The Manila Collegian Volume 30 Nos. 11

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The Official Student Publication of the University of the Philippines Manila Volume 30 Number 11 February 28, 2017 - Tuesday

darkness in the daylight 04 features

acceptance speech 10 opinion

horoscope 06 culture




NEWS DOSE Continuing state fascism in the countryside (Part 2/2)


Moreover, almost 6,000 people have been killed under the administration’s war on drugs campaign and Oplan Bayanihan. There were also reports showing that anti-drug war is used as justification to harass activists. According to Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP), members of Philippine National Police (PNP) ransacked three houses in Karahume, Brgy. San Isidro, Bulacan and arrested five farmer activists on false charges of illegal possession of drugs last October 6, 2016. Consequently, progressive groups fear more human rights violations in the future with the recent appointment of Gen. Eduardo Año as AFP Chief of Staff. Año is known to be responsible for many extrajudicial killings (EJKs), enforced disappearances (EDs), torture, and forcible evacuation of civilians. He is accountable for the 2007 enforced disappearance of Jonas Burgos, the 2014 Paquibato massacre, and the arrest of peace consultants Benito and Wilma Tiamzon, Adelberto Silva, Ruben Saluta, which violates the Joint Agreement on Safety and Immunity Guarantees (JASIG). Furthermore, progressive groups expressed their concern on the threat of the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus and the imposition of martial law. As such, Palabay calls on the Filipino people to struggle against state fascism now more than ever as Duterte administration continue to show its unmistakeable fascist tendencies.

*Layon ng News Dose na na magbukas ng serye ng mapanuring pag-ulat hinggil sa napapanahong balita.

Isumite ang inyong mga katanungan, komento o suhestyon sa themanilacollegian

Volume 30 Number 11 February 28, 2017 | Tuesday

IP leader killed due to anti-mining sentiments Conflict over large-scale mining operations continue RYANA YSABEL NERI KESNER

Mamanwa tribe leader Veronico Lapsay Delamente, a firm anti-mining activist, was shot dead last Friday, January 20. He reportedly received death threats after publicly denying mining companies the right to operate on the ancestral lands of the his tribe.

Oppressed Resistance Delamente, 27, was a member of various Lumad organizations, including AMPANTRENTO and Kahugpungan sa Lumadnong mga Organisasyon (KASALO), which are based in Claver and Caraga, respectively. He was also a provincial coordinator for the Katribu partylist, Kalipunan ng mga Katutubong Mamamayan ng Pilipinas (KAMP) reported. On the same day he was supposed to attend a meeting with the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP), Delamente was shot by two masked motorcyclists in Claver, Surigao del Norte. Discussions were to include Lumad-Mamanwa conflict with various mining corporations in the area regarding plans for the

large-scale mining of nickel on Mamanwa ancestral lands. This came after Congressman Prospero Pichay, owner of Claver Mineral Development Corporation (CMDC), forced Lumad-Mamanwas from the disputed lands last year. AMPANTRENTO was prompted to file a complaint of graft and grave abuse of authority against the congressman, with Delamente disclosing that he had received death threats after he refused plans for mining operations in Claver.




Particularly, Clamor noted the government’s violation of Comprehensive Agreement of Respect for Human Rights International Humanitarian

that the the and Law

(CARHRIHL), as well as their failure to bring about economic reform, are what allowed for the everyday oppression of the nation’s minorities. He furthered that the time it is taking for the government and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) to come to an agreement for socio-economic reform is what caused Delamente’s death. As such, he remarked that the agreement must follow the CARHRIHL, and called for justice for Delamente’s death. “If [the agreement] cannot implement a most basic agreement on human rights and international humanitarian law,” Clamor questioned, “What credibility does it have in sincerely addressing the social, economic and political root causes of the armed rebellion?”

MOs condemn Trump inauguration

Progressive groups call for greater action against US imperialism ANTON GABRIEL ABUEVA LERON

In response to US President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, several organizations affirmed their stand against US imperialist intervention through protest efforts in front of the US Embassy in Manila on January 20, 2017. Trump, who won last November in one of the most highly contested elections in recent history, has been long criticized for his stands which perpetuate neoliberal and oppressive policies. “The worsening crisis of global capitalism and the rise of the ultrarightist and hate-mongering Donald Trump foreshadows more wars of aggression and intervention,” announced Anakbayan Philippines in a statement released regarding the inauguration. Anakbayan further denounced Trump’s agenda as a “blatantly anti-immigrant, antidemocratic, and repressive program of action.” Most recently, Trump passed an Executive Order banning the entry of refugees and citizens from specified predominantly Muslim countries for 90 days. He reasoned that the order was enacted to protect Americans from looming terrorist threats, but numerous legal watchdogs have already denounced the act as unconstitutional and

discriminatory. In line with this Americo-centric platform, Trump has already pulled the US out of the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement and announced plans of reforming current US foreign policy and pulling out US military presence from numerous allied countries. Due to the evolving US military policies, several mass organizations have called for further efforts in demanding an end to Philippine-US relations. “The Filipino people must take advantage of Trump’s declarations of reducing foreign military spending by amplifying the demand for an end to US military presence in the Philippines”, declared the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) in a recent statement about Trump. According to the CPP, the Filipino people must hold the current administration accountable to its

promise of lesser US intervention since Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has stated in the past that he wishes to pursue independent foreign policy. Despite Duterte’s repeated indications of his intention to cut ties with the United States, 265 joint military exercises are slated to occur between the two countries throughout 2017. As such, Anakbayan condemned Duterte for reneging on his promise of reducing military activities with the US and called for greater vigilance from the youth to prevent this from happening again. “We will stand against any form of US intervention and economic sabotage that seeks to undermine the efforts towards the building of a truly independent, peaceful, and progressive Philippines,” expounded Anakbayan National Spokesperson Vencer Crisostomo.


Volume 30 Number 11 February 28, 2017 | Tuesday

KPL files Comprehensive Free Public Higher Education Bill SOFIA MONIQUE KINGKING SIBULO

Kabataan Partylist (KPL) Representative Sarah Elago, supported by National Union of Students of the Philippines (NUSP) National Spokesperson Mark Lim and the University of the Philippines (UP) Student Regent Raoul Manuel, filed the Comprehensive Free Public Higher Education Bill or House Bill (HB) 4800 last January 23. HB 4800 seeks to grant free college education in all public higher education institutions. It is a 13-page bill beginning with an explanatory note historicizing the years of neoliberal attacks in the education system of the Philippines. Beforehand, student leaders and youth groups throughout the country drafted the bill in the course of a series of consultations which concluded last January 21 in the “National Gathering for Free Education.” “This bill seeks to address the cumulative effect of decades of neoliberal restructuring in education that left Filipino students and their families heavily burdened, with most opting to drop out of school due to the prohibitive cost it entails,” explained Elago. In line with this, National President of Kabataan Partylist Marjohara Tucay stressed that existing policies, such as the Education Act of 1982

which allow education to become a business, should be scrapped.

Salient Provisions According to the explanatory note of HB 4800, the 1987 Constitution Article II Section 17 served as its guiding principle, stating that “The state shall give priority to education, science and technology, art, culture, and sports to foster patriotism, accelerate social progress, and promote total human liberation and development.” It also referred to the 2013 Functional Literacy, Education, and Mass Media Survey which exposed that about four million Filipino children and youth from six to 24 years of age are out-of-school and 7.6 million reach college but are not able to graduate. Therefore, the bill aims to finance the actual cost of attendance of students determined from the total amount a particular state-

run university or college needs to provide education for a student per year. Moreover, it intends to abolish the tuition system. Consequently, Section 6 entails the readmission of out-of-school youths covered by this act along with Section 8. Together, these create a special grant offering additional support for financially-disadvantaged students outside of tuition such as licensure exam, and other school fees. Aligned with the 1987 Constitution, HB 4800 includes a provision introducing a nationalist, scientific, and mass-oriented higher education curriculum.

Local Actions Furthermore, Manuel urged the community to intensify efforts in asserting the right to free and quality education as long as there are administrators who defend

income-generating mechanisms in schools. De facto, various student groups from different colleges in Metro Manila assembled last January 25 at the Mendiola Peace Arch to campaign for free education at all levels. Accordingly, UP Manila University Student Council (USC) spearheaded an action at the College of Arts and Sciences campaigning for free education. UPM USC goads students to be more assertive for accessible education for all and be critical on the issue. “If passed, the bill stands to benefit not only the 1.6 million students currently enrolled in SUC’s, but also millions others who will be able to enter college without fearing the heavy costs. At a more fundamental level, the passage of this bill will also result in the reversal of decades of attacks on the right of every Filipino to education,” stated Elago.

"PEACE TALKS ITULOY" Mobilization (Feb. 10, 2017, Taft Avenue): Kapayapaan led groups to deliver a unity statement after 103 lawyers filed a resolution to call on the GPH and NDFP to resume the rounds of peace talks. Photo by Agatha Hazel Rabino.

04 FEATURES In the embodiment of continuous violence, predicaments unheard, and justice sought but never served, the irony of gloom under the scorching heat persists in the lives of the peasants. The history of atrocity and brutal oppression has always been prevalent. As one of the many manifestations of cruelty, small huts that served as the headquarters of the local farm workers’ organization in one of the places in Hacienda Luisita were recently dismantled. Instigated by the command of the nearby village’s Barangay Captain Edison Diaz and the PNP, the plantation yet again became a locale for retaliation attacks as the lives of the country’s land tillers remain at stake. With the continuous neglect of the agricultural sector by the state and the aggravated culture of impunity, the peasants’ cries will remain muted and kept in the dusk for no one else but the oppressors and oppressed to witness.

The Bloody Trail Years after the Hacienda Luisita and Mendiola Massacre, the struggle of the country’s land tillers in asserting their rights continues. Justice, however, still remains elusive to the peasantry and incessant acts of violence are still prevalent. The Hacienda Luisita incident, in essence, was one of the earliest documented cases of the state employing the military and police forces to violently disperse unarmed protesters with a deliberate

Volume 30 Number 11 February 28, 2017 | Tuesday

and premeditated intent. The foreshadowing of the tragedy began on the 6th of November 2004 when the Central Azucarera de Tarlac Labor Union (CATLU) of milling workers and United Luisita Workers’ Union (ULWU) organized a strike. With a 5,500 strong gathering comprising of sugar farm workers and sugar mill workers, they primarily demanded the reinstatement of 327 workers led by union leaders. The said farm hands were unjustifiably laid-off earlier by the HLI management. Long-time grievances of increasing their daily wages were also raised, along with their supposed right concerning work days. The availability of less manual labor, caused by rampant land-use conversion and mechanization, caused distress as well. Under the Cojuangco-Aquinos, their net weekly wages only amounted to a measly P9.50 at worst, whose value is too farfetched to be even compared with the effective minimum wage of P232.00-P243.00 (allowance included) which was imposed that year in the Central Luzon region. For the last 12 years, this tragedy has served as the undying testament to the crippling failure of this country’s attempts at land reform and the seemingly endless plight of the peasantry, despite the apparent silence that now threatens to veil the issue with President Duterte now being in the seat of power. Years under the Third Philippine Republic revealed how the professed pioneers of post-Martial Law era democracy are spawned from generations of landlordbureaucrats. The sprawling 6,453-hectare sugar plantation of the present originally used to have a total land area of 7,200 hectares when it was first acquired by Don Jose Cojuangco, Sr. way back in 1957. He was guaranteed a loan under the conditions set by the government’s social justice program, namely subdividing the

lands among the tenant-farmers after ten years. This provision was however circumvented by the conniving clan by affirming how the transformation of the hacienda into a commercial and industrial complex will be beneficial by placing them instead on the workforce needed for it to be operational. Yet, unbridled land-use conversion coupled with the mechanization of production practically supplanted the position of the meek farmers, while another manipulative measure was set up in the guise of a voluntary retirement scheme to speed up their gradual displacement. In the end, it was all basically an additional, shameless scheme as only 25% managed to benefit from the labor required by this extravagant project. Landlessness and poverty hence compelled the peasantry to strike, holding a picket line in defiance of the combined force of military, police, and private security guards; the first two acting on orders of the labor department. In consideration of the aforementioned facts, the local authorities and the enlisted goons have a reason to do more than deliberately break the barricade set up days before the actual violent disposal of Nov. 16, where an opportunity to abuse power presented itself. This scenario is more so strengthened in seeing that since day one, protesters were already being driven out of their formation with the usage of tear gas and water cannons and with truncheons in anticipation of a melee. It should not be surprising how that bloody history repeated itself in Mendiola. As with the former, the desperate call to distribute the land and to duly implement genuine agrarian reform was raised. Yet, the high hopes for the promised change after dark years of dictatorial rule were quickly dashed when their protest was met with state-sanctioned violence. Even after the 30th anniversary of this despicable

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incident, no perpetrator was held responsible while the victim’s families on the other hand were still not given due compensation. This injustice attests that up to this very day, the peasantry is still locked in a fruitless struggle against a broader, centuriesold system of oppression. Feudalism, as it is still called, is distinguished as an exploitative relationship between a landlord and his laborers, the former role being played by local bureaucratlandlords. As the lands are an everreliable source of political power, they are bound to perform any action within the scope of their influence to preserve the status quo. This is evident in how the cheap labor is sustained through the existence of unequal treaties, as well as the brute force of the military and of private goons which render any nascent desire for reform a reckless and hopeless venture. At the same time, the culture of impunity persists as the agents entrusted with the monopoly of legal violence are being swayed by the dominating landlord-big business class. As long as the succeeding administrations remains hell-bent on prioritizing the latter’s interests as political representatives of profit-oriented landlords, social realities are fated to fall short of the peasant victims’ expectations.


Volume 30 Number 11 February 28, 2017 | Tuesday

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The Ceaseless Battle The exploitation of the seasonal agricultural workers or sakadas in Hacienda Luisita and the peasants all over the country are clear evidences of how landlords are willing to use aggression and brutality to ensure the production and profitability of their business. It is a big irony existing that farmers comprising around 80% of the country’s population remains to be the group who are most vulnerable to depravity— always being deprived of access to sustenance and other basic rights, albeit being the primary foodproducers. Many of peasants all over the country also experience harassment in their tenancy and property rights, forcible evicting them from their lands and leaving them with no access to these. More so, those who fight for genuine agrarian reforms and its rightful implementations become targets of maltreatment and political persecution. With the peasants continuously suffering violations of their rights, however, justice still remains elusive to the peasantry as bloodshed from incessant acts of violence escalate. As big businessmen and landlords join forces with the state to make profit and fascist attacks to destruct the unions which serve as support systems within the peasantry in times

of harassment, profit is ensured - even at the cost of lives and bloodshed. The state always fails to provide legal actions that would put the certainty of the country’s land tillers’ safety and rightful wage, as they are the one hindering these. Yet, in times of tragedy and danger, the peasants have continued to fight for what they deserve. The government have always been exhausting possibilities to evade accountability from the law, and thus have proven its officials to have no qualms concerning the abuse of all legal means - all done to advance their selfish interests even at the expense of the country’s farmers. Throughout the years and albeit the peasant’s blood evidently smeared on the hands of the armed forces of the state, nothing has changed with the government and landlords’ notorious practices of fascism and oppression. In Hacienda Luisita, snipers supplemented with silencers were placed in strategic positions, opening fire after an armed personnel carrier (APC) rammed the gate thrice, which was in turn preceded by the calculated release of more than 200 canisters of tear gas. Caught in that unguarded moment, the protesters were left with no choice but to resort literally to having wooden sticks and stones to fend for themselves in seeing the bloodshed unfolding before their very eyes. The volley of gunfire lasted for two minutes, leaving in its wake seven dead farmers and more than a hundred wounded. Amid accusations that conveniently frame up members of the New People’s Army (NPA) and communists from the Philippine National Police (PNP) and the CojuangcoAquino family respectively, independent documentations said otherwise, with them drawing attention to the military and police men as the ones who had the shots fired first.

Even Mindanao’s granaries were not left unmolested by the prying eyes of the bureaucrats. Almost one year ago, farmers severely reeling from the relentless El Niño phenomenon in Kidapawan, North Cotabato were only met with a hail of bullets as a callous response from the local government instead of the much-needed demand of 5,000 sacks of rice. This gross neglect and violation of human rights shows just how confident these politicians could be in defiantly bypassing the accountability that justice demands.

even in this day and age.

From Mendiola to Kidapawan, strong arm tactics have only been the course of action utilized by this country’s administration up to now in response to the peasantry’s cries of agony. This, apart from subtle efforts to advance the vested interests of the privileged few through alternative means, is simply a manifestation of one of the social ills that has for so long enfeebled the physical and mental faculties of the masses. It is just a part of the larger scheme of exploitation that further oppresses and drives them to destitution.

Only through proper implementation of genuine land reforms will the farmers attain true progress in their victory. As long as the land that the peasants rightfully own is yet to be given, the progressive and radical resistance against the culture of impunity and exploitation will never come to an end. The road of militant struggle of working people and their resilience will remain the sole path that they can take to escape the satirical dusk in the light of day. With the working class who fearlessly and ceaselessly fight not only for their own rights but for national and social liberation, militancy will persist and the blaze of rage will certainly grow big enough to overthrow and burn the oppressors.

With the state being apathetic with the peasantry while leaning on its business partners, profitability becomes the government’s priority rather than the welfare of its constituents. Thus, genuine independence becomes far from reach. And even farther, as the Filipino people are still unable to come to grips with the cruel rea lit y that the primary force of change—the masses— is still locked in feudal bondage,

The struggles of peasants have not only been limited in sweat and tears, but more often than not in blood and flesh. The intensifying sundown is now not simply the brutality of oppression as the forms of feudal exploitation aligned with the world capitalist system also takes its place. The struggle of Hacienda Luisita’s farm workers, let alone all the peasants in the country is now strengthened with the constant demand for genuine land reform and free land distribution.


Chinese Zodiac

Year of the Ratatouille (1984, 1996, 2008, 2020) “Hindi ka na bata. Awatin na ang pagpapakipot. Andami-dami mo pang palusot e ‘di hamak na mas makati pa sa blackheads ‘yang tina-target mo. Kung hindi lang rin kayo matutuloy sa simbahan, tigil-tigilan n’yo na ‘yang pagpapantasya mo.” Lucky Tip: Huwag kasing bida-bida. Lucky Color: Kilikili Forest Greenery Lucky Song: Aking Pagmamahal – Repablikan Soulmate: Sa opisina ng The Manila Collegian

Volume 30 Number 11 February 28, 2017 | Tuesday


Year of the Cowgirl (1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

“Love? Anong “L O V E”? Patibong lang ‘yan ng utak para magpasalin ng lahi. Wala ka namang balak magparami eh. Make friends na lang muna, not love. Isa pa, daig pa ng lovers’ quarrel ang matagal nang kinikimkim ng kabarkada mo sa’yo. Time for kapatawaran.” Lucky Tip: Madali na lang siguro maging 3rd party. Lucky Color: Luntiang Nana Lucky Song: Tanging Hiling – Curse One Soulmate: Sa kanayunan, lumulubog sa masa

Year of the Tiger Energy Biscuit (1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

“Mag-experiment: pakisabihan ang Tita mo from abroad na retohan ka. Huwag kang killjoy. Kapag hinainan ng prospect, tanggapin ang biyaya. Pribilehiyo ang makakilala ng bagong chatmate. Kapag okay, eh ‘di GORA! Unleash the animal within, ganun. Kung “meh”, sorry na lang. Game over. ‘One time service only’ lang kasi e. 30 Day Trial has ended, kumbaga. You’re on your own uli.” Lucky Tip: Iwasang magsuot ng masikip. Lucky Color: Gintong pilak namumulak Lucky Song: Kahit Bata Pa Ako – Aikee ft. Kyla Soulmate: Sa Office of the Student Affairs

Year of the Dragon na may Tattoong Sisiw (1988, 2000, 2012, 2024) “Grabe ka, lahat papatosin mo? Goodbye standards na ba 2017? Ikaw nga pinakasuwerte sa pag-ibig eh tapos isasawalang-bahala mo lang? Kung kuripot ka, good for you! Kasi ‘pag committed ka na, you have nothing to lose but your allowance. Manila Bay date na ituu.” Lucky Tip: Burahin ang browser history. Gumamit ng incognito. Lucky Color: Pinaputi ng Tide Lucky Song: Biglang Liko – Ron Henley ft. Pow Chavez Soulmate: Sa portal, matapos makompleto ang pitong dragon ball

Year of Richie d’Horsey (1990, 2002, 2014, 2026) “Makikilala mo na ang true love mo. Mae-enjoy n’yo na pareho ang pagsasama umpisa. Sailing smooth pa rin naman, mga bandang gitna. Pero, kakainin ka na ng iyong pagkayamot kasi pang-ilang mansary n’yo na, wala pa ring nangyayari. Unless mediocrity ang gusto n’yong i-develop na lifestyle, humanap ka na ng bago na kasing-atat mo.” Lucky Tip: Tigilan ang paglalaklak ng softdrinks. Lucky Color: Maitim pa sa singit mo Lucky Song: Basta May Alak May Balak – Skusta Clee Soulmate: Sa Luneta

Year of the Monkey-pweng (1992, 2004, 2016, 2028) “Wala naman sa’yo kung single ka o hindi eh. Sa sobrang unfocused mo, hindi mo na namamalayang may namamangka na sa dalawa o higit pang mga ilog. At kung kailan ka magkaka-krisis saka ka kakaposin. Easy lang, hindi mo kayang pasanin ang daigdig. Call a friend. Lagi’t laging may nagmamahal sa’yo.” Lucky Tip: Iwasang lumambitin sa buhay ng iba. Lucky Color: Dilawan Yellow Lucky Song: Halikana – Maja Salvador ft. Abra Soulmate: Sa tabi mo

Year of the Doggo (1994, 2006, 2018, 2030) “Nandun ka na talaga. As in, malapit na malapit mo nang maangkin ang matagal mo nang pinagno-nobenang pagmamahal. Lubos-lubosin n’yo na dahil sa dinami-rami ng magiging kaagaw mo sa kanya (ibang tao man, ganap, o maski sarili niya), matatapos din ang lahat sa isang iglap. Enjoy it while it lasts!” Lucky Tip: Magbasa ng philosophy books. Lucky Color: Red Lucky Song: Sulutera – Gagong Rapper Soulmate: Sa US Embassy, mga tuta ng ‘Kano

Year of the Playboy Bunny (1987, 1999, 2011, 2023) “Hinay. Kalma. Baka nakakasakal ka na. Hindi porke sarili mo’ng pinalilitaw mong tama, kailangan na nilang pumabor sa’yo. Makinig ka rin sa kanila, sakaling kapulotan ng magandang aral. Magagamit mo ‘to ‘pag nasa iyo na ang alas. Sa ngayon, pay attention. Don’t talk while your mouth is full or when the teacher is already in front.” Lucky Tip: Maniwala sa iyong intuition. Lucky Color: Namamagang Pimple Pink Lucky Song: Nang Dahil sa Facebook – Hambog ng Sagpro Krew Soulmate: Sa SOGO Hotel o Victoria Court o Halina Apartelle

Year of the Besssss (1989, 2001, 2013, 2025)

“Deep down inside, gusto mo talaga yung alagain. Tipong dapat lagi kang nakaantabay kapag kailangan ang tulong mo. Ano ka, yayang walang suweldo? Kung nabo-boring-an ka sa buhay sa labas ng pagkakaroon ng jowa, huwag ka nang lumikha ng drama. ‘Di ka artista o prop o bayaning martir, at lalong hindi ka sikat. Taposin mo na ‘yang pagiging gamitan mo.” Lucky Tip: Mag-ipon na ng pang-condo. Lucky Color: Indigo Pascual Lucky Song: Sa Iyo – Sarah Geronimo Soulmate: Sa dressing room ng Rob Department Store

Year of the Sheepanx (1991, 2003, 2015, 2027) “Sumisingaw na pagkanerbyoso mo. Sayang yung katawan mo kung nakapirme ka lang sa harap ng screen maghapon. Go out and play! The world is a playground. Kahit hindi ka malaro, pagsumikapan mo pa ring maging approachable. Malayo ang mararating mo sa piling ng iba. Wala kang dadatnan sa magdamagang pagmumukmok.” Lucky Tip: Magtanggal ng naipong buhok sa drainage. Lucky Color: Yung huli mong sinuka Lucky Song: Gusto Ko ng Nota – Aleck Bovick Soulmate: Sa susunod na overnight

Year of the Cock (1993, 2005, 2017, 2029) “Aayaw-ayaw ka pa eh at the back of your mind, hayok at uhaw ka na. Papunta ka pa lang dun, pabalik na silang lahat. Kaya huwag mong mabanggit-banggit na pinagmamalaki mong single ka since birth. Mismong magulang mo na ang nagtatanong kung kailan na sila magkakaapo. Hindi mo sila madadaan sa Boyfriend/Girlfriend for Hire na pakulo.” Lucky Tip: Ihiwalay ang puti sa de-kolor. Lucky Color: Sing-purple ng patay ng kuko Lucky Song: Isa Pa Nga – Mocha Girls Soulmate: Sa bigasan, yung kasabay mong bibili ng Super Angelica

Year of the Lechon Cebu (1995, 2007, 2019, 2031) “Time management na lang marahil ang katapat ng pagsabay ng pag-ibig at trabaho. Kasi naman, nung may kumatok na sa buhay mo, nagmaganda kang isnabero ka. Kaya huwag kang magreklamo kung hindi na laan sa’yo ang tadhana. Ikaw tuloy ang pa-victim. Hilo ka rin eh.” Lucky Tip: Palambotin mo na ‘yang puso mo. Lucky Color: Google Chrome Lucky Song: Happy Break Up – Donnalyn Bartolome Soulmate: Sa Senado

Volume 30 Number 11 February 28, 2017 | Tuesday Pagdating sa #relationshipgoals, sila ang hindi pinapansin. Hindi pa kasi sila nakakatikim ni sigla o panlulumo na dulot ng romantikong samahan. Ang iba sa kanila’y hayok na hayok nang makatugis ng ka-date. May nagaalinlangan, at merong walang pake. Kapos man sa karanasan para magbigay-hinuha sa larangan ng pag-ibig, boses pa rin nila ang reserba ng mga maaaring maging magkarelasyon sa hinaharap. Halaman man o desperado, sa buhay single tayong lahat nagmumula.

TIWASAY Minsan akong nilapitan ng aking magulang. Ayoko pa naman ang pinagsasabihan. Napalunok ako ng laway sa kaba. Huminga ako nang malalim (bilang paghahanda sa kung anoman ang nais nilang ibato). Ang tatanongin lang pala nila ay “Anak, may jowa ka na ba?” Pabuga akong humalakhak. Nang bumalik sa normal ang paghinga, hindi sila kumibo. Seryoso pala sila. Nag-aalala kasi sila na baka iniisip ko raw na istrikto sila pagdating sa paghahanap ko ng maliligawan. Ang tanong ay kung naghahanap ba ako. Pinanatag ko naman ang kanilang loob — sapat na para sa’kin ang damhin ang malasakit nila, ng kabarkada, at iba pang distant relatives. Ang lakas sigurong makamanhid ng pagsantabi ko sa buhay pag-ibig. Mula mag-‘on’ hanggang mag-asawa, mabigat na sakripisyo ang umibig. Nataon lang na hindi ‘yan ang prayoridad ko. Yung iba, planong bigyan ng magandang buhay ang pamilya. Uunahing makapag-ipon. Yung ibang naka-graduate na, gusto pang tumalino. Mapapansin sa mga halimbawa na may tao agad sa eksena: sa bahay, opisina, o paaralan. Samantalang sa pakikipagrelasyon, mag-uumpisa ka sa wala. Ikaw pa’ng maghahanap ng papayag sa balak mo. Nangungulit din ang magnobyo kong kaibigan. Hanapan na daw ba nila ako ng ‘single and ready to mingle’. ‘Ka ko, “Buhay ko mismo, hirap akong ayusin. Sa iba pa kaya?” Hanga ako sa kanila. Kahit papaano, nagagawa nilang ma-swak ang schedule ng isa’t isa. Imposibleng walang kompromiso. Minsan, bumibigat ang ere, nagkakasamaan na pala ng loob. Nahahawa tuloy ang grupo. Malalampasan din naman nila, pero kailangan effort pareho, hindi lang ng iisa. Takot lang yata ako sa commitment. May mga problema kasing



bumubungad lang kapag may love life na. Kaunting selos lang, nauuwi sa pangongontrol. Dalawang utak na ang nagdedesisyon sa paggagastosan. ‘Buti kung magisa, ikaw lang ang mag-a-adjust. Kapag kayo na, patagalan ng pasensya. Paano ba gumaan ang workload kapag may kasa-kasama na? Kasinghawig ba nito ang pangaalipin? Siguro dahil single ako kaya nasasakal ako sa ganyang senaryo.

masaya ako kasi wala pang lumalapit o wala pa ‘kong nakikilalang gusto kong lapitan. Puwede ko rin namang sabihing sinasamantala ko na lang ang nalalabi kong pagkabata. Kaya namang ipagsabay, pero hindi pa kasi ako nayayamot. Tapos oh, biglang sabay-sabay nang nagpapakasal at nagkakaanak ang mga kaedaran ko. Kung sino ang matirang nag-iisa saka pa lang malulungkot na mapag-iwanan.

Baka naman pusong-bato talaga ako. Maaaring sinasabi ko lang na

May tumatanda namang binata’t dalaga. Walang kaso sa’kin

CULTURE 07 ‘ ngayon. Ayos lang din naman sakaling may dumating. Poproblemahin ko na lang kung paano galugarin ang teritoryong gustong puntahan ng marami. Ayun pala, kung sino pa’ng hindi umaasa siya pa’ng papalarin ‘no? Singilin pa ng mga sawi na walang karapatang magkajowa ang mga nakatengga. Sino’ng nagsasabi na hindi tinatrabaho ang pag-ibig? Kaya nga least priority ko ‘to kasi ang takaw niya sa oras. Ang daming nahuhumaling sa kilig at tamis, pero napagtatanto pa lang ang panlalamig at kapaitan kapag ‘andun na sa sukdulan. Hindi kataka-taka kung pinipili ng taong magpaka-‘halaman’ o makipagkama sa kung sino-sino. Iniiwasan lang namin ang kalat na naiiwan ng mga naputol na ugnayan. Kung tinuloy man ang mahabang prusisyon, malamang ay hindi ito natatapos lang sa simbahan. May tatayuan, titirhan, at titibayin pang tahanan. Kung magmistula mang ayaw ko pang makipagrelasyon, katulad ng ibang gustong umibig, ito ay sariling kapasyahan. Malawak ang mundo sa labas ng buhay pag-ibig. Kontento na ‘ko sa mga pumupuno ng aking araw. Ang sa akin lang, sagrado ang pag-ibig kaya hindi ko ito sasalingin nang basta-basta. Sa katapusan ng araw, ang dapat pa ring manaig ay pag-ibig na mapagpalaya.

LUMBAY Kahit saan ako mapalingon, madalas mapadpad ang aking mata sa mga magkasintahan na mainit na nagpapalitan ng mga ngiti. Ang maliit nilang mundo’y isang sangtuwaryo sa dagat ng mga blangkong mukha. Habang ako itong parang multo na nagpapalamon sa inggit kakatanaw sa mga kagaya nilang hindi alintana sa kaguluhang bumabalot sa paligid. Unti-unti nang namamaos sa pagpapanaghoy na makatakas sa kulungan ng kalungkutan. Daig ko pa yung naiwanan sa pagdurusa gayong hindi pa naman ako nagkakajowa. Noon, kontento na ‘ko sa nakabibinging katahimikan, tipong uuwi lang saka magpapahinga. Ngayon, pabulusok na ako. Naguumpisa ang pagkadismaya sa paglikot ng haraya na baka nga may nakalaan para sa’tin. Mapapalikha ka na ng imahe kung papaanong sana naging kayo. Hanggang sa makailang-beses nang hindi tugma ang naiisip sa nararanasan. Sa tinagal-tagal na rin ng pagiging single ko, halos maromantisa ko na ang pagtingin sa mga magkapares. Pinagmumulan ko ng inggit ang kaligayahan ng magkarelasyon. Para CONTINUED ON PAGE 09


Volume 30 Number 11 February 28, 2017 | Tuesday

Mga Fulung-Vulungan ng Nagjijisang


A sa sa

VALENTINE’S EDITION Mabuhay! Deez is Lola Patola, resident diyowsa ng Padre Faura, representing Philippines!!! Naku apolojizz mga afows, na-carried away lung talaguhh aketchiwa sa Mish You-niverse 2016. Kalurkeyy naman kase si Mamshie Maxine Medina, pinashaket ang bangz ko sa aming catwalk and grammar lessownz. HOMAYGHAD my pamileh!!!! Mabooty na lungz at she made us ‘ol proud in da end. Major charot paluh ang tsikang may hometown disadvantage uz! She learned from the best kase eh. Agree???!! Ahihihihi. Oh no hirr I em jabbering and blabbering abawt my busyness na namern. How abawt u mga affows, how’s second sem been treating u? I ownly hope and praysung na so far so gud. I know #pressured na kayo coz ilang sleepwalk na lungz at mag-aarrive na ang pinaka-chakang araw for u my grandkids ☹ VALENTINES DAY aka DOOM’S DAY 2017 @#$*!!! I can almozt ginir ur collective cries for help. Howevahh doncha worry your grandma is hir to da rescue! Ka-VOGUE dibuhh???!!! Huehue. If u need Dr. Luv, I can prescribe u with my most wanted kisspirin for ur lovenat. Wiz khalifa kayo matitigang sa pag-ibig cuz I’ll meyk surie patootie na somewan will shower u with the lurv u deserve. *wink wink* Pero before we make landi and such, let’s clear our heads muna from stress. Ayaw ng lola na ma-Haggardo Versoza kayo pag ka-face to face niyo si bae. Kaya namern I’m Pia Wurtzbach back at my post as ur favorite sumvhong SPLUKERA ng YuFiEm!

Fifty Sumvhongs Darker Numbah One: Kayo pala ay bigot, bigot, bi-bigot bigot eh Hay nakooooh, may mapapalo na talaguh akez sa buttocks!!! Akala ko ba season of love and acceptance? Pero anek itong news broadcast na may religious discrimineyshun daw within my kingdom??? GRAVITEH!! Spluk ni afow, there’s a group of mean girlz na wagas kung makatingin sa get-up ng kaniyang friend. As in headto-toe “I’m j u d g i n g you” sabay hagikgikan ng major major. And worse… naka-harap pa sina afowz while they’re laughing like crazy!

than you? Hindi namern na-beastmode si beloved afow pero wish niya lang ang #respect from u meanies. Jombagin ko kaya kayo so that you’ll learn the hard way? #ToughLove

Fifty Sumvhongs Darker Numbah Two: #Equality is a myth

HUHUHU crey crey HUWAAT??! Nawarla ng todo ang poise ng lola niyo becoz of deez sumvhong! Spluk ng aking afow, homophobia is again spreading lagim in YuFiEm. Naloka si grandchild wen some feisty asungot accused her of taking advances and such just becoz she’s a lesbian. Mark my words, being LGBTQ doesn’t equate to being breezy people and chemerlut. And ‘di rin ‘matic na may temptation sila sa’yo if ur straight! Sabi nga ni afow, quote ankowt “Feelingero is the word!” My rainbow subjects, in all respects, are just layk u with varied preferences and they’re not abawt let’s get physical ‘noh!! TSEE!

What’s da matter nga naman peanut butter if she’s not wearing pants or shorts? Does dat meyk her less of a person kung different siya manamit At janjararan nagtatapos ang jisa na namern na pagwawagi ko sa forces ng evil in the campus. Stay tuned for more adventures of yerr beloved Queen Lola P next isyu. AND just a little side note to the azungots mentioned, if you’re looking for war, I’ll give u war!! You want to meyk bangga my afowz? I won’t back down!! AZAR to the hayest level ARGHHH! Nalulurkey ang Your Majesty sa inyo. Ayyy, o siya nga pala mga luvvies, may Valentines dinner pa kami ng inyong Lolo Upo sa Manila Bay!! Baboosh!!

no sa tingin mo ang implikasyon ng pagharang ni Trump mga Muslim immigrants relasyong US-Pilipinas?

Shookt pa rin ako sa pagkakainaugurate kay Trump. Yun lang. - Lovedon'tlivehere, 2015 'Di siya Halal in terms of respect to religious & cultural diversity. NakakaOh my Allah talaga. - Eros caldo, 2015, taga-white college pero beige ang pintura Sabi nga sa hamilton: immigrants, we get the job done. - Sadboy, 2014-44***, CAS LALAKAS NA ANG PWERSA NG ISIS!!! KASALANAN LAHAT NG ITO NG AMERICA!! KATAPUSAN NA NG MUNDO! - yoko na, 2014 Syempre tropa si Duterte at Trump, panahon na ng paghuhukom. - kulong, 20** Kahit nga hindi complete "ban" yung ginawa ni Trump, this order results further promotes the idea of white supremacy and strengthens hatred towards other ethnicities. Kahit na hindi kasama ang Pilipinas sa restricted na pumasok sa America, nakaka-threaten ang order na ito sa mga Muslim sa Pilipinas at pati na rin ng ibang Pilipino na nagbabalak lumipad patungo US. Kahit naman makapasok ka sa America, eh kung sasampalin ka naman sa mukha ng pagmamaltrato at diskriminasyon, mas mabibigyang diin ang kawalan ng seguridad ang panananatili mo sa US at hindi garantisado na makakakuha ka ng pantay na pagtingin dahil nga hindi ka kabilang sa kanilang konsepto ng "purong Amerikano". - seryosoooo, CAS, 2012 I just want to say that this would fuel exclusive hate. Trump is encouraging the idea that immigrants pose security risks. Thus, purists will further push to eradicate citizens of "non-American descent" from US. This implies the heightening of severe discrimination against other ethnicities, leading to hate crimes and violence against Pinoy OFWs, Muslim or Christian, in US. - sunshine,lollipops,rainbows,love! Lalo lang magkakagulo - PalabanMilitate, 2015-xxxxx, CAS May large numbers ng muslim sa philippines. I think that this issue would lead to the muslims of our country pushing the ph government to take stand about the issue - JackenPoy, 2015-xxxxx, CAS Well ayoko nang mastress so hindi ko na iniisip. - NUMB, 2011-3xxxx, CAS

A 14 D

no para sayo ang February this year, Valentines ay or Dooms Day 2017?

anniversary ng parents ko :) - Miss International, 2014-***** Normal na araw - Miss Universe, 2014-***** araw ng acads kasi tbh paano ko icecelebrate ang Valentine's Day kung wala naman akong SO diba? - Lovedon'tlivehere, 2015 I'm-Still-Alive-Despite-of-UP Day. - Eros caldo, 2015, taga-white college pero beige ang pintura Valendooms days talaga siya. Pero masaya kasi last year dooms day lang e heheh lalalandi - Sadboy, 2014-44***, CAS Wala lang. - kulong, 20** DOOMS DAY! DOOMS DAY!! UBUSIN NA ANG LAHI NG MGA TAO!!! PUKSAIN ANG MGA NAGMAMAHALAN - yoko na, 2014 Di ako naniniwala sa Balentayms kasi kung mahal mo ang isang tao ipaparamdam mo buong taon, DI LANG SA FEB 14!!! BOOM!!! Atsaka kapitalistang nosyon lang naman yan dibuhh??!!! - littlesagomonster, CPH 2019 Tama lang naman ang araw na iyon para sa akin. Hindi prayoridad sa akin ang paghahanap ng love life. Mahal ko na ang sarili ko at sapat na iyon. #loveyourself - seryosoooo, CAS, 2012 Doomsday I guess, depending on the decision of our prof to move our first long exam to an earlier date. - sunshine,lollipops,rainbows,love! OBR! One Billion Rising. Abante Babae! - PalabanMilitate, 2015-xxxxx, CAS Walang mag BABALENTINES char jk enjoy the day sa lahat ng may lovelife and sa mga wala try niyo maghanap this valentines day marami ding uhaw sa pagmamahal -JackenPoy, 2015-xxxxx, CAS Aba'y wala sa kalendaryo ko yang Balentayms na yan. -that's so mainstream,CAS WALANG MAGBA-BALENTAYNS!! - NUMB, 2011-3xxxx, CAS Wala akong pake sa Feb. 14. Kung gusto mong ipakita sa minamahal mo na mahal mo siya, gagawin mo 'yun araw araw. Hindi yung namimili ka pa ng araw. - hala darla, 2013-49344, CAS


Volume 30 Number 11 February 28, 2017 | Tuesday

ERMITA/ILANG FROM P.07 akong kontrabidang naghihintay na mag-apakan sila, ngunit alam ko sa sarili kong wala akong karapatang magali. Buntot nila ang isa’t isa sa paghila patungo sa lugar na sabay nilang tutuklasin. Tainga ng isa’t isa’y silid ng mga lihim at salamin ng saloobin. Mga labi ng bawat isa ang nagbibiro, nagbibigay-payo, at nanghahalik. Papunta man sila minsan sa taniman ng poot, ang saglit na tampuhan ay kapupulotan ng bagong oportunidad na makapagsuring-muli sa puwersang higit sa kanilang dalawa. Anoman ang maisip kong trahedya’y nalalakipan nila palagi ng wagas na pagmamahal.


Kailangan din naman ang pag-ibig upang patuloy tayong magparami. Kaya hindi maiiwasang matanim sa utak ang inakala mong maliit lang na bagay. Sa una’y crush-crush lang, hanggang sa may malisya na. Hindi ka rin makakatakas sa pagsagap ng balita sa mga nauusong love team, na para bang dinidikta sa’yong hindi kompleto ang buhay mo kung hindi mo mararanasang umibig.




and evil – that can set off any time; compromising lives, sparing no one.

minimum wage—that the betterment of workers' lives may be achieved.

This HTI fire and other previous workplace accidents are manifestations of the continuous violation of workers’ rights. All the discrimination – low salaries, cuts in compensations, unsympathetic working environments, and job uncertainties – translated into accidents which signify that change is necessary. Review and reorganization of certain laws regarding labor might be a key to having a safe and guaranteed conditions in the work space, but it is only through campaigning for genuine workers' rights—regularization, job security, and implementation of a sustainable and sufficient national

Justice is not demanded, it is served to the people who were wronged. The workers in HTI were badly compromised, and to ask for justice is not only for them but also for all the workers who face harm and tragedy every day. Companies must be held responsible for their employees’ conditions. The labor force plays a crucial role in continuing the society’s mode of production, it is important to safeguard their rights. The government, in every possible way, must firstly forward the interests of the masses and hear the plight of the disadvantaged.

Dahil diyan, naniniwala akong hindi ka mamumulat sa ginagalawan nating daigdig kung nag-iisa ka lang na tumatahak nito. Kung makukulong ako sa aking sarili, mananatiling malabo ang pagtatasa ko sa buhay dahil wala akong angkla sa ibang perspektiba. Kailangang dalawang mundo ang magsanib nang mabalanse ang sariling opinyon sa pananaw ng mapagkakatiwalaan. Sa ganitong paraan ninyo mapapalipad ang isa’t isa habang nakatitiyak na walang bibitaw. Kung sakripisyo ang hinihingi ng pagpasok sa relasyon, handa akong makipagsapalaran. Handa akong masaktan dahil ang sugat ay humihilom din. Ang pakikipagtambal ay hindi kaso ng kung sino ang mas babagay sa isa’t isa, kundi ito’y hakbang-hakbang na pakikipagpalagayang-loob hanggang sa magkandahulog

ang loob. Tawagin na ‘kong masokista, pribilehiyo para sa’kin ang matanggihan dahil daan ito upang mapaunlad ang sarili. Kapag kaharap mo na ang matagal mo nang pinapangarap na kasama, mararating mo ang rurok ng pakikipagkapwa. Pansinin mong hiwalay ang papel ng kadugo sa kakosa, ngunit sa kapareha mo lang makukuha lahat —lambing ng magulang, aruga ng kapatid, at pang-unawa ng kaibigan. Paglipas ng maraming pagsubok, magkatabi kaming nakasandal sa tumba-tumba. Malayo ang titig kahit na may katarata. Mainit ang ngiti sa kulubot naming pisngi. Kung maudlot man nang maaga, sa di-inaasahan o matagal nang napakiramdamang pagkakataon, makukuha ko pa ring lumigaya. Dahil nagluksa man sa paglaho, matagumpay pa rin akong nagmahal. Magsisinungaling ako kapag sinabi kong hindi ako nagmamadali. Sa totoo lang, napapagod na rin ako. Sinasabi nila, huwag akong mag-alala. Maghintay lang daw ako at darating din ‘yan. Sige, bahagya akong magpapahinga; mag-iipon muna ng lakas, ngunit kakapit ako sa pag-asang ang “balang araw” ay nagiging “ngayon” din. At kung mabingi na sa katahimikan, muli akong susugal sapagkat nalulugi lang sa pag-ibig ang hindi tumataya. Walang tama at mali kung pipiliin mong manatiling single o pumasok sa isang relasyon. Meron lang maling gawi at tamang patutunguhan. Mahalaga kapag mag-isa ka ay nakikilala mo ang iyong sarili. Napahahalagahan mo ang iyong nagsasariling pagpapasya. Pinapawi natin ang mga balakid na kumukulong sa kalayaan na kilalanin ang kapwa bilang kapantay, at pinalilitaw ang mga posibilidad na maging bukas at handa sa hamong dala ng pag-ibig.

10 OPINION Truth Be Told

Mico Cortez A STEP BACKWARD I thought history was supposed to teach us not to repeat the mistakes of the past. Back in 2001, Mark Chua, a student of the University of Santo Tomas, was killed after he exposed irregularities in the university’s ROTC program. While his death was the catalyst for the passage of RA 9163 - the National Service Program Training Law - it wasn’t the only incident of abuse from the ROTC. Hazing, though often associated with Greek organizations, has also been part of the ROTC’s history. Cases have been reported in PUP and DLSU, but there are surely more that, unfortunately, go unnoticed. Yet despite all of these, our lovely President has deemed it fit to impose the ROTC on all Grade 11 and 12 students in the country. That’s just bull. But, I can’t say I’m surprised. After all, Duterte has always shown a blinding ignorance (or more likely than not, blatant disregard) for history. From the Marcos burial to other countries’ failed war on drugs, he has refused to acknowledge the truth. He has stuck to his instincts, wrong as they may be. He justifies his decision by claiming that the ROTC will instill discipline and encourage nationalism. But, I’m guessing most of you reading this probably underwent CAT or COCC during high school. Would you say that made you more disciplined, or more nationalistic? In my case, it didn’t. Not one bit. The reinstatement of the ROTC is a step backward, a mistake to add to the long list accumulated by the administration. If the goal is to instill discipline and encourage nationalism, a more ideal solution would be the establishment of a better basic education curriculum - one that actually instills values, not just facts and figures; one that teaches the youth how to think, not just what to think. While the ROTC might seem effective at first glance, a deeper look at our history shows that it is clearly not. It is merely a platform for abuse, corruption, and fascism. With support from majority of our Congress, I seriously doubt Duterte’s decision will be overruled anytime soon. But perhaps, with his tendency to change his mind and contradict himself, he would soon realize the error of his ways. Until then, we must remain vigilant and critical. We must do what we can to ensure that the faults and failures of the ROTC are not repeated. After all, it’s the lives of the youth that are at stake. I’ll catch you next time.

Volume 30 Number 11 February 28, 2017 | Tuesday




Habang ang mundo’y tahimik sa paghihintay at ang mga tagapagpaganap ay nagkakandarapa, habang ang ina’y namimilipit sa sakit at kaba at ang mga kakilala’y pinapatay ng antisipasyon, hihiramin ko ang sandaling ito upang bigyan ka ng pagpupugay.

mga oputrtunidad upang ipamalas ang iyong ganda at galing sa ibang pamamaraan. Huhubaran ka nila ng iyong karapatan sa iyong katawan upang ipaloob ka sa mga pamantayang numero ng kagandahan. Huhubaran ka nila ng kahit na anong pag-iisip na lumaban at lumaya.

Pagpupugay dahil sa pinili mong pasukin ang entabladong ito. Pagpupugay dahil hindi ka nagpaudlot sa mas magaganda, sa mas matatangkad, at mas matatalino sayo. Pagpupugay dahil maliban sa nararapat, kakailanganin mo ito.

Huhubaran ka nila ng

Kakailanganin mo ang lahat ng suporta sa pagpasok mo sa entablado. Hindi magiging sapat ang hiyawan ng mga manunuod kung ikaw mismoý manliliit sa sarili. Kakailanganin mo ang lahat ng lakas ng loob na mahahanap mo sapagkat una ka nilang huhusgahan sa halos iilang parte lamang ang natatago. Primarya nilang huhusgahan ang iyong porma’t hubog, kung paano ito dalhin, at kung gaano ka kahanda ipakita ang lahat lahat. Habang hinuhusgahan nila ang iyong katawa’y paunti-unti nilang huhubarin ang kakarampot na suot mo. Huhubaran ka nila ng

iyong karapatan sa iyong katawan upang ipaloob ka sa mga pamantayang numero ng kagandahan. Huhubaran ka nila ng kahit na anong pag-iisip na lumaban at lumaya. Pagkatapos nitoý babalutan nila ang iyong kaawa-awang kalagayan ng mga engrandeng tela at alahas. Pipilitin nilang itago sa kinang ng ginto at mga perlas ang iyong tunay na lugar sa lipunan. Lahat ng ito ay gagawin nila habang ipinasusubo sa iyo ang mga birtud ng kalinisan at kadalisayan at ipinasusuka ang mga prinsipyo ng pagkapantay-pantay at katarungan. Habang nakabalot kayo mga pamantayang idinikta henerasyong henerasyon

sa ng ng


Indeed, in a patriarchal society where women are judged by standards favorable to men, being female will prove to be challenging. The course of your life, however, depends on whether you wish to accept this kind of setup, or if you would dare to go beyond the boundaries set by society. As ladies, we were taught to be sweet and smile all the time. When you walk in the streets and someone wolfwhistles at you or catcalls you, we would be told to either ignore them, or at least, smile at them. Doing the former would cause those catcallers to even jeer at you and call you “snobbish”. We are told to adjust to how corrupt the world is. In situations of conflict, we were oriented to deescalate arguments. The result stays the same: women who get harassed are blamed for the aspects in the environment beyond their control. “You hit like a girl” is supposed to be

Pagkatapos ng lahat ng itoý mamimili sila ng isa sa inyo na magsusuot ng korona, ng isang dilag na magiging bagong pamantayan ng kagandahan at ng buong kababaihan. Mamimili sila ng bagong emisaryo na magpapalaganap ng mga patriyarkal na konsepto. Papatungan nila ang ulo mo ng mga ekspektasyon at ng mga dyamante, ng mga batayan at mga ginto. Hihirangin ka nilang kampeon, ngunit sila pa rin ang tunay na nagwagi. Pagpupugay muli dahil sa pinili mong pasukin ang entabladong ito. Pagpupugay dahil kahit ngayon mo pa lamang nawawari ang tunay na kalagayan ng kompetisyon na ito ay tutuloy ka pa rin. Pagpupugay dahil tatanggapin mo ang korona ng pagkababae at makikipagsapalaran sa buhay na ginawang patimpalak ng kapitalismo at patriyarka. Pagpupugay hindi lang dahil kakailanganin mo ito, kundiý nararapat.



While we would admit it or not, some of us have wished that we were born male instead, as we thought that life as a boy would be a lot easier compared to that of a girl's.

patriyarka, gigisahin nila kayo sa mga posisyon at opinyon ninyo sa mga isyung panlipunan. Hindi nila aasahan na intelektuwal kang sasagot bagkus ay susukatin nila kung gaano pa ba dapat nila kalalim ipasubo ang mga prinsipyo ng patriyarka.

an insult from boys. Statements such as “Don't be such a girl” coin being cowardly or even cautious, only to being female. It has been a stigma that males are physically stronger than females, and therefore, females

As it is true that the

biological makeup of a woman is to be nurturing, her role in society does not end there. are emotionally and mentally weaker. Women are dictated by the social construct of being submissive and pleasing to men. We are conditioned to eat less, take the brunt of doing the house chores, or cover ourselves up. Cooking, sewing, singing, arts and humanities are fixed as “feminine”. As tradition goes, girls are being raised for the sole purpose of raising children and tending to the household. “What is the essence of being a woman?” As 1994 Miss Universe Sushmita Sen answered, being a

woman is about caring and loving. While a male is conditioned to hide his emotions and act “macho”, a female is said to wear her heart on her sleeve. The adjective “gentle” is often attributed to females. As it is true that the biological makeup of a woman is to be nurturing, her role in society does not end there. Being a woman is being multi-faceted. We are enduring despite the crushing burden that society shoves on us. Despite the walls built around us, women are strong and flexible. We persevere in various ways to take care of our families, to consolidate our own identities and to develop our skills. Despite being underestimated, we continue to go beyond the restrictions that society has instilled on us. Amidst hardships, women bloom. Throughout history, what has normally been associated to the sphere of men such as politics, sports and disciplines have been paralleled by women. Today, women are breaking the bondages of stereotypes. Patriarchy still has its hold, and so, we continue our struggle.

Volume 30 Number 11 February 28, 2017 | Tuesday

E D I T O R- I N- C H I E F

Agatha Hazel Andres Rabino A S S O C I AT E E D I T O R F O R I N T E R NA L S

Aries Raphael Reyes Pascua


Sofia Monique Kingking Sibulo M A NAG I NG E D I T O R

Arthur Gerald Bantilan Quirante A S S I S S TA N T M A NAG I NG E D I T O R

Adolf Enrique Santos Gonzales NEWS EDITOR

Eunice Biñas Hechanova NEWS COR R ESPONDENTS

Elizabeth Danielle Quiñones Fodulla Patricia Anne Lactao Guerrero Anton Gabriel Abueva Leron Niña Keith Musico Ferrancol Leah Rose Figueroa Paras Shaila Elijah Perez Fortajada F E AT U R E S E D I T O R

Chloe Pauline Reyes Gelera F E AT U R E S C O R R E S P O N D E N T S

Justin Danielle Tumenez Francia Liezl Ann Dimabuyu Lansang Jennah Yelle Manato Mallari Marilou Hanapin Celestino C U LT U R E E D I T O R S

Joseph Bernard Soriano De Mesa Thalia Real Villela C U LT U R E C O R R E S P O N D E N T S

Jose Lorenzo Querol Lanuza Jonerie Ann Mamauag Pajalla GR APHIC S EDITOR

Jazmine Claire Martinez Mabansag R E S I D E N T I L LU S T R AT O R S

Michael Lorenz Dumalaog Raymundo Jose Paolo Bermudez Reyes Danielle Montealegre Rodriguez R E S I D E N T P H O T OJ O U R NA L I S T

Kyla Dominique Lacambacal Pasicolan OFFICE 4th Floor Student Center Building, University of the Philippines Manila, Padre Faura St. corner Ma. Orosa St., Ermita, Manila 1000 EMAIL WEBSITES


College Editors Guild of the Philippines

Solidaridad - UP Systemwide Alliance of Student Publications and Writers’ Organizations

The Cover Illustration Shirley Nicole Apolonio

Layout Kyla Dominique Lacambacal Pasicolan & Jazmine Claire Martinez Mabansag



LOOD, SWEAT, AND TEARS – all were engulfed in an infernal system that continues to persist.

All hell broke loose last February 1, 2017 at the Cavite Export Processing Zone. A fire broke out from the seven-hectare facility of House Technology Industries (HTI) that Wednesday night which, reportedly, injured hundreds of workers and killed three--with one who, in the last moments of his life, selflessly tried to save some of his co-workers. HTI, a Japanese-owned company, manufactures pre-fabricated housing materials for export to countries such as Australia and Japan. Conscience, apparently, is not a virtue that companies and capitalists uphold, nor does a tragedy serve to be a reminder for the government that its laws regarding labor and employment need revamping. This is not the first time, and it may not also be the last, where the lives and safety of workers are compromised inside their own workplace. May 2015, a disturbingly similar accident took the lives of 74 workers when a fire gutted the Kentex slippers factory in Valenzuela City. Investigations showed that the said factory had no fire exits, and that the windows of the establishment were covered with wires thereby making it hard for the workers to escape from the burning building. What happened to HTI and Kentex is a disaster that is still in motion – separated by time, but connected by the oppressive circumstances that led to the tragic events. Not only were they similar in the nature of the accident, but the conditions prior to the mishaps were very much the same. Most of the workers of both companies are contractuals; both companies received compliance certificates from the government; and both establishments deal with highly toxic chemicals for the production of their goods, leaving the workers in a harsh environment and a vulnerable state. Being an accepted decay in the Philippine society and to the employment system specifically, contractualization continues to threaten the lives of the masses by being a means of the capitalist economy and the apathetic government to bully the people. This contractualization scheme is ingeniously done wherein employers terminate their workers and eventually rehire them again for the same position every five months, so as to avoid the regularization of their employees. According to the Labor Code of the Philippines, in Article 281 of the amended Presidential Decree No. 442, probationary employment shall not exceed six months from the date the employee started working, and that an employee who is allowed to



work after a probationary period shall be considered a regular employee. Companies actually go the extra mile of firing and rehiring their workers just to escape the responsibilities that are legally expected from them, like giving their workers benefits such as Social Security Systems contributions, 13th month pay, and health benefits. This shrewd arrangement, clearly, only favors the capitalists who take advantage of the workforce. As for the masses, being contractuals imply that they have no job security, no any kind of benefits to receive, and no

itself. Department Order 57-04 was the policy that allowed self-assessment among companies in 2011. It was changed to Labor Laws Compliance System under the Aquino III administration, but the premises are still the same – it still asserts minimal intervention of the government, and allows voluntary compliance of business owners. Now that damage has been made, the government is indicating that records show that the company have met and complied with health and safety standards. Now that damage has been done, no amount of certificates or records can guarantee


an accepted decay in the Philippine society and to the employment system specifically, contractualization continues to threaten the lives of the masses by being a means of the capitalist economy and the apathetic government to bully the people. certainty of safety in the workplace – the only assurance they can get is a life of oppression and suffering. Having been alarmed, once again, by the cries of abuse made by the HTI incident, workers’ unions and advocates demand justice and compensations, not just for the affected and injured workers, but for all the workers who are subject to neoliberal schemes and a neglectful government. Following the HTI fire and other previous workplace accidents, various labor advocates pointed out a major problem regarding the safety of workplaces – the government’s policy of entrusting the job of inspection of the workplace to the establishment

safety as long as it only legitimizes the interests of the few. Torture doesn’t seem to end – while employers enjoy the luxury of their offices, laborers, on the other hand, are exposed to harsh and inhumane working environments. Like in the situation of HTI and Kentex, a lot of chemicals and combustible materials were enclosed in poorly ventilated buildings that contributed to the spread of fire. It was discovered that the place where the fire that struck HTI originated had no automatic fire sprinkler system. These kinds of places where workers are subjected to every day are like traps – both fragile CONTINUED ON PAGE 09

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1) Sino ang in charge sa damage control sunod sa paglabas ng statements ni Du30? 3) Utak at ____. 6) Ayon kay Kuya Kim, ang buhay ay “_____-weather lang” 8) One true love ni Lola Patola. 9) Panel na nagsusulong ng CASER sa peacetalk. 11) Indie film tungkol sa hypokrisiya, dahil maiinlove ka sa mga bawal mahali. 13) Sana di siya matibag kahit gaano ibigay sa kanya na ginto. 14) Chip of the old block ang STS ng ____. 16) Sino ang paborito nating orange politician? 17) Ano ang ipinapatanggal ng mga workers sa DOLE sa labor sector? 18) Sino ang senador na mali-mali ang pag-quote sa Bible? 22) “Kung wala ka nang maintindihan, _____ lang sa akin, hindi kita bibitawan.” 23) Ano ang tawag sa di nagsususpend ng klase kahit malakas na ang ulan? 24) Paano nga ba ang spelling ng apelyido ni Miss Universe 2016? 27) Ano ang mas maikling pangalan ng “The Manila Collegian”?


2)Isa siya sa mga guests upang magcover ng mga presidential events sa Malacanang. 4)Honor and ______. 5)Bida rin ang PNP sa teleseryeng ito. 7)Siya ang bagong magpapaiyak sayo sa mga tunay na kuwento, gaano pa man siya ka-jolly. 10)Kakatapos niya lang isang buwan ang makalipas. 12)Sino ang senador na kasama sa hottest love team kamakailan lang? 15)Sino ang nagpaalam sa UP noong huling Feb 10? 19) Ano ang tawag ni President Duterte kay former President Gaviria ng Colombia? 20) Sino ang bagong “Mr Pure Energy”? 21) Ang _____ ay protest action ng mga jeepney drivers noong February 6 ngayong taon bilang sagot sa desisyon na i-phase out ang mga lumang jeepney. 25) Ano ang best outfit para sa Valentines para prepared ka kung masaktan ka man? 26) Siya na talaga ay isa sa mga “spokesperson” ni Duterte, pero ngayon taon lang siya naging official na House Speaker. 28) Anong kompanya ang may-ari sa pabrika na nasunog sa Cavite?

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