trades, Maria Eugenia Riuas who has a wonderful smile that never leaves her face. Wine, beer, nuts, pork scratchings and butifarra were consumed while the rooms were allocated. Most of the rooms have terraces and all have sitting areas and kitchens. They are new and fresh. At 5 pm, it was off to Yeste to visit the castle and old church. The town was on the frontier of the Christian and Musulman (Moorish) border. There are a series of castillos and observation

towers (allatayas) that maintained the frontier. The next day after a pleasant breakfast served by the ever smiling Maria Eugenia, the assembled crowd set off for a short walk to a mirador (lookout point). Alberto Sanchez of Colores Del Mundo, the tour organisers, joins for the walk. He explained that an ambulance could not be provided but that he has arranged an alternative and around a corner appears Pedro who is leading a donkey. Pedro also doubled as a story teller. The walk is only a few kilometros and goes through the low hills and colourful countryside to the lookout spot over Yeste. A several people get to ride the donkey and Pedro tells stories. There were more tapas on the return and the magnificent spread for lunch. The hotel arranged for the local artisans to give a demonstration of basket and brush making in the afternoon. The

evening is bingo and dancing and more local food. The last day there is a coach ride around the area. There is a visit to a spa on Rio Tus, a ride up to the (allegedly) highest inhabited village in Europe where a waterfall cascades down the mountainside. Every time a donkey was spotted (and there were quite a few) the autobus erupted with “ambulancia!”. At another pueblo, the local shop sells out of typical local biscuits, aguadiente, honey and a cucumber (!!). The final venue is on top of the highest hill in the area which has a Spanish air force communications station and a sanctuary (church). Another late lunch and it was off home, dropping guide Angela Oton Melguizo in Murcia before reaching Pto de Mazarrón at 7 o’clock in the evening. A great trip with a friendly group, a chance to practice the language, to eat until you burst and to see a part of Spain that you would never choose on your own.

Trip To Matalascañas, Costa De La Luz, Huelva Pensioners Club Adolfo Lopez, Los Alcázares is organizing a trip to Costa de la Luz, visiting Cordoba, Huelva, Sevilla, Doñana Natural Park, Niebla, Matalascañas. From 12 to 16 May 2009. Bus, travel insurance, Full Board (including water and wine), excursions... Price: €180 per person For more information/booking call 968-575607 / 965-394763 / 695 787225, Mabel Alonso Airey Centro Municipal Las Claras, Los Alcázares. 968 334560 - 170085

Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May โ ข

Things To Do Before You... by Nigel Judson I have always been a bit of an "adrenaline junky." I love fast bikes, fast cars, I dive and was on the RNLI where I have even been winched up to a helicopter from a boat... what a rush! Oddly, I hate to fly! Recently I had the opportunity to fly in the Flight Fantastic acrobatic biplane. We set off to the airport near Corvera on a beautiful sunny day - my stomach in my throat from a combination of excitement and nerves. On arriving the guys from Flight Fantastic, Sara and Danny (my pilot) explained what we would be doing and really put me at ease. If I didn't want to do any aerobatics such as barrel rolls - I didn't have to. The Flight: Where do I begin? The word "WOW" doesn't even come close to describing the feeling you get from this

experience. No words do - I was speechless when I got back down to the ground! After a briefing and getting the two-way radio set-up we were off. Taxiing to the runway was a thrill. The propellers become invisible as they span at intense speeds then we were off. My stomach wondered what I was up to, but I told it to be quiet. I was communicating with my pilot on the two-way radio but really only listening with half my brain. The other half, busy figuring out whether I was actually in heaven or just some lucky person that was truly experiencing what life is all about! We flew from the airfield towards Camposol, and onto Mazarrรณn Country club, over our house and buzzed the neighbours. My pilot asked if I'd like to see what the plane could do...we headed back towards

the airfield, came in fast and low over the runway then up for some incredible barrel rolls. Apparently we even pulled 7g-forces. Time slips away and before you know it you've got to put your feet back on the ground. I can't come up with the adjectives to describe how I felt when we landed. Again!! A huge grin on my face! One more time please! What a buzz! After a very strong sweet tea at the hanger we head off for home. It took a long time for the feeling to wear off and I found myself laughing out loud and wondering, "did I really just do that?" Well, yes I did and I will definitely be doing it again. My Recommendation: Do you really need to do this? GO FOR IT! Give you, a friend, and/or loved one a gift they'll remember for life. Its one to do before you...

Win an experience of a lifetime with Flight Fantastic...( All you have to do is answer this simple question: What is the number in g-forces that Nigel experienced during his flight? Email your answer, name and contact number to: or text your answer (including your name) to: (0034) 671 90 29 29 The winner will be chosen at random from all received entries on Tuesday 19th May 2009.

in association with the

Newspaper and



Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •

What's On where

Each month, members of the Aguilas based ACC Levante Car Club take it in turns to organize the monthly rally and this time it’s the turn of 2 local Camposol residents, Ray and Carol Thomas and their stunning 1955 Triumph TR2 . They’ve planned a route down through Isla Plana and will be parking the cars in the Marina area outside the restaurant El Nautilus, which is a distinctive bright blue, at the far end of the Paseo from 1.30, so that anyone who wishes to see the immaculate cars owned by club members will have the opportunity to do so, and may even wish to enjoy the excellent value menu offered by El Nautilus, a Belgian run restaurant, famed for its selection of Belgian Beers and Moules Frites weekends.

Classic Car Rally in the Puerto de Mazarrón

Classic Cars and bikes offer a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the open road and countryside of the region, as well as the chance to meet likeminded friends who share a passion fine craftsmanship, built to last. If anyone is interested inlearning more about the ACC Levante, go to their werbsite on or call Jill on 950 467 670

A Trip To The Crypt The city of Cartagena will boast an unusual attraction throughout the month of May. Each weekend will see a special performance of “Dance at the Crypt”, which will take place in the crypt of San José, which has been preserved within the Centro de Interpretation of the Punic Wall. Visitors to the crypt will be able to watch an explanation of the “Dance of Death” and the dancing skeletons that visitors will see represent an unique example of an historical phenomenon which has its roots throughout Europe. With the somewhat special ambience of the crypt lending a spooky atmosphere to the proceedings, the dance is accompanied by music which will help transport spectators back to the Middle Ages to the start of the Renaissance period. The crypt has been preserved almost in totality, although over the years the murals and painted walls have suffered considerable deterioration due to damp, the removal of any graffiti and the salty atmosphere. So for a very different visitor experience in Cartagena, why not try a trip to the crypt? Price: 3.50€, concessions 2.50€ Children under 12: 2.50€ Opening hours: Saturdays at 11am, 12 noon and 5pm Sundays 11am and 12.30pm only.

Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th May 5.30pm & 8.15pm Genre: Crime/Thriller Duration: 124 minutes Rating: PG-13 (Some scenes of sexuality & nudity.)

Julia Roberts working for the CIA and Clive Owen working for MI6 play competing undercover corporate high level top secret business spies who may or may not be conning each other. The movie shows us what lenghts mega corporations will try and go to keep their new product information out of the hands of their

competitors. The spys in this case will not even acknowledge their relationship as a sly parallel to regular relationships. The implication here is that most people do not say or trust themselves in relationships, but as spies Julia and Clive have good reason to be wary. Multi continent travels, many plot twists and counter twists follow. The music is light locations are beautiful and evokes the Ocean’s movies and fun is had by all even if you can’t always follow the plot.

Murcia’s Streets Open For Festival The Manager of Cultural Promotion, Antonio Martínez, and the Mayor of Murcia, Miguel Ángel Cámara, have presented the agenda for the 10th edition of the Festival “Murcia Tres Culturas”. The festival will take place from the 13th to the 23rd May, and artists and groups from across five continents will be appearing at the event. The spectacular show will take place in the open air, in public spaces and the city’s streets and will feature art, music and dance with “a rich programme which will form a link between our cultures”. The opening event will be the new spectacular “7 Hermanos”, with a combination of contemporary dance, flamenco, hip hop and gymnastics! In the days that follow, the theme of music and dance continues with performances from artists originating from Isreal, Mongolia, Tunisia, China, Vietnam, Iraq, Spain and France. In total, 25 countries will participate in 54 different shows, including theatre, dance, film and literature. Most of the festival will be free of charge, with the exception of two concerts, the Conciertos por Tolerancia. The last weekend of the festival will be a 24 hour marathon of events, with 21 concerts. The groups come from as far afield as Madagascar, Morrocco, Cuba and Brazil. The festival will close on the 23rd May in the Plaza Belluga de Dulsori, where one of the groups from the Far East will perform the Music of the World, a panorama of rhythm and precussion. Tickets for the fee-paying concerts are available from the usual outlets, including TickTackTicket, Servicaixa, Musik and Discos Trafico. For more

information on prices, the timetable and the festival, check out the web page www. .


Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •


What's On where Meatloaf Hot Summer Night set to rock Camposol The legend of Meatloaf lives on, with a staggering 43 million albums sold worldwide, and many of us will confess to a slight bending of the speed restrictions to the strains of Bat out of Hell on a summers evening. Camposol is set to relive the legend of Meatloaf with a fabulous tribute act at the Sensol Golf Clubhouse, Camposol Sector C, on Tuesday 26th

May,at 9.30pm, featuring the powerful voice of Kerry Carlton, and partner Brian, a lead guitarist who has performed with rock supergroup The Word as well as starring in the Meat Loaf Story Stage Show. They will be joined by 3 additional band members, and ticketholders are guaranteed an evening of outstanding entertainment, with performances of classic greats such as Took the words right out of my mouth, Two outta three ain’t bad, and Deadringer for Love. There are still a few tickets left at 10 euros for the show only, or 22 with a 3 course dinner included, available from the Golf Club Bar, or from Kim on 699 203 136. Symphonic Orchestra of Murcia Friday 8th May 2009, 8.30 pm, Auditorium Victor Villegas, Murcia. Roberto Bonfiglio, Harmonium, Juan Jose Garcia Caffi, Director. A.Piazzola – Primavera otena, Invierno Porteno, H.Villa-Lobos – Concierto for Harmonium, P.I. Tchaikosky Symphony number 5 Pro Music association of Murcia Classical Concert in honour of Haydn, Tuesday 12th May 2009, 8.30pm, Auditorio Victor Villegas, Murcia Symphony no 9 The Miracle Symphony 95, Symphony 93 Thursday 14th May 2009, Alhama de Murcia, Teatro Cine Velasco, 6pm. The sixth annual concert given by student choirs of the region of Murcia, performing a varied programme of different pieces. Entrance is free of charge until the auditorium is full, but don’t arrive too late, these students will have a lot of family wanting to hear them sing, and although this is a student concert, standards are very high! Philharmonic Orchestra of Dresden Saturday 23rd May 2009, 8.30pm. Auditorio Victor Villegas, Murcia. Rafael Fruhbeck de Burgos, Director. Performing Brahms – Symphony number 3 Schumann – Symphony number 3 - (In 2005 the orchestra celebrated 135 years in existence, and is one of the premier philharmonic orchestras in the world.)

Symphonic Orchestra of Murcia Friday 29th May 2009 Auditorio Victor Villegas, Murcia Spanish Brass Luur Metals, 5 piece, Director Jose Miguel Rodilla, Performance starts at 8.30pm C. Lindberg – Brain Rubbish, J.J. Colomer – La Devota Lasciva, A.Copland – Rodeo, Suite, G.Gershwin – An American in Paris ion about the Auditorium Villegas The auditorium hosts a wide range of musical and dance performances by top worldwide artists. Ticket prices are fairly steep compared to many other performances in the region, but the performances are all absolutely top class and the facilities are superb. Ticket sales. tel: 968 34 30 80 Opening times: Monday to Friday from 10am to 1pm and 5pm to 8pm, Saturdays from 10am to 1pm, Saturdays and performance days, the box office is open 2 hours before the performance for ticket collections and sales. Sundays closed. To buy tickets online and to see the full programme of events go to The Auditorium Victor Villegas is situated in the Avenida Primer de Mayo, which is one of the principle arteries of Murcia, directly off the Ronda Sur, the main southern ring road.

Events supplied by: Simply Networking email:

HELP MMM EVENTS LIST FOR MAY/JUNE 2009 MAY: Saturday 9th INTERNATIONAL SHOW 6.00pm start. Las Claras, Los Narejos Tuesday 12th HELPMMM GM 12.00pm start. La Biblioteca, Los Narejos. Thursday 14th DAY TRIP TO ELCHE (incl. lunch) Details from Friendship Group €25 per person Monday 25th ACCESS FOR ALL GROUP 11am start. Café Golf, San Javier Tuesday 26th Extraordinary General Meet. 11.30am. La Biblioteca, Los Narejos Wednesday 27th CANCER SUPPORT GROUP 11.30am start. El Torreon Rest. Los Narejos Thursday 28th DIABETIC GROUP 11.00am start. El Torreon Rest. Los Narejos Friday 29th FRIENDSHIP GROUP 12.00pm start. El Torreon Rest. Los Narejos JUNE: Tuesday 16th HELP MMM GENERAL MEETING 12.00pm start. Biblioteca CISSMU. Los Narejos Thursday 18th DAY TRIP TO SIERRA ESPUNA (incl. lunch) Details from Friendship Group. €25 per person Sat/Sun 20/21st Midsummer Madness Charity Golf Tournament at Serena Golf. (Barbecue incl. with Green Fees) Saturday 20th Buffet/Dance with Phil Christopher. €10 per person La Ensina Caravan Park, San Javier 7pm for 7.30pm Wednesday 24th CANCER SUPPORT GROUP 11.30am start. El Torreon Restaurant, Los Narejos Thursday 25th DIABETIC GROUP 11am to 12pm. El Torreon Restaurant, Los Narejos Friday 26th FRIENDSHIP GROUP 12.00pm start. El Torreon Restaurant, Los Narejos Monday 29th ACCESS FOR ALL GROUP Café Golf, San Javier 11.00am start TICKETS OBTAINABLE FROM: JOAN MITCHELL 968 18 19 43 or SANTIAGO DE LA RIBERA OFFICE: 968 570 059



Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •

Jane Burton, a qualified practising Feng Shui Consultant in the UK and Spain for 7 years. Jane has also written articles for magazines in the USA, UK, Asia, Zambia and Spain for 7 years on Feng Shui. She features monthly in the Costa Blanca's Female Focus and the Costa del Sol's Key to Mijas magazines. Once a month on a Thursday morning she appears on Onda Cero International Radio Costa Blanca discussing aspects of Feng Shui with Pauline McGough. She has a successful Feng Shui Consultancy, established 7 years and can give advice on site but also by phone or email too. Jane and her team run weekend workshops/retreats on Feng Shui and other subjects in a stunning venue in the Jalon Valley. More information. http.// or call. 96 648 2636

Feng Shui Your Kids It’s nearly May and Astrologically we are now in the zodiac sun sign of Taurus which is ruled by the planet Venus, the planet of Love and Harmony. Taureans love to be loved and love all things beautiful - you will always fin Feng Shui can be applied to children as well as adults too, there is no miracle cure to make your child tidy or your teenager for that matter but it can help to promote a much more positive environment for them to study in, sleep in and play in. Their bedroom is an important part of the home as they can often, if you are lucky, sleep up to 10 hours a day in this room.

same active energy could send us adult nuts. But what may be perfectly acceptable for a child could be too chaotic for us adults. Their bedroom is their haven away from nagging adults so it should avoid:

Some bedrooms encourage creativity and the children who sleep in those rooms can be talented, studious, musical or artistic. With negative Feng Shui the bedroom can make a child afraid to sleep in their room, moody, prone to mild but reoccurring illness, or hyperactive.

Children should be encouraged to clean and tidy up. I have a pre-teen who's bedroom looks like a bomb has hit it most of the time. Often, a really good storage system can help a child keep stuff off the floor or packed tight into small spaces.

Most kids rooms are colourful and very “yang”. In the same way that they like loud, pounding music and lots of stuff around them! This

• • • • •

Large mirrors in their bedroom, including mirrored on doors. Sleeping under a low window. Sleeping with their bed facing the door. Sleeping under beams and low, slanted ceilings. Sleeping in a bad direction based on their birth date.

Children who have problems with ear infections, glandular or urinary problems are often in bedrooms where the water element is missing. Metal strengthens water, so try to

place some heavy metal pieces in the room or crystals in some form usually a good idea would be hanging crystals or a crystal mobile would be practical and appealing. Children who have difficult digestion, menstrual problems or perpetual loneliness may have a bedroom with too much earth element, which can also be reduced with the introduction of more metal. A metal bed frame counts as metal energy or anything with a silver or gold look to it. Children who have muscle, joint, or bone problems, including hand injuries need to have more fire introduced into their room, such as items with the colour red, i.e cushions, rugs etc. Posters of current idols, neon lights, lava lamps and all the other stuff they use love and refused to get rid off is perfectly OK so long as everything has a place, a use, and is working. It’s OK for you to get rid of all the other stuff that doesn't meet the criteria in the de cluttering process. Good luck!

Don’t forget I am available for Tarot readings both private and group bookings. If you would like book a reading call me on 96 648 2636 or visit my website As always I am available for Consultations and advise on Feng Shui, just call me on the number above. I also have new Spiritual Workshop dates for the Spring & Summer 2009 including Practical Feng Shui

Jane Burton, a qualified Astrologer, recognised by the Astrological Society of Great Britain. Jane has written horoscopes for magazines in the USA, UK, Asia, Zambia and Spain for 7 years. She features monthly in the Costa Blanca's Female Focus and the Costa del Sol's Key to Mijas magazines. Every Thursday morning she appears on Onda Cero International Radio Costa Blanca with weekly horoscopes. She has a successful worldwide Tarot Reading Consultancy, established 12 years, by phone or email. Jane and her team run weekend workshops/retreats on Astrology, Tarot, Feng Shui and Mediumship in a stunning venue in the Jalon Valley. Recently Jane has been advising as Astrological Technical Advisor to a US film producer on an Astrological fantasy movie "Paths of Destiny", Jeff Goldblum is ready to sign for a leading role. More information. http.// or call. 96 648 2636

ARIES (March 21-April 19). Cool and calculated this week Aries, your head is ruling your heart now but you could come across as too aloof. Mars & Pluto influence around now is causing you to make changes, they wont happen over night so you need to keep pushing ahead to make them happen eventually.

CANCER (June 21-July 22). You are a tornado full of ideas and opinions but you are leaving a trail of devastation and confusion as you move from one idea to the next without giving others a chance to take on board what you are about. Also trying to have the last word wont please many now.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22). An interesting blast from the past hits you during the next 2 weeks which helps you with outstanding issues. Work and professional matters are the main focus for you now with duty being your main focus, but a chance to show your true capabilities is given.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Relationships and partnerships are your main focal point now, it’s a time to pull together not work against each other, equal shares now. Single Capricorns could find themselves impulsively jumping into a new affair after the full moon on the 9th.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Nose to the grindstone it’s time for serious hard grafting, roll your sleeves up and put some elbow grease into some hard work now. There is a risky feel in the air for you so you need to be wary of certain areas and people if it seems too good to be true it usually is.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Everyone is watching you now, the focus of attention is certainly on you. Friends and loved ones have found you quite difficult and evasive but mis-understandings will be cleared up after the full moon on the 9th but in the meantime tread carefully.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21). This is a great time for you to take time out, there is a great dreamy feel to you now and a chance to go with it, people will understand exactly where you are coming from too! Be wary of unusually aggressive behaviour from a loved one.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You are sharp and very receptive now, recognition is forthcoming at last I hear you cry! Focus your energies into how to make that extra room rather than fight over the need for space on the home front.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20). This is normally your time of year to chill and opt out a little but chaos is rife in your life now, you need to remember that it’s important for you to rest and relax. Love becomes more intimate towards the full moon on the 9th.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Duty

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You seem to be working best on your own so you could find yourself a little isolated. Around the full moon on the 9th, you could get that important news you have been waiting for. There is also a need to watch out for your self doubt creeping in before hand.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Last month you couldn't find the right balance with your love life you are finding it really easy now Pisces. Love is blossoming and for those single Pisces a romantic encounter at work is in the stars. Think before you speak to avoid putting your foot in it.

calls but you are so on the ball you are strides ahead of everyone else Virgo!

Loved ones may find

themselves having to follow along behind but they don't seem to mind.

Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •

San Javier Golf Society Captains’ Dinner La Perdiz Restaurant Saturday 2nd May 2009 Report by Bob Gallard Captains´ Dinner is a chance to dress up and enjoy a really good evening out at a fantastic location. La Perdiz Restaurant in Pozo Aledo lay on everything from delicious food and all you want to drink and even entertainment, and for those who stay until the early hours you can play Bingo too. Anyway earlier in the evening we got down to the important business which was to present the annual trophies won during the year, including the Summer and Winter Knockout Trophies and the Golfer of the Year award. Along with these trophies are the Captains Day trophies and prizes which took place a week last Wednesday at Golf Villaitana near Benidorm. The Summer K.O. trophy was unfortunately held over this year as one of the finalists was unexpectedly called back to the UK and it will be decided next week. The Winter K.O. Trophy was won by Darren Hancock and the runner up was his good friend John Hillier. The prizes were presented by Ellen Dean, widow of the late George Dean whom the Trophy is named after. This years Golfer of the Year Trophy was won on a special competition day by all the society golfers who had qualified by finishing 1st 2nd or 3rd in any of the society games during the year. This game was held at Lo Romero at the end of April and was won by Alex McLennan. The Trophy was presented by Captain Mick Hardy. Captains Day prizes for 2nd and 3rd place were presented to Barry Butterworth(President) and Geoff Green (Handicap Sec) respectively by their Captain Mick Hardy but as he was the overall winner his trophy and prize were presented to him by our President Barry Butterworth. A great evening was had by all and the Captain thanked everyone for attending and their support over the past year and looked forward to another successful year for the Society. NOTE :- Have you discovered Sierra Golf ? ………..Well San Javier have and this is what´s happening for kids at Sierra Golf ……. Free Golf for Juniors at Sierra Golf Course


Cricket España C.E Junior Report updates 2009 It was decided by CE committee that Junior Development would be priority for the growth of Spanish Cricket with a junior development program plan put together. Part of the plans have taken place and this report is to update you on what’s happened so far, at the end of February we held our first introductory of coaching course which was held under the guidance of National Coach Bobby Denning with a wide range of candidates taking part, the course was a success and achieved it goals. Two young players were invited by Cricket Espana to take part in the successful Centre of Excellence run by the European Cricket Council; it was the first opportunity for Spain to offer the positions to our colleagues at the Lanzarotte Cricket Association and one Junior from Albox Cricket club who are both working hard with junior coaching. It was also decided that at junior level, Spain wouldn’t participate in European competitions and would take part in locally held tournaments with more high performance training weekends with Derbyshire County Cricket Board. Our U19 development Squad took part in an International Schools Tournament held at La Manga Club, with Mill Hill School in Middx, Blundell’s school from Devon, Bromsgrove School in Warwickshire and Campbell College from Northern Ireland. All these schools were strongly represented with Mill Hill School having an England U16 player and with 2 schools having ex county players as coaches the standard was high, with Spain being Coach by Derbyshire head of Development Chris Porter and assisted by Derbyshire

Colleague Alan Hancock. Spain’s performance was excellent throughout the tournament with a strong win against Campbell College and a narrow defeat in the last over to Bromsgrove school, a high scoring match in the last game against Mill Hill produce Spain’s best performance, Spain lost the game with the last ball of the innings after chasing down 243 runs to loose by a mere 2 runs. The decision to invite the Derbyshire coaches proved to be a success with the improvement and confidence of the players grew as the tournament went on, Spain will continue with this type of development for the rest of 2009 and in to 2010. The Schools program is now in place with all the info going out to schools in certain regions of Spain, the program is to assist PE teachers in school to teach pupils to play Cricket, Cricket Espana supplies each school who take up the offer with 2 Kwick Cricket sets, introductory coaching course, discounted equipment, and supplying coaching manuals in Spanish. Mar Azul International School were the first School to take up the scheme with 150 boys and girls being taught Cricket in a structured program at the school, this is the beginning of what could be a massive program of Junior Cricket, if the interest is strong we could have over 1000 boys and girls playing Cricket in Spain by 2010. The future of Spanish Cricket is in our hands. Neil Brook Director Junior Cricket Spain

La Siesta Golf Society Campoamor St. George's Day Competition

Here at Sierra Golf we are offering junior golfers free golf at weekends until the end of June as long as they play with an adult. David Gay the Director of golf at Sierra understands how expensive golf can be here in Spain especially if you have children. “As a PGA professional and long time coach to children in the UK I know the importance of children in golf and to grow the sport here in Spain we need to make sure our children enjoy and we as parents can afford what has become a very expensive sport. As a young father I realised how much it was costing families to play golf together here in Spain and that compared to the UK how few children here are playing the courses. I see many families and children on the driving range everyday but I don’t see the transition onto the golf course, hopefully this offer will kick start their golfing enjoyment for years to come.” The team at Sierra Golf invites everyone to come down and discover the enjoyment of golf at affordable prices.

What a fantastic day – we were all mainly dressed in red and white, with the odd blue, to honour the Patron Saint of England and many had roses and flags on the buggies or bags. However the sun shone so much the roses wilted!

Sierra Golf prices 9 holes €15 18 holes €25

1st Division 1st J. Pritlove- 39 points. 3rd J. Hanton - 37 points

2nd J. Kaalimaa - 38 points Sweep R. Scott

2nd Division 1st C. Layton - 37 points 3rd A. Stottor - 31 points

2nd M. Mears - 32 points Sweep H. Lee

Driving range €1 for 20 balls For terms and conditions and to book call the pro shop on 968 130 070

It was also our Caddie Master’s birthday, you can see her being presented with flowers from our society. Happy birthday Almudena! We had 2 divisions and the winners were:-

For those of you who do not know us, we play Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at Campoamor. If you would like to know more, or would like to join us for a game please contact, our Captain, Ben on 646 416182.


Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •

Mazarrón’s Leave It Very Late Twice Lorca Dep. CF B 1 , Mazarrón ‘San Antonio’ CF 2, 26.04.09 Mazarrón ‘San Antonio’ CF 3, Calasparra FC 2, 01.05.09 Roger, For the first three quarters of the first game, played in almost continuous light rain, Lorca B was the better side as Mazarrón struggled to get any sort of rhythm into their game, but they were made to pay a harsh price for their failure to convert good approach play into goals when they were on top. In the end it was the visitors who took the spoils, greatly encouraged by the travelling support who outnumbered the home fans by about 3 to 1. Trujillo and Labella both missed good chances in the opening quarter of an hour, before they combined well, with the former making good ground down the right before crossing for his strike partner to score with a crisp shot into the top corner, giving Soto no chance of a save. Fifteen minutes later Mazarrón were fortunate to stay in the game as Berni pulled a ball back on the left to Carrillo. His cross was met by Heredia breaking through the defensive line, who shot past Soto, only to be given off side, somewhat harshly. It looked to be more of a case of the forward being too quick for the linesman. The only real chance that Mazarrón had during the first half came just before the break when Luky bore in from the right and crossed to Juanmi close to Choche’s goal. The keeper failed to take control under pressure from Juanmi and as the ball rolled out to Viti in a great position, he shot wildly over the bar from barely 6 metres out. The opening period of the second half was again controlled by the home side, but they couldn’t convert their supremacy into goals and were made to pay after 67 mins. Javi took a free kick on the right and Juanmi got up higher than anyone else to glance a header past Choche, much to the delight and relief of players and supporters alike. Mazarrón then raised their game and Javi should have made it two after he broke from mid field, only to see his attempted lob sail over the bar. Labella twice and Trujillo both had good chances that they failed to convert and with only five minutes left, substitute Munir won a free kick on the right, in a similar position to the one that led to the first goal. Javi found Juanmi again, but this time he was beyond the defenders near the far post. He headed down and back to Rocamora who steered the ball home through Choche’s legs for an unlikely lead. It was down to both keepers to have the final say. Some great play by Juanmi made a chance for Javi but his shot from distance was well saved by Choche, before Soto earned his bread, pushing a dipping free kick from Trujillo over the bar at full stretch. The second game followed a very similar pattern, although Calasparra did not threaten Mazarrón’s goal nearly as much. Mazarrón lined up with Munir at right back with Juanjo switching to the left. Del Baño and Cuenca were the central defenders and Rocamora was pushed up into midfield. This selection could have been made to work as

Bill and ben Bill and Ben were left barking for attention when their owner went away for what was supposed to be a couple of days. When we found these two although very hungry and dehydrated they were not in too bad a condition. One of them had a problem with its rear leg and was limping but after vet care we hope that this will improve shortly.

long as Munir didn’t find himself having to make a tackle in the penalty area! As it happens, Munir’s first tackle was just outside the area, for which he was yellow carded in only the 4th minute. Paco punched the resulting free kick over the bar for a corner. Iozano took the kick and placed it perfectly onto the head of David who obliged with a simple goal. It took a long time for the defence to get over this start, but Juanmi should have squared things up when he side footed Viti’s cross against the far post trying to be too clinical about his finish. The only other good chances in the first half were when Juanmi squared a free kick to Javi who shot just wide, and a little later Javi returned the service but Juanmi’s shot was blocked by a packed defence. Calasparra didn’t manage another chance on target, although Atienza shot over when well placed and Iozano belted a free kick out of the ground from a good position. Mazarrón were much more purposeful in the second half. In the first minute Cuenca headed a Javi free kick a metre wide, and shortly after this, Juanmi had a free kick saved at full stretch by Ivan, who was the busier of the two keepers by a long margin. Luki managed to place a shot just over the bar and then Iniesta had a good chance at the other end when a Del Baño headed clearance went up in the air and fell to him just outside the area, but his placed side foot was just over. As the half progressed, Mazarrón exerted more pressure as Rocamora began to take control of the centre of the park, but it was looking as if Ivan was going to save everything that was on target. With only 12mins left, the home side got the break they needed. Rocamora ‘s pass to Viti on the right was inch perfect and his cross found Juanmi in the centre. He needed too much time however and was being shepherded out of the danger area when he was inexplicably fouled. He easily converted the spot kick himself. The best move of the game then led to Mazarrón taking the lead in the 84th min. Juanmi beat two defenders on the left hand side before releasing Juanjo on the overlap. His cross found Viti in space, whose diving header gave Ivan no chance. Just when it looked as if the game was won going into added time, Iozano took a corner on the left. The ball was headed on to David behind the defence and he pulled it back for substitute Palote to side foot in. However, straight from the kick off, Juanmi was pointlessly blocked and Javi’s free kick was perfect for Cuenca to glance in the winner. This coming weekend it is the local Derby against Bala Azul in Puerto, followed by the last home game of the season against Pozo Estrecho. The team has an outside chance of finishing 5th in the league.

PADS the animal charity is in desperate need of your bric–a-brac, any furniture you may be thinking of getting rid of, books, clothes etc. Also, dog walkers, homes, foster families, drivers for our van and volunteers always needed for our lovely shop in Pilar de la Horadada. Even if you have nothing to offer us why not stop by the shop and take a look around, it can be an “Aladdin’s Cave” and you never know what you might find at rock-bottom prices! We are located in Calle Calvo Sotelo, just off the main road, in Pilar de la Horadada. It’s the road opposite Best Insurance and now has the new BBVA bank on the corner. We are also at the Sunday market in Campoverde, so come along and say “hola” we will be very pleased to meet you! For further information or general enquiries please call 966 762 252 or 626 751 522.

Sophie She is a very loving little dog and

loves nothing more than being able to cuddle up. She is very good with other people and animals. She loves to play and run, wears herself out and can then sleep for hours on end. Night times are no problem with her. She eats well, but, of course, she had a lot of catching up to do. She is very good natured, seems very confident and tends to walk with her head held high looking very proud.

Wilma Wilma is a German Shepherd cross born 01.01.07. She is fully vaccinated and spayed. She was living rough around the Mercadona shopping precinct in Mazarron port. On examination it was found that she had recently given birth to a litter of pups but a search of the area could not find them. She is good on the lead, but still a little timid and will make an ideal family pet.

Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •


SATURDAY MAY 16TH 07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen 12:30 Take on the Takeaway 13:00 BBC News 13:10 Football Focus 14:00 To Be Announced 17:30 Final Score 18:30 BBC News 18:40 Regional News and Weather 18:50 My Family 19:20 To Be Announced

07:00 Tikkabilla

07:00 GMTV

07:30 Teletubbies

10:25 The Crocodile Hunter Diaries

08:00 Funky Fables 08:15 Eliot Kid 08:40 Three Delivery 08:50 Wolverine and The X-Men 09:15 Sportsround 09:30 What’s New Scooby Doo? 09:50 Frankenstein’s Cat 10:00 Sorry, I’ve Got No Head 10:30 Hotel Trubble 11:00 Transmission: Impossible

with Ed and Oucho

07:15 The Hoobs 07:40 Planet Cook

11:25 Countrywise

08:00 Gillette World Sport

11:55 Quincy, M.E.

08:30 The Cooper Tyres British

Formula 3 International

12:55 Columbo: Fade in to Murder


14:25 ITV News and Weather

09:00 The Morning Line

14:30 To Be Announced 16:15 To Be Announced 18:30 London Tonight

11:10 The Legend of Dick and Dom

06:50 The Hoobs

10:00 Yo Gabba Gabba! 10:30 Friends 11:00 One Tree Hill 12:00 Friends 12:30 Video Exclusive

11:40 Eliot Kid

18:45 ITV News and Weather

12:35 Shipwrecked 2009

11:55 Pinky and Perky

19:00 You’ve Been Framed!

14:00 Scrubs

12:10 Street Monsters

14:30 Scrubs

19:50 Tonight’s the Night

12:30 Young Dracula

19:30 All Star Mr and Mrs

15:00 Channel 4 Racing

20:50 The National Lottery Draws

13:00 Kyle XY

20:30 Primeval

17:00 Come Dine with Me

21:00 Eurovision Song Contest

14:30 Sound


00:15 BBC News 00:35 Match of The Day 01:55 To Be Announced 03:25 Friday Night with Jonathan


04:25 Weatherview 04:30 BBC News

13:45 Winging It

21:30 Britain’s Got Talent

15:00 To Be Announced

22:30 ITV’s Best Ever Ads 2

17:00 To Be Announced

23:30 ITV News and Weather

19:30 Planet Earth 20:30 Dad’s Army 21:00 To Be Announced 22:00 Have I Got a Bit More News

for You

22:40 To Be Announced 00:10 To Be Announced 01:50 To Be Announced 05:10 Pages from Ceefax

18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 Come Dine with Me 19:30 Channel 4 News

23:45 The Silence of The Lambs

20:00 To Be Announced

01:55 Six Degrees

21:00 To Be Announced 22:00 To Be Announced

02:55 Pavillion of Women

00:50 Manic Street Preachers Live

04:25 Nightwatch With Steve Scott

01:20 Gaymers Grassroot Gigs

05:25 ITV Nightscreen

03:30 To Be Announced

17:30 Come Dine with Me

06:30 ITV Morning News

01:35 To Be Announced 05:15 Time Team 06:05 Countdown

07:00 08:00 08:05 08:10 08:40 08:55 09:05 09:20 09:35 09:55 10:15 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:30 14:50 16:25 18:05 18:10 20:15 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 05:00 05:45 06:00 06:15 06:40 06:50

Sunrise Mio Mao Ebb and Flo Franklin Hana’s Helpline Olivia The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Animal Families Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs Roary the Racing Car Rupert Bear: Follow The Magic The Milkshake! Show Mobil 1 The Grid The Gadget Show Fifth Gear Stunt Special Oil Riggers To Be Announced Kermit’s Swamp Years: The Real Story Behind Kermit the Frog’s Early Years All The Young Men five News The Professionals Cricket on Five NCIS CSI: New York Law and Order To Be Announced Quiz Call The Gadget Show Rough Guide to Eco Escapes Hana’s Helpline The Milkshake! Show Thomas and Friends Roary the Racing Car

07:00 07:10 07:25 07:30 07:40 07:50 08:00 08:05 08:10 08:40 08:55 09:05 09:20 09:35 09:50 10:05 10:20 10:35 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 13:45 15:30 17:20 17:25 20:15 21:00 23:35 01:50 03:05 03:35 04:45 05:10 06:00 06:15 06:40 06:50

Thomas and Friends Little Princess Peppa Pig Pocoyo Angels of Jarm To Be Announced Mio Mao Ebb and Flo Franklin Hana’s Helpline Olivia The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Animal Families Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs Mist: Sheepdog Tales Roary the Racing Car Rupert Bear: Follow The Magic The Milkshake! Show Michaela’s Wild Challenge Everybody Hates Chris Helicopter Warfare To Be Announced East of Sudan Agatha five News Hook Cricket on Five Message in a Bottle Scream 2 Rolex Grand American Boxing Classic Boxing USA Motorsport Mundial FIM Motocross Hana’s Helpline The Milkshake! Show Thomas and Friends Roary the Racing Car

SUNDAY MAY 17TH 07:00 Breakfast

07:00 Tikkabilla

08:35 Match of The Day

07:30 Teletubbies

10:00 The Andrew Marr Show

08:00 Chucklevision

11:00 The Big Questions

08:15 Chucklevision

12:00 Country Tracks

08:40 Three Delivery

13:00 The Politics Show

08:55 Diddy Dick and Dom

14:00 EastEnders Omnibus

09:00 The Legend of Dick and Dom

15:55 The Green Green Grass

09:30 M.I. High

16:25 To Be Announced 17:15 Chelsea Flower Show 18:25 Life Line 18:40 Points of View 18:55 Songs of Praise 19:30 Last of the Summer Wine 20:00 BBC News 20:15 Regional News and Weather 20:30 Countryfile 21:30 Inspector George Gently 23:00 BBC News

10:00 Escape from Scorpion Island 11:00 Something for the Weekend 12:30 Great British Menu 13:00 Animal Park 13:30 MotoGP

07:00 GMTV 10:25 Coronation Street Omnibus 12:40 Mutiny on The Buses 14:20 ITV News and Weather 14:25 To Be Announced 16:35 Britain’s Got Talent 17:35 To Be Announced 19:15 London Tonight 19:30 ITV News and Weather 19:45 Beat the Star

15:00 Gymnastics

21:00 Heartbeat

16:30 Tennis

22:00 Martin Clunes: Islands Of

18:00 Great Manchester Run 19:30 To Be Announced 20:00 To Be Announced 21:00 To Be Announced 22:00 To Be Announced

23:20 Reggie Perrin

23:30 Match of the Day 2

23:50 To Be Announced

00:30 The Graham Norton Show

01:50 Weatherview

01:55 To Be Announced

01:15 Heroes

02:25 To Be Announced

02:00 Heroes

03:25 To Be Announced

02:45 BBC News

04:25 To Be Announced

05:00 The Super League Show

04:55 BBC News

05:30 Pages from Ceefax



23:00 ITV News and Weather 23:15 The South Bank Show 00:15 Crossing Jordan 01:15 It’s My Life 02:15 Guinness Premiership Rugby 03:15 Quincy, M.E. 04:15 Tonight 04:45 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News

06:50 The Hoobs 07:15 The Hoobs 07:40 Planet Cook 08:00 Greenlight Motorsports

Output Deal

08:30 Greenlight Motorsports

Output Deal

09:00 Volvo Ocean Race 10:00 Friends 10:30 T4 Movie Special 11:00 Hollyoaks Omnibus 13:30 Friends 14:00 Green Day 14:30 To Be Announced 15:05 The Big Bang Theory 15:35 Smallville 16:40 The Simpsons 17:15 The Simpsons 17:45 Deal or No Deal 18:30 Supernanny US 19:30 Channel 4 News 20:00 The Big Art Project 21:00 Come Dine with Me 22:00 To Be Announced 00:00 To Be Announced 01:45 Chak De! India 04:35 To Be Announced 05:10 Time Team 06:05 Countdown


Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •

MONDAY MAY 18TH 07:00 10:15 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 14:30 14:45 15:15 16:00 16:05 16:15 16:25 16:50 17:05 17:30 18:05 18:15 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:30 20:57 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 23:25 23:33 23:35 23:40 00:10 00:40 02:10 02:15 02:45 03:45 04:45 05:15

Breakfast Real Rescues Homes under the Hammer The Unsellables Cash in the Attic Chelsea Flower Show BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Diagnosis Murder BBC News Big and Small To Be Announced Tronji Funky Fables Beat The Boss USA M.I. High Newsround The Weakest Link BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather Party Election Broadcast For The European Parliament The One Show Watchdog BBC News and Regional News EastEnders Panorama Ashes To Ashes BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather BBC Weather Party Election Broadcast for the English Local Elections The Omid Djalili Show Inside Sport To Be Announced Weatherview To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced BBC News

07:00 07:30 08:00 08:25 08:30 09:00 09:30 09:40 09:50 10:05 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 12:00 12:05 12:10 12:15 12:20 12:40 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:15 16:00 16:45 17:30 18:15 18:55 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 23:30 00:20 00:25 01:25 04:00 04:50 06:00

Tikkabilla Teletubbies Freefonix Newsround Hotel Trubble Prank Patrol Big and Small Bob The Builder 3rd and Bird Take a Bow Boogie Beebies Get Squiggling Nina and The Neurons Charlie and Lola In The Night Garden Telling Tales Telling Tales Telling Tales Telling Tales Let’s Write Poetry Let’s Write a Story The Daily Politics Working Lunch To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Murder, She Wrote Flog It! Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Cash in the Celebrity Attic Party Election Broadcast For The European Parliament Eggheads Great British Menu To Be Announced Wainwright’s Walks Nigella Express To Be Announced Have I Got News For You Newsnight Party Election Broadcast for the English Local Elections The Wire BBC News PSHE PSHE Pages from Ceefax

07:00 GMTV 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News and Weather 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News and


15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 The Biggest Loser 18:00 Golden Balls 19:00 London Tonight 19:30 ITV Evening News and


20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Tonight 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 To Be Announced 23:00 News at Ten and Weather 23:35 Last Action Hero 02:00 UEFA Champions League


02:30 British Touring Car

Championship Highlights

04:00 Loose Women 05:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 06:00 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News

06:50 07:15 07:40 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:30 11:55 12:00 12:25 12:30 12:55 13:00 13:25 13:30 14:30 16:25 17:15 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:55 21:00 22:00 23:30 01:30 02:30 04:15 05:00 06:00 06:15 06:30 06:45

The Hoobs The Hoobs Planet Cook Freshly Squeezed Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Will and Grace Channel 4 Education Parents and Teens - Welcome To My World Before and After My Crazy Media Life Before and After How to Dump Your Mates Before and After News at Noon Before and After Life Begins Again Pursued Countdown Deal or No Deal The Paul O’Grady Show The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News 3MW To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced NY-LON Rat To Be Announced Channel 4 Education We Are From... We Are From... We Are From... We Are From...

07:00 07:10 07:25 07:35 07:45 07:50 08:00 08:15 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:20 09:25 09:40 09:50 09:55 10:00 10:15 11:45 12:45 13:45 13:55 14:45 15:15 15:50 16:05 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:15 21:00 22:00 23:55 02:00 02:50 03:40 04:30 05:20 06:10 06:35

Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Fireman Sam Roary the Racing Car Peppa Pig To Be Announced Olivia Little Princess The Mr. Men Show Noddy in Toyland Fifi and The Flowertots Peppa Pig To Be Announced Thomas and Friends Pocoyo To Be Announced Chiro Hana’s Helpline The Wright Stuff The Trisha Goddard Show Colin and Justin’s Celebrity How Not to Decorate five News Wordplay Neighbours Home and Away Wordplay Plus Still Crazy Like A Fox Five News With Natasha Kaplinsky Neighbours Home and Away RSPCA: Have You Got What It Takes? Party Election Broadcast Five News at 7 Cricket on Five The Gadget Show Inferno Posse NASCAR: The Sprint Cup US PGA Golf AMA Supercross Arenacross UEFA Cup Classics Neighbours Home and Away

Inuk The Hoobs We Are From... Planet Cook We Are From... Freshly Squeezed Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Will and Grace Channel 4 Education Parents and Teens - Welcome To My World Before and After My Crazy Media Life Before and After How to Dump Your Mates Before and After News at Noon Before and After To Be Announced Life Begins Again Man with the Gun Countdown Deal or No Deal The Paul O’Grady Show The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News 3MW Gok’s Fashion Fix To Be Announced To Be Announced The Big Bang Theory My Name Is Earl Pokerstars.Com European Poker Tour Gillette World Sport Superbike World Championship 2009 Greenlight Motorsports Output Deal Sport Sport Channel 4 Education Ancient Egypt Ancient Egypt Ancient Egypt Ancient Egypt

07:00 07:10 07:25 07:35 07:45 07:50 08:00 08:15 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:20 09:25 09:40 09:50 09:55 10:00 10:15 11:45 12:45 13:45 13:55 14:45 15:15 15:50 16:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:20 05:00 06:10 06:35

Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Fireman Sam Roary the Racing Car Peppa Pig To Be Announced Olivia Little Princess The Mr. Men Show Noddy in Toyland Fifi and The Flowertots Peppa Pig To Be Announced Thomas and Friends Pocoyo To Be Announced Chiro Hana’s Helpline The Wright Stuff The Trisha Goddard Show Colin and Justin’s How Not to Decorate five News Wordplay Neighbours Home and Away Wordplay Plus Perfect Romance Five News With Natasha Kaplinsky Neighbours Home and Away RSPCA: Have You Got What It Takes? Party Election Broadcast Five News at 7 Highland Emergency Helicopter Warfare CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Miami CSI: New York The Shield NBA Basketball NHRA Drag Racing Neighbours Home and Away

TUESDAY MAY 19TH 07:00 10:15 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:30 14:00 14:30 14:45 15:15 16:00 16:05 16:15 16:25 16:50 17:05 17:35 18:00 18:05 18:15 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:30 20:57 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:25 23:33 23:35 23:40 00:30 02:00 02:05 02:35 03:35 04:35 05:05

Breakfast Real Rescues Homes under the Hammer The Unsellables Cash in the Attic Chelsea Flower Show BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Diagnosis Murder BBC News Big and Small Grandpa in My Pocket Tronji Funky Fables Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab Blue Peter MyWish Newsround The Weakest Link BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather Party Election Broadcast For The European Parliament The One Show EastEnders BBC News and Regional News Holby City To Be Announced BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather BBC Weather Party Election Broadcast for the English Local Elections by the Liberal Democrats To Be Announced To Be Announced Weatherview To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced BBC News

07:00 07:30 08:00 08:25 08:30 09:00 09:30 09:40 09:50 10:05 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 12:00 12:10 12:20 12:30 12:40 12:50 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:15 16:00 16:45 17:30 18:15 18:55 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:30 00:20 00:25 01:25 01:55 04:00 05:00 06:00

Tikkabilla Teletubbies Freefonix Newsround Hotel Trubble Prank Patrol Big and Small Bob The Builder 3rd and Bird Take a Bow Boogie Beebies Get Squiggling Nina and The Neurons Charlie and Lola In The Night Garden Science Clips Science Clips The Maths Channel The Maths Channel Focus Focus The Daily Politics Working Lunch To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Murder, She Wrote Flog It! Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Cash in the Celebrity Attic Party Election Broadcast For The European Parliament Eggheads Great British Menu To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Later Live... with Jools Holland Newsnight Party Election Broadcast for the English Local Elections The Wire High Altitude BBC News PSHE PSHE Pages from Ceefax

07:00 GMTV 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News and Weather 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News and


15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 The Biggest Loser 18:00 Golden Balls 19:00 London Tonight 19:30 ITV Evening News and


20:00 Emmerdale 21:00 A Place in The Wild 22:00 Holiday Showdown 23:00 News at Ten and Weather 23:35 The Classical Brits 2009 01:50 Nightwatch With Steve Scott 02:50 Supernatural 03:50 Loose Women 04:50 The Jeremy Kyle Show 05:50 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News

07:00 07:15 07:30 07:40 07:45 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:30 11:55 12:00 12:25 12:30 12:55 13:00 13:25 13:30 13:45 14:45 16:25 17:15 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:55 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:10 00:40 01:10 02:10 02:40 03:10 03:40 04:35 05:00 06:00 06:15 06:30 06:45

Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •


WEDNESDAY MAY 20TH 07:00 10:15 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:30 14:00 14:30 14:45 15:15 16:00 16:05 16:15 16:25 16:50 17:05 17:35 18:00 18:05 18:15 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:30 20:57 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:25 23:33 23:35 23:40 23:45 00:45 02:15 02:20 02:50 03:50 04:50 05:20

Breakfast Real Rescues Homes under the Hammer The Unsellables Cash in the Attic Chelsea Flower Show BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Diagnosis Murder BBC News Big and Small Grandpa in My Pocket Tronji Funky Fables Paradise Cafe Blue Peter MyWish Newsround The Weakest Link BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather Party Election Broadcast For The European Parliament The One Show Chelsea Flower Show BBC News and Regional News Waterloo Road The Apprentice BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather BBC Weather Party Election Broadcast for the English Local Elections by the Conservative Party The National Lottery Draws The Street To Be Announced Weatherview To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced BBC News

07:00 07:30 08:00 08:25 08:30 09:00 09:30 09:40 09:50 10:05 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 12:00 12:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:15 16:00 16:45 17:30 18:15 18:55 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:30 00:20 00:25 01:25 04:00 05:00 06:00

Tikkabilla Teletubbies Freefonix Newsround Hotel Trubble Prank Patrol Big and Small Bob The Builder 3rd and Bird Mr Tumble Boogie Beebies Get Squiggling Nina and The Neurons Charlie and Lola In The Night Garden Wildlife on Two The Daily Politics See Hear Working Lunch Life Line To Be Announced Murder, She Wrote Flog It! Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Cash in the Celebrity Attic Party Election Broadcast For The European Parliament Eggheads Great British Menu To Be Announced Coast To Be Announced The Apprentice: You’re Fired! Newsnight Party Election Broadcast for the English Local Elections The Wire BBC News PSHE PSHE Pages from Ceefax

07:00 GMTV 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News and Weather 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News and


15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 The Biggest Loser 18:00 Golden Balls 19:00 London Tonight 19:30 ITV Evening News and


20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 To Be Announced 23:00 News at Ten and Weather 23:35 Benidorm 00:05 The Shadow 02:00 Nightwatch With Steve Scott 03:00 Loose Women 04:00 Tonight 04:30 The Jeremy Kyle Show 05:30 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News

07:00 07:15 07:20 07:40 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:30 11:55 12:00 12:25 12:30 12:55 13:00 13:25 13:30 14:30 16:25 17:15 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:55 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 00:05 01:05 01:20 01:35 02:35 03:35 04:10 05:10 06:05

Inuk The Hoobs Forum Planet Cook Freshly Squeezed Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Will and Grace Channel 4 Education Parents and Teens - Welcome To My World Before and After My Crazy Media Life Before and After How to Dump Your Mates Before and After News at Noon Before and After Life Begins Again The Hunters Countdown Deal or No Deal The Paul O’Grady Show The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News 3MW Embarrassing Bodies To Be Announced Desperate Housewives To Be Announced To Be Announced Gaymers Grassroot Gigs Gaymers Grassroot Gigs Bestival 2008 Around The World in 80 Trades To Be Announced Empires of Stone Time Team Countdown

07:00 07:10 07:25 07:35 07:45 07:50 08:00 08:15 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:20 09:25 09:40 09:50 09:55 10:00 10:15 11:45 12:45 13:45 13:55 14:45 15:15 15:50 16:05 16:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:05 01:05 02:35 04:05 06:10 06:35

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Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •

Coffee Break

Solutions page 37


Clues Across 1 A hard, durable wood (4) 3 Practice (5) 7 A West Indian folk-song (7) 8 Robin Goodfellow (4) 9 A lofty building (5) 11 A thin piece of turf (5) 14 A sore on the eyelid (4) 16 A lively Polish dance (7) 17 To tangle (5) 18 To ooze (4)

Clues Down 1 Unspoken (5) 2 To permit (5) 4 A retail store (4) 5 A South American cowboy (6) 6 A stimulus (4) 10 An act of choosing (6) 11 To sleep lightly (4) 12 The extreme edge (5) 13 A vagrant (5) 15 An Islamic chieftain (4)

Lost letters In each of these puzzles a famous or popular quotation fills the grid. The individual letters remain in their correct column, but have fallen out and are out of order. Reinsert them in the correct order to find the answer. Any punctuation is given in its own square. This quotation is from Oscar Wilde.

FOUR-LETTER WORDS See how many four-letter words you can make using the letters in the name

Archimedes Each letter may be used once only in each word. NOT admissible are abbreviations; prefixes; proper names; poetic short forms; plural and verb forms ending in ‘s’; foreign and dialectal words not in common English use; slang terms; and words that might make Granny blush. Today’s pass mark is 98 words: nine beginning with A, 10 with C, 16 with D, three with E, three with I, 14 with H, 11 with M, 12 with R and 20 with S. Can you find them?

Word Search Words to do with Valentine’s Day





















Sudoku Place a number from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each 3x3 block, column, and full row includes each of the numbers from 1 to 9 only once.

Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •

From a distance… by Dawn Llewellyn-Price

...and from a distance it has been. But everything changes, and next time you read this column, I shall be back on Spanish Soil. Ole! Bravo! Pass the cava and the strawberries (will they still be in season?) So, after many hours of sitting doing impressions of Rodin’s ‘The Thinker’ my agile brain has come to the long drawn conclusion that the only possible title henceforth must be, On Spanish soil… Talking of Rodin, I have been reliably informed by Amiga Jacqueline that Cartagena is to host a Rodin exhibition. I look forward to that, nothing like a bit of culture, or a bit of sculpture. I’ve dabbled in a bit of the latter myself during a couple of years at art college. Unfortunately, my macabre interest in dead animal skulls never became a best selling line, but I loved them, and my ‘dead horse with attitude’

(Inspiration the Welsh legend of the Mari Llwyd, a version of Scottish first-footing at New Year, - a horse’s skull with bottle tops for eyes and a white sheet) still sits on our coffee table amidst my bell, book and candles. It’s a great talking point at dinner parties, normally getting rid of guests early. Anyone need a top-up? Pass the hemlock, darling. On a truly witching subject, I spent a soothing Saturday night recently at Swansea’s Taliesin Theatre listening to the amazing Spanish guitarist Eduardo Niebla. ( Accompanied by a double bass, drum, and separate

guitar, the evening was a magical experience, a heady mix of Flamenco Gypsy Jazz, Arabic, Indian, Latin and Classical influences. Born in Tangiers to Andalusian parents, Eduardo now lives in, wait for it….North Yorkshire. What a wonderful way to sweep me into our return to Spain, evocative of all those days and nights to look forward to, (if swine flu doesn’t stop the ferry) the fiestas, the evenings strolling the paseo in Cartagena

or in el Puerto at Mazarron, accompanied by the aroma of paellas and strong coffee, sipping long glasses of tinto verano, or the more intoxicating Vina Albali, and of course the favoured breakfast tostadas with their garlic, tomatoes and olive oil. People keep asking me if I am looking forward to going back, and at this point in time I am, but I’m not. If you know what I mean. Hence here follows - ‘A Tale of two cities.’ Cartagena and Swansea, both sitting on the coast, both with a unique fusion of lifestyles. Life in Swansea is great;-walking everywhere, beach a mere glance away; stroll around the large and lovely marina and you find Tesco, Sainsbury, Debenhams, plus the museum, theatres, cafes, restaurants and nightlife all in a swift stumble. A short drive or flat cycle ride away; - Mumbles, the eclectic fishing village where Catherine Zeta Jones has a home (last seen on Mother’s day driving with her mum the short distance back from the city) with its designer shops and cosy wine bars, gateway to the beaches of Gower, the first designated area of outstanding natural beauty in the UK, and home for wanton surfers. Scattered throughout the area, -history, castles, and Roman influence. Swansea has one of the highest tidal ranges in the world, meaning now you sea it, now you don’t. Often when I wake up in mornings, the tide is high, then, seemingly before you know it, its vanished way out into the bay. The lock gates letting the boats in and out of the marina provide a constant barrage of noise ‘beep, beep, clear the bridge!’ We often rush to see the classic wooden sailboat head down the River Tawe

amidst the more buoyant and exciting powerboats, and café lifestyle around the marina is bustling, especially when the sun shines. There’s nowhere better to be on a sunny day. Aye, there’s the rub.

There aren’t enough to see you through summer. Cartagena, on the other hand, means a high tide all day long, sunshine bathing the skin, yet another classic wooden boat on the front, and the ambling café scene alongside. The similarities are endless. Cartagena has its naval history, with gunships and submarines at every angle of the harbour. Swansea once had the same;-I have lunched with officers in the wardroom aboard HMS Scylla in the days when warships sailed into Swansea docks, and HMS Glamorgan was a frequent visitor, obviously twinned

with South Wales Police judging by the patrol car sized sticker on their fridge door. I believe my fear of heights stemmed from being precariously sat on my father’s shoulders on a much earlier visit to a submarine (approximate age three) as he negotiated the very narrow edge to go below. There were frequent Open Days, when sailors would assist you down the narrow ladder below, whilst secretly looking up your skirt. Sadly, the warships and subs no longer come into Swansea. Now it’s dredgers, and in summer the tourist boat to Ilfracombe, North Devon, or a fast RIB ride around the Gower Coast. Swansea used to have, (and apparently will again this month) the Cork ferry, taking travellers to Ireland. I spent my 30th birthday on that ship, and kissed the Blarney Stone the other end. Shame it didn’t work. Cartagena has the tourist BARCO, taking visitors around the harbour and of course the leviathan cruise liners. Apparently ‘The World’ sailed into Swansea Bay a few years ago, but we were doubtless in Spain at the time, so missed it. Both cities have edifices with blue illuminated domes a short walk from the seafront. Both have sailor sculptures. Once known as Copperopolis, Swansea was home to a thriving copper industry, as was Cartagena with its own copper and mineral industry. Fans of Welsh author Iris Gower will be aware of this history, as her historical tales often featured those times. Chatting with Iris recently, we recounted a recent TV archaeology programme about the uncovering of the Copper works, hidden below the old Addis factory, and now home to a housing development known as Copper Quarter. The nearby Cape Horner pub was named after the copper men who used to sail around that notorious coastline in search of the magical mineral. Cartagena has recently re-discovered its Roman theatre. With a myriad of backstreet shops, and of course El Corte Ingles, it’s a shopping heaven. Both are lovely cities;-or in Swansea’s case an ‘ugly, lovely, city.’(To quote Dylan Thomas) Tatty on the outskirts, with both cities suffering huge bomb damage during the war. Both have a famous event,in Cartagena the Romans and Carthaginians, where the sight of well muscled scantily clad men wearing leather and fur waving enormous weapons set the ladies pulses racing, while the nubile women wearing leopard prints and gladiator sandals keep the men occupied. Swansea has its own more regular festival where you can see similar parades called Stag and Hen Nights. The outfits are exactly the same. This year Cartagena has Rodin. Swansea has Art in the City. Cool alabaster v Cool stiletto-heeled boat. There’s really no contest, especially as its pink. So you see my dilemma. Paella v Curry. Rodin v Pink Stiletto. I’ll let Enrique Iglesias woo me into the former, as my last act before leaving the UK will be a short birthday trek to Cardiff (the Big City) to his sell-out concert, accompanied of course by Virgo-man, who tried to keep a lid on his secret surprise, failed miserably, and is still asking if the tickets have turned up. They haven’t so far. Hasta pronto indeed…..

Aurora Copyright 2009 Dawn Llewellyn-Price



Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •


Ninety five members attended the April meeting of Simply Gardening at the Cañadas del Romero Old School Hall, which was a bit of a shock for the cake making team who’d only anticipated a turnout of 65 and had to cut the slices a little thinner than anticipated. The Gardeners Question Time meeting highlighted the problems experienced by many members with relation to their citrus trees, one lady having gone to the trouble of bringing along a very sorry looking specimen for an expert opinion. The three experts, Jonathan Pickles, tree surgeon, Iain from La Alcayna Garden Centre and Antonio, who’d attended the school as a child and has a lifetime of local gardening experience, were able to answer all the questions from both technical and practical angles, yellowing and curling of citrus tree leaves being the most persistent problem experienced by many gardeners. Looking at the leaf samples provided, the experts quickly agreed that the yellowing was caused by starvation of nutrients, known as Chlorosis and this particular curling of the leaf by underwatering. One member emailed to say that after having gone home, and thoroughly soaked the tree, that within 24 hours the leaves had uncurled and assumed a much healthier appearance, whilst others reported much improved trees within a few days of treating with mineral feeds.

Citrus Tree Problems: Yellowing Of Leaves Chlorosis is the yellowing of leaf tissue due to a lack of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll gives the leaf its green colour and is necessary for the plant to produce the food it needs for its own growth, but requires the presence of minerals, particularly iron, manganese or zinc for this to take place. There are many reasons why a plant may find it difficult to absorb the nutrients it needs to flourish; Poor drainage, i.e. a pot with no drainage holes Damaged roots after being transplanted, sometimes the tree may never recover from this Compacted roots as the plant may be in a pot that is too small for it Lack of nutrients, if the plant is confined within a pot and is not receiving mineral feed supplements Insufficient nutrients in the soil when planted in the ground.

Other Citrus Maintenance Jobs to do now. Remove any oranges left on the trees as new blossom forms, clear away rotten fruits, spent leaves and weeds from the base of the trees, and prepare the irrigation circles before the ground bakes. It’s still not too late to cut out the suckers; tall, upright shoots coming from the centre of the tree, which distort the shape and sap the energy from fruit producing branches.

Many members were shocked to find out that citrus trees need regular feeding throughout the year, with a rest period only during the hot summer months, and that trees in this area are particularly susceptible to chlorosis as the soil has a high lime content, which makes it very alkaline. Iron becomes insoluble in soils with a high alkalinity, so it is difficult for the plant to absorb the nutrients it needs, the easiest solution being to feed with a citrus feed containing added iron and manganese. If a plant has an iron deficiency, the younger leaves on fresh growth tips will normally turn yellow first, followed by the older leaves, whereas if the plant is suffering from manganese deficiency the older leaves will yellow first and progress outwards to the growth tips. Antonio, our local Spanish expert, explained that before modern chemicals became available, the locals had always added manure to the soil to improve the mineral content around citrus trees, particularly that of chickens, and that even today he uses no chemicals at all, putting all his coffee grounds around the base of the trees and having lush, healthy trees which produce fruit all year, around, a claim which was backed up by his neighbours. He also stressed the need to water infrequently, but deeply, saying that trees on a drip system regularly fail to produce quality fruit with good flavour. He waters in a shallow circle around the tree, to the same spread as the branches of the tree, and allows the soil to dry out completely before re-watering, too much water being just as bad for citrus trees as too little, leaf loss, yellow leaves and sudden death being symptoms of waterlogged roots.

The next Simply Gardening meeting will be held on Saturday 23rd May at Cañadas Old School Hall, Cañadas del Romero at 2pm, for members only. To assist the local volunteer gardeners, a plant propagation workshop will be run on Tuesday 12th May at Kennellys Bar, Camposol Sector B at 5pm., open to anyone who wishes to come along and learn some basic techniques. Due to the turnout in April, and the amount of compost used by the participants, a small fee of 2 euros will be requested, of which 1 euro will go to the Lions, to assist in their fundraising activities for the blind, and the other euro to cover the cost of materials. All participants can expect to take home a good quantity of potted cuttings. (Please bring unwanted carrier bags, used flowerpots and any spare cuttings material.) To find out more about Simply Gardening, go to the website at or call 968 971 824.

Garden Club of Vega Baja…April Meeting Speaker for April was Dr. Juan Martinez Tome, who is co-owner with his brother of the NATUR PLANT garden centre. He came to talk to the club on pests and diseases in the garden. As it turned out, the first part of his talk was so comprehensive that the part about diseases has had to be postponed to another day. There were lots of slides to illustrate his talk, showing the various sorts of pests found in this area such as aphids, armoured scales, armyworms and cutworms (caterpillars) whitefly, leaf miners, and spider mites. Many of these can be controlled with NEEM, although there are various other products on the market. If in doubt, it is better to consult someone in your local garden centre or look on the internet. On Tuesday April 14th almost a hundred club members and their spouses met at the San Remo restaurant in Catral for a ‘menu del dia’ which was very much enjoyed by all attending. Next months meeting is on Monday May 5th at 2pm at “The Venue” on the Lemon Tree Road and will include a rose competition in two sections: 1. A single rose 2. A floribunda (multiple flowers on one stem) This is to be judged by the club’s rose expert Ron Harris. Also there will be a talk on aloe vera…. its growing, medical and cosmetic use by Inge Wieschalla. Enquiries to club chairman Val on 966 716 527

Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •


Food For Thought... By Drew Ryder

It is said that by the time we reach the age of 65, over ninety per cent of us are either dead or dead broke!! Apparently, only eight per cent of men and two percent of women are financially independent, and less than one percent of the population are wealthy. Why is that? What does the one percent know that the other ninety-nine percent do not know? Do they work harder? Are they better educated or more intelligent? Are they just lucky? Or, are they blessed with good fortune? In the main, everybody wants to have a lot of everything. Whether it is a lot of love, a lot of money, a lot of success, etc., we want it. We meet people who seemingly have a lot of everything and similarly, we also meet people who don't have a lot and who are more than likely struggling just to get enough of what they need. By taking a closer look at these two groups of people (the haves and the have not’s) you will find that the people who don't have enough, (the have not’s) those who are struggling just to get what they need share a few things in common - they all have a negative and limiting thought pattern. By the same token, they are not focused and don't stick to one thing for very long. They all seem to have a sense of desperateness about them which they say causes them to give up on something, (usually too soon), because they're in such a tight situation. They are in a situation whereby they need to turn things around immediately, thus wanting immediate results. In other words, things have become so bad that they say they can't afford to waste time trying something and waiting for results, rather, they need to turn things around immediately. Unfortunately however, this kind of thinking usually makes things worse. The reason for this will be explained later. For now we shall focus on what you can do to attract abundance into your life – in order to begin having the abundance you want, therefore changing your position from that of ‘a have not’ to one of ‘the haves’. What we are about to look at is practiced by some of the most successful people in the world people who have the abundance that many aspire to have. As we do, you will notice that no matter how bad things are - they often don't change immediately - no matter how hard you try. The reason for this will also be explained later. In order to begin attracting abundance and enjoying success in your life, it is important to understand two basic tenets or principles that are constantly at work. Once you understand these, you'll be able to work with them so that you create and attract abundance and success in your life. The first tenet is called ‘the law of attraction’. This simply states that you are a magnet for what you think, in other words, ‘what you think is what you attract’. To explain, your thoughts create a field of energy around you that in turn attracts people, ideas, opportunities and situations or circumstances that are associated with what you are thinking. Any thought that is repeated with emotion will bring to you people, ideas, opportunities, situations and circumstances that represent those thoughts. This will happen regardless, whether these thoughts are positive or negative; it doesn't matter if they are good for you or not. You will attract what you think. To

illustrate, if you think that it's difficult to find a job then you will attract situations, ideas and people that will make it difficult for you to find a job. The second tenet or principle is focus. When you focus your mind on something, making it a priority and when you are constantly thinking about making something happen and insist on finding ways to make it happen, you will ultimately succeed. Why? Because your mind is in constant motion, it is focused on making something happen and, at the same time, it is constantly directing the subconscious to create situations, to attract people and ideas in order to make something happen. As a result, if finding a job is important to you, make it a priority; keep your mind focused on finding a job, listen to the people that enter your life, be aware of opportunities that present themselves, pay attention to the ideas that come, insist on making it all happen and it will. It is important to have a clear idea of what your goal is; it is doubly important that you hold it in your mind continuously so that your subconscious mind can attract the people, situations and circumstances that you need in order to achieve it. People, who are successful, wealthy and have abundance, work with both their mind and subconscious mind to create what they want. If it's not a priority then it's not important enough, therefore, if it's not important enough your subconscious won't act on it. When something is a priority you think about it - but you have to think about finding ways to make it a reality. Worrying is not going to work. Complaining won't work. Instead, focus on finding a solution, focus on attracting abundance and that's what you will ultimately get. This brings us back to ‘What you think is what you get.’ Having looked at the two basic principles of attracting abundance, we now turn to a further principle and that is to understand, that your reality is a reflection of your thoughts and beliefs. That is to say what you think is what you have and what you will continue to get in your life. Your reality is more than a reflection of your daily thoughts; it is also a reflection of what is in your subconscious mind. Everything that is taking place in your reality is a mirror of something that is going on within your mind and subconscious mind. Therefore, if you are struggling to make ends meet or if you're in debt - then it is important to examine your thoughts and beliefs about wealth to see if this is a part of your reality. For example if you were brought up with the belief that money isn’t important in life or that it cannot buy happiness or love: and that it is the root of all evil, this explains your reality – lack of money. If having sufficient money to pay all your bills and to not struggle financially is a priority, then you need to change those limiting thoughts and beliefs. How? By getting your mind to focus on what you want and by training it to send the right messages to your subconscious mind in order that you attract an abundance of wealth and success. Your reality will always represent what is going on in your mind and subconscious mind; furthermore, your attitude will be reflected back to you by the attitude of those close to you and around you on a

daily basis. For example, if you are positive and optimistic – you will attract and have positive and optimistic people around you. If you have negative and pessimistic people around you - then yes you’ve guessed it! It is because you are negative and pessimistic. Also, by looking at your relationships you gain a better understanding as to what is going on internally. If you have happy, loving and harmonious relationships - then you will find that you are happy, loving and at peace on various levels especially in the relationship. Whereas, if you have a negative and difficult relationship that is somewhat unsettling - then you will find that you are negative, difficult and unsettled. To recap, if you want to create abundance, wealth, success and happiness then start paying more attention to your thoughts. Take a look at the thoughts you have regularly and start feeding your mind thoughts of abundance, wealth, success and happiness. Get your mind to focus on what you want - make things that are important a priority. Stay focused. Check your reality. Keep giving your mind new information; search out possibilities instead of complaining or thinking about the limitations. It is easy to feel sorry for yourself, stop, take charge of your mind and direct your subconscious mind to create the situations you want. See yourself living the life you want - and don't put up with any negative thoughts. Do this regularly and you will get your mind and subconscious mind working for you. As you do so, you will begin to attract the situations you want and to create an abundance of wealth and success. Finally if you want immediate results you'll have to exercise more patience. Most often change does not happen overnight - why? Because when you send your subconscious mind a message, when you instruct it to create opportunities for you - it will. But you have to examine the opportunities presented. Often people say they need things to change right now. So they get started, they are presented with opportunities - some are not what they had expected or they are below their standards; however, they fail to examine them. They expect everything to fall into their lap. If you don't look out for and follow up on the opportunities presented to you then you are denying yourself a chance at changing your situation. Also, it is important to understand that the subconscious has to have time to go to work and generate opportunities. It usually doesn't take very long - patience is essential because you want to be on the right track. Therefore, if you want things now you'll get them quickly enough - but you have to be open-minded. How open is your mind? If any body would like to take part in a regular group meeting about manifesting abundance please call me on 660326194. Please note that all areas of life will be included in the manifestation process. Abundance, whilst it is about wealth, it is not necessarily restricted to financial wealth. As Henry Ward Beecher says “It is the heart that makes a man rich. He is rich according to what he is, not according to what he has.”

Written and compiled by Drew Ryder BSc. Hons. Drew is the owner and chef at Restaurante Los Amigos, in Tallante and is also a fully qualified Holistic Therapist (IHHT trained and registered) and an NLP practitioner.


Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •



Ambience of Aranjuez By Sylvia Anne Grant About 36 kilometres south of Madrid you will find the most pleasant town of Aranjuez, known as “the Spanish Versailles” – and when you have your first glimpse of the Royal Palace and the Gardens, you will understand why. The numerous gardens, full of statues, fountains and wonderful trees were an attempt by the Spanish Bourbon monarchs to create a “Versailles” in Spain. Aranjuez’s greenery is refreshing, especially when much of central Spain is dry and dusty, and in the summer months it is a favourite weekend escape from Madrid, or a good stop-over to and from other places. There are several ways to explore Aranjuez. It’s quite easy to explore on foot, firstly calling at the Tourist Office to collect maps and information. Quite good fun is the Chuiquitrén which will take you on a fifty minute tour, with commentary, through the beautiful gardens and to see the many interesting “sights”. Or, you could, like royalty before you, sit back and relax on a launch along the river, starting at the royal pier. This trip, again lasts about forty five minutes, with a commentary. But, if you have “lotsa money”, you could go “up, up and away” in a hot air balloon – a one hour flight, return to base in a 4 x 4, a champagne celebration and a flight diploma!! The Royal Palace grew up around a medieval hunting lodge, standing beside a natural weir where the Rivers Tajo and Jarama meet. Philip II planned the city, its parks and gardens and irrigation network in the sixteenth century and decided that Aranjuez was perfect as a royal site and a springtime royal residence. Today’s Palace was built in the eighteenth century by the Hapsburgs and redecorated by the Bourbons. A guided tour will take you through the numerous exotically furnished rooms, including the Hall of Mirrors, the Porcelain Room which is entirely covered with decorative ware from a factory which used to be in the Retiro Park in Madrid, and the splendid Smoking Room, which is modelled on a similar room in the Alhambra. On a small island outside the Palace are the fountains and gardens of the Jardin de la Isla, and then if you go to the other side of the main road you will find the wooded and peaceful Prince’s Garden in the French Gothic style of fountains, sculptures and squares, which leads you to the Casa del Labrador (House of the Labourer). (By the way, the shaded gardens of Aranjuez inspired Joaquin Rodrigo’s “Concierto de Aranjuez”). Casa del Labrador is full of silk, marble, crystal, gold and clocks (all this is the house of a labourer??) and you can take a guided tour, but by appointment only. (Tel: 918 910305). The Plaza de Toros, constructed in the eighteenth century, contains the “Exposición Aranjuez – Una Gran Fiesta”,

Real Capilla de San Antonio where you can see plenty of bullfighting memorabilia. Obviously, there are many other interesting “sights” to see, and you can get details of these from the helpful staff at the Tourist Office. Do remember that, as is usual in Spain, all these places of interest are CLOSED ON MONDAYS, but in Aranjuez there is FREE ADMISSION ON WEDNESDAYS to all E.U. citizens - so, in this time of recession , you know the best day to visit for sightseeing! The fertile fields around Aranjuez supply the local cuisine with asparagus, artichokes and Brussels sprouts, and pheasant, partridge and quail are supplied by traditional hunting. Add to this the wonderful local strawberries and you have an abundance of “food, glorious food”. There are many popular restaurants, so I will just mention Casa José in Calle Abastos (closed Sunday evening and Monday) is famed for its nouvelle cuisine. The walls of the more traditional Casa Pablo, Calle Almibar 42, are covered with pictures of bullfighters and local dignitaries. The best known, dating back to the end of the nineteenth century and right by the River Jarama, is El Rana Verde (the Green Frog) in Plaza Santiago Rusiñol. If you want somewhere to buy some fresh produce for a picnic, try the Mercado de Asbastos in Calle Stuart. In addition, there is a Saturday weekly market in Las Valeras. There’s a regular train service to Madrid (Atocha) and also during the summer months, it’s “all aboard” for the “Tren de la Fresa”, the nineteenth century steam train which was built to carry the famous Aranjuez strawberries to Madrid. San Fernando festivals take place at the end of May/beginning of June, but during the year there are many ferias, concerts and activities, but it’s best to check with the Tourist Office for dates and times. Another good time to visit is during the Festival of the Revolt to see representations if the storming of the Palace of Godoy, bullfights and musical performances, which takes place in early September. I hope that I have given you a little insight into Aranjuez and its ambience – and maybe can tempt you to visit sometime. We have visited in mid June and also last year in mid October, en route to Ribera del Duero, when the autumn colours were magnificent. Maybe next time we should, like Royalty, visit in the springtime! Please note that I cannot specifically recommend hotels or restaurants, as these are personal tastes, but the Tourist Office will give you some guidance and a list of the hotels and restaurants in the area. Copyright 2009 Sylvia Anne Grant

Aranjuez in Autumn

Useful Info: Tourist Office

Casa de Infant Tel; 918 910 427

Chiquitrén, Barco Turistico and Globo Aerostatico Arantours. Tel: 902 088 089

Palacio Real and Casa del Labrador Tel: 918 910 305 Plaza de Toros – Museo Una Gran Fiest Tel: 918 921 643


Barceló Aranjuez, Plaza de la Unesco 2 Tel: 918 809 399 Hotel Restaurante Mercedes Tel: 918 910 440


Camping Internacional, Aranjuez Camping and bungalows Tel: 918 911 395

Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •

Out & About A Visit to Carriage Museum Zamar, La Union On a cloudy day and looking for something different to do I visited the Museo de Carruajes Zamar and chances are, if you have every travelled to La Manga, you will have driven past this Museum, without having any idea, from the outside of the building, that it houses the largest collection of restored horse driven carriages in Spain, plus an impressive display of classic motorcycles, all in mint condition. Located in La Union, 30-minutes south of Torrevieja and 20-minutes from Murcia on the MU312 you will find a display area of more than 4,000 square meters with over 400 exhibits of carriages ranging from the 17th – 20th Century. As one of the few visitors on the day we received a warm welcome and for the €5 entry fee, it was good value. Each exhibit has a detailed description plaque in English, Spanish and German, giving information of the date, history and typical use of the carriage and I got the impression that this museum is more a labour of love rather than a profit-seeking venture Starting with the carriages it is difficult, even looking at the photographs, to show the quality and beauty of these carriages which range from the most simple farm carts, to carriages

designed for sporting purposes and onto the most grand and luxurious town carriages, for travelling long distances, with carriages originating from Germany, Hungary, France, Spain, USA and Britain

By visiting Zamar I was able to get a real understanding of the history of the carriages as they developed through the ages, as they evolved from basic canvas wagons through to glass windows with ornate panels, velvet interiors and coach lights Putting things into perspective the carriages are not reproductions but original carriages that are fully restored with restoration taking between four to eight months to complete. I was surprised by the large exhibition of child size miniature carriages and discovered that these were used as examples for showing to customers before they ordered. For the motorcycle enthusiast the same building houses the largest collection of historic motorcycles in Spain, with 75 motorcycles on display, covering more than 100 years of history. Included are bicycles with an engine attached to a wheel, to some lovingly restored scooters, mopeds and side-car combinations, there are also a few bikes from the main

Getting there:

Directions: take the AP7 motorway leaving at junction 800 signposted La Manga MU312 leaving at junction 2 and the museum is on the right. During the winter the museum is open Tuesday through Saturday, 11.00 am until 2.00 pm, Monday’s during fiestas and for private tours and groups by arrangement. They also have their own souvenir shop.

The collection includes the famous Spanish manufactured Derbi machines, now a subsidiary of Piaggio, with a distinguished history of success in MotoGP, known as the ´Red Bullets ´ who had 81 grand prix wins with 18 world titles and riders including Barry Sheen and Angel Nieto starting their careers with the works teams. You can see a fantastic number of sidecars from little Vespas to the larger bikes. On display bikes from Moto Guzzi plus some unusual names including French manufacturers of Peugeot, and Soyer. The bikes are in pristine condition as each bike is completely cleaned, stripped down and brought back to ‘as new’ condition with many more bikes being restored and added to the collection.

Where would you like to send Roy? If you have a particular place in mind which you would like reviewing then please send in your suggestion and perhaps it will feature as one of our next Out & About reviews.

in many included just one of the welcome pack and is ew vi re is Th ty Guide rental the Our Proper ing your property visit nt re call for help with or rty pe ro rp www.ou 743 +34 965 319

You can visit the museum’s website at

manufacturers including Ducati 450, BSA and even a Royal Enfield.



Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •

The Journey to La Huerta

Southwest Scotland to sunny Spain by Liz Edmiston Continuing our story of one family’s relocation to Murcia. Liz Edmiston is a freelance writer and also runs 2 businesses here in Spain. VillaFinders Costa Calida, offer property search and relocation services for clients moving from the UK to the Costa Calida. OwnersAway offer property management, rental and letting services in the region. For details on all these services, call Liz on 691977107 or check out the websites and

in so many footprints where the dogs had walked in the wet cement that it was like a canine version of the famous “Chinese Theatre”. Fortunately, we could tile on top of that. But how would we keep them off the newly laid drive? Or would we have to resign ourselves to the fact that any pattern we chose would be paw-shaped?

“Never work with children or animals” goes the old saying, surely one invented by a mother of two boys with four dogs! In our household, we struggle to keep anything clean and in one piece, thanks to Alex’s unnerving ability to break almost everything he touches “accidentally”. Think the washing powder advert “Dirt is good” and you´ll probably begin to understand the challenges of having boys who can go through two changes of clothes in the morning before they leave for school. Breakfast, dirt, toothpaste, dog hair... my boys could make Pig Pen from the Charlie Brown comic strip look positively hygienic. And the animals are not much better. Having bought two

lovely tall ceramic vases in metal stands at the pottery for 60 euros, we proudly stood them one either side of the entrance steps to the terrace. They lasted around a week before Sam, in one of his overexcited “must get out of the house first” Spaniel attacks knocked the first one over. The second one went a week later; probably tired of being alone it threw itself off the terrace. We’re still looking for the guilty party. And so imagine my trepidation when we decided to have an impressed concrete drive laid. “You must keep the dogs off it whilst it dries, for at least three days” said Francisco. Short of locking them in the underbuild for 72 hours, it seemed a trip to the kennels was the only answer. After all, our terraces were covered

The solution came to me in one of those light bulb moments in the middle of the night. A temporary fence! One phone call later, and Francisco had delivered the panels and blocks and we were all prisoners in our own home. But at least the dogs were happy! Sam, the digger, was a little frustrated at only having ¾ of the garden to roam, but for a nail biting 3 days we managed to keep them off both the patterned concrete and the sticky resin by fencing ourselves in. Visitors were forced to escape via a moveable panel at the end of the run, and the less nimble struggled to get in and out at all! But it’s done, and the drive looks great…and so far neither the dogs or Alex have managed to break it! Next time: Mail tales

OwnersAway Property Rentals New Properties for May Country finca near Cuevas de Reyllo. 4 beds, ample living space.Large 1500m sq plot with pool. Fully enclosed with dog run. Mains services & SAT TV. Long term only, 495 pcm plus utilities.

New 3 bed, 2 bath villa on Res Espuña, Totana. Garden with 8m x 4m pool.Fully fitted kitchen Short term from 200€ per week low season, long term around 600 pcm plus utilities.

Country finca near Librilla, 3 bed, 2 bath sleeps 6. Tastefully renovated, lovely pool & terraces. Close to local amenities.Contact us for short term rates, longer lets considered.

STOP PRESS: Just on! 3 bed, 2 bath duplex in Bolnuevo. Secure gated complex with communal pool. Short term from 200€ pw. Long term considered

TENANTS: Call us for more information on our rental properties. OWNERS: We currently need more good quality, short term rental properties with pools.If you´d like better exposure for YOUR rental property, call us for an informal discussion. We cover the Mazarrón area, Country Club, Camposol, Condado de Alhama and Inland Contact Liz on 691977107 or send us an email at:

Recipes from La Huerta Liz Edmiston is a keen cook with a special interest in healthy food for children. For comments and feedback, or to request recipes (vegetarian, special diets, etc) for future columns, please email Liz on. info@

Easy Strawberry Mousse

Here’s a recipe for a family dessert that everyone will love. Not only that, but it is very quick and easy to prepare. You’ll find that strawberries are cheap and abundant at the supermarkets and markets at the moment, and this is a good way to use them up quickly when they start to soften.

Ingredients (serves 4) 1 strawberry jelly, no-sugar version if calorie counting 150 ml boiling water 600 ml vanilla ice cream, or low sugar ice cream 3 or 4 ounces of ripe strawberries whipping cream, optional some grated chocolate for decoration

Method 1) Place the jelly mix into a blender, add the boiling water and process briefly 2) Add the fruit and continue to blend, whilst adding the ice cream in large spoonfuls. Wait until each spoonful has dissolved before adding the next. 3) Pour the mousse into individual serving bowls, and top with a blob of whipping cream if using and some grated chocolate. Chill until ready to serve, after 20 minutes the dessert will be quite firm. Try using 200g of crushed canned pineapple and orange jelly for a refreshing change.

Reporter The Costa Calida


8th May - 21st May •


RELIGIOUS SERVICES LOS NIETOS COMMUNITY CHURCH Friendly, Informal, Evangelical Christian Church. Services in English 10am each Sunday. Alpha Centre, Avenida del Progreso 19, Los Nietos Viejos (Nr, La Manga Club) See alphacentre for more details and directions or call Miguel on 968 133 724. LA SIESTA EVANGELICAL CHURCH is an ecumenical English speaking congregation of Baptist, Methodist, United Reform, Church of Scotland, Presbyterian Church in Ireland etc. We share the Church building at La Siesta, Torrevieja with three other denominations, holding services on the second, fourth and fifth (where applicable) Sundays of the month at 11.15am. Our Church belongs to the Iglesia Evangélica Española or Spanish Evangelical Church. Our ministers are Joel René González García MA and his wife Mayra Gómez Soto de González MA. Contact us by calling 96 670 0131 or visit our website www. TORREVIEJA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (TCF). Lively services in English: Sunday 10:30am at the Asturias Restaurant, Orihuela Costa and Wed 6pm (Bible Study Service) at Calle San Luis 20, Torrevieja, Costa Blanca. More info: Web: WELLSPRING VICTORY CHURCH (part of Worldwide Victory Churches Int) 11am Sunday and Midweek Bible Study Wed 7pm at Apt Nati Bolnuevo. Join us for lively worship, sound Bible teaching, friendship and fellowship. More info Pastor Andrew/Wendy 968358750 or Duncan 607382033 /968130530 FULL GOSPEL BUSINESS MEN’S FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL We are a Christian organization with a difference. Breakfast meetings for men each month including a testimony time, & time to ask questions for those who seek answers. Info: Stuart 968 575 417 or 664 673 863 FULL GOSPEL BUSINESS MEN’S FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL (Torrevieja area). We are Christian organisation with a difference. More info: Stuart on 664673863. ANGLICAN CHAPLAINCY OF ST. PETER AND ST. PAUL, TORREVIEJA Serving the area from La Marina, south of Alicante, to La Manga near Cartagena Chaplain:All enquiries to 966925905 Hon. Assistant Clergy: Rev. G Talbot, 968956536. Canon T Sampson, 677237496 Rev. J Littlewood, 966763933 (All authorised for wedding blessings, baptisms and funerals – please phone 966925205 or secretary re costs involved) Chaplaincy Wardens:Annette Beagrie, 966722100. Joan Berry, 968193117 (also secretary) Church Lago Jardin – every Saturday at 6pm. (closed August) Tel. Annette Beagrie, 966722100 Los Balcones – (and Sunday School) – every Sunday at 10.30am. (July/ August at 11am with no Sunday School) Tel. Casandra Hopkins, 965720673 La Marina - held in the RC Church at San Fulgencio,– every Sunday at 10.15am. (July/August at 11.15am). Tel. Rita Bryan, 966795535 La Siesta – 1st and 3rd Sunday of month at 11.15am. Tel. Karen Miller, 965070197 Campoverde - 1st and 3rd Sunday of month at 6pm. Tel. Jill Dorsett, 966762715 La Manga, St. Teresa’s - 2nd and 4th Sunday of month at 6pm. Tel. Derek King, 968546866 OLIVE BRANCH CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. An invitation to join


Societies SEND YOUR DETAILS TO. FAX. 968 163626

us at 11 am on Sundays in ‘The Centro Social Mercadillo’ at Cañadas del Romero for morning service and communion. A warm and friendly welcome is extended to all. Take the M603 past Camposol towards Murcia turn left towards Totana. As you enter Cañadas del Romero carry on for approx. 1 km, turn right for ‘Centro Social Mercadillo’, follow the road round to the right passing the white church. On left is the modern red brick building where we meet, ‘Centro Municipal Polivalente Cañadas del Romero’. For more information please contact pastor Ralph Locke or his wife Margaret on 968 199 622 or 618 720 181. MID WEEK BIBLE STUDY. Every Wednesday at 7pm meeting at the TEA POT next to Mercadona Puerto de Mazarrón. Join us for lively discussion as we study the word of God followed by prayer and worship. Phone Pastor Andrew on 968358750 or 620599270 or ST NICHOLAS ECUMENICAL CHURCH, CAMPOSOL. Services held every Sunday at 10.30am at Calle Andalucia 9, Camposol A. For information contact Len Eaton on 968 138 952. The Church choir rehearse every Tuesday at 5.30. New members welcome. Contact Stuart Burnley 618 869 376. The German speaking branch of St.Nicholas Ecumenical Church meets at San Jose church in Puerto de Mazarron twice monthly. Webiste. INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY, Evangelical English Speaking Church,Calle San Miguel de Salinas 2, Corner of Santomera, Torrevieja. Sunday Service 6.30pm; Wed. Ladies’ Meeting 11am; Thur. Prayer/Bible Study 6.30pm. All welcome. Contact Rev. Rafael Restrepo 660 127 276/ Info: 968 282 049 Pilar Christian Community Church Service Sunday at 11am, and Thursday at 5pm for Prayer meeting at Pilar de la Horadada at Calle Integración 7 (just off Avda de la Libertad, up the Ramble on the Terrapilar side). Home groups meet during the week. All welcome, from any church background or none. for further information contact us on 966763725 or 968575417 or by e.mail: PilarChristian. CATHOLIC MASS Mazarrón area (Murcia) MASS IN ENGLISH is celebrated at the Catholic chapel of Pastrana. approximately 10 km. from Mazarrón. Directions. Take the Mazarrón/Aguilas road (N-332); pass the tunnel “Sierra de las Moreras”, arrive to a roundabout, 8 kms. from Mazarrón, and follow sign to Ramonete. After roundabout go two more kms -you will pass the restaurant Los Cazadores on the left and you will see a sign to Pastrana on the right. Those from further a field are welcome, there is an excellent link now to Mazarrón via the new AP-7 motorway, from Cartagena and Torrevieja beyond! Schedule of Masses. Saturdays, at 4.30 PM Schedule of Confessions. Saturdays, at 4.00 PM For more information. Phone. 968 - 424386 or 676-219445, Shoreless Lake School, American School of Totana. (ask for Fr. Peter Escribano or Fr. Octavio Carpena) AGLOW INTERNATIONAL. For the BUDDHISM IN CARTAGENA. Contact Laura Sanchez on 636002034 after 7pm. Meeting every Thursday at 8.30pm. THE HOPE OF GLORY CHURCH (Church registered in Spain under the number 1456 - SG) Bible based Evangelical Christian worship and celebration every Sunday morning from 10am to 12 noon at the town hall meeting room, Plaza Florida, Pinar de Campoverde, Pilar de la Horadada (behind the Sunday market and along the walkway from the Deutsche Bank and Peta’s Bar). 96 818 3984 or 96 676 3962, or by email. botwgo@yahoo.

CHARITIES HELP MURCIA MAR MENOR has been operating for 6 years as a voluntary and charitable Association with over 300 members. We offer help to anyone of any age and nationality and offer a 24 hour helpline for any time that you find you have no-one or nowhere else to call. We can supply you with temporary orthopaedic aids and electric scooters for a small donation.

We supply up to date Fact and Information sheets about medical services, sudden deaths, and how and where to obtain residencias and padrons. We have a hospital visiting team, at present covering Los Arcos Hospital. We also can provide drivers when needed for medical appointments. We have a number of on-going groups; Diabetic Support, Cancer Support, Friendship and Fund Raising, besides an active research Access group pertaining to everyday barriers throughout the area, such as high kerbs and bad crossings etc. which has Council backing. We are entirely dependent on volunteers, funds raised from charity sales at the EuroCine Car Park in San Javier on Weds. & Sats. and at special events throughout the year and ofcourse , donations. We do need to recruit new volunteers urgently as we are so busy. The office, which we rent, is based at Calle Conde Campillo 15 Bajo, 30720 Santiago de la Ribera, and is open Mon-Fri. 10-1.30 with disabled parking outside. We hold a General Meeting on the 2nd Tues. of every month at La Biblioteca, CISSMU, Los Narejos (except in Aug. & Dec.) at 12pm followed by lunch in adjoining restaurant El Torreon at 1.30. Our AGM is held in March each year. Yearly membership is only 10€. PLEASE FEEL WELCOME TO COME ALONG & JOIN. HELP MURCIA MAR MENOR can be reached by post, telephone 968 570059, e-mail: and our website is: info@ AECC PILAR DE LA HORADADA BRANCH (CAMPOVERDE). We are an English speaking group in Pinar de Campoverde with a Help Desk open every Wednesday morning 1000 hrs – 1200 hrs (except Fiestas) at the Una Europa building situated on the second roundabout entrance to Campoverde, approximately 6 Km from Pilar. Annual membership of €15 entitles you to free tests to detect symptoms of cancer for men and women. Please call in for more information or advice in the strictest confidence. Also visit the AECC charity stall on alternate Sundays at the Campoverde Sunday Market held in Plaza Florida. MABS CANCER SUPPORT GROUP (MAZARRÓN) - We are a group of people dedicated to giving help and support to all those with the illness. Information leaflets on all types of cancer & treatment involved are available. We provide volunteer drivers to take cancer patients to and from hospital/clinic appointments (we can also provide a patient escort if needed). We have several reliable, translators available. We endeavour to help allay any fears and concerns that may occur during and after treatment. Emotional support and befriending is also available to patients and their families. If you are suffering from cancer and need our help please ring CANCER SUPPORT LINE 620 422 410. For any other information or queries please ring GENERAL ENQUIRIES 620 582 418 between 11am - 4pm Or visit our website www.

THE LIONS CLUB OF MAZARRON BAHIA. Meet first Monday of each month at ‘Rumours’, on Camposol ‘B’ at 8.00pm. For further details of these meetings and a variety of other functions, Please call Diane on 968 431 521, or Andrew on 968 597 554

SOCIAL CLUBS EX-SERVICEMEN'S ASSOCIATION OF MAZARRÓN District [ESAMD] Registered in the Community of Murcia with the number 8.694-1a The Ex Servicemen's Association of Mazarron will be holding their third Anniversary Dinner/Dance at the Hotel Bahia - Puerto de Mazarron, Thursday 28th May 2009 cost will be €18 for members and €20 for guests, entertainment will be provided by Lucinda. Times are as follows: 7.30pmfor 8.15pm. Entry is by ticket only, which are available from committee members. Please contact either Bryan on 637 140 179 or Bill on 626209419 SACRED HEARTS SUPPORT GROUP MAZARRON COUNTRY CLUB. We meet every Thursday morning, 11am – 1pm to read & discuss ‘Mind, Body & Spirit’ Books! The morning begins sharing our ‘life stories’ and enjoying a drink, then we dive into the book of the moment which you can guarantee always repeats what we’ve just been talking about! SPOOKY or SYNCHRONICITY! We then discuss what it all really means to us...and how we can put it into practice in our daily life! We end our sacred time together taking GODDESS/HEALING cards... and enjoying a quiet MEDITATION! We have a couple of places for ‘likeminded’ friends to join us...Please contact Barbara Franken...Tel: 650796579 or Email: http://www.sacredheartsretreat. com/ ADAPT. Clubs within a club! Would you like to have fun while integrating with the Spanish community? We are open to English speaking and Spanish speaking people from any area. We have cycling, walking and camera clubs. Try the skittles, that’s really good fun. The Singles Friendship club is a wonderful support group and is great if you fancy a Sunday lunch and occasionally a day or night out. Also we have a very good and active Environmental club. There are lots of exciting projects in the pipeline including the San Pedro Carnival. We meet at 11 o clock at the Casino Restaurant in the centre of San Pedro on the first Saturday of the month. For only 2 euros you can just sit in and see if you would like to join us. If you do, and we’d love to have you, that will be just 10€ for the year.

ALCHOLICS ANONYMOUS. Cabo de Palos; English speaking meeting every Friday, 7.30 p.m. If you are affected by alcohol and wish to seek help, contact 679 385105 for details.

PILAR SOL CLUB. Following our recent A G M we have a new management team as Len & Pat have retired after 7 years of sterling service. We have Computer group on Monday pm's starting at 2.30, Whist on Mon Evening commencing at 7.30. Tuesday pm will be Spanish lessons whilst Tues evening is the Bridge Group at 7.30. Wed eve. is our 'club night' when we have Bingo alternating with Quiz, doors open 7.30.Thursday Line Dancing starts at 7.30 and Friday Eve. is our Social and games night. Once a month we organise a dance/social evening. At our functions there is a bar available or your can bring your own drinks and nibbles. New members are welcome for only €5 per annum membership fee. Future programme: Friday 13th March we have STEVE FINN who is a top U K vocalist & Guitarist. Saturday 11 April will be Easter Mardi Gras with 'All That Jazz' playing for a New Orleans Night. Tickets for these events are available from Thelma, Tel No. 965 720 984. For any further information on anything relating to the club please ring our new President, Trevor, on 966 769 655

CANCER SUPPORT GROUP (MABS) MURCIA/MAR MENOR. Help and support is just a phone call away Tel. 693 275 779 or 968 432 525

WELCOME GROUP. Meetings are held at Mariano´s Restaurant, Camposol, Mazarron on the first Saturday of each month at 2 p.m. All

P.A.L.S. (Protection And LifeSaving) PALS is a registered charity raising funds for additional medical and lifesaving equipment for the medical services in the Mazarron area. Come to Rumours Bar, Camposol, 11.30 am on the second Monday of the month for the Committee Meeting. For information on PALS events go to or call President Ken (626 460 465) or V-P Pat (628 879 284). ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. Fuente Alamo. Alcoholics Anonymous, an English speaking meeting Thursdays 7.30pm at Fuente Alamo. If you have a drinking problem and seek a solution come and join us. Contact 646 29 04 20 for details.

welcome, no membership. The Entertainment programme is available from Dragontours Office and Costa Calida Properties Office, Camposol. For info. on the Group please contact 620 105 179 between the hours of 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. (Mon- Sats). LOS AMIGOS DE MAZARRON CF meet every Thursday afternoon at the Saladillo Vista Bar on Camposol A. Why not support your local team? More details at www.losamigosdemazarroncf. com, or call Mick, Tony or Steve on either 649285257, 634054419 or 650346611 PUERTO DE MAZARRON LADIES CIRCLE Meets every Thursday afternoon at the Hotel Playa Grande, doors open 1.30pm. Visitors and new member welcome. For information ring Anne on 669338885 or Linda on 616112879 THE NOSMO CLUB OF THE MAR MENOR normally meets every Wednesday at Roda Social Club at 7.00pm. We welcome you to join us in any of our non-smoking events which includes walks, daytrips, petange, tenpin bowling, restaurant visits, quizzes and dominoes. We are a very friendly group with a wide range of social activities as requested by members, so come along and make new friends. For further information and directions email: nosmomarmenor@ or call 968 54 68 17. THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL CLUB, TORREVIEJA. meets every Friday at 8.00pm at Los Arcos Rest., Avda Baleares, Torrevieja for an evening of friendship and fun including Bingo, Dancing to Simon Morton and a Bumper raffle. New members always welcome phone George on 966 784 376 or Tony 966 775 029. MAZARRON FRIENDSHIP GROUP Are you lonely, do you live on your own? Would you like to meet new friends? Why not join our friendship group and get out to meet new friends for organised days and evenings out and see new places of interest. The Mazarron group is Camposol based. If you are interested or need more information about the group please contact Len on 689 113 494. We are a sister group to a Cartagena group and we go out and about with them visiting places of interest all around Cartagena and Murcia ROYAL BRITISH LEGION, TORREVIEJA meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the Month at 12.30 in La Marina Bar, Torreta II. More Information and directions are available on our website, www. Welfare enquiries should be made on 676141309 and for any other information Call Gill on 638512056. Visiting Members welcome. THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION, LA MANGA meets at Julian’s Bar, Playa Honda, at 19.00 hours every 1st Tuesday of the month except July and August. New and visiting members always welcome every Tuesday at Julian’s Bar 20.00 hours onwards. Car boot sale 1st Sat of the month at Playa Paraiso. Booters 5€ from 8.30am. See our website for directions and upcoming events, or telephone 691 98 27 24. THE ROYAL AIR FORCES ASSOCIATION COSTA BLANCA BRANCH 1359 The Costa Blanca branch of the RAFA meets monthly on the third Tuesday at the Social Club at Cuidad de los Comunicaciones in San Miguel. Social events are also held on the second & forth Thursdays each month. Anyone interested from any air forces are welcome to join us for social and general meetings. For information please call; Noel Cork MBE (Chairman), Tel 966723451. or Walter Shatford (Secretary), Tel 686859441 or check out our Web Site. ROYAL NAVAL Association, Torrevieja The Branch meets on the first Wednesday of the month at “El Paraiso” bar/restaurant, located at Avda Las Alondras, Becisa, Los Angeles, Torrevieja. Existing and new members welcome. For information, contact Secretary, Rod Millington 966764292 or view our website www.

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Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •



U3A TORREVIEJA Meets the third Thursday of the month at Los Arcos Restaurant Torrevieja. Learning and friendship for the retired providing educational, recreational and leisure activities for its members. Look at our web site or telephone Lyn Howarth 965329953 Penny Godrey 966116526 or David Evans 966723909 FRIENDS AND BUDDIES This is a social Club for people who find themselves living on their own in Spain, offering friendship and support. We meet at EL Saladillo bar on sector A at Camposol on Tuesdays at 8pm except the 2nd Tuesday of the month when we meet at Los Galayos in Port Mazarron at 8pm.We also arrange trips and outings so if you are on your own why not come and join us. If you would like more information contact Ann Lambert on 968163758 or 628153329 or e-mail LABOUR INTERNATIONAL COSTA BLANCA SOUTH If you look at life from a left wing point of view and would like to meet others similar for information, discussion on UK and Spanish politics as well as social events contact Christine 966 784 720 or Alan 966 925 5059. Formal meetings 1st Thursday of every month at Casa del Pueblo, Calle La Paz, Torrevieja.

SPORT & LEISURE SCUBA DIVING DAILY, PADI Courses, beginners to Master Scuba Divers, Dive Club membership available, Tel: 645 657 094, www. KRAV MAGA SELF DEFENCE CLASSES. Learn to defend against armed or unarmed attackers. Qualified instructor, classes held every Wednesday 6.30 to 7.30 in the Centro Municipal Las Claras. Cost 8€ per session.contactkravmagalosalcazares@ LOS ALCAZARES DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB moves back to it´s summer venue at the Costa Narejos Hotel from Thursday 26th March. Play Starts at 6.30 pm every Thursday and caters for all abilities. For more information contact Margaret & Ron Odell 968575760 or romar.odell@ BADMINTON. A group of English players play Badminton in Totana on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6 - 8 PM and are looking for more intermediate to advanced players. For further information contact Ric on 680782076 BADMINTON in San Pedro. We play on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Pabellon Principe de Asturias, Ave. Antolinos, next to the new swimming pool, from 10.00 to 13.00 hours. Beginners with plastic shuttles (informal coaching available), intermediate and advanced players with feathers. For further information call 651 483 809. FLYING Club/Group forming in the Costa Calida region. Looking for group members, pilots and enthusiasts for flying and social events. PPL revalidation possible. Contact. Hans Beckler, Tel 671 90 29 29 FUENTE OLD GUARD GOLF SOCIETY If you are interested in playing golf at different courses and don’t want to pay ridiculous green fee amounts why not find out more about our society. Most of our members are retired and live around the Fuente Alamo area in Murcia. Contact the secretary Bob Daffon tel. 968598540 or e-mail chrisandbobinspain@hotmail. com. MAZARRON BOWLS CLUB. The Club has its home green at the Sports Complex at Hacienda del Alamo Golf Resort – Exit 21 from the RM2 (A30) Alhama to Cartagena motorway or signposted from Fuente Alamo (2 Kms). The club is open from to 11pm weekdays with organised Club Days on Tuesdays and Thursdays and also on Sunday mornings for open rollups, coaching and other events. The club organises formal competitions and leagues, Club Championships, inter-club matches, charity and novelty events, and social activities. Hire equipment including bowls is available. Further information and Membership information is available from the Secretary on 968 131 619 or from the website www.mazarronbowlsclub.webs. com.

Societies SEND YOUR DETAILS TO. FAX. 968 163626

CAMPOSOL BRIDGE CLUB The Bridge Club meets to play Duplicate Acol Bridge at The Pizzeria Trevi, Camposol Shoppng Centre, Mazarron on Monday 4-7 pm; Wednesday & Fridays 09.45-12.45. Info. from Barry 609925497 or Norma 650418887 RUBBER BRIDGE PLAYERS (Los Alcazares) required for a small circle of players meeting afternoons and weekends for Bridge at a reasonable level, 5 card Major players are particularly welcome. Please call 968 170 986 or 66 11 383 36 THE ART GROUP meets every Monday at 11.00am at Los Canovas in the Casa Cultura. The group is open to all abilities. For more information please contact Chris Leiper tel. 968 199 418. EXPLORING ART at Los Amigos in Tallante. This is an established group happy to accept new members who are interested in experimenting with different media and looking at new styles of working. It is a 2 hour session (10 until 12), with participants bringing their own basic materials. Phone Annette for more details on 968 163 640 or 649 647 467. SAN MIGUEL COMPUTER CLUB Meets on Wednesday’s 14.00 till 16.00, The Rendezvous Bar/Restaurant, Pueblo Principe, next to Villamartin’s Archway near the new Mercadona. For details and directions please visit or call 966 791 656. LOS ALCÁZARES DIGITAL CAMERA CLUB meets at 10.30am on the first Monday of every month at the CISSMU building in Los Narejos (Los Alcázares). Training workshops follow the meeting and photographic field trips are made to places of interest on the third Thursday of each month. For more information call Trevor on 968 57 48 77 or Mike on 968 58 22 17 and visit our website at www. 1 METRE RADIO CONTROL SAILING CLUB, we our now into our 2009 racing season, every Sunday from 11 am to 1pm at C.A.R. sports College in Los Alcázares. We now have 10 boats and want to expand so new members are welcome. Also ladies please come along and have a coffee with the other wives. We are also looking for a volunteer race officer, for more information call David on 968 170 870 or Richard 965 325 009, e-mail SHOESTRING DINGHY SAILING SHARE GROUP MAR MENOR, we operate out of the C.A.R dinghy park in Los Alcázares, and meet every Friday for a group day, with sailing throughout the week. While the membership is currently full we do have a waiting list and any experienced dinghy sailors interested in knowing more should, contact Brian Blackburn on 966 718 021, David Lees 968 170 870 or view the S.a.m.m w e b s i t e at. www. MAR MENOR SAILING ASSOCIATION MURCIA, welcomes new members. We meet monthly, the second Wednesday in the month at 11am in CISSMU, Los Narejos. Our activities cover boat owners needing crews, shared boat ownership, improvement of sailing skills including Spanish sailing tests and social events. See our website for more details. Contacts : Commodore Mike Wright sammcommodore@hotmail. com, Membership Brian Blackburn, Webmaster michael.phillips@ sailingmarmenor GUIDING & SCOUTING, 5 – 14year olds, based in South Murcia. For more info either call 608 174 485 or email

MUSIC & DANCE COME DANCING at the Olympia Restaurant, Mil Palmeras, in Airconditioned comfort on Wednesdays and Fridays. Wednesday's Modern Sequence and Social Sequence - non-stop from 8pm, teaching at 7.30 of one of the new dances. Friday's Modern Ballroom, Latin American and Social Sequence non stop from 8pm - visitors always welcome at all our dances. Note:- No dancing during July and August - Contact Michael on 965 350 762 or 610 981 795 LATIN LINE DANCE sessions are held at Trevi’s Bar, Camposol from 11.30 till 12.30. This is a class where

you do not need a partner and concentrates on great Latin music and basic Latin moves to improve fitness and have fun. Phone Annette on 968 163 640 for more details or to book a place. NEW TAP CLASS – 10 week Beginners Tap Class for adults starts at Centro Polivalente, Canadas del Romero on Thursday 16th April from 8 until 9 p.m. Phone Annette on 968 163 640 for more details or to book a place. SEVILLANAS CLUB Sevillanas club meets last Sunday of each month in the Orihuela Costa Resort (La Zenia). Open to anyone who enjoys Spanish culture and wants to know more about flamenco and Spain in general. A social afternoon, integrated with mini shows from students of Raquel Peñas’s Flamenco Dance School, and a chance to watch or dance Sevillanas. For more information call 630 689 431. LINEDANCE UNLIMITED. New beginners class Thurs 19.00pm at the Lo Monte Hotel,Pilar.Learn to dance and make new friends. Followed by improvers 20.00 and intermediates 21.00pm. Further details and info on other venues, contact Gerry and Sally, 600362044 MIL PALMERAS JAZZ! JAZZ, JAZZ, Jazz fans meet every Monday night at 8pm in the Jazz Club at Mil Palmeras, held in the El Pescadito, for ‘live’ jazz of every style, played by top local band “Jazz Greats”. Experienced jazz musicians and singers are welcome to sit-in. A special ‘jazz supper’ is available! Details from Roger on 96676 2308. THE ICENI DANCERS. We are a dance group who perform locally for charity and welcome anyone with a dance background to join us. We rehearse twice weekly and cover all forms of theatre dance. Info. Joy 966787918 or Jacqui 965323673. ENGLISH FOLK MUSIC CLUB Our new home is the ROCAJUNA BAR at Las Barcas 1 Urbanisation, near Punta Prima. We still meet every Tuesday at 8.30pm and we still welcome anyone who wants to sing, play or just listen. Entry is free. We look forward to your company. For more info contact Ian or Carol on. 968186656 or 676566090 Email. CRESCENDO INTERNATIONAL CHOIR meets every Wednesday at 7.00pm at La Siesta Church, Urb. La Siesta, Torrevieja. The sixty strong Choir is always happy to consider requests to perform its enormously varied repertoire of quality music at social or charity events anywhere – ‘Have Music, will Travel!’. Please contact our Concert Manager Sue Woodward, Tel. 96 678 4108. Both the membership and the music we perform are truly international and we would be most pleased to hear from prospective choristers of any nationality. The ability to read music is not essential, commitment, dedication and application are! If you are not sure to which voice group you belong, we will tell you. For further information contact Chairman David Snaith Tel. 650 841 736. We find great pleasure in making good music. Why not share it, in harmony with us? JUST BRASS. Rehearses Thurs 4.307.00pm at The Social Centre San Miguel (opposite the Post Office). Come listen or play along with us any time. Available for concerts, garden parties, etc to play traditional brass band music. Info: John Bawden 966 706 959/ Tony Murray 966 789 965 “VELVETONES” TORREVIEJA LADIES BARBERSHOP CHORUS Meet at the Cabo Cervera Hotel, La Mata every Wednesday, visitors are always welcome at our rehearsals and we are still available to entertain at Garden Parties, Dinners, Shows, etc. Further information please telephone Elizabeth 96 572 7034 or Maggie 96 678 4139. Visit our website. www. SPANGLES. Have fun, make friends, make music! Ladies Barbershop Harmony Chorus Meet every Thursday from 11am at Centro Las Claras, Los Alcazares. Call for more information Anthea 968 334 527 or Lyn 968 432 525 or visit the website www. WEDNESDAY’S Modern Sequence and Social Sequence - non-stop from 8pm, teaching at 7.30 of one of the new dances. Friday’s Modern Ballroom, Latin American and Social Sequence - non stop from 8pm - visitors always welcome at all our dances. Contact nos. 965 350 762 or 610 981 795

Following are the activities carried out in Centro Municipal Las Claras, Calle Helena 177, Urb. Oasis, Los Alcázares, CLAQUÉ (TAP DANCING)


Mondays and Thursdays 10:30 to 11:10

Fridays from 17:30 to 18:30


Mondays and Thursdays from 12:00 to 13:00 Wednesdays from 11:00 to 12:00



Tuesdays from 11:00 to 12:00

Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 to 11:30

CONVERSATION GROUP Wednesdays 17.30 to 19.30 English & Spanish



Tuesdays to Fridays from 9:00



Thursdays from 18:00 to 19:30 Wednesdays from 17:00 to 19:00

Thursdays from 10:30 to 13:00

Phone 968 170 085 / 334 560


Under the auspices of the Asociación de Vecinos All classes require an initial payment of 4 weeks on enrolment. SPANISH Beginners: Tuesday Afternoons 15.00 – 16.00 or 16.00 – 17.00 or 17.00 – 18.00 Lower Intermediate: Thursday Afternoons Intermediate: Thursday Afternoons Conversation: Friday Afternoons Revision: Friday Afternoons NEW Spanish for Business: Tel: Antonio 680 753 819

The following short classes will run regularly.

GENEALOGY – Tel: 660 384 778 A block of four 1.5 hours classes - times to be negotiated.

GEOGRAPHY of SPAIN. One session of 2 hours on a Thursday Afternoon. Looking at Life, Climate & Nature of the Area.

SPANISH COOKING – Tel: 660 384 778 Two courses cooked by a local Spanish Housewife & eaten afterwards with bread & wine. Husbands & wives welcome!!!!!. Wednesday 12.00 - 13.30 “Not Strictly – Ballroom” NEW ADULT DANCE CLASS Simple routines to suit the basic rhythms of the social dance scene. Learn how to whisk your partner round the floor gracefully. Non dancers welcome. Choreographed for easy enjoyment by our NEW qualified instructress. Thursday 16.00 – 17.00 Tel: 660 384 778 ART CLASSES - Tel: George 664 150 222 Tuesday 10.00 - 12.00 Taking Names & Numbers for an extra New Class Tuesday 13.30 – 15.30 YOGA & PILATES - Tel: Wendy 630 288 978 Monday 18.15 - 19.45 Friday 10.00 – 11.25 & 11.30 – 12.55 PILATES & CIRCUITS Tel: Wendy 630 288 978 Wednesday 18.30 – 19.30 PATCHWORH, CROSS STITCH & EMBROIDERY – Tel: Penny 968 130 866 Monday 11.15 - 13.15 Stitch something different. GUITAR CLASS - Tel: John 628 232 936 Thursday 13.00 – 14.30 DOG TRAINING CLASSES @ the Social Centre , As seen on BBC1´s Living in the Sun 6 weeks basic training (over 6 months old) & Puppy socialization (up to 6 months old) Fully Qualified behaviourist. Adele: 619 807 388 or Lisa 650 221 846 DRAWING CLASS - Saturday 10.00 – 13.00. Explore a variety of techniques & approaches to drawing through a variety of mediums & subjects. Qualified Instructor. Tel: George 664 150 222 SEVILLANAS: Friday 20.30 – 21.30 8 classes With three Ladies from the Village. Taking Names & Numbers Tel: 660 384 778 For up to date information or

GARDEN CLASS One session of 2 hours on a Thursday Afternoon. SPANISH HISTORY Two sessions of 2 hours on a Thursday Afternoon. Covering the local area & includes visits to local areas.

SUPERSTITIONS of THE REGION One session of 2 hours on a Thursday Afternoon. Traditional Issues surrounding religion & superstitions. Places of Interest to Visit. Tel: Antonio 680 753 819 to book your place on the above four courses. NEW - CHILDRENS Dance Class Tuesdays 17.00 – 18.00 & 18.00 – 19.00 Girls & Boys welcome - Qualified Instructor. TEL: Louise 655 421 120 INTRODUCTION to BASIC COUNSELLING SKILLS - A six week course. Wednesdays 14.45 – 15.45 Tel: Julie 606162152 NEW LADIES SELF DEFENCE CLASS Keep fit & learn how to defend yourself. Thursdays between 6.30 & 7.30 Tel: 660 384 778 to reserve your place. NEW GARDEN CLUB Last Thursday of every month Swap plants, seeds, mags. etc. 10.00 – 12.00. Contact Zoe 968 971 824 or 686 680 565 NEW BEGINNERS ADULT TAP DANCE 10 week course every Thursday 8 – 9 p.m. Tel: Annette 968 163 640 or 649 647 467 SOCIAL CENTRE & RESTAURANTE Meals, tapas,drinks & Al la Carte. Monday to Sunday Menu del Dia 9€ To book Tel: Giorgio 968 429 145 SPANISH MERCADILLO (CAR BOOT) NOW RUNNING EVERY WEEK Proceeds go back into the Community. Organized parking 7.30a.m. start. No unloading before 7.00a.m. No trading before 7.30 a.m. No overnight parking. Tel: Dave 660 550 022 PETANCA/BOULES CLUB - Tuesday Morning 10.30 St Nicolas Church. Contact: 636 658 965 OLIVE BRANCH CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Sunday 10.00a.m. Rev. Ralph & Margaret Locke Tel: 968 199 622

Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •

Iberbrit Legal are located on La Manga Strip at: Gran Via s/n – Km 1.5, Edificio Monterrey – Iberbrit Legal office, – 30380 La Manga – Cartagena. Tel. +34 968 337 392 Fax. +34 968 563 224 Email: Website:

Rental With Option To Purchase Nowadays developers are finding it increasingly difficult to sell their projects as demand is low and banks are not giving the mortgages. One possible solution on offer are rentals with the option to purchase. ‘Rental with option to purchase’ offers the tenant the possibility to purchase the rented property for a price predetermined in the option. The monthly rental payments made by the tenant during the term of the rental agreement can be deducted from the final price of the property.


You must clearly establish in the contract that the monthly rental payments are to be deducted from the price agreed in the purchase contract, should the option be used. If not, the person exercising the option should pay the total price established, without deducting the rental payments previously paid.


The developer and the tenant would sign a normal rental contract, in which the developer agrees to rent the property for a maximum of 5 years, for

an agreed amount. However, different to a normal rental contract, the ‘rental with option to purchase’ contract also includes an additional clause whereby the developer guarantees the tenant that they can purchase the property. Normally this clause states a period of time in which the tenant has a right to exercise the option and also another where an expiry date is established. ‘ Rental with option to purchase’ is also VAT applicable, but if the tenant ends up carrying out the option to purchase, this VAT does not incur any further expenses. How to exercise the option to purchase To exercise the ‘option’ the tenant needs to formally inform the Developer, by Burofax for example, before the expiry date in order to meet at the notary and formalise the title deed.


With this type of agreement there are advantages for both parties involved; • For the Developer: It may serve as a possible solution for properties which they cannot sell so that they can continue to meet deadlines given by the Banks, suppliers or the Inland Revenue. • For the purchaser: Under the

As you will know, most newspapers have women who answer readers’ requests for advice - you know, the silly, slushy requests women send to “Agony Aunts” asking what to do when things don’t go quite as they do in the movies. Well, a local newspaper has now seen sense in employing a man to provide some sound, practical advice to help women focus on the real issue (not some peripheral, emotional nonsense they think is far more important), resolve the problem, and quickly get on with life like the rest of us do on a daily basis. Hard to believe I know, but here’s just one example of how the sound practical advice he offers:

by Daniel Codes Llamas, Chartered Accountant and senior partner of IBERBRIT LEGAL. current market conditions they could purchase a property without spending too much and without the risk of being denied a mortgage. Furthermore, the rent paid can be discounted from the final price.

Final Considerations

For all those looking to purchase a property, you will find the following situations: • Property prices have now fallen to those of 2004 or in some cases, less. • Being approved for a mortgage is increasingly more difficult.

If there is a particular topic you would like to see addressed, send your query to:, with LEGAL as the subject.

For these reasons it is a perfect moment to purchase using a rental with option to purchase contract. This means that on the one side the purchaser can fix the price to current levels and on the other side take advantage of the rental paid as an advance payment to the developer which can be deducted of the final price. As an example, after a 5 year contract, having used the property during all of this time, the rent paid could be equivalent to 2030% of the final price. This could mean that when the option is exercised there might be only 70- 80% left to finance of the purchase price – but never 100%. Dear Alison:

I hope you can help me. The other day, I set off for work leaving my husband in the house watching the TV. I hadn't driven more than a mile down the road when the engine conked out and the car shuddered to a halt. I walked back home to get my husband's help. When I got home I couldn't believe my eyes. He was in our bedroom with the neighbour's daughter. I am 32, my husband is 34, and the neighbour's daughter is 22. We have been married for ten years. When I confronted him, he broke down and admitted that they had been having an affair for the past six months. I told him to stop or I would leave him. He was made redundant six months ago and he says he has been feeling increasingly depressed and worthless. I love him very much, but ever since I gave him the ultimatum he has become increasingly distant. He won't go to counselling and I'm afraid I can't get through to him anymore. Can you please help? Sincerely, Alison

A car stalling after being driven a short distance can be

PUZZLE SOLUTIONS ARCHIMEDES - 98 WORDS Aced, acer, ache, acid, acme, acre, amid, arch, arid. Cade, came, card, care, case, cash, cede, cere, char, chid. Dace, dais, dame, dare, dash, dear, deem, deer, deme, demi, dice, dime, dire, disc, dish, dram.Each, ease, emir. Iced, idea, ides. Hade, hair, hard, hare, harm, head, hear, heed, heir, herd, here, hers, hide, hied. Mace, made, maid, more, mash, mead, mere, mesh, mica, mice, mire. Race, raid, rash, read, ream, reed, rhea, rice, rich, ride, rime, rise. Said, same, sard, sari, scar, seam, sear, seed, seem, seer, semi, sere, shad, sham, shea, shed, shim, side, side, smee.


Always forgive your enemies – nothing annoys them so much


PO BOX No. 163

Dear Roger,


SOLUTIONS Across 1 Teak, 3 Usage, 7 Calypso, 8 Puck, 9 Tower, 11 Divot, 14 Style, 16 Mazurka, 17 Snarl, 18 Seep. Down 1 Tacit, 2 Allow, 4 Shop, 5 Gaucho, 6 Spur, 10 Option, 11 Doze, 12 Verge, 13 Tramp, 15 Emir.

39 37

caused by a variety of faults with the engine. Start by checking that there is no debris in the fuel line. If it is clear, check the vacuum pipes and hoses on the intake manifold and also check all earth wires. If none of these approaches solves the problem, it could be that the fuel pump itself is faulty, causing low delivery pressure to the injectors. I hope this helps, Roger

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Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •

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Budget Advertising for Your Business: from under 3€ per week plus IVA. CALL 618 549 283 TODAY AIR CONDITIONING AIRCONDITIONING INSTALLATION C.B. Domestic and Commercial Sevicing re-gas General maintenance Fitting only from 180€ Reliable friendly service For a free quotation phone PAUL 680 608 628 TONY 699 775 219 airconditioninginstallation

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very competitive rates call Harald on. 699 421 966


Building and Property Maintenance Patios, Block Paving, Tiling All building work undertaken Fully Legal, Call David.

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CABINETMAKER CARPENTRY & JOINERY Over 30 years experience • Made to measure or freestanding furniture designed for your home • Bathrooms and kitchens fitted • All carpentry work • Joinery • Small building works

Call Alan on 660 075 583 or 660 079 476

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PETS New Life 4 Spanish Animals 600 463 195 APAH Rescue www.apahrescue,org 630 422 563 Noah's Arc Pet Rescue 699 352 818

PROPERTY Novasol – 636 899 803 Owners Away Property Management Professional property management and holiday rental services on the Costa Cálida Tel. 691 977 107 or

www.ourpropertyguide. com - 965 319 743

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Weight Watchers 900 818 112

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DELL LEATHER LAPTOP carry bag, 32cm x 28cm, also suit multiple gameboys 15 euros Rotary electric mower 15 euros Bamboo and wicker rocking chair 20 euros. Mar de Cristal, 659 434 811 BLACK METAL GRILL to fit patio door of 175cm width, 204cm length, lockable door included, buyer collects, €75, Tel. 638 704 744

terrace with spectacular view. 80 meters to beach and close to all amenities. Long term rental only. 440€ p/m plus utility bills.

PROPERTY MANAGEMENT TIPTOP VILLA CARE - We Care for your property. Key Holding, Property Checks, Rental Advertising. Tel. 968 566 011 or e-mail RF02102/125

KEYHOLDING, Cleaning, Letting, Tel: 625 684 139 Email: RF01116/125


5 ADULT DVD’S, new, sealed in box, €15, 638704744

Sale and hire of mobility equipment. Tel. Freedom Mobility 968 153 620. RF01113/126



RYOBI PRESSURE WASHER 160 bar. Semi industrial. Cost €500 new, 2 years old, little use. €200Mazarrón area. 649 353 478. INDUSTRIAL TOASTER with timer and 2 shelves. Ideal for bar or restaurant. Cost €240 new. As new, 3 months old. €100 no offers. Mazarrón area. 649 353 478

SPANISH LESSONS Enjoy learning Spanish with creative, diverse and well-structured lessons. Small groups or one-to-one. New Intensive Residential Course: tailormade immersion programme. Maria Linares 968 546 859 - 678 936 110 or THE BEST Spanish lessons at Mil Palmeras. One to one or small groups (max. 4 people). Also interpretation services. For more information please call Clara: 965 32 15 99 / 671 19 78 56. RF01115/118

RETAIL Media Markt (Cartagena) 968 323 900


AXA Insurance 968 171 005 BEST Insurance 966 766 803

MOUNTAIN BIKE EMMELLE Equater 18" frame, 26" wheels, 18 speed shimano gears. 30 euros. Tel. 635 885 062 (Camposol)

TOWN HOUSE, Los Alcázares. Situated in quiet road overlooking a park area. Three bedrooms, sunny lounge, air con, short walk to shops. Phone 660 645 996. RF/LH

Bath Buddy 952 560 336


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GLASS CURTAINS Create extra warm living space without unsightly frames. For free estimate Tel 646 111 825


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APARTMENT in Los Alcazares two bed rooms, two bathrooms, well furnished, over-looking gardens, use of swimming pool, private solarium. Short walk for supermarket, restaurants and bars and the beaches of the Mar Menor. Phone 660 645 996 for availability. RF0357/LH DETACHED 3 bed villa to rent in Los Narejos set in its own well established garden. Air conditioning. Short and restaurants. Ideal holiday location. Phone 660 645 996. RF0567/PH POLARIS WORLD RESORT, Mar Menor. Three bedroom, three bathroom detached villa to rent with own swimming pool. Beautifully furnished. Ring for availability and prices. 968 171 209 or 660 645 996. RF0667/PH

LONG TERM PROPERTY RENTALS TIPTOP VILLA CARE - Long term rental specialists Tel. 968 566 011 or e-mail RF03102/125 APARTMENT FOR RENT Los Urrutias. 2 bedrooms with large living area, new kitchen, balcony, and roof

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Reporter The Costa Calida

8th May - 21st May •


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PROPERTIES & MOTORS ARE YOU TRYING TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY OR MOTOR? Selling or renting your property in the current economic climate isn’t easy. Here at The Reporter we are responding to the current property market situation with a low cost solution to help you get your property seen by as many people as possible. We understand that owners looking to sell or rent need to get their property seen by as many people as possible to give them the best chance to sell or rent. With this in mind we have created a new Reporter Properties section on our website - www. Profiling your property on the site will open the doors to anyone in Spain or abroad who is looking for property. Your property will also be listed in the printed paper version of The Reporter for no extra charge. You can send in your property description and up to 8 photos together with your email and telephone number. All telephone and email enquiries go direct to you so you are free to negotiate as you wish with no middle man involved. There is no commission to pay, no hidden costs - just a special introductory price of 39€ for a 6-month listing. So for anybody out there who is looking to rent, buy or sell, the best bet is Reporter Properties – online and in print. Or perhaps you’re trying to sell your car, motorhome, caravan, motorbike or boat – Reporter Motors can display it to the world (literally!) via the online edition and also in print. Listings stay live until the vehicle is sold. Call or email us now to find out more.. So, don’t delay, call Reporter Properties & Motors today on 902 907 324 (24 hours) for further information, or email FOR SALE. First floor 2 bed apartment on Polaris World Condado de Alhama Resort. Full size solarium, communal pool and surrounded by mountain views. Easy walking distance to golf, shops and sports facilities. Furnishings and fittings of highest quality, included in price of €128,000. Tel: 680553903 Further details Ref: 01-270309

FOR SALE. El Alamillo, Puerto de Mazarrón 2 bedroom ground floor apartment, approximately 25 minutes walk from Puerto de Mazarron. It is part of a complex of 24 properties surrounding a swimming pool. Beach is 5 minutes walk. Front and back terrace. Allocated parking. Fully furnished. Offers of around 120,000 euros are invited. Tel: 0044 1623 551 054. Further details

Ref: 02-270309

FOR SALE. La Manga del Mar Menor. Spacious furnished

apartment finished to a very high standard, situated on the second floor of the Las Gondolas Complex, with views of Mar Menor and the Mediterranean. 3 beds, 1&1/2 baths, lounge/dining room, kitchen and utility room. Balcony, swimming pool. White goods included. Price: 140,000 €. Tel. Spain 664 69 20 25 - UK - + 44 790 503 9951 Further details Ref: 01-240409

FOR LET. South Brittany, France. 4/5 bed holiday cottage/gite short/long stays –ideal stopover driving to/from UK - Spain. 2 bedrms & shower room/WC. Traditional Breton living room, fitted kitchen, dining area, lounge - wood-burning stove, TV/ video/DVD. Garden, a 7-metre pool in the summer, views. 30 mins from the Gulf of Morbihan, close to historic town, beaches, forts, forests & lakes. From UK: 01273 252108 or 07973 621637, in France on 0033(0)2 97 46 740 or +33 (0)631 721 760 Further details RF02-240409

FOR SALE. A lovely 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home set in a peaceful location, this property is south facing and has mountain views. Conservatory, summer kitchen, bodega, plunge pool, barbeque. Plot size 780 sqm. Mains electric and water supply, also an agricultural water supply. The property is located midway between Murcia city and Cartegena, 6kms from Fuente Alamo. 250,000€. Tel. 00 44 7784 342230. Further details Ref: 01-130309

FOR SALE: Luxury house in Mar Menor, Santiago de la Ribera. Residential area. 345 sqm garden, courtyard ideal for dining, 4 bedrooms, 1 service bedroom, 2 bathrooms, chimney. Everything within walking distance. This house makes a great holiday or retirement home in the sun. 440,000€. Tel. 639 633 758. Further details Ref: 02-130309

For Rent. La Torre Golf Resort Apartment. Room: 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 shower room, 1 WC. Central heating, Air conditioning, TV, Video player, CD player, Telephone, Satellite TV, Wi-fi available. Balcony / Terrace, Shared outdoor pool (unheated), Private garden, BBQ, Shared tennis court on site, Childrens pool, Climbing frame, Swing set. FROM £150 pr week. Tel. 34 663 727 931. Further details Ref: 02-270209 For Sale. La Torre Golf Resort Apartment. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 shower room, 1 WC. Central heating, Air conditioning, TV, Video player, CD player, Telephone, Satellite TV, Wi-fi available. Balcony / Terrace, Shared outdoor pool (unheated), Private garden, BBQ, Shared tennis court on site, Childrens pool, Climbing frame, Swing set. £121,995 REDUCED. Tel. 663 727 931. Further details Ref: 04-270209 For Sale. 2 Bedroom Semi-Detached Home, Sucina, Murcia, Spain. Surrounded by five 18 hole golf courses and just 2 minutes walk to the local shops, banks and bars this bungalow makes a great holiday or retirement home in the sun. The Lounge Diner: Air Conditioning / Heating, Integral Window Blinds, Bug Blind. The Bedrooms: Built-In Wardrobes, Winter Heaters, Blackout Blinds, Bug Blinds. Swimming Pool, Grill Bar, village shops & banks all within walking distance. Offers around 125,000€ Tel. 968 371 216. Further details: Ref: 01-270209 For Sale. 2 bed, 2 bath apartment, due for completion June 2009. Area: Albatera, sits on the banks of the River Segura, a beautiful spot with stunning views of the surrounding Sierra de Crevillent mountains. The Church is famed for its impressive baroque doorway, intricately carved in stone. Has town plaza and Parque de la Huerta with fountain. Price €127,907 inclusive of IVA. Tel: 680 787 277. Further details Ref: 03-270209 For Sale. Los Canovas, Fuente Álamo, Murcia, Spain. Duplex, 140sqm. 3 Bed, 2 Bath, Lounge/Diner, Kitchen, upstairs sitting room with access to balcony. Air/ con and log burner, with ceiling fans in all rooms. All white goods and some furniture included. 2 mins from RM2 motorway junction, hence, Cartagena 30 mins, Mazarron 20 mins, Murcia airport 35 mins, Beach 20 mins. Views to mountains from both the front and rear of house. Price: 160,000€ e-mail: Further details Ref: 06130209

For Sale. LA APARECIDA, MURCIA, SPAIN. A 2 bed, 1 shower room detached villa in La Aparecida overlooking the park area. Open plan lounge/dining area & kitchen with a ‘living flame’ gas fire, A/C in the lounge. White goods are included in the price. A/C unit in the master bedroom. Domestic water is heated by a very energy efficient solar power system. Off road parking for 2 cars, pergolas to the rear. Land line telephone and English/Spanish TV are installed. There is a large communal pool. Price: 160,000.00 Euros Tel: 968 165 664. Further details Ref: 01-130209 For Sale. 2 bedroom Bungalow in Mazarrón Country Club, Mazarron. Price: €144,995. End terrace bungalow on a 215m2 corner plot in a quiet cul-de-sac. The property comes fully furnished and is of good quality including leather sofas and all the white goods with dishwasher as well. Sat. TV. broadband, telephone and hot and cold air conditioning. The garden is gravelled - driveway big enough for a caravan and car. Front terrace comes with a pagola with climbing plants and there is also a large rear courtyard ideal for dining. Tel: 649 353 478 Further details Ref: 01-300109

2004 FORD FOCUS ESTATE 1.8 TDCI 1.15BHP, 85,000kms. Excellent Condition, Very economical. ITV 2010. Air Con/Radio/CD. LHD Spanish 5,795€ Tel. 649 353 478 Reduced for quick sale. G Reason

For Sale. TOTANA, MURCIA, SPAIN. Exchange considered UK. Fully furnished 1 year old villa high standard build on select quiet development. 3 beds, 2 bathrooms, 9x3 pool. Countryside views. Extra features including full airconditioning, central heating, alarm system, individual entry phone, TV satellite system, landscaped garden with auto watering system. All main services. Price: 273,000€ Tel. 968 429 965 Further details Ref:


Tel. 966 199 589 Mob. 634 147 636

For Sale. Lux. house on the seafront at San Pietro in Bevagna - Manduria - Italy. 200m to beach. 400m2 garden. Approx. 120m2 build + small apartment. 3 bed, includes white goods, bathroom with massage shower. 1 entrance terrace covered 30 square meters (ocean side). 1 terrace apartment. 1 60m2 courtyard with stone grill. Location close to amenities. Summer kitchen (part covered). Bari airport 150 km away. Brindisi airport 50 km away (with Ryanair to all English/ Irish airports). Price: 220,000 euros. Tel. 968 58 27 97 or 654 56 82 58 Further details Ref: 03-130209

CITROEN PICASSO SXTOP 2.0l diesel. First registered in September 2005. 62,000 km. Full Citroen service history. Excellent condition. 7,995€. Tel: +44 7702 588547

For Sale. COUNTRY FINCA, MAR MENOR, MURCIA, SPAIN. The last of its kind. 3000m2 plot. Overlooking Mar Menor & La Manga. Views all around. Small community of about 20 properties. Fully reformed house and newly built self-contained guest accommodation separate from house. Electric gates. Air conditioning. ADSL. Completely walled and private. Price: 290,000€ Tel. 699 170 065 Further details Ref: 04-130209

Diesel 4x4. Automatic UK plates (RHD) MOT Nov 09 120,000 km Alarm, ABS, CD player Black & gold colour 2,995€


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